Snowmageddon (2011)

Derrick Reed.
In my mom's helicopter.
Yes way.
Yeah, Hallie's skiing up
on the mountain.
Like out of all places, here.
No, it is Christmas.
I insist.
I can absolutely do it myself.
- I fly that route all the time.
- ( doorbell chimes )
- ( dog barking)
- No.
Hey, can someone
answer the door?
( Barking continues )
( Squeals )
I can't believe it.
- ( Scoffs ) What?
- The door.
( Sighs )
I gotta go-
My rodent of a brother isn't old enough
to answer the door.
I don't know who the kid is,
but apparently he's a big deal.
Jennifer can barely
contain herself.
-( Mo growls, barks )
- Mo!
Jennifer: Rudy!
I'm kinda busy up here!
Rudy, a little help here!
Calm down.
It's okay, Mo.
( Continues growling
and barking )
Jennifer: Mo.
Hey, who is it?
- ( Growls)
- Mo, quit it.
It's a gift.
Well, say thank you.
It's heavy.
Maybe it's my Dragon of
the Crown expansion set.
It's probably another fruitcake.
-( Bells ringing)
- ( townsfolk chattering )
Man: Hi, Sam!
Such a beautiful tree.
Man #2: Hey, Danny.
Merry Christmas.
Yeah, I'm so glad
we got that.
It was the last one there.
- Are you okay with it?
- Yeah, yeah, I'm good.
And you have
a merry Christmas.
- Fred.
- John.
I see you still haven't fixed
the town clock.
Well, what can I say?
Time got away on me.
Yeah, well.
You and me both.
You think we're gonna have
a white Christmas?
No snow.
Weird, huh?
Gifts are all packed up.
Some of them still aren't
wrapped yet, but...
That's great.
Beth'll be thrilled.
Sure is nice that she commits
to doing this every year.
Well, I guess there are people
who need a lot more than we do.
We're lucky here, Fred.
That we are.
That we are.
Hey, did that game come in
that I ordered for Rudy'?
I was kinda hoping he'd have it
for a stocking stuffer.
Dragon of the Crown
expansion set.
Still on back order,
I'm afraid.
I don't have high hopes of it
being here for the holiday.
If that's the worst problem
I have in my house
this Christmas,
then I'm better off than most.
You got that right.
All right.
My regards to the family.
Yeah, will do.
John: What about headwinds?
What about flight range?
I know it's a lot of weight
to fly that far,
but we can't let them down.
It's tough over there.
A lot of families
are counting on the help.
Yeah, I know, but, uh...
Lawrenceville's a ways away.
No, we got the room and, yes,
the forecast looks fine.
So quit worrying.
( Mo barking )
What's this?
That's the one I was telling
you about.
Someone must have dropped it off
this afternoon.
- Beth: No name, no address.
- John: Hmm.
No name, no address.
Honey, maybe it was
for Lawrenceville.
No, it's not marked for that,
and all of those went
to Fred's store.
It's from Santa.
Santa brings gifts
down the chimney, stupid.
- Hey.
- I think we should open it.
The two of you.
What do you think it is?
I think maybe it's
a set of golf clubs.
- Mm. Mm-hmm.
- Dad.
- Mm-hmm, mm-hmm.
- ( chuckles)
So, Mom...
Do you think you're gonna need
any help tomorrow
with the helicopter and stuff?
Yeah, I think I got it covered, honey.
You said Tim wasn't
going with you.
Please, Mom.
Come on.
Oh, for crying out loud.
Just open it.
( Mo barking )
What is wrong
with that dog today?
- That is cool.
- Yeah.
It's so gorgeous.
- Boring.
- No, no, no, no, come on.
Look at the craftsmanship
in this thing.
There's Main Street.
There's Town Hall.
The clock on the tower's
stuck on the same time
as the real clock.
( Doorbell chimes )
- I'll get it.
-( Mo barks )
( turns gears )
John: Pizza's here!
( Groans )
( ticking )
John: It looks like, uh...
( ticking grows louder)
( ticking continues )
- ( gears turning )
- ( clock begins ticking )
( gasps )
( townsfolk yelling )
Everybody off the street!
Move, move!
Come on, let's go!
( Yells )
( yells )
( ticking echoing )
You feel that?
Yeah, was that a tremor?
( Cell phone ringing )
(thunder crashing )
Yeah, hey, Tully.
Yeah, we did.
Yeah, I'll be right there.
- Something happened downtown.
- Okay.
- I'll call you.
- Yeah.
(thunder rumbling )
No one come any closer.
You don't want to be near this
if there's another aftershock.
John, over here.
- Any injuries?
- I don't think so.
We got lucky.
All right,
let's get those fires out.
Cordon this off.
I got some rope in my trunk.
(woman screaming )
Oh, my God.
I think that's Jacob.
( Barking )
( ticking )
Beth: Rudy?
What are you doing awake?
I can't sleep.
I have a really early morning.
Your dad's gonna be busy
all day tomorrow.
We all need our rest, okay?
- Okay'
- OK?!/'
- Mo, come on. Come on, boy.
-( Mo growling)
-( barks )
- Beth: Come on.
I love you.
Love you, too.
(ticking, whirring )
( bell tolls)
Rudy's still in bed,
lazy bum.
Yeah, he was up
past midnight.
We'll let him sleep.
Mary'll be by to look after him.
So much for good weather.
( Birds chirping )
It'll be fine.
I do this a dozen times a year.
Yeah, I guess you should go.
The kids in Lawrenceville
would be disappointed
if you didn't show up.
And I'm gonna let
Jacob's brother know.
What about Jacob?
Wow, look at you helping.
( Scoffs )
Can't a daughterjust
help her mother
once in a while?
Mom, I'm begging you.
It's Derrick Reed.
He's a client.
I'll be good.
I promise.
And besides,
I can help with dropping off
the gifts afterwards.
- Please?
- Who's Derrick Reed?
Only the best
snowboarder ever.
John: Ah, wow.
- Best ever, Beth.
- Mm.
Where I am going
is very remote.
And I have
a very strict schedule.
Well, without Tim,
you are solo.
( John chuckles )
( sighs )
Get your coat.
( Screams )
- I love you.
- Uh-huh.
Hey, how about
a little love over here?
I'm the one
who made it happen.
Hey, listen.
that gift you got
your brother.
That was nice of you.
Did Fred make that?
Dad, I didn't get that gift.
But if you want,
I'll take the credit.
All right.
- You be safe.
- You be safe.
- No mistletoe.
- Ew, gross.
- I love you.
- See you soon.
Get in the car.
( Engine starts )
( Mo barks )
Hey, Champ.
Hey, how you doing, buddy?
Hey, Dad?
Did the ground break
last night?
Yeah, I guess
you could say that.
- Hey, Rudy. Hey, Mr. M.
- Rudy: Hey, Mary.
Hi, Mary.
Thanks for the last-minute help.
Dad, I wanna see where
the ground broke.
It's too dangerous
right now, buddy.
How'd you know the ground broke,
anyway, Mr. Big Ears?
I-I saw it in the snow globe.
In the snow globe?
- Really?
- Yeah.
I'll have to check that out
when I get back.
Bye, Mr. M.
Hey, no sneaking a look
at the gifts under the tree.
- ( Mo barks )
- ( chuckles ) Bye, Dad.
Let's see what kind of trouble
we can get ourselves into.
Aren't they supposed
to be here by now?
Listen, I know you're excited.
When they get here, I want you
to be extremely professional.
What's that supposed to mean?
No ogling, no drooling.
Mom, really?
-( Horn honking )
- They're here.
( Music playing from car)
( groans )
( door slams )
Ho ho ho.
- Are you Beth?
- Yeah.
- Hey, I'm Derrick Reed.
- Pleasure.
- Hey, I'm Greg.
- Hi, hello. Good to meet you.
This is, uh,
this is my assistant Jennifer.
Oh, hi, Jennifer.
Happy holidays.
Happy holidays, indeed.
So are you guys looking
for anything in particular?
Oh, you know.
Just some choice powder.
- A good incline.
- Yeah, you know the mountain
- better than we do.
- All right.
Let's get you guys loaded up
and stop wasting daylight.
- Cool.
- Yeah. Okay.
- Okay.
- Do you need help
- with your stuff?
- Uh, yeah.
That would be great--
Actually, I need you to do
a final rundown on the engine.
Hey, no sweat.
Yeah, we can handle it.
I wasn't ogling.
No, you were flirting,
which is way worse than ogling.
What did I say?
All right, dude.
Let's do this.
- Coffee fresh?
- Fresh, yes.
That's another story.
Filled in
most of the smaller ones.
Roped off the larger one
for now.
( Sighs )
So, where are we at with damage?
Well, the gas mains are intact.
Which is surprising, considering
the flames everyone mentioned.
Maybe a natural gas pocket.
What about Grainer
and Lawrenceville?
Yeah, nothing. They didn't
even know we had a tremor.
- Even in Grainer?
- Yeah.
As far as anyone
outside of town knows,
that earthquake never
even happened.
- That's impossible.
- I know. It's strange, huh?
- ( Sighs )
-( hammer pounding )
Come on.
Let's get this cleaned up.
All right.
Hey, did the rotor heads
check out?
The what?
You don't know anything
about helicopters, do you?
She's your mom,
isn't she?
Hey, you want me
to sign something?
Right there?
It's nice, honey.
- Come on, man. Put that away.
- What are you talking about?
- This is what we came here for.
- All right, man.
- Good?
- Yeah.
What's up, boys and girls?
We're fresh out of reindeer,
but Santa's always
got his sleigh.
- ( Camera beeps )
- Good?
- That's fantastic.
- All right, dude.
Let's do this.
( Echoing faintly )
( Barking )
( Mo continues barking )
( growling )
Stop it.
- Mary: Rudy?
-( Mo growling)
( Mo barking, whining )
What's going on out here?
Mo made me push
one of the buttons.
All right, well,
you can play with that later.
- Your snack's ready.
- But I'm--
Come on.
Soup's getting cold. Let's go.
( Mo growling )
Mary: Come on.
( Ticking )
(thunder crashing )
I don't think there's anything
Santa can bring you
that will top that.
This is the best Christmas ever.
- What was that?
- Just a little wind.
We're okay.
Okay, that is
a hell of a storm front.
We will turn right around.
What the hell?
( Speaker feedback )
J' Joy to the world J'
J' The Lord is come... J'
Come on, Larry.
Is that really necessary?
Hey, it's Christmas Eve, John.
We've always had carols.
It's tradition.
Now's not the time.
Hey, I feel terrible about
what happened to Jacob,
but you know how much
he loved this time of year.
I wouldn't get between this man
and his decorations
if I were you, John.
I think this town
should just carry on
in the Christmas spirit.
( Gears turning )
( clock ticking )
Hey, Fred.
- You fixed it!
- Fixed what?
The clock.
You got it going.
I haven't touched it.
Well, it's working now.
No, you don't understand.
I took the guts out years ago.
They're in my shop.
It can't work.
(thunder crashing )
What the hell is that?
Mayday, Mayday, Mayday.
This is Alaska Charter
November-101. We are
in a serious storm system
at the bottom of Mount Thalberg.
( Screams )
Jenn, I need your help.
- What?
- I need you--
I need you to find me
a frequency.
You need to get
a message out.
Honey, go through
each frequency.
Mayday, Mayday.
Can anyone hear us?
- This is Jennifer Miller.
- ( Ice explodes )
- ( static hissing )
- Mom!
You ever seen
anything like that before?
-( Radio chattering )
- No.
( Over radio )
Mayday, this is Jennifer Miller.
- Mayday, Mayday!
- Jennifer, come in!
- ( Static hissing )
- Jenny, can you hear me?
Come in!
Go, go, go.
I got this.
Ho ho ho.
( laughs )
- ( camera beeps )
- That good?
- That was great. Perfect, man.
- Good, man.
- Awesome.
- ( thunder rumbles)
- Uh, Derrick?
- What?
What the hell is--
( gasps )
Derrick: Greg!
You okay?
Come on, get up.
Get up. You all right?
Look at me.
I don't know, man.
Something hit me.
- ( Thunder rumbles)
- What?
(yelling )
You Okay?
- Eh?
- I think I'm okay.
Look out!
Okay, let's go,
let's go, let's go!
Grab your board, Greg.
Grab your board!
Let's go!
- Mom!
- I got it.
Mom, get us out of here!
- Brace yourself!
- ( screams )
Whoa! Ahh!
( Yells )
Everyone inside!
- Into the basement!
- Everyone inside, now!
Come on!
Let's go! Come on, come on!
( Groans )
Everyone in the cells now!
Norm, what are you doing?
You're gonna get yourself killed.
Get in here.
(woman screams )
( yelling, screaming )
(thunder crashing )
( groans )
( loud crash )
( static hisses )
Alaska Charter
November-101, come in.
( Static continues )
Beth, can you hear me?
( Static continues )
( engine starts )
( electricity buzzing )
You all right?
( Groaning )
Someone help!
We're stuck!
Fred! Fred. Fred.
Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
What are you doing?
Those cables are still live.
Larry, don't move.
The tires are the only thing
that are keeping the bus
from being grounded.
What the hell does that mean?
He's saying unless you wanna
get lit up like a Christmas tree,
- stop trying to get off.
- Is he serious?
Easy, Tully.
You're scaring him.
- Shut up, Norm.
- Deep breaths, Larry.
Relax there, big fella.
Look, I'll take care of this.
You help the others.
Don't move.
( Groans ) I know you don't
need Tully to be scared.
You listen here, jackass--
Oh, no.
Hey, hey.
Okay, sorry, buddy.
Just take it easy.
I'll get some help.
- Tully!
- Yeah?
You st-- stay there.
Stay there.
Norm's hurt real bad.
Okay, just stay calm.
I'll get you something
for Norm.
That's right.
They're coming, buddy.
Just hang on.
Hang on, buddy.
They're coming for us.
Should I put your feet up?
Let's just-- just breathe.
Just breathe.
Just like that, it's over.
Did you talk to my dad yet?
I haven't yet, but don't worry.
I'm sure your mom
cancelled her flight.
She's probably
on her way home right now.
So, which one of these
am I supposed to be again?
You're one of the
Knights of Omnia.
You've been quested to take
the Dragon Crown
and throw it into
the volcano.
Is that-- is that this thing
right here?
- This thing?
- Don't touch it!
Every time you touch it
in the game,
- you lose two life points.
- I do?
- It's cursed.
- Oh.
- Now, come on.
- Okay, so, uh...
throw the crown
into the volcano.
Got it.
What else?
Are you coming?
So, it's your turn.
- Roll the dice.
- Yeah.
( Gasps )
Jennifer, can you hear me?
( Screams )
- Mom, I'm stuck!
- Hey, don't move!
Mm, help!
It's okay, sweetheart.
I'm coming to get you.
Honey, stay still.
Okay, what've we got?
I'm stuck.
I can't get out.
( Creaking )
- Mom, I have to--
- Okay, stay calm.
I'm gonna be right back.
I'm gonna cut you out, okay?
Greg: Over here.
( groans )
Hang on, buddy.
I'm messed up, man.
I can see that.
Hey, hey, look at me.
Look at me.
Don't worry.
Okay, I'm gonna fix you up
and get you out of here.
- Lean forward for me
- Okay.
Just a little bit, if you can.
- You all right?
- Yeah, man. It's all right.
( Groaning )
Let me get you out of that, buddy.
Hang on.
( Electricity zapping )
What kind of man puts this much work
into decorating a bus?
It's Christmas.
It's a special time.
And plus, people like it.
It's just strange.
That's all I'm saying.
Tully: Larry!
Okay, you sit tight.
I'll be right back, Scrooge.
Here you go.
Look, can you get him
through the window?
If you don't touch the bus
and the ground at the same time,
I think you can jump free.
Norm's not exactly
in the jumping shape.
All right, all right.
Just sit tight.
I'm gonna try and cut
the power lines, okay?
Hey, Tully, Tully.
You know
about electricity, right?
I guess we're gonna find out.
He's not one
for pep talks, is he?
-( Norm groans )
- Hang on, buddy.
Okay, I got some stuff here.
Hang on.
You're gonna be fine.
You just hang on.
They're getting us out.
You just--
this might hurt a little bit.
Ready? Yeah.
Put pressure on that.
Hang on.
Mom, what are you doing?
Trying to find something
to cut you out.
I'm--I'm--I'm cold.
You gotta stay calm, baby!
- Mom, hurry!
- I'm coming!
We're gonna get you warm.
We're gonna get you outta there.
Okay, here.
( Metal creaking )
Come on, Mom.
- ( Groaning )
- Mom, Mom, Mom!
( Screaming )
- Mom!
- Jenn!
- Mom!
- I'm coming, baby!
Okay, here.
We are almost there.
What-- what's going on in there?
- Beth: Fuel line's split.
- What?
We're getting you out of here.
Come on, come on.
Come on, come on!
Let's go!
Dude, just board down,
get help, and come back for me.
No, there's no way
I'm leaving you up here alone.
- Okay, that's ready.
- Yeah.
Okay, that's good.
I want you to use these.
Dig 'em in like that.
Nice and deep.
- Got that?
- Yeah.
Dude, you better not
let me go.
You'd better be nice to me, then.
- Okay, you ready?
- Yeah.
Here we go.
Nice and easy.
Nice and slow!
- Keep digging that in!
- Greg: Yeah!
All right.
You're gonna have to go.
' ( Groans )
- Honey?
I-I think I need to lie down.
No, no, no.
You gotta keep moving, okay?
We gotta keep
the core temperature up.
- Sit up for me.
- I can't.
Sit up at least.
Sit up, baby.
You gonna make
me carry you?
You gonna make
me carry you?
( Metal squealing
in distance )
What is that?
(engine roars)
What was that?
Mom, what was that?
Over here!
Help! Over here!
' Dad!
- Hey!
- We're here, Dad!
- Hey!
Beth: Hey!
John: Oh!
You made it!
Oh, my God.
- Derrick: You okay, Greg?
- Yeah!
- Greg: Okay!
- Qkay, set?
Yeah, set!
You Okay?
How you holding up?
Slow and steady, right?
All right.
Here we go again.
- You good?
- Yeah.
Now listen. We're gonna go
right past that crash site.
Dude, man.
I hope they're okay.
I'm not sure we've got
any extra room
on this board to share.
You ready?
Okay, let's go.
Nice and easy.
( Greg groaning )
All right.
Okay, Tully.
This shouldn't be too hard.
Okay, uh...
that didn't work.
plan B.
Did Tully get the power off?
I don't know.
Oh, go stick a toe
on the ground.
I'm sure the shock
won't be that bad.
I'm sure you'd like that, eh?
( Chuckles )
Stick with me, Norm.
Norm, stick with me, buddy.
It's gonna be okay.
It's gonna be okay.
I'm sure-- I'm sure Tully
knows what he's doing.
Okay, uh...
Here goes nothing.
Come on!
( Groans )
Mayday, Mayday.
Search and Rescue, come in.
( Static hissing )
Can anyone hear me?
We got a chopper down
on Mount Thalberg.
Two males missing.
If anyone's out there,
come in.
( Static hissing )
We're gonna be all right.
Mayday, mayday!
Still no one.
I don't like the looks of this, man.
We gotta get you
moving now.
( Groans )
( growls )
Whatcha doing?
I don't want it any more.
Why not?
Oh, wow.
This is our town.
- It makes bad things happen.
- What?
Bad things that happen in there
happen out here.
And let me guess.
If I touch it,
I lose two life points, right?
I'm serious.
Mo doesn't like it either.
( Scoffs )
Mo doesn't like anything
- that isn't food.
-( Mo barks )
What do these buttons
on the back do?
Don't press any.
It's cursed.
Rudy, I didn't.
It's okay, see?
( Gears turning )
( barking )
You pressed a button.
Now a set of gears
are turning.
I-I didn't. I-I swear.
- It happened on its own.
-( Mo barking )
The buttons on the globe,
they make bad things happen.
Okay, Rudy. You're starting
to freak me out here.
' Mo!
' Mo!
Stay here.
I think I left the door open.
( Ticking gets louder)
( bell ringing )
What was that?
What do you see?
- ( Ground rumbling)
- Oh, no. What is that?
(yelling )
Oh, my God.
It's an avalanche!
- Jennifer!
- Dad!
Come on!
- John: Come on!
- Beth: Jenn, brace yourself!
( Screams )
What the hell's taking him
so long?
Hey, do you smell gas?
Come on, Norman.
- We're getting out of here.
- What are you doing?
We gotta go.
Come on.
- Let's go.
- ( yells, moans )
Okay, okay.
All right, easy.
Everything's fine.
Everything's fine. Don't worry.
Don't patronize me.
What's happening?
All right, look.
If we can smell gas in here
this strongly,
it means there's gotta be
a lot of it on the ground,
so we gotta--
Okay, just sit right there.
Hang on.
( Groans )
- Whoa.
- Tully!
You gotta cowboy up, Norm.
We're leaving.
- Did they get the power off?
- I don't know,
- but we're leaving.
- Wait.
- ( Groaning )
- Norm: Larry.
Larry, don't!
Larry, what are you doing?
The power's not off.
- Wait!
- ( electricity buzzes )
' ( Qrunts )
' No!
- Ah!
- Whoa!
He's dead.
Oh, no. Norm.
Larry, Norm!
You guys all right?
Yeah, I think so.
Jenn, you okay?
- John: Jenny?
- No! We're buried alive.
Stay calm.
( Radio static )
Tully, can you hear me?
Can anyone hear me?
If anyone's out there,
come back.
( Static hissing )
We need to get out of here.
I know.
I just don't want to send us
farther down the mountain.
- Hold on.
- Yeah.
- You ready?
- Beth: Yeah.
- ( Engine roars )
- Here we go.
Come on!
Come on!
Please, please, please.
( Engine straining )
( John growls )
Damn it.
(engine dies)
We can't move.
Rudy, I couldn't find Mo
and the lines are out.
But we should probably just
head over to the neighbors'
and look for him.
You've got to be kidding me.
That was no normal storm.
I was thinking the same thing.
-( Metal creaking )
- Dad?
These windows
aren't gonna hold.
- Derrick: Hello?
- Did you hear that?
- Derrick: Anyone?
- Jenn: It sounds like Derrick.
Derrick: Jenn!
I need to get you out.
Hold on, guys.
- Derrick!
- Derrick!
( Groans )
I'm gonna get you out! Hold on!
Come on.
It's not much further.
Keep g0il19-
Tully: This is Tully in the Town Hall
of Normal, Alaska.
- Here.
- If you're receiving this,
- Thanks.
- please acknowledge. Over.
( Radio static )
You reach him?
Not John, not anybody.
The radio's working fine.
It's like...
nobody can even hear us.
How is that possible?
I have no idea.
Emergency teams
should have been here hours ago.
It's like-- it's like the whole town
just dropped off the map.
So what are you gonna do?
I'm hoping I wake up
( scoffs )
I'll get more supplies.
This is Tully in the Town Hall
of Normal, Alaska.
If you're receiving this,
please acknowledge. Over.
( Static hissing )
I'm worried about Rudy.
Mary's a smart girl.
I'm sure Rudy'll be fine.
Come on.
We're almost there.
- Derrick: You okay?
- Jennifer: Yeah.
Jennifer: You okay?
I'll live.
I'm sorry about your friend.
Yeah, me, too.
Okay, let's keep moving, guys.
Come on.
Let's go.
Tully on radio:
Mayday, Mayday.
This is Tully in the town
of Normal, Alaska.
Is there anybody out there?
Please respond.
Mayday, mayday-
If you're receiving this,
please acknowledge.
If anyone is out there,
please acknowledge. Over.
Tully on radio:
If you're receiving this,
- please acknowledge.
- ( static hissing )
- Tully.
- John.
Oh, thank God.
Jennifer and Beth okay?
They're both
a bit banged up.
John: We've got a casualty
on the mountain.
Look, we need you in town.
Tully: How quickly
can you get here?
We gotta check on Rudy
and then I'll be there.
Okay. Hurl'Y-
Just sit tight, okay?
Sit tight.
Sitting tight.
Hey' hey!
Stop the-- stop!
John: Mary, what are you
doing out here?
Oh, thank God.
I have been going
- out of my mind.
- Where's Rudy?
- Where's Rudy?
- He's gone.
What do you mean "gone"?
I've searched for him everywhere
I can possibly think,
- but I can't find him.
- Okay, okay. Calm down.
Just tell us what happened.
Mo ran away and I went to look
for him for, like, two seconds.
And then when I came back,
Rudy was just gone.
And he left me this note.
"It's all my fault."
What was?
- What was all his fault?
- I don't know.
He was talking about
his snow globe.
I tried to tell him
it was all nonsense,
but he wouldn't listen.
- He's alone out there.
- He can't have gone far. Come on.
- We should split up.
- No way. We are sticking together.
No, you guys
keep going that way.
I'm gonna head over
to Maple Road.
He's got a little hideout
over there.
Makes sense.
You know it does.
Yeah, I'll go with her.
Okay, you're with me.
Whatever happens,
- meet back at Town Hall.
- I'm coming, too.
Mary, you should
go back to your family.
No, I'm going.
This is my fault.
I'm gonna help find him.
Why is he blaming himself?
What does any of this
have to do with him?
He's got a very active imagination.
What was Mary saying
about the snow globe?
This morning, Rudy said
there was a crack in the globe.
Just like there was in town.
You think he imagined that?
I don't know.
It sounds crazy.
But he was right.
I mean, he had to know somehow.
God, I hope he's okay.
Jennifer: Rudy!
So this hideout that
your brother's got.
What is it?
It used to be
an old mine access.
But if you ask Rudy,
it's his magic fortress.
You know, from that silly
Dragon of the Crown.
Oh, what are you talking about?
That game rocks.
- Are you serious?
- Hell, yeah.
Throw the crown in the volcano.
Kill the dragon.
I grew up on that game.
I guess my little bro isn't
as much of a dork after all.
are you okay?
You know that Greg was
the closest thing I had to a brother?
I mean, what's going on?
How could any of this
be happening?
You saved our entire
family today, Derrick.
I wouldn't be alive
if it weren't for you.
No one would have been
on that mountain if it weren't for me.
No, if it hadn't been for you,
we wouldn't have ever
gotten off that mountain.
You saved us.
(sniffs )
Now help me find my brother.
Are you okay?
- What are you doing here?
- I'm looking for you.
What can I do for you?
Did-- did you make this?
- Jeez, where'd you get this?
- It came as a secret gift.
My dad thought you made it.
First I've seen it.
It's exquisite.
Everything that happens
inside here
happens for real.
- Is that right?
- You don't believe me?
No, no.
It's just that--
( ticking )
Well, that just--
That just can't be.
- I know you're here!
- Rudy!
- Derrick: Rudy?
- Rudy!
Let's get a closer look.
Jennifer: Rudy!
Jennifer: Rudy!
I don't think he's here, Jennifer.
Tell you what,
we'll hang out for a bit.
Maybe he'll show up.
Rudy: It's like
the Dragon of the Crown.
The crown, it's cursed.
So you think
this snow globe is cursed.
Or maybe the globe
cursed the town.
And it's my fault
because I opened the present.
Oh, Rudy.
There are a lot of myths
about cursed objects.
Sometimes the curse
is a punishment.
Sometimes the curse
is a test.
But, I mean...
even if this is a curse,
it's not your fault.
( Sighs )
So you do believe me?
Well, there's certainly
a lot of things here
I can't explain.
But the idea that this globe
is somehow destroying
our town is just...
I mean,
there's no markings,
there's no serial number.
There's certainly no
"Made in China."
I don't know about a curse,
but this is certainly
the strangest thing
that I have ever seen.
( Static hissing )
Mayday, Mayday.
If anyone can hear this,
- please respond.
- ( static resumes )
If somebody heard you,
they'd be here by now.
Larry, I'm--
I'm trying my best here.
Look, Tully...
whatever's going on
is gonna drag this town
straight to hell
before it's done.
Okay, Larry.
You're scaring the people.
- Just--
- We gotta get outta here now.
I understand that, Larry.
But we can't really
leave right now
until we get some assistance.
Now everybody--
You've got a hell of a mess
on your hands here.
- You can say that again.
- Rudy's gone. He ran away.
- Has anyone seen him?
- Have you talked to Fred?
Last time I saw him,
he said he was getting supplies
- at his shop.
- You okay, Larry?
I've had better days, John.
Just calm down, everybody.
All right?
We can't just sit around and wait.
No help is coming.
' Rudy? Hey.
- Mom!
We were worried about you, buddy.
You scared us.
Oh, thank you, Fred.
Would you tell me
where you got this?
I thought it was you.
It was left at our door.
Hell of a thing.
( Beeping )
Anybody answering?
Phones are still dead.
- What is that?
- Found it inside.
Official Dragon
of the Crown issue.
Face the dragon
without this bad boy,
you can forget about it.
Of course.
It's gonna be fine.
- Rudy!
- Rudy!
( Clock ticking )
It didn't look anything like that
the last time I saw it.
Rudy's right.
I can't quite believe
I'm saying this,
but somehow,
what's happening in there
is happening out here.
It's not possible.
Neither are about half the things
we've seen in town today.
- You got that right.
- Tully: John.
Townsfolk are getting antsy
and they're looking for answers.
- Please tell me you got some.
- John...
I think you should hear
- what your son has to tell you.
- I'm worried about Jenn.
Yeah, she should've
been here by now.
You stay here with Rudy,
I'll go look for her.
It'll be a nice change
from Town Hall.
Tell us, Rudy.
What happened?
( Ticking continues )
A toy?
A kid's toy
is what we're talking about?
This is no ordinary toy.
Just listen to what
we have to say, Larry.
No, you listen up, John.
We got a lot of dead
friends and family.
Town's coming apart
at the seams.
What does a damn snow globe
have to do with anything?
Look, we've all known
each other for a long time.
You just have to trust me
when I tell you.
Everything that's happened
in this town
- can be traced back to this.
- It's true.
- Ridiculous.
- It's true.
Now, ever since this thing
was placed at our doorstep,
we've had one disaster
after another.
Every time one
of these buttons is pressed,
another disaster hits.
And who told you that?
My son.
( laughing, groaning )
Look, if pressing buttons
causes disasters,
then don't push
any damn buttons.
It's not that simple.
Have you looked
at the town clock today?
It's ticking.
Yeah, well, clocks
will do that, John.
Not this one.
You all know.
I took that thing apart
years ago.
There are no gears
inside that clock.
And yet there it is,
ticking away.
And it's got
the exact same time on it
as the clock
inside this globe.
That's got
to mean something.
I think it's a countdown.
A countdown to what?
I'm guessing
at the top of the hour,
another disaster's gonna strike
whether we push a button or not.
Yeah, and maybe Santa
and his reindeers
will come down from the sky.
It's all hogwash.
( laughter)
Look out. I got it.
Go on.
- No, Larry--
- ( yells )
- ( snow globe rolls on floor)
-( board drops )
Didn't even leave a mark.
- Here.
- Larry, Larry! No, Larry!
Come here.
I need to talk to you.
Mom, you believe me,
don't you?
Put down that sandwich
for a second.
I believe that
that snow globe
somehow has something to do
with everything that's happening.
And I believe that your dad
will do anything to keep us safe.
But I don't believe
for a second
that any of this
is your fault.
Getting everyone all excited
doesn't help anything, Larry.
You said that thing just showed up
on your doorstep, right?
Yeah, that's right.
Just showed up on my doorstep.
No address,
no shipping info.
Yeah, then it's your responsibility.
- You're doing this to us.
- Come on, Larry.
You see what's happening
in our town.
It's our problem.
We're all in this together.
- No, he's right.
- What?
Okay, hang on here.
Larry: Let's just say
that I'm wrong.
What are we gonna do?
'Cause if you're right,
any minute now,
another disaster's
gonna hit us.
Well, let's just hope I'm wrong.
( Ticking )
( bell rings)
( Loud bang )
Did you hear that?
What, is there something
back there?
-( Rocks shaking )
- Rudy!
( Screams )
( glass clinking faintly )
- You okay?
- Yeah.
(woman screams )
- Was that a scream?
- What?
( Jennifer screams )
Let's gqg
Go' go! gas
(yelling )
- Derrick!
- ( gurgling )
Somebody help me!
Somebody help, please!
That thing's from hell itself.
- Stay calm, Larry.
- You stay calm, Fred.
Guys, everything
seems to be fine.
Still no sign of Jenn.
Look, it came to my house.
My family.
It's my responsibility.
So what are you
gonna do with it?
I don't know.
I'm open to all suggestions.
Take it someplace else.
Another town, if you can.
I can't do that.
That's not the answer.
Throw it into the volcano.
What's that, son?
In the Dragon of the Crown,
the crown that cursed
the village
needs to be tossed
into the volcano.
Wait a minute.
That's not crazy.
Oh, come on.
That game is based
on an old Greek myth
about Hephaestus
and Pandora.
The gift is just like
Pandora's box.
Opened up and all the evils
of the world
are let loose to wreak havoc.
But there's one thing
left in the box.
What's that got to do
with the volcano?
Hephaestus made the gift
in the bowels of a volcano.
The gift must be returned
there to destroy it.
Oh, come on.
Fred, what was the one thing
left in the box?
- Hope.
- Fred: That's right.
Come on, Larry.
It isn't any crazier
than the things
we've seen in town today.
I know.
Well, show me a volcano, then.
You dimwit.
We've already got one.
- Mount Thalberg.
- That's right.
Thalberg's becoming
active again.
She's getting ready to blow.
That's not a volcano.
Well, it hasn't been active
for thousands of years,
- but it is a volcano.
- What?
Look, you all said it.
This is my responsibility.
This is what I'm doing.
The rest of you have to
get everyone out of town.
You can't stay here any more.
See, that's the first thing
I've heard that makes sense.
So what about you?
I'm going back
up the mountain.
You coming with us
or not, Fred?
I'm staying.
This town is all I've known,
and I trust John to save it.
You know it's gonna take
a miracle to get out of this.
- Wouldn't that be something?
- What?
I can't think of a better
time of year for a miracle.
You're crazier
than the rest of them.
( Door opens, closes )
All right,
just take some of this.
I'm gonna find Jenn.
I'm gonna take care
of the globe.
Then I'm gonna
come find you.
What the--
- ( Screams ) Help!
- ( concrete cracking )
Come on.
Come on.
Not again! No!
Come on.
Stay on it.
( Larry screams )
No! No.
( Horn blaring )
John, wait.
I'm coming with you.
I said this was
my responsibility, Tully.
Your resp--
this is our town,
our responsibility.
We need you down here, Tully.
The town needs you.
My family needs you.
Oh, my God.
Beth, it's Jenn.
- Beth!
- Beth: Oh, my God.
What happened?
What happened?
Are you okay?
where's Derrick?
I love you so much, baby.
Stay here and take care
of your brother.
Where are you going?
I'm gonna go
put an end to this.
John, wait.
My snowmobile.
Side of the cabin.
( Rumbling )
Do you hear that?
She's waking up.
- Take care of my family, Tully.
- You got it.
Every hero needs a talisman.
My talisman.
Look at me.
You're my hero.
I love you.
Go and take care
of your mother.
(wind whistling )
( loud explosions )
( revving engine )
( groaning )
You all right?
( Car door slams )
( engines starting )
You guys okay?
Yeah, we're okay.
Rudy: What about Fred?
Fred's not coming just yet,
but he's gonna let us
use his car.
Isn't that nice of him?
-( Horns honking )
- Yeah, I guess so.
Cowboy's ready.
We'd better get out of here.
( Horn honks )
( bell ringing )
Oh, blow it out your--
( ground breaking )
( gasping )
( ground continues breaking )
Stay here.
- Unbelievable.
- Whoa, hey.
South road!
- What do you think?
- Let's go, Beth.
South road!
It's all part of the curse.
- There's no curse, Rudy.
- Yes, there is.
And Dad's gonna break it.
We are not trapped.
We are not giving up.
We're gonna make it
and Dad is, too, okay?
Fred: Hurry up!
Come on, hurry up!
Come on.
Go. go!
( Screams )
- We're trapped.
- Not yet we're not.
( Explosion )
(yelling )
-( loud crash )
- Oomph!
- Where are you going?
- To try and find a way
out of here.
(yelling )
Now we're trapped.
( Groaning )
( coughs )
( ticking )
( groans )
Let's go.
( Engine rumbles, roars )
Come on, 9!
Come on, come on,
come on!
Keep going, come on!
Yeah !
Come on, baby!
Come on!
You can do it, yeah!
Yeah, whoo!
You did it,
you old bag of bones!
Come on.
Come on!
John: Oh...
Come on, 9!
Come on! Go!
- Why is this happening to us?
- ( explosions continue )
Why did we end up
with the stupid snow globe?
Maybe it ended up
where it needs to be.
What do you mean, little man?
Every story needs a hero.
Need a hook.
That'll work.
Way to go, Rudy.
Come on.
' ( explosion )
- ( grunts )
I guess I'm gonna have
to do this the hard way.
- ( Ticking )
- ( explosions continue )
Hang on to your hats.
This is really gonna
be something.
( Groaning )
(yelling )
( grunting )
Merry Christmas,
you son of a bitch.
Something's happening.
( Clock gears screech )
More like something
isn't happening.
Oh, wow.
Way to go, John.
Well, I'll be damned.
An honest-to-goodness
Christmas miracle.
Beth: Come here.
They're inside.
Jennifer's trying
to get Rudy to nap.
But somehow
I don't see that happening.
Some incredible kids
you got there.
They really are.
Still no sign of him?
Dad'll be back.
- I know it.
- Of course.
( Mo barking )
Mom! Mo!
I was worried about you, boy.
Rudy: You're okay.
Oh, look who's here.
Look who's here.
( laughs )
John: Beth.
- Beth.
- Oh, my God.
- Jenn?
- Dad!
- You okay?
- Yeah.
You did it.
Just like in the stories.
Nice work, John.
Hell of a Christmas,
hey, John?
Just another Christmas
in Normal.
Come on inside.
I got some eggnog-
That sounds about right.
Mo's already ready.
( Gasps )
( ticking )
( music playing )