Solitary Man (2009)

There he is..
How're you doin', Chuck?
I cant decide if
you look better in
person or on those commercials.
Smoke and mirrors, doc.
What can I tell you?
Hey. I got a new dealership. Right
across the bridge.
I cannot keep them on the lot.
Nancy was there for
the grand opening, you know.
Its a tradition weve had
since, well, since, I guess she
was pregnant with Susan,
our, our second dealership.
She just shook so
many hands, you know,
after we cut the ribbon?
And she sold three cars herself.
And she asked me for
a commission, right?
I mean, I thought she was
joking. She was serious.
So, I paid her. And
you know what she did?
She went out and she
bought me three suits.
Said I should look like a
businessman, not a car dealer.
Well, some things
you cant change.
Which reminds me.
That lease comes up on your
wheelbarrow, you call me.
Im gonna give you a
ride make you look like
a Madison Avenue doctor, okay?
We have to do this.
Lay it on me,
Chuck. Lets go.
Okay. Ill see you in
a year, chuck, huh? Better yet,
why dont we get a round of eighteen
in before the summer?
Uh, before that, I think. I,
I dont love your EKG.
You dont love it?
Theres an irregularity.
Could be serious so we,
we need a better look.
Uh, Im gonna set you up
for this, uh, diagnostic
sixty-four slice. A new
kind of, uh, CAT Scan.
Itll give us a peek of whats
really going on in there.
There he is. Dad!
Hey, Grandpa!
Dont call me that.
Dont call me Dad.
And you, you dont
call me Grandpa. Not now.
What can I call you?
You, you can call me Dad.
Thats what I call my Dad.
Well, then, I dont know.
Call me Captain Ben.
Wheres this one?
Do, dont look, dont look. Youll
screw things up.
The Miami blonde?
Yeah, she was checking
me out on my way in.
Hey, give me a hug. Maybe
she'll think were married.
Yuck. Dad!
I told you.
Dont call me that.
Oh, yeah. Shes gonna
be really happy to see me.
My favorite
grandson. Hi, sweetie.
And, you, I cant believe
you have the time for us.
What happened to all the
divorcees on the eastside?
That's not fair, Nance.
No, thats true. I
left out the widows.
Why is it still so
good to see him?
Why is it still so
good to see you?
Because you're not
married to me anymore.
Thats why. Why dont
you sit down. Join us?
Uh, maybe I can stay
for a couple of minutes.
Benny, youre too old for her.
I dont know what
you're talking about.
Oh, deny, deny, deny,
all the time, deny.
How are you, folks?
Great, thank you.
May I take your order?
Yeah. Uh, yeah, Ill have
a, uh, cheeseburger.
Have the turkey burger.
A cheeseburger.
Well, its just a matter of time
before I get that phone call.
Youve been waiting for that
phone call for thirty years.
All right. Ill have the chicken
paillard with a little salad.
Very good.
Uh, tuna
on toast, please.
Young man?
Uh, grilled cheese, please.
Grilled cheese??
Be right back, folks.
Oh, dad, Im gonna take
Scotty to the natural history
museum this weekend. Gary
has to work. You wanna come?
I cant.
Oooh. Why not?
Im sorry, Scotty.
Oh, youre gonna love this one.
Im going up to our old
alma mater this weekend.
No. Oh, my gosh. What,
did they finally, uh,
convince you to see
the Kalmen Library?
No. Jordan and I are
taking her daughter
up for her college interview.
Doesnt she have her own father?
Well, apparently
hes got a life.
Why cant she take
the kid herself?
Because of my
relationship with the dean.
Oh, do you even like
this Jordan person?
Dad, youre
a sixty year old man.
I am not.
Almost. And you are
dating a woman
because of her
fathers connections.
No, Im not going
up there alone. Im not going.
You promised.
I promised to go with you.
Well, Im sick..
I cant go.
Well... reschedule.
Allyson cant reschedule
her college interview
just because I have the flu.
I told you, you should
have taken the shots.
I hate shots.
Now you got the flu.
Mom, its fine..
Ill fly up there myself.
In fact, Id prefer that.
See that? She doesnt
want me going with her.
Id cramp her style.
Thats exactly why I want an adult up
there with her.
Her style could use
a little cramping.
Otherwise she might
come home pickled.
Mom, I stopped getting
drunk in eighth grade.
It doesnt matter. Youre
not going up there alone.
Can I have a moment
with Benjamin, please?
I dont think this
is a good idea.
Didnt you retire from thinking?
Why, why cant she
go with her father?
Hes in McLaughlin in some
factory or something.
Before I forget, I just got the
confirmation e-mailed to me.
I printed it out for you.
So its all set.
It is. So, think of this
as a family weekend.
First youll go to the meeting
my father had arranged for you.
Then youll take my daughter
on her college interview.
This is a hell
of an open point.
Nice traffic pattern.
Nice? Its outstanding. With my
banking relationships, well be
up and rolling in no time.
And this zip code, it spends.
Daughter graduates from high
school, SUV, six airbags.
Son moves into his own house,
little two seater
with a lot of zip.
Your, uh, old flagship.
It was north of here,
about, uh, twenty five miles.
But the, uh, family name is
good here in the community.
Yeah, well, the research
certainly shows that the name is
known in the community. But,
uh, the negative numbers.
Pete, I paid my fine.
Okay? Full restitution.
And you think thats painful. You
should try it sometime.
You know, Ill sponsor the
little league, football team,
uh, school carwash.
Negatives will disappear.
Mr. Kalmen, Im gonna speak
freely, okay, out of respect.
Im recommending you get the
dealership because the numbers
make sense, because my
first job was in the finance
department at one
of your old places.
I grew up watching your
commercials on TV.
"Im Ben Kalmen, New
Yorks finest car dealer."
You know, you probably
inspired me to go into
this business in
the first place.
Pete, I am honored.
But, I, I dont think my
recommendations gonna do any
good. You know, the dealership
development committees not in
the habit of handing out open
points to people who have caused
the kind of public embarrassment
in the industry you have.
You put the recommendation
before the committee,
Ill make sure about it
getting signed off.
Okay. Fair enough.
All right. Let me show
you the service area now.
Youre gonna like this.
No, no, I think it
went as well as it could but,
but Jordan. Please, you gotta
have your dad talk to the three
guys from Munich. The three
younger guys, you know
were, werent
there when I had my, uh.
Shall I lay out his
clothes out from him, too?
Or do you think
you can handle it?
Yes, sir... roger, I got
that, colonel, yeah.
Good. Dismissed..
Hey, I like this.
So, uh, about this weekend.
Yves? Would you turn the sauna up as
high itll go, please?
I wanna sweat this
thing out. Yeah?
Uh. Look, I dont really
think Allyson wants me
up there with her, all right?
Oh, yes, she does.
Just like my father wants to
squander fifty years of goodwill
and connections as well as
his position on a board of
directors just to get an admitted
grifter a new
dealership after
he almost tanked
an entire companys reputation.
Okay, Boston here I come.
Id feel a whole lot better if
you would just turn and leave.
I can see how bad you want to.
Go to Foxes for the
weekend or the Hamptons,
you know, wherever.
Stay out of sight.
Come on.
Thats what you were
hoping for the whole time.
Just try not to catch anything you
might give to my mother
later because I dont wanna
have to take care of her.
I dont lie to your mother.
I call bullshit, Ben.
You call what?
That means ask me where I was
for drinks the other night.
I thought you said
you dont drink.
I said I dont get drunk.
Okay. Where were you for
drinks the other night?
The bar at the Warwick.
And what night was that?
The night you hope it wasnt.
Cause you were in
the back booth with
that Eastern European web special.
That was my cousin Eva. She
was in town on business.
I dont know, why didnt you
just come by and say hello?
I was on my way over to.
And thats when I saw you slip
your hand under her skirt.
I thought maybe you
dropped something.
But then she started squirming
in such a way I thought,
I dont think he
dropped anything.
So thats gin.
Means that you won that hand.
I dont play cards.
Well, at least you didnt
sell me out. Thank you.
Id cheat on her if
she was my girlfriend.
Have a good weekend, Ben.
Okay. Im gonna do this for you. Not
for your mother, for you.
I know the school.
I know the dean.
I always regretted never going
to Susans college interview,
I was always too busy.
Hmm. Yeah, momma said you used to
always be on MSNBC and CNN.
And that you had dealerships
in every town in Long Island
and New Jersey and Connecticut.
Thats a slight exaggeration.
She also said you fucked
it up six ways to Sunday.
No exaggeration there.
Look, I promise I will
not ruin your weekend.
You know, Ill give you a tour
of the campus, take you over to
meet the dean, you know,
for your interview.
Smooth things out. Shake hands. And
then Ill go back and crash
at the hotel and you can do whatever
the hell you want to.
And this time I
wont say anything.
And you wont treat
me like a kid, right?
Well, youre not a kid, are you?
Some guys supposed to meet us.
I dont know where
the hell he is.
You know, I thought
you were an involved alumni.
Alumnus. Just means
I write the big checks.
How do you know the
dean of this place?
Uh, he comes visits me, or he
used to. And hed always leave
my office with an endowed chair
in the English Department
or enough funding to break
ground on the library.
And what about now?
Courtesy calls
when hes in town.
Thats nice.
Insurance, for when I can
write the big checks again.
Look out!
Hey, asshole. Let the
big dog hunt.
Let the big dog hunt.
Let the what?
Let the bi... look,
put the frisbee down.
Were frolfing.
That was my drive.
You called me an asshole,
Im gonna earn it.
Oh, my god. Ben!
Easy, easy.
Ben, stop it.
Hey, hey, hey!
Stop all this.
Uh, Ben Kalmen.
Uh, here to see dean Gittleson.
Someone wanna tell me
what happened here?
We had a little
Im willing to
forgive it if he is.
Im willing.
Get outta here.
Not so fast.
I wanna know what youre
doing on my campus.
Hes escorting me
for my interview.
She your daughter?
He goes out with my mother.
He tell you to say that?
All right,
lets see it.
Youre the donor of the, the
library and all that, right?
Support the college
any way I can, officer.
So youre also the guy that sold
my cousin in Connecticut the
leased jeep, turned
out to be financed.
Cost him nine grand
on the backend.
We did have some
unscrupulous agents.
I take full responsibility.
Yeah, well, you do anything else
unscrupulous on my campus,
youll take more than the blame.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Kalmen.
Uh, yes, thats me.
Hey, Im, uh, Daniel Cheston.
Im the vice president
of the student senate.
Uh, dean Gittleson
sent me to find you.
Are you, you okay?
No, Im, Im fine, Cheston.
I couldnt be better.
Hi, Edward, how are you?
Good, good. Rough, uh,
rough morning?
Uh. This is, uh,
Allyson Karsch.
Hello, Allyson.
Allyson has my highest
Oh, well, I can scarcely
imagine a greater endorsement.
Heres what were gonna do.
Mr. Cheston has agreed to get
you reacquainted with the
grounds. I thought you might
to see the Kalmen Library.
And then you can
come back and, uh,
meet Allyson at freeman hall.
Good. All right.
Look, Cheston, you
got anything else
to do besides
show me around, do it.
You dont wanna see the library?
Why, because my name is on it?
You know, youre
walking kinda funny.
You wanna go to the school
clinic and get it checked out?
I dont do doctors, not anymore.
You wanna at least clean
yourself up a little bit?
You can use my room.
Cheston, you got a girl?
Cheston is actually
my last name.
My, my first name is Daniel.
Ah, thats a shame. There are
a million Daniels in the world.
Anybody can be Daniel.
But you get to be Cheston.
Anyway, about that girl.
Uh, yeah, Im kind
of exploring that.
Cant get laid, huh?
I didnt say that.
Everything about you says it.
I mean, look at your
side of the room.
Anyone whos got the time to
put hospital corners on his
college bed is not spending
his days the right way.
I didnt even think
I did that today.
You had a girlfriend
in high school, right?
Right. You met her in, what,
uh, Model U.N. Program?
We were assistant directors of
the community outreach service.
Right. Then she went away to college.
She met some junior,
stormed the administration building,
the provosts office.
Yeah, how did you
know he was a junior?
Theyre always juniors.
And then youre stuck trying
to figure out how
you lost, uh...
Let me tell you something.
Out there is nothing
but possibilities.
Hey, Cheston.
Come here.
What about that one?
Or that one? Whats
wrong with them?
Nothing theyre probably
just not interested.
Well, thats because you dont
know how to talk to them.
Wait we have to get... okay.
What the hell did you say?
Were hanging out with em.
Tonight? No, I,
I cant do that.
Uh, uh, tonight were gonna go
to a party where theyre gonna
be and girls just like them.
Cheston, someday
youre gonna be my age.
You do not wanna regret
a night like this.
Hey, hold up.
I didnt say anything.
No, I know.
Only saps really love this shit.
Anyway, its nice the bench
is still here, you know.
Ill take care
of you, dont worry.
Ill show you, Ill
show you the ropes.
Sorry were late. I
tried to call you on the,
uh, cell phone. Uh,
couldnt get an answer.
No problem. This is Ted.
He gave the tour.
Ted Loof.
I was telling Allyson she should
come by the house tonight.
Were having a party, uh,
figured itd give a good idea of
the social culture we
have here on campus.
Oh. Great. Great. That sounds like,
uh, it sounds like fun.
I told you those girls
were not gonna show up here.
Well, what does it matter? Huh?
I mean, look, look
at that one, huh?
And, and this one over here. Well,
were mixin, man.
We re, were in here mixing.
No. Well, were standing by a keg
pouring for, pouring.
And I know you wanna be
right over there, dont you?
No, no, no, no, your
eyes are wandering over there.
Go on. Go on over
and talk to her.
No, she...
Shes not the kind of person
you'd go up to at a party,
all right? Shes serious.
Shes studious.
Shes here, isnt she? Shes
got a drink in her hand.
Yeah, because her
brother is a member of the
house, nobody hooks up with her.
If youre not gonna go
over there and see her
then Im gonna tell
you a story. Okay.
Now, this is a little
raw, but its all true
so Im gonna have to ask
for your indulgence, okay?
All right, granted.
My first year,
when I was here
I wasnt exactly what youd
call one of the elite.
I mean, I never would have
been invited to a place,
uh, like this. Uh, I
actually had a job.
I was working my
way through school.
Yeah, me too.
No, I know. I sa, I
saw your wardrobe.
Um, so I wasnt exactly what
youd call, uh, an innocent
but I was intimidated by a
lot of what I saw, you know.
Especially the girls.
So, there was this one girl who
sat in front of me in, uh
English Composition. Her name was
Jennifer Angel. Really.
And every day Id stare at
the back of this girls neck.
And once in awhile, you know,
shed turn her head and I could
see her face. And she
was beautiful, you know.
She was so smart and clean and,
Cheston, I wanted her in the
worst way possible. But I couldnt
figure it out. I just
couldnt screw up the courage,
you know, to ask her out.
To me, she was like,
uh, an untouchable.
Yeah. Untouchable.
So, anyway, a few days
later, uh, Im working.
Im tending bar, you know,
at some college event.
And this prickass member
of the squash team
he comes up and he asks me
for a jack because his back is
hurting. So I said,
what happened?
And he says to me,
Jennifer Angel.
I said, how?
And Cheston,
his answer was like a Joe
Frazier left right to the belly.
He says, Im fucking
her, right, hard.
And shes begging me to
go harder and harder.
Finally, Im banging her so
fucking hard my bed breaks and
it falls down and I twist my back.
Jesus Christ.
So, I mean, I lost my breath,
right there in front of the guy,
you know. I blushed and
Im not the kind of guy
that gets embarrassed.
But you know what?
It was the best thing
that ever happened to me.
Knowing how she liked it
and that she liked it freed
me up to talk with her.
And the next week it was my
bed that was almost broken.
We close
in five minutes,
so if you want anything,
its to go.
Used to be Id come in
Jimmy Marinos joint,
I could stay in here all night.
Well, thats when my
father ran the place.
Jimmy senior must have
liked you for some reason.
Some reason could have been
that I saved your ass in
every math class you ever took?
Oh, I seem to remember the
asssaving, but I was doing it.
Maybe not in class.
Yeah, I think
you're right. Yeah.
you know, I called you when
you got in all that trouble.
But I couldnt get
past your secretary.
Oh, you know, she
had her orders.
But I, I got the message. I
appreciated it, Jimmy. I...
well, I didnt expect a
call back. I just, uh,
I just figured I wanted you to know
that I called you.
No, no, I knew. And I hope
that you understand.
No, its important that I tell
you this because, uh, there were
a lot of unreturned phone calls
and Im sorry about that.
If it was anybody I wanted
to see in this town,
it would have been you,
you know, when I was gone.
Yeah, you always said
youd never come back.
And like you always
said, Id never leave.
Well, you, yeah, you got
the, uh, the place here.
And now youre here.
Now Im here.
Is there something you need?
Can I get a sandwich to stay?
The usual?
Give me the usual after
thirty-five years, yeah.
The usual.
Ok, I gotta do this, but I
gotta make it without hair.
Looks good though.
Looks good.
Lacrosse has been
my passion lately. And, uh
coach says to me, you know,
I want you to play defense.
Yeah, so I
told the Lacrosse coach
I played
attack in junior high.
I was all county
attack in high school.
And theres no way that
Im playing defense.
So youre playing
in the front line now or?
No, no, no..
He cut me.
But thats not the
point of the story.
The point of the story is
that I stood up for myself.
I went after what I wanted.
And, uh, you know,
thats what I always do.
I see what I want and
I take a run at it.
Are you regaling
her, young man?
It sure sounds like it.
Yeah, you look regaled.
Stories of what?
Or its punitive
compatriot, noble failure.
Now, I say punitive
because, you know, and this,
this comes from a man
whos failed in
starburst colors.
There is nothing noble in failure.
Dont you agree, Tom?
My parents named me after
Theodore Roosevelt and, uh,
it was he that said
"Its not the critic that
counts, but the man who fails
while daring greatly."
But, yeah, he, he succeeded.
I mean, thats why we know the
quote and he became president.
He bumped up against failure,
but he became a success.
Thats not quite what I gleamed
from your Lacrosse story.
Can I
get you anything?
Hi. Can I get a Dewars
on the rocks, please?
Im gonna go to the bathroom.
Ill be right back.
Well, he, he seemed like one
thing, you know, on campus,
turns out hes something else.
Well hes not from the city.
I think hes cute.
Why? You gonna stop me?
No, no. I m not stopping you.
You go ahead.
Do whatever you want.
You going to report
it in to my mother?
I told you that I
wouldnt, Allyson.
I dont even care
what she thinks.
I care what you think.
What do you think?
Well, I think its
a waste of time.
I think youre gonna
put in a lot of effort
with very little reward.
Well, you, you mean
up in the room?
I dont think I gotta
draw a map for you.
I mean, a guy like that with a,
um, girl who looks like you.
Hes gonna go simple.
Hes gonna get up there.
Hes gonna go through the process.
And hes gonna, whrip, you
know, hes gonna be gone.
And then what are you gonna
get out of the transaction?
I mean, thats what
it is, isnt it?
I mean, I know, I know
what hes gonna get.
But what do you get?
I dont know.
I need another drink.
Shh, shh!
Shit, here he comes.
What do I do?
Youve got the information.
Youve gotta decide.
What you said about what would
have happened in the room?
You know, its right.
I would have ended up staring
at the ceiling all night
while he slept like a log.
At least in New York
I could go home.
Has it always been like that?
Ill say it.
My first time, I was fourteen.
And it was, it was okay.
But it wasnt, like, incredible.
You know, its never
really incredible.
And none of the guys
Ive been with really know
what theyre
doing, I guess.
Well, why dont you just tell em?
You really dont have
to say much, you know.
You just have to kind of
take control of the situation
move them the way you
want them to move.
Take their hands and put
them where you want them.
And if that doesnt work, then
show them, you know, yourself.
I promise you, theyre
never gonna forget it.
Ya, but it will make
me seem like a whore.
Well, youre thinking
about it the wrong way.
When youre with somebody that
you like, dont you wanna know
what makes them feel good?
Well, does my mother
know what to do?
No, come on, tell me.
Yes, she knows what to do.
But, um...
but not like the Russian, right?
Well, its not her fault, you know.
She, shes older.
And, um, your body changes.
Theres a, uh, a, a thickness when you.
Shes stick thin.
No one over fortys
stick thin, not really.
Trust me.
But she can get you off?
Yes, she can get me off.
Thats it!
Thats it.
Thats it!
You show me.
Show me.
That was ahh...
it was fun.
We had a fun night.
Thanks for coming
up there with me.
Ill just tell my mother that I
had to go back before you cause
I had some work to catch up on.
Well, when we see each
other back at the apartment.
What, you think I never
cheated with anybody at school
and had to see their
girlfriends? Dont sweat it.
Dont worry about
a thing. Im cool.
You sure you never played cards?
Well, the
committee has met.
The official vote will be next week.
But I wanted to
give you a head start
on getting the zoning in order.
Yes, ah!
Yes. Thats great, Pete.
Thats really, really great.
Kalmen motors on the uptick.
Yeah. You suddenly had a lot
of friends in the right places.
Well, thank you. Looking forward to
working together, Pete.
As am I. You have found
a heck of a location.
I mean, it needs just the kind
of dealership you propose.
In fact, if they hadnt approved you
I probably would have
recommended getting
another dealer to open
in that very spot.
If you dont mind,
let me show you, uh...
Sure, yeah.
How many cars were
expecting you to floor plan
into the first couple of months.
Its Ben Kalmen and we
have a lot of confidence.
So, this is a celebration
all around, isnt it?
Getting your dealership on track.
Fantastic news.
About Allyson.
I cant believe you were able to
get the information so quickly.
Its fantastic.
Just fantastic.
Well, the dean, he reached out.
I mean, he telephoned me.
How sweet of you to say that.
Im sure you did quite
a bit of lobbying.
Really, mom?
You think he had to pull on the
strings that hard to get me in?
You know how those things are.
Youre a suitable candidate,
but without Bens help...
Were so lucky to have you
in our lives, right, Al?
How about an after dinner drink?
Lets go out on the
terrace. Nice evening.
Allyson, you can have a soda.
Or, actually, since youre
going to be a college girl,
a little wine if you like.
No, its okay.
Im going out.
Ill see you later.
One drink first.
Allyson, come on.
Ill get that.
Did you get my messages?
Are you crazy?
Its so hard to talk here.
Thats right.
We cant talk.
Come on, Ben.
You know what
it was in Boston.
It was, it was a kick.
It was really, really fun.
But, you know, now I can check
two things off my list.
Despite the end of daddy thing.
The daddy thing?
And I didnt even know
it was on my list.
Or I had a list.
Now I know.
Come on.
I thought it was gonna be, you
know, the difference between
you and the guys my age.
You wouldnt go simple, you know.
Be all clingy and stuff.
Im not hanging onto
you. I just thought
maybe wed spend a little
time together, thats all.
You need to
forget about it.
You know, I appreciate the
time you took to make me
up to the school and
and you spoke to the
dean on my behalf.
And I appreciate the
advice you gave me.
Its already worked.
What advice?
Well, you taught me to
ask for what I want.
You know, last guy
I was with, easy.
I just gave him a blow job
first before anything else.
And then another one so he could
last when we finally did it.
And then I got on top of him and
I told him exactly what to do.
And... it was awesome.
Hey, youre making this up.
Why would I make it up?
To put me off. To
put distance between us.
I mean, I use that
trick all the time.
But usually its because I
actually care about
someone and I.
Yeah, well, Im not.
I just said what you told
me to do when you were trying
to get me up to the room.
I wasnt trying to get
you up to the room.
It happened. Ive got to go.
Mom, Im going out.
Not yet.
Now, Im a pretty cool customer.
You know what I do most nights?
Try to find somebody to take
home and never see em again.
Yeah, most nights
youre not with her.
Thats beside the point.
I cant stop replaying
our time together.
Not just in the room.
When I was talking to you, um,
listening, we were connecting.
I forgot you were eighteen.
You forgot no. That I...
No, I didnt.
Everything all right?
No, of course.
Of course.
We slept together, mom.
In Boston.
We did.
Isnt that fantastic?
Oh, dad, you didnt.
Ask me was it worth it.
Just ask me if it was worth it.
Well, it was.
Youre actually gonna gloat about?
Im not gloating about it.
Im just stating something,
which is, as I sit here now,
it was worth it.
Suse, it was a night and a half.
I mean, the way an eighteen
year old body responds.
No way, Ben.
You cant keep dragging
her into this nonsense.
Did we wake you, honey?
Im sorry.
No. Forget about that.
I cant have you listen
to this crap anymore.
I told you it was unhealthy.
Your shrink told you
it was unhealthy.
Gary, will you stay out of my
relationship with my daughter?
My wife.
Well, Im both.
Now you are.
Because youre what he has.
But before he blew up his
life, what were you to him?
That is a ballsy
thing to say, Gary.
Logical, but bitter
and, uh, a little small.
I would have hoped my daughter
would have been with a bigger,
bigger man.
You know what, Ben?
I take care of her.
Im here for her, always.
Youre a great provider, Gary.
But she and I, weve
got something special.
We bleed the same.
Susan, lets go back to bed.
Ill be in, in a minute.
Hes right about a lot
of that stuff, you know.
Guys like Gary are
right about everything.
Thats why hes got clients
bringing him 450 an hour
and partners fast tracking
him and all that crap.
I mean, I, I never said your
husband wasnt a smart man.
It s, just he, uh,
doesnt take any risks.
I gotta hand it to him though.
You know, he had the balls
to come at me, you know,
and go toe-to-toe with me.
That took balls.
But he didnt... stay there.
You didnt used to talk like this.
Well, you know, I
used to shield you.
Now I dont bother
shielding anybody anymore.
Theres no point to it.
I learned that when I was in jail.
You werent in jail.
You paid a fine and settled.
I know. Well, I was
in jail for a night.
And before I made the deal I
used to think about it, a lot.
We can have this
conversation another time.
But you came over this
late for a reason.
Yeah, its about my, uh, rent.
Uh, you know how close I am
to getting the dealership
and rolling up.
It hasnt happened and my,
uh, income stream is short.
Um... Gary handles the checkbook.
I mean, I handle it,
but he goes over it.
Its his money.
The money he earns
by not taking risks.
Um... here.
Mom gave this as a gift.
Half her commission
on a classic six.
I was gonna cash it tomorrow.
It should cover two months or so.
Thats all I can do.
It wont be long.
Ben, this is
Pete Hartofilias. BMW.
Uh, no easy way to say this.
You didnt get the dealership.
Someone, uh, moved the board
to vote seven to zero against you.
Seven to zero.
So, thats that.
So the gals three down from the
one who looks like an Eskimo.
Tan bag.
Im gonna say, uh,
divorced three years.
Kids are with the
dad tonight and, uh,
shes looking to
play for all its worth.
FBI should hire
you out as a profiler.
If they were smart they, they would
but its not that difficult.
Look, shes got no wedding ring on.
Shes showing her pictures in
her phone to the bartender.
By his reaction,
they gotta be of her kids.
This is why I was
so good on the lot.
I know exactly what kind
of car to put her in.
And I know what shes looking for.
I imagine you do.
Listen, Ben, Ive always
enjoyed our dinners, but
I cant let you out of here
without turning the conversation
into a different direction.
We will.
We will.
Uh, the lady at
the bar with the tan bag,
can you get two of
whatever shes drinking
and, uh, tell her Ill
be over there in just a second.
Yes, Mr. Kalmen.
Youve been a private
banking client for...
one sec, let me just see this.
So I can concentrate now.
The reason institutions like ours
have private banking
clients in the first place
is so that our highest net worth
individuals dont have to deal
with financial minutia.
Youre kicking me out of the bank.
After all these years.
Must have been why you didnt
eat your lobster cobb.
Bank usually sends a letter.
I wanted to tell you in person.
Well, Im gonna try
to say this nicely.
Fuck you, Steve.
I dont expect your sympathy.
But I have earned your faith.
Ive been successful in business
since I was twenty two years old.
You had my belief.
Thats why when New Yorks
honest car dealer decided
to engage in a scam
for planting phantom cars to
rip off the manufacturer
and got caught, we continued
to keep you and your family
in the bank. Continued
to steer deals your way.
I call bullshit.
Im sorry, you call what?
Thats what they say. Bullshit!
The point is, you pretend to
defend your clients when theyre
going through tough times
when in fact youre just
waiting to write off the debits.
Were not the ones who changed.
You used to stay up til three
Oclock in the morning
reviewing business
plans and sales reports.
Now you cant even get through
a meal without jumping up and.
I was yanking you, okay?
I know the lady.
Shes the mother of one of
Scottys friends in school.
Carol Salomonde.
I wasnt planning to
take a roll with her.
I wanted to say hi.
You were yanking me?
Steve, come on.
Just give me a year
to get this together.
This is gonna cripple me.
We have to do this.
Were finished.
Yes, Mr. Kalmen.
Can I get a check, please?
About your house account.
All right.
Hell pay for it. Its
the least he can fucking do.
Baby aspirin, huh?
Did you have an incident or
are you, uh, just cautious?
Do I seem the cautious type to you?
Not the first word Id use, no.
Yeah, no, I dont
really know for sure.
Some doctor said he saw
something on an EKG,
he wanted me to get some tests.
What did he see?
I never went there.
God, I couldnt live like that.
If you were my husband.
No, thank God for
all of us involved.
I mean, what do I
wanna know for anyway?
I just wanted to do the things
I wanted to do and only
the things I wanted to
do until it happens.
Whatever, you know, it is.
You seem to have infected
me with a little bit
of that spirit.
Oh, shit.
How did I even end up
here with the grandfather
of my sons friend?
Because youre in your
late thirties, Carol.
And if you were in your late twenties
you would have ended up
with a dissatisfied father
of one of your sons friends.
Who even talks like that?
Everybody. They just say
that shit to themselves.
I let it fly.
And you think thats a good thing.
I think that conversation
is not our long suit.
So maybe you ought
to get dressed.
Fine by me.
And I know, for sure, that
youre not gonna share this
with Susan, right?
Believe me, that is
the last thing I want.
Can you do me a favor?
Can you just check on
the time on the clock?
The clock?
Yeah, its in the,
uh, in the drawer.
I threw it there last night so
the alarm wouldnt wake us.
Isnt that the idea?
I was drunk, you know,
what do you want?
Its early.
Well, thats good.
Yeah, I dont have to
get the kids til two.
Ive got another three hours.
Its eleven?
Oh, shit.
Oh, great.
Happy birthday, Scotty.
You missed the
party, Captain Ben.
I know, buddy.
I, you know, I had a
business meeting came up.
But, hey, Im here now, huh?
Yeah. But the partys over.
You didnt get to
sing happy birthday.
You didnt get any cake.
Capital work there, Ben.
Every time I lower
the bar of expectation,
you limbo right under it.
Thanks, Gare.
You know what?
Well have an after party party.
Itll even be better than
your birthday party. I promise.
We will?
You going back to the apartment?
Come on, Scotty..
Lets go, Susan.
Can he come over?
Please, mom?
No, theres no room
in the cab, sweetie.
Suse, just put the
presents in the trunk.
I can ride there.
If you wanna come,
get yourself there.
And you better have a cake
and presents with you.
Yes, all right.
Good job.
Oh, were gonna save
that for after dinner.
But its my cake.
You already had cake.
Oh, come on.
Its his birthday.
Let him have a bite.
At least let me see it, right?
Prevent defense never works.
No, you keep throwing
those Hail Mary passes.
I mean, thats a
short term strategy.
My ball.
This is, uh, this is
the last quarter, guys.
We just started
on this game. No way.
How many games have
you already played?
Well, this is the last
game of the regular season.
But were only playing
three minute quarters,
so well be done really soon.
Half hour more, you two.
Thats it.
We have to go to your
other grandparents house.
But I wanna stay with grandpa.
He said I can call
him that in private.
Well, daddys parents are
expecting us, so we have to go.
Hey, no fair.
I was talking to my mom.
Hey, you snooze,
you lose, buddy.
I love ya.
Love you, too.
Happy birthday.
Im gonna say goodbye to grandpa.
You go get ready.
Im glad we got a
moment here alone.
I need another small loan from you.
Oh, youre out of your mind.
Garys right. Youve totally lost it.
Im not gonna give you
anymore money, especially
not after todays performance.
Uh, didnt Scotty have a great time?
He has a better time
with you than anyone.
Thats the problem.
He thinks youre magic.
Thats how he should
think of his grandfather.
No, he should think
of his grandfather as
consistent and reliable.
Consistent is boring.
His other grandparents
are consistent.
He doesnt wanna
go to their house.
But when he needs them,
he knows theyll come running
and that makes him feel safe.
Oh, thats illusion and you know it.
No one can protect anyone.
Look what happened to me.
You know, all of my high end
friends I cultivated
over the years and they
run for the hills.
Im not gonna go back and
forth with you on this.
You missed his party. He had a smile
on his face cause
thats the kind of kid
he is. But I know him.
He kept looking at the elevator
every time it opened hoping you
were gonna come walking out.
Mom and I must have tried
your cell phone six times.
Im sorry I missed the party,
my alarm didnt go off.
I know youre sorry. I know. See,
this is what you do.
And you know whose
fault it really is?
Mine. If this happens
again, thats it.
Im not gonna keep putting him
in a position to get hurt when
you can totally prevent
it from happening.
What are you telling me?
Youre not gonna let me see my
grandson? You see the
way he looks at me?
Come on, I love that boy.
Either be in his life or dont.
Good for you.
As important as the
future of my circulatory system
is, Nance its, uh, on the
top of my list right now.
Truth is, I cant write you another
check, not now.
I need you to
float me some cash.
Well, Benny, Im not gonna
let you starve. You know that.
Well, thats very thoughtful of you
considering how many
meals Ive given you,
how much cash has
flown from me to you...
Oh, stop. No. Come on. You are not
that guy. Dont do that.
Yeah, you never even
made me take you to court.
You put in the years.
What was I gonna do?
Ah, what am I gonna do, huh?
What everybody else does.
What I did.
Things change, you move on.
I mean, who thought I would
be selling real estate?
And it turns that, uh, Im
good at it and I love it.
And I love my wine classes
and I love my poker games
on Wednesday nights with my
friends and I love going
to see the Mets and the
Rangers and I love my view.
Look at this view.
Yeah, I know. You got the
best view in the city.
Absolutely. Thats
why I never sold it.
What do you mean, uh-huh?
Oh. I know that look.
What do you think, Im holding
a vigil for your return?
I want everything exactly the
way it was for our reunion?
No, no, no. You made
that very clear when you
shacked up with that, uh
mark, the orthodontist.
Look, he was a good guy
and, you know you wont
be satisfied til I go into a nunnery.
I just find it interesting that
you never changed the furniture.
Not a chair, couch, even the cushions.
Is that couch still comfy?
Most comfortable couch you ever sat on.
Well, I dont change things
when theyre still working.
Thats your move.
So what d I tell you, Pete?
Is this a kickass location or what?
Ben, hi.
Hi, Ben Kalmen.
I know who you are. Ben Kalmen, New
Yorks honest car dealer.
This is Bill Rallye.
Its his dealership.
Welcome to Rallye motors.
Rallye motors. I like that. Its got
a nice to ring to it, yeah.
Now, Ben, I told you
I love this spot.
No, look, Im not here to protest.
Im here looking for a job.
You wanna come work for me?
I can sell the hell
out of any car. Always could.
Theres no question about that.
Uh, Bill, do you mind
just, uh, stepping away,
give me a moment with Mr. Kalmen?
Not at all. My pleasure.
Ill catch up with you,
Bill. Thanks.
Ben, Im not sure corporate
would even let you buy a car
from us. You really crapped
the bed on this one. Its like,
uh, Ive never seen anyone turn
friends to enemies so fast.
I mean, understand. I saw the
paperwork. It was prepared.
You were in. I dont know
what you did exactly.
But, uh, it, th, now
theres no way. No way.
Pete, come on.
Come on, Pete, Pete, Pete, come
on. Let me into the house.
I promise you a really
nice parting gift.
I cant do it.
Mr. Kalmen?
Todd. Hello.
Mr. Kalmen, youre
three weeks late.
Youve only been here two
months. Now, when I let you move
in with your questionable
financials, you remember?
I remember.
You convinced me that
I could trust you.
You can, Todd.
Okay, well, then I need a check, okay?
Or else I have to start
removal proceedings.
By tomorrow morning my sense
of honor is not gonna allow.
Carol Salomonde. You
had to fuck a friend of mine.
Someone I see at school
every day. And then mock her
in the morning, never call
her, never return her calls.
You had to put me in that
position. Youre priceless, dad.
Ho, ho, hold on here, hold on.
I just dropped Scotty at
Seans house for a play date.
Thats Carols son. When I get there
she stops me and tells me
the story. Says her nannys gonna
bring Sean to the next
play date because its
just too awkward otherwise.
Well, what does she expect?
That I should pin her,
take her to the prom?
Just tell her to grow up.
Its not what she expects,
its what I expect.
Expect that I should be
chaste, never have any sex
now that I divorced your mother?
I expect you to not fuck my friends.
Todd, e-e-excuse me.
Uh, maybe?
All right. Well,
I want it by tomorrow. Okay?
Cashiers or certified or youre gone.
Pumpkin, come on, come on inside.
Youre not a kid anymore.
You have to realize you
can't change your daddy.
Im still your child.
Its time you realized
youre my father.
How, what, what do
you want me to do?
I want you to get some help.
I dont know. See someone,
maybe try medication.
Just something to get
your balance back.
Now, I, Im not gonna do that.
Do it for me, dad.
For Scotty?
I never complained
about any of it, did i?
When you left mom, when you
blew up your franchises
when you spent all your money
trying to stay out of prison?
I didnt say anything. You used to be
someone I could look up
to and now youre just slutting
around Lexington Avenue.
I turn on the news, I
see you in handcuffs.
Well, you, as bad as it
may have been for you,
it was worse for me.
Come on.
I mean, what was it? Was it one
thing? What hit the switch?
Uh, what do you want me to tell you?
Actually, nothing.
Dont tell me anything.
Because youre just gonna say
whatever you think I need to
hear and then youre gonna
do whatever you want anyway.
Suse, come on, Suse.
No. If youre not gonna help
yourself, then just leave me,
my friends and my family alone.
Im sorry to hear that.
But not sorry enough to
do something about it.
Youre really gonna let us
just walk out of your life?
Well, youre making
the choice, not me.
If thats the way you
need to hear it
then, yes, Im making it.
Stay away from us.
Hey, Jimmy.
Come on in.
Annies sleepin.
I gotta serve breakfast early
in the morning tomorrow, so...
No, go, go.
You can stay in,
in this playroom.
Its got a really good sofa.
And, uh, theres some linens
in the closet and pillows.
Good night.
Good night.
Uh, Jimmy, um
listen, how do you, uh
how are you fixed for help at the deli?
I dont know
how you get any
work done here with
all these distractions.
I look and go right
back to what Im doing.
Youve been married
how many years?
Thirty-four years this April.
And you never once took one of
these girls out for a picnic?
Im married to Annie.
I know, you said that.
But not once, not even once?
Its not like these girls are
throwing themselves at me.
These girls are into
economics, micro, macro.
They are, they dont know
what 58k a year gives ya.
Theyre looking to find
somebody their own age
or some rich asshole. No offense.
Why would I be offended?
All right. You want me to tell you
why it doesnt bother me?
All right. When my father
gave me this place years ago
I used to dream about these girls.
Every night, dreams, all
kinds of dreams about em.
But then Id see em coming
back after graduation.
Theyd come to homecomings, ballgames.
Theyd sit at the same
tables, eat the same food.
And I look at them and I notice,
they dont stay like this.
None of em.
They put on years and
pounds and wrinkles.
And I got one like that at
home. So. And we can talk to
each other. I know her
and Ill always know her.
There you are.
Five, six, seven.
Mr. Kalmen. Hey.
Great to see you.
Nice to see you.
I heard you were,
uh, working here.
Uh, I wanted to come
bring you your shirt back.
Ah. Even washed it.
Thank you.
Oh. De nada.
Oh. De nada?
Looks like youre doing fine.
Yeah, I told you I was a good student.
Hey, uh, this is, uh, Maureen.
Hello, Maureen. How are you?
Nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you.
What would you like?
Um, can I have a black
and white shake, please?
You got it.
Uh, actually, uh, make it dos.
Dos, huh? These
are on the house.
Hey, uh, Mr. Kalmen, we are
having a, uh, little house party
on Thursday night. We were wondering
if you, would come.
Youre having a party? Dont you have
classes the next day?
Uh, yeah. So I wont sleep
late and miss a class?
That really such a big deal?
Not if youre sleeping late
at Maureen s, its not.
Id love to come.
Yeah, thatd be great.
Um, mucho gracias por la invitacin.
Uh, yeah.
Speaks Spanish.
Here you go.
This is weird.
I didnt chase you up here. Okay?
I dont, uh,
I dont know what to say.
Well, theres really
nothing to say, you know.
This is weird.
I had to get out of the city.
Jimmy offered me a job and,
uh, thats why Im here.
And this is the best
job you could get.
Its a job.
You had to have other options.
Well, your mom was
pretty effective about
eliminating all of them.
You must be so mad at me.
Not really. No. You know, you had an
opening. You took it.
Got a good clean shot in at your mom.
Boxing glove cant
get mad at the fist.
So, youre okay?
Its what it is, yeah.
Gary, I wanna talk to my grandson.
He went, went to sleep,
like, six hours ago.
Ben, do you know what time it is?
I know, I know, its late. Its late.
Just, just wake, wake him.
Hes gonna wanna talk to me.
Your father.
Dad, you cant do this.
I, I gotta talk to him.
Theres things I gotta
tell him, Suse, you know.
I, this is important stuff.
Im not gonna be around
here forever, you know.
And whos gonna show him?
This is hard for me, but
Im hanging up now, dad.
No, no, no, no, no,
okay. I, I, look. Its...
Im sorry I called late.
Past his bed time, but...
Im sitting here on the
bench where I met your mom.
I gotta pass this fucking bench
three times a day, you know.
Im sorry.
No. Ill call back in the morning.
He wont be available then either.
He thinks youre on a long trip
where there are no phones.
Which you are.
Im going
to speak quickly and clearly
so that we dont misunderstand
one another, Benjamin.
That would be fine.
It has been explained to me that
you are on Allysons campus?
I am at the school.
Yeah. I got a job here.
You are to leave that
campus immediately.
I will not have my daughters
environment threatened. This is
her college experience. I want her to
remember it fondly.
Has she complained to you?
Thats an irrelevant question.
Ive never approached her.
Never tried.
Well, youre mistaking
this for a conversation.
I dont wanna have to tell
Allysons father about
everything thats transpired,
but I will. And as you know,
he has a wide ranging group
of contacts and a far reach.
Im sure he does.
Cant we move on?
I have moved on.
The moment you put your hands on
my daughter, you ceased to exist
to me. It is now as if
you never existed. I believe
Ive shown remarkable restraint
in taking this approach.
I take a great measure of
pride in it, actually
to be able to transcend the
influence of a life form such as
yours. But hear this. It certainly
isnt the only
approach available to me. Tomorrow,
Ben, you get going.
Or this file moves from my
desk to Allysons father s.
So Im thinking, yeah, Allyson
was trying to get a rise from
her mother who was trying to
get my attention to her mother.
You see, see, see what I mean.
Yeah, yeah, dude. Youre trying to
understand her behavior
through, through Jungian archetypes.
Thats, thats a slippery slope, Ben.
Well, you did some homework
today, didnt you?
I did do some homework.
Yeah. I still have to do well.
Dont worry. I told her
I was, um, crashing out after.
In the morning, wake me.
Yeah. Well played, man.
Well played.
But, anyway, getting
back to Allyson. I think shes,
shes trying to give me some kind of
message, you know?
Yeah. Yeah, I think you,
you got caught up in her.
I did, yeah.
Yeah, you did.
Which is interesting, actually.
Because, um, your
counsel to me was, uh.
I say a whole bunch
of shit, you know.
Some of its even the truth.
Oh, yeah.
Thats good.
Yeah. Is this new?
Um, no. No, its old. Its really,
actually, I think its
from when I was in eleventh grade or
Hmm. Its still good though.
Thank you.
Well done, huh, young man?
Well done.
Thank you.
All the way around.
Yeah, well, getting into an
eclectic house was, was really
great. But, um, being junior is just really
different than being a sophomore.
Yeah. But being a sophomore is a hell
of a lot better than being
a senior because youve
got it all in front of you.
Youre Sunday breakfast.
Lumberjack special.
The two, the two, the two.
The cakes, the eggs, bacon.
Youre the guy from Marinos.
I kept trying to figure
out who you were.
And I remember you
for two reasons.
One, you got the hair of
Bancroft, Mrs. Robinson.
She used to drive me nuts.
And I love the way that you eat.
You know, you dont give a
fuck what anybody thinks.
You just, you know,
you just go for it.
Wow. I never thought about it that
much. I just like pancakes.
Yeah. Thats cool.
Right. So, um, Ill
see you at Marinos.
Okay. Youll see me at Marinos.
Hi. You want a drink?
No. Just some more ice.
Cheston, he s, hes terrific, isnt he?
Hes super. He loves you.
He thinks youre
some sort of arch Dr. Phil.
Dr. Phil.
No, no, no. Hes a bozo.
When I give advice, its target specific.
And what advice did you give him exactly?
Hes very tightlipped about it.
Oh, well, I cant reveal
all my confidences.
But you ought to know this
because I would never tell him
anything that you said
you know, or what I saw or,
you know what might gonna happen.
Whats gonna happen, Ben?
Well, its not really the
question of the moment, is it?
No. No. The question of the moment is
what are you getting
out of the transaction?
What transaction?
Well, you know what I mean. Between
the, uh, the two of you.
I mean you got your little jokes,
you know, the Spanish
thing, interests are the
same, and the studying.
But, um, are you getting it,
you know, where it counts?
Oh, Ben. Cheston thinks
you care about him.
This has nothing to do with him.
Hes never gonna know about this.
Arent you a little old for all this?
Youre still standing here, arent you?
Yeah, cause Im contemplating
throwing this drink in your
face. But Im not going to because I
dont want Cheston to
know what you just tried. So
you can just walk away. Please.
Nothing personal.
That is it, actually. Since you asked,
thats what I get from him.
Something personal.
Besides getting it done where
it counts, which he does
Cheston and I reach each other.
Hes tender and sweet and
smart and funny, a million
things that you arent.
I was once, honey.
It doesnt last.
Im gonna
tell you a few things.
Then Im gonna do a few things. Huh?
First, youre not getting
robbed. Just stay there.
Second. My name is Nascarella.
Now, Im giving you my
particulars so you understand
you can forget about going
to the cops with this.
I was on the job thirty years. They
give me a nice gold shield.
Theres no help there
for you, my friend.
Plus, I squared it
with campus security.
Seems, uh, youve thrown the
first punch before, huh?
Just like tonight?
The fu, fuck you
want from me, huh?
I picked up all my debts
in Vegas, AC, you now.
Thats damn good, pal. But
Its got nothing to do with me.
I run security for
Allyson Karschs father.
And the third thing I
wanna tell you is, leave.
I mean, as soon as you can.
You were warned once
before but you ignored it.
Now, are you gonna ignore me?
No. Uh, Im gonna go.
You mean that? It is a promise?
Im gonna go, I m
gonna go in the morning,
first thing, Im gonna go.
Not sure youll be able
to get on your way that quickly.
Come on, you can get up. Come on.
Let me help you.
Thats it. Good.
Good. Thats good.
Hey, you okay?
Do not ignore me.
No broad is worth it.
We gotta
go to the hospital.
No, no, no hospitals.
I just, oh, I wanna lie down.
I wont let you close your eyes
until we get this looked at.
You wont let me.
No. I mean, you could
have internal injuries.
You hit your head.
I mean, we need a doctor.
I dont need a doctor.
Jesus Christ, youre too
fucking good to be true.
What the fuck you care about
whether I get looked at or not?
You know, dont start all
that, that friend bullshit.
Well, well, we are friends.
I havent seen you in
thirty years, all right?
That has nothing to do with this.
See, thats where you and I, you
know, are a little different.
I dont exactly have,
uh, faith in that racket.
What, the friendship racket?
You know, you had a lot of
friends when you were here, Ben.
A lot of friends.
Yeah, uh, Ill tell you where
theres a place for friends.
You know where its in that,
that, that, that midrange
you know, where everything is
comfortable, were all the same.
Right there in the middle. Huh? But
at your highest moments and
your lowest, youre alone.
Im on the cover of Forbes magazine,
right? Im by myself.
Im on the, uh, the front
of the Times Business,
uh, section In Handcuffs.
Im, Im there by myself.
That is not true.
Please, please. They pull
at you. They smile at you.
All they wanna do is kill ya.
Listen, theyd fucking
kill ya to take your place.
And Im, Im walking on
my, my way to court
thinking anybodys asking, hey,
wonder whats going on in, in
Bens mind, you know?
I couldnt give a shit.
Hey, I remember Nancy. She would
never treat you that way. Never.
Cause Nancy was legit.
And I was legit to Nancy.
And when I couldnt be
anymore, you know, I left.
If it means anything
when you were on the cover
of Forbes magazine
I was on the cover
of Forbes magazine.
I saved it and everything.
I believe you.
I just, I dont how
to be like you, Jimmy.
I dont really know
where to start.
Go start tomorrow.
Lets go inside.
Oh, I think, I think I
cracked a couple of ribs.
Hey, dad.
At least I can understand myself now.
They lowered the painkillers. They
had to keep it high at
first so you wouldnt move and cause
more internal damage.
Youre gonna be okay.
You came to see me?
Youre gold, Suse.
Youre pure gold.
How long can you stay?
For now.
Then I have to take off, but
Ill sit with you til then.
Im sorry about Carol Salomonde.
I shouldnt...
dont think about that now.
Just rest.
Thanks, pumpkin.
Here, let me help you.
Youre feeling quite nicely?
Yeah, well, it hurts like a beast.
Well, its gonna be
sore for sometime still.
The doctors will be
in after their rounds.
Now, I know that they spoke to
your doctor back in New York.
While you were under sedation
they ran a series of tests.
I know that were not supposed
to discuss results with you.
Well, what, what kind of tests?
Who, who, who told em?
You did.
And you signed consent
forms when you came in.
I dont remember that.
Yeah, you wouldn t.
You know, the alcohol
and shock to your
system was pretty extreme.
So, what kind of tests?
They ran a series
concentrating on your heart.
Am I hooked up here to anything else?
Just to the I.V.
You wanna take this out, please?
Thats against doctors orders.
Well, if you dont take it out,
Im gonna take this with me,
because Im leaving.
I did you wrong, kid.
Im here to make it right.
Yeah, you know, you gave me back
my shirt and I never gave you
back the one I borrowed. So.
Uh, this isnt my shirt.
No, no that particular shirts
in some storage box in New York,
so I bought you a new one.
And, you know, thought it
would look good on you.
All right. Thanks.
Also, it appears I
might have done you wrong
a couple of other ways, too.
Yeah. Yeah, I know.
I know. She told me.
She didnt want to, but I saw
that something was bothering
her. She said that,
that you were drunk...
that I shouldnt be mad,
that it was just kinda sad.
That thats who you are.
See, she might be a good one.
I forgot to tell you
about the good ones.
You know, they re, theyre
different than all the others.
And, um... you know, theyre rare.
And when you get a good one
you dont wanna fuck it up.
Yeah, I know. I, I
figured that out myself.
Figured you would.
Youre a good one, too.
Thanks for the shirt.
De nada.
Okay, Nance.
When was the first
time that a doctor sent
you for a heart scan?
Hospital called you.
Called your daughter.
Uh, Dr. Steinberg
ordered up that test about
six and a half years ago.
And how long after that
did you start cheating?
That day.
And you never went back to
have the test done, did you?
Cant use that as an excuse though.
It was a factor.
But, uh, you know,
things were building up.
Building up?
I was becoming invisible.
Look, thirty years ago I would
walk into a room, that room
would change just
because I was there.
It was, you know, I was a
graduate, self made man, great
shape. I had the TV
commercials, all that stuff.
I remember. I was right next to the
camera when you shot them.
You know what it was like back then.
I was a lion. Thats
how people looked at me.
But then, you know,
things started to change.
And over the, uh, past ten or
twelve years, Id walk into a
room and the only old people noticed
me. They knew who I am.
And to everybody else Im invisible.
You were never invisible to me.
Well, that doesnt count
because you were my wife.
Oh. Well. You know what,
Benny? If youre lucky,
thats what happens. You get old.
No, I, I accept its biological.
I just dont accept
that it happened to me.
So, when, uh, Steinberg said he
thought he saw something on the
EKG, I got nervous. And when
he called up the heart scan,
uh, to see if there was any blockage...
I had every intention of walking
out of his office and going
right there to check on it.
But instead?
Instead I went into a bar and
grill on Lexington Avenue
had a couple of pops
to calm down and, uh
I picked up the first young girl
who said yes and took her back
to a suite at the Carlyle.
And what did that do for you?
The truth?
Did plenty.
See, I figured youd see it on
my face, youd know straight
off. But you didnt. You
didnt say anything, you know.
So, I kept right on going.
And then, uh, you know, awhile
after that Im up in my shop at
white plains looking
at the books. And I say to
myself, why should I be New Yorks
honest car dealer?
Then again, nobody said
anything. Nothing for years.
But you know, I, I still
dont understand why you...
you didnt go back and have
the test just to make sure.
Im gonna go to a doctor and
give him that kind of power?
The, the when, the
where and the how?
Theres no, theres no way.
You know what its like
when we get our age.
The best thing a doctor can say
is, uh, well, oh, the survival
rate is high... or,
uh, its a good cancer, or...
uh, hey, you know, no problem.
We got it early.
I dont wanna hear any of that.
And I wasnt gonna go
get some of those, uh...
those, those beta blockers and
all that crap that slow you down
and level you out. I was gonna live
my life the way I wanted
to until the fucking
thing in my heart exploded.
But you cant cheat death,
Benny. Nobody can and
no matter how many 19 year
olds you talk into your bed.
I know that.
I know that now.
my cars parked over there.
And Id be happy to drive
you back to New York City...
if youre ready.
Take a few minutes and...
you decide what you really want.