Sombre (1998)

Thump him!
Thump him!
Behind you!
Spread your legs.
Turn around.
Get in.
ln the corner.
What shall we do?
Cover your eyes.
We can discuss that...
We can discuss that, l said.
This reminds me...
this road we're leaving...
l must have been about 6,
l'm in a nuns' orphanage.
lt's the last day.
My mother's coming to get me.
l'm very, very happy
it's the last day.
All day long, l play, l play...
There's some rubble, l remember.
l fall on the rubble,
and my knee is all bloody.
l'm scared.
lf the nuns see my wound,
they'll retain me, they'll keep me.
So l hide the wound, l hide it,
till l know l'll see this mother
come for me.
Then she comes.
At last, she comes.
That's it.
l remember, we left, we drove off.
My mother's car was old.
l think my father was there,
but it's her l remember.
Through the mountains.
lt was good.
l was with her.
Yes, it was good.
What's happening?
l'll be back.
Don't stay there.
l don't understand.
l tried to brake.
lt's a bore.
lt's my sister's car.
She's expecting me.
For your hair.
You could drop me at a garage.
l'll have a look.
There's a Mac.
Take it.
lt's raining too hard.
Do you mind if l smoke?
Are you on holiday?
- Yes.
l'll take you home.
Over here!
You play and you win!
lf you can guess, you win.
lf you win...
there's 200/0 off the next pair.
And no cheating!
Go on, madam.
Feel it, the texture.
lt's solid. lt feels...
lf you can guess, you win!
Let's stop.
No one's paying any attention.
They will. Don't talk to me.
Try and make it plausible.
l can't believe you made me do this!
lt's not often l can ask you a favor.
Don't worry.
You've another chance!
Over to you.
We're all listening.
l reckon it's this one.
Well, ladies!
She's won!
Yes, you've won.
Can l open my eyes?
Of course!
- What is it? Do you know him?
- No, but...
he's the guy who brought me here.
- l thought he'd gone.
- He looks pretty good.
Half past 1:00.
Where were you?
Looking after my niece.
- 97 million?
- That's some money.
The spoon, the spoon.
Give it to him.
l want to do something.
l need the spoon!
lt's good.
lt's champagne.
lt's good when it's cold.
lt is cold, it's nice.
l'm glad you're here.
- lt's a pleasure.
- lt's been a while, hasn't it?
Look at my girls.
Lovely, aren't they?
She needs a bit of a tan.
Listen, darling,
bring us another bottle.
l'm not moving or this will collapse.
Have you got a glass?
l'll get you some champagne.
- You're bored, aren't you?
- No.
Well, you look it.
l look what?
Mom says you're too thin,
you look tired.
So what's new?
My lovely one,
where are you all day long?
l've not seen you.
Look. They're as lovely as you are.
This party's absurd.
Everyone's so happy.
We're here for you.
We miss you.
- What's he doing there?
- l told him to drop by.
Over there!
Turn around!
Turn around!
Get dressed.
lt's okay.
Don't be embarrassed.
You'll catch cold.
What about Claire?
What about her?
ls she with someone?
Claire is a virgin.
Where's Christine?
Next door.
ln your room.
What can l say?
This is absurd.
Hot, isn't it?
Good evening.
Shall l get in?
Undo your hair.
- Coming?
- No.
- Go on!
- Stop it! Come on!
l'll go in later.
Just stop it.
You're always the same.
lt's you who's always the same,
forcing. l'll go in later.
lt's delicious.
Aren't you going in?
l don't know.
There's only us.
She's like that.
See? l'm in!
No! Stop it!
Stop it! No! Stop it!
You're mad!
Get away!
Further! Further!
Much further!
Further! Go on!
lt'll be okay.
Not now, but one day.
One day, it'll all be over.
Are you hurt?
You were right.
Water's nice.
l'm not afraid anymore.
l'm in danger.
l'm in danger.
l'll come with you.
We'll go somewhere.
l'm not...
l'm not alone.
- Really?
- No.
And anyway...
he's really...
really dangerous.
ls he?
Where is he?
- Come on, leave the bitch.
- Wait!
Fancy a party?
No! He's...
He's coming back.
- l have to go.
- Let's leave, then.
Come on!
l think...
Oh, no!
l don't think...
lt's not a good idea.
- He wants to party.
- To what?
To party!
A party!
You know!
Come on.
- Where do you keep the firewater?
- ln the bookshelf.
Over there?
There's whisky, gin, all that.
Hey, who's that?
Not bad, eh?
Leave that!
Jesus, cut it out!
What a bastard!
lt's about a guy, a wanker like us,
who wins the lottery.
So he goes on this Caribbean cruise.
The boat's got all these top models.
One day, the boat...
the boat sinks.
He's the sole survivor with...
guess who?
Claudia Schiffer.
Brilliant, mate.
Claudia Schiffer. Beat that.
So they drift,
they get to this desert island.
A desert island, mate!
- Gin?
- Yes.
They're alone, aren't they?
The weeks go by,
they carry on.
One day, he says,
''Mind if l call you Raoul instead?''
She thinks, ''peculiar,'' right,
but she agrees.
- You're such a wanker.
- Know what he says?
No, what?
He says, ''Hey, Claudia,
Mind if l call you Raoul?''
She thinks, ''peculiar''...
Hey! That's my glass!
But she agrees.
lf it keeps his pecker up, right?
So he goes to her and says,
''Hey, Raoul.
Guess what? l've been screwing
Claudia Schiffer for weeks!''
- Right, l'll get us some pizza.
- You know it?
- Of course.
- Well, l think it's funny.
You're on your own, then.
Want some whisky? Eh?
Have a drink.
Oh, no.
Settle in.
l'll get some food.
Get comfy. Over there.
Are you too hot?
She's too hot.
- Where's your wife?
- On holiday.
And the kids?
Them too.
What are their names?
Kevin and Coralie.
Where's my glass?
Yes, that's true. When he's pissed,
he always goes on about his kids.
Do l bore people with my kids?
You don't have any.
Stop it!
You idiot!
Leave me alone!
Jesus! You idiot! Where is she?
Why did you let her go?
Christ! You idiot.
Sure you don't want to
come to Paris?
What for?
l don't know.
As you please.
Did you hear?
lt made me cry.
The car.
lt's the other way.
l'm cold. Jean!
l can't run.
l have a heart murmur.
lt's true.
lt's nothing, but l do.
You're out of your mind!
Leave me alone.
Vanish where?
Can't you stop that noise?
- What are you waiting for?
- Don't talk to me like that!
Drive, Christ!
Drive! Drive!
Go on!
Thank you for taking me home.
- Are you okay?
- Yes.
You're all pale.
We often fight.
We always have.
But this is...
- ''This is''?
- l don't know.
Maybe he's left me.
- ls he always this violent?
- No.
Or l'd have gotten a divorce.
Oh, yes.
lt's because...
lt's his work, you see...
We travel so much...
With the children, it's not easy.
l'm tired and he's cross.
But it's okay.
Really, it's okay.
For all that, it's okay.
l'm scared he won't come back.
Don't worry.
lt was the same with me.
Yes? And did you know
it was going to be like that?
- l mean, beforehand?
- l don't know.
Drink up.
l'm sure it will help.
Do you love your husband?
Mine died two years ago.
He was nice.
He took care of us.
He loved our eldest daughter.
He liked to go fishing with his mates.
He didn't drink much.
He was good-looking.
But you see, oddly...
l think l never loved him.
Have you never been in love?
Oh, yes.
l was very young.
Don't you want to talk about it?
l was 15.
He was a year older.
We met.
l think we were
very much in love...
l don't know, we didn't call it that.
We didn't know those words.
lt just happens.
lt's very simple.
Our fathers kept us apart.
We weren't to meet.
He wasn't studying
and l was too young.
You weren't supposed to see boys.
He was sent to boarding school.
We stopped seeing each other.
We didn't complain.
We just stopped seeing each other.
That's it.
Life began.
lt carried on.
And now it's almost over.
And he became a dentist.
He had kids. Me too.
l heard from him and him from me.
Oh, love, Theo.
What is it?
Here l am.
Don't worry.
One day, l heard he was ill.
l sent word l wanted to see him.
We met up in Paris.
We'd always wanted to
see Paris together.
We took a hotel room.
We didn't know how.
We were embarrassed, like kids.
So we went out, we went for a walk.
We wandered around for hours.
We hardly spoke.
Maybe we held hands.
We didn't dare.
We were scared.
But we did go back to the hotel.
And the next day, we parted.
Then he died.
Eleven days later.
At 9.25 p.m.
When l heard, l thought l'd die.
My husband and kids didn't know.
And now,
no one will ever know him.