Some Mother's Son (1996)

I know full well the
responsibilities that await me
as I enter the door
of number 10,
and I'll strive unceasingly
to try to fulfill
the trust and confidence
that the British people
have placed in me
and the things
in which I believe,
and I would just
like to remember
some words of
Saint Francis of Assisi,
which I think are really
just particularly apt
at the moment--
"where there is discord,
may we bring harmony.
"Where there is error,
"may we bring truth.
"Where there is doubt,
"may we bring faith.
"And where there is despair,
may we bring hope."
What are those bastards
doing at the bridge?
Clear the road!
The prime minister wants
an entirely new approach
to the northern Ireland problem.
We've drawn up
a 3-pronged strategy--
We've cut off these routes
across the border.
We've taken control
of these roads.
We isolate the communities.
these people are criminals.
They are not soldiers.
They are not guerrillas.
There is no war.
There is only crime.
I want to see
these people in jail.
Tim, what's the situation
in the prisons at the moment?
In our experience,
getting involved in a struggle with
the I.R.A. Prisoners in particular
merely tends to serve
the terrorists
as a rallying issue.
Thank you, Tim,
but I think we need to
change tack slightly.
We want to make the
prisons an asset,
not a liability,
for it is in the prisons
that we will break the
back of the I.R.A.
Frankie's called
an emergency meeting.
I have to go.
Jesus, come on. We can't
let them away with this.
We've no clearance from Dublin.
I don't give a shit.
We have to retaliate.
Can anybody get a clean car?
What's for breakfast, ma?
Liam Quigley, look at you.
You'll never get a girl looking
like that, will you? It's eggs.
Sit down.
- I want a soft one this time.
- All right.
Those bastards.
They're blowing
all the Bridges up.
Don't use that language
in here, please.
But why?
To control us.
Us? What do you mean, us?
This egg is hard.
Very funny.
Here you are.
Here's the real one.
Where's my lunch?
Who ate my lunch?
I took an apple.
Why don't you get a job?
It was just an apple.
She's on a diet.
Have some tea.
You must be freezing.
Can I borrow your car?
Car? Why?
I have to get shoes.
OK. Will you
drive me to school?
Sure I will.
Good. There you go.
How's your egg?
God, look at the time.
Come on. Come on.
Eat it up quick.
Come on, Gerard.
Hup. Hup.
Hold it! Hold it! You're
frightening the animals.
Hold it!
Hup. Hup.
Hup. Hup.
Hup. Hup. Hup.
Hup. Hup. Hup. Hup.
What the hell is this?
How are we supposed
to get to our cattle?
It's to stop your son
murdering people
and running back across
the border down there.
My son would never
run from you, McPeake.
Why don't you go home, Annie,
before you get yourself in trouble?
Come on, ma.
Ignore them.
Tell your Frankie we'll get him,
no matter what he does.
Tell him yourself.
All right, boys, bring it down.
Stand back there.
Hup. Hup. Go on.
God, I don't believe this.
And I've got concert
practice this morning.
Will you pick us up
at 4:00?
Don't spend too much money, OK?
Run, Liam.
Sorry I'm late, Brenda.
No problem.
How's it going?
All right? Good.
God, the roadblocks
this morning.
I couldn't believe it.
OK, I've got the order here.
Come on.
Let's go.
Just be calm. Be calm, everybody.
Be calm.
Get off the road!
Get off the fucking road!
Oh, my God.
Get off the road.
Move or I'll have you arrested.
Madam, I don't have
time for this.
He cursed at me.
You tramp.
I'm not moving for them.
Get off of me.
Get off.
Leave me alone.
And get those girls in here.
Get away from me.
- You tramp.
- Come on, girls.
Come on. Quickly, girls.
You're home early.
There was a bomb. They
had to close the school.
Did you not hear it?
I was in castleward.
Did you get any shoes?
There weren't any I liked.
Huh--do you mean to say I had
to walk home for nothing?
Oh, God. Make me
a cup of tea, will you?
Who did this?
We believe this man did it.
Frank Higgins.
Get him.
Uh, hello, sister Bernadina.
Did you strike my daughter
I beg your pardon.
You did, and you humiliated her
in front of a bunch of brats.
Please, Mrs. Higgins, uh...
You're a troublemaker,
Annie Higgins,
and I want you out of my school.
By Jesus, you'll not
do that to one of mine.
Get out of my school,
or I'll call the police.
Do you think
I'm afraid of the police?
You touch my child again,
and that outfit won't save you.
Get up to your classes.
Is everything all right?
He's fine.
He wants to see youse
tonight, OK?
So we'll be coming over
the back way.
Good. I'll keep
the dogs in so.
Happy Christmas.
I'll see youse later.
Did you see that?
Yeah, I see him.
I got the number.
Ladies and gentlemen,
coming up soon,
we'll have the Christmas draw,
- how you doing, Gerard?
- But in the meantime...
Take your partners
for a slow waltz.
50. Appreciate it.
That's from your granny, OK?
Thanks, granny.
Here you go.
Thanks, Gerard.
Get up and take your ma
out for a dance.
She's sitting there all alone.
I can't dance.
Come on.
I'm dying to dance
with the best-looking
man in the room.
Well, you'll just have to make
do with me, then, won't you?
That'll do for me.
God, I always forget
how tall you are.
Gerard, sometimes you remind me
so much of your father.
No. He was--
he was taller,
but his hair was shorter.
Ha ha! That's true.
Ha ha ha.
Oh, listen to me.
I just don't understand
why you won't go back
to university.
Oh, don't start lecturing
on at me again
about university.
I don't mean
to lecture you, Gerard.
I just want to know
why you won't go back.
I need to take a year off.
Why? Ow. Ooh.
To learn how to dance.
I just don't want you
to throw your life away.
Ah! Ha ha ha.
Right, kids.
Look who's here.
Ho ho!
Come on up
and pick your presents.
I have to go.
I have someone I have
to give a present to.
You don't know her.
Oh, what fun it is to ride
in a one-horse
open sleigh
Can I have some more money?
I've spent all mine.
You've spent it?
Oh, come on. Let's see
what Santa's got for you.
O'er the fields we go
laughing all the way
bells on bobtail ring
making spirits bright
For God's sake, sit down, ma.
They'll be here.
Backup, stand by.
Alpha team, stand by.
There they are.
How you doing?
How are you?
Come on.
How are you?
You all right?
Theresa, put that dog out.
All right, ma.
Come on, Shep.
What about you, ma?
All right, Da?
Still running about?
Ah, you're funny, you are.
Hey, ma.
Happy Christmas, son.
You all right?
Oh, yeah.
Can you stay long?
Not too long.
Time for a bit of dinner.
Happy Christmas.
You shouldn't have bothered.
All right?
Will you have
a bite to eat, son?
Yeah, OK.
Good. Sit down there now.
All right, Da, you want a hand?
No, no, no. It's all right.
Now leave me alone.
We'll wait for you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
It'll soon be new year
before you sit down
there, won't it?
All right. Ha ha ha.
That's grand.
How's it going?
Like it?
I do.
Here, have a cigar.
thanks very much.
Got you a present.
It's--it's Christmas.
Everything's ready now.
Jesus Christ.
Every year we have to sit
beside a bloody empty chair.
- I know, I know.
- He's dead. He's not coming back.
I know. Shh.
God, ma, that looks lovely.
Pass the gravy to
your daddy, Theresa.
Are you still in a bad mood?
Are you still in a bad mood?
Here, take those.
Take those cigars.
Thank you. You might
give us your bad form.
Ha ha. Here you are.
- This way.
- Rrrr...
Jesus, Frankie.
- Ma, what's wrong, ma?
- Oh, Jesus, ma.
Help! Help!
Security forces!
No! No, you don't.
Aah! I'm hit.
Frankie, we'll
take care of that.
Sit down and don't move!
Come on.
Get in here. Get in here.
I can't walk, Frank.
Let's go! Everybody out!
Move it! Move it!
He's hurt.
- Get the back.
- All right.
All units, we're in position.
You! Put your
fucking hands up!
We found them, sir.
Well, hello, Frankie.
And who have we here?
Take him.
We've got them!
Oh, Jesus.
Let me go!
Let me go!
Let me go!
Let me go!
Let me go!
Frank! Frankie!
Oh, Jesus! Frank!
Frank! Frankie!
I tell you-- anyone who took
Donny to dance ever again...
Ha ha ha.
Pass me the cellotape,
would you?
Oh, my God.
What's going on?
You check out the back.
What's going on here?
Who else is in the house?
Just my, uh, just my
daughter and my son.
Where's your husband?
He's dead.
You leave me alone!
- Let go of me!
- Watch that glass.
Liam, it's all right.
Excuse me. What are
you doing in here?
Where's Gerard?
He's with his girlfriend.
Don't tell me lies.
I'm not lying to you.
She's not lying to you.
We have him.
He's under arrest.
He's been charged
with attempted murder.
Oh, God, look at you.
No touching.
You got the clothes
all right, then?
Gerard, a man was shot.
But he was a soldier.
He was somebody's son
like you're mine.
He was waitin' to kill us,
and he got shot.
You lied to me.
I had to.
I had to lie because
I wanted to protect you.
Protect me?
I didn't think
you could handle it.
You spent years, like, running
away from all this stuff, OK?
I'm your mother.
Don't you talk to me
about protecting me.
I'm sorry.
Sorry's not enough, Gerard.
Listen...Listen, I've got
a lawyer downstairs,
and he says that he can get your
charge reduced to conspiracy.
I have to tell you somethin'.
I'm probably gonna get
locked up for a long time.
And I don't need a lawyer,
because I'm a prisoner of war.
I am not a criminal.
I don't recognize the court.
Are you out of your mind?
No, I'm not out of my mind.
Time's up.
No, I have--I haven't
finished yet. I--
time's up.
I'll be all right.
I'll be all right.
I'll be all right!
Look, I, uh...
I--I have to
see him again.
Gerard, I'll be back.
Your bag, please.
Fine. Move along.
Your son refuses
to see me, Mrs. Quigley.
I don't care. He has
to have representation.
Well, I'll try.
Mrs. Quigley,
I'm Danny Boyle,
head of Sinn Fein in Belfast.
Yes, I know who you are.
What are you doing here?
I'm here to support your son.
My son does not need
your support, Mr. Boyle.
All right, ma.
All right.
Order! Order!
All rise.
Do the defendants
have representation?
I'm here to represent
Gerard Quigley, your honor.
No, you're not.
The defendant refuses counsel.
That is his prerogative.
We are Irish republican
army prisoners of war.
We refuse to participate
in this non-jury farce.
This British court has no
jurisdiction in Ireland.
We will not be treated
as criminals.
This is a criminal court
of law, sir,
empowered by the queen
to try you.
I instruct the clerk
to enter a plea of not
guilty on your behalf.
Let us proceed.
Exhibit "a," your honor.
Uh, your honor,
this is a Kalashnikov
AK-47 assault rifle.
It's one of 2 captured
at the arrest site.
Forensic have established that the
fingerprints of both of the defendants
are on these weapons,
and that this weapon was fired
by the defendant Gerard Quigley.
Exhibit "c," your honor.
Uh, your honor, we also
captured this grenade
which consists of 2 ounces of
Sentex and a percussion cap
that is of a type manufactured
and used by the I.R.A.
Under the present
emergency legislation,
it falls to me to act
on behalf of a jury.
Therefore, I find
these defendants...
You've no right! These men
are political prisoners!
- Guilty.
- They're not criminals!
Remove that woman!
Take your fuckin' hands off her!
Stop! Gerard!
Let go your big fuckin' hands!
Frank Higgins, you are a
criminal menace to this society.
I sentence you to life
imprisonment without parole.
Screw you, bastard!
Gerard Quigley,
you have aided Higgins
in his wanton acts of terrorism.
I sentence you to 12 years.
Clear the courtroom!
I'll walk.
I'll walk!
Get dressed.
Murphy, you're back again.
What's your problem?
I'm a prisoner of war.
I refuse to wear
a criminal's uniform.
You refuse.
What about you?
Do you refuse?
I refuse.
I have a special place
for youse.
Could I see your pass, please?
We're here to see
Gerard Quigley.
Hold, please.
Lady here to see Gerard Quigley.
On the protest.
Thank you.
I'm afraid you can't
see him today.
Could you back
the car up, please?
He's just been sentenced.
I haven't seen him yet.
He's involved in a protest.
There's really nothing I can do.
Could you back
the car up, please?
You're blocking the traffic.
2 on.
2 on.
2 on.
2 on.
2 on.
Yes, sir.
2 on.
Slop out.
Frankie, you boy-o.
Good to see you.
Good luck, Gerard.
Right, sands,
here's some company.
Do I look that bad?
You look like Jesus Christ.
Here's your uniform, Quigley.
Here's your uniform.
What are you doing here?
I resigned.
I can't work there anymore.
Nobody trusts me.
What--did someone
say something?
No. I just know.
Oh, for God's sake, Alice.
It's a bloody bank, mum, and the I.R.A.
Have robbed it 4 times.
Why should they trust me?
Gerard didn't rob it.
How do you know?
Where will you work?
I can't stay here anymore.
I hate this country.
Come on, Alice.
We're going to be late.
Will you calm down, mummy?
The plane doesn't
leave till 11:00.
Is that too heavy for you?
What are you going
to do about him?
Whatever I can.
Oh, come on.
Thank you,
Mr. Wilson.
Hello, Sam.
Hello, Tim.
You wanted to see me
about something?
This protest has been going
on for 2 years, hasn't it?
How many are on it
at the moment?
Approximately 300, although
the figure does vary.
I want these men
in prison uniform.
Well, we pretty much
tried everything.
No, you haven't.
Come on, get up!
Exercise, lads!
More dips!
Come on, get up.
Takes this
prisoner-of-war stuff
very serious.
It's freezin'.
Well, what's the fuckin' point?
We're not going anywhere.
To keep our discipline.
Come on. Stop talking
and do the dips.
I'll tell you...
Mary would keep you up,
wouldn't she?
Oh, Mary!
Oh, go on, Mary!
18, 19, 20.
All right, lads,
20 press-ups!
Come on.
On the floor.
Oh, shit.
Start with sands.
Slop out.
No slop out without uniform.
What's going on?
No slop out without uniform.
This won't fuckin' break us.
Break the window!
Break the window!
Hey, go, go, go!
Get the beds out.
Uh, it's Annie Higgins--
Frankie's mother.
Hello, Mrs. Higgins.
Your son wants you
to go up for a visit.
Well, um, is he
coming off the protest?
All I know is you're
to go up on Friday.
And, listen, could you ever
give us a lift up there?
What's going on,
Mrs. Higgins?
Uh, I don't know.
I don't know.
I have to go. Good-bye now.
I'll see you Friday.
No. I've given them up.
Thank you.
I'd give them up myself
only for this bloody country.
You could be dead on the minute.
Oh, yes.
Into 12.
Oh, Gerard.
Sit down.
Makes you look older.
How's it going there,
Mrs. Quigley?
are you coming off the protest?
No, I'm not.
Well, then...
What's going on?
We had to get word out
about what's happened.
They won't let us
out to the toilets.
What do you do?
At the start,
we put it out the windows.
Then they blocked up
the windows,
so we put it under the door.
Then they blocked up
under the door,
so now we spread it
on the walls.
You spread your dirt
on the walls?
Well, what else can we do?
How can you live like this?
I have to get a message
out to Danny Boyle.
This is really important, ma.
Let's go.
I love you.
Pass, please.
Raise your arms.
Do you have any contraband?
Go on.
You all right?
Get in.
How dare you.
You knew I was carrying
this, didn't you?
I just wanted to see my son.
So what's in this message?
I don't know.
I will not be used as
some stooge for violence.
All I know is that Bobby sands
needed to get a message out.
Well, I'm going to read
this bloody message.
Give me that.
Give me that.
That's I.R.A. Business.
Give it me, Mrs. Quigley.
"My friend, the Brits
have finally forced us
"to live in our own dirt.
"The lads' morale is collapsing.
"If you cannot find a solution,
"then we must push this
crisis to its conclusion
"by going on hunger strike.
"I'm not threatening you,
but stating
a cold reality."
"Your friend and
comrade, Bobby sands."
Come on.
I'm not going in there.
Give me the letter.
No. You tell him
to come out here.
There's 3 people who have
been shot dead there.
How you doin'?
My son is wiping his shit on
the walls because of you.
Hang on a minute.
It's the British have your son
in jail, Mrs. Quigley, not me.
Have you something for me?
You read this.
They're talking about
a hunger strike, Danny.
What are you going to do?
You have to do something.
What are you gonna do?
We've got to win this
in the streets.
Oh, I see.
Disrupt and destroy.
That's all you people
can do, isn't it?
Hold on there,
Kathleen. Hold on.
Are you coming, Annie?
Oh, I see.
Disagree with those people,
and you're the enemy.
That's it, isn't it?
Oh, God, I need a drink.
Look at my hands--
shaking like a leaf.
Would you not try a wee Valium?
For your nerves.
Hmph. Suit yourself.
Are you coming?
1.60, please.
Thanks very much.
Move over.
I'm not sitting there.
Why? Why not?
I'm not sitting below her.
She'd sour the drink.
And what does that mean?
Our day will come.
And what day is that, Annie?
The day the Brits go home.
The day the bloody Brits go home
is all you people can
think about, isn't it?
Well, my life
won't change either way.
Right now, your life and my life
are 2 very different
things, missis.
My son was shot dead
by the British,
so you can take your Brandy
and shove it up your hole.
Is everything all right, ladies?
Yes, yes, we're fine. Just
2 more brandies, please.
I'll bring them over.
Oh, I'm so sorry, Annie.
I didn't know that.
Oh, God. That must be a
terrible thing to lose a child.
There you are, now.
You OK?
Yes, thank you.
All right, lads. Mass.
Time for mass, lads.
Fuck me.
It's Robinson Crusoe.
Sorry, father.
Frankie, would you
like to say our mass?
All right.
Your eminence, this is Bobby sands.
I'm really glad you could
come, your eminence.
It was the least I could do.
This is the lamb of God
who takes away the
sins of the world.
Happy are those who are
called to his supper.
Lord, I am not worthy
to receive thee,
but say the word
and my soul shall be healed.
Body of Christ.
Body of Christ.
Body of Christ.
Body of Christ.
- Body of Christ.
- Body of Christ.
CBS news, cardinal.
Have you got a statement?
Did Bobby sands
have anything to say?
When I was a young priest,
I worked for a time
with the poor
in the sewers of Calcutta...
Who let him in?
I did.
He's the head of the Roman
catholic church in Ireland.
...forced to spread
their feces on the walls,
to pour their urine
under the cell doors.
Now, one would not
allow an animal
to live in such condition,
let alone 340 human beings.
I am an m.P.
In the British parliament,
and you haven't heard the
last of this, I promise you.
Well, the shit has
hit the fan, lads.
Gentlemen, I'm glad you find
this situation so amusing.
We need to win the moral
high ground on this one.
I know compromise is a
dirty word in this room,
but if we don't come up with
some fresh ideas, and soon,
we're really going to
fuck it up.
What a wanker.
Why do we have to
put up with him?
He's got support.
And he may also have a point.
I, uh...
Brought you a few fresh eggs...
And a bit of bread...
For driving me up there.
Oh, you shouldn't have.
I wanted to.
Well, thank you very much.
All the publicity's
great, isn't it?
Do you think anything
will come of it?
They can't ignore
the pope, a cardinal,
and an m.P.,
now, can they?
Oh, aye.
Oh, Mrs. Higgins,
will you have a cup of tea?
Uh, no, thank you. No.
Jimmy's on his own.
I better be getting back.
Thank you,
Mrs. Higgins.
You're welcome.
Jeez, I thought I was shot.
God. You know I nearly had
a heart attack myself.
Would you ever give us a lift?
Yes. Yes, come on.
We'll put it
in the back of the car.
I feel silly.
It must be a great thing
to be able to drive.
What are we doing here?
You have a go.
Come on.
Have a try.
Get in.
OK, now, you just
put it into gear
and move forward slowly.
Jesus God!
My foot is down.
Put it down.
No, no, not that foot.
The other foot.
What do you mean,
the other foot?
Turn the wheel.
Turn the wheel!
- Which way?
- Just turn it!
- Which way?!
- Any way! Just turn it!
There's a guy
at the foreign office
offering us some kind of deal.
I don't believe you.
I'm serious.
Oh, that's fucking great.
Take it easy.
Take it easy.
Let's not get too excited.
Jeez, where'd you get that?
He gave it to me.
Kind of a peace pipe, I guess.
Fuckin' nice of him.
So what kind of deal is it?
Civilian clothes, education
instead of prison work,
win back lost time.
Pretty much everything
we asked for.
And who is this guy?
He's a diplomat.
A diplomat.
We'll get 5 or 6 smokes
out of this.
Jesus, Mary, and Joseph.
God. The tide.
Oh, there's someone.
Come on, lads.
Step back, ladies.
All right, lift!
- Lift!
- Uhh!
Oh, God.
Lucky we were here, ladies.
Yes, thank you.
Thank you so much.
Well done.
Not bad.
There. Makes you
feel free, doesn't it?
Aye, till you get stuck.
Suppose it's just
as well they came along.
I don't hate them all, you know.
Mummy! Mummy!
There's been a deal.
You're joke.
They're getting
their own clothes.
Oh! Oh!
Oh, thank God!
Oh, thank God!
Oh, thank God!
Gonna have a drink now.
God knows we need it. Jimmy!
Evening shadows make me blue
when each weary
day is through
how I long to be with you
my happiness
every day I reminisce
dreaming of your
- No, no, no, no.
- tender kiss--
oh, you beautiful doll
you great big beautiful doll
let me put
my arms around you
I could never live
without you
You beautiful doll
you great big beautiful doll
if you ever leave me,
how my heart would break--
I'm tired.
Oh, balls, you.
Sorry, Theresa.
Haul away, you rolling king
heave away, haul away
haul away, you rolling king
I'm the man
from South Australia
as I walked out
in the morning air
heave away, haul away
'twas there I met
miss Nancy Blair
I'm the man
from South Australia
haul away, you rolling king
heave away, haul away
haul away, you rolling king
I'm the man
from South Australia
there's just one thing
that's on my mind
heave away, haul away
that's leaving
Nancy there behind
I'm the man
from South Australia
haul away, you rolling king
heave away, haul away
haul away,
you'll hear me say
Let's go!
Heave away, haul away
heave away, haul away
haul away, you rolling king
No, I can't take those.
Excuse me.
Just what do you mean, no?
We were assured that they would be
allowed to wear their own clothes.
No, not their own clothes.
Civilian clothes.
I don't understand.
Our m.P. Frank Maguire assured
us that these are the new rules.
They're allowed
their own clothes.
What's this?
These are your new clothes.
The question of whether all
prisoners in northern Ireland
should be allowed
to wear civilian clothes
issued by the prison officials,
rather than prison uniform.
We decided on that,
that it should apply
to all prisoners,
and therefore we gave that
concession to all prisoners.
No, no, no. We didn't
say their own clothes.
We said
civilian-style clothes.
Now you listen to me.
I'm a diplomat in her
majesty's government.
I do not break agreements.
Well, this is war,
not diplomacy.
Really? I distinctly
remember you saying to me
that it wasn't war.
Look, I want you to start treating
these people for what they are--
a bunch of terrorists.
You do what it takes to draw
them out into the open,
and then you finish them off.
Who's Bobby sands?
Blarney roof garden.
Alice, it's me.
How you doing?
Fine. Listen, Alice, the prisoners
are going on hunger strike.
Has our Gerard gone on it?
No, no.
Are you sure?
Yes. Yes, I'm sure.
OK. Well...
Do you want me to come home?
No. Stay where you are.
You're better off there.
Bobby sands has been on hunger
strike now for 15 days.
Surely somebody
can do something.
Well, Sinn Fein
are doing all they can...
Parents meeting.
Has Frank Maguire spoken yet?
No. Just the usual.
The Vatican's already been informed.
The pope knows.
Oh, the pope knows?
Yes. The church is doing everything
it can in this situation.
But the church is doing nothing
except sitting back and
allowing the British army--
what has
the church--
gentlemen, gentlemen, please.
You're our m.P. What are
you gonna do about it?
What are any of youse
doing about it?
Now, look, the government
needs my vote badly
in this budget debate.
Now, I think we can get
what we need.
The prisoners can rely
on Frank Maguire.
We only need one.
I'm sorry.
It's the rules.
We interrupt this program
for a news flash.
The death has taken place
of Mr. Frank Maguire,
the independent
nationalist m.P.
For Fermanagh and South Tyrone.
Mr. Maguire, who held the
balance of power at Westminster
and was a prominent
supporter of the demands
of the h-block
hunger strikers,
died of a heart attack
at his home in Lisnaskea.
After about 50 days or so,
their bodies begin
to break down.
The apparently
less vital organs--
the eyesight--
would begin to diminish,
become hypersensitive to light.
The muscular system
would begin to pull away...
I just had a phone
call from maze.
I think we've got a problem.
...nervous system,
producing spasms.
They're going to run sands
for Maguire's old seat
in the British parliament.
That's a fantastic idea.
Will you help us...
With the campaign?
Who do you mean by "us"?
You mean Sinn Fein?
No. Help
the hunger strikers.
Annie, I don't believe
in violence.
You must understand that.
But this isn't about
violence, Mrs. Quigley.
This is about elections.
Once again, the prime minister
stayed unflinchingly firm.
There is no such thing
as political murder,
political bombing,
or political violence.
We will not compromise on this.
There will be
no political status.
All attempts to
intimidate us will fail.
Political status now.
Don't let them die.
Political status now.
Don't let them die.
Political status now.
Don't let them die.
Political status now.
Vote for Bobby sands, missis.
Here are your pamphlets.
Support the hunger strikers.
Vote for Bobby sands.
Don't forget.
Don't forget
the polling date, now, sir.
Put Bobby in.
Vote for Bobby sands.
There you go, missis.
Vote for Bobby sands.
Don't forget there.
Vote for Bobby sands.
A vote for Bobby sands
is a vote against British
repression in Ireland.
- Vote for Bobby sands!
- Vote for Bobby sands!
- Vote for Bobby sands.
- Come on.
Support the hunger strikers.
There you go, missis.
Vote for Bobby sands.
Don't forget.
Vote for Bobby sands.
Vote for Bobby sands.
Support the prisoners in their
fight for political status.
Vote him in to keep them alive.
Vote for Bobby sands.
Support the prisoners in their
fight for political status.
Vote for Bobby sands.
Vote him in to keep them alive.
Support the prisoners in their
fight for political status.
Vote for Bobby sands.
Vote him in to keep them alive.
Mrs. Quigley...
Can I see you?
You've decided to honor us
with your presence.
Yes, I know, mother superior.
I haven't been here
much recently,
but I'm sure you understand
I've been very busy.
I confiscated these
in your class.
You're suspended.
Good morning,
Mrs. Quigley.
Good morning, class.
All right, Mrs. Wheelan,
thank you.
I'll take over now.
Thank you, Mrs. Wheelan.
It's nice to see you.
OK, page 95.
Good morning...
Sit down.
May I talk to you now?
Yes, of course, mother superior.
Get out of my school.
With all due respect,
mother superior,
I suggest that you
call the cardinal
and tell him why
you're suspending me.
I have his number
if you need it.
In the meantime,
I have a class to teach.
Thank you very much,
mother superior.
OK, what page was it?
Page 95.
This man is ready for
the hospital wing.
Don't touch him.
I'll do that.
OK, I'm gonna lift you up, OK?
Come on.
You're OK.
OK, I'm just gonna
get your legs.
OK, I'm gonna lift you up, OK?
1, 2, 3.
Sit back.
I won't let you down.
Come on.
Come on.
OK, back in the cell.
Stick with it, lads!
Keep going, Bobby!
Stick with it, lads!
Put your mark?
Oh, I did.
You know, I have a terrible
confession to make.
I've never voted
in my life before.
Well, we never had much use
for the ballot box ourselves.
God, Annie, do you
think he could win?
The tension here is electric
as we await the results of the Fermanagh
and South Tyrone by-election,
one of the most bitterly fought
campaigns in northern Ireland history,
where in an unprecedented move,
the prime minister
Margaret Thatcher
called for the electorate to reject
the I.R.A. Prisoner Bobby sands,
now in his 50th day
of a hunger strike.
Mrs. Thatcher threw her
support behind Harold west...
Shh! Shh! polls show the gap closing
between him and the hunger striker.
- Whoo!
- Whoo!
And now, we're going to go live
as the polling officer
approaches the microphone.
West, Harold...
Unionist and conservative party
of Great Britain
and northern Ireland...
- Yay!
- Yay!
anti h-block
political prisoner...
- yay!
- Yay!
by God, he got it.
He fucking got it.
- Yay!
- Yay!
I declare Robert sands
duly elected
as member of parliament...
For Fermanagh and South Tyrone.
They done it!
Bobby sands, m.P.!
You won.
You made your point.
Is it not time to stop now?
Will they do a deal?
I will see this through...
To the end.
God, no!
What about Liam?
What about Liam?
You can't--
you must--
you must not do this, Gerard,
you hear me?
Please, I--I have to
talk to him some more.
No. Get him back.
The visit's over.
Please, please.
Please, please,
let me speak with him.
There's nothing we can do.
Our hands are tied.
Your son has made his decision.
You don't understand.
Please, I need more time.
Please. Please
give me more time.
I just--I just have
to see him again.
It's all right.
Come on, Kathleen.
Shh, calm down. Don't show
yourself up in front of them.
Shh, get ahold of yourself.
Give me the keys.
Give me the keys, please.
Give me the keys, come on.
I have to go back.
Oh, Jesus.
Yes, we are deeply
moved, Mrs. Quigley,
but can you explain to my
colleagues why you are here
and what you hope
can be achieved?
Well, we've, uh...
We've come to ask--
to beg...You
for our sons' lives.
For the life of Bobby sands,
a fellow m.P.
We ask you to persuade
the government to--
to go in there
and speak to them,
make some kind of compromise
before it's too late--
before someone has died.
But will the hunger
strikers give up?
Excuse me, madam.
These men are terrorists.
Her majesty's government--
since I appear to be
the only representative--
does not negotiate
with terrorists.
My son is not a terrorist.
Your son is
a convicted murderer.
They won't even let Bobby
sands talk to the press.
He's our m.P.
We have no voice.
You know, 30,000 people
voted for Bobby sands.
That's more than voted
for Thatcher,
so what are you afraid of?
You may or may not know
that it is in fact you that
will decide your sons' fate.
The law clearly states that if
your sons should lapse into comas,
then you have the legal right
to take them off the strike.
Surely no mother would
allow her son to die.
Tension is mounting
in Belfast tonight
with the news that h-block
hunger striker Bobby sands
is only hours away from death.
There was no sign of a last-minute
settlement in the prison dispute.
Sands, who was entering his
66th day of hunger strike...
Leave alone Bobby sands!
You bastards!
Leave him alone!
He's our m.P.!
Leave him alone!
Would everyone please join us
for a prayer vigil
at the police station?
Form at the corner.
Holy Mary, mother of God,
pray for us sinners now
and at the hour
of our death. Amen.
Hail Mary, full of grace,
the lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou amongst women
and blessed is the fruit
of thy womb, Jesus.
Hail Mary, full of grace,
the lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among women
and blessed is the fruit
of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, mother of God,
pray for us sinners now
and at the hour
of our death. Amen.
Hail Mary, full of grace,
the lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou amongst women
and blessed is the fruit
of thy womb, Jesus.
Hail Mary, full of grace,
the lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among women
and blessed is the fruit
of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, mother of God,
pray for us sinners now
and at the hour
of our death. Amen.
Hail Mary, full of grace,
the lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou amongst women
and blessed is the fruit
of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, mother of God,
pray for us sinners now
and at the hour
of our death. Amen.
Holy Mary, mother of God,
pray for us sinners now
and at the hour
of our death. Amen.
Hail Mary, full of grace,
the lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou amongst women
and blessed is the fruit
of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, mother of God,
pray for us sinners now
and at the hour
of our death. Amen.
Holy Mary, mother of God,
pray for us sinners now
and at the hour
of our death. Amen.
Holy Mary, mother of God,
pray for us sinners now
and at the hour
of our death. Amen.
Hail Mary, full of grace,
the lord is with thee...
Holy Mary, mother of God,
pray for us sinners now
and at the hour
of our death. Amen.
He's dead!
He's dead!
Murdering bastards!
Run, everybody, run!
No! Come on.
Come on.
Some 100,000
people took part in the funeral.
A wave of
anti-British protests...
This is a disaster.
Is this the official
foreign office line,
or is this merely
your line, Harrington?
Thomas, do you know
anything about the role
of Irish martyrs in history?
1916...Pierce Connelly.
Well, you've created
another one.
...Thatcher to behave
with compassion.
Don't let any more die.
Don't let any more die.
Give us your support.
Give us your support.
Don't let any more die.
Don't let any more die.
Give us your support.
Give us your support.
Remember Bobby sands.
Remember Bobby sands.
You Fenian bastards!
It's all right.
It's all right.
It's only piss.
Are you all right?
You'll be OK.
Come on, we'll get you
home now. Come on.
Are you all right?
I'm fine.
You're all right.
I had to come home.
There are now 10 of
them on the strike.
The first few are hard-core
gunmen and bombers
who've murdered innocent people,
but further down the line,
we've got young men
who are only involved
And I'm not sure
about shifting the onus
onto the families.
We're not negotiating, are we?
Who does Harrington report to?
He's a foreign office
monitor at the prisons.
Be careful with him.
We have every confidence in you.
Hiya, Liam.
Hello, ma.
Jesus Christ, Gerard,
can you not stop this?
Oh, God.
Look, is there no other way?
Alice, please.
We've argued this out.
Please respect my convictions.
Youse know something?
I've never seen things
as clearly before...
As I can see things now.
He won't do it.
Mum, he won't go
through with it.
This is
the northern Ireland news.
In a further escalation
of the prison crisis,
the I.R.A. Have issued
the following statement:
"Our comrades are prepared
to die for their rights."
Morning, lads.
"Those who try
to take those rights away
must be prepared
to pay the same price."
Come on!
Come on!
Oh, no!
I'm proud of you.
For respecting my beliefs.
Oh, Gerard.
Who said I respected
your beliefs?
You had a choice
in what you did,
but you left us with no choice.
Don't let us die.
I'll see.
Can't go out there.
We must all mourn the death
of this young man,
but we must also mourn the death
of 2 prison officers
brutally murdered in front
of their own families.
Some of you here
have your hands
steeped in blood.
Who paid you to say that, daly?
I beg you now,
stop this violence.
Who put you up to it?
We don't have to listen to this.
It is our
solemn duty--
why don't you stick
to religion, daly?!
...under God,
to save life.
Did the Brits get at you?
We must save life
wherever possible,
however unpopular it is.
Don't let anybody else die.
Please don't let
anybody else die.
This is wrong.
This is wrong!
What you said in there was
an absolute bloody disgrace.
What I said in there
is God's law.
You're telling me
to betray my son?
It's God's law, Annie!
This isn't a protest anymore.
These people are using these
funerals to win support.
These people are our
friends and our families.
Look, you have
to take your sons off.
You have the right to choose.
You can make a choice.
Leave them alone.
No, I don't.
It's not my choice to make.
Jesus Christ, do you think
if it was my choice,
I'd let him die?
Come on, Annie, let's go home.
do you hear me, Kathleen?
He's losing consciousness.
We should contact
the next of kin.
Mrs. Quigley?
Tim Harrington.
Leave me alone.
Please, Mrs. Quigley, I
think we have a solution.
Excuse me. I'm going
to stay with my son.
Look, we can resolve
this bloody mess.
Do you want to stop
this madness?
Do you?
While there's still time,
please take me to Danny Boyle.
Am I safe here?
They'll have to
shoot me as well.
You think they won't?
You've got some nerve
coming here.
Mr. Boyle,
I have a proposal.
The prisoners can have
their specific demands.
As a right?
As a right.
Provided the hunger strike
is called off first
and your organization
makes no statement
claiming to have won
prisoner-of-war status.
May I have an ashtray?
The government will say
that in light of the
prisoners' sensible decision
to end the hunger strike,
we are re-examining
the present regime.
You cheated us
about the clothes.
Mr. Boyle, I have never
cheated anyone in my life.
if the terms are acceptable,
I will go into
the prison tonight
and outline the changes
to the hunger strikers
in the presence of a
witness of your choice.
Thatcher will never
agree to this deal.
Senior concerned parties
within the government
feel strongly that the
prime minister will agree.
I'll have to consult
the prisoners first.
And I must talk to my people.
Danny, my son is dying.
We don't have any time.
Can't you just resolve this now?
Do something.
You must do something.
There's nothing I can do.
Please leave.
One on!
Clear the wing!
Keep goin', Frankie.
Keep goin', Gerard.
Hi, tom.
Must be serious if you're here.
I think we have a deal.
Kathleen, any sign
of Harrington?
No. They told me
he was with you.
Tom McLaughlin,
the prisoners' leader.
How are you,
Mrs. Quigley?
You all right?
So he's not with you?
Where is he? Do you
think he's coming?
I have no idea.
He must be in London.
So what do the
prisoners think, tom?
The prisoners will agree
if the Brits agree.
Oh, thank God.
Can I bum one of those on you?
Oh, yes, yes, of course.
Where is he?
You know Frankie
doesn't have long.
Aye, I know.
All we can do is wait,
Mrs. Quigley.
Yes, we have a deal.
They'll agree.
No, no loss of face to anyone.
What's going on?
How dare you barge in here?
Your career's over.
We have a deal in place.
It's not a deal.
It's surrender.
I warn you,
I have strong support.
You'll be lucky
to get a pension.
Get out.
Cardinal's office, please.
Yes, your eminence.
I think we can reach
a compromise.
That's right.
Kathleen, Kathleen...
The cardinal organized a deal.
What deal?
What are you doing here?
Where'd this come from?
Farnsworth's office.
You fuckin' idiot.
What's wrong?
"The prisoners will have the
privilege of their own clothes."
Jesus Christ.
It's only a word.
We have been in direct
negotiations with Harrington,
who was prepared to accept
the 5 demands as a right!
There are 9 men have died
for that right, daly,
and you have
no reason to come in
and interfere in the work
that should come from this.
I'm taking him off.
OK, now clear the room.
Oh, Annie, I'm so sorry.
Sure his sufferings
are over now anyway.
I took Gerard off.
I had to do it.
Somebody had to do it.
You're lucky you had the choice.
OK, Mrs. Quigley, will you
come with me, please?
Oh, Jesus...
Mrs. Quigley,
how is your son?
Mrs. Quigley, was it
an I.R.A. Directive
for your son to quit
the hunger strike?
Mrs. Quigley,
a few words, please!
Oh, my love
is a small boat
and it rises and falls
on the tide
and as I sail on the ocean
I have one,
one secret inside
I dream of the seabird
as it opens its wings
to the Gale
and as it soars
o'er the island
it follows the wake
of my trail
and when
the dark night falls
and the gray mists
surround me
my heart is a small boat
your smile is the shore