Snow White and the Huntsman (2012)

Once upon a time, in deep winter,
a queen was admiring the falling snow,
when she saw a rose blooming
in defiance of the cold.
reaching for it she pricked her
finger, and three drops of blood fell.
And because the red seemed
so alive against the white,
she thought: "If only I had
a child as white as snow,
lips as red as blood, hair
as black as a raven's wings,
and all of the strength of that rose. "
Soon after a daughter was born to
the queen, and was named Snow White.
And she was adored
throughout the kingdom,
as much for her defiant
spirit as for her beauty.
We found it in the woods,
it's injured mother.
It must have broken it's wing.
- Don't worry, it will heal in time.
- I'll look after it.
You posses a rare beauty my love.
In here, never loose it.
It will serve you well
when you become queen.
Careful you don't fall. - I'm just
getting you an apple, here you go.
Thank you. William!
The next winter was
the harshest in memory.
Snow White's mother passed away.
The king was inconsolable.
Taking advantage of his
grief, a dark and mysterious
army appeared and lured him into battle.
- What devil spawned this army?!
- Send them back to hell!
No prisoners!
Dark army was defeated, but what
would soon come to pass was far darker.
Fear not, you will come to
no harm from me or my men.
What is your name milady?
Ravenna, sire.
So enchanted by her beauty was the king,
that he forgot for the
first time his broken heart.
And the very next day
she would become his wife.
You're so beautiful.
- That's kind, child.
Especially when it is said that yours is
the face of true beauty in this kingdom.
This all must be difficult for you.
I too lost my mother
when I was a young girl.
I can never take your
mother's place, never.
But I feel that you and I are bound.
I feel it there, your heart.
You will be the ruin of me.
Indeed my lord.
I was ruined by a king like you once.
I replaced his queen, an old woman.
And in time I too would
have been replaced.
Men use women.
They ruin us, and when
they are finished with us,
they toss us to their dogs like scraps.
What have you given me?
When a woman stays young and
beautiful forever, the world is hers.
First I will take your life, my lord.
And then I'll take your throne.
Welcome brother.
- My queen.
She had tricked her way into the
kingdom with her phantom army.
She now welcomed a very real one.
- Princess! No!
Don't leave!
William, don't leave me!
Father we must go back!
We've lost her!
- No!
Mirror, mirror, on the wall.
Who is the fairest of them all?
It is you, my queen.
Yet another kingdom falls to your glory.
Is there no end to
your power and beauty?
So poisonous was the reign of Ravenna,
that nature turned on itself,
and people turned on each other.
The land died, and with it, hope.
And all that time she
kept Snow White imprisoned,
high up in the north tower.
Our Father, Who art in
heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name.
Thy Kingdom come. Thy Will be
done, on earth as it is in Heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our sins,
as we forgive those
who sin against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil. Amen.
- What is your name?
- I am Greta.
- What happened to you?
- All the girls in our village were taken.
I was trying to reach duke
Hammond's castle when I was caught.
Hammond? Is he alive?
- Does he still fight in my father's name?
- You are the king's daughter?
The night that king died, we were
told all in the castle were slain.
And William? Is the
duke's son still alive?
I don't know princess.
What will they do to me?
Do you remember when we were children
begging for scraps, like those wretches?
- Yes sister.
- Am I not kinder?
These two were captured leading an
ambush on one of our supply trains.
Your son? Handsome.
Obviously a debt owed to your mother.
There was a time I would have
lost my heart to a face like yours.
And you, no doubt, would have broken it.
Ian, no!
You would kill your queen?
Such courage, such beauty.
How strong is your heart?
No, my son...
Leave him!
Let him return to the duke, and speak
of generosity of his queen.
- Magic comes at a lofty price.
- And the expense grows.
- You look...
- Old. - Tired.
My power fades.
I have something for what ills you.
Mirror, mirror, on the wall.
Who is fairest of them all?
My queen, on this day,
one has come of age,
fairer even than you.
She is the reason your powers vain.
- Who is it?
- Snow White?
Snow White? She is my undoing?
- I should have killed her when
she was a child. - Be warned,
her innocence and purity is
all that can destroy you.
But she is also your salvation, queen.
Take her heart in your hand and you
shall never again need to consume youth.
You shall never again weaken or age.
Immortality, forever.
Brother, bring me the king's daughter.
Did I wake you?
You're always awake when I watch you.
- You've never come in before.
- My sister wouldn't allow it.
- She wants you all to herself.
- I'm not afraid of her.
And not of me?
- No.
Fear not princess.
You will never again be
locked up in this cell.
What does she want from me?
Your beating heart.
Let me out of here!
- Now!
- Greta?
Get me out of here!
Stop now!
Get her!
Seize her!
Bring her back to me!
How is it, that an innocent young
girl makes a fool of my brother?!
Armed only with a nail?
If she had a sword,
she'd taken my kingdom.
"Bring me the king's daughter",
and you let her slip right
through your tiny little fingers.
How? You swore that
you would protect me!
You swore!
Yet there's no one I can trust.
No one, there's no loyalty, no loyalty!
None! Not even from you! Where is she?!
She was chased into the Dark Forest,
where the men lost her.
She's no good to me in
the Dark Forest lost!
I need her heart!
You failed me Finn!
Have I not given all to you?!
Have I not given you all?
Yes sister.
I have no powers in the Dark Forest.
You have to find me someone.
Someone who knows it.
Someone who can hunt her.
You owe me money for my pocket,
and money for the girl.
I seem to have drunk it all, but you're
welcome to it when it comes out again.
You've gone too far, I want my money!
Here it is!
Queen demands your presence.
- Can't you see I'm having a bath?
My brother tells me you
are a widower, a drunkard.
And one of few who has
ventured into the Dark Forest.
One of my prisoners has escaped there.
- Then he's dead.
- Then she is certainly dead.
Find her, bring her to me.
I've been to that forest, I'm not going back.
- You will be rewarded, handsomely.
What good is gold to me if I'm lying
dead with the crows picking at my eyes?
Why is she of such value?
- That is none of your concern.
I'll tell what concerns me, thank you.
- You will do this for me, huntsman!
And if I refuse?
- Do me the favor, I beg of you.
- To his knees.
So you wish to reunited
with your beloved?
Do not speak of my wife.
You miss her.
What would you give, to see her again?
You know of my powers,
bring me the girl,
and I will bring back your wife.
- Nothing can bring her back.
- I can.
A life, for a life.
She couldn't have gone far.
Do exactly as I do.
Bad idea.
Stay here.
Will you help me? Please,
the queen is going to kill me.
- I'm sure she isn't.
- She's going to rip out my heart.
Quick work.
Well done Huntsman.
Hand her over.
What do you intend to do with her?
- Why do you care? - You want her?
Then give me what I was promised.
You did your job well,
now keep your word.
- He'll kill us both.
- Shut up.
- He will.
- I said shut up.
I'll keep my word when the queen
keeps hers, where's my wife?!
He's going to betray you.
My sister has many powers.
She can take life away, or sustain it.
But she can't bring your wife
back from the dead you fool!
I want her back!
I will find you!
Quiet, all right?
What the hell is going on? Who are
you, why did the queen want you dead?
- She wants everyone dead, all of us!
- What makes you so damn valuable?
You should know, you're
the one hunting me.
Forget it.
I should have never get
involved into queen's business.
Where are you going?
Gettn' away from you, you're
trouble, that's what you are.
We need to get to the duke's
castle, there's an army there.
Duke's army?
Bunch of farmers and
milkmaids with pitchforks.
I know sheep that have
more fight in them.
I'm valuable, that's
why you're here, isn't it?
If you return without me you're dead.
If you leave me, I'm dead.
Just for argument sake, how much reward?
- How much is enough?
- At least 30 gold pieces...
A hundred.
Help me.
- Who are you?
- Maybe you should've asked the queen that.
- I don't trust you. - I've given
you my word. - I still don't trust you.
But you have a deal.
Give me that, before you lose a finger.
She killed my brave Liam with
just the palm of her hand.
Then she drew a dagger from the
side of her, she cannot be killed.
But there's more.
The princess is alive.
Where is my son?
We have word of the princess.
Ravenna has kept you all these years.
She lives?
She escaped the castle,
into the Dark Forest.
- I'm going after her.
- We don't know if she survived, William!
- What? - You ventured beyond the
castle walls again, disobeying my orders.
We are all that's left,
don't you understand?
- I cannot afford to lose any
more of my men. - I'm going alone!
I will not lose my only son.
- You don't know the Dark Forest.
- Then I'll find somebody who does.
I won't abandon her a second time.
The forest gains its
strength from your weakness.
Do you drink to drown your
sorrows, or your conscience?
What concern is it of yours why I drink?
I suppose a mans sorrows are his own.
What does a young girl
like you know about sorrow?
Don't flatter yourself.
Stay close.
Do you need a bowman?
I have a bowman.
Kill him.
I said, do you need a bowman?
I want to show you something.
I want you to lean front.
If someone comes at you,
you raise this arm up,
you block and use their
strength against them.
You're small so wait
until they're close.
You drive it through
their heart, to the hilt.
You understand? Do not hesitate.
Look in their eyes and do not pull
it out until you see their soul.
I couldn't do that.
You might not have a choice.
- Is this the edge of the Dark Forest?
- Aye.
What is it?
- I told you to run.
- If I had you'd be dead.
Only the demons or spirits pass
through the Dark Forest, which are you?
- We are fugitives, from the queen
- We mean you no harm.
Where are all the men?
You got nothing to drink?
You have traveled far,
carried a great burden.
I've had worst jobs.
Anyway, she's not that heavy.
You don't know who she is.
What do you mean?
Who is she?
Your mother wants to see you.
Why didn't you tell me?
Cos I'd think it was
too difficult a task?
You'd be right.
I didn't trust you.
I'm sorry.
Our scars protect us. Without
beauty we are worthless to the queen.
It's a sacrifice we made,
so we could raise our children in peace.
While their fathers are at war.
And you, your sacrifice will come.
You must rest.
How can you desert her
when you know the truth?
Aye, I know the truth.
That's why she should be as
far away from me as possible.
Anything I ever cared about
was taken away from me.
Not this time. She's
safer here with you.
Run rats, run!
Find her!
In the boat! Get in the boat!
- Come on, let's go!
- No, we have to help them!
You will, go! Go!
Your beauty is all that
can save you, Ravenna.
This spell will make your
beauty your power and protection.
By fairest blood it is done.
Here, drink, drink.
But be warned, by fairest
blood this spell can be undone.
Avenge us!
I'm sorry.
- I'm sorry, I didn't know.
- You're not. - I am. - You left us.
We should never have been there.
Look at me.
I'll take you to duke Hammond's, OK?
You have my word.
- This is our lucky day.
- Oh no, dwarves.
The hedge-pig I love most in the
world, lands right in our lap.
C'mon Beith, is this
how you treat a friend?
No, no, you puttock.
This is how I treat a friend.
She's pretty.
And who is this? Is it
apprentice, or captive?
- This man is helping me.
- We should kill them both.
He's caused us nothing but trouble.
Skewer him and leave him to rot.
I don't like killing girls.
- I do. - Good.
- Leave her alone Duir.
Nothing, one silver coin
and an empty codpiece.
Two days we sit here, what for? Nothing.
We should have stayed by the
river, what a waste of time!
Cut us down Beith. I
have gold I can pay you.
It is not here, it's
hidden back in the woods.
Shut your ugly mug
Huntsman. If you had any
pennies you'd have pissed
it away on mead by now.
- Cut us down and I'll show you.
- You lying dangler.
Tell them the truth
Huntsman, there's no time.
I have to take this girl to
Hammonds. She's not safe here.
My little heart bleeds for ya. We should
chop 'em up and feed them to the wolves.
- Who is she?
- She's worth a lot of gold to me.
Which I'm happy to share with
you stupid little dwarves.
- Stop that! - Gold will worth nothing
to any of you if we're all dead.
- The queen's men hunt us, they're very close.
- Shut up.
- You have love for the queen?
- We have no love for the queen.
- Than you fight against her?
- No one fights against the queen.
- We lost everything, when the king died.
- We fight only for ourselves!
My father was king Magnus.
Does she speak the truth?
Yes, she is of the blood.
She is destined, Beith.
I see an end to the darkness.
- Riders!
- They've found us!
If you don't cut us
down we'll all be killed!
I don't like this
Beith, sounds like trouble.
You'll find your weight in
gold if you cut us down now!
- Shut up princess.
- Queen's riders!
And they're coming this way!
- We'll take her, but not him.
- What?
- Take both of us. - Cut them both down Gort.
Let's get the hell out of here.
They are close.
Blasted fairy music.
Here, good thing there's
plenty of moss about.
Where are we?
They call it Sanctuary milady.
It's the home of the fairies.
- Clear.
- No.
Set up camp. Gus, Quert take the fire.
Gort, your mug.
Play louder I can still
'ear them harpy fairies.
Would you really have killed her?
Yeah, of course.
That seat is not taken, if
that's what you were about to ask.
- I want to thank you.
- It's only a log.
- There's no need to thank me.
- No, for before.
- For defending me.
- Your father was a good man,
the kingdom prospered,
our people prospered.
- There were more of you?
- Aye. - Yes.
The men you see before you,
and many men more.
Went deep into the caves,
we were noble gold miners.
Because we could have seen
the light in the darkness.
You were just a boy, but you remember.
When we returned to the surface.
There was nothing. The land was
blackened, everything, everyone was gone.
That was the month your father died.
- I'm very sorry.
- As am I princess, as am I.
Son, play a happy song.
I know I'm a bit cheeky, but...
- Would you care for a dance?
- I'd be honored Gus.
I don't trust her, and I don't
believe her, no matter what Muir says.
- I've felt peculiar, queer almost.
- What? Since when?
I'm not tingling all over, but
I feel lovely. I feel lovely.
- How's your gout?
- Gout?
- Better.
- And my cough.
This is her doing.
- How much have you had to drink?
- No, it's the mushrooms.
Send the log downstream.
- I thought you said you'll let bygones
be bygones. - Not yet, nut-hook.
What's in it for you?
- What are you talking about?
- I'm talking about the girl.
Is it really just the gold?
I'm not sure Beith.
If I had any sense I'd
have abandoned her long ago.
Muir said she's destined.
Question is Huntsman, for what.
Get up.
- Who's that, father?
- I know son, I know.
It's him.
No Huntsman, no one's
ever seen this before.
White Heart bows before
the princess, father.
- He's blessing her.
- What are you talking about?
You have eyes Huntsman, but you do not
see. You have been with her the longest.
She is life itself.
She will heal the land. She is the one.
Can't you feel it? Are
your illness not gone?
Gold or no gold, where
she leads, I follow.
- Aye. - I'm with you.
- Yes father.
Take him!
Go with her!
- Stay with me!
- You wait for me!
- You first.
- No.
Go! That way!
No it's me! It's William!
I admire your fight Huntsman.
- Your wife was the same.
- What do you mean, my wife?
I remember them all.
Especially the ones that fight.
She screamed your name.
But you weren't there.
Now, you can beg her forgiveness
in the other world.
Sister, heal me.
Forgive me, brother.
I feel...
Gus breathe, just breathe.
I won't leave you miss.
We used to have pride.
And now we just pilfer, drink
and dream about when we didn't.
Every man here would die for the
chance of becoming that man again.
So we follow you princess,
in life and in death,
and we shall have our pride again.
On Gus's sword, this I swear.
I'm sorry I left you.
You didn't.
If I had thought you were alive...
I would have come for you.
We were children William.
You are here now.
It's as if nothings changed here.
The world seems beautiful again.
It will be, when you are queen.
The people of this kingdom
hate Ravenna with every fiber.
I used to hate her.
But now I feel only sorrow.
Once people find out you're alive,
they'll rise up in your name.
It takes more than a name.
You are your fathers
daughter, the rightful heir.
If I had a choice,
I'd take you far away.
Keep you safe by my side.
But I have a duty, so do you.
How do I inspire?
How will I lead men?
The way you led me
when we were children.
I followed you everywhere.
Ran when you called.
I would have done anything for you.
That's not how I remember it.
- No?
- No.
We used to fight, all the time.
And argue.
- Remember that trick?
- What trick?
You see child?
Love always betrays us.
Wake up.
By fairest blood it was done.
And only by fairest
blood can it be undone.
You were the only one who could
break the spell and destroy me.
And the only one, pure enough,
to save me.
You don't even realise how lucky you are
never to know what it is to grow old.
What are you looking at? Do something.
Aren't you dwarves healers?
Save her, help her!
No, this cannot be.
What do we do Beith?
What we promised.
And here you are.
All dressed up like you're about to wake
up and give me more grief, am I right?
You deserved better.
I once had a wife, princess.
Sarah was here name.
When I came back from
the wars I carried with me
the stench of death
and anger of the lost.
I wasn't worth saving, that's
for sure, but she did so anyway.
And I loved her so much.
I loved her more than
anyone, anything, and I...
I let her out of my
sight and she was gone.
When I became myself again,
as if I never cared for.
Until you.
Because you remind me of her.
Her heart, her spirit.
But now you too have gone.
You both deserved better, and
I'm so sorry I failed you.
I'm so sorry.
But you'll be a queen in Heaven
now, and sit among the angels.
She died for us! For our cause!
We cannot just hide behind these
walls and watch this land die with her!
Your grief clouds your judgment, my son.
My grief makes me see clearer, father.
My duty is to protect those
people who come to me for help.
I will defend them to
the last drop of my blood.
I will not abandon these walls.
The spell has lifted.
- Death has favored you.
- Death favors no man.
We must ride, like thundering waves
under battle flag of my father.
You must rest.
We have rested long enough.
Frost to fire, fire to frost.
Iron will melt.
But it will writhe inside of itself.
All these years, all
I've known is darkness.
But I have never seen a brighter
light than when my eyes just opened.
And I know that light
burns in all of you!
Those embers must turn to flame.
Iron into sword.
I will become your weapon!
Forged by the fierce fire
that I know is in your hearts!
For I have seen what she sees.
I know what she knows.
I can kill her.
And I'd rather die today,
than live another day of this death!
And who will ride with me?!
Who will be my brother?!
Farewell princess.
- Where are they?
- Amassed on the cliffs.
Their numbers are swollen.
They say that the king's
standard flies again.
Then let them come, let them break
their skulls on these stone walls.
And bring me my prize.
My Lord, we only have a few
hours before the tide comes on.
Not long enough to
breach the castle walls.
- Is there no other way in?
- There is another way.
We're promised gold
and what do we get? Poo!
How low has the dwarf race sunk?
- That looks like one of mine.
- Hold this!
Right, gatehouse is
- and there's a whole army out there.
- Six dwarves against an army.
I like them odds.
So, you're back from the dead
and instigating the masses.
You look very fitting in mail.
We move as one.
After you.
Go. Go.
- What's happn'n Coll?!
- They're on the beach!
Ready! Release!
Go! Go! Go!
They're jumpin' in!
- Back you at! Come on!
- Get back to it!
Go! Pull!
Nion get on that rope! Gort!
- It's really messy out there!
- On that rope!
- Now pull!
- We must turn back!
- No! I gave them my word!
- Get on there!
Come, and avenge your father.
Who was too weak to raise his sword.
Go on.
Watch them die.
How does it feel, knowing you were
the one who led them to their deaths?
You see, we're not
that different, are we?
I'm everything you're not.
You cannot defeat me!
I've lived twenty lives,
ravaged entire kingdoms.
I have been given powers which
you could not even fathom.
I will never stop.
I will give this wretched world,
the queen it deserves.
By fairest blood it is done!
And only by fairest blood is it undone.
You can't have my heart.
In the name of all that is
good an just in this land!
I crown you queen.
Hail to the queen!
Hail to the queen!
Hail to the queen!
Hail to the queen!
Hail to the queen!