Solis (2018)

WOMAN: Come in, 2024.
This is Hathor 18
confirming we are inbound.
ETA five minutes.
Copy that, Hathor 18.
Landing dock prepped,
ready and waiting.
Where in the system are you?
WOMAN: We've just pulled
from Mercury's
planetary gravity
assist maneuver.
We stopped by for a boost.
We've engaged velocity
redirection for DEC.
Commencing deceleration.
LIEUTENANT: Copy that.
Watch for small
rock clusters out there.
We've had a few outbursts.
WOMAN: Thanks for the heads-up,
Hathor 18 primed for landing.
Copy that, Hathor 18.
Okay, guys,
Hathor 18 is inbound.
ETA four minutes.
HOLLOWAY: Copy that.
Let's finish getting
this sector stripped.
Control's gonna want this load.
LIEUTENANT: Of course they are.
How are your pressure readings,
All green, all stable.
All good your end, Milton?
MILTON: All good here.
Milton, I almost forgot.
There are some sun suit
prototypes down in the hold.
Can you test them out?
They need onsite activity.
If you can just play around
with them for a bit and log it.
That's all I need.
MILTON: Copy that, Lieutenant.
On my way.
You got it, Holloway?
HOLLOWAY: Yeah, I got it.
We gotta get going.
LIEUTENANT: I'm reading some
serious seismic fluctuations.
I'm reading that too.
LIEUTENANT: Subterranean surge
of some kind.
HOLLOWAY: Another outburst?
Yeah, it's a big one.
Holloway, cease operations
Milton, get yourself
out of the cargo hold.
Milton, get out of there!
This is Holloway of 2024 DEC
reporting from EEV Khapera 2.
Do you copy?
I repeat, this is Troy Holloway
reporting from EEV Khapera 2.
Does anyone copy?
Hathor 18, please respond.
Come on.
Come on, come on.
This is Troy Holloway
in the blind.
Can anyone copy?
I'm alone.
Milton and Lieutenant Harris
are both...
I'm flying with limited power
and no control.
Diagnostics are down.
IPS is inoperable.
Does anyone copy?
I'm flying completely blind.
Shit. The, uh...
The EEV's beacon is down.
I repeat,
the EEV's beacon is down.
So, uh...
Ah. Okay.
The PLB on my stat-band
is functional.
Repeat, the PLB on my stat-band
is detectable, I think.
WOMAN: Come in.
Hello! Hello is anyone there?
- Is someone there? Hello?
Hathor 18, are you there?
WOMAN: I can't hear you.
I can hear you.
Who is this?
This is Hathor 18.
Hathor 18, good, okay.
Hathor 18,
this is Troy Holloway
reporting from EEV Khapera 2.
Who is this?
This is Hathor 18.
I repeat,
who am I speaking to?
This is Commander Roberts.
Commander Roberts.
I am the pilot of Hathor 18.
You're a new pilot?
I don't remember you?
Okay, copy that.
Is Commander Serizawa
I'm temporarily standing in
for the commander.
You'll be speaking with me
for the time being.
Listen, there was an outflow
of steam back on the site.
The harvester's drill anchors
must've exposed
a pocket on the asteroid.
The blast, the explosion,
it blasted open the hull.
We initiated the emergency
evacuation procedure, but, uh...
I'm aboard the EEV Khapera 2.
I'm drifting with limited power
and no control.
The propulsion
and ACS are inoperable.
Diagnostics are down.
Only the comms,
coolant chamber
and life support systems
appear operable.
What is your status?
Well, I've never been better,
Uh, that was a joke.
I'm okay.
I'm drifting.
I have very little power...
and no control.
And the rest of the crew?
Holloway, can you expand on
Milton's status?
Uh, Milton was in the cargo bay,
signing off on prototypes or
something when the explosion,
the outflow, the blast,
the force,
it threw him,
and Milton was thrown,
and we, uh...
we initiated the emergency
evacuation procedure.
- We made it to the EEV.
- Is Milton deceased?
Is Milton deceased?
Yes, Milton is deceased.
And Lieutenant Harris?
Lieutenant Harris
didn't make it either.
Jesus Christ.
Copy that.
What are your visuals?
Visuals, uh...
Please report visuals to me.
Goddamn it.
Shit. Come on!
- Shit!
- Holloway?
Can you hear me?
Yes, I hear you.
Can you hear me?
Report your position.
Give me your coordinates.
Coordinates? I...
don't have any.
Just, uh...
Just listen to me, Commander.
The EEV's beacon is down,
but the stat-band, my stat-band,
my PLB is linked
and should be detectable.
Copy that.
Uh, we're not
detecting anything.
You gotta be kidding.
Coordinates. Give them to me.
I just don't have
any coordinates.
I need coordinates, Holloway.
Okay, but I don't have
any coordinates, Commander.
Give me something.
Describe what you see.
How about space?
That's what I see, Commander.
Is Hath...
visible from your...
Please repeat.
Is Hathor 18 visible
from your current position?
We will be a small white speck
in the distance.
There are a lot
of small white specks
in the distance, Commander.
Nothing is visible
from my current location.
Not you, not Hathor 18
or any other craft.
This heap of shit
is ancient, Commander.
That heap of shit
is keeping you alive.
Yeah, we'll see about that.
Holloway, are you injured?
No, I'm uninjured.
Copy that.
Okay, we've detected your PLB.
It's gonna take a moment
to triangulate.
And is your stat-band
linked to the EEV?
Stat-band should be
linked, yes.
Okay, copy that.
- This will take a moment.
- Okay.
Polarized filter online.
Are you there?
- Holloway.
- Yeah.
I need your medical
I need to speak
with the commander.
I am the commander.
Standing in for him
doesn't make you the commander.
Commander Serizawa is
unavailable. I'm now in charge.
Please give me
your medical diagnostics.
I need to speak with him.
You're not going to speak
with the commander.
- You're going to speak with me.
- Put him on.
- The commander is occupied.
- Put him on.
- It is not possible.
- Fuck you!
We will not be handling
this situation in that manner.
Do you understand?
Do you understand?!
My stat-band
is partially inoperable,
so I am unable to give you my
medical diagnostics, Commander.
Then a self-examination
will suffice.
My orders are
to keep you alive.
Your orders?
Yeah, who gave you orders
to keep me alive, huh?
Why am I suddenly so important?
I need an evaluation
of your condition,
so I can report to Medical.
That's an order.
Back of my head
had minor trauma.
Light or heavy?
Somewhere in the middle.
Are you concussed?
I guess.
Yes or no.
- Yes.
- Copy that.
That wasn't so hard,
was it?
Medical is concerned
about your head trauma.
Tell Medical their concern is
appreciated, but not necessary.
I'm going to ask you
some questions
to determine
the extent of concussion.
- I'm fine.
- Is your vision clear?
- I said I'm fine, Commander.
- Is your vision clear?
- It's a little blurry.
- Do you feel nauseous?
- No more than usual.
- Yes or no answers, please.
What is your full name?
- Is this really necessary?
- Answer the question.
Troy William Holloway.
Company name and description.
Company name
and description.
Orbis. An asteroid
mining corporation
that targets Aten, Amor
and Apollo asteroids
that are rich in minerals...
and compounds
positioned primarily
in the Near-Earth region.
What is your position
in the company?
Full position, please.
and engineering technician.
And your current mission
and responsibilities?
Maintenance control
and general purpose engineer
on Aten 2024 DEC
for onsite processing
for minerals such as indium,
osmium, gallium, cobalt,
rhenium, rhodium, ruthenium,
platinum, palladium,
and H2O.
- Thank you.
- Oh, you're so welcome.
I can recite the entire
periodic table,
if it makes this
better for you.
This is not a time
for sarcasm.
Yeah, well, I'm just trying
to have a little fun up here.
I hope you're
enjoying yourself.
Wow. I thought we didn't have
time for sarcasm, Commander.
Are you finished?
Is it possible for me
to make contact with Control?
Are you there?
Please repeat.
I need to make contact
with base.
Is it possible for me
to contact Control?
What do you mean, negative?
It means we have temporarily
lost communications
with Control.
We were bombarded with shrapnel
on your departure.
The relay transmitter
has taken a hit,
but our technical assistant
and the commander himself
are currently working
on the fault.
Why is the commander
fixing the relay transmitter?
We're only a four-man crew.
Our science officer is injured,
and I am most-qualified
to navigate.
You should've told me sooner
what the commander was doing.
It didn't concern you.
Well, it would've
made things easier.
I chose not to.
And you're in no position
to question my actions.
How long until contact
with Control is secured?
Should only be temporary.
How long?!
Within the hour.
We have successfully
triangulated your beacon.
Your rapid departure from DEC
has propelled you
straight for the sun.
Yeah, I kinda assumed that.
Analyzing lifeboat diagnostics.
Okay, oxygen generators
are functional.
O2 levels are green,
nice and high.
propulsion systems, ACS,
and rotation controls
are inoperable,
and so is the trace
contaminant control unit
and water recovery systems.
Cabin temp control
is also inactive,
and you seem to have
a malfunction
in the coolant chamber.
The temp is dangerously low,
currently sitting at
14 degrees Fahrenheit
and dropping fast.
You'll be dead from hypothermia
in no time at all.
But the coolant can be
switched off manually,
which is going to be
your best bet.
You're approximately traveling
at bullet speed towards the sun
with a labored RPM rate.
You should be seeing the sun
through the portal
every six minutes or so.
Polarized filter is online,
but only for as long
as you have power,
and your power
is dropping fast.
However, direct sun exposure
at this range
will result in a burn-up rate
somewhere around
70 minutes at least.
And it gets better.
There appears to be a leak
in the radiation chamber.
You're progressively
going to be exposed
to more and more radiation.
Just keep an eye
on that radiation badge.
How dark is it now?
It's cloudy.
Copy that. We should be able
to intercept you
before significant radiation
exposure and burn-up.
- Excuse me, intercept me?
- It's going to be a close call,
but we estimate our arrival
in 75 minutes, approximately.
- We're coming for you.
- You can't.
I appreciate your concern,
but we're inbound and fast.
This lifeboat has no airlock.
The propulsion and thruster
systems are down, all right?
I have no power. How do you
even expect to grab me?
- It's final.
- So, hold on,
I'm just supposed
to blast myself outta here,
and you're gonna grab me,
like in the movies?
With the inside of the EEV
when you open the hatch,
the force of the gas
will fire you out
and if timed accurately,
right into our hands.
We'll have personnel ready
to catch you.
Oh, well, okay, if you're
gonna catch me, then okay.
I feel reassured now,
It's not gonna work.
I'm going too fast.
We'll counteract it.
Our trajectory will be
parallel to yours.
It's not gonna work like that,
and you know it.
We'll improvise.
Excuse me, improvise?
It's what we do.
I don't think Control
would be too happy with you
for little ol' me, okay?
Milton, Lieutenant Harris,
I can understand, not me, okay?
I'm sure that all Control
cares about right now
is their insurance policy,
not you potentially adding
to this shitstorm!
These are my orders.
Do you want us
to give up on you?
Is that what you want?
Because I can tell you
right now
that is not going to happen.
If there's a chance
I can save your life,
I'm going to take it.
It all happened so fast.
I didn't know what to do.
You're going to have to let go.
It's so easy for someone
like you to say let go.
Let go.
I'm going to get you home.
Have you made contact
with Control?
I told you, within the hour.
It's still being fixed.
I'll inform you
when contact is secured.
Will it be possible
to make a call home
through a feed
linked to the Khapera?
Calls home shouldn't be
your concern right now.
Is it possible or not?
It should be.
Was Control aware of the risks
they were taking
when they ordered us to have
the harvesters operate
at full capacity?
Of course they were,
and you called it in
as a stable rate.
- But not a desirable one.
- The solar flare was imminent.
Control had no choice
but to speed up...
Control already had 10 million
tons of mineral ore in transit.
They had to have
that much more?
I mean, all this
for one more fucking load.
What's that?
It's your stat-band
informing you
that early stages of
hypothermia are setting in.
You'll soon start experiencing
reduced manual dexterity.
You need to switch
the coolant off
before you're unable to do so.
Okay, if I switch
the coolant off,
it's gonna make things warmer
in here, right?
Then I'll just fix it
to stabilize temp control.
No. The damage to the coolant
is irreversible.
Of course it is.
All right, I'll just rather
withstand the cold
than be oven baked.
The EEV has evac suits though.
If I leave
the coolant chamber on,
I'll just fully suit up.
Well, according to my readings,
there's only one
evac suit docked.
It has 15 minutes of O2
in its tank,
with another 15 on backup.
Hold on. Why is there only
15 minutes in the evac suit?
Evac suits supplied in
emergency escape vehicles
aren't mission operative suits.
They have lower
oxygen supplies.
If you turn the coolant off
in the next 10 minutes,
you should be able to withstand
the rising temp
for the next 30,
then add another 30
with the evac suit's tank,
that pushes your survival
to 70 minutes.
We can be with you in 60.
Did you hear?
Yeah, I heard all that.
- Thoughts?
- Does it matter?
Great. Shit, my day
gets better and better.
- What is it?
- The cabin window.
- What about it?
- There's a crack.
It's thermal shock.
It can't withstand
the extremes in temperature
on both sides of the glass.
Turn the coolant off
and endure the heat
for as long as you can,
then put on the evac suit.
Do you have
a more accurate timeframe
until contact with Control
is secured?
It sits between
50 and 60 minutes.
Just secure contact
for me, okay?
That's all I'm asking.
I need to speak
with someone back home.
Well, if you don't switch
the coolant off right now,
you won't be speaking
with anyone.
It won't be a walk in the park,
reaching that coolant valve,
so you need to act now,
do you hear me?
- I'm working on it.
- Outstanding.
It's going to be colder
than Antarctica back there,
so you might want
to make it snappy.
Copy that.
And remember, the rear units
are outside the protection
of the radiation chamber
that encompasses
the EEV cabin, so...
Make it snappy.
Commander, repeat.
Hathor 18, repeat!
Commander Roberts!
Hold onto something!
Can you hear me?
Are you there?
I'm here.
Can you hear me?
Did you switch
the coolant off?
Yeah. Yeah, it's off.
There was a huge depletion
in pressure.
What happened?
Debris pierced through.
Sounds like you're lucky
to be alive.
Something like that.
Well, it's going to get worse
before it gets better.
I'm counting on it.
Everything all right?
Not really.
Please expand.
What's your status?
When the debris
pierced through,
a piece of shrapnel...
found a home in my rib cage.
- Left side.
- Okay, as your body warms,
you're going to lose more blood
and feel more pain.
We need to sort
this wound ASAP.
I can't feel an awful lot.
Precisely. Do it now and use
the cold to your advantage
before you start
to feel everything.
You need the med kit.
It should be in the case
next to the CO2
absorber cartridge.
Yeah. One step ahead.
I'm sure medical's gonna have
a field day with this one.
I need you
to breathe in for me.
A big, deep inhale.
Did that hurt?
Like hell.
Put Serizawa on.
That's a negative.
There's nothing stopping you
from putting me through
to his comms unit.
The commander and I
are good friends.
I just need to talk to him.
I'm sorry.
Just put him on.
Just put him on!
It's out. It's out.
Okay, we need to
stop the bleeding.
Yeah, well, please feel free in
stating the obvious, Commander.
Just doing my job.
You need something that would
cauterize the wound.
Look around,
see what you can find.
You might need
to improvise something.
Milton's got these...
They're the prototypes
Control sent to DEC.
Electromagnetic hand grips
for maintenance purposes.
So not gonna stop
the bleeding.
Look, it's getting warmer
every second.
Come on, talk to me.
We need to stop the bleeding,
Yeah, I know.
Talk me through
what you're doing.
Commander Roberts.
We must keep in contact
at all times.
This isn't a game.
I know it's not a game.
Did you cauterize the wound?
- Yes.
- How?
Found a way.
Okay. Just be aware
your body won't have time
to acclimatize
to the rapid temp increase.
The pain and discomfort
will get worse.
Give me Serizawa.
- Holloway, there's something...
- I'd like to speak with him.
Would you just listen to me?
There's nothing stopping you
putting me through.
I just need to tell you
Just put him on the line
for me, all right?
Shut up and listen to me!
Commander Serizawa is dead!
The damage we received
from the shrapnel cluster was,
it was substantial,
and the life support conduits
needed fixing.
We had minutes
until we had no air to breathe.
More debris was inbound,
and Serizawa's suit
was damaged.
His coolant regulators split.
He drowned in his suit.
He died saving us.
Why didn't you tell me this
from the get-go?
I knew you were close
to the Commander.
I needed you stable.
You should've told me.
- It wasn't the right time.
- You should've told me.
What difference
would it have made?
Because I needed him
to do something for me.
Holloway, debris inbound!
Holloway, are you okay?
- Holloway!
- I'm spinning.
Okay. I'm analyzing
the Khapera's rotation.
The Khapera's rotation,
it's around 69, 70 RPM.
Make it stop.
I can't.
It's not going to stop.
Just breathe, Holloway,
and try to...
You've gotta turn back.
Holloway, repeat, I...
You and the rest of your crew,
you gotta turn back
or more people are gonna die.
I'm not giving up.
We're not turning back.
Holloway, can you hear...
Can you hear me?
What's happening?
Holloway, respond.
Answer me.
What's happening?
If I'm alive,
you're still coming for me.
What do you mean?
Holloway, what are you doing?
What's right.
Don't you even think about it.
Don't you dare
open that hatch.
We can secure contact.
You can still
make that call home.
Let me save you!
Please answer me.
Please say something.
I'm here.
Thank God.
What's your status?
Pretty bad headache.
Can you talk me through
the current approximated stats?
The Khapera will burn up
in approximately 40 minutes.
You should, however, be able
to endure the rising temp
for at least another 10.
You have 15 minutes O2
in the suit's tank,
then another 15 on backup,
and we estimate that we can
be with you in about 35.
And at this rate, you'll have
enough gas inside the EEV
to blast you out.
It's going to be like a furnace
in there
within the next few minutes
or so.
You need to endure the rising
temp for as long as you can.
And a revised estimation
on when...
contact will be secured
with Control.
Around the same time as
our arrival, approximately.
Can you make that sooner?
With Serizawa gone, it's down
to our technical assistant
to fix the transmitter now.
He's on his own out there,
but he's doing what he can.
I need you to call home.
I need to speak with her.
Would you like me
to record that message?
Just in case.
I'll tell her myself.
Must be pretty scary
out there.
It's not so bad...
once you get used to it.
You know, I never wanted
to work for the mining corp
or be a pilot.
My father worked
for the company,
and once the ships
were in the air,
he was contracted to pilot
Hathor 1.
But he had a fall
before his first assignment.
The result was a concussion
that terminated his contract.
It wasn't until then
that my father encouraged me
to look into the position.
It was a long shot,
but I thought I'd give it a go.
I got the right education,
passed the right exams
and tests,
and 17 years later,
here I am,
the pilot of Hathor 18.
And commander.
By default.
Tell me something
about yourself.
Something about myself?
I'm thinking
of early retirement.
I take it
that's a new development.
After today? Yeah.
I need to tell her I'm sorry.
That's all
you want her to know?
That's all she needs to know.
That's all I have to say.
You know,
you remind me of someone.
Someone I once knew.
Someone who lived in the past.
Too busy being sorry.
What happened?
Why are you so sorry?
We had a son.
Holloway, what's going on
over there?
You're losing pressure.
Commander Roberts?
Roberts, you there?
Commander Roberts.
- I can hear you.
- Are you all right?
It was another
shrapnel cluster.
All right.
Evac suit's on.
Give me your stats.
COMPUTER: Life support battery,
95 percent.
O2, 18 percent.
You hearing that?
Yeah, I got it.
there's been a breach.
The inside of the Khapera is
now completely depressurized.
The O2, CO2, nitrogen, it...
it's all gone.
Systems have automatically
locked down access
to the remaining O2 supply
and the backup tank.
Your damaged controls
will not allow you
to override it manually.
The only option would be
a spacewalk to fix the damage
and allow access
to the remaining O2.
That would grant you
the pressure needed
to blast you out.
But you have no tether.
A spacewalk is impossible.
And the radiation
and heat exposure,
even with a suit on,
you'd be dead within minutes.
There's nothing we can do.
I know all that.
I'm sorry.
You and your crew
need to turn back.
You can turn back
and still link the call...
I can't. home.
I can't turn back.
You can for the safety
of your crew.
I can't.
You can, Commander.
Look, before we lost contact
with Control,
they ordered us
to come and get you.
A strict order was given.
At least one member of the crew
on 2024 must survive.
It's not my call.
A catastrophe like this,
with all crew members deceased
as the result of an accident,
will cripple
the entire program,
potentially resulting
in a permanent shutdown
of the company,
taking all related programs
and organizations with it.
Best case scenario,
with you alive,
is a several-year hiatus,
where a full,
intense investigation
and accident review
is carried out.
With you deceased
is a guaranteed
immediate termination.
Your life determines
the fate of Orbis.
You're the priority right now.
So I guess you're not coming
out of the good nature
of your heart after all.
- It's not like that.
- Then what is it like?
I would be coming for you,
regardless of my orders.
Oh, look, I'm flattered,
Really, I am.
I'm dead anyway.
The radiation's got me.
I'm not turning back.
My son was making something.
He'd just go around,
grabbing stuff
and then make something.
Good things.
I mean, he was good.
He was six.
I had the chance
to do something right.
To make the right decisions.
But I didn't.
I chose to just run away.
To go to a dark place
no one goes,
somewhere... far away.
Just left.
I just need to tell her
I'm sorry.
Are you sure that
that's all she needs to hear,
that you're sorry?
I lost my daughter
seven years ago.
She was twelve.
My husband couldn't cope.
He left me.
He left me
when I needed him most.
Do you know
he left me a note?
It didn't say
how much he loved me
or how happy our lives
had been together.
Nothing like that.
It just said...
"Eva, I'm sorry."
If I could speak to him today,
I'd pray to God
that he wouldn't tell me
how sorry he was.
I dream he would just
hold me in his arms
and tell me
how much he loved me.
I wouldn't want his apologies.
I'd just want him.
I need to sign out for a sec.
Copy that.
Roberts, you there?
I'm here.
If I seal the outside
of the Khapera,
will that definitely allow me
access to the remaining O2?
In theory, yes.
And that'll be enough
to re-pressurize this cabin
and blast me outta here?
Well, only if you had a way
of getting out there.
COMPUTER: Electromagnetic
grip enhancements
linked to life support
I think I do.
Power, 100 percent.
I'm gonna try
these new prototypes.
Milton didn't even get a chance
to test them.
They might not work.
It's 50-50.
Well, those are the best odds
I've had all day.
You will be exposed to
100% solar intensity out there,
and it'll take too long to fix.
It's over 700 degrees
in direct light.
Okay, then I'll fix it
in the shade.
Look, you still have
the ability
to analyze the rotation
of the EEV
to keep me on the shaded side
of the Khapera.
Radiation levels
are off the chart.
Radiation badge
is already black.
You won't have enough time.
This is the only chance
I've got.
It's only going to take
another 15 minutes
before we're able
to contact home.
Can you guarantee
that timeframe?
Okay, so I'm going to need you
to guide me through this.
Roberts, have I got
your support or not?
Of course you do.
The damaged area
will be situated
by the oxygen generators,
directly above
the CO2 scrubbers.
Right on top.
Tell me when you're ready.
Ready as I'll ever be.
COMPUTER: O2 count activated.
Allow further rotation.
Stand by.
You are clear to go.
COMPUTER: O2, 11 percent.
Climbing starboard.
Bow to my left.
Copy that.
Nice and steady.
What's the temp in the shade?
Minus 150.
What's wrong?
I, uh...
I don't feel so good.
Please expand.
I got blurry vision.
Burning all over.
It's the radiation.
COMPUTER: O2, ten percent.
ROBERTS: You need to slow
your aspiration.
You're gulping the O2 supply.
That's better.
Horizon line is starboard,
moving your way.
Approximately five minutes
until full exposure.
If you're exposed,
your suit won't withstand it,
not at this range.
You'll be cooked alive.
- Did you hear me?
- I got it.
I can't locate the damage.
It's above the scrubbers.
Yeah, I'm on the scrubbers.
Well, it's right there.
- I can't see it.
- What's your position?
Right on top.
COMPUTER: O2, nine percent.
You are situated towards
the front of the capsule?
Negative, no.
The scrubbers are central.
Not on the Khapera modules.
The CO2 assemblies are situated
towards the nose.
Shit. I remember.
It's an old design.
The biology's changed
quite a bit.
I forgot I was aboard
an antique.
Damn thing's probably older
than the asteroids.
COMPUTER: O2, eight percent.
Okay, we're losing time. Fast.
- I found it.
- Thank God for that.
What's the extent
of the damage?
Fixable in five minutes?
Is that rhetorical?
- Roberts, repeat.
You have just under
four minutes
before that area is exposed.
Copy that. Four minutes.
Plenty of time.
Wilco. Copy that.
COMPUTER: O2, seven percent.
COMPUTER: O2, six percent.
Okay, your breathing
is too fast.
I know, I know.
Slow it down.
Whew. It's... damn hot.
Keep it under control.
How's contact with
Control coming?
Nearly there.
Is there more debris incoming?
More wreckage?
There was a series
of further explosions
from the asteroid station,
following your departure.
Each blast must have thrown
further shrapnel clusters
in our direction.
Looks like it's gonna rain.
COMPUTER: O2, five percent.
ROBERTS: You're doing good.
Hang in there.
You know, after this,
I feel like a vacation.
Uh, nowhere warm.
Alaska sounds good.
COMPUTER: O2, four percent.
ROBERTS: How about Barrow?
They're currently having
a polar night.
Sounds perfect.
Ah, shit!
COMPUTER: Damage to outer shell
ROBERTS: What happened?
Holloway, talk to me. Come on.
COMPUTER: Pressure gauge
and O2 cartridge,
primary life support
subsystem critical.
- Did you hear all that?
- Yes, I heard.
That's how I'm doing.
COMPUTER: O2, three percent.
COMPUTER: Malfunction
in core temp control.
Air conditioning unit
Ah, come on, come on.
Come on!
ROBERTS: Horizon line inbound.
You have 60 seconds, if that.
COMPUTER: O2, two percent.
Come on, come on.
Holloway, you've got to hurry.
I know, I know.
Warning: O2, one percent.
Warning: O2, one percent.
Roberts, has the O2 in the tank
been stabilized?
Roberts, is the O2 stabilized?
Repeat, is the O2 stabilized?
Danger: Heat resistance.
Come in! Roberts!
ROBERTS: Depletion subsided.
Backup O2 stabilized.
Warning: O2, 0.5 percent.
Warning: O2, 0.5 percent.
Warning: Power loss imminent.
Electromagnetic grip
enhancements reduced by 50%.
Warning: Power loss imminent.
Electromagnetic grip
enhancements reduced by 50%.
Warning: O2, zero percent.
CO2 aspiration in effect.
Loss of consciousness imminent.
Warning: O2, zero percent.
CO2 aspiration in effect.
Loss of consciousness imminent.
Warning: O2, zero percent.
CO2 aspiration in effect.
Loss of consciousness imminent.
Connection not detected.
Connection not detected.
COMPUTER: Connection detected.
O2 restoration in effect.
Damage to O2 regulators.
O2, seven percent.
Danger: Rapid O2 depletion.
Commander, are you there?
Holloway, can you hear me?
COMPUTER: Polarized filter
in polarized filter.
Damage critical.
Polarized filter disabled.
in polarized filter.
Damage critical.
Polarized filter disabled.
in polarized filter.
Damage critical.
Polarized filter disabled.
ROBERTS: Holloway, talk to me!
I can't...
I can't see anything.
You just listen to me.
COMPUTER: O2, five percent.
ROBERTS: You have enough
backup O2 to throw yourself out
when I arrive.
I'm so close to you now.
I can still get you.
I'm so close.
Just hurry. Just hurry.
We've made contact
with Control.
They're securing a line
with home as we speak.
COMPUTER: O2, four percent.
Danger: Rapid O2 depletion.
ROBERTS: I can see you.
I can see you!
Hathor 18 inbound.
You need to make that call.
I'm waiting on Control.
COMPUTER: O2, three percent.
I'm monitoring your rotation.
You need to re-pressurize
at the very last moment
when we're in position.
Make that call first!
They might not secure the feed
in time.
Just make it happen!
You need to head back.
You need to turn back!
You're gonna burn too!
We can make it.
I'm so close.
I'm not turning back.
Not now.
I can get you.
I can get you!
It's too much.
It's too much.
- I can't.
- Holloway, listen to me.
- I can't. I can't.
- Holloway!
You listen to me!
Don't you dare!
Don't you dare let go!
Don't you ever let go!
Don't you give up!
You're not allowed
to give up on me!
I won't let you!
You hold on
right to the very end!
No matter what,
you never give up!
Warning: O2, ten percent.
Warning: O2 depletion.
Dad won't give up.
Not this time.
I don't know what to say.
I didn't know what to do.
I love you so, so much.
Danger: O2, one percent.
- Roberts.
- I'm here.
I need you in front.
I'm gonna come out that window.
Copy that.
I'm pulling in front.
I've got you.
COMPUTER: O2, zero percent.
ROBERTS: I'm in place.
I'm ready.
COMPUTER: O2, zero percent.
Warning: O2, 0.5 percent.
Warning: O2, zero percent.
CO2 aspiration in effect.
Loss of consciousness imminent.
Warning: O2, zero percent.
CO2 aspiration in effect.
Loss of consciousness imminent.
Warning: O2, zero percent.
CO2 aspiration in effect.
Loss of consciousness imminent.
Holloway, we've made the call.
Control's punching us through.
I'm connecting you now.
Thank you.
Thank you, Troy.
WOMAN: Hello?
What's going on?
What's going on?
Warning: O2, zero percent.
CO2 aspiration in effect.
Loss of consciousness imminent.
Warning: O2, zero percent.
CO2 aspiration in effect.
Loss of consciousness imminent.
Warning: O2, zero percent.
CO2 aspiration in effect.
Loss of consciousness imminent.
Loss of consciousness imminent.
Warning: O2, zero percent.
CO2 aspiration in effect.
Loss of consciousness imminent.
Warning: O2, zero percent.
CO2 aspiration in effect.
Loss of consciousness imminent.
Warning: O2, zero percent.
CO2 aspiration in effect.
Loss of consciousness imminent.
Warning: O2, zero percent.
LIZ: Troy?
I'm going home.