Snowblind (2010)

In the year 1968, an ice
age gripped the earth.
World economy stalled and governments fell,
leaving entire civilisations in ruin.
In the ensuing years of merciless cold,
millions perished.
But humanity prevailed.
Humankind evolved, people's bodies adapted.
Their minds did not.
Man remained a savage animal.
Chapter 1:
There Will Be Blood.
Gimme some water, Jack!
What for?
In less than an hour,
they'll burn you to ashes.
And believe me, nothing's gonna stop
your mouth from becoming dry.
You're getting excited, Jack!
- Not hardly.
I've seen ordinary scum like you every day.
So that's why you're
personally watching me?
What did you want - water?
- Yeah.
They're ready.
Back off! Way off!
Careful, boy!
Move it! Move!
Men! Today I give you the
pleasure, of turning this,
scumbag of an outlaw
into a hunk of meat.
Once upon a time a great gunfighter,
who was brought to his knees by a slut,
a common whore!
Any last words of wisdom you would like
to share with us?
Yeah. If you have the opportunity to shoot somebody
- shoot, and don't speak.
Ready your arms!
- Don't fire!
Guns down!
- What?!?
Guns down!
Mister Young is with us now.
- Are you crazy?
I will report you to the Governor!
- Feel free to join us upstairs.
The Governor is here?
Come in Mister Young.
Who invited you to the party?
I'm just here to give you a little going
away present.
Looks more like a "welcome back" present.
Who do I have to kill?
Matthew Saberneck.
- Is he really too much for all your little boys?
My organisation doesn't
rely on more Manpower.
My biggest weapon is information.
By combining logic with seamless data,
the outcome of all things can be predicted.
The fact that you are standing here in front of me
right now, is proof of my methods.
Seems to me that Saberneck's death is worth a little
bit more than just my life.
I must confess, from what I've seen so far,
I'm not convinced of your legendary status.
I'm sorry to put you to
the test Mister Young.
But a legend is not valid fact.
It is made up of myth, word of mouth
and exaggerations.
That's why I came here -
I need valid facts to run my organisation.
Regarding your concerns about mister
Saberneck's life...
maybe a little silver could
make up the difference?
you get the job done.
I thought he worked for you.
- He did.
Didn't work out, huh?
I think Jack needs some water.
His ranch is behind a
small town called China.
Just drive out to Liberty
and continue south-west.
You'll find it right there
behind some hot springs.
And Mister Young...
I believe you'll be requiring this.
And don't forget Mister Young:
I have my people everywhere.
I'll be in your office
in Liberty in three days.
Have my money ready.
You didn't say anything about HER?
Clayton Young isn't one
of your men, Marshal.
He would never kill a woman.
Chapter 2:
Lady In The Water
Does Matthew Saberneck live around here?
Who wants to know?
- The name's Clayton Young.
I'm an old friend.
- Just down the road.
You Matthew Saberneck?
- Come forth!
That's enough!
Put your hands up, Mister Young!
Now get off the bike.
Take off your gun!
I don't take off my gun for anyone.
- Take it off, or I'll take you off at the neck!
Other hand!
Lay that thing down.
Now come on over here so I can watch you!
You're pretty careful!
- Yup.
How do you know who I am?
- What are you doing 'round these parts?
Just passin' through.
Can I put my hands down now?
Nice place.
- Now what do you want?
Truth be told... I'm
leaving these parts for good.
And I just wanted to see the last
great gunfighter in person before I go.
You mean, I'm gonna be number one again?
C'mon, let's go wet our tonsils!
You know, I'd kill any other man
who took my guns from me.
- I know.
Chapter 3:
Lion's Den
Yeah well you know, one of my biggest mistakes was
to let Charles Renardo draw first on me.
Hell, I don't even remember
what we were arguing about...
When'd you find your interest in farming?
Farming? ME?!?
Farming? ME?!?
Well actually I'm not THAT interested in farming...
Hi! Just been thinking about you!
This is Naina, my wife.
This is Clayton Young, Clayton will be staying
for dinner.
An old friend of yours.
An old friend of yours.
No, actually we just met.
I see.
Pleased to meet you.
You know, sorta on accounta her...
I pretty much changed my whole way of life.
She's still not happy.
Keeps talking 'bout her family back east.
What about you?
- I figured I'd head down to the southern sands.
Oh, joinin' the search for paradise!
Well good luck.
- Matt?
If the gentleman's staying for dinner,
you want to kill a rabbit?
Yeah, sure.
Wanna wash up?
Wanna wash up?
- Yeah.
Quiet out here.
Quiet out here.
- Yeah well I've had enough excitement
for one lifetime.
Just one fight left ahead of me.
Just one fight left ahead of me.
- With whom?
The Governor seems to
think I stole from him.
That's the first time I hear you being
called a thief.
So what's this really about?
Are you coming to bed, Matthew?
- Get in the house, woman!
Ain't you got no shame?
She's used to being alone out here
with me all the time...
Listen I'm sorry, all I got
to offer you is the barn.
The barn's better than what I've had
the last couple days...
The barn's better than what I've had
the last couple days...
- Good enough.
Yeah it's been a real nice evening,
I enjoyed your company.
You have a good night.
- Good night.
Night, see you in the morning.
Who's Mister Young?
He's a gunfighter.
Probably the best around.
Probably the best around.
- Even better than you?
He's come to kill me Naina.
Sent by the Governor.
Sent by the Governor.
- Then why are you letting him stay?
Because... If he's ready, it don't make
no sense to hide.
Tomorrow I'm gonna take him to the woods
to find out.
Morning! Sleep well?
Like a log.
Sorry, seems I'm getting a little jumpy
in my old age.
You're still pretty fast.
I never was that good with a hand gun...
I never was that good with a hand gun...
Come on, I set us up some breakfast.
I'll clean up and be right there.
Chapter 4:
Hunted Hunter
You're pretty calm,
knowing the Governor is coming after you.
I never did learn how to run.
Besides, this is my land...
I ain't gonna budge for him!
What about her? Ain't he gonna kill her too?
No. It's her he's after.
But I'm not gonna make it easy for him.
I used to work for that sunovabitch.
'Bout five years ago, I
had to kill a whole family.
Right down to their cats, and their dogs,
and their chickens.
Guess it's my turn now.
You sure do take care of that cannon.
You sure do take care of that cannon.
- Oh yeah. Heh.
It's been a good ol' gun for me...
Damn thing'll take your arm off at a mile.
I can see now why you feel more
like the hunter than the hunted.
Well. Let's go bag us some dinner!
I think I smell a rabbit!
You go down that way, send it up to me...
I'll be waitin' over there!
No need for me to have a gun, right?
Smart boy. Now get movin'!
Hold it right there!
Hold it right there!
Matt! I've got that sunovabitch!
Gimme the gun before I blow your brains out!
This is Virgil, Mr Young... One of my
former students.
And this... this is Duke!
This ain't what it looks like.
This ain't what it looks like.
- It sure is.
If you have to shoot somebody Mr Young,
you shoot me.
He's one of the Governor's!
I had just lost him there for a second!
Now hold on there boys!
How come you didn't tell me 'bout this gun?
Like I told ya...
Like I told ya...
I'd have to kill any man who took my guns from me!
So he did.
Chapter 5:
Heartbreak Kids
Come on Clayton, I want you to
meet the rest of my little family.
This is Johnny...
This is Johnny...
- And you're Clayton Young?
He sure as hell is!
This young woman here is Barbara...
there's no one better with a blade.
Nice to meet you.
And this here... is Virgil Junior!
How a man knows, what's inside a
woman's stomach, I'll never understand.
It's simple, he put it there, that's how!
It's simple, he put it there, that's how!
Hey young man, you keep those remarks to yourself.
Right. Like you'd know anything about that.
Wait a minute you two, don't start that.
Come on Clayton, let's go have a drink.
Sit down.
So you taught those kids?
Not the singing part.
Oh yes. Barbara!
The Governor wanted me to make my own unit.
So he had their parents killed,
and brought'em to me.
So he had their parents killed, and brought'em to me.
I couldn't leave 'em.
Anything wrong?
Anything wrong?
- No.
Just getting ready.
I'm leaving in the morning.
What changed your mind?
I got to know you.
Well. What do we do now?
I leave, and you take care.
What happens to you?
Who'd they send to get me? You?
No probably just some ordinary man...
Who's morals wouldn't keep him
from shooting you in the back!
Shit! One more time...
- Alright, alright
Ready, set, go!
Damn it!
- See? I hit it!
Right... this time I'm gonna get the one
on the left!
I gave her a little polish.
I can see you don't believe in rust.
So you can shoot straighter.
Oh. By the way.
It was a fine party.
Sure was!
Real nice sendaway for Clayton!
- Yeah...
He'll be leaving first thing in the morning!
Chapter 6:
Fatal Attraction
Seems like we been here before.
Throw me my pants!
I can't get that old thing to work...
I can't get that old thing to work...
Sure you can.
I'll fix us some breakfast.
Let's go back to bed...
You've been with him, haven't you?
You've been with him, haven't you?
It wasn't his fault!
He's getting away! HE'S GETTING AWAY!
Chapter 7:
The Trouble With Women
I killed my husband!
I killed my husband!
He found out about us and started beating me.
He was going to come after you...
He was going to come after you...
I didn't mean to kill him!
A man's life for another
man's moment of weakness?
That hardly seems like a fair trade.
What am I going to do?
What am I going to do?
- It's your call...
I guess you can't stay here.
Will you take me to Liberty?
You got any money?
I've got his rifle...
He told me once, it was
worth a hundred silver...
Alright, I'll take it.
Alright, I'll take it.
- And you'll take me!
I had a feeling you'd be trouble.
I told you, you can't trust that darned
Clayton Young!
I chased him from district to district for
a year, and you just give him back his guns.
Are you implying that you mistrust my judgement,
Well, he did kill two of my scouts so far.
Has the thought occurred to you that maybe,
just maybe, he doesn't like your men?
And to tell you the truth, I couldn't blame
him either!
Governor! Sir!
You cannot keep on contracting outsiders.
It will weaken the men's morale.
Thank you for your assessment, Marshal.
Clayton Young is not an
outsider, he's an outlaw!
Clayton Young is not an outsider, he's an outlaw!
- I meant "thank you" as in "get lost".
The killing of our scout proves one thing:
That Clayton Young is on his way here.
I've met this man, and he won't be able to resist
getting his hands on 5000 silver.
Is that clear enough?
This meeting isn't over yet!
This meeting isn't over yet!
- What was it?
"Get lost", was it?
Oh. Well if my recruiting techniques
aren't to your liking...
...perhaps we can put your son in our
Spartan-Programme, Jack.
Did you know he fathered a boy fourteen years ago,
and he "forgot" to inform me?
Well nothing evades my knowledge,
you should know better than that, Jack!
Mister Lafort... please... please don't
Have your wife deliver the boy to the barracks
in a fortnight.
Or I'll have some of the
Marshal's unit make her.
And as for that Matthew Saberneck...
...I bet he's dead already.
Chapter 8:
Love On The Run
This is the last stop before Liberty.
Do they know you here?
Matthew always went with the boys to get supplies.
They never took me.
I only need to rest for a few hours...
Then we can go on.
We're having a meal and a
bath. Then we're leaving.
I don't want to be a bother.
To late for that.
Anybody here?
Excuse me, my husband must be resting.
Can I help you?
Yeah. I need a room for me and...
Your wife.
This way.
The room is three silver in advance.
Half a silver extra for the bath.
Dinner is eight o'clock. One silver each.
Take ten.
Take ten.
And forget you ever saw us.
I've already seen you.
That's why you keep staring at me?
Come here.
What for?
What for?
- This is the honeymoon suite.
Chapter 9:
Caught In The Act
So much for a short break.
You're the only man I've been with...
apart from my husband.
What about the Governor?
When he heard about me, he came east...
He took me from my parents.
Kept me as some kind of trophy.
He "heard" about you?
It's these stupid things they say
because of my eyes...
A blue-eyed Indian girl is kind of
a collector's item...
I'm one in a billion.
It's said that the man I fall in love with
will become invincible.
Now I understand.
Now I understand.
- Exactly.
The Governor never touched me...
So that I would fall in love with him.
No, not that...
Now I understand how
truly crazy that guy is!
Morning, Virgil!
- Morning.
What can I do for you?
- I'll take ten of those chemical torches please.
Yes. It's five silver then.
Did your husband fix any breakfast?
- Yes, right now.
I'll take some eggs and coffee.
Just eat your breakfast.
Just eat your breakfast.
- Mister Young!
Already on the road again
Where's Matt?
Back at his place...
We're just taking a little trip.
I killed him! It was an accident.
If that be the case, I'm taking you back.
Sorry. She's coming with me.
This ain't your affair, Mister!
Either I take her, or
I'll have to draw on you.
I wouldn't.
You got a wife, and a kid on the way.
They need you a lot more
than Matt needs her now.
It's suicide boy.
It's suicide boy.
I can't help that!
That's enough, boy!
Let's go.
Not so fast, bigmouth!
Chapter 10:
First Blood
Go check it out!
It's the coroner from China station!
He didn't stand a chance.
It's Virgil!
Who dunnit?
Who dunnit?
- Clayton Young.
Aww, to hell with it!
Come on you guys!
You ain't finished!
You ain't finished!
- He ain't going anywhere.
What are my choices?
You could teach in a school.
Or I do know a whorehouse you could work at.
Or I could get married again!
I think it's better not to rely on people or things
you can lose.
You never needed anyone?
No. And I prefer to keep it that way.
So you're telling me,
you don't need me tonight?
Well... The nights do get
cold up in these parts...
Looks like they cleared out.
Yeah... but not before getting to know each
other real well!
Take it easy on him, willya?
I've never seen him upset like that.
They might already be in Liberty!
It's better if we're not seen together.
You go to the hotel!
On foot?!?
Have a nice walk!
Didn't I tell you I didn't want to be - - -
Oh, Mister Young!
Your punctuality matches your reputation.
Your punctuality matches your reputation.
- Saberneck's dead, where's my money?
Since you killed my scout,
I would need some proof.
I got his rifle.
I got his rifle.
- Not good enough.
The girl?
She wasn't part of the deal.
I'll send someone to check on Saberneck.
Come back again here tomorrow.
You better have my money ready.
Chapter 11:
Dead Man Walking
This damn thing!
- Damn!
Pull up over at the pond! Hey Duke!
Pull up over at the pond!
Gimme the water bottle.
Ain't you gonna save your
bullets for that whore?
Everything okay?
Everything okay?
- He's gone crazy.
Yeah, probably.
Spread out! Be careful, it could be a trap.
What are you doing? The
wind is coming from the east!
Are you saying I should've smelled her?
Are you saying I should've smelled her?
- I did.
I hope you don't mind...
I ordered for you.
So... Where are we going tomorrow?
Chapter 12:
Ways Of Honor
Your bus leaves in the morning.
Your bus leaves in the morning.
- But I want to go with you.
Wouldn't work.
Wouldn't work.
- Why not?
Because I finally realised
how things really are.
How are things?
I'm a Gunfighter.
Anyone I ever care for, dies.
Anyone I ever care for, dies.
- That's a lie! You could quit.
Like Matt?
We'll go somewhere they don't know you.
You live the way you do because you want to.
You're afraid to care about anything.
You know... my father
didn't have any money...
My mother's parents they had lots of
money, but they wouldn't give him any.
So my mama took poison to scare'em...
See, she didn't want to
die, but she died anyway.
My father left... I stayed there with my
grandparents, until my dad come back to take revenge.
When the shooting stopped,
there's just me left.
So I took the guns and the ammo from their
bodies, and I went just as far away as I could.
But that's the past!
But that's the past!
We're here together, right now...
Look at me. Look at me!
Do you love me?
Do you love me?
- Yeah.
Then I will not let you
ruin our only chance!
There! There he is!
There! There he is!
- Get him!
Fire at will!
Concentrate fire on Saberneck!
Concentrate fire on Saberneck!
- I guess he's not gonna pay now...
Give him cover!
Cover, you guys!
What the hell are you doing man,
I thought you'd cover me!
What the hell are you doing man, I thought you'd cover me!
- Man, I thought you're supposed to cover ME!
We gotta go!
We gotta go!
- What's going on out there?!?
It's Matt...
Matt's guys are here, and they're after us,
so we gotta go!
I'll get the bike.
Get back! It's not safe
Clayton! Are you still with me?!?
You got'em there!
Matt?!? Matthew!
What... What are we gonna do now?
We bury Virgil... If me
make it outta here alive.
Chapter 13:
Half Past Dead
Just an ordinary man... who's morals wouldn't
keep him from shooting you in the back.
He's dead alright...
He's dead alright...
Now all I need is that damned Clayton Young.
Send some scouts after them!
Send some scouts after them!
- Yes, Sir. They won't know they're being watched.
Ashes to ashes, you bloody traitor...
Now nothing can stop me...
She's all mine.
Like hell she is!
You're nothing but a dog...
I made you a dog of war...
You sat on your land like
some stubborn guard dog...
I'll put you down like a dog as well!
Where're we going now?
Where're we going now?
- We'll head South.
To the sands?
No one's made it over the mountains!
Without the money, it's
gonna be even harder...
Without the money, it's gonna be even harder...
- What money?
Stop the bike! Stop the bike!
It's true!
You made a deal with the Governor?
You came to kill my husband!
I was only gonna get the money we would've
gotten anyway -
Because YOU killed him, remember?
I didn't mean to kill him!
I loved him!
You have a funny way of showing it!
I was only gonna get the money so we could
make the escape... together, you know?
There's a smuggler's
hideout in Carpenter Valley.
There's tracks there
heading in every direction.
And there's fuel.
I always wanted to head back east...
Back to my people.
You'd like their ways!
I don't like nobody's ways but mine.
Let's go.
We gotta get you to a doctor!
I'll be alright.
You been shot!
You been shot!
Yeah, well...
Don't you remember that Mexican guy?
I think his name was Tequila?
Yeah...? Yeah well he got
shot up a lot worse than that.
Didn't he die?
Yeah... But I ain't got time to die.
I been shot in the exact same spot before,
must've been only scar tissue came out.
So you go on up front and
keep following that trail.
Go on!
Chapter 14:
Act Of Vengeance
We have confirmation that they're heading
for the base in Carpenter's Valley...
Should we deploy the troops?
Are you sure of the
identity of our prisoner?
Definitely. By the looks.
We won't be needing any troops then.
We won't be needing any troops then.
- Sir?!?
Indulge me.
Welcome back to the pen, Barbara.
I had imagined you turning
into more of a lady.
It's been a while, I still
know everything about you.
You don't know more than the shit you are.
I must admit, I was filled
with some fatherly pride,
when I learned that you and
Virgil had become engaged.
And even more than that, when I learned
that you had become pregnant.
I don't give a damn about that baby!
I don't give a damn about that baby!
- Don't tempt me, Barbara!
And there's no need to be cursing.
You have my full sympathy.
I just want to know what happened
to my loved ones, just as yourself.
My loved ones?
You mean my parents that you killed,
and my brother you dumped god knows where?
So that's how you remember it?
So that's how you remember it?
- What are you talking about?!?
I didn't have to kill your parents
to get you; they sold you to me.
I paid your parents, and turned to leave...
but they were surprised.
They thought the amount I had given them
was for both of their children.
But unfortunately, your brother just
didn't have your eyes.
So you... just took him to the...
...just took him to the...
Do you think that this is easy for me?
I take no pleasure in my actions!
There have to be sacrifices
to keep our people alive.
But as a show of my good intentions,
let me clear up the rest
of your family history.
This is the keeper of the China Inn.
Please, tell this young woman
everything that you have witnessed.
Your husband came to buy some chem torches,
just as Mister Young had finished his breakfast.
When he recognised Virgil, he shot him
without warning.
Go ahead, Mylady...
Go ahead, Mylady...
Tell this poor woman the whole, sad truth.
His first shot only got him in the gut...
Moaning in pain, Virgil slid to the floor
Mister Young just laughed at him,
and then he shot him in the hand.
The woman who was with him screamed to stop,
but he went on.
He shot him in the feet, in one arm...
...he even shot him in the...
I do imagine, you would like
to kill that Mister Young...
Chapter 15:
On Deadly Ground
Hand me the rifle.
It's all clear.
Where's my lockpick?
Don't move!
This whole place is rigged!
What?... with Mines?!?
Yeah, with mines.
Why didn't you tell me? Clayton!
Try to get some rest.
I'll head back up the trail to cover our tracks,
and refuell the bike.
The sun will be up soon...
Yeah, there's not much
time... Make the most of it!
Was hast du? Ist doch nur dein Ehemann!
Chapter 16:
Marked For Death
Damn it.
Damn it.
- I'm going in!
Barbara, what are you doing?
Im gonna kill that fucking sunovabitch!
To hell with it!
Hold your fire!
Hold your fire!
- Bastard!
I'm alright, go for it!
Oh no bitch, you ain't going nowhere.
Back off, slut!
Back off, slut!
- Johnny?!?
This is all because of your whoring!
But Matt already got your stud in the arm,
and now he's finishing him off!
Oh yes... Why the tears?
I'm here!
Wait up, Duke!
There's a whiteout coming up.
You mean we won't find him in there?
He won't find himself in there!
He'll be going Snowblind.
Come on.
What is going on here?
Get off'a her!
That's what whores are made for!
That's what whores are made for!
Matt! You're killing him!
You're alright?
You're alright?
- Not for long she won't be!
Pack your things. We're going home.
Chapter 17:
The Big Chill
Probably just some ordinary man... Who's morals
wouldn't keep him from shooting you in the back!
You're a coward!
You're afraid care about anything!
From what I've seen so far, I'm far from convinced
of your legendary status, Mister Young!
You will die alone, like
you have lived alone.
Chapter 18:
Some Like It Hot
And you sort my Sword out...
make sure you don't mess it up this time!
Sir! Clayton Young blew that pregnant lady to pieces.
He was wounded, and disappeared in a whiteout.
And Saberneck took off with his woman.
Your woman! I meant, "your woman", Sir!
This is just what I predicted.
Matthew Saberneck is a slave to his principles,
So he will return to his land.
But only this time, I'll be waiting for him.
You mean you want to come
with us on this mission?
Of course.
I want to be close when we kill them off.
We're gonna kill all of them?
NO, you imbecile!
And for every bruise that she gets,
you will lose a limb!
Permission to speak, Sir.
Permission to speak, Sir.
- Speak all you want, Marshal.
Permission to speak freely, Sir!
Always hiding behind that mask of
military bullcrap, aren't you Philipp?
I have become that mask, Sir.
It enabled me to do all you ever asked of me, Sir.
And after all that killing, and all that
slaughtering, you're suddenly afraid of Saberneck?
All I can say Sir, is
that YOU should be afraid.
We will send three units.
We will send three units.
And Jack, you take care of that damned
Clayton Young in the meantime.
Well, how am I supposed to find him?
He definitely ain't no slave to principle.
No, but he's a slave of his habits.
So there's only one place he's going to be!
Round the front, cowboy!
Kassie, open the door!
Clayton! We heard you was dead!
Come in!
Don't take this the wrong way Chili...
I just don't think I'm in the mood.
I heard you tore up the
town for some girl...
Yeah, guess so.
Must be one hell of a lucky girl then.
Nevermind me.
Boy, wait!
What was it you said?
If I can shoot, shoot... and don't speak.
So you cheated death again, huh?
They are coming! Should
we deploy the troops?
Keep them hidden!
Keep them hidden!
Nobody fire a shot until they're on foot
Chapter 19:
Enemy At The Gates
We'll be home soon.
It's not my home. Not anymore.
I want you to forget about that...
I never meant to hurt you!
Well you damn near killed me!
I really made a mess of everything.
Wait! Wait!
It's got to be that
damned Clayton Young then!
We're losing to many men!
We're losing to many men!
- Let's lose some more then.
Send in the next unit!
Aww shit!
One hell of a homecoming!
Gimme a break!
Make your peace, little man!
I made mine. What about you?
I am ready!
Damn! We're out!
This hasn't turned out well!
This hasn't turned out well!
I can't even see that sunovabitch!
Won't you please go and kill them!
Matthew Saberneck!
Don't shoot... You win, old man!
I'm the only one left!
You gotta be crazy
coming out here like that!
You would never shoot an unarmed man!
I guess, I wouldn't.
But I would.
I'd kill a child abducting
murderer any chance I get.
I came here... for you!
I waited for you, the whole time!
Chapter 20:
Death Wish
I appreciate all your help.
But there ain't nothing gonna change
the way things are.
This doesn't have to be.
The hell it doesn't!
There's Virgil...
There's Virgil...
and all the others who died on your account.
Nothing's gonna change that.
...and nothing's gonna change this!
You call it, old man.
You satisfied now?
Better watch yourself young man... Ain't no such
thing in this world as a soft-hearted gunman.
You can go on with him now, if you want.
It was me that shot you in the back.
Well I guess all is fair in love and war
Don't you get it?
You been killed twice now,
and you're still standing there.
The blue-eyed girl's one true love...
...that's you!
Oh boy!
Where you're heading?
South! Like I said, I'm leaving for good.
What about you?
Well... I think it's about
time we pack up and...
...head east!
Okay, which way is east?!?