Some Came Running (1958)

Hey, soldier.
This is Parkman.
They told me to call you at Parkman.
Who told you?
The guys that put you on the bus.
They told me Parkman
was your hometown.
- Isn't it?
- Yeah.
Used to be.
- Just these two?
- Yeah.
No, thanks. You got time for a beer?
Uh, no, thanks. There's
nothing open yet anyway.
Hey, where are you going?
You were gonna go without me, huh?
Look, uh, baby, it's a
little early for, uh...
Well, I like that. You ask a person to
come on a trip with you and then you...
Hold it, hold it,
hold it. I asked you?
If you didn't, you don't think
I would have come, do you?
What am I, a tramp or something?
Gilly's Green Room, Chicago.
I was with Raymond.
- Raymond. Raymond?
- The fella you took a poke at.
- Oh, yeah.
- Now you remember?
I'd like to forget it.
Gee, Dave, you know,
you sure was sweet to me.
- Uh, look...
- You know something?
I would kind of like to have a soft
bed. What do you say that, uh...? Ooh.
What do you say we go rest up...
...and after that, then
we go meet your family?
That's just about the highest
compliment that a fella can pay his girl.
- Asking to meet his folks and everything.
- Look, look, look, sweetie. Um...
I feel badly about this, but this
is no town for a girl like you.
You don't want me here?
No, I didn't say that.
It's just that, well, I got
things to do here, you know?
So why don't you just go somewhere
and get some rest and freshen up?
Bus leaves in an... Twelve
noon or 12:30, I don't know.
Oh, you don't have to do that, Dave.
Well, I did take you
pretty far out of your way.
Fifty dollars.
Look, I'm really sorry.
But you know, a guy gets loaded...
...and meets a girl and, you know...
You're a nice kid. I like you.
Take care, huh?
Must have dozed off.
- I could have robbed the joint.
- Yeah, if you needed stamps.
I want the best room in the house.
At 7.50 a day?
I promised myself if I had to come back
here I'd have the best room in the house.
- Hey, you related to Frank Hirsh?
- Brother.
Didn't know he had one.
I was beginning to get
the same feeling myself.
- You don't look like him.
- Thanks.
This way.
Anything else, Mr. Hirsh?
Yeah, you can get me
a bucket of ice, huh?
And, uh...
...I got a bank draft here for 5500
bucks. I want you to run it over... the Citizen's National Bank.
Soon as they open, deposit it.
Fifty-five hundred?
And pick me up a couple
bottles of whiskey.
Any blended whiskey would be good.
You said, uh, Citizen's National?
Your brother, Frank, isn't he
on the board at the other bank?
Parkman Savings and Loan?
Yeah, I believe he is.
I won't be able to leave
before the bellboy gets here.
But the banks don't open before 10.
Ten will be fine. That's great.
- That's a very popular
pattern nowadays. Beautiful.
Good morning, ladies. Good morning.
- You're shopping for the wedding already?
- We're looking at some silver patterns.
Virginia, I haven't had a chance
to offer my congratulations.
- Thank you.
- Have you found anything you like?
Well, Virginia likes the modern, and
she is the one that's getting married.
But it's my idea of nothing.
Well, I personally prefer
the traditional myself...
...but a lot of discriminating
ladies are ordering modern these days.
Al, let's show them the Tobi
pattern. It's a lovely design.
Frank, I just heard about your
brother, Dave, being back in town.
Isn't it exciting?
You see, it has classic lines, but it
still has the simplicity of the modern.
Frank. I said, isn't exciting about
your brother, Dave, being back in town?
Oh, Dave. Ha-ha. It certainly is.
And it's real good to have him back.
- I suppose...
- Now, make yourselves comfortable...
...and, Al, you take
good care of them, now.
I'll try, Mr. Hirsh.
Oh, just a minute. Here he is now.
- Good morning, Mr. Hirsh.
- Morning, Edith.
It's for you.
- Oh, who is it?
- Ned Deacon. He says it's important.
That means it's important to him.
Hello, Ned. What's on your
mind, if anything, huh?
Did you hear your brother,
Dave, is back in town?
Oh, of course I knew he was. He,
uh... He called me this morning.
Well, did your brother tell you...
...he deposited over
$5000 in the other bank?
Now, Frank, as a director
of Parkman Savings...
...that sure don't make you look good.
I'm sure he got his banks mixed up.
Yeah, I know that, Ned.
I know you got me
that appointment, yes.
Oh, certainly. You bet
I'll straighten it out.
Yeah. So long.
Anything wrong, Mr. Hirsh?
Oh, no, no, no. Not a thing.
- Dave?
- Come on in, this is the place.
- How'd you know it was me?
- Figured it'd be you.
Dave, you old son of
a gun, welcome home.
- Sit down.
- Oh, it's good to see you, boy.
It's been a long time.
Sixteen years.
- Oh, you dog, you.
Sixteen years and not even a postcard.
I didn't figure you'd worry about me.
Oh, you're looking fine, Dave.
Oh, I know, I know, it's
getting a little thin on top.
But like they say, "Not much
grass on a busy street. "
You may be losing your hair,
but you haven't lost your wit.
- You want a drink?
- What, at 10:30 in the morning?
- I don't watch a
clock. - Ha-ha-ha.
Oh, whatever happened to your writing?
When we used to see your name in print... least we knew you were alive.
- I gave it up.
- Why? You were doing pretty good.
- You got some...
- The old man still around?
Oh. Oh, you didn't know?
No, no, God rest his soul. He
passed on four or five years ago.
Towards the end, Dave, he
was just hell on wheels.
- Booze, huh?
- Well, well, what else?
Whew. What a family.
Ohh, wait till you see
the new generation, Dave.
Why, that niece of yours? A real lady.
Say, why don't you pack up
and move out to the house, huh?
We got plenty of room.
Well, I'm pretty sure we have.
No, thanks, Frank. I
got it made right here.
Well, let me call Agnes and have her
get a fatted calf out of the deep freeze.
- You're gonna have dinner with us tonight.
- Sorry, Frank, I got plans.
Oh, uh, well, what
are your plans, Davey?
What made you decide
to come back to Parkman?
I shot my big fat mouth off
to a couple drunken friends...
...and told them where I was born.
- What's wrong? Parkman is your home.
How'd you know I was here?
Practically everybody in town
knew you were here before I did.
You might have called me,
Dave. You owe me that much.
Oh, I owe you more than that.
Four hundred and ten dollars to be
exact. I got the check all made out.
What's that for?
This little check represents room and
board at Mrs. Dilman's home for little boys.
Three dollars and 50 cents a week from the
time I was 12 until I read a travel folder.
- You can't still be brooding about that.
- I'm not brooding. I'm grateful.
I was a little better off than most of
the kids. I had a generous big brother.
I was what they called
a semi-charity boarder.
What did you expect me to do?
Have the family move in with me?
You knew I just married Agnes.
Good Lord, Dave, you're a man now.
You know that a man has
to live his own life.
How is Agnes, Frank?
Davey, I did what I thought was right.
Nobody can do any more than that.
Sure it was tough on you,
but how do you think I felt?
Putting you in the
home? My only brother.
I'm not made of wood, Dave.
If you only knew the nights
that I couldn't sleep.
Your story moves me to tears.
- Take the check.
- Oh, come on.
Take it.
All right, if it'll make
you feel any happier.
I'm not gonna fight with you,
Dave. Life's too short for that.
Why don't you have dinner
with us? I'd like it very much.
Not that it'll look funny
if you didn't, you know...
...but will you do it?
- What time?
- You mean you'll come?
If you're sure Agnes won't throw up.
- I'm not her favorite relative.
- Oh, what talk.
Meet me at the store, say, 5.
And I'll call Agnes and have her
fix up something real special, huh?
Oh. Ha-ha.
Uh, about that little gag of yours of
putting the dough in the other bank.
- You know, that's...
- I thought it would break you up.
- See you at 5.
- See you.
No, Frank. Oh, no.
I will not have him in my house.
But, Agnes, he's my brother.
Don't you have any pride?
After he comes here and
deliberately humiliates you?
And that...
All that slop he wrote
about me in his book.
It was nasty and malicious and...
Why do you keep insisting
he was writing about you?
Agnes, it was just a
novel, for Pete's sake.
Nobody read it. It's forgotten.
What's the sense of arguing? I've
already invited him. He's coming.
Well, then, don't
expect to find me here.
I'll take Dawn and
we'll eat at the club.
I... Frank, no...
Frank, I refuse to
discuss it any further.
This isn't like you, dear. A brother.
Do you suppose people won't
notice how we treat him?
Do you think they won't
talk? Please, sweet...
Now, wait a minute. Let's be fair.
Did I say anything when that
sponging cousin of yours was here?
Smoking my best cigars?
Eating like a pig? Did I?
Hello, Joe. I saw Milly yesterday,
she said to be remembered to you.
David. David Hirsh. See you later.
You don't remember me, do you?
Jane Barclay, I used to have the
candy store down on Chester Street.
Oh, of course, sure.
That was where a kid could get a stick
of licorice on credit if he needed it bad.
Oh, yeah. That's why I'm
doing housework today.
And you know who I'm working
for? Your brother, Frank.
He sure hit the jackpot, that man.
My daughter even works as
his private secretary...
...and he treats her like
she was part of the family.
- Is that good?
- Well, sure.
Say, you wanna do me a favor? Forget
you saw me coming out of Smitty's.
You know, I stopped
in for a quick beer.
- You like another one?
- To tell you the truth, I would...
...but no, thanks, I gotta go.
I must say, you sure turned
into a clean-cut fella, Dave.
- I mean, Mr. Hirsh.
- Still Dave.
Thank you, Dave.
- And thanks for the licorice.
- Aw, don't mention it. Don't mention it.
What do you want me to do, lose
my license? Go to the liquor store.
Now, take it easy, man. I
told you I was 21 last week.
Oh, congratulations.
Now, stop bothering me.
Say, pal, will you get it for me?
Pint of Old Eagle up there.
Very cool date tonight.
Real nice stuff.
Anybody ever tell you whiskey's a man's
drink? Why don't you run home to Mama?
Aw, these kids today.
Dumb. At his age, I never
had any trouble getting fried.
Let me buy you a drink, Mr. Hirsh.
Go ahead, pour yourself another.
How'd you know who I was?
Oh, I heard you were in town, uniform.
Sort of a family resemblance.
Now, no offense meant.
You know my brother?
Well, he don't send
me no Christmas cards.
Um, I'm Bama Dillert.
- What can I do for you, Mr. Dillert?
- Nothing.
I'm just here to welcome you
to Smitty's cocktail hour.
You sort of stuck the needle
in old Frank where it hurts.
You know, putting your money
in a bank that he ain't with.
- News sure gets around fast here.
- About the only thing in town that does.
Do you play any cards, Mr. Hirsh?
Some, why?
Well, it's just a few
of the boys and myself...
...we have a poker game now and then.
We'd kind of like to
have a little new blood.
- And new
money. - Mm-hm.
You don't mince words.
Well, I try not to.
But you gotta remember now, we're
just little old country boys.
We don't know the finer
points of the game.
But we aiming to learn.
And you know, you can always learn
from a fella that saves his money.
I won that dough from several guys.
Well, that's even smarter yet.
Case you're interested, we're having a
game here tonight in Smitty's backroom.
- I might just drop around, Mr. Dillert.
- Oh, I'll like that fine, Mr. Hirsh.
- Buy yourself a Quonset hut.
- Thanks.
Well, what can I show you, sir?
- Got something in nose rings?
- Hm?
Nothing too expensive. I know
a little kid in the Congo.
She gets restless.
Yeah. Oh, come on in.
Just have to lock up the safe.
Be with you in a minute.
- It's a pretty fancy layout you got here.
- Oh, thanks.
Oh, this is my
secretary, Miss Barclay.
This is my wandering brother, Dave.
- How do you do, Mr. Hirsh?
- Miss Barclay.
Well, all set.
Apres vous.
- Bye, Miss Barclay.
- Goodbye, Mr. Hirsh.
Here we are right here.
Well, we had a terrific
fight to push it through.
I'm on the City Appointing
Commission, as you know.
And for a while it
was touch-and-go.
It would mean a great deal to the
town. Should bring a lot of business.
That girl, uh, very attractive.
- What girl?
- Your secretary.
I never really noticed. I make it
a rule not to, uh... with employees.
If you're getting any
ideas, forget them.
She's strictly a nice girl.
- All girls are nice, brother.
- Yeah.
You'll get no argument from me there.
Oh, uh, this is a funny question
to be asking your own brother...
...but you're not married, are you?
- Nope.
- Well. Guess we'll have to find you a girl.
Swell. Tonight soon enough?
Made up your mind what you're gonna
do now that you're out of the Army?
- Sure. Never to go in it again.
- Hm.
Lot of opportunities in
a small town, Davey...
...but me, if I was
starting out today...
...I'd head for one of
the metropolitan centers.
More room at the top.
- You hinting I leave here?
- No, no, no, Davey boy.
What I meant was that a man
ought to pick his spot...
...not go wandering
all over the world.
- Isn't that what they told Columbus? -
Yeah. Ha-ha-ha! And he never died rich.
- Home sweet home.
- Holy.
It's the old Carmichael place.
Yeah. We fixed it up a little.
I guess Agnes must be taking
all of this pretty big, huh?
Oh! Oh. I meant to tell you...
...she's on this women's committee
for the Parkman Centennial.
They're having a dinner
meeting tonight, and, uh...
You mean, uh, Agnes
is not gonna be here?
Well, she did her best to make it,
but you know how these things are.
Such short notice. She
was real broke up about it.
- Oh, yes. I can see where she would be.
- Mm.
This is quite a surprise.
Yeah, for me too.
Well, still the same handsome rascal.
Why can't you keep your figure, Poppy?
Oh, well, I'd have had
a flat stomach too...
...if I didn't have such flat feet.
You haven't changed a bit, Agnes.
Oh, what a liar. Come on in.
And tell us everything
that's happened to you.
Am I keeping you from your meeting?
Oh, that committee meeting. I
was just telling Dave about it.
Oh, that. No, they'll just
have to manage without me.
Where's Dawn? Wait till you
get a look at your niece, Dave.
You can tell how he hates that girl.
- Dawn. Yes?
Dawn. Well, here's your Uncle Dave.
Well, kiss him. He's your uncle.
- Hi.
- Hi.
I wouldn't have recognized him.
He doesn't look at all like Daddy.
I hardly know you.
Last time I saw you, you were
stark naked in your bathtub.
Oh, Dave, you rascal,
you're making her blush.
- Not me.
- Come on in, Dave.
Why didn't you let me
know you changed your mind?
Gee, I wish I didn't
have a date tonight, Dave.
I tried to break it,
but this boy isn't home.
Sweetie, nobody ever broke
a date to be with her uncle.
She's going out again
on a school night?
- Just to an early movie.
- But it's with Wally.
Oh, oh, oh, real nice boy.
Now, don't you keep him
up too late, understand?
I'll bet Dave would like a drink.
- No, thank you.
Of course he'd like
one. Will you fix them?
Orders from headquarters.
Oh, you want one too, Mama?
Oh, maybe just one. It is
a rather special occasion.
I hope you like Manhattans, Dave.
Poppy's famous for his
Manhattans. Only, one's my limit.
Oh, not tonight. Tonight,
you're among friends.
Oh, now, Poppy, you've
got to promise...
...not to let me have
more than one drink.
I get giggly.
I like my girls giggly.
Dave, you remember Robert Haven French
and his daughter Gwen, don't you?
- I don't think so.
They're on the faculty... Parkman College.
They're coming to pick us up.
- We're going to the club for dinner.
- The Frenches?
Yes, they called as soon as
they heard Dave was in town.
Gwen French couldn't have been
more flattering. She's, uh...
- What does she teach, Dawnie?
- Creative writing and criticism.
That's it. She says she's
read every word you've written.
What's the matter?
Oh, Agnes, the literary
crowd gives me a pain.
I quit writing. Look, can't
we do this another night?
- Would you mind?
- Why, don't be silly. Of course I mind.
We've waited too long to
have an evening with you.
The Frenches are well worth meeting.
They're really an old family.
- Oh, Poppy, how about those drinks?
- Oh, the boss wants service.
- Mama, will you give me a hand?
- Bob French owns all that land...
...between the river and the reservoir.
They're really wonderful people.
You might have told me
the Frenches were coming.
You're lucky I'm even speaking to you.
I envy you, Dave.
You do? Why?
Well, you left home on your
own before you were my age...
...lived your own
life, had experiences.
Girl couldn't do that.
Why would she want to?
Bumming around, doing all sorts of jobs.
Didn't that help to make you a writer?
Dawn, honey...
...bumming around can
only help make you a bum.
Well, well, well, the
old hearth and fireside.
Family all together. Nothing
like it, eh, Davey boy?
Mm-mm. Nothing.
That's Wally.
Now what we've got to do is
to get you settled down, Davey.
Put your money to work. I wanna
see you save some real dough.
- Wally boy, how are you?
- Good evening, sir.
Hello, Wally.
- Mrs. Hirsh.
Wally, this is my Uncle Dave.
Wally Dennis.
Uh, how are you, sir?
- Not bad.
- That's fine. Fine.
Haven't we met before?
I don't remember, sir.
- L, uh... You ready, Dawn? One sec.
- Good night, Dave.
- Good night, kid.
- Will I see you before you go?
- I don't see why not.
Oh, that'll be the Frenches.
Good night.
Ahem. Good night, sir.
Say, you'll get a big
kick out of old Bob French.
Dawnie, Wally.
Bob, how are you? Let
me have your hat here.
Dave, I don't suppose you
remember Professor French?
I do. I caddied for him and he
never gave me less than a dollar.
Wasn't that to keep you
quiet about my score?
- And I kept quiet.
- Thanks.
Oh, uh, you remember my daughter Gwen?
- Hello.
- Oh, I'm sure he doesn't remember me.
I was a few grades behind
you in grammar school.
I'm an admirer of yours, Mr. Hirsh.
Until people know
me, they usually are.
Oh, I meant as a writer.
That's why I wanted to meet you.
But I'm not a writer. I
haven't been for years.
Well, I'm not sure I agree with you.
The fact that an author is inactive...
...that doesn't necessarily
mean he isn't an author.
Exactly what it does mean?
I suppose it could mean
he should get back to work.
I'm told that you
teach creative writing.
- Yes, I do.
- Would you like to teach me?
She needs that. Give her more.
I'm afraid my courses are filled
for this semester. Perhaps next year.
Say, are you folks ready
for some elbow-bending?
I am. -
He's used to talking down
to traveling salesmen.
- Sweetheart, our guests are
intellectuals. What are intellectuals?
No, thanks.
Did you suppose this costume
will be all right at your club?
Why not? It's the
uniform of your country.
A toast. A toast.
Let's drink to the return
of the conquering hero.
When was the last time
you had it? In Dijon.
That's the first time I ever danced with
a teacher of creative writing. I like it.
Well, look, isn't the table this way?
Yeah, it is, but I thought
we might go to the bar.
- Do you mind?
- Not at all.
Frank, I like your brother.
Oh, he's a fine boy.
Glad to have him home.
Yes, we're hoping he'll stay.
You know, it isn't
immediately apparent...
...but he's an
extremely sensitive man.
- He sure is.
- It must be a family trait.
Frank is like that.
Terribly sensitive.
You know, I've watched every step of
your career with a great deal of interest.
You must have a lot of spare time.
I could tell from your stories where
you were and what you were doing.
I remember when you were
working on that freighter.
And when you were
working in the oil fields.
Then I think it was in
1940 we lost track of you.
Oh, the suspense is
killing me. Don't stop now.
Seriously, your first novel was more
or less autobiographical, wasn't it?
- I thought it was more or less lousy.
- Well, that isn't so.
It might have lacked
something in craftsmanship...
...but it's a really
powerful study of rejection.
Oh, that it was. It was
rejected by 42 publishers...
...and almost all of the
English-reading public.
Now, look, I told you once
before, I'm not a writer.
You have two books in
the Parkman Library.
And those two books have
netted me exactly $48.
- No personal satisfaction? -
Forty-eight dollars' worth. Sir.
- Still brandy?
- No more for me, thank you.
- Straight Scotch. Yes, sir.
I don't believe that talent can be
turned off as though it were a faucet.
- Make that a triple, will you?
- Do you always drink this much?
Only when I have money.
I'll just have this one...
...and then we'll get
into action again, huh?
Well, I'd rather talk, unless
dancing is one of your passions.
No, my passions are
pretty conventional.
- When I spoke of your talent, I was...
- You overlooked one thing.
A little talent to a writer...
...means just about as much as a
little talent to a brain surgeon.
You underrate yourself. Your second
novel was the best book I've ever read.
- Miss French.
- Yes?
Why don't we get out of
here and go someplace?
Or would your father object?
I would.
We should get back. I had
no idea it was so late.
Gwen, no kidding. Let's get
away for a couple of hours.
What did you have in mind?
Since you were so
interested in my writing...
...I thought you'd come
to the hotel with me.
I have a story there that's incomplete.
I thought you might like to see it.
Mr. Hirsh, if you have a story,
I'd very much like to see it.
Why don't you bring it out to the
house? Any time, our door's never locked.
I may not be here too long.
Don't get up. We haven't seen you two.
Agnes, I'm sorry, I have to leave.
I still have papers to correct.
Oh, what a shame. Say,
could you drop me off?
Well, my fa...
- I think I'll stay a little while longer.
- Frank could drop me.
- Sure, sure.
All right. Good night
and thank you. Good night.
Good night.
Where do you want me to drop you?
- I don't.
- I must. I really do have papers to correct.
I like the way you do your hair.
I have a feeling you're running away
from something. Or after something.
Of course, you'd have to know which it
is before you could discover what it is.
You also got fascinating eyes.
I have a theory that writers
create to compensate...
...for some lack in
their personal lives.
That's because we
need to be stimulated.
- That smells good. What is it?
- It's a bug repellent. Do you like it?
Mr. Hirsh, I know my
eyes are not fascinating.
I wear my hair this way
to please the school board.
If you wanna flatter me, I've
only one good feature: my mind.
You'd be on safer ground.
Who wants to be on safer ground?
Where should we go?
When I suggested there might
be a lack in your life...
...I wasn't offering
myself as compensation.
No, but that's a peachy idea.
Why don't we just go park
somewhere and talk it over?
Mr. Hirsh, do I look like
a delinquent teenager?
No, you don't, teacher.
- Who's the man in your life?
- What man?
Oh, I just assumed there must be
one. Or is it just no interest in me?
Well, you know I have an
interest in you. In your talent.
I mean that. I wish I could
influence you to start writing again.
Good, then we'd become pen pals.
Well, I would like to...
I started to say "stimulate you. "
But I would like to help you if you
decide to start writing. I'm a good critic.
Would you mind dropping
me at the corner?
On my head, please.
Thanks for the lift and the analysis.
- Good night, Dave Hirsh.
- Good night, teacher.
- Hello there.
- I didn't leave.
- I believe you.
- Beat it, soldier.
Oh, sit down, will you, stupid?
This is Raymond Lanchak
from Chicago. Remember him?
You know what? He followed
me all the way from there.
- How are you, pal?
- Keep moving.
Your friend's got bad manners.
Look, you slugged me in
Chicago when I wasn't looking.
Now, blow, or I'll wipe
the floor with your uniform.
Not only would that be
unpatriotic, but you might get hurt.
- I'm just reminding you this is my girl.
- Are you?
Raymond, will you please cut it out?
I'm not his girl. I'm not his anything.
He bought me a couple of drinks.
- Yeah, what about the coat?
- You want it back?
Pay no attention to him, Dave. Like
I told you, he's just a big pest.
I can go out with anybody I want to.
In that case, you stick
around. I'll see you later.
Look, if you want my advice...
I don't.
Look, Ginnie, I don't want no trouble.
There's a bus leaving at 11:10.
- Lots of luck. I hope you get a seat.
- I'm telling you again.
- Don't fool around, you understand?
- Will you do me one favor? Go home.
Cards, pair of deuces.
Possible straight.
Ace of diamonds. Ace of spades.
Seven of clubs. Deuces bet.
Oh, pair of deuces
is gonna bet just $2.
Call. I'll stay.
Well, here's where I
find out if I'm yellow.
Are you?
I'm yellow.
I'll play. Cards.
- Three deuces.
- How about that?
Ain't that a kick in the head?
Noting. Nothing.
Pair of sixes.
Three deuces makes a bet.
Well, since you're all my
friends, I'm just gonna bet, uh...
- Oh, he's being charming. Beats me.
I've had it.
You say the limit is, uh...?
Well, don't you worry
about the limit, Dave.
You just go ahead and make your
own limit. Bet anything you like.
All right, I'm gonna see that bet.
I owe you 25 plus 150.
Could have a third six, you know.
Possible. Mm-hm.
Hundred and fifty, and...
You know what "and" is?
- Yeah, I got it.
- And a hundred and fifty.
Hey, that's a mighty sweet pot.
Too rich for me.
I think it could use more sugar.
You said anything, didn't you?
Anything at all.
I owe you 150 plus 500.
I'm topping at 500, Mr. Dillert.
Oh, that makes a real
nice pot, don't it?
Sure does.
Fellas, I think he's
got the third six.
Now, there's a clever
poker player, I say.
- All yours, Dave.
- Your deal, Bama.
Hey, fellas, wrap it up, will you?
The sheriff just came in. You
never can tell about that guy.
Well, if the sheriff would have got here
sooner, I'd have been a much richer man.
That's the way she goes.
Dave, you handle yourself pretty good.
Tell me something, Bama.
How'd an old pro like you find
your way to a hole like this?
Me? Oh, I was just
driving through town.
Had a flat, had to stop.
- Car in front of me
hit a train. - Mm-hm.
It could have been me.
So I figured something
wanted me to stay in Parkman.
And you know, I've been
doing all right here.
I believe you are.
How about a little relaxation?
You know these dames?
Well, who don't? That's the night
shift from the brassiere factory.
Hey, Rosalie.
Hi, handsome. Come here, honey.
I'll be right back.
She got a friend. A
pig, but not too bad.
- Rosalie, honey, say hello to Dave.
- Hi, how are you?
Hi, baby.
- Sit down, hon.
Come on, join us.
Oh, uh, excuse me, I think
I see one of my own friends.
- How about a drink?
- I'd love one.
Hello there, Miss Chicago.
Well, I didn't think when you told me
to stick around you meant half the night.
- Where's lover boy?
- Who, Raymond?
He went to get a room.
You know, he actually thinks I'm
gonna meet him there. Ha-ha-ha!
Boy, is that the creep
in for a big surprise.
Hey, Smitty. Yeah?
You know...
...I don't want you jumping to no
conclusions about me and Raymond.
You know, just because a person
carries a torch for a person...
...that don't mean
that the two of them...
- You know what I mean.
- Oh, I do. I do.
Actually, he's one of the reasons why I
was kind of glad to get out of Chicago.
- Wanna know the other one?
- What?
- I really shouldn't tell you.
- You don't have to tell me.
It's because I think I could
fall for a guy like you.
A cute-looking kid like
you? With such class?
With such a fine mind?
Oh, get out. You're pulling my leg.
How many drinks you had, Dave?
I had a few, why?
You know the only time you talk
nice to me is when you're loaded?
Let's get loaded.
Compared to this morning, I
do look pretty good, though.
- You look fine.
- I had a wave and a shampoo.
In the barber shop. Only cost a
dollar. They did a pretty good job.
Yeah. Say, speaking of jobs, don't
you have to get back to yours?
Oh, the job I got I can always get.
I work in a... You know, club.
It's sort of a hostess.
Oh, I'll bet that's a fine,
intelligent and interesting job.
It really is.
The only thing, though...
...I drink too much, and the first
thing you know, you get bloated.
Well, life fluctuates, you know.
Like I was saying, what I
really wanna do is modeling.
But you gotta have
a figure like a boy.
Yeah. And that you haven't got.
You all mind if we join you?
Oh, back it right in here.
Come in here. Come on.
Ain't you gonna introduce
us? I'm Ginnie Moorehead.
I'm terribly sorry. This is Bama
Dillert, and this here is Rosalie.
Hi. Ginnie.
Does he wear his hat in
the presence of ladies?
- All the time.
- He even sleeps in his hat.
I'll bet.
That's a fact.
- What's the idea?
- Well, I got a theory.
I learned a little while back that certain
conditions bring a gambler luck, you know?
And... Oh, thank you. And
this here hat's one of them.
Every time I take this hat
off, something bad happens.
I ain't about to have
that happen again.
Yeah. You know, I felt the exact
same way about a black cat I had once.
And I never once let it sleep with me.
How about that?
I've been waiting.
Keep on waiting, Raymond.
- Come on.
- Will you take your paws off me?
- All right, steady, pal, get out of here.
- I'm talking to her.
Now, why don't you do what he says?
You're making a big mistake, buddy.
Sure, sure.
Oh, he's such a weirdie.
You know something?
He followed me here all
the way from Chicago.
What for?
- Aren't men terrible?
- Ain't they, though?
- Look, let's drink up and all go to my place.
- What's doing there?
- Let's get over there and
find out. I'll go pay the check.
- Smitty. Yeah?
What do I owe you here? Uh, 2 dollars.
Ain't they coming?
- Yeah, it's a pretty
night, ain't it? Yeah.
Let's get some air, huh?
If I wasn't so tired,
I'd kick your teeth in.
Call the cops! Call the cops!
Oh, getting a little
exercise, huh, Dave?
Come on, let's get
in the car. Come on.
In the car here.
- Oh, hi, Sherm. Hello, Bama.
Somebody been fighting?
- Yeah, but it's all over.
- I'm afraid that's impossible.
- You start this?
- No, I didn't.
He did. He started it in Chicago.
You've got a lot of nerve. I
can tell you who started this.
- Don't tell me, tell the
judge. It was nothing at all.
- Look, there's been a
formal complaint. Why me?
- All I did was get a working
-over. I can give you my word.
I know this gentleman.
He's a no-good, dirty louse.
- He came at my friend here with a bottle.
- Looks like they both had a bottle.
- Come on.
- Listen, will you listen to me? I'm a witness.
Well, so you're a witness. Maybe
you better come along too. Go on.
Welcome home, Dave.
Dave, don't worry about a
thing, I'll be right with you.
Come in.
Good morning, Mr. Hirsh.
Or is it good afternoon?
Is my brother here?
- Oh, my new boarder? He sure is.
- Right in there.
- Thank you.
Door's open. I reckon
he needs a little air.
If you could just see yourself.
A good morning to you, sir.
That was nice going, Dave.
I'm real proud of you.
One day in town, just one day...
...and you're picked up in a drunken
brawl with a floozy and tossed into jail... a common hoodlum.
- I know all about it, Frank.
- I just don't understand you.
- Is that your problem for this morning?
- What have you got against me?
- Not a thing.
Oh, yes, you have. I
take you to my home...
...I introduce you to the best
people in town, like the Frenches.
And this is the thanks I get.
You seem to resent my position.
It's no crime to be successful.
I've worked hard for everything
I've got. Nobody's helped me.
Is this gonna be another
one of those long lectures?
Oh, I might have known.
Frank, I'm not trying to needle you.
I don't feel well. I got a
headache and I have to be in court.
You won't have to be in
court. I've squared it.
And that mobster friend of
yours has already skipped town.
- You both forfeit bail.
- Oh, thank you.
I didn't do it for you, Dave.
I'm raising a decent girl.
That she is. She's a fine girl.
And I told the judge
you'll be leaving town.
Did you tell him where I was going?
How do I know where you're going?
- How did you know I was leaving?
- Aren't you?
Yeah, I guess so.
I wish I could say I was sorry, Dave.
I wish you could say so too.
Well, I suppose it'll be in all the
afternoon papers. That's all I need.
Just when my name was beginning
to amount to something.
How could you do this to me?
Me, me, me.
Don't you ever get tired of thinking
about your dull, greedy, small self?
Now, get out of here. I'm tired of
listening to you. Get the hell out of here.
Goodbye, Mr. Hirsh.
Man, you sure don't look
pretty this morning, Dave. Wow.
You know what I don't figure?
You drink three drinks to my one and
you look like a milk-fed quarterback.
Well, now, that all depends
on what a man's cut out for.
I can drink and you can write.
Oh, I know about them two books.
- Hey, Bama?
- Yeah?
Looks like something died back here.
Oh, no. That's Ginnie's
neck fur, you know?
That's an old female trick. They leave
something so they can come back for it.
Ain't you about due in
court? You better take my car.
No, I don't have to go to court.
My generous brother squared me.
But I could use your car, I'd like to
get... Run downtown and buy some clothes.
Any time at all, old buddy.
Hey, Dave, uh... would you like to make a pretty
nice living without too much trouble?
- Doing what?
- Well, team up with me.
I think we could get along.
- You mean gambling?
- Sure. It's a nice profession.
And you're pretty good at it.
No, I'm just lucky.
Name me one thing you ain't
supposed to be lucky at in life.
You take my old man.
He used to gamble when he was plowing
up his fields, hoping for a crop.
Sometimes he'd get one,
sometimes he wouldn't.
So I figure if a man's gonna gamble,
he might as well do it without plowing.
No, I'm not gonna stick
around here anyway.
And besides, how can you get any
real action in a dump like Parkman?
Oh, this is just my headquarters. I
make all these big towns around here.
It's a good idea, Dave. Then
you'd have a lot of time to write.
Why don't you think it over?
I just did.
Get that.
Hi. Golly, I hope I'm not
breaking in on nothing.
It's right in here.
Oh. Thank you. They told me
we don't have to go to court.
That's right.
Uh, I got some good news
too, Dave. You wanna hear it?
I got a job here in town at the
brassiere factory. Are you glad?
I'm ecstatic.
Honestly, Dave, every time you don't have
a couple of drinks, you get mad at me.
Last night and in Chicago, you
just couldn't have been sweeter.
And now, all of a sudden,
you're acting like this.
Honey, I'm not really mad. L...
- I was just clowning. Couldn't you tell?
- Of course you were.
You've gotta run along now because
I've got a couple of things to do, okay?
Good luck in your new career.
I don't know what it
is about them pigs...
...but they always
look better at night.
Is that some of your writing?
Yeah, if you choose to call it that.
What a pleasant surprise.
- I was just driving by and I thought...
- Come in. Come in.
Gwen, dear.
It's Dave Hirsh.
That's a Canaletto. I don't
know one painter from another...
...but when I mention that
name, people are impressed.
Hello, Dave Hirsh.
How very nice.
- I hope I'm not interrupting.
- No, we're glad you're here.
Let's go in the kitchen.
It's our nicest room.
It's beautiful.
Dad insists on keeping books in here.
The grease from the cooking is
gonna ruin them. He's very obstinate.
- I heard that.
- Well, where are you going?
Larry Channock is having some faculty
men over for his watered-down cocktails.
- Didn't I tell you? No.
I'll be quite late, Gwen dear.
Larry expects me for dinner,
and you know his price. Cribbage.
Well, drive carefully.
Oh, Dave, there are plenty of extra
rooms if you wanna stay all night.
- I'll show you the grounds in the
morning. I'll show him the grounds.
But of course, we'd
love to have you stay.
I wish I could.
Uh, if you should decide on martinis,
the vermouth's on the lower shelf.
Goodbye, Dave. Hope to see you often.
Goodbye, professor.
Would you like a martini?
No, I don't believe I'll have
any. But you go right ahead.
I'm having coffee. It's fresh and hot.
Coffee will be fine.
Tell me something...
Just sugar, please.
What were you about to say?
Nothing much, except that you acted as
though you didn't wanna be alone with me.
How perfectly absurd.
What on earth led to that?
Because you seemed terribly disturbed
when your father was leaving.
I was just a little annoyed with him.
Poor darling. The only time he's awkward... when he's scheming to
leave me with someone he likes.
He's convinced himself
I haven't enough friends.
- Have you?
- No one has enough friends.
Excuse me.
- I guess you heard about my trouble, huh?
- Oh, several versions. It's a small town.
I hear there's a blow-by-blow
account in the afternoon paper.
There sure is.
Have a peek.
"Dave Hirsh home, is jailed
after fight over woman. "
Were you victorious?
- Drunk.
- No, thank you.
Well, that would have been my guess.
Were you shocked?
Would you expect me to be?
I don't know.
Well, I'm not shocked, Dave Hirsh.
But I'm not indifferent either.
I hate to see a writer's energy
wasted in drinking, fighting.
Any man as gifted as you are...
I brought you that story
that I was telling you about.
From the looks of it, it's not
exactly hot off the typewriter.
You got it right.
I did that some time ago and
I never could work it out...
...till you showed some interest.
Well, what made you go back to
it? My interest in your work?
My interest in you. I think
I'm falling in love with you.
You fool. You must be a
writer, you're such a fool.
I meant that.
Now, let's understand one thing, Dave.
I told you if I could help you with
your work, the door's never locked.
Don't you think we ought to lock it?
Drink your coffee.
Apparently, you didn't hear what
I said. I'm in love with you.
And I was avoiding the obvious
comment that you said that...
...with the ease of a man who's said
it often to an assortment of women.
- That's not true.
- Shall we read your press notices?
They got it all wrong, Gwen.
I'd much rather discuss
your story. What's it about?
It's about love.
And I think I've learned a
great deal more about it now.
Please, please don't.
Now, you sit down and let me clear away
these papers and then I'll read your story.
You correct papers
every night in the week?
- Go on any dates?
- Rarely.
How old are you, Gwen?
I have a question, Dave Hirsh.
- Do you like my dad?
- I do.
You have a friendly relationship
with him, haven't you?
Very friendly.
Then why can't you have the same kind of
relationship with an intelligent woman?
Boy, I'm glad you're
not a teacher of biology.
And if I were, I wouldn't
confuse biology with love.
Well, let's walk on the grounds
and I'll read your story.
Hey. When you get finished with
the pages, they'll make nice arrows.
- We can shoot them across the river.
- Quiet.
Your girl went that way.
Dave. Dave.
It's that bad, huh?
Dave, you have a very exciting talent.
- You mean you liked some of that stuff?
- I liked all of it.
The people are so real, so touching.
- You're kidding.
- It's a lovely story, Dave.
I cried, and I don't often.
...maybe I'll try to finish it.
- But it's finished.
- I don't know what you mean.
Well, the minute the girl
leaves, the story's over.
There's nothing more to say.
That's why you couldn't go on.
Of course. How about that? How
come I never thought about that?
I'll have it retyped and send it to The
Atlantic. I'm pretty certain they'll want it.
So help me, I didn't know
there were women like you.
Dave, I have just a
minor suggestion to make.
- I'll show you what I mean.
- First, a thank-you kiss.
One hundred percent
platonic, wasn't it?
- About 75.
- Oh, I can do better than that.
Oh, Dave, let's talk about the story.
Don't. Don't, Dave.
Gwen, I truly love you.
Don't you know that?
And David Hirsh,
brother of Frank Hirsh...
...forfeited $ 100
bail when he and a...
There it goes again.
Every hour on the hour.
Well, we don't have to listen. answer charges of
disturbing the peace...
How long are you gonna let
your brother disgrace us?
Oh, now, what can I do?
Sweetheart, let's drop it, huh?
I've had a tough day.
What kind of a day do you think I've had?
The whole town talking about this... This...
I've never been so humiliated.
Next they'll ask us... resign from the country club.
- Oh, nobody's gonna ask us to resign.
Lots of families have black sheep.
Besides, you married
me, not my brother.
You know something?
You're still the
prettiest girl in Parkman.
Of course, there's a
little more of you...
...but that just means
there's a little more to love.
What do you say we go out?
Sort of relax, huh?
- What do you say?
- Don't be silly, Frank. I've got a headache.
- Good night, Daddy.
- Good night?
Good night, Mom. Don't
worry, I've got a key.
- Say, where's she going?
- Out.
Oh, thank you very much.
Do you mind telling me where
she's going and who with?
I don't know.
What do you mean you don't know?
You're her mother, aren't you? Dawn.
If it isn't too much trouble, would
you mind telling me where you're going?
Oh, just for a drive with Wally.
If it was anything special,
you know I'd tell you.
- There he is. Satisfied?
If I ran my business the way you
run this house, we'd be bankrupt.
Your business? You seem to
forget it was my father's store.
Forget? How can I forget?
You've been reminding me
twice a day for 18 years.
I'm going out.
Oh, why, Mr. Hirsh,
you... You frightened me.
What are you doing here so late?
Oh, there...
There are a lot of back orders.
It's always quieter at night.
I don't like you working so
late. It doesn't look right.
I don't care what the
people think, Mr. Hirsh.
Besides, I'm almost through.
You're through right now, young lady.
Home you go.
Yes, sir.
Well, I suppose the night
must be just beginning for you.
- Oh, it's great to be young.
- So they tell me.
What's the trouble? Have a
fight with your boyfriend?
You mean Ed Remick?
Oh, I stopped seeing
him a long time ago.
- Young men can be
such bores. - Ho-ho!
There must be plenty of others
waiting to take his place.
- Aren't there?
- Sure, hundreds.
Edith, I hope you don't think I'm
being fresh or anything like that...
...but I got the blues tonight.
I was just wondering if we
could drive around for a while.
Of course.
Beautiful night.
Oh, that feels good. My back's tired.
Ha-ha. No wonder, sitting behind
a desk all day, working at night.
You know, what I should do is take
you across my knee and paddle you.
Working's better than
sitting home alone.
You're an attractive girl,
you ought to have more fun.
All work and no play, you know.
Matter of fact, you're
an exceptional girl.
I've met lots in my time, and I know.
Take an old man's advice, Edith.
Have fun while you're young.
You're a long way from
being old, Mr. Hirsh.
Well, I'm older than I'd like to be.
Especially when I'm...
When I'm sitting next to an
attractive young girl like you.
Wally, please, let's go home.
I told you I don't wanna park.
It always leads to the
same old teachers' argument.
We don't have to have that argument.
You heard what I said.
What's the matter?
I... I will have that drink.
No, I really don't want
it. Wally, take me home.
- Dawn.
- Please, Wally, take me home.
- Any calls?
- No, she didn't call.
- I bought that car I was telling you about.
- Oh, good. Then you're fixing to stay, huh?
Got myself a steady boarder.
I don't expect to sign a lease.
Where are you going?
Terre Haute, Indianapolis.
For a little relaxation,
maybe a little profit.
You wanna come along?
No, I don't think so.
You know, the boys in Terre
Haute, they don't set no limit.
We could do ourselves a little good.
I think I'd better stay.
Dave, now, you ain't
acting like no grown-up man.
You wanna see your little
schoolteacher, don't you?
Why don't you get on
over and go see her?
She said she'd phone me.
Well, I don't pretend to
be no authority on dames...
...but there's one
thing I sure do know.
They either take orders
or they give them.
And once they get an idea they're
running menfolks, they get mean on you.
And how have you been?
Well... case you change your mind about
the trip, I ain't leaving till midnight.
Are you busy?
- I am, as a matter of fact, but come on in.
- I've missed you.
That's a very attractive jacket.
Gwen, you said you'd telephone.
Well, I've been swamped with
examination papers, Dave.
Would you like a drink?
Is it still coffee?
Nothing, thank you.
We should be hearing from The
Atlantic soon about your story.
What's the matter? You're acting
like you're 12 million miles away.
I don't know what happened. The last
time we were together, you seemed to...
I haven't forgotten.
I suppose you're sorry, huh?
Let's not talk about it, Dave.
I think we should talk about it.
You're a bright girl. This is
important to me. I'm in love with you.
I don't want you to be in
love with me. Don't be, please.
- That was a foolish thing to say, wasn't it?
- It was pretty foolish.
- Don't you understand what I'm trying to...?
- Please.
Dave, haven't I made it clear
I don't want this relationship?
Well, what kind of
relationship do you want?
Now, don't act like a little
boy who's been slapped.
You know how much I'm drawn to you
and how much I admire your talent.
Forget the talent, let's get to the
point. You don't love me, do you?
I think I do. I'm not sure I want to.
- Would you like to make that clearer?
- I'm not a schoolgirl, I'm a schoolteacher.
I've waited a long time.
You mustn't hurry me.
Your kind of violence,
it frightens me.
What are you afraid of?
Well, it... It isn't easy to
put these things into words.
Intellectually, I can understand and
even envy a little your way of living.
But emotionally...
Well, emotionally, I'm a
rather commonplace person.
Who isn't? Look, I've quit drinking.
I've changed. I know I haven't changed
to a hundred percent, but I have.
- Oh, Gwen.
- Dave.
Do you wanna marry me?
Is that curiosity or
a proposal of marriage?
No. It's just a question
that has only two answers.
There's also a third.
I don't know yet.
Oh, Dave, we've met exactly three
times. What do I know about you?
What do you know about me?
I just know that I'm the
kid who wants to marry you.
Gwen, it's something I want more
than anything else in the world.
We'll have no more of that. I'm
not one of your barroom tarts.
You're right, teacher. You're
a hundred percent right.
I've been a bad boy.
I've been naughty. Matter of fact,
I don't even belong in your class.
Quite possibly you don't.
Well, you won't get a
chance to flunk me again.
Bama. Bama?
I told you it's her birthday.
I got a cake in the oven.
- Ain't you even gonna give us a drink?
- You know where it is.
Oh, Dave. Whoo!
We thought you was never coming back.
- You got a roommate. When do we leave?
- Any time at all. Didn't make out so good?
- Let's get started.
- You going someplace?
- Yep, Terre Haute. The party's over.
- Oh, take us, will you?
- Dave, please take us.
Oh, please, we can tell the
factory girls we've been sick.
- Please, Dave.
- Oh, come on, it's her birthday.
- Congratulations.
- Thank you.
Can we go? Can we?
- It really ain't.
- What ain't?
It ain't my birthday.
I just said that.
- Why?
- Oh, you know, everybody does that.
Maybe have a little party,
get some perfume or something.
I shouldn't have said that
to you, though, Dave. L...
I really shouldn't have pulled a
thing like that on a fella like you.
Come on, help me pack.
- These?
- No, they hurt.
Agnes, I don't know
what else we can do.
We've got to call
the sheriff's office.
And have it all over tomorrow's paper?
I don't want to either, but
do you realize what time it is?
Look, just what did Wally say?
I've told you three times. He hasn't
seen her. He doesn't know where she is.
I don't know what's
come over that girl.
- Ever since your brother got here...
- Will you stop it?
Say, you didn't have a fight
with her or anything, did you?
Now, why would I have a
fight with her? Honestly.
Hello? Oh, yeah.
- Fine, fine, fine.
- Who is it?
- Uh-huh. Yeah.
- Who is it?
Yes. Mm-hm.
- Frank.
- Excuse me a minute.
It's Edith, she's been making
phone calls. Dawn's okay.
She's been in Terre Haute. A friend
of Willy Packer's saw her there.
- Yes.
- And what's fine about it?
- What's she doing in Terre Haute?
- Please.
Uh-huh. Thank you. Thank
you very much, Edith.
I don't suppose you
can talk now, can you?
I understand. Good night, Frank.
Oh, yeah, baby. Easy. There, easy now.
Good, sit down. Easy.
- What happened to her?
- Good girl. You all right, honey?
- Yeah, you're all right.
- Cigarettes.
Okay. Smoke up, force
yourself to have fun.
That's a girl. Mmm!
There you go.
There we go.
Are you sure you don't
want me to check your hat?
What hat, lady?
What? What's the matter?
Oh, Dave, it's that song.
I just love it. It's so sad.
- Bama, don't you think it's sad?
- Yeah, gets me right here, sweetheart.
There. All right? That's better?
- Beautiful voice, isn't it?
- She been studying, you know.
Yeah. Speak up. Beautiful?
Hey, buddy, get that
dame away from the band.
Look, I don't want any trouble.
Are you gonna remove her or are we?
What do you mean, are we gonna...?
Dave, if there's gonna be an argument
about Ginnie's singing, I'm with him.
Yeah, I'm with him.
Who you with, baby?
Come on, baby, let's dance. They don't
appreciate your singing in this joint.
You appreciate my singing,
though, don't you, Dave?
I promised I'd never
ask you for nothing...
...but just so as I'll have
a remembrance of this trip...
...will you buy me one of
them pillows over there?
Sure I will. Come on.
Hey, lady.
- Give her one of those pillows, will you?
- No, not that.
Ain't nobody never been this
sweet to me before, Dave.
And you're sober too. Practically.
- You know what Rosalie heard?
- No, what did she hear?
She heard you had a yen for
that schoolteacher, Miss French.
- Is that true, Dave?
- No.
- Dave, you can always...
- Let's sit down and get a drink.
The best in the house. Thank you.
- Two stingers.
- Oh!
Hello, Dawn.
Oh, I...
I'm sorry. This is Teddy, uh...?
- Won't you sit and join us? We...
- What are you doing here?
We've been doing the town.
Been just about everywhere.
I'm sorry, this is my uncle,
Dave Hirsh, the writer.
- Oh, how are you?
- You two know each other long?
- Well, no. Actually...
- We just met today.
Teddy is a traveling salesman.
And I am the farmer's daughter.
Goodbye, Mr. Harperson.
- Oh, you're leaving?
- No, you are.
Wait a minute.
- Look, I think you've got me wrong. We're...
- She's just a kid.
- I'm 18.
- I said goodbye, Mr. Harperson.
Don't you pay any attention
to him, he can't do this.
Dave, don't spoil
things, I'm having fun.
Oh, sure. You're having a jolly time.
- Look, uh...
- Walk.
Come here. Give me the coffee.
- It's for the other table.
- Get some more.
- Yeah, but I...
- Get some more.
Oh, of course.
Move over.
- Does your father know where you are?
- No.
I don't know where he is either.
- Doesn't that strike you funny?
- No, it breaks me up.
Hey, Ginnie.
- This is Dawn, my niece.
- Oh, hello.
My head aches.
- Maybe you can get her a cold towel, huh?
- I don't want a cold towel, I feel miserable.
Oh, well, honey. That's
because you're crocked.
Oh, a kid your age really
shouldn't drink so much.
Come on.
You get her straightened out and I'll
take her out to get a little air later.
One-way to Parkman.
Don't judge your father
too harshly, sweetie.
Sometimes when a man
aims high, he can miss.
- I don't wanna talk about it.
- Well, then let me talk about it.
I know you're trying
to hit back at your dad.
But who are you really hurting?
And what are you gonna
prove by becoming a tramp?
I'm not gonna become a tramp.
It doesn't take long, honey.
Couple more goons like that guy who picked
you up back there and a little booze, and...
Well, I ought to know,
I'm an expert on tramps.
I can't live at home.
Living at home isn't so bad, kid.
I'm gonna get a job in New York.
Oh. Well, look, do me a favor and
don't do anything until I get back.
You promise?
I promise, but you
won't change my mind.
Milton, Delford Junction,
North Oaks and Parkman.
I'm sorry if I upset you.
Upset me? Don't be ridiculous.
You make me feel like
one of the family.
It's a new feeling
to me and I like it.
- Be a good girl.
- Thank you.
Bye, kid.
Is she okay?
- She's fine.
- When do you figure on going home?
- What?
Any time you say, Dave.
- How about after Indianapolis?
- That's fine. That's great.
Hey, you know, you should
have seen him with his niece.
Oh, golly, he just
couldn't have been sweeter.
- Niece?
- Well, she is his niece.
- Bama's my uncle.
- She is too his niece.
Turn if off. I'd rather
listen to the singing.
- Baby, how about another
drink? I'd love one.
Dawn, is that you?
- Yes.
- Do you know what time it
is? Is she here? What happened?
Where have you been?
- Terre Haute.
- Who with? Where'd you go?
To some nightclubs
with no one you know.
- Good night.
- Good night?
- Dawn, we wanna know what...
- I'm tired. I don't feel like talking.
Good night.
Dropped the cards like you're out.
- Playing?
- I'm in. I'm in, Dad.
- I call.
- I'm out. How many
cards? Three cards.
- How many?
- I'm out.
How many?
- Two beauties. Two beauties.
You got them. How many?
- Same two beauties. Two beauties.
That's my call. I'm out.
- Give me the top. One on the top.
Hello? Yes? Just a minute, please.
- It's Indianapolis.
- I'm still out.
Will you hold on for
just a minute, please?
Gwen, dear, I will not say you're out.
Dave has called twice.
And besides, you've
something to tell him now.
I'd rather you told him.
Now, Gwen, darling.
I know you've had a quarrel,
and it's made you unhappy.
Do you think you'll be happier
if you never see him again?
Hello? Yes, this is Miss French.
Hello, Dave. We have some
very exciting news for you.
The Atlantic took your story.
Five hundred dollars.
Is that right? Hey, that's
fine, isn't it? That's great.
But I got a couple more important
things I wanna talk to you about.
I suppose I haven't talked to
you because I had nothing to say.
Dave, I've been so
confused and troubled...
...and now I'm not anymore.
Just talking to you...
...I'd forgotten how warm
and deep your voice is.
Oh, yes, I've missed you.
I have missed you.
It's astonishing how much.
I'll be here.
Good night, Dave. Thank you.
Good night, baby.
Aces up.
Three nines.
Oh, happy day. You did it again.
Yeah, a little lucky.
You guys must be a couple
of grand ahead, huh?
- Oh, more or less.
- You always play together?
Two of you are pretty lucky.
I think we need a new deck.
Tell me something. That phone call.
Something very interesting?
For me, yeah. Why?
No reason at all, except, uh...
...made me think of a gambler
I used to know in Philly.
This guy had a pretty cute gimmick.
He used to sit in a card game...
...a buddy of his would go out and
call him on the phone and guess what.
He'd tell him what every
guy in the game was holding.
Makes you think, doesn't it?
Yeah, I'd say he was a dishonest bum.
You know something? He was.
- Charlie, I better straighten you out about...
- You just take it easy.
This fella here's the heavy loser tonight,
and I reckon he's entitled to be a bit stupid.
- Now, who could have phoned?
- Deal.
Well, let's say the waiter.
- The waiter?
- Yeah, he was in here, wasn't he?
- He could have cased everybody's cards.
- Yeah.
Now, mind you, I
didn't say that he did.
- You never take that hat off, do you?
- Nope, never take it off.
He got a little shortwave
radio he's got sewn in the hat.
And it gives us back signals to
what you bums are holding. Why?
Do you know something?
This creep could be
kidding on the square.
Let's just take a look, huh?
All right, back away from the dough.
All right.
Don't like nobody to touch my hat.
Now, pick it up.
Pick it up and put it on his head.
All right, beat it. Beat it.
Move, sweetie, get out of here.
- You all right?
- I don't know. Where's my hat?
- Never mind your hat.
Get up here. I'll get it.
- Oh, those dogs.
- Get that.
Go back to Parkman. I'm gonna
take him to the hospital.
- Ain't there nothing we can do?
- Do what I told you.
- I don't like nobody to touch my hat.
- Put your arm around me. Come on.
- Here's your coat. Good call.
Easy now.
Mr. Dillert.
I never heard of anyone
sleeping with a hat on.
Well, ma'am, you heard
it now. It brings me luck.
That's a pagan superstition.
It sure is, ma'am.
Come in.
Oh, how do you feel, old buddy?
How do I feel, old buddy, huh?
How would you feel, strangers
busting in here day and night...
...turning you over,
feeling under the covers?
Boy, they sure get familiar
around here in a hurry.
- Is he being a tough patient, Sister?
- While she was trying to get my hat...
...I was teaching her how to
deal a second-top-card first.
Not teaching me, Mr.
Dillert, showing me.
- Please don't stay long.
- I won't.
Wanna know something
funny? She was beating me.
The Lord's on my side, Mr. Dillert.
So you finally got here, Dave.
Sure took you a long time.
They only allow visitors
in the afternoon.
Well, you just better get yourself
hustling and get me out of this flea trap.
Why? I don't trust them sisters.
What do you mean, you
don't trust them sisters?
They stole my clothes.
Ain't got a stitch here.
Those are doctor's orders.
They take everybody's clothes.
- He's the only man that can get them back.
- Get me the doctor.
Why don't you just ring that bell?
It ain't no good no more.
I got mad and I busted it.
Dave, you got me in this
here bed, now get me out.
Okay, I'll go talk to the doc.
- Oh, hello, doctor.
- Hi.
I want my pants, doc.
I'm afraid we're going to have to
keep you here for a while, Mr. Dillert.
Now, what is this? A hospital or jail?
It's not a question of legality. It's a
question of professional responsibility.
You're a sick man, Mr. Dillert. Not
from the knife wound, that was slight.
But we discovered quite accidentally
that you have rather an advanced case...
...of diabetes mellitus.
I got what?
I noticed there was considerable
alcohol content in your blood test.
How much whiskey do you
drink in a day, Mr. Dillert?
- That's a pretty good question.
- Oh, I don't rightly know.
- Maybe a fifth, maybe less. I don't know.
- Maybe more.
Course, you'll have to
stop drinking, Mr. Dillert.
Alcohol adds an enormous
amount of sugar to the blood.
You need treatment, Mr.
Dillert. Immediate treatment.
You mean it's that serious?
The rate Mr. Dillert is going
now, it's more than serious.
All right, you've done your duty, doc.
Now, you just tell me what to
do to get out of this place...
...without busting down that
door and I'll be obliged.
I'll, uh, send up a
release for you to sign.
Pardon me.
Can you tell me where I can
find Miss French, the teacher?
Second floor. I believe it's Room 213.
Thank you. Is, um,
she teaching class now?
The period will be
over in a few minutes.
Now, we have time for
a few more questions.
Miss French, do you think
that Emile Zola was immoral?
No, I don't at all.
Even when writing about depraved people,
his attitude was essentially moral.
But he had a mistress, didn't he?
You'll have to take
that up with Mrs. Zola.
Why do you ask?
Well, a friend of mine believes that
literary men have, well, different standards.
But it seems to me that if it's all right for
them, it should be all right for anybody else.
Well, I don't agree
with your friend, Wally.
But it is true, I believe, that good
writers feel more deeply than the rest of us.
They have greater appetites for life.
If I'd known Poe, I would undoubtedly
have been repelled by his drinking...
...but I would have
tried to understand him.
Just as I would have tried to understand
Dr. Johnson for his gluttony... Quincy for using drugs, and
Baudelaire for his neurotic promiscuity.
They were big men. Big in
weakness, bigger in strength.
- Are you Miss French?
- Yes.
I'm Ginnie Moorehead.
You don't know me, but I know
you. Least I know about you.
Uh, I'd kind of like to
talk to you about something.
Well, what can I do for you?
Gee, you don't look
like a schoolteacher.
Thank you. I assume
that was a compliment.
Oh, sure.
- May I sit down?
- Of course.
You won't tell Dave I've been here, will
you? He'd skin me alive if he knowed I was.
Is he a friend of yours?
I'm not gonna take up much
of your time, Miss French.
But he's coming back today, and
there's something I just gotta know.
Are you gonna marry him?
- Am I what?
- I gotta know how things stand, that's all.
- Well, I'm not sure I can...
- Miss French, let me explain.
You see, I think
he's in love with you.
And if you're gonna marry
him, then I'll clear it out.
But if it's just one of them things...
Are you from Chicago?
Yeah. Yeah, did he tell you about me?
No, I read the papers.
Oh. Oh, golly, wasn't that terrible?
I knewed I shouldn't have come...
...but, oh, I'm very crazy
about him, you see, Miss French.
And this is the God's truth. I
want him to have what he wants.
Even if it means you instead of me.
I assume Mr. Hirsh discussed me with
you, otherwise you wouldn't be here.
That's not so. Oh,
he never said nothing.
I kept asking, but he never said nothing.
Here and in Terre Haute and Indianapolis...
...but he never said nothing.
- You were on that trip?
Oh, but he ain't in love
with me, Miss French.
I wish he was.
I'd give my right eye if he was.
I never felt like this about
nobody in my whole life.
He just touches me and I fall apart.
I do wish you wouldn't cry.
Whatever you may have
imagined, or whatever Dave...
...himself may have told you...
...there's absolutely nothing
between Mr. Hirsh and myself.
I've helped him with his
writing, nothing else.
Consequently, I'm not your rival.
Oh, Miss French, I'm
glad I come, then.
Oh, I was so scared.
You don't know how scared I was.
Because I knowed you could take
him away from me if you want to.
Because I ain't rich
or smart like you.
Haven't got nothing.
Not even a reputation.
I'm sure you have a
reputation, Miss Moorehead.
...that's one thing
don't bother Dave none.
I don't like to be rude, but
my next class is coming in now.
Oh, I'll go. You ain't
sore at me for coming?
In a way, I'm grateful.
I don't know why, Miss French...
...but thank you.
Thanks awfully much.
Now, you won't say nothing,
not to nobody, will you?
- Ohh. Goodbye, Miss French.
- Goodbye.
Man, this town sure is
jumping on all fours.
"Parkman Centennial, 1848-1948."
Man, it took them a hundred
years to build this burg?
That's a waste of time.
Why don't you knock that stuff off?
Come on, Dave. Man, I
don't want any arguments.
I've been living a certain way all my
life, and I ain't about to change it.
Don't be a damn fool. Remember
what the doctor told you?
Just watch your diet and keep taking
those shots and you'll live a long life.
Why don't you stop this, huh?
You're gonna keep on doing this,
and I'm gonna lose a friend.
And I ain't had so many friends
that I can afford to lose one.
- You give me no choice.
- It ain't your right to choose.
That looks like my niece.
Run along. I'll pick up my car.
- Can you make it with one arm?
- Yeah.
How's my favorite niece?
Just fine. I got a job in
New York with a publisher.
Well, I'll only be the office
girl, but isn't it wonderful?
I think it's great. What
do your parents think?
Well, about what I expected,
but they'll get over it.
Dave, could you give
me a minute, please?
I have some friends in
New York that I'll phone.
Look, Dave, I've taken about
all I'm going to take from you.
And it's not just that
knifing brawl and...
Did you bring me here for another
lecture? Because if you did...
- Lower your voice.
- I have no secrets.
Shh. Come on back
here. This is important.
Edith, if you don't mind.
I think you should stay, Miss Barclay.
This little gathering may interest you.
All right, Edith.
Okay, Dave, I'm not going into
this latest disgrace of yours.
Of course, it's in all the papers, but
never mind, we'll forget about that.
Thanks a lot.
I got a couple of things
I'd like to talk...
You advised Dawn to go
to New York, didn't you?
- I did not.
- Don't give me that.
Before you got here, she...
Well, you don't know what this means
to me, Dave. You're not a father.
That's true.
So if I hurt anyone, I hurt myself.
But a father, that's different.
If he's a hypocrite, he ought to be
a good one and not get caught at it.
What are you getting at?
That very strict rule
that you told me about.
Never getting involved
with your employees.
Well, what about it?
It's a damn good rule.
Particularly if you're bringing
up a fine, decent young girl.
- Are you suggesting...?
- I'm saying it, Frank.
This is a small town, and what I
know, Dawn could easily also know.
Let's face it, that's no good.
- Mr. Hirsh, I...
Don't listen to him.
He's no good now, he never
was, he never will be.
If you're through with
your lecture, I'll leave.
I'm sorry, Miss Barclay...
...but I happen to be
very fond of my niece.
Frank, I'm... I'm gonna leave Parkman.
Oh, now, now. Don't get excited.
He was probably just guessing.
- I'm sure he was guessing.
- No.
Oh, Frank. Why didn't
I meet you first?
I've often thought about that.
I don't know whether
you realize this...
...but when I married Agnes,
you were just 4 years old.
If you don't need me any longer...
...I think I'll go home and pack.
Oh, Dave, come on in.
- Hello, professor.
We have a very pretty check of yours, and
a fine letter from a most discerning editor.
- Congratulations.
- Thanks.
But we owe it all to
Gwen. Where is she?
You have every reason to be
enormously proud, dear Dave.
Have you told her I've been phoning?
I'm afraid she won't
be with us this evening.
I'm very sorry. Here's your letter.
Oh, thunderation.
How I envy people who can tell
little lies with conviction.
She may feel differently
tomorrow or the day after.
I know she doesn't wanna see
me, but if I just knew why.
Dear Dave, first let me mix
you a martini that's pure magic.
It may not make one's
problems disappear...
...but it does reduce their size.
But where is she?
She must be somewhere.
I'm afraid that's of very
little consequence, dear Dave.
She seems quite
determined not to see you.
Please don't ask me why. I
have no right to interfere.
She's upstairs, isn't she?
- I'll go see her.
- I couldn't stop you.
- You're younger than I am.
- Thanks.
Gwen. Gwen, I'm coming up.
Where are you? You're
gonna talk to me.
Doesn't this strike you
as just a little crude?
Yeah. Now, tell me what kind
of a game you're playing.
I'm not an authority on games
or the people who frequent them.
- Lf you're thinking about the gambling...
- This is my room. I did not invite you in.
Okay, okay, I'll apologize later.
Now, look, I just went away with
Bama because you kept ignoring me.
- Lf it means that much to you...
- It doesn't mean that much.
It doesn't at all.
- Lf you don't mind, I'd like to finish this.
- What the devil's happened to you?
When you were on the
phone with me, you were...
- What made you change?
- Don't look for tragic implications.
- I've simply come to my senses.
- You mean you've lost your senses.
Good night, Dave.
Gwen, I'm in love with you.
You said you were with me.
Don't handle me, Dave. Your hands on
me are not in the least persuasive.
Look, just do me one thing.
Just tell me what's eating you.
If we discuss it, you could be wrong.
I said good night.
Why don't we cut this
out? This is a very...
If you put your hands on me again, I swear
I'll call the police and have you thrown out.
I don't like your life. I
don't like your thinking.
I don't like the people you like.
Now, leave me alone. Stay away from me.
- What are you doing here?
- Waiting for you.
Well, you know that magazine
with your story in it?
It's on sale down at the drugstore.
- I'll run down and buy one. - You
can't. I bought them all up. Ha-ha.
I got one more left.
You know, everybody's been
congratulating me today.
Really, what for?
Because I'm a certain friend of yours.
Oh, golly, all the girls at the
factory have been shaking hands with me.
Been signing autographs all day.
- You've been what?
- Signing autographs, yeah.
I write, uh...
I write, "I hope you like
it. " And I sign my name.
- Pretty good publicity, don't you think?
- Get it through your head...
...that nobody signs their name to
a story that somebody else wrote.
But, Dave, you sign your name to a
book you send somebody for Christmas.
Look, stupid, you had nothing to
do with the writing of this story.
I'm your girlfriend.
That's something else I wanna discuss
with you. You're not my girlfriend.
I bought you drinks, we had
laughs, I showed you around...
...but you're not my girlfriend.
- Everybody thinks I am.
- I don't care what they think.
You haven't got the brains or the
willpower to sit down and read this story.
You can't talk to me like this.
I can't, huh? You haven't got enough
sense to come in out of the rain...
...unless somebody
leads you by the hand.
That's only because you'd
go anywhere with anybody.
Oh, Dave, you really should
not have talked to me like that.
Aw, forget it.
- Hey, this is sure one hell of a story, Dave.
- Thanks.
Something bugging you?
Yeah, it's this place, it
looks like a rat's nest.
Why don't we get somebody to clean it?
You suppose we could get that Ginnie
Moorehead to keep the place clean?
You kidding? She can't
keep herself clean.
Oh, by the way, when's the wedding?
- What wedding?
- What wedding?
Dave, just between you and me, that
little old schoolteacher of yours... know, she ain't
too good an influence.
You know ever since you give up
drinking, you've been impossible, boy?
What do you think
you're doing out there?
That's ridiculous. Come on in.
Come on inside.
All right.
But you got no right to talk
to me the way you did, Dave.
I'm a human being and I got as many
rights and feelings as anybody else.
Okay, so you're a human being.
Just because that
teacher don't want you...
...don't give you no
right to take it out on me.
Will you please forget it, Ginnie?
You're still in love
with her, ain't you?
No, I'm not.
Yes, you are. I can tell.
Look, I'm not in love with anybody.
Dave, be in love with me.
Oh, I love you so much.
I never met anybody like
you before in my whole life.
Oh, I love you so awful, awful much.
Don't cry, Ginnie, don't cry.
I'm sorry if I hurt you. Forgive me,
I didn't meant it. I'm terribly sorry.
You know I'd do
anything for you, Dave.
I'd do anything, ask me.
Would you, uh...?
Would you clean up the place for me?
- Oh, could I?
- Sure.
Oh, sure. Oh, I'd love to.
Oh, why, sure. Oh, I'd love to.
I'll tell you what I'll do.
I'll come every day before work.
You just call me.
But you gotta remember, I'm human.
I'll bear that in mind.
"And before he was aware of it...
...he was lost.
There wasn't much time left...
...and he realized that he would
have to return over familiar ground...
...running to reach the point at
which he could start all over again. "
Is that the end?
- Did you like it?
- Oh, golly. I liked it fine, Dave.
I really liked it a lot.
- That means not very much.
- No, honest, I really liked it a lot.
Golly, just think you can put those
words down on paper like that...
...and all I can do is hem brassieres.
You know, it really makes me
feel like a terrible failure.
- What did you like about it, Ginnie?
- Everything.
Like what?
Well, I... The people.
- What people?
- All of them.
Okay, so you like all of the people,
but what did the story mean to you?
Well, it means a lot.
- Well, then tell me what it's all about.
- Well, Dave, don't get mad.
Every time I open my
mouth, you get mad at me.
You don't understand a word of what I
said. You don't understand the story.
No, I don't, but that
don't mean I don't like it.
I don't understand you neither, but
that don't mean I don't like you.
I love you.
But I don't understand you.
So, what's the matter with that?
- What?
- Will you marry me?
Marry me, now, tonight.
Oh, Dave.
You really shouldn't kid
around about a thing like that.
Oh, please, Dave, not with me.
You don't know how it hurts me.
I'm not kidding, Ginnie.
Oh, Dave.
Oh, I hope you're not.
I think I'll want that more than I
want anything in the whole wide world.
- I don't know what to say.
- Just say you will.
Oh, Dave.
- Well, who loused up my house?
Bama, guess what. You'll never
guess it in a hundred million years.
What, what?
- Dave and me, we're gonna get married.
Oh, that's nice. No,
we really are, Bama.
You off your rocker?
Bama, you got no right to say that.
Look, all due respect to Ginnie, but
you ain't really gonna marry this broad?
I am. Tonight.
- I don't know if you're crazy or...
- Bama, please, he wants to marry me.
- You got no right...
- I'm trying to talk to Dave.
- We don't need your advice.
- Be a good girl and shut up.
You might as well get used
to it, she's gonna be my wife.
Man, this just don't make sense.
I got nothing against
Ginnie. Nothing at all.
- But even she knows she's a pig.
- All right, that's enough of that.
Come on, go home and
put something nice on...
...and I'll call the judge and
then come by and pick you up.
Bama. Bama, please
don't spoil it for me.
- Please, Bama, it'd just kill me.
- He won't spoil it, honey.
I never been so happy
in my whole life.
Oh, boy.
I could use a best man.
Well, it sure ain't gonna be me.
I don't know what went on between
you and that schoolteacher...
...but you just went
and blew your top.
You ain't really gonna get
hitched up with that dumb pushover?
Now, nobody would do that.
Don't you like the way
she cleaned up your place?
You ain't gonna marry her for that.
No, I'm not.
I'm just tired of being
lonely, that's all.
And the way she feels
about me, well...
...nobody ever felt
that way about me before.
And besides, maybe I can help her.
I sure can't help myself.
But the fact remains,
she's still a pig.
I told you I'm gonna marry
her, so knock off the language.
Really made up your mind, didn't you?
Yeah, I'm gonna phone the judge
and have him set it up tonight.
All right. In that case, I
just lost myself a friend.
I got no use for anybody that stupid.
Then I pronounce you man
and wife. Congratulations.
- Is that all?
- That's all.
- We're married? Tight as a drum.
This'll prove it to any room clerk.
The Hirshes.
- Good evening. Good evening.
I thought Dawn was taking a later bus?
It, uh, seems to be the last one.
It'll be nice to have company.
Yes, won't it?
Bama should have been here.
Well, he was busy, I guess.
I don't know why he
don't like me, Dave.
I guess there's no sense
in beating a dead horse.
I'm gonna make you a good wife, Dave.
A really good wife.
You're not gonna be sorry.
I believe you.
Can we go to Terre
Haute on our honeymoon?
We can get a motel. It wouldn't
cost too much, and we can cook in.
I don't care where we go, baby.
I just wanna get out of Parkman.
And can we go by my place first?
I'd kind of like to...
...pick up my pillow
and take it with us.
Remember the one you bought me?
I remember.
And can we go by Smitty's
for just one beer?
I'd like to see the girls.
They're expecting it.
They bought some rice.
Bama, what are you doing here?
I thought you was the best man.
They're coming back to say
goodbye. You want some rice?
- He didn't come in here, did he?
- Who?
What's-his-name. Ginnie's old
friend. That hood from Chicago.
He heard she got married.
He's looking for Dave.
- Oh, he's full of talk.
- He's got a gun and he's crazy drunk.
What's he aiming to do?
Kill Dave, he says. He's
crazy. I tried talking to him...
...and he pulled a gun on me.
- You stay here and I'll try and find Dave.
...and advertises sponsors' products.
Have it free. There you go,
have it free. Have it free.
They're all free. Have
it free and have it free.
All right, ladies and gentlemen,
step up right and close.
We have a lot of souvenirs and
a lot of free prizes for you.
All we ask is...
Haven't you noticed I've been
talking lately much better?
- Oh, yes, much.
- I got one of them, uh...
Them grammar books from the library.
I got it from that teacher who...
"Whom" is the objective.
- Whom says so?
- Hm?
One hundred and sixty-five
pounds. Sit right down.
By golly, you beat me
within a half a pound.
Here, take it out, pick
your prize out. Who's next?
You don't really wanna go
to Smitty's, do you, Dave?
- You said you wanted to go.
- I don't wanna go if you don't wanna go.
We could stay here.
Will you make up your mind, Ginnie?
Okay, we better go to Smitty's.
The girls said they'd be waiting.
Nothing to it all, it cuts
your work right in half.
Here's another one.
Cabbage for coleslaw.
Take a look at that. The finest
little poached-egg salad you ever saw.
I'll bet the hen that laid
that is still cackling.
One more use for this fine little
slicer: french-fried potatoes.
You like them, I like them,
your mother-in-law likes them.
Everybody likes
french-fried potatoes.
For as much as the spirit of the departed
hath returned to God who gave it...
...we therefore commit
her body to the ground.
Earth to earth, ashes to ashes...
...dust to dust.
"The Lord is my shepherd,
I shall not want.
He maketh me to lie
down in green pastures.
He leadeth me beside the still waters.
He restoreth my soul.
He leadeth me in the paths of
righteousness for his namesake.
Yea, though I walk through the
valley of the shadow of death...
...I will fear no evil,
for thou art with me.
Thy rod and thy
staff, they comfort me.
Thou preparest a table before me
in the presence of mine enemies.
Thou anointest my head with oil.
My cup runneth over.
Surely goodness and mercy shall
follow me all the days of my life...
...and I will dwell in the
house of the Lord forever. "