Solstice (2008)

[Girl Giggling]
[Birds Singing]
Your mother was so happy...
when she found out
she was going to have twins.
She bought matching clothes for you.
Same crib.
Yeah. It'll be good for you
to get away for a while, hmm?
Spend some time with your friends.
- Hmm?
- Yeah.
All right.
No, Mommy, there will be
no shenanigans.
No, we're not drinking.
Yeah, I'll tell him.
- Dude, I don't think you should let Megan see that.
- What?
- Oh, yeah. No, you're right.
- She still taking her makeups in August?
- That's what she told me.
- [Woman] Hey. She's here.
- [Woman #2] Hey,you.
- Hey.
Long time, no see.
Come here.
I'm so glad you're doing this.
Can't blow off Senior Week.
It's tradition, right?
M.T., how ya doin'?
- It's good to see you.
- You too.
- I'll just get those for you.
- Thanks.
[No Audible Dialogue]
## [Man Singing]
Mark, you wanna pick up the pace a little?
I wanna get there
by the time the sun sets.
## [Continues]
Dude, this is gonna be such a rockin' Senior Week.
I'm so glad you could make it.
This is so cool.
## [Ends]
Hey, you remember this place?
You remember the crazy old woman
who works here?
[Woman #2] Are you kidding?
It's the best part of coming to this store.
Please do not forget toilet paper.
All right?
Last time I had to wipe my ass
with a potato chip bag.
- Mark.
- What, babe? It was barbecue.
- We know. Ugh.
- [Laughs]
[Bell Jingles]
Barbecue sauce-
it has some "G" in it. It burns, man. Bad.
- Stop.
- Okay, fine.
## [Radio: Rock And Roll]
Psst. Check out the new guy.
- Hi.
- Hi.
I think we're a little bit lost.
You wouldn't happen to know the way
to Nowell Lake from here, would you?
Sure. Just stay on this road
for about another three miles or so.
You'll see the turnoff on the right.
So just look for the sign.
You, uh- Y'all from the city?
Yeah. We come here every summer
for St.John's Eve.
Oh. Summer solstice.
Right on.
- You know about that?
- Oh,yeah.
Cajun, born and bred.
So, what are we reading here?
Oh, that? Ghosts, black magic,
communicatin' with the dead.
Fortean Times.
It's pretty cool stuff.
[Mouths Word]
- You can have it if you want. I'm done with it.
- You sure?
Yeah. I was just about
to throw it away.
Have a great day.
Thanks. Take care.
Megan. Time to go.
- Oh.
- You can read your magazine in the car.
- I'm just gonna go to the bathroom.
- Sure.
You ready?
Everybody's waiting.
- Yeah. Sorry. I was just-
- You okay?
Yeah. Fine.
That guy was so hot.
[Woman #2]
He was cute.
- Mangy, but-
- [Man] What guy?
No, there was just a new guy.
working there behind the counter.
- Ah. So a local hick, huh?
- Mark-
[Mark Laughs]
You know, Mark,
for an alleged heterosexual...
- you have the most moist
collection of music I've ever seen.
Very funny.
Will you stop getting
processed barbecue all over my-
Look out!
Hey. You okay?
[Woman #2]
Yeah. See, this is about the time
that we run out of gas...
- and the men get gang-raped
by a band of the inbred locals.
- [Engine Sputtering]
- What the-
[Engine Dies]
Please tell me
you did not run out of gas.
No, babe. We have half a tank.
I don't-
All right,just don't pump it.
It might be flooded.
[Engine Cranking]
- [Engine Starts]
- [Mark] There we go.
Looks like somebody needs a tune-up.
I just had one done.
It's okay.
All right, someone choose some music.
- Come here.
- I can't even bear to look at that thing anymore.
I forgot how beautiful this place is.
Hey, um, Megan?
- Can I have the keys?
- Sure.
- I call master bedroom.
- Call bullshit!
That's ours!
I've got the keys.
Is everything okay?
Yeah. Sure.
Are you gonna
take the downstairs room?
Beer. How you doin'?
- I'm gonna go help Mark, so-
- All right.
It's Christmas vacation, Sophie.
Lighten up.
Mom's not gonna care.
That's not the point, Megan.
The point is to have a good time,
something you should do for a change.
What's your problem?
I can't do this.
What's wrong with you?
Sophie, you're losing it.
Hey, the twins have finally arrived.
We were starting to think
you guys forgot about us.
- [Laughing, Chattering]
- Hey, Christian.
- You okay?
- I'm fine.
You might wanna see
what's going on with Sophie though.
Hey. We're gonna go for a swim
before it gets dark. You wanna come?
Meg, you know, you can take my room
if it gets too weird for you.
No. It's okay.
I just found this.
When was it taken?
I guess about a year ago.
She and Christian
got in so much trouble for that.
I think she told my mom
she stayed at my Aunt Kathy's.
She was never a good liar.
She loved that stupid hat.
- Come on. Let's go. Let's go swimming.
- Oh.
No. I promised my mom
I'd pack up these things.
Rather do it now so it's not staring me
in the face all weekend.
- Aha!
- [Screams]
[Deep Gurgling]
[Gurgling Continues]
[Door Slams]
[Keys Jingling]
- ## [Soft Rock]
- [Zoe] The correct answer to the question...
"In what fictional
Southern California town...
does The Lost Boys take place," is-
- [Together] Santa Carla.
- Carla!
- Okay, you guys are officially Cory Feldman geeks.
- Oh, okay.
Sorry. I don't sit around and watch
I love the '80s all day.
Uh-uh. Double up.
It's house rules.
This is wine.
Mark's drinking beer.
- Drink up, babe.
- [Gasps]
- Goddamn it, Mark.
- Shit. I'm sorry. I didn't mean-
Sorry doesn't get wine
out of my shirt.
Chill out, Lish.
It's just a shirt.
It's not like I meant
to spill it on you.
It was a Christmas gift from Sophie.
I'm gonna go to bed.
I'd better go run
some damage control.
See you guys tomorrow.
Yeah. It's been a long day.
- Guys, good night.
- Night, Zoe.
See you tomorrow.
Are you going anywhere?
For school, I mean.
After you finish your makeups.
I haven't really thought about it.
Um, I'm gonna go to bed.
You know, Megan...
if you ever want
to talk about anything-
You know.
Thanks, Christian.
Good night.
Good night.
[Door Opens]
## [Hip-Hop]
- [Zoe] Hey!
- Hey.
There you are.
- Hey.
- M.T.
- Nice party, guys.
- Where's your sister?
[No Audible Dialogue]
Anderson. Come on, get your girl.
Meet us in the kitchen.
-Rum runners.
-[Zoe] Don't tell me they're getting back together.
I don't know.
I don't think she knows
what she wants anymore.
Dude, he has the hots for you.
[Laughing, Chattering]
As far as I'm concerned-
As far as I'm concerned,
no matter where we go-
- All you guys- You'll always be right here.
- Oh.
- Wow.
- That's sweet.
- And sweetheart?
- Mm-hmm?
- You'll always be right here.
- Ew!
- You're such a jerk.
- I'm kidding.
Ow! Ow.
[Clock Ticking]
[Clock Ticking]
[Faint Beeping]
[Beeping Grows Louder]
[Beeping Grows Louder]
[Beeping Continues]
[Beeping Continues]
[Beeping Continues]
[Beeping Continues]
[Beeping Continues]
[Keys Rattling]
[Beeping Stops]
[Man On Radio, Indistinct]
## [Woman Singing On Radio]
Who's there?
## [Singing Continues]
## [Continues]
[Radio: Stations Flipping]
[Man On Radio]
Business is off-
[Radio Stops]
What are you doing up?
The car- The lights were on.
Someone must have went out
and get something.
Well, they're off now.
That's 'cause
I turned 'em off-
They came back on by themselves.
It must just be
a short or something.
I'll check it out in the morning.
This was on the front seat.
It was Sophie's.
I packed it away..
earlier today.
Everyone keeps asking me
why she did it.
Like- Like I should have
seen it coming. Like-
- Like it's my fault she's gone.
- Megan.
That is crazy.
No one blames you.
She's my sister.
Nobody was closer to her than me.
- I should have seen it.
- Hey, come here. Come on. Come here.
- [Sobbing]
- It's not your fault.
Come on.
It's not your fault.
You know, I didn't see it coming either.
Nobody did.
Look at me.
Hey. Look at me.
- [Sobbing]
- Look at me.
I can't.
Megan, look at me.
We both loved Sophie.
And even though she and l
weren't together anymore...
we were still close.
You know, she never judged people.
So don't judge yourself.
That's not what she'd want.
Thank you.
You were always so good to her.
You guys make it easy.
I just keep thinking about Sophie...
about what she would want.
I think she'd want us to be happy.
I just want to feel something again.
I know.
- What?
- Nothing.
[Mouthing Words]
- Morning.
- [Together] Morning.
Late night?
Uh, I guess.
Hey, Christian.
Did any of you guys
use the car last night?
Uh-uh. You saw
Mark and I got to bed.
The lights were on
and the door was open.
- You sure nobody went out there?
- No.
You know, come to think about it,
I did hear something last night.
- You did?
- Yeah.
I mean, it started off real faint...
and then it grew with intensity.
It was like, uh-
"Oh, Christian.
- [Laughter]
- "Oh, Christian.
"Oh, Christian, please don't stop.
Please just keep-
- Stop it.
- "Oh, don't stop it.
"Keep- Oh!
Keep going, Christian.
Please don't stop. Please keep going."
And then it stopped.
Okay, shut it off.
Can't find anything. I think it's probably
just a loose connection somewhere.
But the door was open too.
Meg, I checked.
There's nothing missing.
- You wanna break out the canoe?
- [Christian] Sure.
All right.
Guess I'll get a head start then.
Do you want to go for a canoe ride?
No. I think I'm gonna go for a run.
Okay. I'll see you
when you get back.
Okay, "Smoochy McSmooch."
See you.
## [Woman Singing]
## [Continues]
## [Ends]
[Child Giggling]
[Water Running]
[Gasps, Moans]
- [Moans]
- [Grunts]
[Moans, Gasps]
What you doin',
pokin' around my truck?
Oh, nothin'. Sorry.
- That hat in your truck-
- What about it?
Where did you get it?
What the hell are you doin'
out here, anyway?
I was jogging.
Yeah. Well, all the rain and everything...
got the swamp all "swole" up.
Creates a lot of sinkholes.
Now, if you get in one of those...
they won't find your carcass
until the dry season-
maybe not at all.
Can I give you a lift?
Oh, no, no.
That's okay. I'm all right.
- [Gunshot]
- Should I get a bigger bottle?
Just drink your beer, baby.
- Drink your beer.
- [Cocks Rifle]
This thing isn't calibrated right.
I can't imagine why her parents
would keep it around.
Can't hit a damn thing with it.
No, honey, you're hitting something.
It's just not that bottle.
This is completely
none of my business-
about you and Megan.
- I mean, I'm happy you guys are together.
- [Gunshot]
We all are, but she's-
- She's just really vulnerable right now.
- [Gunshot]
And she's my best friend,
and-and I worry about her.
- It's cool, Zoe. I get it.
- [Gunshot]
But I'm not gonna make Megan
do anything she doesn't want to do.
We're just takin' it
one day at a time.
I know. Okay. I know.
- Right?
- I know. I know.
- Okay.
- [Gunshot]
Well, looks calibrated to me.
- Baby, where were you aiming?
- Straight ahead, honey.
- Straight ahead.
- Gimme that.
- Mm-hmm.
- Thank you.
[Vehicle Approaching]
Shit. I hope we didn't
piss off the neighbors.
Lish, we don't have any neighbors.
Redneck alert.
Hey. How you doin'?
Ran across one
of your friends earlier.
Looks like she had a little trouble
out in the swamp.
Thought I'd drop over and make sure...
she got back okay.
Yeah, no, no.
She's fine. Thanks.
"Brung" ya a fresh-picked
Louisiana watermelon.
Name's Leonard.
Need anything, just give a shout.
- I'm right across the lake over here.
- Will do.
[Water Running]
Hey. You ran into
that creepy old guy?
Yeah. While I was jogging.
It's no big deal.
Really. Everything's fine.
[Shower Running]
- Oh! Ta-da.
- Okay, wait. Wait.
- Let's get another game goin'.
- I need to use the restroom.
Sophie. Sophie!
- Call an ambulance!
- [Moans]
Sophie, wake up!
- Help me.
- Sophie! Grab her legs. Come on.
- Hurry up. Hurry up.
- Sophie.
- Is she breathing? Is she breathing?
- I can't feel her pulse.
Sophie, wake up.
Come on, Sophie, wake up.
- [Zoe] Call 911!
- Please!
- How many pills did she take?
- Sophie!
- [Zoe] What is that? What did she take?
- [Christian] Oh, God.
- Where's the ambulance?
- They're gonna need to pump her stomach.
- Somebody please wait for the ambulance.
- Sophie!
Wake up!
[Clock Ticking]
I forgot to get limes
for the marinade.
Can someone please make a run
to the store for me?
Don't look at me.
I'm not goin' there again.
Why, Zoe? What happened?
- I thought you wanted to be the grocery girl.
- Rule number one:
Do not purchase tampons
from the guy you're trying to hit on.
- [Laughs] Nice.
- Way to reel 'em in, Zoe.
What was I supposed to do? There's no
friggin' store within 20 miles of this place.
- Can't you guys just use a napkin or something?
- Ew.
That's disgusting.
- Okay, well, I still need a volunteer, so-
- I'll go.
What? I don't mind.
Cool. Thanks.
See you later.
- [Car Starts]
- [Mark] She seems to be doing okay. You know?
- Yeah. I think she's all right.
- [Car Drives Away.]
Zoe, don't! Oh, my God.
- [Christian] What the hell is that?
- That's so gross.
I'm tellin' you, man,
there's something not right with that guy.
- [Bell Jingles]
- ## [Radio: Rock And Roll]
## [Ends]
- Hi.
- Hi.
- How's solstice treating you?
- Oh, great, thanks.
Uh, don't take this the wrong way..
but what are some up-towners like you guys
doing celebrating St.John's Day?
My mom teaches
cultural anthropology at Loyola...
so we celebrate pretty much
every holiday known to man.
Might be going there myself.
I applied for an academic scholarship so-
- Really? I'm impressed.
- No.
Don't be.
If I don't get accepted then, uh-
Well, hey, I'll be stuck behind this counter
for a little while longer.
- Your name is Megan, right?
- Yeah.
- I'm Nick.
- Nice to meet you, Nick.
[Bell Jingles]
Almost forgot dinner.
Can I ask you something?
- Sure.
- You know what they say about the solstice-
about spirits crossing over,
that kind of thing.
Have you ever seen anything...
you know, strange?
Well, um, I'll tell you what.
Growing up in these parts...
you-you learn to keep an open mind.
My, uh, grandmother
liked to dabble in a little voodoo.
She used to believe
she could talk to the dead...
especially around the solstice.
If she believed it
then, uh, who am I to argue?
Uh, I don't know
what you're doing later...
but we're having
a really big dinner at our place.
- You should come.
- Uh-
- I probably shouldn't.
- It's gonna be fun. Very traditional.
- You know, creole chicken,
sweet rice, sugar-fried bananas.
- Okay.
- Good. Uh-
Dinner's at 8:00, and it's the white house
on the south side of Nowell Lake.
Know where it is.
[Engine Sputtering]
[Engine Dies]
[Engine Cranking]
[Cranking Continues]
[Keys Jingling]
[Underbrush Snapping]
[Engine Starts]
[Radio: Flipping Stations]
It was just sittin' there-
On the side of the road,
completely out of the blue.
And you're sure
you didn't just drop it?
There was something on the bridge.
Like somebody watching me.
Who was it, Megan?
I don't know.
I couldn't see.
I saw it in the rear view mirror.
But when I turned around, it was gone.
It felt like Sophie.
[Exhales, Sighs]
We all miss her.
Look. We can call
your mom and dad if you want.
No. No.
I know I must
sound crazy to you guys.
I don't want to freak you guys out.
Please just bear with me.
Hey. Okay?
We're all here for you, Megan.
You don't have to worry
about anything.
- What are you doin'?
- Takin' you home.
Christian, I'm fine.
I swear.
You shouldn't have to
stay here if you don't want to.
It's not that. I just-
Whatever it is, you can tell me.
She's here.
I felt it from the moment
that we first got here.
I don't know.
Everybody thinks
I'm some kind of new age freak.
I felt her too.
I was coming home from work.
It was after we got
all that rain in March.
And I was at this crosswalk
across from St.Jackson's.
There was this group of people
across the street waiting for the light.
They were all dressed in black. They must have
been on their way to a funeral or something.
And all of a sudden,
I look up and...
there's this girl across the street
underneath an umbrella.
She's talking to somebody.
And I just freeze.
I mean, it's Sophie.
It's her hair.
It's her clothes.
And then the light changes,
and I'm just standin' there, you know?
It's like my heart stopped.
Andas this girl gets closer,
she turns to me-
I mean, it was almost Sophie.
Obviously it wasn't-
I'll never forget that feeling.
Maybe it is just a feeling.
Christian, I'm gonna be okay.
I promise. And- And...
I'm not leaving.
I guess I should get ready.
For the dinner.
- I just don't think there's
enough food for six people.
## [Pop On Stereo, Faint]
I'll be happy to share mine.
- I'm sure you would.
- Hey! Hey.
- Wait for our guest.
- What?
Why? I didn't invite the guy.
Megan did.
Wow. You look great.
- Hi.
- Hey. Come on in.
Glad you could make it.
- Uh, this is Zoe.
- [Nick] Yeah, we met.
- You remember Alicia.
- [Lish] Hi.
- Hi.
- Mark and Christian.
- Nick, welcome to the party.
- Thanks.
All right.
Everybody's here. Let's eat.
- Okay. [Clears Throat]
- Nick, you can sit there.
All right. I'm starvin'.
You've told this story four times.
It was probably, like, 3:00 a.m.
"Yeah, yeah, sure. We'll go skinny dipping."
- We all run out to the docks-
- Why don't we talk about this?
go jumping in, like, bare-ass naked.
We come running back.
We're just, like- eh- close the door on him.
He's banging on the doors.
And it must have been pretty cold in the water.
- I t was cold outside.
- You know, you've done some pretty stupid things.
So, Nick, you lived
around here a while?
- Yeah, all my life.
- Oh. So you must know the old guy across the lake.
Drives a blue pickup.
Doesn't believe in bathing.
- [Chuckles]
- Oh, yeah. You mean, uh, Leonard. Sure.
Old school Louisiana. His family's
been farming out here for generations.
Pretty much just keeps to himself.
Well, I think he's creepy as balls.
What do you think, Meg?
You think he's the bogeyman out in the woods
that's been messing with your head?
- ## [Continues]
- What do you mean?
[Clears Throat]
Eh, saw something in the woods.
It was nothing.
Out here, you never know.
Especially this time of year.
Most are the result
of overactive imaginations...
but every now and then you get something
that's kinda hard to explain away.
Then I suggest we pay.
the solstice its respects...
and get this party started.
- All right, guys. Cheers.
- [Lish] Uh-huh.
Sorry about your sister.
Mark told me what happened.
You were twins, right?
No wonder you're seeing stuff.
What do you mean?
In Haitian folklore
twins are called the Marasa.
They're believed to be
two halves of the same soul...
connected even in death.
This is gonna sound crazy, but...
since we arrived here...
I can feel her presence.
You've seen her?
I don't have to.
She had this when she died.
It's hard to explain, but...
every time I leave it somewhere...
it comes back to me.
Voduns believe objects
that follow people around...
are usually associated with curses.
So you're saying I'm cursed?
Really depends whether or not
you believe in that sort of thing.
I don't know what I believe anymore.
Tell you what.
Now you may think
I'm the one who's crazy...
but we can do this thing
my grandmother used to do.
[Nick] It was her way.
of trying to communicate with the dead.
- It's worth a try.
- [Chattering, Shouting]
- [Mark] Hey! I need a drink.
- [Lish] Hey!
Please! I don't want lake water in my bottle.
[Chattering, Shouting]
I got wine in my face.
You "wined" me.
So this is the part
where we drink the Kool-Aid, right?
Yeah. Can I ask why we have to
do this in the water?
Well, they say water's the best conductor
between our world and the next, so-
Right. Right.
I should've known.
- [Lish] Ghosts and black magic.
- We should all hold hands.
All right, y'all.
Bear with me. It's been a while.
Let's give it a shot.
Papa Legba-
[Speaking Foreign Language]
[Mouthing Words]
Papa Legba-
[Foreign Language]
Something just touched my leg!
Don't worry, baby Alligators are just as afraid
of you as you are of them.
Very funny. Stop it.
Let me see that bottle for a sec.
- Swig up.
- Okay.
Dude, what the hell, man?
That's my wine.
-Just a little enticement. Granny's little secret.
- Right.
Papa Legba, bring the one to us.
We welcome her.
[Foreign Language]
- [Electricity Crackles]
- [Megan Gasps]
- Whoa!
- Whoa!
Whoa, man!
What the hell was that?
- [Lish Gasps] I'm done!
- [Nick] No! Don't break the circle.
Papa Legba...
we welcome her spirit.
Who is among us?
See us worthy.
We w-
[Muffled Scream]
- [Gasps]
- [Christian] Megan! Megan, you okay?
- [Mark] What the hell are you thinking, man?
- Megan!
- Don't touch her, Nick.
- [Mark] Guys, come on. Let's get out of the water.
- I'm going.
- We don't have to listen to this guy.
Thanks for the buzz kill, Nick.
Come on, Megan.
Let's go inside. Come on.
Why don't you just leave her alone?
## [Rock On Stereo, Faint]
I felt like I was sinking.
Like drowning?
No. I saw her.
She was warning me.
It was more like being pulled under.
Well, if the key chain
really is cursed, then...
you can do what
every curse-fearing Cajun does.
What's that?
Wrap it in a white cloth and bury it.
According to local custom,
the earth will recycle the bad energy.
After that, you should be fine.
Better get goin'. Gotta work in the morning.
You gonna come to
the solstice bonfire tomorrow?
You sure your friends won't mind?
Or your, uh, jealous boyfriend?
He'll get over it.
Besides it's my parents' place.
I'll see if I can wander by.
Zoe, the house is on fire! [Chuckles]
I'll see you in the morning.
I am not saying good-bye.
[Rumbling Continues]
The hat she's wearing-
I've seen it before.
That old guy across the lake
had it in his truck.
So, what?
He took her hat?
She wanted me to
find that photo, Christian.
This too.
- Who?
- Sophie.
- Megan, come on.
- You know what? Never mind.
Megan! Hey.
Megan, where you goin'?
Megan, hey.
She's trying to
tell me something, Christian.
I tried to make it stop, but I can't.
I gotta find out what she wants.
Okay. All this-
Sophie, things in the woods-
- You're starting to freak everybody out.
- What are you talking about?
We came out here to try
and have a good time. Remember?
Look, I know what I saw.
If you were there, you would have seen it too.
Look, Megan. Believing in something
does not make it real, okay?
Okay. So what about the old guy?
Was he just a figment of my imagination too?
I admit he's a little weird. But why on earth
would he bother to mess with you? That's stupid.
Thanks for your support, Christian.
You know who
you sound like right now?
Then maybe you should've
listened to her!
Our first lovers' spat? Hmm?
What the hell was that?
[Engine Starting]
[Crow Cawing]
- [Dog Barking]
- [Gasps]
- It's okay, boy. It's okay.
- [Barking Continues]
- Can I help you with something?
- You kids havin' fun?
Yeah, it's a gas.
Where's your girlfriend?
She's not around.
That's too bad.
See you later.
[Door Creaking]
[Clock Ticking]
[Clock Chiming]
[Door Creaks]
- [Dog Barking]
- [Gasps]
[Vehicle Approaching]
[Banging Continues]
Come on!
- [Groans]
- [Dog Barking]
- [Barking]
- Get 'em, Bernard!
[Barking Continues]
[Barking Continues]
[Yelps, Whimpers]
- [Nick] Hey, guys. Happy St.John's, everyone.
- [Together] Hey.
- Beautiful night for the solstice.
- [Mark] Dude.
Totally missed
the goat slaughter. Sorry.
It's okay, really.
You've seen one, you've seen 'em all.
- [Zoe] Nick, why don't you have a seat?
- Thanks.
- So, uh, where's Megan?
- [Lish] Oh, she's not feeling so hot.
- She's upstairs.
- [Megan]Actually, I'm fine.
- [Lish] Ah.
- Hey.
So I, uh, brought you guys
a little something for the occasion.
- What you got?
- Dead Man's Dram.
- Cajun moonshine.
- [Chuckling] Now you're
speaking my language, man.
Uh, I need some lime juice.
Can't drink this stuff straight.
And I believe you guys have
some lime juice here, right?
Yes, we do.
- Come on. I'll- I'll show you.
- Cool.
Why can't you drink it straight?
Nick, I gotta ask you something.
What is it?
You know about this little girl?
That's Malin.
She was Leonard's granddaughter.
Whole town helped look for her.
His granddaughter?
Did they ever find her?
She just disappeared.
Good old Leonard.
Never been the same since.
Oh, my-
Oh, man!
This is the shit.
By the way, Loyola came through
on my scholarship.
Really? That's great news.
- What, you're movin' into the city?
- Uh, yeah. Looks like it.
- Happy solstice, everyone.
- All right.
Happy St.John's.
I have to pee so bad.
- You okay?
- I'm fine.
I'm just gonna go to the bathroom.
What is she gonna do,
take a piss in the woods?
- Bogeyman!
- [Screams]
I got ya!
- [Grunts]
- Asshole!
- [Christian] Hey! Whoa, what happened?
- She hit me, man.
- What'd it look like, man?
- Megan.
- Megan. Megan, are you all right?
- What did you do to her?
- Stop it! Come on. What'd he do to her?
- [Gagging]
- Megan. Megan!
- [Coughing, Choking]
Megan, are you okay?
- Oh, my God. She's sick.
- Megan, you're okay. Megan?
- [Coughing]
- [Lish] Megan?
What's wrong?
- Oh, my God! What is that?
- [Zoe] Nick, what the hell?
- [Christian] Jesus! It looks like mud!
- [Mark] It's the moonshine!
- [Christian] She's sick. Mark, gimme the keys.
- [Lish] What the hell?
I'm taking her to the hospital.
Gimme the keys right now!
- [Zoe] Megan!
- [Christian] What was in the moonshine?
- [Mark] Jesus Christ, man! Look at her!
- Gimme the keys!
[All Shouting]
Let me out!
- [Christian] Megan, are you okay? You passed out.
- [Gasps]
- I know where she is.
- Where who is?
It's in the woods.
I've been there before.
Megan, come back!
Megan, you should
just lay down. Please.
- We'll take you to the emergency room.
- What the hell's goin' on?
- We need to go there right now.
- I am not wandering around
in the middle of the night!
- Then don't.
- Megan. Megan, wait!
I'm gonna come with you.
- Dude, what the hell, man?
- Stay here with Lish.
Oh, that's enough.
[Christian] Megan! There's nothing out here
except that creepy old guy.
Megan, are you sure?
It's this way.
Let's turn around and just go back.
Let's just go back to the house.
- I'm telling you, I'm outta here, okay?
- Lish? Lish.
- What?
- Listen to me. Can you calm down, please?
We're their ride back.
We can't just leave 'em here.
I don't trust that Nick guy. And there's
something up with all of his voodoo crap!
I agree completely.
I'm gonna get the gun.
That's reassuring.
- Let's go, Bernard.
- [Bernard Panting]
This is it!
The ruins?
We were terrified of this place
when we were kids.
Megan, what can you
possibly hope to find out here?
We have to dig here.
I fell here when I was running.
Come on!
[Thunder Rumbling]
Okay, guys. Come on. There's nothing out here.
Let's go back to the house.
- Look. Sophie's gone.
This isn't gonna bring her back.
No, she's here!
You know what?
You're sick. You need help.
- Christian, just let her be.
- Hey, don't fuckin' touch me!
- What the hell is your problem?
- You're my problem. You're everybody's problem.
Who the hell do you think you are?
You Cajun freaks like messing
with people's heads? Is that it?
Shut up!
Christian, please.
This is over.
Come on. Let's go.
- Back off, all right?
- Hey! Stop it!
Oh, my God!
[Thunder Rumbling]
- Oh, shit.
- [Zoe] What is that?
It's her.
- The little girl-
- Megan, how did you know that was-
- I don't know. I don't know!
- How did you know that?
- I don't know.
- Man.
Zoe, go back and call the police.
Um, we'll be back.
[Gun Cocks]
We found a little girl's body!
- A body?
- Yeah!
- Where the hell's Megan and Nick?
- They're back at the bridge.
- They're with the body.
- You left her with that freak?
Yes! No! Shut up!
Um, we're gonna go to the bridge
and we're gonna have the police-
- We're gonna call them right now
and have them meet us there.
Keys. I need keys. All right.
Christian? Christian! Come on, man.
Come on. I gotta drive. Let's go.
Let's go.
Pick up! Pick up!
Pick up! Pick up!
[Thunder Rumbling]
[Little Girl Giggling]
Isn't that your sister's?
I thought it was.
Why would your sister
have a key to Malin's bike?
It wasn't Sophie.
Who was it?
It was her.
Shit, man.
It's starting to rain.
- Then slow down!
- Calm down. All right?
That's it!
It's right there. The bridge.
- You see? It's right in front of you.
- All right. I see it.
- Give me your hat, Sophie.
- Hey!
- Give it back!
- You really want it back, huh?
- Hey!
- Oop.
- Shit! Sorry.
- I can't believe you just did that!
- Sorry. I'm so sorry. Sorry.
- Oh, my God!
- Look out!
- [Gunshot]
What was that?
I don't know.
I'll go check it out.
You stay here.
Mark! Baby!
- Oh, no!
- I saw her! Malin!
- Baby!
- Christian!
- You shot Mark!
- Malin!
Christian, where are you going?
Malin, where are you?
- [Zoe] Cops are coming
but we need an ambulance!
Hey, Christian!
Hey, hey! It's me! It's Nick.
- [Gun Cocking]
- Hey, what the hell are you doing?
Hey. Megan!
Nick, where are you?
Megan, run.
Get out of there!
[Grunting, Groaning]
Nick, where are you?
Christian, what did you do?
It was an accident.
I didn't mean to hurt anybody.
You killed her.
No, no. Don't touch her!
Don't touch her!
Oh, my God! Oh, my God!
It was an accident.
- We have to call somebody.
- Just help me.
Help me grab her legs.
Come on. Let's go. Hurry up.
- Come on. I need your help.
- We gotta tell somebody.
Sophie, tell them what?
Do you know what'll happen to us?
Your whole future-
everything will be gone.
- You killed Sophie too!
- No! I was protecting her!
We can't go to the police.
Just get it together.
Christian, she's dead.
She's dead, Sophie!
She's dead.
- There's nothing we can do to bring her back.
- Ow!
There's no point
in giving up our lives too.
Think about- Think about
what'll happen to our families.
Our future, Sophie.
No one can ever know about this.
Put the gun down.
Christian, just put the gun down!
Put it down!
- Christian!
- [Malin Giggling]
She's here!
Come back here!
- You don't understand yet!
- [Screams] Nick!
- [Screaming] Nick!
- [Christian] Megan!
You don't understand!
Somebody help me!
Don't go!
It was an accident!
Malin, I'm sorry!
[Police Radio Chatter]
God! I didn't see him.
- [Megan Screaming] No!
- I didn't see him.
No! No! No!
[Police Radio Chatter Continues]
Hey, baby.
It's okay.
It's gonna be all right.
I can't believe this is happening.
[Nick] I wanted to let you know, Megan,
that I ran into Leonard the other day.
He wanted me to thank you
for finding Malin.
I went by his place this morning.
He wasn't home.
It's probably just as well.
- You just get off work?
- Yup. Last day.
- One more week and I 'm out of here.
- [Chuckling]
What, um- What about you?
Just wanted to see this place
one last time before my folks sell it.
- Maybe when you come to the city,
I can show you around.
That'd be great.
-Just no more black magic.
- You got it.
## [Man Singing]
## [Continues]
## [Continues]
## [Continues]
## [Continues]
## [Continues]
## [Fades Out]