Some (2004)

Presented by Cinema Service
in association with ChoongMuRo Fund
a C&Film production
I remember
this man...
SONG Ji-hyo
KANG Sung-jin
special appearance by
KANG Shin-il
Directed by CHANG Youn-hyun
Are you Khan's friend?
I asked if you're Khan's friend?
Wait a minute!
I just moved in yesterday.
Khan asked me
to take it for him.
I'll be meeting
him a bit later.
You're Hermi?
This is important.
Make sure he gets it.
6:30, 5:30, 4:30... 4:30.
It's already 2:30.
Better get to sleep.
Slow down, dammit.
You'll get yourself killed.
Hey, pull over!
Stop this and pull over!
Call 911, hurry!
Hey! Hey!
Hey, wake up!
Press down here.
Until the ambulance comes.
Try to stay conscious.
You'll live, don't worry.
What the hell?
Enjoying the view?
Shouldn't you try to
help them?
Are you just gonna watch?
Are you, dammit?
Did you come out to
spend that money?
That's too big a stash
for punks like you.
Shit, I passed it right on
to the next guy!
Jae-il... Jae-il was the last
one who had it.
Bring that bastard here.
Bring us MIN Jae-il!
And now for today's weather.
On November 29 in the Seoul
and Gyeonggi regions,
we can expect localized showers
with thunder and lightning.
localized thunderstorms
are forecast to continue
through October 31.
Accordingly, much damage
from rain is expected.
Reporter SUH Yu-jin avoided the rain
and safely moved into a new home.
3kg of cocaine confiscated from
a Busan-based crime syndicate
with a street value of
$10 million has... popped up!
What's with those bastards?
He wants you to bring the stash.
Otherwise they'll kill Chan.
What the hell went wrong?
I passed it on to the next guy.
Then why are those
bastards so pissed off?
What, you think I ate it?
Then what the hell's
going on? Explain it!
We've been cheated.
They caught Chan,
so they'll come for us soon.
I'll take care of it,
so you hide.
Don't call anyone.
I'll call you.
Shit, Chan's in trouble.
I'll find the stash,
so you just take off,
Dark Horseman.
Jae-il, who the hell are you?
I'm a trustworthy guy.
Let's meet and talk.
You guys really screwed up.
Pounding nails in your own coffin?
Dark Horseman.
Detective MUHN from
headquarters. Go ahead.
I'll read you
a few phone numbers,
see if you can locate them.
They're moving
in the same direction.
Hurry over there.
I'm on my way too.
Is she the one?
Get her in here.
Stay there.
Busan plate, #27H 4043.
Please press your card again.
What the hell are you doing?
Move your car!
Trying to get yourself killed?
Is this is your private bus?
Get in, quick!
It's heading your way.
You see a black Potentia,
Busan plates?
All right.
Go quickly, please.
If you don't stop,
it's obstruction of justice!
In such a dangerous world,
you just pull out
your camera anywhere?
Just look at the cat pictures.
Why did you try to run?
Don't you look in the mirror?
You sure don't look like a detective.
Get in. There's
medicine in the car.
Let's go to the station first.
If we enlarge these,
we might be able to
make out one face.
No, I need to get to work.
But it's only 6:30am.
It's 6:30? I'm late!
Of course, I made it
look like a hacking job.
Your face is plastered right up there.
But Dark Horseman came up
with the original.
You scared? What a coward.
We just need to
find the original.
Besides, there's
a big present, too.
The guys are here, bye.
Okay, wait a sec.
What's going on, huh?
- No idea.
- Damned if I know.
Why are the Busan gangsters after you?
They've got JEONG Chan.
Did you really deliver it?
You're always the last one.
My point is, we've been dealing
with strangers too long.
You said it's a big one?
That bastard must have taken it.
The guy who called on
Dark Horseman's phone is a cop.
If he's after Dark Horseman,
then it's because of the photo.
We need the original.
He called because
he hasn't found it yet.
They got away?
They're in a rented car,
so plate numbers won't help.
Yeah, Dark Horseman.
- Did you find out who he is?
- Yes, transfer it,
I'll do it here.
I'm sorry, producer.
Hang up your phone!
Why'd you report my car?
What? I stole money
from the wrecked car?
Crazy bastard... Tell that rat
I'll throw him in jail!
Will you hang up your phone?!
Let's talk at the station.
I need to go on the air.
Turn your phone off completely.
Don't even breathe, please?
ve-hi-cles ve-hi-cles...
Yes, the morning commute is
still smooth at this hour.
Furthermore, we're receiving news
of a major accident
on Seoul's inner beltway.
The collision took place at
the end of Jeongreung Tunnel
when a driver affected by drugs
collided with a construction vehicle.
The car was overturned
in an accident affecting
four vehicles.
As cars are still
being cleared away,
Jeongreung Tunnel is
virtually impassable.
Drivers heading in this
direction are strongly advised
to take another route.
That asshole...!
Street events are scheduled
to take place each hour today,
so be sure to tune in often
to our traffic reports.
From the Police
Headquarters' CCTV,
we see rain falling in one district.
Those driving through it,
please take precautions.
This is SUH Yu-jin at the
Seoul Police Headquarters.
Change your wipers!
Finished? Wow,
you're a good liar...
Yes, Producer MOK...
Yes, I'm almost there.
Yes, I'll do better
on the second broadcast.
Yes, I'm sorry.
If I keep this up,
they're gonna fire me!
Oh, you said you had medicine?
In the back,
do you see the box?
Up above.
Wow, you could open a pharmacy.
what is this for?
Wait, Yu-jin!
Your camera...
That's my photo diary.
Who would lend their
diary to a stranger?
I'll come after work, okay?
Then give me your phone.
What do you want with my phone?
Let a witness go without
knowing anything about her?
I may look like a hoodlum,
but I'm a detective.
0724... 0724?
2pm, Gangnam Police Station!
Wait a minute!
Have we ever met before?
Try looking in your diary.
Where have I seen her?
Where have I seen him?
News Flash Police Officer
Suspected of Taking $10m Drug Stash
Subpoena Expected Today
Isn't that KANG Sung-joo?
I told you he's a cop!
I always said there was
something weird about him.
Are we in here because of him?
Sure, who else knows us?
Sex Offender
Who is it?
It's Dark Horseman.
What's with him this morning?
Hey, do you know
where I am now?
Crazy bastard, he's been doing
this all morning.
Ki-joon, how have you been?
In here you're entered
as "Sex Offender".
Which one's your real name?
I dunno.
Come on out.
Take your test next month.
The drugs should be out of
your system by then?
Come on.
You know KWON Jeong-min?
I really need to
catch that bastard.
If you want to leave here,
don't pretend you don't know him.
I'll just take the drug test.
I'll say that you're a dealer.
A dealer?
Is he so scary?
You guys are all in here
because of KWON Jeong-min.
Tough luck, then.
KWON Chul-woo, JEONG Chan,
MIN Jae-il...
Their family names spell
"KWON Jeong-min. "
- Wait here a second.
- I already told you.
Why's it always like this?
Why didn't you report that
I bailed out that day?
It looks like you
were working alone!
You said three guys jumped you?
KWON Jeong-min isn't
one man, but three.
KWON Chul-woo, JEONG Chan,
MIN Jae-il.
That's what people call them.
I'm sure it was them.
I took drugs that day.
It's mostly my fault.
Who said it wasn't?
But we're still searching,
so don't take all the blame.
All right.
As long as you believe me,
it's all right.
What's all right?
At retirement age, you're doing drugs,
alcohol, counseling...
If it's that hard for you,
drag your family
back from America.
Want me to do it?
Hey, Wild Man!
I heard you almost died?
Oh, it's you.
I feel like crap... it's because of
me they got in the accident.
They said it was
a drug overdose.
If so, he wouldn't be able to see
straight enough to drive.
It's okay, don't worry about it.
When will we know
what kind of pills they were?
Tomorrow morning, I think.
Hey, my car got wrecked chasing
after those Busan thugs.
Are you okay?
What's with you?
Were you in an accident too?
Chasing after kids at dawn,
he nearly cashed it in!
Get lots of life insurance,
you two!
Hey! KANG Sung-joo!
What the hell is
wrong with you?
Do you run wild just in
order to look cool?
Look at your hair and clothes,
for god's sake.
You're just like those punks there.
What? Do you take
drugs now too?
Smarten up!
It took me all day to pull up
the violations on your car.
Are you some kind of hooligan?
Do you think...
that drugs addicts
follow traffic laws?
I'm risking my life
out there too.
Look at this guy,
talking back to me.
There's no end to this,
is there?
Look at the two of you,
bickering all the time.
Are you in love or something?
Come on.
What's this here?
Was it found at the accident?
Very well, please make a report
that's worthy of some love.
Yes, sir.
Half the screens filled with rain,
and half with sunshine...
God, that feels weird.
Please enlarge Mapo Bridge, North.
What is it?
Mapo Bridge, north view.
That was a person, wasn't it?
The drug's quality was just shit,
so we thought we'd opt out.
But they asked one last time,
and we decided to do it.
The three of them
never planned to do it.
They just got a call that night.
Don't move. Give it.
Give it here.
Do you suppose there
might be a leak here?
You punk, do you know
where you are?
Come here, you bastard.
You punk.
Do you suppose
there really is a leak?
Section Chief moved the drugs
without warning, that day.
Would he really steal it
out in open like that?
When did we start investigating
KWON Jeong-min?
We got a request
from the Busan station first.
I didn't know
they were just kids.
Seeing as the gangsters appeared,
don't you suppose they ate it?
They aren't the type to do that.
I'm really curious about this too.
How about if I go out
and investigate a bit...
If you don't call every 5 minutes,
you're dead.
- Yes.
- Stand up!
Follow me, you punk.
Are you sure?
Yes, Busan plates. That's right!
Where'd you say it was?
Tell me, how did you spot him?
I can see you speaking
on the phone now.
Do you see this?
This here?
Yes, I can see it clearly.
How many cameras
are there near here?
There are tons of them.
Look closely.
All the streetlights
and signboards have a CCTV camera.
It went by so fast,
nobody saw the plate numbers.
What happened to that guy?
There's nothing good to tell you.
Let's talk at the station.
In those clothes,
you really look familiar.
I'm telling you,
we've met before.
Yeah, particulars
about the deceased.
Did you get the address?
Read me the address.
Pantheon Office-tel.
What number?
You don't know?
All right.
Where is it?
Let's change places.
Get some sleep while we drive.
For days, your eyes
have been all red.
Think you're the only one
worrying about Oh?
The KWON Jeong-min investigation...
Busan asked me to keep it secret,
so I couldn't tell you.
I sort of guessed that.
You and Section Chief Oh
were so close.
It's fine with me,
but Chief Kim just came in.
Just try to get along with him.
Shit, relax a little.
I'm picking out a new car now.
Shit, none of our guys
even know who you are.
You think this my first time?
Shit, I gotta go.
But we really don't know.
The dope they have
there is the worst.
We wouldn't take it
if it were free!
Don't bullshit me.
You know how much that cost?
That girl who was going to meet
MIN Jae-il is one of you?
No. She's from a club
that Jae-il goes to.
She has no connection with this.
Why were they going to meet?
She moved into the place
he used to live.
They just had to arrange
for the mail and so on.
- Take us to him, then.
- What?
We don't have much time.
A drug overdose... Even if you die,
it'll look like it was your fault.
No don't, please!
On North Gangbyeon Highway,
traffic is almost
at a standstill.
A pedestrian on the highway
caused an 8-car accident.
From Sungsan to Mapo Bridge,
it's nothing but
stop-and-go traffic.
The scene of the accident has been cleared,
but it appears it will take
more time for traffic to clear.
Those headed towards Jamsil
are advised to take
Olympic Expressway.
On our CCTV monitors, the city is
divided into clear and rainy areas.
Road conditions
vary significantly.
Traffic is heavy on bridges towards
the northern part of the city.
Dongho, Hannam, Banpo,
and Mapo bridges are all congested,
while traffic is
slow heading north
on tunnels #1 and #3.
Along the inner beltway
and Dongbu artery,
congestion is worse than usual.
Localized rain showers,
so strong they affect visibility
continue to appear,
so keep your lights on
and drive safely.
KANG Sung-joo?
Who can that be?
I met him for
the first time today.
But his face, his speech,
even his phone number all seem familiar.
Shall I clear it up for you?
You got the hots for him. Call him.
- Want me to do it?
- No!
My finger...
#1808... JEONG Chan...
JEONG Chan...
He's not listed.
It's an office-tel,
so people move in and out often.
Oh, someone moved
in a few days ago.
- Could it be him?
- Let me look.
Hey, MIN Jae-il is listed.
Jae-il, it's me.
Open the door!
Wake up.
Wake up!
Stop it.
Did you find him?
Yes, it's MIN Jae-il.
Where is he?
He's in Dogok-dong.
It can't be these kids...
If they'd taken the goods,
they would never
have stayed here.
There's someone else between
the gangsters and the kids.
We've traced MIN Jae-il's location.
Should I go?
I'll go, so you
inspect the computers.
KANG Sung-joo!
Take it easy.
These kids... If they go crazy,
they're more dangerous.
These are scheduled
to take place every hour.
So be sure to listen to
our traffic reports.
This has been SUH Yu-jin
at Seoul Police Headquarters.
12th Flash Event Date:
Place: S.A. -WC-st Activity:
Refer to instructions
...12:00... 1:00...
- Oh, hello.
- Hello.
Lots of accidents today,
it'll be crazy.
Good luck.
Khan, it's Hermi.
1:00 at COEX, okay?
I won't wait even a minute.
If I'm not there,
check on the floor.
I'll just throw it anywhere.
Samsung-dong... okay.
Yes, Yu-jin?
It's that guy from the morning.
He must've followed me.
What's with them,
all because of one photo?
Are you sure it's him?
The baseball cap!
There are other guys too.
They're right in front of me.
Where are you now?
She catches on quickly,
that one.
Call the guys in the car.
They saw me and ran after me.
I tried to hide...
Aren't you listening?
Why are you here?
You said you'd come to the station.
Our appointment's at 2pm.
I had to meet a friend.
But why do you ask?
It's kind of strange.
You meet them near your home,
you see their car on the highway.
Then again here
in this crowded place.
It's weird.
You meet them in the morning,
you see their car on the highway.
Then again here
in such a crowded place.
It is weird.
It's been a really strange day.
But who are those people?
Let's download the photos.
I came all the way
here to get you.
So we need to find him, okay?
You said we're
going to the station.
We need to go to
the investigation room.
The investigation room?
Too many criminals,
there's no room in the station.
I visited the station's homepage,
but there were no staff photos.
We're detectives...
I'm a bloody cop,
you expect me to post my face?
What happened to your hand?
Why do you ask
so many questions?
If you keep asking,
an answer comes out eventually.
I'm almost sure we've met before.
MIN Jae-il turned on his phone.
We're tracing him now.
He's headed from Banpo Bridge
to Olympic Expressway.
He was with the Busan gangsters
up until Samsung-dong,
but now he's moving alone.
First, check every
spot he passes by.
He might turn off the phone again.
You said it's urgent,
why didn't you show up?
- Detective Choo?
- I heard it's important?
I'll come find you now,
where are you?
I can't now.
I'm busy. I'll see you
at the photo club meeting.
I'll call you later.
I'm going to
the investigation room,
so send Choo over.
Hello? Let me call you back.
I knew you'd call.
You aren't the type to
betray your friends.
Youre being chased too, right?
I'm KANG Sung-joo
from Gangnam Station.
If you want to live,
come see me.
Turn right here.
Traffic's bad due to construction.
This monitor doesn't
tell you that, does it?
That thing you stole is
worth $10 million.
You didn't even know.
No word from Chul-woo yet?
You risked your lives to steal it,
why are they after you?
Someone intercepted it.
Then find him.
We did the transaction on our site.
His ID was in our name.
KWON Jeong-min?
He wrote KWON Jeong-min?
So that's who the pigs are
looking for.
You don't know who did it?
It's a cop, I'm sure.
He killed Dark Horseman,
and found Hermi.
He even knows we have a photo.
We need to restore the site.
Detective Kang!
Did I scare you?
Wow, this weather is
really strange.
Rain's pouring down
over there like a fountain.
And over there,
it's like the rainy season.
What are you thinking
so hard about?
I feel like I've lived
this day already.
I guess we have met before.
Hearing you say that...
it seems so.
Detective Kang, did you have lunch?
No photos, please.
She's a witness...
After this morning,
you're at it again?
That could get you
in trouble someday.
Oh, Detective Kang!
Did you have lunch?
KWON Jeong-min... Come on...
Did you find him?
Who looks most familiar?
Why'd you pick so many?
Tell me, do you think these
two people look similar?
Look, they're totally different.
You can't just stare leisurely
at a madman with a knife.
Man, you're no help at all.
Drag in all these guys,
and tell them we have a witness.
Wait! All right.
I'll look again, okay?
They all look the same...
Why's it such a problem?
Just show it to me!
The prosecutor's decided to
investigate anyway.
Why can't I see the records?
What's with you?
You shithead. Are you a detective?
Why should you see them?
Why should a lying
journalist see those records?
Why are you taking his side?
Are you trying to
hide something?
You disgusting bastards!
Detective Kang!
You hit me? You hit me?
You hit a journalist?
Undercover? Give me a break.
So it's true you're just
a bunch of thugs!
He's like a father to me.
That's Section Chief Oh, right?
We're almost done.
After we write up a report,
you can go.
You gave us good information,
so I'll buy you coffee.
You have to hit it.
You have to hit it.
The coffee tastes best now.
Right after they change it.
- The coffee tastes best now.
- The coffee tastes best now.
Right after they change it.
How did you know that?
I don't know.
I think I've been here before.
I remember hearing those words.
Exactly what you said now.
We're both having
pretty bizarre days.
You know how you just feel
anxious some days?
That's how it is for me today.
It's not just a vague feeling.
Section Chief Oh is
important to you, right?
Please undo the handcuffs,
just until we get there.
I heard a gunshot.
Yu-jin, tell me what kind of
feeling you had.
If I go to a certain place,
then I remember.
2pm, Gangnam Police Station!
Like I've been there before.
Like I've experienced it.
Even if the situation's
a bit different...
You meet them in the morning,
you see their car on the highway.
Each time, it's correct.
Detective Kang!
Have you had lunch?
This day is inside my memory.
You asked me about my hand?
That old man, he'll grab a knife
at the slightest chance.
I got this trying to stop him.
He's done it often.
So even if you hadn't told me,
I'd have removed the bullets.
What I mean is...
The gunshot and the blood
was your imagination.
It happens other places, too.
It seems to be getting worse.
You'll forget it after
you leave here.
Or it could happen to
someone else.
You can't live today again.
Memories like that don't exist.
It's KANG Sung-joo!
This bastard wants to kill us.
A lot of kids are good at this.
It'll take a while, won't it?
The email's recipient,
KWON Jeong-min, is a ghost.
And the sender is...
Detective KANG Sung-joo?
Open that up.
Wait... this...
I'll catch him today for sure.
Until then, don't say anything.
Chief, we got
KWON Jeong-min's photo!
Isn't that Detective Kang?
Shit, look at that.
That's why Oh's been so silent.
Hey, Detective Jo!
Call Detective Choo.
Handcuff him quickly,
before he realizes we know.
Ki-joon, give me your phone.
Use your own phone.
We don't need the original.
We restored the email
and photo of your transaction.
Give the gangsters their goods,
and call me back.
Detective Kang.
It seems you're cornered,
so don't go to the station.
What are you talking about?
KANG Sung-joo.
Shit, what the hell are
they talking about?
So you're KWON Jeong-min?
Find out where SUNG Ki-joon is.
I think he's with Jae-il.
I need to meet them and find out
what the hell's going on.
Can you do that alone?
You're a wanted man now.
I'm okay.
Just find that out quickly.
All right.
I checked his location,
and they're by the river.
Hey, isn't that yours?
I changed the cash into dollars.
Korean currency is useless.
The guys who got us the boat
want the money in yen.
Isn't that global?
Oh, one more thing.
You can find people, right?
She's got the original,
so find her.
Why'd you frame KANG Sung-joo?
Aren't you nervous,
leaving me with the cash?
Ten o'clock. Don't be late.
You believed all that
and let him go?
Look at the photo, you bastard.
This is KANG Sung-joo, you fool!
Detectives catch criminals
by instinct.
I'll catch the criminal today,
all right?
Look, just cut the shit and bring
back KANG Sung-joo.
I'll catch the criminal, okay?
Get him!
I don't believe any of this!
If I catch the criminal,
then what's the problem?
Have you gone mad?
That bastard is insane!
What are you all looking at?
Hey, why did SUH Yu-jin
come here?
She's a witness.
Detective Kang brought her in.
I think everyone's being called out.
There's another set of keys to
Kang's car, right?
I found out where
those kids are.
It's Donseo Warehouse
in Namyoung-dong.
You figure out the rest,
and don't call me anymore.
What the hell?
KANG Sung-joo did it.
You dumb assholes.
You've been cheated.
You bastard!
There's a door in the back.
Hey, the cops!
Ms. SUH Yu-jin?
Hey, wake up.
Open your eyes.
If you fall asleep, you'll die.
You said you have the original?
Aren't you KWON Jeong-min?
Would I be here if I was?
Jae-il, hang on.
Hang on.
Then the photo was changed
when we got hacked.
Hermi has the original.
The woman you met this morning.
SUH Yu-jin.
What are you talking about?
Why does she have that photo?
Hey, Jae-il!
Jae-il, wake up!
Why does Yu-jin have that photo?
Hey, Jae-il.
Wake up!
Ms. SUH Yu-jin?
MIN Jae-il is
in the emergency room,
and KANG Sung-joo has run off
in Jae-il's car.
SUH Yu-jin.
KANG Sung-joo
Mister, please go to
Sang-am World Cup Stadium.
It's Yu-jin.
Where are you?
I received
an MP3 player at dawn.
KANG Sung-joo
I'm heading towards the office.
I'll be there soon.
I don't know who he is.
You can't believe anyone.
If you keep it,
you'll be in danger.
The man in the photo is
someone you know.
We've determined
Detective Kang's location.
He's near Shinchon now.
Look at that...
A man who knows about the locator
turns on his phone.
It can't be him!
He's turned off his phone.
KANG Sung-joo
Detective MUHN from headquarters.
Tell me which number
KANG called last.
Instructions: Photograph the clock tower.
At 8pm, begin cheering.
While cheering, take pictures.
After cheering, disperse.
The last caller to KANG was
a taxi driver.
A female passenger
used his phone.
She got off
at Sang-am World Cup Stadium.
Before leaving the office,
I saw you in the photo.
Everyone said you're the criminal,
but I didn't believe it.
I'm sorry, for not
remembering the MP3.
Without knowing anything,
I gave him the photo.
He injected me with a needle,
and you came to save me.
The gunshot I remembered was
aimed at you.
I didn't know
anything about you,
but you died because of me,
next to me.
Now it will be different.
Because I remembered you.
If you've gotten the photo,
then you'll go down a new path.
And I'll embark on a new path as well.
Whatever happens today,
don't come after me.
Oh ~ victory, Korea!
Oh ~ victory, Korea!
Oh ~ victory, Korea!
Please leave a message
after the tone.
Yu-jin, it's Detective Kang.
Ms. SUH Yu-jin.
It's me.
Shit! What the hell's going on?
I have the original photo.
Give it to the cyber investigators.
You go yourself.
If you're innocent,
why run away?
I don't know who the criminal is.
All right. Come to the
Han River Parking Lot.
And turn off your
damn mobile phone!
How did you know to run away?
Where's the original?
KANG Sung-joo
Detective Kang is moving
quickly towards the river.
He's nearby the
Han River Parking Lot.
I told him to turn off the phone.
He never listens.
That punk...
I received the MP3 player.
I heard your message, too.
I'll just check the photo and go.
Please answer the phone.
Kang turned off his phone close
to where Choo is.
Everybody go towards there.
Where are you, Yu-jin?
Don't come.
Hello? Yu-jin!
You can't save me.
Yu-jin! What happened?
Please don't come.
Where are you?
Can you hear me?
KANG Sung-joo!
I never knew things
would go so wrong.
Come alone,
and bring the original.
I remembered today
because of you.
Please don't come.
Turn off your phone.
You know they're following you.
Don't get any other ideas, Sung-joo.
This woman's dying, but she's
still thinking of you.
She doesn't have much time.
You crazy fool! You bastard!
Hey, Wild Man!
I'm telling you, we've met before.
I heard a gunshot.
Now it will be different,
because I remembered you.
Whatever happens today,
don't come after me.
We're going down the same path.
Don't die because of me.
You can change things.
Don't make me wait again.
This is our boat.
Oh, it's me.
Yu-jin, wake up, huh?
Try squeezing your hand,
KANG Sung-joo.
If you hadn't met her today,
then you wouldn't be here.
Don't blame me.
You're going to kill
yourself in shame.
Where is she?
You want to save her?
What about you?
Will you live?
KWON Jeong-min...
This woman has nothing
to do with this.
I'll give you time,
so just leave.
Don't you ever get caught.
Ach night I've had nightmares.
You call me KWON Jeong-min
like just now,
and then you shoot me.
Your expression and words
just now are exactly the same.
The only thing different,
is that now you're KWON Jeong-min,
on the run.
I can't run away.
Because I know just what it's
like to live in that nightmare.
You think your plan is perfect?
Terrified by some kids' photo?
Give it up, you'll never make it.
I appreciate your
finding this photo.
There's not much time.
Drop the gun
and throw me the MP3.
Drop the gun!
Do you know why
Section Chief Oh kept quiet?
I used to send money
to the U.S. Each month,
but he thinks you sent it.
So you became KWON Jeong-min.
You shouldn't have come today.
Don't blame me.
You came here for her.
Kill myself in shame,
burying $10 million?
Would you believe that shit?
Yu-jin! Yu-jin!
Yu-jin, wake up!
Breathe deeply.
Please wake up, Yu-jin!
Why should you die
because of me?
Of course it hurts,
you've been shot.
Hey, kitty...