Solomon Kane (2009)

There was a time when the world was
plunging into darkness and chaos.
A time of witchcraft and sorcery.
A time when no-one stood against evil.
Where is the throne room?
Good lad. Good lad.
...let not one of these
putrid heathens live.
There's something in here with us.
No treasure is worth this.
Silence, you dogs.
Hold steady!
Captain, there's devilry here,
I knew it.
I said, "hold steady".
I am the only devil here!
...follow me!
Here it is, boys!
I've found it.
What... are you?
I am the Devil's Reaper.
I am here to claim you,
Solomon Kane.
Your deal is done.
What deal?
I made no deal.
There was a deal...
...and your soul is the price.
Your life of murder...
...and greed is over.
You cannot take my soul.
Bow your head before me.
The Devil will have his due.
You can tell your master
that I am not yet ready for Hell.
The Lord protects me.
Fool! He has abandoned you.
On your knees.
You'll never take my soul!
Take his soul.
You cannot escape us.
Your soul is damned!
Who's the novice?
This is Brother Thomas.
He joined us only a few days ago.
Those marks, do they...
- really protect you from Satan?
Mind what you name
in this holy place.
I would like to speak
with Solomon alone.
Once again we heard
your cries at matins.
My dreams.
My dreams do haunt me still.
You would do well to listen to
what your dreams tell you.
I do.
My dreams tell me only
that I am damned.
God protects His own.
I am not one of His own... I?
My enemies are...
...are ever watchful of me.
But this place...
...this place and these prayers...
...they are all that hide me
from its gaze.
...these months you've been here...
...l've felt a shadow growing over us.
These are dark times.
I prayed for guidance...
and I was answered.
Solomon... you must leave us.
Why? I...
...I live here in solitude.
I do no harm.
I've renounced my evil ways,
my power.
I'm learning...
learning to be a man of peace.
I know you are, but your future
is not here with us.
How could you do this to me?
I have given all my wealth to the Church.
We're grateful for your generosity,
but you must understand...
No. Father.
Do not... do not make me beg.
This place is a...
is a sanctuary to me.
Where would you have me go?
You must go home.
You're of noble birth... have lands in the west,
you must return to your inheritance.
No! I cannot return home.
Nor can you remain.
I was told in my dreams
he was to be sent from here.
I listen to what I'm told.
Does Kane know his purpose?
Every man must discover
his own destiny.
Kane must find his purpose.
There are many paths to redemption.
Not all of them peaceful.
Offer you a ride?
Thanks, friend, but no.
Well, the road ahead should
not be travelled alone.
Again, I'll thank you
for your offer.
I'll be walking.
As you wish.
God be with you.
And with you too, sir.
- He'll hear us.
- I don't care.
Let him hear me.
Move and you die.
I don't want any trouble.
Well, that's too bad.
Because you've already got it!
Let's have a look.
Nothing worth stealing.
Nothing? You got nothing?
- Are you a priest?
- Just take what you want.
Oh, don't you worry,
pilgrim, we will.
Stay still.
Look at this.
These are magical symbols.
I say he's a sorcerer.
What shall we do with you, eh?
Shall we burn you as a witch?
Burn him! Burn him!
There's murder
in your eyes, traveller.
Would you kill me? Eh?
Huh? Would you?
You won't kill the man
who steals from you?!
I will not fight another man.
I have renounced violence.
Well, that's a shame
because we haven't.
You will do as I say, Solomon.
Don't forget your place.
You are the second son only.
Marcus is my heir.
He will be master of these
lands on my death.
But, Father,
Marcus is a brute and a bully!
You will take holy orders and
join the Church as I command.
But I do not want to be a priest.
What you want is of no importance.
Father Simnal is here to
take you to the abbey.
I won't go.
If you defy me,
you will have nothing.
I will cut you off.
You will be a landless vagrant.
Is that what you want?
Walk out now and
you may never return.
Do not defy me!
Be calm.
Be calm, sir.
Be calm, you are safe.
He's awake.
Father, that man, he's awake.
Here... take a drink
of water if you can.
Careful. Careful.
His fever has broken, Father.
Thank the Lord, sir.
You will be well.
My name is Crowthorn.
William Crowthorn.
My daughter Meredith
has been tending you.
The good Lord must be
watching over you, sir.
He guided us to your rescue.
Edward, pull over.
We'll find a place to make
camp for the night.
Shall I put these down here, Mother?
Yes, thank you, Meredith.
Step lively, Meredith.
Water the horses.
Why me?
Your older brother
has given you a task.
See you set to it.
Master Kane.
You should be resting.
I can hardly repay
your hospitality.
...with idleness, Ma'am.
Give me a few moments to clean up,
I'll come and help you as I can.
You've regained your appetite,
Master Kane.
It's a fine meal,
Mistress Crowthorn.
My Katherine can make
anything taste good.
Leather boots and nettles last Sunday.
It certainly was not!
Tasted like it.
William tells us you were
Captain of a ship.
That I was.
Did you fight the Spanish?
I did.
Who else?
Seem to have fought
everyone at some time.
I've had many masters.
Once voyaged with Admiral Drake.
Admiral Drake!
That did not end well.
Must have been so exciting.
Seeing the world and
learning new things.
Why do you think
a life of violence
and bloodshed is
so admirable, Meredith?
You know that's not what I meant.
Why do you always argue with me?
Because you need to learn what to...
- I fought in the Queen's Army once.
- Yeah?
Before I found my faith.
Taking another man's life,
that's not an easy thing to do,
don't you agree?
I must confess, Mr Crowthorn...
...I was never more at home
than I was in battle.
Killing... came easily to me.
If you defy me,
you will have nothing.
Walk out now and
you may never return.
Do not defy me!
- Please, help me! No!
- Shut up!
Marcus, what are you doing?
Solomon, I thought you'd run away.
Fleeing the life of a holy man.
- Solomon, he tried to...
- Quiet!
- I gave you no leave to speak!
- Sarah, run!
This is not your concern,
little brother.
Since you're going away,
here's something to remember me by.
Come here and look at this!
I am the first-born!
All this will be mine and
you'll have nothing!
Take your bags and leave this land.
Friend. Friend.
Please, sit down. Join me.
Thank you.
How are you feeling?
Aches, bruises. Nothing.
Your daughter has a healer's gift.
She does indeed.
Just like her mother.
Two most beautiful women
in this world, Master Kane.
My family is all and everything to me.
You are blessed.
Do you have kin?
I had a brother.
But that was a lifetime ago now.
We've lost loved ones.
To plague, persecution and bigotry.
Well, Edward, now.
He... had a wife and child once.
But the Lord saw fit to embrace them.
So... now you sail
for the New World, huh?
Yes, indeed, we do.
...we all need to start again.
You might considerjoining us.
Well, that's a...
that's a kind offer, William.
Thank you. Very kind.
I should be honest with you.
You should know the kind of man
you're thinking about taking in.
I've done bad things.
Terrible things.
Cruel things.
I am a...
No, I was...
...was an evil...
- evil man.
But the Lord speaks of redemption
and forgiveness.
No. My soul is damned.
Satan's creatures will take me
should I stray from the path of peace.
Then do not stray...
...Master Kane.
Do not stray.
Captain Kane?
Yes, Miss?
I made these clothes... for you.
Your others are a little...
A little what, Miss?
A little...
Thank you, Miss.
Thank you.
Now there stands a fine figure of a man.
Don't you think, William?
It's better than those rags
you were wearing, and that's a fact.
I'm glad you approve, Ma'am.
Finally, you're respectable.
Been a long time since anybody said
that about me.
Thank you.
Are you coming to America with us?
I'm not so sure, Samuel.
Well... and your family are
beginning a new life.
Whereas I need to undo an old one.
Those men who hurt you,
you could have killed them
if you wanted, couldn't you?
There was a time when I...
...would have ripped their
still-beating hearts from their chests.
Would you fight me?
I will if you continue
with your infernal questioning.
Fight me.
I have no reason to fight you,
young man.
- Samuel, stop it!
- Now you have a reason!
To save this beautiful maiden from me.
Samuel! Don't scare the horses.
Solomon. Save me. Help!
Come, sir.
Come on.
...get back to the cart. Go on.
Who could have done this?
The Devil.
The Devil was here.
No, there was no Devil.
There was a witch burning here.
The creature must have broken free.
...taken vengeance, my Lord.
Show thyself.
We should leave.
We can'tjust leave
these people for carrion.
Keep her well stoked, Edward.
We got to keep the shadows
at bay tonight.
Child... can you tell us what happened?
Oh, let the poor girl be, William.
They tried to burn a witch.
People came to watch her die, but...
...the flames, they didn't hurt her.
She just laughed and...
she said...
...she said...
that all the Devil's children...
...were free to walk the earth now.
And then...
...she killed them all.
She burnt out their eyes...
...because they came to watch.
We should pray.
I'm tired.
Just a moment more.
For our prayers.
I don't want to pray.
It's all right, it's all right.
I'm so tired. Please?
Of course you are.
You poor thing.
Let's find a place for you to sleep.
Edward, I think the child
should wear your cross tonight.
For protection.
Of course.
Thank you.
Here, child.
Wear this tonight.
It will keep you safe.
It's you we want.
What did you do?
Here, child.
Her, this is the witch!
The Devil is waiting for you, Kane!
Bring them.
Get off me!
More recruits for Malachi, my Lord.
Are you ready to
serve your Overlord?
Better than the alternative.
To serve us you have to join us.
...just tell us what to do.
What are you doing?!
It's good.
Father, I have the firewood.
Well done, Samuel.
Break it up now.
Let me help you with that.
Give it a pull.
- There we are.
- Thank you.
Here... let me see.
Does that hurt?
No. I can't feel anything.
Why did that creature mark me?
I don't know.
Evil has its own reasons.
Are we safe?
Don't you worry.
There is no evil in you, Meredith.
Trust me.
I trust you.
Come along with that wood, Samuel.
Bigger pieces than that, please.
Bigger pieces. We want hot soup.
You might wanna set a
smaller fire tonight.
Don't wanna attract
any unwanted attention.
What's the matter?
- I heard something.
- Where?
Over there.
Beyond those trees.
Wait here.
Samuel, Samuel, keep down!
Keep down, keep quiet!
Who are they?
Solomon... what are they?
I want you to go back to your father.
Tell him to move out immediately.
Leave her!
Solomon! Solomon!
This is the one.
No! Stop! Stop!
Solomon! Help us!
- No!
- Samuel!
No, leave him be.
Leave him be.
Don't you hurt him.
I am unarmed.
Solomon, help him!
- Solomon, kill them!
- Silence, Samuel!
Kill them all!
Listen to him, Samuel. Listen.
Don't struggle, lad.
If you don't struggle,
he'll let you go.
Won't you?
Kill him. You know you can.
Just be quiet, Samuel!
Are you their master?
What is it you want?!
I'll do anything.
Kill me.
Can you?
No, I... I cannot.
I am...
- a man of peace.
Don't you hurt that boy.
This boy...
...this child has more heart
than any of you.
Help me.
He is the only man here.
- No, listen to me.
- Solomon, stop him!
My son!
Take the marked one.
Solomon... do something!
Help us! Kill them!
Kill them all!
Solomon, please help us!
What is it you want from me?
What is it?
Is this... all I am to you?
Then so be it.
If I kill you...
...I am bound for Hell.
It is a price... I shall gladly pay.
Leave her!
No! William!
Get off her!
Go, go!
- Solomon.
- Yeah.
Get her back.
Oh, I will.
Get her back. Swear on oath... get her back... for me.
These are my last words on earth.
I know God in Heaven hears.
If you save our child...
...your soul, too, will be saved.
You can redeem yourself, Solomon.
I know this to be true.
Swear it to me.
I swear.
I swear it, William.
I will find her.
Find her.
Get him!
Meredith, are you in there?
Have you seen this girl?
No, no. Look at it, please.
Have you seen this girl?
I don't know her, sir. Please...
Where are they taking you?
Have you seen this girl?
I don't know.
There are raiders everywhere.
No, look at this!
Have you seen this girl?!
Please don't hurt me.
I just wanna go home.
Forgive me, child.
Forgive me.
Go, go. Go in peace.
Move along.
- Clear out the dead.
- They're no use to Malachi.
Where are you taking us?
What do you want?
Make your peace, child.
There's no way out for us.
Slavery or death.
That's our only way out.
God will not deliver us from this.
We'll find a way out.
Take my hand.
We'll find the strength to survive this.
Bring her here.
Dear God.
Dear God...
...I beg you to listen to me now.
I have failed you.
I cannot find her.
I am lost...
...and I need your light...
to help me find my way.
Forgive me, Father.
Such times we live in.
I wished only for some refuge
and a moment of prayer.
Praise God in His sanctuary.
Praise Him in the firmament
of His power.
I've seen such terrible things.
So this is your home?
I need nowhere else.
I have nowhere else.
You come far?
Three days' hard ride
have brought me here.
But where 'here' is I know not.
These are the borderlands of
Somerset and Devonshire.
My home, too.
Sad homecoming for you, then.
Have those Raiders been here?
Those black-eyed lapdogs of Malachi?
...they passed through here.
Now they hold sway over
all the lands to the west of here.
Then I shall be riding westward.
Then you shall ride to your death,
my son.
Who is this Malachi?
A servant of the Devil.
A sorcerer.
No-one ever sees him.
He hides away in his castle...
...and sends forth that
masked warrior to do his bidding.
His army make slaves of the weak...
...and soldiers of the strong.
But God will save the faithful.
It's here...'s here, here.
I have read it.
I have read it.
This is the end of days.
You truly believe that?
Every foul thing that the light
of Christ kept at bay... crawling up out of the pit
to curse the land.
I think Christ and all his angels
have been asleep...
...whilst we are left to suffer.
You mind your blasphemy!
It can only be as God ordains it.
How can it be right...
...that this evil is left to walk the earth...
...whilst all we have to
protect ourselves is what?
Simple faith?
It is written in the scriptures.
What was that?
I heard something outside.
No, my son.
There is nothing evil out there.
Evil is already here.
What do you mean?
"Satan has desired to have them...
...that he may sift them as wheat."
My God...
What was I to do?
You should destroy them, man!
I cannot destroy them.
They were men and women once.
People I knew.
Malachi's curse that
changed them is no fault of theirs.
This is my flock.
I keep them.
Care for them.
I feed them.
Feed them?
With what?
What do you feed them?
I deliver you unto Satan's creatures
for the destruction of your flesh...
...that your spirit may be saved.
May God have mercy on your soul.
Friend of yours?
I remember this one, lads.
He's not a fighter. Remember?
What are you doing here, Puritan?
So... you've given yourselves
over to this evil, have you?
You should try it.
Malachi will own all this land
here soon enough.
There's no point in you fighting.
The only thing round here is fighting.
But you don't do that... you?
Well, you know...
...I may just have
changed my mind about that.
No! No! What are you doing?!
What are they?!
Now, this girl, your kind took her.
Have you seen her?
I don't know her.
Take a long hard look.
This is your last chance to save
your pitiful life.
- Come on!
- All right, I've seen her.
Where have you seen her?
She's dead.
Don't you lie to me.
I wouldn't lie. I want to live!
Don't you lie to me!
I'm not. She's dead!
She's not dead!
For the bag. Leave it all.
Thank you, sir.
Are you sure?
It is him. I knew it.
Captain Kane?
I'm Henry Telford.
Do you remember me?
Captain Kane?
I was a mate on the Tiercel
when you captained.
My name's Telford.
Do you remember?
- It's not him.
- It is him! It's Kane.
He can lead us, believe me.
Where to, Henry?
Another tavern? Look at him!
My friend here says you're the
greatest warrior he ever saw.
- I don't believe him.
- You shouldn't.
I know what you can do, Captain.
I've seen it!
Those were distant times.
She's dead now.
And I have...
...forfeit my soul.
- He's no use to us. Leave him!
- No!
Captain Kane, we need a leader.
- We have to fight back!
- Then fight back!
She's lost.
And I lost her.
And l... I have to pay.
Let them come and get me.
I care not.
Mercy, please!
This is the fate of those
who defy Malachi.
Please have mercy!
There will be no mercy!
This man cannot save you!
He is nothing!
Crucify him!
And burn the town to the ground!
No, no, no!
God help him!
Solomon! Solomon, please!
- Meredith.
- Can you hear me?
God... save me!
Captain Kane.
...another 20 at Romney Marsh.
He's getting stronger all the time.
That's why we need Kane.
We need him
whatever his past sins were.
But one devil for another
seems like folly.
...Earth, fire, stone, and water...
Keep your filthy pagan magic
away from me.
It is my pagan magic
that has healed you.
There's more power here
than your Christian God.
You'd do well to remember that.
I have done what you asked.
His body is healed.
What do you see of our future?
Your champion will lead you
into blood and darkness.
Are you ready for that?
What are you doing?
You need to rest.
- I'm leaving.
- Why?
Because it's not over yet.
She's still alive.
You're barely healed.
And we're too few to
fight Malachi's men.
Just wait a little.
I do not ask you to come with me
nor do I want you to.
Well, you may not want it but we will.
This lad has promised us you will
destroy this evil...
...and we're here to fight with you.
Promised, have you?
That's what you want, isn't it?
To end this?
Then let us help you.
Malachi was a priest and a healer...
...but he sold his soul to the Devil
for the power he now possesses.
He enslaves our people
and corrupts the land.
And the masked rider...
...he's the iron fist that commands
his army and spreads the poison.
He has no face beneath his mask.
He can possess you with his touch.
It's true, I've seen it.
If we kill him,
Malachi will be vulnerable.
Easier said than done, my friend.
He will fall.
You know where this Malachi is?
That is no secret.
Axmouth Castle.
No... No, that cannot be.
There is no doubt.
Do you know it?
My father was lord of Axmouth Castle.
I grew up there.
There's no lord there now.
I did not even know he'd died.
Now... this must end.
All of you... all of you,
gather your weapons!
- We're not ready.
- It's time to take the fight to him.
- We're not ready.
- Neither is he!
- We're too few.
- Oh, come on!
You have seen me taking
cities with fewer.
But how do we get through
the front gates?
You forget, I was born here.
I have no intention of
going through the front gates.
Good God. My home!
You lived here?
That explains a lot.
Welcome home...
Solomon Kane.
Telford! Get your men inside!
We cannot win this!
Follow me!
- Help us!
- Meredith?
Is there a girl in there called Meredith?
- Please help us...
- Meredith?
You're free. All of you.
Get out.
Let's get away from here.
Come on, old man, you're free.
All right, I'll help you, then.
Let's see if I can
loosen these chains.
Even if you do, I'll stay.
What are you talking about, man?
Because this was my home.
I thought I had lost you forever.
You were still a boy when...
You will never break them.
They were spun with dark magic... much as with metal.
How will I free you?
You can't, Solomon, don't try now.
My Father...
...I have carried such...
...such guilt for what I did.
I did not mean for Marcus to fall.
I did not mean for him to die.
He did not die, Solomon.
If he had, this nightmare
would never have begun.
He did not...?
Thank God he is alive.
It was not through God's will
that he survived.
Well, what do you mean?
...he was terribly injured
by the all but he didn't die.
But nor did he wake.
No surgeons or priests could help, so...
...I brought the sorcerer here.
- You?
- Yeah.
You brought Malachi here?
I offered him everything I had.
Just to bring Marcus back to me.
And he succeeded, Solomon.
With his mirrors and magic...
...he reached into the darkness
and brought Marcus back. But...
...he was changed.
And his face,
so damaged by the fall...
...he hid behind a mask...
...and obeyed only the will of the sorcerer.
No, he cannot be my brother.
That creature is your brother.
Or what remains.
And now Marcus infects
those who follow him.
One thing you must do for me.
Father, just ask and it shall be done.
We both have our sins to answer for.
And I'm ready to answer for mine...
You have to.
Because I brought the sorcerer here.
And as long as I'm alive he will remain.
He will never let me die.
Bring it here.
Through here!
Kane, for God's sake, help us!
Is this it?
Is this all you have left?
Fletcher, McNess, Hawkstone, maybe.
The rest I don't know.
Just keep them back.
You hold steady now.
This is your folly.
Just a few more moments.
I think I can stop this
with a single blow.
I'm here for you.
Isn't this what you want?
Come on.
Solomon, no, it's a trap!
Long is the road that the pilgrim walks
in the name of his devotion.
Yet longer still is the journey home
to the land of his fathers.
I've been waiting for you.
You are unfit to sit upon
my father's hair.
Your father was a child.
A pathetic fool
who made a pact with the Devil.
He betrayed you.
Your soul is damned.
Get up!
Are you still the good, loyal son?
Malachi, you coward!
Meredith, are you all right?
You came for me.
I swore I would.
Solomon, no, it's a trap!
They only marked me so that
you would come.
No, stop!
The Devil wants you.
The Devil can take me soon enough.
Oh God, Solomon!
Brother, listen to me.
If you can hear me, Marcus,
you do not have to do this.
Listen to me!
Meredith, run!
Where is your master?
Where is he?
Where are you, Malachi?
Hiding in the shadows?
Why should I hide from you?
I want you here.
Every step you took
led you to here.
Every pain you suffered was
punishment for your sins.
My master will have your soul!
See what the Devil
has sent to claim you.
This beast will not fail to drag you
back to Hell.
Your soul is damned!
Oh, dear God!
...our father is dead.
You are lord here now!
Malachi has no control over you!
Brother, stop! Brother!
Rest in peace, brother.
It's time. Only your
innocent blood will release him.
Now you are free!
Get him!
My God.
Only you can help me now.
Let her go.
You can have my soul.
Why would you risk everything,
even our soul... save her?
I made a promise.
I must keep it.
Oh, thank God.
Oh, thank God.
It's gone.
Your father told me...
...that if I saved you... soul will be redeemed.
I have.
And it is.
And the Devil's claim on me
is no more.
The guards have fallen.
...I have kept my promise and
Meredith is returned to her mother.
The demon is gone.
Banished to the shadows along
with the sorcerer who had cursed us all.
But evil is not so easily defeated...
...and I know I will have to fight again.
I am a very different man now.
Through all of my travels,
all the things I've seen and all I've done...
...I have found my purpose.
There was a time when the world was
plunging into darkness.
A time of witchcraft and sorcery,
when no-one stood against evil.
That time... over.