Song of Songs, The (1933)

Wind's from the south.
Gonna rain.
Tonight, maybe.
Don't you worry.
I'll take care
of your father's grave.
Train's coming soon.
I was in Berlin once.
Thirty years ago.
Big place.
No end to it.
Well, Lily...
go to church every Sunday,
and obey your aunt.
She's all you got.
Yes, she's the last.
Well, then...
Thank you, Miss.
Are you Lily?
Yes, Tante Rasmussen.
Did you have to arrive
in the middle of the night?
The train doesn't leave
until 7:00 in the evening.
Huh. Well, haven't you got a kiss
for your old aunt?
There, there, there,
there, there, there, there, now.
Let's have a look at you.
I'd forgotten people wore clothes
like that.
- What have you got there?
- My things.
Well, bring 'em here.
I'm going to give you
my daughters' room-
My ungrateful,
unnatural daughters...
who deserted
their old mother.
But I tore them
out of my heart.
I've torn them out
by the roots.
And all my love
shall be for you.
Not as my niece, no.
As my own child.
Yes, Tante Rasmussen.
Why, what's this?
- A Bible?
- It was his.
Is that all your scamp
of a father left you, a Bible?
He wasn't a scamp.
He was a good man.
I don't know
what he was good for.
Leaving you a charge
on your old aunt.
However, he taught you to read.
That's something.
Maybe you'll be of some use
about the shop after all.
My father was a good man.
Every night I read to him
from this Bible.
The Lamentations of Job,
no doubt.
No. The Song of Solomon.
He loved it best.
I don't remember
the Song of Solomon...
but knowing your father,
I imagine there was something dirty in it.
The Song of Songs
is beautiful.
That's more than I can say
for your get-up.
- He was a good man.
- All right, all right.
He was a good man.
Take that black pancake
off your head...
and climb out
of that shroud.
See if these
will fit you.
They belonged to Anna.
- Have you had your supper?
- I'm not hungry, thanks.
Good. Then you might
as well go to bed.
And in the morning I'll start
teaching you about the books.
I'll lock up tonight,
but after this you'll do it.
Yes, Tante Rasmussen.
We open the shop at 6:00
and breakfast is at 7:00.
And you'll have a good home here
if you behave.
But you might as well understand
right now I'll tolerate no nonsense.
No, Tante Rasmussen.
Mercy! How many
of those things do you wear?
What, another?
I've never seen a girl
unpeel herself like an onion before.
This is the last.
A figure like that will get you
into trouble if you're not careful.
You'll bear watching.
Go to bed.
My precious brother.
Isn't it like him?
Dies and leaves me
his daughter...
with nine petticoats
and a Bible.
Does he leave any money?
Not a pfennig.
A daughter and a Bible.
Always was a restless,
good-for-nothing, no-account chap.
"By night on my bed...
"I sought him...
"whom my soul loveth.
"I sought him,
but I found him not.
"I will rise now...
"and go about the city.
"In the streets
and in the broad ways...
"I will seek him
whom my soul loveth.
I will seek him
whom my soul loveth."
- Are you looking for a book, sir?
- What?
I said, are you
looking for a book?
Well, I'll tell you.
When a man goes into a book shop...
he's usually
looking for a book.
Of course, he might be looking
for the fountain of youth...
but I don't think
you sell that.
I meant, is there some special book
you're looking for?
There is nothing special.
Everything is just the same
as everything else.
Well, I'm afraid
I can't help you.
No. No, I'm afraid
you can't.
No. No, no!
Stand up again.
- Stand up. I want to see you.
- No, I will not.
Oh, I see. You think
I'm interested in your legs.
Well, I'm not-
at least, not just as legs.
My dear child, if you'd seen
as many legs as I have...
you'd get more excited
about a pair of crutches.
I'm a sculptor, my dear,
a sculptor-
or that is,
I'm supposed to be...
and there was something
about you as you stood there that-
that was almost an idea.
Are you the sculptor
that lives across the street?
I'm the sculptor
that's going crazy across the street!
Why? What's the matter?
- I'm stuck.
- Stuck?
- Yes. Stuck.
- You mean- You mean-
- I mean I'm stuck.
- Yes, I know, but-
Oh, don't say you know
and then say "but."
If you can't talk straight,
don't talk at all.
Now, come on, please.
Stand up.
This is a book store...
and if you don't want
to buy a book...
then better go back and-
and be stuck.
I don't have to go back.
I'm just as stuck here. That's the trouble.
The trouble is,
you're probably no good anyway.
Ho! Do you know,
I never thought of that.
I tell you what.
You come over
and pose for me.
- Perhaps you'll bring me inspiration.
- No, thank you.
- How about 8:00, hmm?
- I wouldn't wait, if I were you.
Oh, no, no, no.
But you must come.
You know, I believe I could
get something really interesting.
Oh-Oh, please come.
Please come, won't you?
- You must be crazy.
- Well, what's that got to do with it?
I don't know you.
Well, I don't know you either,
but I've got to sculpt you.
Now, when will you come?
Certainly not.
You know, really,
I should have thought...
that living here as you do,
among all these marvellous books...
you would have had
some sympathy for art.
If you'll come,
I'll buy a book.
- Oh, you will?
- I-I'll even read the blessed thing.
It's no use. I couldn't-
- I shall expect you.
- You are crazy.
- Tonight at 8:00.
- Please go away.
- Oh, please come. Please come.
- Never.
Well, I shall expect you.
Auf Wiedersehen.
What did he want?
Oh, nothing.
- Didn't he take a book?
- No. He was just looking.
Well, you get on with your work. And don't you
let me catch you carrying on with any young men.
No, Tante Rasmussen.
Come in.
Come in, come in.
I don't believe it!
I only came to-
Oh, never mind
why you came.
You're here,
that's the main thing.
Oh, come in, come in.
It was wrong of me to come.
It was charming-
charming of you.
Here. Here,
let me take this.
If Tante Rasmussen
should find out-
You know, I believe you're scared of her.
Well, so am I.
Are you still stuck?
Well, I was, but hope
has come in now, hasn't she?
I've been making
a sketch of you.
- You want to see yourself?
- Oh, yes!
- Oh! I haven't any clothes on!
- Clothes?
Do you think I model people
with their clothes on?
But how did you know
I was like that?
And just what
does that mean?
I mean it is me and-and it isn't me.
I mean it's-
Go on. This begins to sound like
art criticism of the highest order.
Oh, it's wonderful.
I mean, it's the way
I want to be.
- It's me as I dream of me.
- Oh, ho.
It's the girl
in the Song of Songs.
- Who?
- The girl in the Song of Songs.
- She's in the Bible.
- The Bible?
She's the girl who
feels in her heart...
that somewhere the perfect love
is waiting for her.
She says, "I sleep,
but my heart waketh.
"It is the voice
of my beloved saying...
'Open to me my love,
my undefiled."'
- Mercy on us!
- Oh, I know what she means.
I know it because
I feel it inside.
I mean, it is the voice of my beloved,
that's what I mean.
Hold that pose!
Now, don't move.
Yes, that's wonderful.
Yes, there's my statue,
and we'll call it The Song of Songs.
- Oh, really?
- Think of it!
What luck to find just what I've been
looking for in old Rasmussen's book shop.
Take your clothes off.
Take your- Well, what's the matter?
What's the matter?
I can't take my clothes off.
- Why? Why can't you?
- Why, I-
I'd be undressed.
Well, what do you
expect to be?
All you need is the face.
Everything is in the face.
Oh, I see. You're going to
tell me how to do it now.
No, but- but-
Oh, now, now, now,
look here.
You mustn't think of me as a man.
Don't you realize that?
Why, a-a model means
no more to me than a tree.
All I see is the-the-the
thing she creates.
- Look, what's your name?
- Lily.
Well, now, Lily, don't irritate me
with silly prejudices.
I see you as an artist.
You must believe that, Lily.
I mean- Well, I mean,
you must believe that.
- Yes, I think I believe that.
- Good. Well, now, come on.
You see that curtain?
Well, you can undress behind there.
Now, wait a minute.
Take this and put it around you.
There's a good girl.
Now, don't be long.
Oh, there you are.
That's right. Step up there.
You can drop the smock.
It's cold.
I hadn't noticed it.
Well? Well?
Are you going to stand like that?
What about the voice of your beloved?
Why don't you listen to it?
It's pretty hard to listen
when you are as embarrassed as I am.
Oh, you'll get used to it.
And what's more, I'm freezing.
You'll get used to that too.
I don't understand
how I ever got into this.
Now, look here.
Wait a minute.
Wait a minute and take it easy.
You don't have to do this,
you know, if you don't want to.
Well, all right.
You put your clothes on
and go home.
No. I said I'd do it,
and I will do it.
That's the way to talk! Good!
Close the window!
An earthquake
wouldn't wake her.
The brat!
All right.
That's enough for now.
I'll get it. I'll get it.
Next the clay,
and then the marble.
- The Song of Songs in marble.
- Was I all right?
You were fine at first.
You got a bit tired later.
Come in.
- Am I welcome?
- Yes, of course. Come in, Baron.
I saw your light so I thought
I'd drop in to see what you were up to.
- Well, I've been working.
- Good! It's about time.
There's the beginning
of your statue, Baron.
Mmm. Not bad.
- Do you see any idea to it?
- She's a little beauty.
Oh. That's all you see, eh?
It's enough for me.
- Oh, is she, uh, here?
- Yes. Yes, she's in there.
Oh. Not, uh-
Not overdone?
- As good as this, really?
- Uh-huh.
Ah. A pretty face as well
as the hidden charms.
- I'd like to meet the young lady.
- Mmm. Oh, Lily.
This is Colonel von Merzbach.
Lily. How do you do, my dear?
How do you do?
So you are to be
our young friend's inspiration, huh?
Oh, these artists are privileged people.
- I think I'd better go.
- If I thought I'd frightened you away...
I'd never forgive myself.
You know, I'm not
altogether an intruder.
The statue our young friend
is to do of you...
will belong to me.
I've already paid him for it.
- But it's late. I must go.
- Oh, that's a pity.
But no doubt
we shall meet again.
Now that I've seen you, the statue
will interest me more than ever.
Well, tomorrow night?
- But-
- The same time.
A lovely girl.
Where have you been?
Where have you been?
Sneaking out of my house!
I'll show you!
Where did you find her?
Oh, I, uh-
I just found her.
She's not
a professional model?
Oh, no, no.
She works in the book shop
across the street. Why?
She interests me.
Of course, my dear Richard, if there is
any reason why I shouldn't be interested-
Oh, none at all.
She means nothing to me.
Because she interests me
very much.
Very much.
"Mrs Rasmussen," he said...
"you have a very beautiful daughter."
"She's my niece," I said.
Then he gives his
moustaches a twist...
and he asks
would I be offended...
if he was to show
his admiration...
by making you a little present.
Old fool.
And him a colonel too.
I said, "I don't allow my niece
to accept presents from gentlemen.
"But," I says,
"she sometimes takes
a little rum with her tea."
And I said, "I see no harm
if you'd care to send her some."
And he-
It's the very best kind.
It comes from Jamaica.
I suppose you
never heard of Jamaica.
No, Tante Rasmussen.
It's a place in Asia Minor.
A drop of rum in your tea
is supposed to build up your strength...
only the doctor says
you must take it...
after you've got into bed
and be sure to keep well covered...
as it's heating to the blood...
and you're liable
to take a chill.
You can bring it now, my child.
Bring the bottle too.
You're a good girl, Lily.
If I'm severe
with you sometimes...
it's because I have
your own welfare at heart.
We've forgotten the sugar.
Uh, j-j-just half a spoonful, dear.
Thank you, darling.
You weren't very nice
to the Baron yesterday morning.
Now, next time he comes,
I want you to smile and be civil.
- Yes, Tante Rasmussen.
- Goodnight, darling.
- You can go to bed now.
- Thank you. Goodnight.
- Say your prayers.
- I will.
- Ah!
- I know, I know.
Late again.
Third time this week.
I don't see anything funny
about keeping a man waiting.
- And what's that?
- Flowers.
- Well, where did you get them?
- A man.
- Oh, the Baron, I suppose.
- Oh, no.
- Who, then?
- I don't know him.
I met him downstairs
in the street.
Do you mean to say you accepted flowers
from a stranger in the street?
Oh, he was
such a handsome man!
What's that
got to do with it?
I never heard
of such a thing.
A perfect stranger
and you accept-
Why-Why, i-it's
positively indecent.
I? Oh!
Certainly not.
It's nothing to me
what you do.
You sounded jealous.
Don't be ridiculous.
Well, come on, come on.
Let's get to work.
Aren't they lovely?
Let's get to work.
- Oh, smell them!
- Oh, come here!
Look what you've done.
And I bought them for you.
Oh. Hmm. Well, thanks.
Well, let's get to work, shall we?
Oh, yeah. All right.
Uh, ready, then.
Are you warm enough?
I finally found
the coal man.
Told him if he didn't
deliver some coal I'd-
Told him I'd, uh-
Told him something.
No. You, uh-
You've turned too far.
No, this way.
What's the matter?
You were off-key.
Well, I can't sing, row the boat
and admire you all at the same time.
- Something has to go.
- Why don't you throw me overboard?
Now, that's a good idea.
Why didn't I think of that before?
Wait a minute.
Wait a minute.
Come on.
Now, gently does it.
Come on!
- Mmm. You happy?
- What do you think?
Well, I think
you look a bit surly.
Yes. Yes, I see a distinct resemblance
to your Aunt Rasmussen.
No, really. It's striking.
Another Rasmussen! Good heavens,
what have I fallen in love with?
- Are you tired?
- No.
Well, come on. Let's take that path
up through the woods.
- Oh, yes. Let's get lost!
- Forever.
Come on.
- Oh, Excellency!
- Good day, Frau Rasmussen.
- The young lady is-
- I-Is out on an errand, Excellency.
Ah. I've bought her
some rum.
Oh, Excellency!
Two whole jugs full.
She will be very grateful.
I want to talk to you.
Let's not beat about the bush,
Frau Rasmussen.
I have a library-
a very extensive library-
and I require someone
to take care of it-
someone familiar
with books.
Your niece could
do it very well.
My niece, Excellency?
She would have to live
at my place.
I'm prepared to pay her
a very liberal salary.
Why, Excellency,
my niece could hardly-
All the proprieties
would be observed.
Still, Excellency,
a young girl
in a bachelor's household-
A very rare edition.
A thousand marks?
That's a lot of money
for a book.
Understand me,
Frau Rasmussen.
When I set my mind
on a thing...
I usually get it,
one way or another.
Perhaps your Excellency
would be interested in my other books.
Yes, no doubt,
no doubt.
I shall be dropping in
from time to time.
Let me see.
What were we talking about?
Oh, yes.
Your niece.
Oh! Oh!
- Oh, smell that.
- What?
Mmm, the grass
and the earth.
Oh, smell this grass.
- I don't smell anything.
- Oh, you're so funny, darling.
Look what he calls grass.
No. You've got to bury
your nose in it.
You've got to get into the ground.
You've just got
to be grass!
You've got spring fever. Kiss me.
You know, I won't have you squandering
all that love on grass and things.
What about me, hmm?
When I put my hands on the earth...
it's you I'm touching.
The wind on my face
is your kisses.
You are in everything
I think and feel and do...
and will be till I die.
You know,
you frighten me sometimes.
Well, when I think
if anything should happen to us.
Oh, nothing
is going to happen.
No, no. But still,
supposing something did.
People in love
have had to separate, you know.
Oh, but not we.
You'll be rich and famous...
and I'll always pose for you...
and we'll have
a fine home and children...
and we'll grow old together...
and every day I'll love you twice as much
as I did the day before.
"Set me as a seal
upon thine heart...
"as a seal upon thine arm.
For love is strong as death."
That's fine.
The best you've ever done.
And the model?
She's well, thank you.
How's your romance
coming on?
Oh, Baron.
Let's stick to art.
Oh, don't be offended, Richard.
- Anyone can see the girl adores you.
- Well, I adore her too.
- But, uh-
- But what?
Oh, nothing, nothing.
She has notions in her head about
eternal fidelity, marriage and children.
Oh, it's all very awkward.
And you haven't thought
of marriage, naturally.
Well, I've a career to make
and no money and...
well, marriage is something-
Yes. Well, what do
you propose to do about it?
What can I do?
If I go on with it,
I'll be doing her a grave injustice.
On the other hand-
Oh, it's the devil of a mess.
- Leave her.
- Huh! How would that help?
Well, it's kinder
to do it now than later.
The longer you're together, the harder
it'll be for her to get over you.
- Give her to me.
- To you?
Give her to me, Richard.
I can make her happy,
and you won't.
More, I can- I can educate her,
refine her to a great lady.
And I can provide for her, yes.
And love her.
This is the most preposterous-
W-What do you take me for?
When you say that,
are you thinking of yourself or of her?
For a temporary paradise, are you willing to
kick a helpless girl into a permanent hell?
- No.
- Now, now. Hear me out.
I'm getting old, Richard.
And for some time now, I've been thinking
of resigning from the Army...
retiring to my place in the country
to finish my life...
among my books, my paintings,
my statues and my farm.
It would amuse me to devote
the rest of my days to- to her.
To mould the real Lily
just as you have this statue.
To make her my masterpiece,
just as I think you've made this yours.
How could I give her to you,
even if I wanted to? And I don't.
All I ask is that you step aside
and give me a chance to win her.
Oh, th-this is obscene!
Obscene! Because I'm not
as young as you?
Obscene, because I consider
her welfare and you don't?
Obscene, because I'm willing
to marry her and you're not?
Yes, stare!
That's how I want her.
Enough to make her
the Baroness von Merzbach.
Now, tell me again
that what I'm asking is obscene!
Surprised, eh?
You didn't know I knew
all about your midnight excursions.
- Tante, I-
- You go to your lover and stay there!
- Stay there? Oh, Tante-
- I warned you.
I've appealed to your better nature.
I've scolded you.
Why, I've even beaten you!
And all to no avail. Now there's
nothing left but to put you out!
Oh, please. Maybe I was wrong.
But if you'd let me explain-
I'm not interested
in the details of your sin.
Oh, it wasn't sin.
Get out!
Get out.
And don't come back.
Goodbye, Tante Rasmussen.
- Where's Richard?
- He's gone. Left today.
- Gone? Where?
- To Italy, I think.
- Italy-
- He asked me to see you and explain.
- When is he coming back?
- Not for a long time. Perhaps never.
I don't believe you. Richard!
There's a note for you.
I'm sorry.
Don't take it too hard, my child.
It's unfortunate,
but Waldow's an artist.
All he wanted of you
was this statue...
- and now it's finished.
- No.
- I'm afraid it is so, my child.
- No. I don't believe you.
- He isn't like that.
- You don't know him.
Waldow hates scenes. That's why
he asked me to stay and see you.
No, he couldn't. He loves me, I tell you.
He told me he loved me.
No, you're lying.
You're lying!
Lily. Lily, my poor child.
It will pass. Everything passes.
I know. Don't be afraid.
You're not alone.
I'll see you through this. I'll do
everything in the world for you. Everything.
Things he couldn't do- wouldn't do.
Ah, now come.
Come, Lily.
- Oh, leave me alone.
- Come, my dear.
Oh, no. Let me alone.
Let me alone.
Lily, you don't understand.
I love you, my dear, and he didn't.
You think he's the only thing in life?
Trust me. Believe me.
- I'll make a great lady of you.
- No, no. No!
I'll make you my wife, Lily.
You shall be my heir.
I have no one else but you, Lily, no one.
And I love you.
- I love you!
- Oh, Richard. Richard!
Are you going to let him
spoil your life?
He didn't let you disturb his, did he? He
took what he wanted and was through with you!
Lily, my darling, I want to give.
I want to give you everything.
Love, happiness,
position, money.
He didn't consider you
his equal. I do.
I'll make you more than his equal.
I'll make you the Baroness von Merzbach!
Then when you see him again,
you can treat him as he's treated you.
Patronize him, scorn him,
revenge yourself upon him.
He lied to you.
Don't let him crush you.
He lied to me.
What for? What for?
- And only yesterday-
- That was a thousand years ago, my dear...
and I'll make you believe
it never happened.
The Baroness.
This is Fraulein von Schwertfeger,
the, uh, housekeeper.
This, my dear,
is Edward von Prell.
My felicitations, Baron.
Edward works for us.
He's an agriculturalist.
Good blood, though. His father
carried a sword, but he chose the plough.
My Lord, may we extend
our heartfelt congratulations?
Very good, very good, very good.
- Supper is ready, Baron.
- Huh. No supper, no supper, no supper.
But, uh, another glass of champagne
might be acceptable, huh?
To our wedding night!
Come, come! Drink up! Drink up!
I'm not used to champagne.
It'll make me dizzy.
Heh. All the better.
All the better.
That's right.
I shall join you presently, my love.
Are you looking for a book, sir?
Are you the sculptor
that lives across the street?
When I put my hands on the earth,
it's you I'm touching.
The wind on my face
is your kisses.
You are in everything I think
and feel and do...
and will be till I die.
Set me as a seal
upon thine heart...
as a seal upon thine arm...
for love is strong as death.
Two, three. One, two, three.
One, two, three.
One, two, three.
Easy. Relax.
One, two, three. One, two, three.
One, two, three.
That's very nice.
One, two, three.
One, two, three. One, two, three.
One, two, three.
One, two, three. One, two, three.
One, two, three-
"Le livre de la vie
est le livre supreme."
- "Supreme"!
- "Supreme."
"Qu'on ne peut ni fermer
ni rouvrir a son choix."
- Tres bien.
- "Le passage adore-"
- "Le passage"!
- "Le passage adore-"
- "Adore." Tres bien.
- "Adore."
"Ne se lit pas deux fois,
mais le feuille-"
Tres bien! Maintenant, si vous voulez,
nous allons l'ecrire meme le Baron.
"Le livre de la vie
est le livre supreme. "
"Le livre...
de la vie-"
Watch your phrasing, please.
Your left hand, please.
It's very important.
Very good.
it's a little difficult, but-
Oh, fine! Very good!
Sah ein Knab'ein'
Roslein stehn
Roslein auf der Heiden
War so jung und morgen-schon
Lief er schnell
es nah'zu sehn
Sah's mit vielen Freuden
Roslein, Roslein
Roslein, rot
Roslein auf der Heiden
Und der wilde Knab'brach
'S Roslein auf der Heiden
Roslein wehrte sich
und stach'
Half ihr doch kein
Weh und Ach
Muust'es eben leiden
Roslein, Roslein
Roslein, rot
Roslein auf der Heiden
And now, Fraulein Toller
will favour us.
I'm pleased with you, Lily.
Very pleased.
- What's the matter?
- Nothing. Our guests.
Oh, they don't matter.
They're nobodies.
I only brought them here
for you to practise on.
And you've done very well, Lily.
I'm very, very proud of you.
Next month, I'm going
to give you a grand ball.
I'll invite anybody of any consequence
to meet the Baroness von Merzbach.
Aren't you pleased?
- Yes.
- Heh! I'll invite Waldow, too.
I want him to see you now.
He'll marvel at my work.
You want him
to see you, huh?
If you like.
What's the matter with you?
You're always as cold as Waldow's statue.
Are you still in love with him?
Answer me!
I never think of him.
- I beg your pardon.
- Huh? What's the matter?
- Shall I have coffee served to the guests?
- No, get rid of them.
Look here. Why do you follow us
about all the time...
sticking your nose in
at unexpected moments?
Are you jealous of my wife?
I might have been. Once.
Well, then?
Oh, I've spoken to von Prell
about riding lessons for your wife.
- Riding lessons?
- You've apparently forgotten our conversation.
- The Baroness ought to be taught to ride.
- Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps.
Everybody rides. It might be awkward
when you show her off.
- Von Prell's a good horseman.
- Very well. So he is. All right. You see to it.
At once.
Then I can tell the Baron
you'll give her the first lesson tomorrow?
- With pleasure.
- Thank you.
And Edward. I'd be careful.
- The Baron is very jealous.
- Why, I don't know what you mean.
I happen to know
the Baroness admires you.
- In fact, she's spoken of it.
- Me?
- You're not in earnest?
- Oh, don't look so surprised.
After all, you're both young.
The Baron is old, and-
Well, just be careful.
That's all.
Pleasant spot, isn't it?
Shall we sit here and rest a bit, Baroness?
You must not trouble so much
about me, Mr von Prell.
Trouble about you, Baroness?
Why, there's nothing in this world I-
I wouldn't do for you.
Is this part of my riding lesson?
You know...
I wish people were as free to say
and do what they think as that water.
Oh, the water isn't free.
It is hemmed in...
by banks on both sides.
You know what I mean.
Are you making love to me?
I love you. From the day you came,
I've loved you.
You were never out of my thoughts. I've
watched you. I've even felt you in my arms.
Yes, I know all about that.
That's what they call love.
I know that you're unhappy.
I know that you-
I know that I want you.
Still I love you.
Remember that.
- Perhaps some day-
- Let's say no more about it.
Come on.
We'll ride home.
Being the Baroness von Merzbach
suits her very well, Waldow.
I've done something of a job
if I may say so.
- Uh?
- Yes, you modelled her in marble...
I modelled her in the flesh,
so to speak.
I'm a bit of an artist myself,
don't you think?
- She's happy, of course?
- Oh, of course, of course!
You'll see for yourself. Ah.
- Charming. Charming.
- So good to see you again.
Waldow's changed, don't you think?
Looks, uh, thinner.
A bit peaked.
I haven't seen you since
your return from Italy.
- Or was it Italy?
- Heh.
Tell me about yourself.
There's nothing to tell.
Dinner is served.
Ah, dinner!
That's the word.
Uh, will you take Lily,
my dear Waldow?
The young first,
the old trailing behind.
Yes, there's a treat
in store for you, Waldow.
Anything you say.
Mozart, Meyerbeer, Mendelssohn.
You wouldn't believe
what a musician she's become.
Isn't that right, Lily?
- I'm afraid you exaggerate. - Oh,
no, no. You-You're too modest, my dear.
I tell you, she plays beautifully.
You'll hear for yourself after dinner.
You'll play for Waldow, won't you, my dear?
- If you like it.
- Ah! There's a wife for you!
Yes. And dance!
Y-You haven't danced with her yet,
have you, Waldow?
You will! Y-You'll dance with Waldow,
won't you, my dear?
- If he likes.
- Of course he likes!
- Of course. Wouldn't you, Waldow?
- Of course, sir.
Of course! You can talk to her about
anything you like, my dear boy. Anything.
Books, art- Why, she speaks French
just like a native, don't you, Lily?
- Hardly.
- I tell you she does! You hear me?
- Just like a native!
- I'm sure of it.
Yes, she does.
And she reads everything.
Everything. All the latest books.
I'll bet she's ahead of you, Waldow. Say,
what-what are you reading now, my love?
What's the matter with you two?
Not a word out of you all evening.
Aren't you glad to see each other?
You ought to be glad to see Waldow.
You owe everything to him.
Doesn't she, Waldow?
I-I haven't told you how much
we owe to Waldow, have I, my love?
You remember, Waldow,
your saying... mmm...
"She has a notion in her head
about eternal fidelity.
Marriage, children, and all that.
Oh, it's a devil of a mess."
Lily, Lily. Please, I-
"Stick to your art," say I,
"and let me have the girl."
And he does, by gad!
Merzbach, this is monstrous!
Well, it's the truth, isn't it?
There's friendship for you.
The noble Waldow
graciously steps aside...
so that his old friend
might renew his youth.
Lily. Lily. I beg of you-
Was this what
you brought me down here for?
Well, it was the truth, wasn't it?
Do her good to hear it.
Getting uppish anyhow.
Lily. Lily!
Please listen to me, Lily.
No, no, no. You must hear me, Lily.
He's twisted and distorted everything.
Lily! I had nothing to offer you.
I was poor. I thought there was
something better in store for you.
You've never been out of my thoughts,
or my heart.
I love you.
I've always loved you.
Oh, let me take you away from here.
You're unhappy!
- Unhappy?
- You can't deny it.
You forget I'm a Baroness.
I have everything.
Money, position, jewels, servants.
I can play the piano and speak French.
- What more could a woman ask?
- Oh, Lily, Lily.
Come away with me. I can give you
the one thing you haven't got.
- I have that, too!
- Oh, you hate him.
- My husband, yes.
- What?
- Are you surprised that I have a lover?
- That's not true.
Oh, isn't it?
There's his house.
- I don't believe it.
- Oh, don't you? It doesn't matter.
- I'm going to him now.
- Lily, Lily. Why are you pretending?
You're lying. You're lying!
You have no lover except me.
It's me that you love. Me!
You? Love you?
Anybody but you!
You see if I am lying!
You'll see!
- Lily!
- Close those shutters.
I can hardly believe it!
You've come.
You've come to me.
- You love me?
- Love?
Yes, love.
That's what I've come for.
Lily, my darling.
I've dreamed of this.
I've hoped for it.
Milord! Milord!
There's a fire.
- There's a fire in the lodge!
- What?
There's a fire, milord.
In the lodge.
Fire? Well, put it out,
why don't you?
Get him out of here.
Give us a hand.
Are you all right?
Leave us.
- Fool!
- What?
You've disgraced your husband publicly.
He'll kill you for this!
Come on.
- Where are you taking me?
- I'm taking you out of here.
Yes, out of here.
You stay there.
There's a train
in about an hour.
If you'll write me care of General Delivery
at the village, I'll send you your things.
- Th-They told me! They told me!
Where is she? - Sh-She's gone!
I'll kill her, the-
Yes, kill her!
And then hear them laughing at you!
- "The old fool! The lecherous old-"
- Oh, stop!
I'm waiting.
"The old fool who married a-
out of his class,
and then couldn't keep her."
Go on. Kill her on the high road!
Go on! Go on!
- Twelve pfenniger.
- Not twelve. Ten.
You keep this book six days.
That's twelve.
Five days I keep that book.
You couldn't read a book
in five days, Mrs Schwarzbrod.
Even in six, you must have
skipped most of it.
I pay you ten
and no more.
You will pay me the-
Oh, very well, Mrs Schwarzbrod. Give
me the ten. We'll make it up next time.
Ten is all I owe!
Any news?
Aren't you sick of asking me that?
I've looked everywhere. Even been
down to the village where she lived.
- Not a trace.
- How much more time are you going to waste on this business?
I don't know where else to look.
Have you tried the gutter?
That's where girls like her end up!
- Oh, very, very much. Marvellous, marvellous.
- Lily.
Lily. Lily!
Fritz is really
a marvellous dancer.
Oh, now Marie, you know-
Don't paw me in public, Gansfleisch.
It isn't nice.
Oh, did you hear that?
Marie wants to be nice.
- I am nice.
- Lily's the one who knows what's nice.
- Eh, Lily?
- Give me some more champagne.
- You're coming to my apartment later, Lily?
- No.
- But you promised.
- I've changed my mind.
I said no!
What's the matter with you?
You go along laughing and singing
like everybody else...
- then suddenly, you freeze up like this, and for no reason.
- You bore me.
- Oh, come, come, Lily.
- Don't tell me men are human, are they, Lily?
- They're the only animals that
have money and buy champagne.
That's right.
Good evening, sir.
- Good evening. I, uh, I want a table, please.
- Yes, sir.
Listen, Lily- "Johnny."
That's for you.
- Come on. Be a good girl.
- Please, Lily. - Do, Lily.
When will your birthday be
Reserve that night for me
Just me and you
We'll disconnect the phone
And when we're all alone
We'll have a lot to do
Oh, Johnny
I've got to celebrate
And I can hardly wait
Until we do
I hope you realize
That there's a big surprise
In store for you
I need your sympathy
There's something wrong
with me
I can't say no
All night I long for you
And I'm so strong for you
You make me feel so weak
Oh, Johnny
You know I can't refuse
What have I got to lose
Come on, let's go
What are you waiting for
I need a kiss or two
Or maybe more
- That's the girl.
- Fine, fine.
I want to talk to you.
- Oh, do you? Go ahead.
- Alone.
- Look here! This is a private party.
- Oh, I beg your pardon, sir.
Excuse me. I'll be back.
- Yes?
- Lily, where have you been? I've looked everywhere for you.
Now you've found me.
So what?
- I want you to come with me.
- Where?
Oh, anywhere. Anywhere out of here.
I must talk to you.
We have nothing to say
to each other.
- Besides, I have an engagement.
- Oh, forget your engagement and come with me.
Have you got a cigarette?
- What's your name?
- Lily.
Now, Lily, don't irritate me with
silly prejudices. I see you as an artist.
You must believe that, Lily. I mean-
Well, I mean, y-you must believe that.
Yes, I think I believe that.
She's still the same.
She's a fool.
What is she waiting for?
What is she listening for?
What a fool I was.
Remember how ashamed I was
to take my clothes off?
I remember.
A silly country girl,
always chattering about love.
No wonder you got tired of me.
I never got tired of you.
I've always wanted
to have you back.
Well, I'm back.
For tonight.
Lily, Lily, please. Please!
One makes mistakes.
One does things. Heaven knows why.
I-I was wrong. But, Lily,
need I suffer forever for one mistake?
I want you back.
I want you back as we used to be.
As we used to be?
That's funny.
There was a young girl once
who came up those stairs...
who loved you with
all her heart, all her soul.
But she has nothing
to do with me.
There she is!
The Song of Songs.
Don't you remember?
"I sleep, but my heart waketh.
It is the voice of my beloved."
No. "I sought him
who my soul loved.
"I sought him,
but I found him not.
"I called him,
but he gave me no answer.
"The watchmen that went
about the city found me.
"They smote me,
and they wounded me.
"The keepers of the wall
took away my veil from me.
They took away my veil from me."
- Lily, Lily, Lily. I hurt you
and I've been punished.
Oh, can't you forgive me?
I've never stopped loving you!
Then you love somebody
who's dead.
I'm dead, do you hear?
I am dead!
What right has she to live?
What right has she to live?
It's all right, my dear.
It's all right.
Let it go.
We'll begin again here.
Do you remember long ago,
when we climbed a hill into the sky?
Well, we'll climb again now,
and find the sky perhaps.