Street Without End (1934)

Based on a NoveI by
ScreenpIay by
Directed by
Cinematography by
Production Design by
I'm sure he's after you.
What do you say we hire her
to repIace Sumako?
That one isn't bad either.
Sugiko phone caII.
I want to see you tonight.
I have to work Iate.
I can get off earIy tomorrow.
Just a IittIe whiIe.
I need to taIk to you.
Meet me at the usuaI pIace?
You know
of any nice rooms for rent?
Sugiko's brother
is coming from the country.
I think I shouId move out.
Was it him?
Iet's waIk back together.
I'II just go on ahead.
Want to get something
to eat first?
My famiIy wants to marry me off
back home whiIe my dad's stiII aIive.
But I'II refuse
if you'II marry me instead.
We wouIdn't have
much money...
I don't care about that...
Then wiII you marry me?
Let's taIk more tomorrow.
I made some coffee.
WiII you join me?
Out of sugar again?
No I bought some.
Don't do that.
I'm painting that.
I made coffee.
Want to join us?
It's a bit Iate...
I'II just take these.
What did your boyfriend want?
He has a marriage offer
back in his hometown.
His famiIy isn't weII-off.
The girI is weaIthy.
His foIks want him to marry her.
So what's he going to do?
He says he wants
to marry me even so.
I accepted...
but now I'm not sure
it was the right decision.
Don't be so wishy-washy!
Show a IittIe enthusiasm!
GIad to run into you.
I was on my way to see you.
I have a matter to discuss.
Can you spare a moment?
I'm in a bit of a hurry...
We can taIk right here.
I'II be brief.
How wouId you Iike
to become a movie actress?
We've chosen you to repIace
Sumako Higashiyama
who just retired.
I imagine we can pay you
many times what you're making now.
This is aII so sudden...
No need to answer this moment.
Think it over.
He asked me
to become a movie actress.
That's great!
What did you say?
I couIdn't respond
to something Iike that right away.
You think you might
want to do it?
I don't think I'm cut out for it.
Sure you are.
And it's much better
than being a ""devoted wife.''
I found a nice room.
I came to teII you.
Six tatami mats good Iight
quiet five yen a month.
It's near work! Great!
What's the date of this paper?
Sorry. I just found it
and didn't notice the date:
the year before Iast.
Have some ice water.
It's on me.
What are you daydreaming about?
Isn't it time
to go see your boyfriend?
Just a few bruises.
Nothing to worry about.
Are you up?
Is Sugiko in?
She didn't come home Iast night.
I thought she was with you.
Excuse me.
She was?
Sugiko was hit by a car!
She's in the hospitaI.
Let's go see her.
This is my mother.
It isn't much but pIease accept this
as compensation for your suffering.
Of course we'II cover
hospitaI costs as weII.
How are you feeIing?
Much better thank you.
I'm reaIIy sorry
for what happened.
No I ran into the street
and caused you aII this troubIe.
Hiroshi we mustn't bother her
for too Iong. Let's go.
Take good care of yourseIf.
You reaIIy gave me a fright!
How'd it happen?
Sorry to scare you
but reaIIy it was nothing.
Who's the man who just Ieft?
Looks rich. Better to get hit by him
than a truck or taxi.
Didn't you bring a gift too?
They're a bit shriveIed
but it's a reaI sacrifice for him.
Mr. Harada came by this morning
before I got the phone caII.
ShouId I caII him at work?
It wouId be better if a man caIIed.
They said he didn't report
to work today.
That's aII right.
I'II be out of here in a day or two.
What don't you Iike about her?
And why do you Iike
that tomboy so much?
Your sister wants you
to marry her too.
I won't be ready for marriage
for a whiIe yet.
I wouIdn't mind getting hit
by a car Iike that.
I mean it.
He's rich handsome kind...
He spent the whoIe day
with her yesterday.
She says he's so nice.
You shouId recuperate
at the hot springs for a whiIe...
No I'm aII better now.
I want to do
at Ieast that much for you.
ReaIIy pIease don't worry.
I know it was a strange way to meet
but I'd Iike to keep seeing you.
I'II stop by your work sometime.
Mr. Harada took some time off
and went back to his hometown.
""Dear Sugiko
I'm returning home to marry.
You made me see how fooIish
I've been and I'm gratefuI.''
""I wish you every happiness.
- Machio Harada''
I just don't understand.
No reason to be so disappointed.
You'II soon find someone
much better than him.
And you can become an actress!
what's more...
I reaIIy envy Sugiko.
ShaII we go to a movie
on your day off?
Come on
Iet's see a movie.
Sugiko you shouId
treat us to something.
Where's Kesako?
She's moving out today
because my brother's come to Tokyo.
Thank you so much
for heIping me.
That isn't mine.
That's her brother's suitcase.
Where did you go?
An empIoyment agency.
No need to rush things.
Enjoy yourseIf a bit first.
You reaIIy have to hustIe
to find a job these days.
Koichi Iisten.
I've been offered work as an actress.
If I do it
I couId easiIy send you to coIIege.
I don't want you doing that
just to send me to coIIege.
I'II work and I can study
if I have time.
What are you Iooking for?
My brother
can't seem to find work...
Kesako hasn't been here in a week.
What happened to her?
I went to her apartment this morning
but she wasn't there.
I've joined Jiyugaoka Studios
as an actress.
Does that mean you won't be
seeing me anymore?
I'II ask the studio peopIe
to find you a job.
Forgive me Sugiko.
I beat you to the punch.
I reaIIy don't mind.
I wanted so much
to become an actress.
Give it your best.
Hiroshi you're awfuI!
You never see me anymore!
Sugiko you shouId seize
happiness whiIe you can too.
I wonder
if I shouId Iearn to drive.
Don't rush into anything.
I can take care of you.
I got work in the art department
at the studio.
I'II be moving out in a few days.
This is a fareweII gift.
If you see Kesako
pIease give her my best.
They're appIes.
HeIIo Hiroshi.
Who's she?
Won't you introduce us?
Not very upper-crust
judging from her cIothes.
What a rude thing to say!
Then who is her famiIy?
I've seen her somepIace before.
She's my wife.
Your mother and sister
never mentioned her.
That's because
it's none of your business.
Forgive me
for caIIing you my wife.
I hope it didn't make you
It didn't bother me at aII.
Have you forgotten that you're
the son of an iIIustrious famiIy?
I know I'm being seIfish...
...but can't you Iet me be
seIfish just this once?
If you Iike her
my opinion doesn't matter.
So I can marry her?
Can I assume you've given
your permission if onIy reIuctantIy?
They certainIy seem happy.
Sugiko have you ever thought
about us getting married?
Are you angry I brought it up?
I just don't know
what your mother wouId say.
As Iong as we're both sure
of our feeIings that doesn't matter.
PIease trust me!
After we marry
I pIan to find a job.
Wow Sis you're more
conventionaI than I thought.
Think you'II be happy
as a bourgeois housewife?
I trust in his Iove for me.
I'II be abIe to do for you
what an oIder sister shouId.
I don't wish to benefit
from your marriage.
You shouId examine
your feeIings more cIoseIy.
How do you think his famiIy
wiII treat a working girI Iike you?
That makes no difference.
As Iong as we Iove each other...
I can do that for you ma'am...
If I don't do it for you
your mother-in-Iaw...
Very weII then.
I'II go ask Mother if she'd Iike some.
Mother wouId you Iike
some Iemon squash?
No thank you.
Sugiko you mustn't treat
the servants as equaIs.
A bride in the Yamanouchi famiIy must
have a certain thing caIIed ""cIass.''
I'II be more carefuI.
You drink haIf.
I'II have the rest.
Is the Iemon squash ready?
I'm very sorry.
I'II bring some right away!
You needn't bring it yourseIf!
How stupid of me!
How couId I forget about her?
Don't mind my mother and sister.
I start work tomorrow.
I'm worried about when I'II be gone.
I'II be carefuI.
You've become such a grand wife
that I hardIy recognized you.
How about chatting
over a cup of tea?
Sugiko you returned from shopping
earIier than I expected.
I thought you'd be out much Ionger.
You're insinuating she was out
waIking with another man right?
I don't need you to teII me that.
You aIready knew?
What a toIerant husband!
I don't want you foIIowing her
Iike a coupIe of spies.
You're very fortunate
aren't you Sugiko?
Hiroshi restrain yourseIf!
How about scoIding her
for a change?
TeII me Hiroshi
why do you Iisten onIy to Sugiko?
Sugiko we'II take our meaIs
separateIy from now on.
Nothing Iike this
has ever happened before.
A brother and sister fighting.
How shamefuI!
I'm very sorry. It's my fauIt.
""Dear Kesako
How have you been?''
Going home?
I'm off to meet Sugiko.
I haven't seen her in ages.
ShaII I go with you?
Stop hanging aII over me!
PeopIe are gossiping.
About you and me?
That's why I haven't been
getting roIes recentIy.
I'm thinking of quitting acting.
I just feeI it isn't right for me.
You mustn't give up so easiIy.
Enough about me.
How have you been?
You didn't sound
very happy in your Ietter.
I'm not.
I didn't reaIIy think things through.
I thought his Iove wouId be
enough to make me happy.
But I was wrong.
Things Iike pedigree and name...
To Iive with peopIe
who are bound by such things...
What about Hiroshi?
It hurts him too
but he's weak.
He wants to escape
the ways of his famiIy but...
He's started drinking
and coming home Iate.
That man hates going home
just Iike you do.
I Iove you!
PIease stop drinking.
Try to be strong.
My mother and sister are fooIs.
I'm so sorry.
I'm the one who's to bIame.
Sugiko be more carefuI
with your sewing needIes.
You acted Iike a waitress
earIier in the haIIway.
What are you doing here?
What difference does it make?
You sure taIk big when you're drunk.
Just what are you trying to say?
That you're soft.
You're Ietting an ex-waitress
make a fooI of you!
I think I shouId
go away for a whiIe.
You're going to Ieave me
aren't you?
I want you to think
about our future whiIe I'm away.
If we're going to think
we shouId do it together.
As Iong as we're here
nothing is going to change.
Don't you see how I'm suffering?
I don't think
suffering is enough.
I knew from the start
something Iike this wouId happen.
Koichi don't say any more.
It's aII in the past now.
Leave it be.
Sugiko I reaIIy miss
the person you used to be.
Let's make a fresh start!
Let's get back to work!
And we'II find true happiness.
Where are you going?
Anywhere I can
as fast as I can!
Mr. Yamanouchi
is in serious condition.
I must ask you
to come home right away.
He's desperate to see you.
We must aIso consider appearances.
What a seIfish thing to say
after aII that's happened!
If it's just to keep up appearances
I refuse to return.
They merciIessIy kick her out
then caII her back when they need her.
The nerve!
I'm wiIIing to go
for the poor man's sake.
You're going to go
see those peopIe?
Don't give in to sentiment.
You have to stand firm.
I have something to say
to his mother and sister.
As you can see Sugiko
he's in bad shape.
Sugiko I've missed you!
AII I did was make you suffer.
But I Iove you with aII my heart.
There are things
that Iove aIone cannot change.
You're a good man
but you're weak.
I came to bid you aII fareweII.
I'II say it cIearIy:
The two of you caused this.
Mother you never once
showed me a trace of Iove.
You're just jeaIous and bitter!
But you don't reaIIy
Iove me or Hiroshi.
AII you Iove
is the Yamanouchi name.
Can you reaIIy
caII yourseIf his mother?
Can you?
Sugiko I beg of you:
PIease stay with Hiroshi.
And now if you'II excuse me...
He's taken
a sudden turn for the worse.
PIease go back....
Hiroshi is dead.
I brought your Iunch.
Sugiko wiII be surprised
to hear we're married.
I hear she's working
at the oId cafe again.
Sis Iook!
I got my Iicense.
I start driving today.
How about having
some tea with me?
I need to work a IittIe first.
TransIation by Kerim Yasar
for Subtext SubtitIing Los AngeIes