Soleil Des Voyous, Le (Action Man) (1967)

Is that you, Denis?
So, youre still here?
Should your books be less messy,
I would have gone home
a long time ago.
Oh, right, I forgot this was
the end of the month.
You forget everything.
What time is it?
- 7:25, I think.
It doesnt look like a hot day.
There must be quite a load.
What load?
On the other side of the road.
The American soldiers pay.
Well, theyre entitled
to a few precautions:
there are supposed to
be 500 millions there.
That much?
Thats what Ive been told.
Here: the salary of your laziness.
Thank you.
Why only 2.700?
What about the boilers repairs?
Youve got no mercy for me.
Are you or are you not,
an equal partner?
And what about the Dutch beer?
Im thinking of it.
- Youre thinking of it!
It should have arrived two days ago.
Youre really not fun, I tell you:
I have to take care of everything.
Every time I take care of something,
I never do it the right way.
Youre always grumbling.
Im grumbling when I have to.
What I call common sense,
you call grumbling.
It really was more endurable
when you used to join me upstairs.
You were considerate then.
And you took advantage of it.
A girl must take
advantage of middle age,
while its still lusting.
Yeah, well, dont forget
the Dutch beer, alright?
Wake up, Gaston, its pay day!
Thank you, boss.
I wasnt sleeping. I never close
more than one eye, like an Alsatian.
I filled her up.
When it comes to filling up,
I trust you.
Oh, mister Farrand.
Just a tiny litre.
My motto being: drink while
youre thirsty, never more.
Good morning, mister Farrand.
- Good morning, chef.
Good morning, mister Farrand.
Good morning. Go and fetch
the meat in my car, will you?
Good morning, mister Farrand.
Good morning, sir.
- Good morning, Louise.
What is that?
Mrs. Farrand came here.
She took away the hare.
And she prefers this?
This is quite colourful,
but it doesnt mean much.
Paintings are like the army:
better not try to understand.
Hi, love. Why do you
look at me like that?
No reason. Did you finish
your bookkeeping?
Yes I did, and let me tell you that it
was no piece of cake, thanks to Betty.
Hey! You received the
proofs of your book!
How come theyre not in colour?
For a paperback,
it would be too expensive.
Your publisher must be
quite the ruffian.
Another would be the same.
Hey, heres my hare.
I fail to see why you took it down.
I think its looking good
in a restaurant.
What about this?
Is this looking good too?
What is this?
It might be talcum powder.
Well, what do you know?
- So now its drugs!
I dont know anything about it.
I think getting people hooked is abject.
- So do I, and you can believe me.
I believe you, Denis,
but youll admit that
Ive got reasons to worry.
Even in Indochina, I never took
any part in the drug business.
Do you think Id start here?
What do those bags mean, then?
They mean somebodys been
dealing without my permission,
and I dont like it.
Will I be able to rest easy
one day, Denis?
Whats keeping you from resting easy?
All those blokes you associate with.
I dont associate with anybody.
Sometimes, I have a drink with
a few old pals, but thats all.
Youre taking it back?
- Yes, I am.
Bartender, please!
- Coming, Maam.
I guess you need a pumice stone.
You scum! Ill teach you
to deal your junk here.
I just wanted to
straighten the painting up;
it was tipped on one side.
Im going to straighten you face up,
just wait and see.
What about this?
Does she want cigarettes?
Now I warn you: if youve got
other hiding places in here,
just take your junk
and go away fast!
And you can tell your friends
that Im a man of my word:
when I say no, I mean no!
Get it?
You made a mistake, madam:
this is far too much.
Good night, mister Farrand.
- Good night, Hlne.
Shall I close the gate?
No, dont bother:
Ill close it when I go.
Its closing time, gentlemen.
They say you need a bartender.
Yes, but I want someone
young and distinguished.
In that case,
you can take your pick.
No offence but I think youre
somewhat too effeminate
for our standards.
Hands up! Hurry up!
You can tell your boss
that this new method wont work
any better than the others.
Come out! Get in the corner!
Were going to entertain you.
Go on! Have fun!
Hey, we told you to stay outside!
Oh, shit, its the Doc!
- Denis!
Hey, Yankee! Are you crazy?
Dont touch that!
Come on: give him a hand!
And now get the hell out of here!
Tonio, tell Henri that our
contract is off. Get it?
Watch the shipping manoeuvre.
Youll pay for this, Yankee.
Come inside, mate!
What were you doing
with those guys?
Did Savani introduce you?
- No, it was Henri.
Oh, the asthmatic!
Here, take a seat.
I hope those bastards
left two unbroken glasses
so we can have a drink!
The last bottle we drank together
was in Saigon, in 1950.
Were not getting any younger.
You didnt change much.
Oh, please!
Im like old oaks:
one more layer every year.
You, on the other hand,
are still quite the playboy.
Of course:
I was kept in a fridge,
so I was preserved.
- Where?
Sing Sing. Six years.
- What did you do?
Nothing much.
Ill tell you the story.
I was unlucky.
Yes but, I say, maybe
youre not careful enough.
I already told you so.
You must make your luck.
I came to France four months ago.
I wanted to recoup my losses.
Well, you sure took
a wrong turn:
theres not future in gooning!
Except in the lyse.
Well, some friends
sent me to Henri.
But I cant possibly
work for him now.
Dont worry, Im not going
to leave you penniless.
After what you just did for me,
I owe you that much.
It was natural.
Say, I hope you can still hold
your own with a fork in your hand,
cause Ill have you sample this.
Did you come back
a long time ago?
In 1954. I felt the wind change,
and thought I better not stick around
So you became a respectable
restaurant owner?
The measure of respectability is the
attitude of your tax inspector,
and I must say mine is not
exactly gentle with me.
You went entirely legitimate?
lets say my business sometimes
sees the light of day.
Thats why I dont want the other
ruffians to deal junk in my place.
Still the same old
fighting spirit, Denis!
Im so glad I found you again!
Same here. Do you know I often
talk about you with my wife?
You? Married?
Yes, son. More than ten years ago.
And with an intellectual!
Not in the same league as
Lulu from Buffalo Park,
do you remember her?
Well, Lulu was alright,
as far as her body was concerned.
Yes, but she had bird food for brains.
And when you start putting on weight,
you cant stand those
kind of girls anymore.
Does your wife know about your past?
Well, she knows she didnt marry
the beadle of the Madeleine church.
Its thanks to her that
I went legitimate though.
Well, legitimate...
you cant change
what you are overnight.
This beats the army preserves.
After that, youll have a local speciality,
but with a red claret.
Oh, you know, mixing drinks...
Dont worry about mixing.
Tonight is a feast of friends:
if you collapse,
Ill be there to pick you up.
Come on: lets get this inside
before the rain!
Come in.
I wont put the lights on:
she might wake up,
and thats not desirable.
Come, this way.
this is reminiscent of
my humble beginnings,
when I worked with a bloke called
Riton the Eel. Did you know him?
Riton the Eel?
- Yes. He was in the States in 1933.
I was seven.
- Oh, yes, of course.
Youll sleep in the room
at the end of the corridor.
The bed is always made for guests.
Oh? Did we wake you up?
We werent noisy, were we?
What are you doing with that torch?
Im burglarizing my own home.
Here, let me introduce
you to my friend Jim.
I told you about him:
Yankee Jim, who studied medicine.
My wife.
- Charmed, Im sure.
Pleased to meet you, sir.
Where were you?
In "La Chaumire".
He came to vandalize it!
And I wondered what became of him.
Talk about coincidences!
I dont fully get it, but I suppose
your friend comes here to sleep.
Not only to sleep!
Hell live here.
Of course he will.
- I wont bother you, madam.
Youre not bothering me.
Of course youre
not bothering her.
No, youre not bothering her.
Here! Now you just have
to sleep: this is your home.
Dont you have any luggage?
I didnt have the time
to pack a suitcase.
No, he doesnt have a suitcase.
And he doesnt have
pyjamas either.
Well, you can lend
him some, cant you?
What do you mean, lend?
Im going to give them to him.
And Im not going to
give him some pyjamas,
Im going to give him
all my pyjamas.
I cant put on several pyjamas.
I dont have a toothbrush either.
Did you hear that, Marie-Jeanne?
He doesnt have a toothbrush either.
You must admit hes unlucky.
Indeed. Now you should
go to bed.
Come on,
let your friend take a rest.
We cant let him sleep
stark naked, can we?
Say, you must show him your
book about Gothic cathedrals,
Im sure hell be pleased.
This guys knows a lot of things,
and he just loves Gothic stuff.
Youre getting crazy, Denis.
Of course Im not crazy.
Im a little bit in my cups,
but theres no harm done.
Dont you realize?
Such a gangster, here!
First hes no gangster:
hes a paratrooper.
Where is he from?
Well, better to come from there
than to go there.
I met him in Rushes Plain,
in 1950.
You werent even born yet.
Thats putting it a bit strong.
Thanks to me, he could get away
with his papers in order,
because they were
all on his trail:
the Vietnamese, the cops,
the Foreign Legion...
It keeps getting better.
We must hide him, because the others
are going to try and off him.
If I understand correctly,
somebodys always chasing him.
Cause hes a lion.
A crack, if you prefer.
I dont prefer anything.
Earlier, when he saw me...
well, he couldnt do it.
He straightened the situation,
so you should be happy.
Who wouldnt be?
Weve got to be careful:
nobody must see him.
What about the servants?
Tell them hes your American cousin
who works in export-import.
The things that I get to see,
living with you!
What about the pyjamas?
Wont you give him pyjamas?
See this car?
The bloke who gets out with a
briefcase, is a bank employee.
Every penultimate
day of the month,
there are several of them going back
and forth between here and
the "Banque de France".
As a measure of precaution,
they fetch the money
in small successive sums.
Alright, now this is the next
morning around 7:20 or 7:25.
The Americans prefer to come
and take away their soldiers pay
before the bank opens,
they think its safer.
You can see the captain
whos in charge of the operation.
This police van is a reinforcement
bonus, courtesy of the city council.
At this point, the money
is still in the strongroom
and will stay there until
the very last moment.
Now that everybodys here,
the captain knocks on the door.
The teller in chief opens,
in the company of the
night watchman,
whose job is over
and who goes away.
Now, were going to wait a little.
And its the same
at the end of every month?
Every month.
- Its a big project.
Yes indeed, but dont even dream
about attacking the convoy:
it would require all of
the bad guys in Katanga.
Im thinking of something else.
Are you aware of where we are?
- Over the bank.
Yes, and I own the whole floor.
Im also president of the amateur
movie-makers of the district.
At first, I didnt realize
how interesting that was,
but when I saw the convoy,
one morning, I started to think.
And little by little, I realized
the job was perfectly feasible.
But the first thing is:
we must know the
combination of the safe.
And do you?
- I can get it.
With one man in the place,
its possible.
And I can have a man hired
by the Legarec society
whos cleaning the whole bank
at the end of every month.
And I even know how to proceed
so the bloke wont know me.
Youre going to do this job?
Are you serious?
To tell you the truth, I was planning it
because it was a beauty,
but I wouldnt have
done it alone.
Since youre here, though,
Im itching to do it.
But arent you a rich man?
Yes, I am. What can I tell you?
Call it vice.
And also, let me
tell you one thing:
Im bloody bored! You cant imagine!
Im as bored as a dead rat!
On some nights,
I feel like Im 90 years old.
Would you do it?
- With you? Always.
Im warning you.
It will be no piece of cake.
We cant afford the tiniest slip.
Ah, you wanted to recoup your losses,
well, big guy, let me tell you youll be
able to count your assets again!
This is the dough coming out.
Do you see the satchels?
Three of them.
For a total of at least 500 millions
Does it inspire you?
Its a nice load.
The convoy is about to depart.
Now, theres only the teller
and the two cleaners from
Legarec inside the bank.
Alright. Now, youre going
to see the best part.
Its a dump truck, isnt it?
It is. And soon,
its going to be our friend.
What did you tell him?
To get a haircut and
never come here again.
What are you? Nuts?
Im the owner. From now on,
youll get laid by your boyfriends
elsewhere and on your own time.
You understand?
Oh, damn,
youve got a nerve!
If you think Im going to obey you
like a slave, you dont know me.
That was the third one this month,
and theyre getting
shabbier and shabbier.
So you want to direct
even my feelings?
Well see about that:
Im going to screw the first man
who happens to come in.
And if you dont like it...
- Please, be my guest...
Ladies and gentlemen.
If youre in need of affection, Gaston,
the lady's in a good mood.
What will you have, sir?
- A beer and a telephone token.
Give the gentleman a beer.
So? Is it done?
- The bloke is in the room.
How did it go?
- Very well.
Your system allowed me to
talk to him without being seen.
And what about the price?
Twenty millions.
But we can negotiate.
Its a fair price, you know.
Whats his name?
Maurice Labrousse,
an unemployed musician.
No police record?
- No...
hes sitting near the front door.
First table on the left.
Hes waiting for his instructions.
Im on it.
- Yes.
Do you mind if I stay
here for a while?
- The barmaid.
Do you think Ive got a chance?
Would you mind?
Absolutely not, Id rather have you
than anybody else in that part,
but Im warning you:
shes a wild one.
And dont forget that we
dont know each other.
Its stout. I forgot to ask:
maybe youd rather
have lager?
Of course, Id rather
have the fairest one.
But the darkest beer.
What about you?
What about me?
- May I buy you a beer?
Not a beer:
I dont want to get fat.
Georges? Bring me a brandy.
The boss is sure
to grumble about this.
Is he so mean?
- Mostly, hes a bore.
Mister Labrousse!
- Yes.
Youre wanted on the phone.
Yes... Yes...
On the
other side of the street.
No, I thought you were
just a tourist.
Export-import and tourism
are not mutually exclusive.
But I would need a guide.
A guide with eyes such
as yours, for instance.
Oh, you know,
I would be a lousy guide.
I wouldnt know how to explain the
architecture of the monuments.
I can do without architecture.
Maybe we could
go dancing tonight?
Do you know a place?
The Sputnik is alright.
In the Rue Martineau.
The Sputnik?
- A club...
I planned to go there tonight,
Ill be there around 11:00 pm.
to be a long wait.
My name is Betty.
- Im Jim.
Close the door.
First, I want to warn you:
dont try to learn who I am
before the day of the job,
or we wont hesitate
to kill you.
I know. I agree.
Alright, now walk to
the cupboard on your left.
Open the door.
Take the electrical floor polisher
in the left hand corner.
This is the appliance
youll use to inform us.
The lower part includes
a transmitter-receiver
and theres an aerial
in the handle.
Now unscrew the end of it.
See: theres the mike.
- I see.
Weve booked a room for you
at the Htel du Colombier,
So youll now take
the appliance with you
and Ill tell you over the phone
how to use it.
Youll practise and
Ill call you every night.
When youre good at it,
youll bring it back here.
See that nobody but you,
touches it.
Also, as far as possible, dont show
yourself in town, especially not in bars.
I dont drink.
- Right. You may go now.
Hes going to open it now.
Twenty-one for
the first combination.
Eighteen for
the second combination.
Is the safe open?
No, theres a third combination,
but the teller waits
till the soldiers arrive
before he enters the number.
Theyll be there in
fifteen minutes.
It seems somewhat short.
Yeah, let me tell you
well have to work fast.
That was the initialization
of the combination.
A gentleman at the bar asks
for a "mominette".
Do we have any?
Yes, its pastis in a small glass,
like they serve it in Marseille.
Four and three.
Wait: Ill serve him myself.
I'll be back in a minute.
- Yes, of course.
Hello? Yes?
Is this mister Farrand?
Say, a bloke just
parked his car here.
The license plate is from
the Bouches-du-Rhne, the 13.
He asked if you were in town,
I told him nothing,
you know me.
What do you mean, nothing?
Well, that I didnt know.
So he walked toward
the Domino.
I didnt like his face.
Well, thats it,
I just wanted to warn you,
I dont know if
I was right to do so.
You were absolutely right,
Gaston, I thank you.
Oh, is that true?
Well... No, I need at least
ten or fifteen minutes.
Alright, Im coming.
Whats up?
Are you leaving me already?
Im leaving but Ill be back.
Gee, I didnt expect this!
Its for my work.
Some urgent business.
Urgent, urgent. What about me?
Am I not urgent business?
I need half an hour.
Couldnt you free yourself
completely for once?
Im mad at you, you know.
I dont know if youll find me here
when you come back.
Be nice. Wait for me.
I promise Ill spend the
whole night with you.
Hurry up!
Deal with your client briskly!
OK, briskly!
Madeleine! Ive got
a small errand to run,
Ill be back in less
than half an hour.
Thank you, sir.
Hands up!
Get inside...
Here, on my right.
Up against the wall!
What are you doing here?
Is this against the law?
Who paid for your trip?
- The Club Mditerrane.
Do you know this bloke?
If its not my pal,
Ange Peresi!
I thought you
were in Spain, Ange.
Here, the air is
bad for your health.
You must mistake me
for my brother.
Or for your sister, scum!
Now explain what
youre doing here.
You and your brother
must have traded jackets.
Im afraid of bumping into
bad people.
You just did.
Is it in working order?
I guess so.
Dont you want my gun?
No need. With this, hell talk.
Alright, Im out of here.
Say, did you see this?
So? Did you come to kill me?
Explain yourself.
I dont explain myself
in front of wimps.
You shouldnt talk
to me like that, Ange.
Youre hurting my feelings.
Dont you like fireworks.
Youd better talk, Ange.
You know me:
I keep my promises.
Come on, hurry up!
Dont do it, Jim.
- Talk.
I didnt come to kill you.
We dont give a damn
about you.
We can get you
whenever we want.
So, why?
To see what the
old man is planning.
What do you mean?
Well, if he teams up with you,
we guess its not in a
knitting society.
Did Henri send you?
Yes! Henri sent me!
I dont give
a damn personally.
Diana! Brutus!
Ive got an appointment
with mister Henri.
I know. Please come in.
Please allow me.
Here it is.
- Thank you so much.
This way sir.
Im glad to see you, mister Farrand.
Please be seated.
Did you heat up my milk,
I guess you do not drink milk,
mister Farrand?
Youre in good health.
Youre in wonderful health,
mister Farrand.
Youd probably rather have
a small calvados.
Id rather we talked.
Talking doesnt exclude
good manners, does it?
Youve got a weird way
of exercising good manners.
I fail to see...
Oh, you fail to see who sent a bunch
of redskins to destroy my joint?
And what about Ange Peresi?
That particular angel wasnt
sent by Heaven, was he?
Lets be serious,
mister Farrand.
I imagine you came to propose
something positive.
Im selling "La Chaumire" to you.
Thats the positive thing.
That looks
absolutely reasonable.
Six months ago,
I said no to your boss,
but I changed my mind since then:
Id rather be left in peace.
Because, you know,
Im getting too old
for all this bad boys business.
So I'll sell the joint to you,
and then you can do
whatever you want with it.
Well, you see, honest people
always come to an agreement.
Of course they do.
Ill relay your proposition
to my friends.
Although Im warning you.
Ill agree to this,
on one condition:
you leave my friend Jim Beckley
bloody well alone.
See what I mean?
- This belongs to you, sir.
Thank you, madam.
Did you hear?
If he offers that,
he must be working on a caper.
I know the old man well.
Do you know how we called him,
in the old days?
The perfectionist!
What have you got to say?
You know I like movies.
Who gave you the key?
- Nobody did.
You shouldnt be
such a bully, Denis.
Youd better be nice.
Where are you heading to?
- An association.
What are you? Mad?
What is she doing here?
- Ask her.
I thought you two didnt
know each other.
I did warn you, didnt I?
Now, dont go whining
that you dont have a dime,
because if you want to recoup your
losses, youll have to bet on a horse!
You cant call it off, Denis.
I cant, anyway!
With a broad as a partner?
We might as well pack a suitcase
and head directly to jail.
You must admit Ive got brains:
I managed to understand it
all by myself.
Its not a question of brains,
its a question of tongue,
you dumb broad.
Four years, rue de Douai,
at Antoine Polettis.
Didnt I hold my tongue?
Without me, more than one bloke
would have taken the plunge.
We havent got a choice, Denis.
Lets give her 10%
and leave it at that.
Look. Im doing this only for you.
As for you,
youre twisting my arm
but I warn you:
one slip and I shoot you.
I give you my word.
And you may well look at him:
were of one mind, he and I.
You dont have to know
anything more.
Youll be safer this way.
Do you understand me?
Do we agree?
Yes, but what about the dough?
When do we get paid?
One half of the split bills now.
The other half,
when the job is done.
Fine by us.
But were broke:
couldnt we get
a small sum in advance?
Were going to give you a little
something for your expenses.
Alright then, its agreed.
- Good for me too.
And now get up.
Examine closely the map before you.
On a day and hour
that well specify later,
youll take the dump truck
and start at point A, in front of
number 40 of the rue Jean Mermoz.
Youll stop in front of the 26,
then youll cross the Place
Aristide Briand and drive to point B.
Still in the rue Jean Mermoz.
This is number 26.
We cant miss it.
This is a strange job,
dont you think?
Two millions, just for this?
I smell a rat.
So what?
Dont try to understand.
I, for one, would even off
a grandmother for two millions.
Look! Our arrival point
is there.
What if it were
a carved up broad?
So what? When youre broke
you cant afford
to be too sensitive, pal.
Alright, if anything goes wrong,
youve got my telephone number:
dont hesitate to call me.
But with that truck,
you wont ever get any problem.
- Have a good ride.
And I would throw all the bombs,
the rifles and the daggers
at the bottom of the oceans.
And war being forever banned,
bliss will ensue
for each and every man.
- Of course it will.
Take advantage of the situation:
go and please him nicely.
Hes broke! Are you mistaking
my bottom for the Salvation Army?
Its closing time, sir.
Just a quick beer,
Im awfully thirsty.
And Id like to buy cigarettes too.
Right but I warn you:
Im off to bed in five minutes.
Are you crazy? This is not
the day to get plastered.
Hey, are you nuts?
Not now:
well need our brains tonight.
Do you have the tank?
- In the garage.
And it wasnt easy.
I was treated to a regular chase.
The bastards are not letting go
and theyll get me in the end.
Yes? Oh, its you.
Worried about what, dear God?
Im keeping my books,
like I do every month.
Nothing strange about it.
No, I promise Ill go home directly,
as soon as Im finished with
"La Chaumire"
Sleep tight, love.
Good night.
Dont walk here:
Ive just polished the floor.
Cant you see
Im wearing espadrilles?
Its even worse.
- ... better to do the job properly.
For the wages they pay...
Hey, Im not sorry for you:
youll get double wages in December.
I havent got enough seniority.
Say, where did you work before?
Since I was in Paris,
there was no reduction zone...
This Maurice is a serious guy.
- Did you memorize the code?
Youre car number five.
Jim is number four
and the dump truck
is number six.
If you catch sight of the cops,
theyre car number twelve,
and you tell us
from which way they come.
Yours is a good trick,
but well learn as much with this.
Provided it works.
- Dont worry.
Ive given intravenous shots
every day for six years.
Hey, the teller is coming!
Good morning, Maurice.
- Good morning, mister Goulette.
Its cold outside, isnt it?
Yes, and they said on telly,
it would be colder still tomorrow.
It doesnt bode well for January.
Im going to deal with Gaston.
Here. With this,
you dont need to wear gloves.
Fingerprints are not an issue:
it dries instantly.
You and your witches tricks.
Dont tell me you believe in those.
Of course not: Im having fun.
Are you in a good mood, old pal?
In a good mood?
I feel twenty years younger tonight.
And to tell you truth:
I dont care about the dough,
Im just interested
in a successful job.
Well, Im interested in the dough.
I didnt ask for your opinion.
Give me Gastons bottle.
Theres enough in it
for him to sleep until noon.
Hes not interested in the dough.
Did you hear that?
I know him: its true.
Then I dont see why he argued
so much about my ten percent.
A matter of principle.
Here, gulp this down:
its a very good vintage.
Thank you, mister Farrand.
But, you know, I dont really like
to spend a lot of money on wine.
Dont worry about the money:
youll drink this on me tonight.
Well, if its on you,
its not the same thing.
And here, for your kids Christmas.
- Youre too kind, mister Farrand.
Those bastards parked
too close to me.
I cant even move.
Could you give me a hand?
Say, it doesnt look easy.
- Thanks a lot.
Good evening, sir.
Changes again?
I thought Darot
was coming tonight.
No, Darot is doing
the docks now.
Alright, follow me.
Take a seat.
Theres not much to do,
you know.
If the insurance company
didnt insist on a watchman
each time the army comes
for their money,
you wouldnt have to take such pains.
What a useless drag.
You never know.
Car number five, here.
No fare in sight?
Central, here. No clients.
Are you still available,
car number four?
Are you still available
car number four?
Say, let me explain.
Later, when the men
take out the trash
through the service door,
youll go with them
as far as the street.
I know the instructions:
with my gun in hand.
Yeah, well,
thats the regulations.
Hey, Daddy-O, will you
come and dance with us!
You assholes!
- Stop if you wanna fight!
Shut up, Michel, or well
end up in the police van again.
Come, were going to see Jocelyne.
- Your Jocelyne is a dog!
The youth of today!
In my days, we knew how
to have fun the intelligent way.
Well... I must go and
open my piggy bank!
So? Is it open?
- No, not yet.
But I get nervous when the soldiers
watch over my shoulder.
So I prepare the first two
combinations in advance...
Thanks... and I always
leave the third one on hold.
I only enter it
when the officer comes.
Its less of a bother that way.
And what is this?
- This is the alarm box.
It monitors all
the security system,
all the shock
and contact detectors,
the interior mikes...
and even the alarm ringing
in the police station.
I dont even have the key:
the senior executive does.
It would be such a terrible mess
if I got it wrong.
Sirens and all that jazz.
This is really clever,
isnt it.
Our strong room
cant be breached easily.
Hurry up. Weve got
eleven minutes left.
Hold his arm flat on the desk,
so he cant move it.
Go wash your windows.
Well call you when we need you.
Quiet. Relax.
You just had a fainting spell
but youre better now.
How do you feel?
Weak. I feel weak.
Gather your strength.
Now you must help us.
Youre going to count with me.
Go on...
One hundred.
- One hundred...
Very good. Go on.
Hes ready.
Can you hear me?
- Yes.
What is your name?
- Charles Goulette.
What do you do?
- Im a bank teller.
Perfect, mister Goulette.
Do you know the
strong room combination?
Yes... I have to...
Try to remember it.
Try hard.
Tell me the numbers.
First combination.
Second combination.
The second one, mister Goulette.
Eighteen. And nine
for the third combination.
Hes wrong. I heard eight.
- He cant lie.
Im sure of it.
Listen very closely,
mister Goulette.
The last number.
Would you repeat it?
Shit, Im not crazy, am I?
I counted eight when I heard it.
Theres no question about it.
If he says nine, nine it is.
If we get it wrong, theres
going to be quite a racket.
Come on, make it nine.
He was right: nine.
- You see: my pentothal.
Well, I was sweating
for a while, I can tell you.
Alright, now: no noise.
There are microphones inside,
directly linked to
the directors flat,
and they can pick-up
the slightest shock.
Car number four.
Car number four.
Ive just picked-up a client.
Is car number six in position?
Car number six in position.
No car number twelve in sight.
Car number four.
Weve got a client for the six.
Got it.
Im sending it to you.
Central here.
Car number six?
Car number six. Listening.
- Weve got a client for you.
Were coming.
Hurry up. Three minutes left.
The floor polisher.
Now, pal, your turn.
Dont strike me too hard.
- Dont worry, I know the way.
Something is amiss.
Yes, we should call the director.
Go back to the station,
hurry up.
Car number six. Car number
twelve behind car number six.
Let it pass.
Well, drive on the sidewalk!
Take this.
Did you see what happened
at the bank, madam?
I just learned about it.
Is my husband upstairs?
- No, hes having his breakfast.
Five hundred millions!
Thats a sum!
It cant be, can it?
- What cant be?
So thats what the two of you
have been planning.
Stupid woman that I am,
I bought the friendship thing.
The two old pals
coming together again.
And all this acting.
How ridiculous I was.
I had misgivings tonight.
I phoned the
"Chaumire", the "Domino",
but I couldnt imagine...
Youre only thinking
of yourself, it appears.
I thought it was over,
that you really moved on...
And here we are.
I cant take it anymore.
If anybody talks to me about this,
I wont be able to pretend.
So Id better go.
Its the best thing for both of us.
I think youre right, love.
Go and have some rest
in the South, go.
No, Denis.
Im leaving for good.
If you cared even a little about me,
you would never have done this.
And they put him to sleep
with pentagram.
- Its the same thing, isnt it?
Say, mister Farrand, what a fuss!
- It certainly is. Any news?
A bogus watchman did the job.
The real one was found:
he was knocked out then
put to sleep with an injection.
Is mister Goulette alright?
I think so, since the policemen
took his statement.
And the two cleaners
are saying the same thing.
Youre telling me.
Good morning, sir.
A terrible blow, isnt it?
- Dont tell me about it.
And you, on the other side of the street,
you didnt notice anything?
No, and I was in the "Domino for a good
part of the night, keeping my books.
Oh, yes, I heard some young people
noisily passing by, but thats all.
Well, it was hard
to hear anything anyway.
Everything happened inside.
Its a master caper.
May I go to the safe?
- Yes, of course, mister Farrand.
If you dont mind,
Id like you to come to the
police station this afternoon,
so I can take your statement.
Ill be glad to, commissioner.
Whenever you want.
Are you still leaving tomorrow?
Its safer.
If the cops interrogate me,
they wont be long in finding out
who I am and where Im from.
Can you imagine?
Six months without you.
Things will be quieter then.
Ill be able to take my share
and have it moved to Switzerland.
Well meet there.
And in the meantime,
youll send me postcards.
Be sensible about it.
If I stay here, what the others
will send me, wont be postcards.
How can I be sensible when
I know youre leaving me?
Oh, Jim, you cant know how much
Im fed up with this bar,
this town, this cockroach life.
Take me with you.
Without money,
its not possible.
Denis doesnt want us to touch it
before six months, and hes right.
Tell me that you care
about me, Jim,
and that youll miss me a little.
Im going to miss you a lot.
Our trash picking schedules
are always the same.
Of course, a mistake on the part of
our employees is out of the question.
Thank you very much.
What mister Coulomb, the director
of the road network service,
just said will be confirmed
by two men.
Misters Habib Bouarid
and Ali Kamza,
who work for
the cleaning service.
The police were highly interested
in what they had to say.
It was all done.
It was all done. You mean
that when you arrived
to work on the
rue Jean Mermoz,
the trashcans had already
been emptied?
Yes. Everywhere,
there were trashcans
but no trash. All emptied.
We hope those testimonies
will help commissioner Leduc,
in charge of the investigation,
and we will now follow up
with a nicer topic:
everybody knows that
Paris is a Lesser Britain city...
Did you see?
- It was to be expected.
But theyll understand
Even if they do,
where will it lead them?
To the garage.
- I would be surprised.
They were there.
- When?
At six oclock.
Gaston just told me so.
He was interrogated.
Commissioner Leduc and his
whole team were there.
What was he asked?
He didnt tell me that.
But the point is
they searched everywhere.
We must warn Denis at once.
I tried to call him,
but hes not home.
What about "La Chaumire"?
He had already left.
Ill try again in fifteen minutes.
Hello? Yes. Who?
Im coming...
Another reporter.
They are the sticky type!
And they make passes at me too!
The accident occurred yesterday,
in the late afternoon.
A parked railcars brakes
failed suddenly.
The railroad was sloping,
so the railcar built on speed and,
at the end of a mad race,
crashed into...
Ah! You scared me, sir!
Good evening, Angle.
Is Madam in bed?
No. Madam left
after the phone call.
What phone call?
They called her
around eight thirty.
Who did?
- I dont know.
She was told that you fainted.
I thought that she rushed
to your side.
Are you feeling better, sir?
- Yes, it was nothing.
Also, some gentleman
asked for you twice.
He didnt want to say his name.
Hes supposed to call again.
Thank you, Angle.
You may go to bed.
Good night, sir.
- Good night.
Ill get it.
I cant hear you properly.
Who is this?
And where is she?
Youre a motherfucker, Luigi.
Im fishing where there is fish.
I want everything.
Do you understand what I mean?
All of your nightly work.
Well, bring the dough anyway.
As soon as I get it,
youll be allowed to take back...
the package.
- Where?
And what guarantees
do you offer?
My word as a man, Denis.
It has to be sufficient.
- You were right, asthmatic!
He cares about his old lady.
Is Jim upstairs?
- Yes. I think so.
Stay here.
There are still clients left.
Whats up?
- They kidnapped Marie-Jeanne.
Yeah. And he wants all the dough,
or theyll kill her.
And I know them:
they wont hesitate to do it.
So we must send them
the dough,
and I came to ask
for your agreement.
Are you crazy, Denis?
We cant give them the whole sum.
We can save her
some other way.
The trouble is were not playing
with our lives, this time,
but with hers.
And I dont have a right.
Look, you saw me working,
you know what I can do.
Im sure we can manage it.
No, I dont want
to take that chance.
My wifes life is in the balance
and thats more important
than anything for me.
But you wont have
to regret it,
believe me: Ill need a little
time to find all the money,
but youll have enough to go away
and wait for the rest.
When do you want to
give them the dough?
Tonight. 3 A.M.
Its necessary
to get it out of the pit.
Maybe you could do it?
I already did.
I knew that, but Im happy
to hear you say it.
What? You dont think I would
double-cross you, do you?
I dont think anything
but we've got no time to lose.
The cops went to the garage,
they looked everywhere
and interrogated Gaston.
Why didnt you call me?
Betty tried to reach you
at the "Chaumire",
you just left there.
- So?
So I put the bags
in the trunk of the Fiat,
which I parked downstairs,
rue Jean Mermoz,
until we make our decision.
Here are the keys!
Now you just have to
make your delivery.
Although it makes me sick.
I thank you, Jim.
- The wheels.
What about the wheels?
I parked them at
the crossroads, there!
Are you sure?
- Im not crazy.
Wheres Betty?
She went out
less than five minutes ago.
Say, Gaston,
did commissioner Leduc
come to the garage,
this afternoon?
Commissioner Leduc?
No, I didnt see him.
Did she have a second key?
In my opinion, shes got a second key
for each and every lock.
Let me tell you were not going to see
the dough again any time soon.
Go and see them.
Tell them you couldnt take
the satchels with you.
Ill manage to follow you.
They would be wary.
I swear, Denis.
I'll take the other car, and I'll tail you.
Youre going to take
the other car,
but in order to do
something else.
Dont move.
Where are the satchels?
There are no satchels.
Take me to mister Henri.
Ive received
no orders about this.
Ive got to see him.
Its urgent.
Marcel! Follow us.
OK, give me the wheel.
He doesnt have the dough.
But he wanted to see you.
What is the matter,
mister Farrand?
I come to ask you for some extra time.
I couldnt get the money out.
You surprise me.
Cop trouble. They watch
the zone where I hid it.
Youll have a hard time
convincing Mr. Savani of that.
Dont move.
What game are you playing,
mister Farrand?
Youve been here for
ten minutes, saying nothing.
Well, Im going to tell
you something now,
but tell your goons to get out.
I want to talk to you alone,
and what I have to say
is very important.
Alright, but if you try the
slightest trick, your dear wife...
Youve got nothing to fear.
Somebody stole
the 500 million from me.
Lets be serious, mister Farrand.
Im very serious.
But youre going to have
my wife released immediately,
and Ill have your old mommy
released in turn.
What are you saying?
I say you must phone
her place right now,
and my Yankee pal will give you
news of her health.
Sit down.
Jim Beckley here.
Yes, your mother is here.
Do you want to talk to her?
Dont give in, Henri.
Ive lived my life, they can kill me,
but dont give in.
As you can see,
shes perfectly alright.
Its now 3:30. Youve got
until 4:00 to save her.
Come on, hurry up,
have my wife released.
Yes, but its a delicate matter,
you understand.
And a dangerous one.
Savani will be here
at any moment.
Even more so. Hurry
because let me tell you the Yankee
will not spare your mother.
Alright, come with me.
Open, Antoine.
Everything is in order.
Come, Marie-Jeanne.
Its settled.
Immediately on your right, youll find
a staircase to the front yard.
When you get out of the estate,
take the first road on your left.
Three kilometres further,
youll find an open gas station
where you can make a phone call.
What about the money?
Its upstairs.
Everything is in order.
Wait a second.
Dont go so quickly.
Let them go.
Hands up!
Go, quick!
And dont forget
to make the call.
This is going to cost you a lot.
Dont move.
My only consolation is that
youll lose your head.
Jim? Everything is in order,
you can let the granny sleep.
Now listen closely:
Ill meet you at the
railway station buffet at 9:00.
A train leaves for Paris at 10:00.
Ill bring you some dough.
You raised your son badly.
He disobeyed you.
Madam, police!
Your papers, please.
Yes. Whats the matter?
The matter is that you overtook
another car at the summit of a hill,
you crossed over a yellow line
and did not respect the speed limit.
Weve been following
you for a while.
Im in a hurry.
My mother is quite ill.
That is no reason to play
with the life of other people.
You do not own this car?
No. My boss does.
Mister Denis Farrand.
- Yes.
What are you going to do now?
Im going to fetch
some money for Jim.
Hes waiting for me
at the station.
Hes got to get away,
you understand.
Of course.
Shall I go with you?
Will it be expensive?
Youll probably be
disqualified from driving.
Youre definitely unlucky.
Is the spare tire in the trunk?
Oh, no, thank you,
Im used to this.
Come on, were not that bad,
were going to give you a hand.
Im not asking for anything.
- If you take it like that...
I dont need anybody.
- I thought you were in a hurry.
Its my business.
Go... Go!
So, whats in that trunk?
I forbid you to search my trunk!
You dont have the right!
And, pray, what is this?
I just need five minutes.
Good morning, mister Farrand.
- Good morning.
Thank you.
Well, mister Farrand,
Ive got a feeling
that you didnt tell me
everything you know
about this case.
Timed by: McDuck
June 2009