Snowpiercer (2013)

Good day.
On this day, July 1st 2014...
at this hour, 0600...
we are at the very first
airport in the world...
...topic of so much controversy
over the past 7 years...
has continued development.
Protests from environmental groups and a
number of developing countries continue.
...It had been claimed the CW7
is the answer to global warming.
And we are witnesses.
...Leaders who argue that global
warming can no longer be ignored.
Today, 79 countries will
began dispersing CW7...
in the upper layers of the atmosphere.
...And surprisingly bring down
the average global temperatures...
It is just a day away that...
...According to scientists...
the artificial cooling substance CW7...
will succeed in bringing average global
temperatures down to manageable levels.
As a revolutionary solution to
mankind's warming of the planet.
Head check.
Alright, get in line.
Everybody sit down.
One, two, three...
four, five, six...
Keep going.
Go on.
Hey you, sit down.
Curtis, sit down.
Sit down.
I said sit down!
- What the fuck are you doing?
- Counting.
Can't you sit and count? You
want to get shot? You're crazy.
Shut up, Edgar. I'm thinking.
Are there any experienced
violinists here?
Raise your hands.
Stand up, come forward.
Food, come and get it.
Violinist, they're having a laugh.
Those bastards in the front
sections think they own us.
Eating their steak dinner and
listening to string quartets.
Will be different when we get there.
I want steak.
Excuse me, sir.
My wife and I played violin in
the Boston Symphony Orchestra.
I was first chair.
Can you still play?
Well of course, you never forget.
Show me your hands.
You, follow me.
Leave your belongings,
we just need your hands.
Not both?
Yes, both hands.
My wife Doris plays beautifully.
Better than me, even.
They just need one person.
Then I won't go.
Doris, Doris...
Sit down, everyone.
Sit down.
- They can't just...
- Sit down.
Those fucking bastards.
Now isn't the time.
Well, when is the time?
I'll be back, Doris. It's alright.
I'll come back.
What does steak taste like again?
I had it once, but I can't remember.
If you can't remember
then it's better to forget.
What does it smell
like when it's cooked?
It must emanate around the place.
Curtis. Is this it?
It's not it.
Curtis, here!
How's it hanging, buddy?
Give me a pow.
Hey listen.
I think I need that protein block.
How about I trade you,
this one for that one?
Nice bargaining power, Curtis. Here,
give me this one, I'll give you that...
Relax, relax...
Come here, Timmy.
Come right...
I have an idea.
I'll give you this one
and that one for that one.
- What do you say?
- No.
Go get him.
Timothy, your mom is gonna
give you a darn good spanking.
Where the fuck he went?
Hey, come here. Give it to me.
Hi Jose, how are you doing?
Timmy! Work with me here.
Edgar, why did you let him get up there?
No I didn't, he got up there
by himself. He's very nimble.
- He's 5.
- He's a very nimble 5 year old.
Timmy, sweetie, come down.
Come here.
What do you want for it?
In the whole wide train?
In the whole wide train.
The ball.
The ball? No.
No, I'm sorry I can't
do that. I can't do that.
Yes, I get the ball for a whole hour.
Curtis. Is it time?
Not yet, Tanya. Soon.
Red paper?
Yeah, it's the one
we've been waiting for.
Our informant gave us a name.
N, A, M...
Nam Koong Min Soo.
He's a security expert. He's
in the prison section now.
- Wait, you're joking right? He's in prison?
- Out of here.
- I'm just saying, what kind of
chance do we have... - Edgar.
I just think if this guy says that
he's such a great security expert...
- why can't he just break out himself?
- That's enough! Go.
Let's go, Tim.
Come on, let's go.
Edgar just wants to help, you know.
He thinks the world of you.
He shouldn't worship me the way he
does. I'm not who he thinks I am.
Few of us ever are.
Alright, we're here.
Tail section, quarantine
section, prison section.
Gate, gate, gate.
4 seconds when all three
gates are open at once.
We have 4 seconds to go through
three gates and bust Nam out.
Then Nam gets us the rest of the way.
Our fate depends on this man.
If we can get him to cooperate he can take
us all the way to the front of the train.
Very front section?
From here right to
the front of the train.
Everything in one stroke.
We control the engine,
we control the world.
Without that, we have nothing.
All past revolutions have failed
because they couldn't take the engine.
What are you saying?
This time we take the engine.
Then what?
We kill them.
You should run the
train now, not Wilford.
I am a shadow of my former shadow.
My day was decades ago.
How old is Gilliam?
Shut up, Edgar.
I'm not saying that I want that to
happen, that's not what I'm saying.
What I mean is he will die someday.
And when that happens, you're
gonna have to take over.
You're gonna have to run the train.
I'm not a leader.
I don't know.
I think you'd be pretty
good if you ask me.
Hey, Edgar.
How far back can you remember?
I don't know, like what?
Your mother, you remember her?
I can remember a face...
every once in a while.
But it's not clear.
Stay down, everybody.
- Everybody stay in your place.
- Fucking look at me.
Keep down, keep down.
- Medical inspection. Just the kids.
- All the kids come with me.
It's a medical check up.
You're doing good.
Everybody, all the kids.
- All the kids? - You too.
- That's right, just come.
Stay back there, ma'am.
Just stay back there.
Alright, one more.
Yup, come on.
You need to go.
It's just a medical check
up. You just stay back there.
Come on, that's right.
Come with the others, okay.
You, go and check.
- Don't move.
- Go, Timmy!
That's her baby!
Give me back my son.
Give me my son, you fucking bitch!
Let him throw his shoe.
- Timmy!
- Tim!
At this altitude, we
need only 7 minutes.
7 minutes allotted for your speech, sir.
This is so disappointing.
No no, we don't need all
that, we only got 7 minutes.
This is not a shoe.
This is disorder.
This is size 10 chaos.
This, you see this? This is death.
In this locomotive we call
home, there is one thing...
that's between our warm
hearts and the bitter cold...
Clothing? Jeans? No, order.
Order is the barrier that
holds back the cold and death.
We must all of us, on
this train of life...
remain in our allotted stations...
we must each of us occupy...
our preordained particulate positions.
Would you wear a shoe on your head?
Of course you wouldn't
wear a shoe on your head.
A shoe doesn't belong in your head.
A shoe belongs on your foot.
A hat belongs on your head.
I am a hat, you are a shoe.
I belong on the head,
you belong on the foot.
Yes? So it is.
In the beginning, order was
prescribed by your ticket.
First bus, economy, and
freeloaders like you.
Eternal order is prescribed
by the Sacred Engine.
All things flow from the Sacred Engine.
All things in their place.
All passengers in their sections.
All water flowing, all heat rising...
pays homage to the Sacred Engine.
In its own particulate...
preordained position.
So it is.
Now, as in the beginning...
I belong to the front.
You belong to the tail.
When the foot seeks
the place of the head...
a sacred line is crossed.
Know your place.
Keep your place.
Be a shoe.
We only have 42 seconds left.
So we can go to a
comment of Mr. Wilford,
the divine keeper of the Sacred Engine.
Sir? Mr. Wilford?
Are you there?
Are you there, sir?
It's breaking up. Well then...
Mr. Wilford's a very busy man.
So it is.
Well, we're just gonna watch?
- Not now.
- I'm not just gonna fucking sit here.
Nah, alright.
Stop, stop right there. Sit down.
Put that useless gun down. Put it away.
Long time no see, Mr. Gilliam.
It's a pleasure!
You look healthy.
He's fine.
Minister Mason, please deliver
a message to Mr. Wilford.
Certainly, what should I say?
Tell him he and I need to talk.
Well, you can talk to me.
Mr. Wilford has no reason to visit here.
Not here.
At the front.
Nice to hear it.
Your son will be a hero, I promise.
Or daughter, whatever it is.
I got it.
- Your contribution has been duly noted.
- Thanks.
So sorry to interrupt
you while you're praying.
So sorry.
There's your Buddha
back, thanks very much.
Move! Move!
Stop fooling around.
I've got a better batch.
Stronger, fresh, uncut.
Want to try some?
How many protein blocks for
10 rocks of uncut Kronol?
They don't have bullets.
Why do you say that?
You remember what Mason said? She
said, "Put down that useless gun".
She meant...
she wouldn't give the order to shoot me.
No, I think the guns
are literally useless.
They've used up all their bullets
4 years ago on the last revolt.
Bullets are extinct.
If you're wrong, we could be
finished before we even start.
I think we should be patient.
Wait for the next red letter.
To the left.
And right.
Not yet, up. Now left.
Good, good.
1... 2... 1... 2...
1... 2... 1... 2...
Hello? Andrew.
Wake up. Rise and shine.
When you dream to much of
the sun, you forget the trees.
I believe this is your son.
I'm sorry, it's not very good.
It's not my best work,
it's a little dark.
If you look very deep into the eyes,
you can see a little bit of hope.
What about my boy? You got one of Timmy?
Yes, Tanya. I do.
Easy, easy. Don't hurt yourself.
Here, there you go, Timmy.
Look at him.
One little smile.
Curtis, you gotta let me come with you.
No, Tanya, I'm sorry.
You will be if you don't let me come.
I'm going to the front and I'm gonna make
that bitch sorry she put a hand on my boy.
Make this one tighter.
You know I'm stronger than all
these skinny ass soldiers anyway.
Shit, what's going on?
Change of schedule,
boys. They're coming back.
It's now or never.
Don't panic. Stick to the plan.
Hide that, hide your
weapons in your clothes.
- Head check.
- Yeah.
Line up.
Alright, sit down.
1... 2... 3...
What the fuck do we do?
6... Keep going.
I've had enough of this
protein block bullshit.
Yeah, this is bullshit.
- I'm fucking hungry.
- I want chicken.
We're not gonna sit down for this shite.
We want chicken! Chicken!
Quiet! Be quiet!
Calm down. It's okay.
You want him fucking dead? Is that it?
Keep quiet.
Still going for it, are we?
Come on, let's go! Let's do it.
The rifles.
No, we can get them.
We easily outnumber their bullets.
This is it.
Curtis, come on.
We're out of time, we gotta do it now.
They've got no bullets!
They've got no bullets!
Keep going, keep going!
Close the gate quick. Shut it.
I'm fine, Grey. You go now.
Nam Koong Min Soo. Kronol addict.
That explains a lot, doesn't it?
- Hurry up, Edgar.
- Hurry up?
So sorry for keeping you all waiting.
Obviously I work here so...
- Open it.
- Here we go.
Kronol head...
So this is Kronol? I hear it's
pretty big in the front section.
Careful, that's how
these guys hallucinate.
It's industrial waste.
And it's highly flammable.
Are you Nam Koong Min
Soo, security specialist?
Did you design all the door locks
and the security systems on the train?
Look at him man, he's
gone. Look at his eyes.
He's fried his brain
with that fucking shite.
Are you Nam?
Nam, are you listening?
Yes, I'm listening, bastard.
My name is not "Nem", it is
"Nam". Namgoung Minsoo, shit.
Namgoung is my name, my
surname is Minsoo, asshole.
Unknown words.
Try again with the correct vocabulary.
We need your help.
For what?
We're going to the front.
And we need you to open up the gates.
If I don't want to?
Uncut, straight from the barrel.
Every door you open, you
get one lap of Kronol.
Jesus, Marlboro Light?
I can't believe it.
Cigarettes have been extinct
for more than 10 years now.
You want a smoke too, asshole?
It's too good for shit like you.
I'm gonna make this real simple for you.
You help us, you get your drug.
If not, we put you
back where we found you.
What'll be, asshole?
Chan, get out of here. Let's get out.
That's enough.
I'll put you back in the fucking drawer.
Get up.
My daughter, Yona. To
move forward, we need her.
So you're coming with us?
For each door, I want
two blocks of Kronol.
She's an addict too?
Nobody there.
Look at all these beds.
Where is everybody?
Looks like they left in a hurry.
There's food on the table.
This can't be a window, can it?
Still cold.
All dead.
Alright, let's go everyone. Stay
focused. We didn't come here for this.
You heard the man, let's go. Move.
Nehm... Nam!
How did you know there was nobody there?
He's running.
What is he doing?
He looks so different.
Just a second.
It's used to be automatic,
but it's hard when it sticks.
- It's not the Paul I remember.
- No.
Paul? It's Curtis!
They ain't coming back,
so now I gotta do it.
So that's how it's made.
Still hot.
Look at them all.
You do some nice work.
That's right man, that's your
food. That's your protein block.
Is this why they took
you? To make this garbage?
You've been alone this whole time?
In the zone.
We're going to the front. Come with us.
Alright, you're going
to the front? Yeah.
But no way, my place is here alright?
Here? Making this crap? Why?
- You can't draw this.
- Okay.
Oh man.
All this time, we've
been eating this shit?
I eat them too, you know?
Every single day.
Where'd you get this?
Have you been the one writing this?
I don't write them...
Why do you have this?
Who gave this to you?
They just leave them for me, man.
I put them in the protein
block, I send them on.
That's it.
The water supply section?
Yes, just a few cars up.
It's where the water's
cleansed and recycled.
It's one of the most crucial
sections in the train.
If we take it, we'll have the upperhand?
We don't even have to
go to the very front.
We control the water...
we control the negotiation.
Excuse me, sorry to bother you there, could
I get you a glass of water to speed this up?
Would you get on with it, man?
You're keeping us all fucking waiting.
Is it my fault?
You, you are.
Although you've been fucking
smelling that Kronol shite that...
time is a probably a distant
concept for you, isn't it?
Of course, I do it for the Kronol.
Here we go again. Kronol
this, Kronol that...
Christ almighty man,
do some fucking work.
You're the one who's giving me this.
Are you thick? That's what you asked
for each time you opened the gate.
Yona? It's Yona right?
How old are you?
17, you're a train baby then?
How about you?
17 years on earth.
17 years in the tail section.
What was it like?
I don't remember.
I don't want to remember
anything before I met Gilliam.
Are you clairvoyant?
Clairvoyant? What's that?
You always seem to know
what's behind the gates.
Do you see things in your mind?
Don't open it.
Be careful.
You too.
Team 2, move.
Move forward!
We're passing Yekaterina bridge!
We're at the bridge, guys!
10... 9... 8... 7...
5... 4... 3... 2... 1.
Happy new year!
Happy new year!
I hate getting old, I hate it.
Everybody down!
Hang on.
Not yet. A second one.
Stay down.
Nam, what are you doing?
What are you doing?
He's high as a fucking kite.
We're getting closer.
Safe passage.
One, two. One, two.
Happy Yekaterina bridge,
you filthy ingrates.
You people, who if not for
the benevolent Wilford...
would have frozen solid
18 years ago today...
You people...
who would suck up the generous
titty of Wilford ever since...
for food and shelter.
And now,
in front of our hallowed
water supply section no less...
you repay his kindness...
with violent hooliganism.
You scum.
Precisely 74% of you shall die.
My friend, you suffer from a
misplaced optimism of the doom.
This is going to be good.
What? What did he say?
He said you guys are fucked.
You should beat those sectioners.
There's a tunnel right
after Yekaterina...
A tunnel?
A fucking long one.
What are you doing? Run.
Everybody down!
Go, go, go!
Chan, get out, get out.
Chan! We need fire!
Chan, bring the fire.
Throw them in the back, we're
gonna get the lights here.
Chan, the matches.
We will crush you, motherfuckers!
Officer Fuyu!
What are you doing? Don't
look at me. Get them.
Put me down, stop squeezing my leg.
Surrender! Surrender!
Surrender, he'll kill
me if we don't surrender.
Stop everybody!
Drop your weapons!
Everybody stop!
Do what he says, for crying out loud.
Drop your weapons!
Don't look.
Wash yourselves.
The water supply section...
Wash away the blood.
Have you seen these kids?
I don't know anything about...
Where are they, you bitch?
I don't know, it's not me.
Tell us or we'll cut
your arm you bastard.
Wilford knows.
Wilford likes kids.
He does.
That's why he sent that yellow
worm cloth to get them for him.
It's Wilford you want, not me!
Wilford likes kids?
All he cares about is
his wretched engine.
The engine is sacred.
And Wilford is divine.
Wilford is merciful.
Call him.
See if he'll come save you.
Wilford the merciful.
Call him.
He won't come here, he
won't leave his engine.
We're gonna rip you into little
pieces, he still won't come?
When we control the water and
turn that off, he'll have to come.
Turn off the water?
Well, you'll only be
condemning your own people.
The water comes from the front.
The nose of the train, it breaks up the
snow and ice and turns it into water.
Like an elephant's trunk.
The water comes in the mouth.
Not in the bum, Curtis.
Yes, Wilford knows you
well, Mr Curtis Everett.
He's been watching you.
And we know you won't
harm your own people.
Too bad you couldn't save your second
in command, what was his name? Edgar?
Shut the fuck up!
Mr Curtis, I can help you.
You can fucking die, is what you can do.
No, I can help you. I swear it.
Listen to me.
Wilford won't come
here. He's not coming.
You've got to go to him.
And I can take you.
I know the train, I can
guarantee you safe passage.
Why the fuck would I trust you?
Because I want to live.
So you'd sell out
Wilford the Benevolent?
If I take you to the front...
you have to kill him.
I'll get you close enough.
You kill him and let me live.
You still determined to push ahead?
Of course.
We're not even half way.
You already got further
than anyone else.
Further than McGregor, 4 years ago.
10 cars, 20 cars, it doesn't matter
unless you make it to the engine.
They'll just regroup and attack us
again. We gotta pull them up at the roots.
So many have been killed.
We've lost so many.
I know.
You seen our men?
They are exhausted.
I told them to wash themselves...
so I can assess the damage.
Let me go ahead.
I got Mason now, I
can move a lot faster.
You stay here with the wounded
and guard the prisoners.
When we take the Engine,
I'll call for you to lead us.
Stop it, Curtis.
Why are you doing that?
You know very well that
you're already our leader.
You have to accept that.
How can I lead if I have two good arms.
It's faded out.
Better to have both arms...
You can't do a lot with one, you know?
Especially when you hold a woman.
Much better to have two
arms, wouldn't you agree?
When you get to the narrow bridge...
big gate with a W on it.
Wilford's behind that.
Don't let Wilford talk.
Cut out his tongue.
Okay, let's all get
in there. Squeeze in.
Perfect, perfect.
The hat becomes you well.
Now Grey...
You must go with Curtis.
Oh, forgot somebody.
Don't mind me, back to
work everyone. Back to work.
Minister, are you okay?
I'm okay.
Please don't eat it...
They're very friendly, they won't bite.
They might bite a tomato, though.
You can eat this too?
A train baby wouldn't know about this.
I grew up walking over it.
This is located under the snow.
Of the earth.
What is this?
It moves.
What does this mean?
Do any of you feel like sushi?
Hell yeah... line that shit up.
You people are very lucky.
This is only served twice in a year.
In January and July.
Why? Not enough fish?
Enough is not the criteria.
You see, this aquarium is
closed ecological system.
And the number of individual units...
must be very closely,
precisely controlled.
In order to maintain the
proper sustainable balance.
No, you eat this.
You know what that's made of?
Dig in.
Curtis, my friend, do
you think that we might...
dispense for the restraint
for this next section?
I'm not your friend. And why would I?
For the sake of the young?
Good morning, children.
I'm pleased to present
guests from tail section.
Yes, and what do we say to
tail section guests, children?
Hello, tail section guests.
This little boy...
His name is Timmy.
This is my son.
Please take a good look at the picture.
I saw them.
- When?
- Where?
Came through there, went through there.
Is that all, boy?
- Were they crying?
- No, but they looked like they wanted to.
I heard all Tail Sectioners...
were lazy dogs and they
all drink their own shit.
No, they're very nice.
Very just and merciful.
So it is.
Minister Mason, we were
just about to show a video.
Very good.
From a very young age, Mr. Wilford's
love of locomotive was apparent.
When I grow up, I'll
live on a train forever.
His early dreams were realized...
when he founded his
transportation empire...
the Wilford Industries.
But his greatest dream
was to construct...
a luxury locomotive cruiseline...
connecting railways of
the entire world into one.
A circular railway that
extends for 438,000 km...
and completes one circle every year.
Impervious to the extreme cold of the Arctic,
and the scorching heat of the African desert...
Wildford's miracle train
is self-sustained...
possesses the most
sophisticated design...
and advanced technology known...
As hard as it is to believe...
people in the old world
made fun of Mr Wilford.
They critized him for
and over-equipping
this wonderful train.
But Mr Wilford knew
something they did not.
And what was that?
All world people are frigging
morons who got turned into popsicles.
Well, sort of.
Mr. Wilford knew that CW7
would freeze the world.
So what did the prophetic
Mr Wilford invent? protect the chosen
from that calamity?
The Engine!
Rumble rumble, rattle rattle...
it will never die!
What happens if the engine stops?
We'd all freeze and die.
But will it stop, will it stop?
No! No!
Can you tell us why?
The Engine is eternal,
the Engine is forever...
Rumble rumble, rattle rattle...
who is the reason why?
Wilford! Yeah!
Wilford Wilford, hip hurray!
I love that one, such a tonic.
Oh, it's time children, come this way.
Don't trip now.
Don't push, there's plenty of room.
Who can tell me what's coming up?
The frozen 7.
Pay attention, this tableaux
will surely be on the exam.
15 years ago, in the
third year of the train...
7 passengers tried to stop...
Wilford's miracle
train and go outside...
and what do we call
this event, Magdalena?
The Revolt of the Seven.
Very good, long before you were born.
Of course they failed to stop the train.
Instead they jumped out
of the running train.
Here they come now.
Look, you see that?
There they are, that's
how far they made it.
You see that woman in the front?
She was the maid in the lead car.
An Inuit.
An Eskimo, actually.
She knew all about the ice and snow.
She believed she can survive outside.
If we ever go outside the train?
We'd all freeze and die.
If the engine stops running?
We'd all die.
And who takes care of the Sacred Engine?
Mr. Wilford.
Children, it's the new
year eggs from Mr Wilford.
Touch them, they are still warm.
These eggs are boiled using water...
heated by the Sacred Engine itself.
As a special treat, we
have playing for us...
the world's renowned first chair
violinist of the Boston Symphony Orchestra,
Mr. Gerald McInster.
Is that really Gerald?
He looks damn great.
Happy new year.
No, thank you.
Let's go Curtis.
Happy new year.
I thought the chicken was extinct.
There are actually many things on
board that were rumoured to be extinct.
Such as?
Andrew! No!
It wasn't me. It wasn't me.
You have to lead us.
Curtis, my friend, we
understand each other...
listen to my words, it wasn't me.
We go forward.
It's Mason.
Shit, check her pulse.
Hey, don't do...
That does not look good.
It happened.
You've got the master key right?
Wait, don't shoot. Please don't shoot.
You've just killed a
front section passenger...
I didn't see a thing.
Where are you going? Wait a minute!
Could we talk about
it for just one second?
Son of a bitch!
Close the door.
My Timmy.
My Timmy...
We're gonna find him.
I promise.
I know.
Thank you.
Take this.
Come on, motherfucker.
You got my Kronol.
I want that shit.
I want my Kronol back.
That's my Kronol.
I swear man, I'm gonna kill you.
Open the door.
Kronol first!
You want Kronol? Here.
Take it.
Open it! Open the gate!
Are you looking for some
trouble or something?
You got a problem with the gates?
Here, smoke a cigarette.
It is a great honor for you.
This is the last cigarette of humanity.
Go enjoy it.
You ever been to the tail section?
Do you have any idea
what went on back there?
When we boarded?
It was chaos.
Hell, we didn't freeze to death.
But we didn't have time to be thankful.
Wilford's soldiers came
and they took everything.
It was a thousand
people in an iron box...
no food, no water.
After a month, we ate the weak.
You know what I hate about myself?
I know what people taste like.
I know that babies taste best.
There was a woman.
She was hiding with her baby.
And some men with knives came.
They killed her and took the baby.
And then an old man...
no relation, just...
an old man.
He stepped forward and he said...
"Give me the knife. "
Everyone thought he'd
kill the baby himself...
But he took the knife...
and he cut off his own arm...
and he said, "eat this".
"If you're so hungry... "
"eat this, just leave the baby".
I had never seen anything like that.
And the men put down their knives.
You probably guessed
who that old man was.
That baby was Edgar.
And I was the man with the knife.
I killed Edgar's mother.
And then one by one, other people
in the tail section started...
cutting off arms and
legs and offering them.
It was like a miracle.
I wanted to...
I tried.
A month later, Wilford's soldiers
brought those protein blocks.
We've been eating that shit ever since.
18 years I hated Wilford.
18 years I've waited for this moment.
And now I'm here.
Open the gate.
Your story is so beautiful, Curtis.
But I don't want to open the door.
You know what I want?
I want to open a door.
But not this one.
That one.
The one that leads to the outside.
We've been sentenced for 18 years.
Everyone thinks it's a wall.
But it's a fucking door.
Open it and get us out of here.
And freeze to death?
What, are you crazy?
I know...
But maybe we can survive.
You remember Yekaterina bridge?
When we got slaughtered with an ax.
Every new year, I check something.
We see the wreckage of a plane...
under the snow.
For ten years
the tail can barely be seen.
But now I can see the
fuselage and wings.
There is less and less snow and ice.
It melts.
Snow becomes more fragile,
it doesn't take much to
get rid of everything.
you know what I saw?
Outside, there was...
It is not worth telling it.
You gotta take it easy on that Kronol.
Smelling that flammable
bullshit is gonna fry your brain.
You don't think I'm right.
Kronol is the first...
highly flammable chemical.
A spark and boom!
Basically, it's a fucking bomb.
I not only store these to get high,
but to blow that gate.
Matches, quickly.
What the fuck are you doing?
Give it to me!
Take that off the door.
Curtis Everett.
I've been asked to extend
a formal invitation...
from Mr. Wilford to join him for dinner.
After you.
Curtis? Is that you?
Curtis, dear boy.
Come in.
Let's take a look at you.
Are you hungry?
You did a man's work,
coming all this way.
Please, sit down.
You are the first human being to have
walked the total length of this train.
Tail to Engine.
Did you know that?
Well done, bravo.
None of your people have
ever been here, to the Engine.
I've never been to the tail section.
Why not? Too dirty for you?
Don't want to rub against the
vermin of the tail section?
Do you think my station is
without its own drawbacks?
It's noisy.
And it's lonely.
Plenty of room.
This whore to bring
you anything you want.
Curtis, everyone has
their preordained position.
And everyone is in
their place except you.
That's what people in the best place
say to the people in the worst place.
There's not a soul on this train
that wouldn't trade places with you.
Would you trade places with me?
Fuck you.
Curtis, dear boy.
The fact is that we are all
stuck inside this blasted train.
We are prisoners in this hunk of metal.
Medium rare?
And this train is a closed ecosystem.
We must always strive for balance.
Air, water, food supply,
the population...
must always be kept in balance.
For optimum balance, however,
there have been times when more...
radical solutions were required.
When the population needed
to be reduced, rather...
We don't have time for
true natural selection.
We would all be hideously overcrowded
and starved waiting for that.
The next best solution...
is to have individual units
kill off other individual units.
From time to time, we've had
to stir the pot, so to speak.
The Revolt of the Seven,
The McGregor Riots...
The Great Curtis Revolution.
A blockbuster production with
a devilishly unpredictable plot.
Who could have predicted your counter
attack with the torch at Yaketerina tunnel?
Pure genius.
That wasn't what Gilliam
and I had in our plan.
Oh, don't tell me you
didn't know, Gilliam and I...
Our plan.
The front and the tail
supposed to work together.
He was more than a partner, really.
He was my friend.
I don't believe you.
Our original agreement was for the
insurgency to end at the Yaketerina tunnel.
And all the survivors would
go back to the tail section...
- To enjoy much more space.
- You're a fucking liar.
Gilliam would never do that.
It all worked out in the end.
Your counter attack actually made
the insurgency 10 times more exciting.
Unfortunately the front suffered
more losses than anticipated and...
Gilliam had to pay the price.
Ironic, isn't it?
How people dramatically cross that
thin barrier between life and death...
now there's just one
last thing for us to do.
Tally up the numbers.
Hello Wilford, it's me.
I'm at Gilliam's place.
Hold on.
Is it still the same number?
Yes, it still stands at 74%.
Okay, carry on.
Oh. wait.
Spare 18, to celebrate our 18th year.
It's an excellent idea... yes.
Your people.
Goddamnit Claude. Mind the Engine!
She's getting sensitive recently.
Sit down and mind your table manners.
Just relax.
Calm down.
Now I can see what Gilliam meant, he
told me you were brilliant and clever.
But always so tense.
When's the last time you got laid?
Like Gilliam said, holding a
woman is much better with two arms.
I'll miss Gilliam.
I'll miss our late night phone chats.
He could go on for hours.
All with only one arm.
What's with that face?
What's the matter?
You look like a crazy person.
As if there aren't enough
crazies on this train.
Are you okay?
What? What happened?
Get down.
We must open this door.
You see those cables?
There are so many cables.
I believe it is easier for
someone to survive on this train...
if they have some level of insanity.
And as Gilliam well understood...
we need to maintain the proper
balance of anxiety and fear...
chaos and horror in
order to keep life going.
If we don't have that,
we need to invent it.
In that sense, the Great Curtis Revolution
you invented was truly a masterpiece.
Red, number 8.
No, 7.
Come with me, Curtis.
Something I want to show you.
You deserve it.
Come on.
She's waking up now.
Cozy, yes?
You are now in her heart.
I've devoted my entire life to this.
The Eternal Engine.
It is eternity itself.
Have you ever been alone on this train?
When was the last time you were alone?
You can't remember, can you?
So please do.
Take your time.
I just wrote it.
It's for you, Curtis.
I am old.
I want you to take my Station.
It's what you always wanted.
It's what Gilliam wanted too.
You must tend the Engine...
Keep her humming.
Look, Curtis.
Beyond the gate...
Section after section percisely where they've
always been and where they'll always be.
All adding up to what?
The train.
And now the perfectly correct
number of human beings...
All in their proper places,
all adding up to what?
The train is the world.
We the humanity.
And now you have the sacred
responsibility to lead all of humanity.
Without you, Curtis,
humanity will cease to exist.
You've seen what people
do without leadership.
They devour one another.
Yona, the Kronol!
Yona, stop! No.
No bullets?
Get the Kronol then.
Look at them.
That's how people are.
You know.
You've seen this.
You've been this.
Ridiculous. Pathetic, aren't they?
You can save them from themselves.
This is what Gilliam saved you for.
This is your destiny.
It's done!
Curtis, matches.
Curtis! The match!
The space only allows
for a very small person.
Young children under 5.
The engine lasts forever
but not all of its parts.
That piece of equipment
went extinct recently.
We needed a replacement.
Thank goodness the tail section
manufactured a steady supply of kids.
So we can keep going manually.
Fucking bastard!
Take the fire.
Only one left.
Critical engine shutdown.
Please stand at a safe distance.
Andy? Is that you?
Do you remember me?
Andy, stop, listen to me.
Don't go up those stairs, listen.
Come here, come over here.
Andy, listen to me!
Get out of there!
Goddammit Andy, listen to me.
Curtis, don't be so melodramatic.
You know everyone has their
own preordained position.
Stay here.