Some Kind of Hero (1982)

Hey, eddie, you ok?
Yeah. No. I'm fine.
No problem.
Nothing can happen to us
on the first day out, right?
That's right.
Just like a.I.T.
Right. Just like a.I.T.
Holy shit!
This is it, cal!
Cal! Cal!
Where you going?
Cal. Cal. Holy shit, cal.
Hey! Hey!
Just like a.I.T,
my ass.
Don't push me.
Don't. Please.
Bravo company.
Bravo company.
This is sierra tango.
Bravo company, come in.
Bravo company, we're under heavy shit here.
Bravo company,
some-fucking-body come in.
Come on in. Where the fuck you at, a movie?
Holy shit.
Bravo, come in.
Hey, eddie. Hey, eddie. I've
really got to take a shit, man.
Take a shit? What the fuck's
wrong with you, cal?
Take it easy. Will ya?
Bravo company.
I cannot stand up and take my
pants down. Don't you understand?
Listen, man, just take it
easy. Shit in your pants.
It don't matter where the shit falls now.
Bravo company.
Come in, bravo company.
I'm outta here. I can't
take it. I'm outta here.
Wait a minute.
Fuck you. Come back here.
See you, eddie.
Holy fucking shit!
Kowalski, there's
a spot back here.
Hurry back here. You
ain't got no toilet paper!
There's cover
over here, cal.
I, um...
This is embarrassing.
Heh heh heh.
Speak english?
Jesus christ, I'm...
My pants. I-I...
Can I put my pants up?
Don't shoot. Don't shoot.
Ok? You understand english?
Don't shoot!
I'm reaching
for my pants.
My pants.
I am reaching
for my pants.
Fuck it. Fuck it.
Fuck the pants.
All right,
I understand.
I got you. Come with you, right? Sure.
Hey, look, uh,
g.I. G.I. Ok? Ok?
All right. All right.
Ok. Goddamn.
Soul brother, right?
You can kill me,
but you can't eat me!
Wake me up for the
continental breakfast, asshole.
Hey, send some hot water
out of this thing.
How you doing, pal?
Check this out.
Take a look.
Yeah. That's my old lady.
She's nice, huh?
How about
we call you "spike"?
In honor of our
vietnamese tet holiday,
Each prisoner will receive
an extra ration of rice.
Hey! Captain tai, my
man. You're just in time.
My compliments
to the chef, sir.
I mean, this shit
is starting
To taste like shit.
Will you tell him that?
Isn't it time for you to sign
the confession, corporal keller?
Oh, corporal keller's
gonna wait.
For what?
I'm gonna wait
for the rescue.
You don't think they're
gonna leave us here, do you?
They have...
For 2 years.
Ha ha ha!
Jesus. Captain tai!
How many times do I have
to tell you guys,
I don't like
my roaches this way?
I like my roaches sauted.
You know what I mean?
Little butter, little
garlic sauce. Sauted.
No saut!
Want me to send
my recipe?
Huh? You don't know how
to fuckin' fix roaches!
You don't think you
could get the key, do you?
Maybe shrink me down...
Let me follow your ass
out of here?
Hey, spike,
tell me something.
Do you get any?
You get a lot,
don't you?
Come on.
Fess up.
Getting all the mouse
pussy in town, aren't you?
My friend.
Hey, look...About those
little rat turds, you know...
Think you can take your tail
and kinda sweep 'em up in a pile
And take 'em out with you
when you leave?
Don't like to see those little
droppings laying around the apartment.
You know what I mean?
Knock it off!
The arm! Would you lay off
the fuckin' arm, please?!
Get out of my fuckin'
life, will you, please?!
Leave me the fuck alone, please?!
I told you, lay off the fuckin' arm!
Ahh, you slanty-eyed,
seaweed-eating cocksucker!
You motherfucker!
Those bastards.
Yeah, yeah! Get the fuck
outta here! Go ahead! Go ahead!
Fuck you lookin' at,
Why don't you
be cool, man?
Hey, look. I got
one simple rule, ok?
You stick to your side of the fuckin' cell,
And I'll stick
to mine. All right?
Hey, what's eating
you, man?
What could possibly
be eating me?
What the fuck could possibly be eating me?!
What could it be?
I don't know. Maybe you
found out you got the clap.
Let me run something
to you, man. Ok?
You don't run nothin'
here but your mouth.
I got a friend
comes and visits.
I don't want you
to fuck with him.
His name is spike.
It's a mouse.
My pet.
You touch him,
and I'll kill you.
I mean kill you dead.
Hey, I'm sorry.
Welcome to nam, man.
What a hellhole.
silver bells
it's christmastime
in the city
hear them ring
Aw, shit.
I thought I was gonna
be home for christmas.
Fuckin' nixon.
Man, I was gonna spend my whole
furlough riding ol' ginger.
You got a horse
named ginger?
My old lady.
Oh. I'm sorry, man.
So am I...
Sorry my ass ain't doing
what it does best.
Know what I mean?
I been thinking
about old lisa.
My wife.
No shit. I didn't
know you were married.
5 years.
Hey, to old lisa, man.
To old ginger.
Here you go.
we're back
in the saddle again
back where
a friend is a friend
Got that note.
we're back
in the saddle again
Cha-cha... Cha-cha. Do
it, jimmy. Yeah, baby.
oh, signorina
faccia bella
ma quest-
ooh ooh ohh
Captain tai wishes
all the american prisoners
A very happy
fourth of July.
We congratulate you
on your independence.
Morning, captain.
Will you sign
the confession?
Oh, shit.
Captain, for a bowl
of tomato soup,
I'd sign my name
right on the dotted line.
I mean, that
pumpkin soup shit
You been serving me
for 8 straight days
Is driving me
up the fuckin' wall.
You're putting
a lot of pressure
On my great italian palate,
I'll tell you that.
You are not in command of
this camp, sergeant diangelo.
And you,
corporal keller.
Mmm, let me see
this shit.
I'll sign this fuckin' shit.
What, are you
fuckin' crazy?
No, god damn it. We don't
get to write no letters.
We don't get to send none.
Least I can do is sign something.
Hey, why don't you
fuckin' be cool, man?
You're always starting
trouble. These are nice people.
We're trying to get
along with 'em, ok?
Fuckin' guy's been here a
year, ain't learned shit.
Who is, uh,
"mr. Me-off"?
Oh, I forgot to put down my first name.
It's jack.
Jack me-off?
Pfft! Ha ha ha!
Jack me off!
Ha ha ha!
Jack me off.
jack me off.
Jack me- ha ha
ha! Jack-ha ha!
Know what it means,
It means pull
your pud, baby!
You really think coming here
8:00 in the fuckin' morning
Is gonna make us do
it?! Jack me off! Ha ha!
I love your black ass. Ha ha...Black...
He said...He said...
"who mr. Me-off?"
Ha ha ha ha ha!
Who won the world series,
Hey! Where're
you taking him?
It's ok. I could use
a little variety.
I'm tired of your
ugly face, corporal.
Come on, girls.
Where's the party, huh?
Hey, captain, what the fuck is going on?
take it easy!
Hang in there, vinnie!
Fuck you.
That you, eddie?
Eddie, I can't
move my legs.
Eddie, I can't walk.
Hey, help, eddie.
Hey, something wrong with him. How 'bout
- hey, kid.
Look here.
All right.
Let him the fuck outta there, man!
The fucking guy
can't walk.
Let him the fuck
out of the box.
You know what I mean?
What's wrong with you,
My friend's
in the fuckin' box.
Hey, vinnie! This asshole wants to play.
Give it to him.
Get him good, man.
You want to play, huh?
Let him out?
I kick your ass,
and you let him out, right?
It's your ass.
Hey, watch it!
Take it easy.
Take him, eddie.
Go, eddie.
Come on.
Ok, baby.
Now you're doing it.
That's right.
You do it to him.
Get him, eddie!
Get him!
Son of a bitch!
I kicked his ass, vinnie.
I kicked his ass.
Cold. Get me blankets.
I'll get you blankets.
I'm a shit-sicle.
Cold. Cold.
Here's your blanket, buddy.
Here's your blanket.
Gonna warm your ass up,
man, huh? Get y'all all warm.
Secretary of state
kissinger said last night
That with a few
minor exceptions,
The terms of the peace treaty
are basically agreed upon.
Talks continue today.
Hey, did you hear that,
did you hear that?
We're going home.
Oh, man.
Get a doctor,
I mean, he's turning yellow. Get a doctor!
You forgive me,
ginger, don't you?
You forgive me, ginger.
Ginger. Bad.
It's bad.
Guard! Hey, man.
Get a doctor, will ya?
Will you move your ass
and get a doctor?
I'll sign the fuckin'
Now, will ya get
a doctor?
"and I consider the bombing of the citizens
and civilians of hanoi a criminal act."
"I have therefore signed this
statement of my own accord,
Without coercion
of any kind..."
"because I feel
the United States
Has been engaged in an
illegal and unjust war."
You're gonna do
what you said?
You're gonna get him
to a hospital?
I am a man of my word,
corporal keller.
I'm only doing what
I must for my country.
Gonna be all right, vinnie.
They're coming to take ya
to the hospital.
Gonna be good as new.
Where's spike?
Did he come back yet?
He came back last night.
Looks like his old lady
kicked him out.
Looked real down.
Nobody gets
any snatch anymore.
We're gonna get snatch up the
yang-yang when we get back, vinnie.
Gonna be heroes.
Swimming pools.
We're going home together,
We're going home together.
Hey, do you want a beer?
No, thank you.
Hey! Cheers!
How 'bout a beer?
Welcome home, guys.
My name's
colonel powers.
You're keller, aren't you? Eddie, right?
Yes, sir. Yes, sir.
You're the only p.O.W. We're
bringing home this trip.
I understand you're one of the
last of the army boys to come out.
How'd they treat you
at clark?
Fine, sir. All the steak
and potatoes I could eat.
Hey, let's-let's knock off
that sir shit, ok?
Well, now, let's see.
Where do I start?
Hey...The mets.
You remember the mets. The
losingest goddamn team in baseball.
Oh, yes.
Well, they won the goddamn world
series here a few years back.
That's great.
I kid you not.
The goddamn world series.
Ha ha ha ha.
What a world, huh?
I mean, jesus.
I know exactly how you feel.
I couldn't believe it either.
The goddamn mets.
Well, uh, look, I got
some, uh, notes here,
Information on your mother,
your wife, your daughter.
I don't have
a daughter, sir.
Oh, yes, you do, eddie.
That's right.
You don't know.
She was born while those bastards
held you in captivity, eddie.
Why, she's almost
6 years old now.
She's a beautiful child.
God, no.
And her name is laurie.
Oh, my god,
you're serious, sir.
You got the right color?
Gotta be.
Oh, jesus christ. I got a
daughter? What's her name?
Her name's laurie.
Laurie. Jesus christ. I
got a daughter named laurie.
Jesus fuckin' christ.
How 'bout that beer now,
Ow! Yeah,
I want a beer!
I got a daughter!
A baby.
Her name's laurie.
Excuse me.
Could I...
is it all right?
Oh, sure, soldier, go for
it. Which one you want?
Um, here's, uh...
To your daughter.
To laurie.
My god!
I'm a daddy.
My wife's fine?
Ha ha ha ha!
This is it, eddie.
Eddie, eddie, eddie.
How does it feel
to be home, eddie?
...The american hero.
How do you feel about that?
Ok, eddie.
You're home.
Excuse me, sir. Can you do
something about all these lights?
Consider it done.
Can you move back
a little bit?
These lights,
dim these.
Just turn them off,
Ok, eddie. Let's go.
My wife and family, sir.
She's waiting inside the
hospital, I think, eddie.
My god.
Corporal keller, I want
you to know how proud I am
To welcome you to stillwell
army medical center, corporal.
Thank you, sir.
It's good to be home.
I'll see you all later.
Thank you.
Why don't you just say
a few words first?
Say a few words, sir?
Eddie, how does
it feel to be back?
Jesus christ. Can you say
that on television?
Um...I...Feel, um...
I feel a little strange.
I feel like
I'm on the moon.
Really, eddie,
how does it feel?
Um...The experience... I think
helped me be a better person.
A better husband.
A b-better father.
I, uh, I don't-
I don't hate anybody.
I'm glad to be home.
I could kiss the ground.
Go on, kiss the ground, eddie. Kiss it.
Go on, eddie,
kiss the ground.
Kiss the ground.
It's good to be home.
Thank you very much!
Paging pulmonary tech number 6, stat.
Pulmonary tech
number 6, stat.
Oh, baby. Ah.
I missed you
so much.
I love you so much.
I love you so much.
I love you so much.
I love you so much.
I love you so much.
I love you so much.
Eddie, uh...
Colonel maxwell would like to talk to you.
There's no hurry.
Take all the time
you want, uh...
Oh, lisa...
I'm all right.
Honest, I'm ok.
I know. I, uh...
I just didn't think I was
ever going to see you again.
You kiddin'? Not see
the father of your baby?
They told you?
I'm a father!
Oh, eddie!
Oh, my god, eddie.
Oh, I'm sorry,
Excuse me a second.
whatever happened
To take all the time
you want, eddie?
I-I'm sorry, eddie.
But colonel maxwell
does have other patients.
He just needs
to speak with you...
A few words.
I-I'm sorry.
Right now, sir?
I gotta go.
But I'll be back.
Don't go away.
Stillwell military hospital.
Nurses' station.
Dr. Christopher
It'll only take
a moment, son.
Your preliminary
physicals from clark
Look pretty good.
Nothing so far
but a little anemia
And some badly
needed dental work.
But we'll be running more extensive tests,
Starting tomorrow.
Ah, when can I start my
convalescent leave, sir?
Oh, a week, 10 days.
Ah, unless there are any
unforeseen complications.
Is that it, sir?
That's it, eddie.
See you tomorrow.
Thank you, sir.
Eddie, how's everything going? Fine.
Any problems?
No, none at all,
That's terrific.
Hey, the missus.
Thank you, sir.
Thank you very much.
Well, uh...
Have a nice
night, eddie.
Wait a minute.
You mean I can go?
I got the whole damn
night to myself?
You've earned it,
haven't you?
Just be back in time for
your test at 1200 hours.
1200 hours.
Yes, sir.
Oh, no, eddie.
It's on the house.
You know what
I'm gonna do, huh?
Good night.
Oh, ho, eddie.
Welcome to
the ambassador hotel.
Thank you. This is
for you, sir.
Thank you.
They're going to take
care of our bags, right?
I've got it
already, sir.
Let's have
pink champagne.
You're beautiful.
I mean it. I never thought
I'd see beautiful again...
Or incredible.
I'd just
never thought...
Eddie, I just-
I just love it.
I just love
this kimono.
Eddie, it's so beautiful.
You're so thoughtful.
It doesn't hold
a candle to you, baby.
Oh, eddie.
Eddie, let's go to bed
right now, ok?
Please, can we go
to bed right now?
Ok, uh, take it easy,
all right?
Uh, twist my arm.
That's enough.
Yeah. Come on.
Oh, eddie boy, sometimes
you can really make me laugh.
I know. Come on.
And I missed that.
You missed laughing? Oh, I missed it.
You didn't miss
none of this here?
You didn't miss
none of these steps?
Check this out.
Come on. I thought we was going to bed.
Well, let's just have
one more drink first, ok?
Ok. One more.
No, I'm ok.
Baby, you all-
Put your arms, up,
baby. Put them up.
Come on.
Don't die on me now.
You all right?
It went down
the wrong way.
I know, eddie.
Let's see if you're
on the late news.
Yeah. Oh...
Whoops. Oops.
you a little drunk?
Why do you have to be drunk to be with me?
Hey, lisa,
you can tell me.
I can handle it,
whatever it is.
Ha. Fine.
I'm just...
Not sure I can.
Oh, boy.
I think I'm in love
with someone else.
I'm gonna be sick.
God, please let me
be sick.
Eddie, I wrote you
But I guess you didn't get my letters.
The thing's got a name,
ain't he?
Yes, eddie. His name is ray. It's ray.
I don't share the apartment with a girl.
It's ray.
Oh, eddie.
I didn't look to have an affair, eddie.
It just happened.
It was christmas.
It was 2 years ago,
Eddie, please try to
understand. It was christmas.
I didn't look to have an
affair. It just happened.
Try to understand.
I didn't say
I didn't understand.
I said I thought I was going to be sick.
I have heard the worst of it, haven't it?
Eddie, maybe you haven't
heard the worst of it.
You know our bookstore?
Ray always wanted to open up
his own place, too, see, but...
He had bigger ideas.
So, we expanded the bookstore
into a card shop, eddie,
With novelties,
little cards.
And it took us a year,
We flopped.
All your money, too.
And the store, all gone.
all my money gone.
That's all.
I'm sorry.
We'll pay you back.
I swear to god,
we'll pay you back.
You keep it.
We? We?
Who is this we?
Is it that serious?
It's that serious.
Do you want a divorce?
I need a couple of hours to think about it.
I mean, I've had a busy day, you know.
I like to take time
about the big decisions.
getting a divorce.
Now...Don't you worry
about your mama, eddie,
She's just
gonna be fine.
She's getting better
every day.
What? What's the matter
with mama? What do you mean?
Oh, eddie.
Oh, god!
What's the matter
with mama!
She had a stroke.
I mean, it was
rough at first,
But she's
much better now.
My mama was-
Eddie, this is
the name and address
Of the convalescent
home where she's staying.
My mama had a stroke.
You didn't- you didn't-
Aah! Mama!
We don't want to force psychiatry
on any of the returning men.
We-we're only here
to be of...
Whatever help we can
in getting you back
To a...Relatively
normal life.
Do you feel there are any major
problems you have to deal with?
I'm sorry.
You must be
eddie keller.
Yes, ma'am.
Why, you look just like you
did on the t.V. Last night.
I'm hilda munson.
Oh, ms. Munson,
my mother- I sure-
Oh, she's improving
every day, eddie.
Every day.
Now she is so anxious
to see you.
She's just out back
here. I'll show you where.
You mean, you haven't
been paid for 3 months?
That's correct,
Don't worry about that. I got
money coming from the army.
Back pay
and bonus money.
Oh, that's
wonderful, eddie.
just wonderful.
Um, there is,
of course,
The issue
of the increase.
Oh, starting
in 5 days,
$1,200 a month.
Yes, and if I don't get the
full amount, in the 5 days,
I'm afraid I'll have to
make the bed space available.
There's monica.
I'm monica lewis.
How're you doing?
It is wonderful
to meet you.
Uh, jesse and I
met at work
And we've been best friends ever since.
Eddie, it...
It is gonna be a little
hard right at first.
That's why
I'm here.
I can understand
And I-I thought I might
be able to help a little.
Jesse, it's eddie.
You look nice,
I thought you
couldn't talk, mama.
Wouldn't you know.
That's her
one good word.
I'm going to find some
water for these roses.
She's a nice lady,
Do you like her?
Everything's fine.
I'm in good health.
I really am.
I feel good.
And the baby...
Laurie's real big.
And her and lisa,
they send their love.
And they miss you
very much.
I gotta call them.
Lisa. I gotta
call her now,
'cause I told her I was gonna
call her when I got here.
No, you wait here.
I'm not gonna go away.
I'm gonna come back.
I just gotta make this call right now, ok?
And I'll be right back.
Oh, god.
Hey, eddie?
What exactly
do you want, eddie?
Why didn't you tell me
about my mother, sir?
I just didn't think
the timing was right.
For that matter,
Why didn't you tell me about
my wife and her boyfriend?
And the fact that they spent all of my-
Ow! Shit, doc!
The fact that they
spent all my money?
What exactly
do you want, eddie?
Money, mostly.
Can't you get me
an advance?
Well, let me see
what I can do, eddie.
"let me see
what I can do, eddie?"
Is there
some kind of problem?
Colonel, could you please leave the room?
You're upsetting
the man.
I-I have
to go, eddie.
Colonel! Colonel! I mean
it. Is there-colonel?
Hold it.
I got it.
Whoops. Tricky
little devil, huh?
Eddie, we'll talk later.
After the debriefing.
What debriefing?
I've been through all this
shit in the philippines, sir.
Don't worry, eddie.
There isn't any question
that can't be resolved.
What kind of-
oh, jesus christ,
What in the hell's
happening to me?
Should I have on some kind
of lead stuff or something,
So I-I don't glow
in the dark?
I want you to be as specific as possible.
Yes, sir.
So you did,
in fact,
Sign the statement?
Yes, sir.
But by that time,
the war was practically over.
Were you at all coerced into doing this?
Was there any
torture involved?
We realize
that every man
Has his own level
of tolerance,
His own breaking point.
Jesus, my best friend was dying, sir.
I mean, right
in front of me.
Nobody would do anything to help.
I couldn't just let him die like that.
To me, that was torture.
It doesn't take
a great imagination
To realize that
my balls were in a vise.
Uh, once again,
Let's review when
you first became aware
Of sergeant diangelo's
Before he died.
What's going
on here, colonel?
Colonel powers,
Do you want
to explain that to me?
Eddie, don't worry about
all that crap in there.
It's army red tape.
Well, what are they
leanin' on me for?
I haven't done
anything wrong.
They're paper pushers, eddie, that's all.
Forget it, kid.
What about
my money, sir?
Eddie, I'm sorry. There's nothing I can do.
But you said I could
depend on you.
God damn it!
You promised!
Take your hands
off me, soldier.
Jesus, eddie,
be reasonable.
The pay orders come
from washington,
And they put a freeze on everything
Until after
your discharge.
Maybe even longer.
But I need the money
for my mother now, sir.
I'm not a traitor. I
didn't do anything wrong.
I know that, son.
hell, eddie, I'm going to level with you.
We're dealing with
army policy here.
Now, you
signed that paper.
That's your problem.
I signed. Because I signed a piece of paper
To keep
my friend alive,
I'm not gonna get the
$5.00 a day I'm entitled to?
Those are the facts,
And there is nothing
I can do about it.
Now these issues
take time.
My mother doesn't
have any time, sir!
Look, I spent 5 years
in that hell hole.
I paid my dues.
I want what's mine!
What do you
expect me to do?
The right thing!
Damn it.
Do the right thing.
No? No, no.
Yes, yes.
Now I have
a checklist here.
But, unfortunately,
I can't even put one
check on your entire list.
Do you own a home?
Do you own a car? No.
Uh, huh...Do you have
any stocks? Any bonds?
Any mutual funds?
We could laughingly
call collateral?
I'm sorry, mr. Keller.
But I-I can't put
anything in your file.
I'm afraid
you're out of luck.
Thought I was out
of luck...In hanoi.
That's where I was outta
luck. I'm not outta luck.
I'm gonna make
my own luck.
From now on, it's gonna be straight 7s
For eddie keller.
I'm gonna get on top. You understand that?
So shove that
in your file,
And put a checklist
behind that,
'cause this
is my lucky day.
Ok, everybody
hold it.
Nobody move.
Nobody gets hurt.
On the floor,
all of you.
On the floor.
Not you,
soldier boy.
kiss the floor.
Get down, baby.
Get down.
She's down.
She's down.
Ok, soldier boy, you're
gonna take that bag.
You're going to go
behind the counter
And get
all the money
Out of all the drawers,
you understand?
Easy, soldier boy.
Just relax.
Now take the bag,
nice and easy,
And do
as I tell you, ok?
Ok, go ahead.
Ok, thank you. Cross the counter.
Got it.
Move it, soldier.
Nice and easy.
Just stay calm
That's it. It'll be all over...
Fill the bag,
soldier boy.
Fill it,
soldier boy.
Let's go. Come on.
Let's go.
Fill the bag!
That's all.
Yeah, yeah.
That's it.
Good work,
soldier boy.
Nobody move
for 20 minutes,
Or soldier boy
here gets it.
Wait a minute.
Thank you all very much.
I love you.
What division,
soldier boy?
1st air-cav.
Iron balls hansen?
let me hear them clang.
Me, too, bro. 14 months. Purple heart.
And all
that shit, man.
No shit? What's
the matter, man?
Doing all right?
I'm doing the best I can. Yeah, me, too.
Let's go! Hey, you be good, bro.
Hit the alarm!
Sound the alarm.
This is sheila daniels,
eyewitness news,
And I'm talking to recently returned p.O.W.
And war hero
eddie keller.
Eddie, can you tell us what happened today
At the peterson savings
and loan company?
Well, about, uh...
I was in the bank,
I was trying to get a loan
And it got robbed.
I couldn't get the loan,
Because they said I didn't have
enough things on my checklist.
Ok, cut it.
Cut it...
They have, uh... Dave.
Save it.
Sounds ok.
Do you think you can
give us the information
On the robbery,
I think that's what
the people want to hear.
Oh, I'm sorry.
This is sheila daniels,
eyewitness news,
And I'm talking
with eddie keller,
A recently returned
p.O.W. And war hero.
Eddie, can you tell us
what happened today
At the peterson savings
and loan company?
At about 2:30, uh,
the bank was robbed...
By some men who claimed
to be veterans.
Oh, yes, ma'am.
Some of us been having a real rough time
Since we got back.
Uh, I was trying
to get a loan.
And, uh,
it's been real hard.
Ok, dave,
kill this one.
My mother's
in the hospital-
Uh, ed...
This is sheila daniels,
eyewitness news,
And I'm talking with
recently returned
P.O.W. And war hero
eddie keller.
Eddie, can you tell us
what happened today
At the peterson savings
and loan company?
It was robbed.
That's it?
That's it.
This is sheila daniels
for eyewitness news
At the peterson savings
and loan company.
Thank you sheila daniels,
for your on the spot-
Would you please
turn that off?
Sure, pal.
Change the channel
or something.
Hey, no problem,
Jesus, that was a stupid thing to say.
I mean, you're
one dumb asshole,
You know that?
All this military shit
is out to lunch.
Yeah, why the uniform? The war's over.
Why did we lose the war, huh? Yeah.
Smokin' a little
too much weed out there?
And talk about dumb.
I mean, how do you expect to
find any action around here,
Looking like that,
He just found it,
And one more word
out of you,
And the only action
you're gonna get
For the rest
of your life is him.
Now, that's right, jack-offs.
So like
the poet said,
You just
back off.
On the lady.
Oh, uh, would you
get her one for me?
Thank you.
Thank you
for what you did.
Forget it.
I hate stupidity.
You can relax now,
you know.
You-you could even
take off your tie
And I wouldn't
tell anybody.
You know, that's
the second time
I saw you
on television.
I saw you kissing
the ground.
Oh, jesus.
So how does it feel
to be a hero?
I thought you didn't
like stupidity.
Question was
that dumb, huh?
it was kinda dumb.
I'm toni donovan.
Eddie keller, toni.
You don't-you don't
look like a p.O.W.
I don't?
What's a p.O.W.
Supposed to look like?
Beat up?
You don't look
beat up enough.
More stupidity?
So you got back, what... Tuesday night?
That must have been
That first night,
Oh, it was something
all right.
That bad?
Oh, it was worse
than that.
Do you
want to leave?
With you?
Sure. Why not?
Yeah, baby.
Would you tell jack that
I won't make it tonight?
Sure, honey. Take care of yourself.
Uh, soldier, listen, how
you, uh, fixed for money?
You ok?
You got enough?
Yeah, I'm fine.
Well, it's
just that, uh,
Toni is one of the most
expensive hookers you could find.
You sure
you got enough?
Hey, toni, listen.
I, uh...
I'm not interested.
Oh, shit.
No, I just-
I wasn't even
gonna tell-
Listen, if it's the money
that you're worried about,
Uh, it-it's
my night off.
Toni, you don't even
look like a professional.
Oh, I don't?
Well, uh...
What's a professional
supposed to look like?
Stupidity on
my part, right?
Yeah, a little.
I'm sorry.
Look, why don't we
go and have a drink,
can't really hurt.
No, one drink.
Well, then we could
have another drink.
that might hurt.
And, then, uh...
And-and then you
could buy me a drink.
Oh, yeah, and then
you could buy me one.
And then we'll
be piss-faced.
When was the last time
you went dancing?
Oh, I don't know.
Just wondering.
You make me
feel good.
You make me feel
like a groupie.
I do?
What's a groupie?
How many years, eddie?
How many?
I want every one
of them, eddie keller.
I want every one
of them.
I can't.
Yes, you can.
Yes, you can.
Just don't move, and
I'll do everything, ok?
Just relax.
Come on.
Give it to me.
Come on.
That's the best.
I never. I-
Uh-huh. Uh-huh.
Oh ho ho.
You killed me.
You ham.
Look, I owe you
a dollar.
I paid you.75
Ok. You owe me a dollar.
That's right.
Cash money.
Cash money.
This is great.
I want your number because
I want to see you again.
You could take me
dancing, you know?
We had a real nice night.
Why don't we just
leave it at that?
Leave it?
Are you kidding?
Give me the number.
No, I won't give you
my number.
Give me your number.
Come on.
No, I won't
give you my number.
It's 555-0731.
555-0731! Ooh.
555-0731. All right.
Doctor, I can't
seem to wake him.
Pass me
the hand piece.
Hey, eddie.
Hey, terry. How ya doing?
Listen, this letter
came for you.
Where you going?
I'm about to shove off, man. What?
Be honest with me.
Tell me how I look.
You look good, man.
Yeah? All right.
Uh, listen...
I don't know.
It's been...
It's been
real good. Ha ha.
God damn, it's
great to be home!
Don't re-enlist, man.
Ha! No way.
Hang tough, man.
You bet! Whoa!
Hey, wait for me!
Ha ha ha.
Race ya.
Come on.
Honey, what do you want
to do about dinner tonight?
You want me to cook something,
or can we go out?
My treat tonight.
We'll go out
wherever you want.
Mommy, mommy, can we
go out now to the park?
We're gonna take you
to the playground.
We'll take the bike
with us, too.
But first, pick up every single
one of those toys that ray gave you.
Ok, ok.
I'll help you, ok?
I love you, daddy.
I love you.
Everything's gonna
be all right, mama.
I love you, mama.
I love you.
I don't have any beer.
Well, what do you got?
Uh...Dom perignon.
Don who?
Well, let me see.
Wait a minute.
Check this out.
What do you think?
Oh, trs elegante.
Mama mia, it's a spicy,
spicy meatball.
A little je ne sais quoi,
you should have been a model.
Hey, now, this is nice.
No, it's terrible.
No, this...
These are feet.
This is real nice.
All you gotta do
is finish it.
It is finished, eddie.
Just drink your champagne
and shut up.
Oh, I'm sorry.
See, I wanted
to be an artist, but, uh...
What are you gonna do
about your mother?
I don't know.
I think the government
owes me, you know?
It's gonna take
a little time,
But they're
gonna pay me.
I've got some money
saved up, you know?
I could loan you
about $4,000.
It's only a loan,
Why not?
Because I don't wanna
take money from you, ok?
Shit. Ha ha.
Why do I always fall for the
goddamn pain-in-the-ass losers?
Toni, I ain't
no goddamn loser.
No? What would
you call it?
I call it that I think
you're treating me
Like a fucking
charity case.
A charity case?
Eddie, I don't go around
making loans to customers.
You didn't climb into bed
with the united trust bank.
Hey, you didn't climb into
bed with no goddamn loser.
Look, eddie, you can't be
afraid to let people help you.
People, my ass. The government's
people, the army's people.
Would you stop
feeling sorry for yourself?
I'm not the government, and
I'm not the army, all right?
I mean, the army didn't
give a fuck about me.
My wife didn't
give a fuck,
So what's some rich
beverly hills hooker
Gonna give a fuck
about me?
Oh, sh-toni.
Toni, listen. Toni, what are you doing?
I'm looking for $200.
If you're going to act
like a customer,
I'm going to treat you
like a customer.
Where are you going?
I'm gonna get
your $200.
I only got 50.
But I'm gonna get the rest,
and I'm gonna come back,
'cause I'm gonna pay you.
I'm gonna pay everybody
everything, you understand?
I don't know how.
The army won't let me work.
But, between you
and the army,
I've learned my lesson,
believe me.
From now on, I'm gonna
take care of number one,
And I'm gonna look out
for myself, ok?
Take it easy!
I'd like to get
a room for a week.
Ted segal.
Cheap stuff.
You want quality, right?
Oh, yeah. Quality,
that's what I want.
What you want...
Is something
like this.
Excellent detail,
Top-grade plastic,
trigger action.
Don't move!
Drop it. Freeze.
Get down.
get down.
Freeze, baby.
Right on.
All right,
this is it.
This is it.
Get-don't move.
Sucker. Ha.
You tried to move, baby.
Freeze, jack.
No, just sign
the back of the check.
Right here?
Sir, you're next.
Hey, come on, fella.
It's your up. Let's go.
Yes, what can I do
for you?
Do you want to
make a deposit?
Do you want to
make a withdrawal?
Oh, my god.
How disgusting.
You should be
ashamed of yourself!
Yes, sir.
What can I do for you?
Is it a gift
you're looking for?
No. No.
Is it something
for your wife?
Well, what exactly
is it then?
Stick up.
I don't believe
I heard you.
Stick up!
Get out of here!
You get out of here!
You get out of here!
And don't you come back!
Hey, buddy.
Abduct that man! Get!
What's happening?
Get out of here!
You're a bad boy!
Don't you come back!
What happened?
Eddie, I checked again
like you asked.
There's still no word
on the money.
Why not?
Well, the army
takes a long time
To make up
its mind, kiddo.
Eddie, uh...
When are you coming
back to the base?
I, uh-ahem-
Still got some problems
to work out, sir.
Well, uh, look, kid,
Now, I'm covering
for you,
But I can't do it
Well, why not, sir?
I mean, we covered for you
guys for 5 fucking years.
Now, listen to me,
We're talking awol here,
Serious awol.
I just don't want you
to fuck up your future.
Then what about the future
of my money, sir?
For christ's sake,
the goddamn channels.
Just give it time.
You're talking to a man that
don't have any more goddamn time.
Can I have some stamps
over here, please?
Ho ho ho! Ohh.
Is that funny,
or is that disgusting?
Hey, you laughed at it
the last time.
I didn't laugh
the first 4 times.
I'll see you fellas
next time.
Hey, hey, remember ruthie,
used to work in savings?
Silent ruthie?
You mean the one whose sister
just died of cancer last month?
Yeah. Well, she wasn't so silent
for the old tiger last night.
Get out of here.
Hee hee.
She came over
to cry on my shoulder,
And I banged
her veil off.
Will you stop?
Do you believe
this guy?
Ruth polaski, right? Polish ruthie?
Yeah. Hee hee hee.
Hey, and wouldn't you know my
wife wanted it Saturday morning,
And I could hardly
get it up.
What else is new?
Hey, everyone who got it
over the weekend,
Raise their hands!
You're terrible, tank.
Hey, jeanette, remember
ruth polaski, huh?
Yeah, well, I got into her
mourning clothes the other night.
All the way in.
Listen to this guy.
I don't want to hear
anything about her, tank.
It's all a bunch
of lies anyway.
She's got your number. You're right.
See you Wednesday.
Yeah. Take care.
Ha ha ha ha ha!
"everybody who got laid,
raise their hand."
Honest to god.
I told you we were gonna
have a great time.
Hey, wait till you see
that margie over there.
Now, let me tell you
about her.
Marge, that's
another one.
Hey, you want me to fix you up with, uh...
You couldn't fix me up with a set
of wrenches, for christ's sake.
I saw that. Nice.
Hi. Lovely, lovely.
These damn tights
are raveling on my leg.
Oh, yeah.
Oh, yeah.
Let's get the one
with the blond in it, man.
Ok, cool.
See you tomorrow, ralph.
Jesus, my stomach.
Lunch sit good with you?
Yeah, yeah.
Ha ha ha ha.
I think
this one's next.
Hey, would you
do me a favor?
Would you drop off
the cash to margie?
Pick me up in
a couple, will ya?
I gotta go
take a crap, ok?
Don't fall in.
Yeah. Ha.
Hey, mickey,
is that you?
Ha ha ha.
Hey, mickey,
is that you?
Hey, mickey.
Oh, shit.
Don't shoot, man.
Open this door, man,
real easy.
Ok. All right.
You got it.
All right.
Give me your gun.
You got it.
Give me your gun!
Jesus christ, man.
All right,
all your clothes off.
Take 'em off
and throw 'em out.
Ok, don't shoot, man.
I got a wife and 3 kids.
I heard that 3 times this
week already, man. Come on!
I'm doing it.
Move it!
I'm doing it!
Yeah, well, you're not
doing it fast enough.
Come on with the pants.
Holy shit!
What the fuck's
this green fog?
Somebody die
in here?
Mickey, quick,
use your gun, asshole!
On what, asshole?
On me, asshole.
Oh, shit.
"oh, shit"
is right, man.
Now, I want you
to take off your clothes.
Take off my clothes?
Take 'em off!
I did!
Shut up, el stinko.
Get 'em off, man.
Now, get your ass
in this stall
And get your clothes off.
Come on.
Move it, man!
What the shit is this?
It's a robbery,
Now throw the clothes out,
You're making me nervous!
And listen up.
I got a friend
When I leave,
If you don't wait
for 10 minutes
And you stick your head outside that door,
He gonna
blow it off.
You understand?
You understand?
Now throw me your shorts.
Our shorts, too?
Yeah, asshole,
The shorts.
What is this, ducks?
It's a gift.
Now, remember what I said
about 10 minutes.
You understand?
You got it?
Yeah, uh-huh.
You stick your head
outside that door,
And my friend's gonna start shootin'.
Somebody's gonna
get hurt real bad.
You're gonna think you
was in a war. You got it?
You got it? Yeah. Yeah.
And I want you to get
to a doctor, fatso,
'cause something done crawled
up inside of you and died.
Whew! God!
Hey, vinnie,
I'm coming out!
It's me, vinnie!
Don't shoot!
Not now, vinnie!
Take it easy, ok!
Don't do anything
yet, vinnie.
Take it easy, vinnie!
Who is it?
It's me, eddie.
Open up, please.
Open the door.
I just became a winner, toni. I'm a winner!
I'm a big winner.
what did you do?
What did I do?
There's $100,000
in here.
$100,000 in cash.
I saw them put it
in here, baby.
Wait till I
open this up.
I'm gonna show you
that long, green-
Toni, what the hell's
the matter with you?
I'm talking about I made
the big score, baby.
I hit it.
You understand me?
Come on.
And when I open this up,
I'm gonna show you
some long green.
Wait till you see. Lincoln,
jefferson, and washington.
I mean,
my favorite white people.
Wait a minute.
Where's the money?
Treasury notes.
They're negotiable.
There's over $100,000
worth of them.
Gotta turn this into cash.
Toni. Toni.
Come on.
You gotta know
some people
Can help me
unload this stuff.
Toni, I didn't
hurt anybody.
Nobody got hurt.
Did you have a gun?
Yeah, I had a gun.
Was it loaded?
Yeah, to the top.
Eddie, you could
have killed somebody.
With this?
You're a thief now. You've
made it worse, not better.
But you're gonna
feel different
When I change this
into cash.
No, I'm not!
It's not the money!
I don't believe you,
Look, you're gonna end up in
jail, in an alley, or dead.
Toni, I'm different.
Oh, yeah. Right, sure. Yeah,
you're really different.
Yes! I can take care
of my problems.
I don't believe you can
take care of yours, though.
I mean, look around.
You whore
for a living.
You walked out on me
last time, eddie.
This time,
I'm walking out on you.
And when I get back,
I want you gone.
Yes, he did,
I'm telling you.
Yeah, what'll it be?
Uh, beer.
Coming up.
Toni sends her love.
Toni. Oh, yeah.
Great girl, toni.
Oh, wait a minute.
I remember you.
You're the war hero,
Wait a minute. Don't
tell me. It's, uh, eddie.
Eddie keller.
Yeah. How ya doin'? What
are you up to, eddie?
I'm looking
for someone else.
Toni said you might
be able to help me.
Toni said that?
Well, maybe.
I don't know, though.
It depends on what you're
looking for. Who you looking for?
Somebody with connections,
big connections.
I got something
to unload, and, uh...
I need some help. It's a
money matter, financial.
I'm not sure
I quite understand you.
Communication is the essence
of a bartender's life.
I know one number
in nevada.
Guy's name
is tommy morelli.
But I gotta level
with you, eddie.
You call this number,
it's on your head, man.
These are people I wouldn't
turn my own mother onto.
Beer's on me.
Good luck.
So where's the guy?
Told him
we'd be here.
He believed you.
I'm tommy morelli.
This is sal.
Sorry to get you guys
away from the table.
I like to roll 'em
myself sometimes.
Well, let's see what you
got, friend. It's your roll.
I like that.
How much total?
200 plus the 10.
80 thou cash,
best I can do.
You can do better
than that.
We're talking 80,000
cold cash, my friend.
What the fuck
you want, pal?
I'm not your pal.
I'm a thief.
And I'm selling to thieves.
I wanted a thief's price.
Have a nice trip home.
Wait. Whoa. Ah...
50 cents on the dollar,
my best offer,
And you can't do
no better. Thief's word.
Do we deal?
5o cents on the dollar?
I didn't bring them with me.
I'll have to call you
and tell you where and when.
Can you wait 10 minutes till
after I leave, and, uh...
I'll call you
in a couple of hours
And give you the final information?
Have a nice day.
Hello. Morelli?
It's the cromwell hotel.
It's room 205.
In about a couple
of hours, ok?
It's on the corner
of garland and 7th.
Got it. Sal'll be there
with the cash.
So will vinnie and I.
Vinnie's my friend.
See you there.
Jesus christ, vinnie.
What the hell
are we doing here?
Hey, man.
Anybody been
asking for me?
I'm serious, man.
You sure?
I said no.
You're no help.
You know that?
No shit.
I fucking blew it.
I, uh...
Be about 5 or 10 minutes, all right?
205, sal.
Eddie. Oh, eddie,
I'm sorry.
I'm really sorry.
I'm sorry, too.
Come on, palo.
I really blew it.
I mean,
I fucked up bad.
What are you
talking about?
I think there's a couple
of guys on their way up here,
And they're gonna kill me.
Hey, eddie, I don't know
what the hell's going on,
But get out of there fast. Just run.
Run? That's the best idea
I heard all day.
That's just what
I'm gonna do, baby.
I'm gonna run my ass
right out of here.
Now, good-bye.
She's smart.
I'm getting the fuck
out of here.
You guys are late. How about
I get some ice for a drink?
Nothing for me,
thanks. I'm driving.
Hi, kid.
Merry christmas.
Well, come in.
I thought your buddy
was gonna be here.
What's his name?
He's, uh...
Playing it cool.
He doesn't want
to be seen, so...
Playing it...Cool.
You know, playing it cool.
He's not coming?
He's not coming,
but he's watching.
Thought you was
coming alone, sal.
Palo, he's here
to watch the money.
It's a dangerous
hotel, kid.
Are you nervous,
Of course not. You?
What you got in the bag?
What do you think?
Can I see it?
Sure thing, kid.
Now, where's
my present?
It's all here,
just like you said.
So is this.
I guess that concludes our business.
Any questions,
Yeah, I got one question.
What's that?
Do I get out of here alive?
What do you think, kid?
It's a long way down.
A guy could get hurt.
You guys...
You 2 guys
are assholes.
What do you think,
I'm a fucking cheerleader?
Think I didn't
see the cars outside?
I saw the van.
I don't understand. I mean,
the army fucks with me,
The v.C. Fucked with me,
And now you 2 pricks
are gonna fuck with me.
What is this,
hump eddie week?
You guys aren't listening
to me! I'm telling you-
Get the door, sal.
I got him.
que paso, amigo?
Everything all right?
Everything's all right.
You sure?
What the fuck
is taking so long?
Police department,
operator 24.
Help. Please help.
Who is this?
I'm in room 205-I mean 207
of the cromwell hotel,
And I just shot
my girlfriend...
And her dog.
I'm gonna shoot myself
if you don't get here quick.
Hey, you didn't tell me
you was in the army, mr. Segal.
Don't go expecting
no discounts, now.
Don't worry.
Checkin' out?
No, I'm just going back
to the base for the night.
Some city we live in.
No shit.
No shit.
Oh, excuse me.
Give me the key
to room 207.
Why you here?
Come on.
That room ain't
even occupied.
Is now, with a corpse.
Your car,
would you move it, please?
Please get back.
Officer, I gotta talk
to that fella.
Wait a second. See that
fella with that duffel bag?
He ain't a soldier.
Wait a second.
What the hell's
going on?
Somebody's trying
to blow up the hotel.
I never did like the hotel
in the first place.
Got no class.
Paramedics coming through.
Coming through,
Stand back.
Hey, mike, what
happened over there?
Wait a minute!
Hold it there.
Lady, move the car!
Move it. Move it.
Just move it.
Have a nice day!
Jesus christ,
you let him get away!
Look at this.
What do we do now?
We take care of business...
And then we take care
of business.
You think your father
will like me?
I think daddy's gonna
get a big kick out of you.
Special delivery package.
It's marked "urgent."
God damn it, eddie.
You did it.
It's come. Ohh!
Monica, we can't have
such a noisy porch.
Mrs. Munson,
here is your damn money.
Look, jesse, there's enough
for the house.
get up
get down
till my poor world
is spinnin' round
and it goes so fast
that nothin' lasts,
you know
I know a lot, but I
don't know what this is
this ain't no way
of takin' care of business
there ain't no way
of takin' care of business
get up
go on
this is no time
to be alone
'cause it gets so long
when dreams
are coming slow
I'll have to find me
somethin' good to fall in
I'm oh, so good
until they put the wall in
you've got to be
some kind of hero
just to live the life
that we are livin' now
we are livin'
but guess
I'll just learn how
don't be afraid
to just let me know
if you need
some kind of hero
I'll learn how
here and now
get it
get on
like I know
what it's all about
and if you weren't there
I would not care at all
this ain't no time
for lovin' it and leavin'
just hold me tight
and try to keep believin'
you got to be
some kind of hero
just to live the life
that we are livin' now
we are livin'
but guess
I'll just learn how
don't be afraid
to just let me know
if you need
some kind of hero