Stupid 7 (2013)
Hi. I'm Parry. Parry Sandhu. I want to be a singer. But my father wants me to be an engineer. He got me into non-medicaI by force. But.. it's too difficuIt for me. My name is Sahab Singh Sodhi, that is, tripIe 'S'. My father wants.. He wants a Iot of things. Sometimes he wants me to study.. ..and sometimes he wants me to work at his workshop with him. That means chiId Iabor. He doesn't Iisten to me. He yeIIs at me aII the time. Idiot! You're sitting here and chatting! Who wiII go to the workshop? Listen to me! You're acting too smart these days. Neither does he study, nor does he work. Why have you worn a cap? You're a Sardar! You're supposed to wear a turban. Stop behaving Iike this. AII this is not good. I'II thrash you if you get us humiIiated. HeIIo. My name is Tanbir DhaIiwaI. After compIeting my second year, I want to become a fashion designer. But my father says that they won't Iet me go out of the city to study. I know. Father didn't want me. He wanted my mother to abort me. My name is Sharma. Yes, Udit Sharma. Father wants me to be a computer engineer. I want to be an engineer. But I get bored in the cIassroom and in tests. I do study, but I forget. I can't memorize. When I score Iess marks... father sees my report card and Ioses aII his cIothes. No, no. Not Iike that. It's just a phrase. My name is Ishmeet, and I want to pIay cricket. But my father wants.. My father doesn't want anything from me. I'm Saivi Brar. My father's name is Mickey Brar. His name is short, 'Mickey'. But he's a big man. He's a IandIord. I wonder what he does. He hardIy comes home. He's busy making money. Hi. I'm Divya. Divya AgarwaI. And this is Monica AgarwaI, my mother. My best friend. She's sweet, isn't she? Mother's probIem is that.. - That's not my probIem. It's your probIem. She stands in front of the mirror and poses aII the time. When I ask her to move from there, she gets busy with her mobiIe. And when she Ieaves that, what do you caII it? - Facebook. Yes. She sits on Facebook. ChiIdren shouId think about their career too. Of course. They shouId know to do t he househoId chores as weII. - Yes. When they get married, their mother-in-Iaw wiII taunt them. What did your mother teach you? My mother is dead. She is my father's second wife. She means nothing to me. My mother. My father's wife. The minute father Ieaves, she Ieaves too. Sometimes to the beauty parIor and sometimes to kitty parties. AII the teachers in my schooI are scared of my mother. When father attacks me, she's the one who saves me. She's my Iady bodyguard. Yes. I Iike mother. She is nice. But she's made just one mistake in Iife. She married my father. Mother, couIdn't you find a better man? Son, they want you to do something in Iife. Mother, I want to do something different. I want to create a site simiIar to Facebook and be famous in the worId. Like Mark Zuckerberg, Steve Jobs. Yes. This is my dream. To pIay for the Indian cricket team. In order to fuIfiII my dreams.. I need just one chance. In order to Iive Iife the way I want.. I need just one chance. But no one is ready to give me that. Father is a IittIe sour. Mother is a IittIe sweet. Sister is a IittIe naughty. My home is a IittIe cooI. Grandfather is a IittIe serious. Friends are a IittIe crazy. There's a IittIe tension, a IittIe anger and a IittIe romance too. This is me and this is my story. This is me and this is my story. This is me and this is my story. I have a Iot of dreams. But who cares in this house? I want to fIy to touch the sky. But father asks with whom and why. My heart beats out of controI. My heart beats. I just want no one to say anything. I want to do something new, mother. I've grown up. My home seems smaII. I feeI Iike running away from everyone. We want to fIy to touch the sky. But don't ask with whom and why. The worId seems smaII to us. We want to do something new. We'II study. We'II do something. No more questions. Sorry. This is.. this is.. this is our story. This is.. this is.. this is our story. This is.. this is.. this is our story. Story. This is.. this is.. this is our story. What the heII is this! What's going on? Is this a house or a mentaI asyIum? CooI down, uncIe. CooI down. So, this is my story. Comedy of error and terror. But.. this is just a traiIer, my friend. The movie is stiII Ieft. OnIy your pampering has spoiIt him. We get caIIs from his schooI everyday. Whichever teacher we meet compIains about him. The weather is bad. There are cIouds in the sky. There's Iightening. Before it starts showering, Iet's get out. Oh, no. The spy is here. Boys of his age are preparing for IIC. But he? I don't think he'II pass even the house test. Where are you going at this hour? WeII.. I.. I'm teIIing you cIearIy. If he wants to be the heir of this famiIy.. ..then he'II have to study engineering. He is trying, Jas. He's getting serious now. He doesn't even make mischief now Iike he used to. He's giving a Iot of importance to his studies now. He's study in his room right now. He's not studying, mother. He's going to watch a movie with his friends. Where are you going at this hour? You had said that you were studying. When did I.. say that I was studying? I said that I was trying to study. If I did not succeed in my efforts, then what's my fauIt? It's not your fauIt, son. It's my fauIt. I got you everything in the house even before you asked for it. The day you'II have to Iive your Iife on your own.. ..you'II reaIize this house's and my vaIue. Why do you aIways boast so much, father? If it is so, then I'II Ieave your house. I'II sIap you. What nonsense are you taIking? This is how he taIks nowadays, father. He can't do anything in Iife, dear. He just knows to taIk and pIay drums. I don't expect anything from him. In fact, that's the probIem, father. You have too many expectations from me. Shut up! I said shut up! What do you think? That I don't want to do anything? That I don't want to be something? I want to do a Iot of things. And I'II even do it if you Iet me. ReaIIy? What do you want to do? What's your agenda in Iife? TeII me. At Ieast my agenda in Iife is not to acquire a degree.. ..sit in an office and engross myseIf in fiIes aII day, father. I want to become big. My dreams.. Forget it. You won't understand. It's good to have dreams, son. But you need to do something to fuIfiII those dreams. What are you capabIe of doing besides taIking? Listen to one thing carefuIIy. You wiII do onIy what I ask you to. S for Smart. T for TaIented. U for Unique. This is not done, madam. If these seven continue to do this, then your schooI wiII be shut. These chiIdren are very iII-mannered, madam. Very iII-mannered. Once when I was teaching in my cIass.. ..do you know what that boy Sahab Singh Sodhi did? When you study, your mind must be onIy on your studies. Forget the worId outside. Forget what's happening outside. Yes, so I was saying that you shouId forget what's happening outside. You must concentrate on your books. If you study dedicatedIy, then nothing can disturb you! Sahab! Why are you making a noise at the corridor? I'm studying, sir. You are disturbing me! Teach with concentration, sir. Forget what's happening outside. Then nothing can disturb you. Then nothing can disturb you. Madam, that boy Saivi Brar from the group is the naughtiest of aII. One day, he started arguing with me in cIass. I took him to the staffroom. Don't you have any sense, idiot? Don't you know how you shouId behave with your teacher? Do you know how to respect your eIders? Mother. I'm reaIIy fed up, mother. My mother-in-Iaw is a witch. And my father-in-Iaw is useIess. Moreover, my husband onIy Iistens to his mother. We had gone to the market yesterday. I asked him to buy me goId earrings and he got furious. He refused to buy them. What do I teII you, mother? I'm reaIIy fed up. I'II make you happy, you mother's daughter. Your husband onIy hit you, madam. But my wife Ieft me. One day, I was sitting in the Iibrary with Jyoti Khanna madam. I was discussing a subject with her. After reading your paIm, one thing is for sure. Your husband and you don't get aIong. You deserved a handsome and smart husband Iike me. It's aII right. I can't do anything about it. It's destiny. It certainIy is destiny. Look, there is no comparison between my wife and me. She is iIIiterate. Neither does she have the sense to taIk, nor to dress. It wouId have been great if you were my wife. Make her your wife now! I'm iIIiterate! I don't have any sense! - I.. I was just joking. I have no sense! - I'II expIain to you at home. ExpIain right now! This is nothing, madam. You must remember what Tanbir, a girI from the group seven.. ..had done Iast year during the interschooI decIamation contest. It's very sad that... that the youth... these days is forgetting their tradition and foIIowing fashion. Forgetting their customs, they are adopting the western cuIture. I feeI very sad when I see an Indian girI wearing western outfits. I get furious when I see a woman without veiI on her head. Sir. - Yes? Sir, why is it important for onIy girIs... and women to cover their heads with veiI? Why not for men? This tradition is onIy meant for women. That's what I want to know, sir. Why is it meant onIy for women? I don't know. Then who knows? You're the one who's Iecturing us on it. I just know that if women keep themseIves covered compIeteIy.. ..then men's intentions won't turn bad. If men's intentions remain good, then the crimes on women wiII reduce. This means the probIem Iies not with women, sir, but with men's intentions. Your intentions turn bad when you see a woman without a veiI. Due to this fIaw, you want women to be covered? ControI your mind. This girI is accusing me! This is a poIiticaI conspiracy! The opposition party has taught her aII this! Turn the camera off! This is a conspiracy to maIign me! Turn the camera off! They are just harmIess Ioafers, madam. Their boss is Parry Sandhu and his friend Ishmeet. This happened when I newIy turned . And my daughter Chinky.. Parry, come here. Yes.. yes? Tomorrow is my mother's goIden jubiIee birthday. You wiII write and record a speciaI Punjabi song for mother. I wiII dance on it. Understand? Yes.. Sure. - Thanks. Go. There you go, rock star. Your first show is booked. I'II perform such a show tomorrow.. Now, my sweet angeI Chinky wiII present an item song before you. She has written this song herseIf, that too in Punjabi. She composed the music herseIf, which she recorded in her computer. Oh, my God! I'm so happy! Ladies and gentIemen, presenting Chinky Sharda! Madam's waist measures . Madam's weight is kiIos. Madam.. Madam's weight is kiIos. Madam's waist measures . Madam's weight is kiIos. Madam.. Madam's weight is kiIos. Wherever she goes, she ruins everything. Wherever she goes, she ruins everything. Madam is a troubIe. Madam's waist measures . Madam's weight is kiIos. Parry! You stupid! How dare those stupid peopIe mess with my staff! S for Sahab. T for Tanbir. U for Udit. P for Parry. I for Ishmeet. D for Divya. And S for Saivi. Group 7 or Gang 7? You think you're very smart? InteIIigent? You think the system of this schooI is useIess? Something that you can chaIIenge? No. Never. You are nothing. You are just stupid. AII of you wiII bring your respective fathers tomorrow. I wiII taIk to them. She's such a characterIess principaI. She aIways caIIs our fathers. She never caIIs our mothers. Someone shouId ask her what harm our mothers cause to her. Since she's not married. She must think that she might get a readymade father. Madam Sharda, they're going to bring their parents tomorrow. I wiII taIk to them. You're Iaughing? You're Iaughing? After getting us trapped by Kanto, you're Iaughing? I'm going. - Hey! Where? Where are you going, my friend? Listen. The principaI has caIIed our parents tomorrow, right? Now, assume.. assume that there's no schooI tomorrow. And after that, we have an off for five days anyway. Even Kanto wiII forget everything by then. But there is schooI tomorrow. There is. - There won't be. As Iong as our super computer genius, the master Udit Sharma is here. I won't do anything, one. I won't do anything, two. I won't do anything, three! - Okay. Okay. Okay. You won't do anything. You won't do anything. AII you'II do is hack the schooI's website. Yes. And.. and.. and you'II announce through it that tomorrow is a hoIiday. - No! Did you Iike my idea? WonderfuI! This idea of yours has touched my heart. But what's the occasion for tomorrow's hoIiday? TeII me. TeII me. TeII me. What the heII is this! What is happening in the schooI? Where are the students? Students? But ma'am, it's a hoIiday today. Are you okay, Mrs. Sharda? Neither is it Sunday, nor is it a hoIiday. What's the hoIiday for? On the occasion of your wedding, madam. My wedding? - You announced it on the schooI's website. That you got married Iast evening... and to ceIebrate that, it's a hoIiday today. My wedding? Have you Iost your mind, Mr. Nishaddar Singh? Neither have I got married, nor wiII I get married! But ma'am, there's a picture of your marriage on the schooI's website. We've got it put up in schooI too. Look. Stupid seven! CaII their parents! Idiot! - Father. You got me humiIiated in front of women today! Father, Iisten to me. - I won't spare you today! Wait, I'II teach you a Iesson! If that south Indian teacher had concentrated on teaching then.. ..he wouIdn't have reaIized that a boy is roaming about outside the cIass. Was his mind on the cIass or outside of cIass? Whether it's home or outside, girIs are aIways restricted. There are no restrictions on boys. Of course. AII the teachers of the computer department make me work. Have they ever given me the credit for it? If I did something wrong once... how can they say that I went against the system? Our principaI has gone against the system. She's years oId. Why didn't she get married? TeII me that first. The teachers are arrogant anyway.. ..and their chiIdren aIso consider themseIves the principaI of the schooI. If anyone from your schooI compIains again, I'II break your Iimbs. I'm not going to go to his schooI again. He got me humiIiated. If I hadn't requested the principaI, she wouId have rusticated him. Mother, you teII me. Does that fIirty teacher deserve to be in the schooI? He touches girIs at the wrong pIaces. Like that. He Iooks at girIs Iike that. It was fine if you had messed with a girI. But you messed with the teacher? Father, you aIways say that you shouId aIways think big. But according to your age. Father, that teacher teIIs us that we must respect our eIders. But you shouId have seen how she was fighting.. ..with her mother-in-Iaw, father-in-Iaw and husband. Mother aIso does that sometimes. Hey! When did I do that? I'II sIap you! OnIy I know how much I respect him and his famiIy. Though they are not worthy of it, but I do. Idiot! - Stupid! Stupid! - Stupid! Stupid! - Idiot! Stupid! We.. We.. Who is stupid? Who is stupid? Who is stupid? Who is stupid? PeopIe caII us stupid. We say you are. PeopIe caII us stupid. We say you are. Look at us first. Then taIk to us. PeopIe caII us stupid. We say you are. Who is stupid? Who is stupid? Who is stupid? Who is stupid? Father. Yes. I wanted to taIk to you. TeII me. The coach is not wiIIing to keep me in the team. He wants me to get my own uniform and other things. Why? What's the sports fund for in schooIs? I toId him, father, but.. Hey! Hey! Go to his schooI tomorrow and taIk to his principaI. Thieves! They are thieves and he is a decent boy. Whenever I meet his teachers, they aIways compIain about him. I can't toIerate it anymore. He wants to pIay cricket and be a part of the Indian team. He wiII have to struggIe eventuaIIy. The Indian team hasn't been formed randomIy, mother. They pIay in schooI teams first. I just need a chance. As if you're going to be very successfuI with one chance. Like father Iike son. Why was I destined with both of them? Wait, you witch! She taIks too much. PIay carefuIIy. CarefuI. Keep the bat straight. WeII done. Good morning, sir. Sir, pIease give me a chance this time. I've toId you so many times that cricket is rich peopIe's game. Your father spIurges his saIary on aIcohoI. Whatever extra money he makes, he spIurges it on women. And your seIfish mother keeps the remaining. Consider yourseIf an orphan. How wiII you afford such expensive uniforms? The spikes aIone cost Rs. 0. Sir, the schooI has a sports fund. If you recommend me, I'II get the uniform from that fund. Why shouId I recommend you? Are you Bret Lee? Are you Shoaib Akhtar? Are you MaIinga? Sir, in the Iast district tournament, I got the highest wickets. It must have been a fIuke. There's no consistency in your game. Look at Sunny MaIhotra. He pIays reaIIy weII. That boy wiII pIay for IPL. IPL. Come on. Get him out if you can. If you can get him out even once in an over... I'II finance everything for you. Take this. Yeah! Amazing! Yes? Coming, madam. Coming. Coming. Coming, madam. Coming. Ishmeet, you? Where were you since so many days? Why didn't you come home? I used to ask Parry about you every time. I've brought him forcefuIIy today. The coach is not keeping him in the team even this year. He wants him to get his own sports kit and spikes. Ishmeet, didn't you taIk to your father? He doesn't have the time to Iisten to me, aunt. Okay, never mind. I'II go to your schooI and taIk to your principaI. If you deserve it, then your coach can't refuse to keep you in the team. Eat food. It's enough, aunt. I.. - Eat food or I'II sIap you. You eat too. Ishmeet. Ishmeet. Ishmeet. Ish.. What happened, Ishmeet? Did you feeI bad about what mother said? No, Parry. I Iiked what your mother said. I remembered my mother. She too wouId scoId me and make me eat. I too am your mother, Ishmeet. You.. you are not just Parry's best friend, but my son too. Where are you going? I.. I.. It's her cIassmate's birthday party. At a restaurant. Other girIs are coming too. You're going to your cIassmate's birthday party? At a restaurant? And you Iet her go? Other girIs are coming too. That's why I thought.. There wiII be boys too. Didn't you think about that? What's the big deaI, father? The schooI that I study in has boys too. The IocaIity that I Iive in has boys too. The worId that I Iive in has boys too. Then why do you mind if I'm going to a party that has boys? Keep quiet! Tanbir! When I'm taIking to your father, you shouIdn't taIk in between. Keep quiet and go in. I'II keep quiet, mother. But pIease don't ask me to go in today. I feeI suffocated inside. What eIse do you want? That I shouId aIIow you to wear such a reveaIing dress.. ..and Iet you dance in the cIub with boys? Brother does aII this too. Why don't you ever stop him? Don't try to drag me into your matters. This is my personaI Iife. She has a personaI Iife too, son. These taIks of yours have spoiIt her. Just wait and watch. She'II get the famiIy humiIiated someday. I don't want to Iive in India, father. Iease. Send me to AustraIia anyhow. You don't have a personaI Iife. As Iong as you're in this house.. ..you'II have to Iive the way the famiIy wants you to. Sorry, father. I can't promise you that. My girI is stiII in a bad mood. Why do you care about me? AII you care about is Vicky. No one in this house cares about me. If it was so, then it wouId have been better if you had aborted me. That's what father wanted. Why did you give birth to me? I gave birth to you because I wanted a hot-tempered girI Iike you. I thought that my daughter wouId sureIy do what I couIdn't do in Iife. What can I do? The minute I step out of the house, they start inquiring. Does someone question him who roams about with girIs on his bike aII day? Does anyone stop Vicky? Whichever reIative meets him, they wink at him and say.. So, son, have you enticed a girI yet or not? Does anyone come and ask me... So, dear, have you enticed a boy yet or not? AII right. I'II ask you. So, dear, have you enticed a boy yet or not? Stop joking, mother. TeII me honestIy. Don't you give Vicky more preference than me? Forget about me, dear. This is the ruIe of the worId. It's a worId of men, after aII. Women are aIways considered a step behind men. Before marriage, behind the brothers. After marriage, behind the husband. I don't want to spend my Iife being behind anyone. I want to do something in Iife. I want to be a fashion designer.. I want to estabIish a brand of mine. This is my aim in Iife. And for that, I'II have to Ieave this house and this city. I'II have to stay in a hosteI. It's aII in your hands, mother, as to how you'II convince father. That's it. That's it. Stand in front of the mirror aII day and dance. I've toId you umpteen times not to wear this cap. Your father doesn't Iike it. Father doesn't Iike anything I do. You gave birth to me by mistake. Mother, I can't wear the turban. It doesn't Iook good on me. You're a Sardar's son. And Sardars are known by their turbans. PeopIe crack jokes on Sardar. GirIs send funny messages on Sardars to me aII day. Mother. Mother. - What is it? Can I.. - I'II thrash you if you even think about it! I won't Iet you get inside the house! Fine. I won't. Then buy me a Iaptop. I'II buy it. But first, start tying a turban. I'II taIk to your father when he comes. - Okay. Yes! HeIIo. Yes, Gyani. Where were you yesterday? Why didn't you answer my caII? Who has the time to answer caIIs when one is going to get a new Iaptop? A new Iaptop? To you? Did your father buy it for you? Father won't even buy a Iaptop's picture for me. I've convinced mother. I threatened her that if they don't buy me a Iaptop, I'II get my hair chopped. Oh, my! You're too good! I'm not Iike you. You can't even taIk in front of your father. Be a man. Threaten your famiIy. Do something. Come on! Mother! Look, Sahab's father bought him a new Iaptop. He has a smaII shop of making furniture. Father is a manager in a bank and he can't even buy me a Iaptop. This is not done. I'II take a drastic step. Being with Punjabi boys aII the time, you've Iost your mind too. What wiII you do? I'II get my hair chopped. You'II get your hair chopped? Go and do it. I've been teIIing you since so Iong. Get your Iong hair cut. Yes. Yes, yes. I'II get my hair cut and my head too. I'II die. I'II come under a car if, within an hour.. ..in a day.. in a week, you don't buy me a Iaptop. Why are you saying such things? Son, Iet your father come today. I'II taIk to him. I wiII. I'II taIk to him. I see. He threatened to kiII himseIf and you're buying him a new Iaptop. When I asked for a phone the other day, you didn't buy it for me. You don't taIk in between! Why? Why shouIdn't I? Is this not my house? What about you? You're a girI. Get married and get out of here. See. See how he taIks to me. TeII him that even girIs get haIf the share in the property. I'II fiIe a case. You'II fiIe a case? At Ieast become a Iawyer first. Get Iost. The day I get Iost, the whoIe famiIy wiII sit on the street and weep. Why are you bIowing things out of proportion? What did he say? He didn't say anything. He wants me to get out of the house. Mother, you aIways favor him. What's going on? What's the chaos aII about? It's your son who's creating a chaos. He's been asking for a Iaptop since many years. Buy one for him. Take this. Give me the remaining money back. We can't buy a Iaptop for Rs. . It'II cost at Ieast Rs. . Do you think Rs. grows on trees? What wiII we do with a Iaptop worth Rs. ? He is fond of it. His computer teacher was aIso saying... that he's the hero of the computer cIass. But he's a zero in other subjects. What's his grade in Math? B. The grade of a bank manager's son is B. And Iook at brother's job. But his son's grade is A+. TeII him to score % in the first year. Then I'II buy him a Iaptop. And son, I've heard everything. You were saying that you'II come under a car, right? It's time for the car to arrive. Don't be Iate. Did you get your Iaptop? How is it? What's the coIor? Show me aIso. - I'II show you! Wait! The baby eIephant is coming. The baby eIephant is coming. HeIIo, ma'am. - HeIIo, madam. Baby eIephant. Who caIIed me a baby eIephant? We're finished. No, madam. None of us caIIed you a baby eIephant, madam. Sahab. - The one who caIIed you that is a dog, madam. Don't pIay with me! I won't spare you. I won't. Who did you caII a dog? Who did you caII a dog? - No. Who did you caII a dog? - No, no. Who did you caII a dog? - At Ieast Iisten to me. Who did you caII a dog? - You're not even Iistening to me. Parry. Parry. Parry. Look, your Iover is coming. Go. Meet her. She's aIone today. Propose to her. No. She wiII mind. If she minds, that's her probIem. How does that matter to you? And you shouIdn't mind if girIs mind. Or eIse the mind becomes mindIess. Sahab, what you just said touched my heart. He won't be abIe to do anything, friends. Now we'II have to do something. One. Two. Three. I sIipped. Divya.. Tanbir.. Isha. Isha. Isha. I.. I want to ask you something. I.. wanted to ask you.. I've been thinking.. In fact.. Ask for her Math book if you can't think of anything. Yes. Yes. Yes. If your Math book is compIete.. ..then pIease give me your Math book. That's it? Is that what you wanted to ask? - Yes, that's it. You've got her Math book. Math book. You've got her Math book. S for Smart. T for TaIented. U for Unique. Come on, Iaptop. Fit it. It's time for the girIs to arrive. Stop caIIing me Iaptop. What eIse do I caII you? Computer? Parry, expIain to him or I'II kiII him someday. You'II kiII him? Did you hear? He'II kiII him. Come here. If he even bIows at you, you'II reach the moon. Then America wiII be confused as to how Indians.. ..sent a man on the moon without a rocket. Forget it. You.. Forget aII this. First teII me what you're doing. Our science teacher aIways says... that you must do everything scientificaIIy. We'II Iook at girIs scientificaIIy today. With a teIescope. He Ieft them. Tripathi Ieft the group. Look, Karishma is coming out. Priyanka is with her. Your Neha Dhupia is there too. Don't get me into troubIe. Why are you worrying unnecessariIy? Look, your Katrina has aIso come. Katrina. Katrina. Katrina. Katrina. Katrina. Parry, I think you shouId join Tripathi's cIass too. Whether you pass or not... you'II at Ieast be cIose to Isha for an hour everyday. You won't do anything. You'II just keep Iooking at her. Look at Ginni from non-medicaI. She Iooks Iike AngeIina JoIie in bIack. Hey. Hey, did you notice something? Katrina Iooks so beautifuI with her hair open. I feeI Iike going and proposing to her right away. What do you think? It's a very bad idea. Why? I Iove her. - ReaIIy? Mother. Mother. Mother. We.. were Iooking at the moon. Yes. Our science teacher has.. given us an assignment. Which moon is visibIe at 3 in the afternoon? Wait. I'II show you the moon. Wait! Wait! You Iook at girIs! You have no shame! You have no shame! You have no shame! You have no shame! Promise me that you won't make this mistake again. Yes, mother. I promise. I swear on you. One more thing. UntiI you compIete your graduation, no girIfriends. No. - Yes. I can't promise you that. AII my friends have girIfriends. I shouId have at Ieast one. I shouId have at Ieast one. But you don't need, honey. Why, mother? I too want someone to Iove me. Why? I'm there. But you're my mother. I can't take my mother out for a movie. I can't take her to the caf. I can't hug and kiss her. PIease try to understand. Because of this behavior of yours, aII my friends Iaugh at me. GirIs caII me mama's boy. But I'm not mama's boy. I've grown up. No other work. No other work. No other work. No other work. I miss you. I think of you aII the time. I have no other work. When I open the book, it's you who I see on every page. I have no other work. I miss you. I think of you aII the time. I have no other work. When I open the book, it's you who I see on every page. I have no other work. I taIk to you in my dreams. But when you come before me, I don't have the courage to taIk. I attach an emaiI to you. But I am unabIe to send it. I'm running after you aII the time these days. I have no other work. When I open the book, it's you who I see on every page. I have no other work. Sir. Okay, KamaI. I'm not coming to office for the next two weeks. There's an important meeting at the head office. That's why I'm going to BangaIore. I've signed aII the important fiIes. StiII, if there's any other important cIaim, meet Mr. Tyagi. He has the signing authority. - Okay, sir. Come, Maninder. Why do you have this box? CongratuIations, sir. Due to your bIessings, my son has been seIected for IIT. Your son has been seIected for IIT! What a surprise! Who did he get tuitions from? We couIdn't afford tuitions, madam. He studied on his own. Sir heIped him when required. Sir, if you hadn't bIessed him, then he wouId have remained iIIiterate. Jas. TaIk to me. Let's sIeep. I have to Ieave earIy in the morning. Jas, you're too much. You get angry over petty things Iike a chiId. He's not a chiId anymore. He's grown up. You need to understand him and not make him understand. Whatever he wants to do.. - He can't do anything! Because he's a duffer! My peon's son has reached IIT without any tuition. But he is being tutored by the best teachers of the city.. ..and he stiII can't pass a test. Do I expect anything from him for my sake? I'm worried for him so.. that he settIes down in Iife and Iives a Iuxurious Iife. I even dream for him. You dream for him, Jas. But he too has some dreams for himseIf. You're his mother. So be his mother. Don't be his Iawyer. Don't take his side. He thinks his mother is his friend and his father is his enemy. I see hatred in his eyes for me. Jas, I never wanted him to hate you. I swear to God. I want him to Iove you a Iot. From his heart. But I wonder why he's scared of you. I too am afraid that I might take the wrong step. How is Pooja? What is she doing? How is Pooja? What is.. - What are you doing? Have some shame. What if the kids come home? No one wiII come. Why are you so scared? It's something to be scared of. We are not of that age anymore. This is the probIem with you women. As soon as you turn , you start drifting away from us. The kids have their own age and we have our own. What is it? - Have you seen my phone? It must be somewhere over here. Get Iost! - Go away! Go away! - Go away! Get Iost! Go away. Let me work. - You can work Iater. How is Pooja? What is.. Oh, no! Where's my toweI? What is this, father? If this is what you want to do in broad dayIight... then at Ieast Iock the door. Hey.. - Then you compIain that chiIdren these days.. ..Iearn aII this from outside. From home. We Iearn it from home. Did you understand? Forget it. I toId you! You just toId me. You didn't stop me. How is Pooja? What is she doing? Oh, yes. Give me Rs. . I want to go watch a movie. Do you think money grows on trees? No, no. ATMMM. That means, Any Time Money Machine, Mother. And schooI? What is this? The education system won't faiI if I don't go to schooI one day. Give me Rs. . Hurry up. And what if I don't give you? - ReaIIy? Priya. Do you know what toweI dance means.. Idiot! Keep quiet. Keep quiet. I'II sIap you. Keep quiet. Keep quiet. I'II sIap you. Take this. Take this. Take the money and get Iost. Come on. Get Iost. One. Two. Three. Okay. By the way, mother, father Iooked quite cooI in the toweI. Go away! Go away! I'II hit you! Go away! What is it? Why were you screaming? I'm going to watch a movie, you idiot. And schooI? Today is group seven's bunk day. I'II go to Sahab's house from here. We'II go to watch a movie in styIe. Let me see how you watch a movie in styIe. Eat the porridge and take care of yourseIf. Take care of the house and don't forget to take your medicine. S for Smart. T for TaIented. U for Unique. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Sodhi. TripIe S, your father. Run or you'II be thrashed. Singhs never get scared. They face the dangers braveIy. You Ieave. I'm going to face it today. ScoundreI! You said you had a stomachache. And you're watching a movie here. I'II show you the reaI movie. One minute, father. One minute. One minute. Have something sweet before beginning an auspicious deed. Is it? Here you go! ScoundreI! I'm thrashing you and you're grinning! Our Punjabi teacher wouId say that whenever you come across a troubIe.. ..you shouId face it with a smiIe. That's why. How are you, brother? How are you, brother? How are you? - I'm fine. Enjoying Iife with fun? - Yes. Who's this new boy? He's Ishmeet, brother. He's a very good cricket pIayer. But the coach in his schooI does not seIect him. He doesn't have the uniform and other things. He's very frustrated. Forget it if he doesn't seIect you. He won't win a goId medaI by pIaying cricket anyway. Take this, my friend. Get rid of your frustration. Come on. Do it. You'II find it difficuIt in the beginning. But then, just one dose takes you to another worId. Working hard is for weakIings. The worId doesn't respect hardworking peopIe. Go and thrash the coach. Then just watch how he'II obey you. Come, my son. Come. Sit. How are you, son? - I'm fine, father. How are your studies? - Great. Very good. It's been very Iong. There has been no compIaint against you from schooI. I didn't get the chance to do anything, father. Good. Good. Come on. Have a drink. Come on. No, father. Very good. Very good. He's stiII in schooI and you're aIready aIIowing him to drink. The sons of Sardars Iook good when they eat and drink. Isn't it, son? Father, I wanted to taIk to you about something. Say whatever you want. Why are you hesitating? There are a few hoIidays in our schooI this week. I was thinking that we shouId go on a vacation. Mother, you and I. I am very busy, son. I have to go to Chandigarh tomorrow morning. I have to catch a minister over there. I don't know whether he'II meet me tomorrow or the day after. Then I have to take him to KarnaI. They buiIt a bypass through our Iand. Then I have to go to DeIhi the next day. I have to fix a meeting between the MP's speciaI men.. ..and the high command over there. Do one thing. Take mother with you. No, no, no. I am very busy next week, you know. I have two kitty parties, a tomboIa night.. ..and the swami is coming from DeIhi too. So, I'm very busy in making aII the arrangements. I have no time at aII. If you want to go on a vacation, then go with the servants. Then I'II caII the servants my parents too. Did you see? Did you see him? This is how he taIks these days. He humiIiates peopIe whiIe taIking. I'm so embarrassed that I can't face anyone. I get his compIaints from schooI everyday. I'm teIIing you cIearIy. I can't take care of him anymore. Either take him with you or get him admitted in a hosteI. He has Iost his mind Iiving in a Iuxurious bungaIow. When he'II have to Iive in a shanty and eat dirty food.. ..he'II Iearn the manners to taIk on his own. I'II Iive in a shanty, mother. I'II eat dirty food too. But.. I can't stay aIone anymore. Why do you stay aIone? CaII your friends over and have fun. Friends form a cIub, father, not a famiIy. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday, dear Monica. Happy birthday to you. Mother, it's your birthday today. And today you are.. Come on, Monica. Be a brave girI. You're missing father. Yes. He too wouId wake me up Iike that on my birthday. It was such a beautifuI Iife. And then, an accident took everything away from me. I had never imagined that I wouId have to spend my Iife aIone Iike that. So, you shouId have got married again. What was the big deaI? How couId I? Whichever proposaI I got, they wouId put the condition.. ..that I shouId Ieave my daughter in an orphanage. Or at a reIative's pIace. How couId I have given away such a sweet daughter of mine to anyone? You were the Iast memento of my Iove. But mother, I'm not going to be with you forever. I'II get married and Ieave one day. AII right, then. I too wiII think about my second marriage then. That's Iike a good girI. I think we shouId get married together. You Iook for a boy for me and I'II Iook for a boy for you. You.. You must be the first girI in the worId... that wiII Iook for a boy for her mother. Enough of your chitchatting. If you want to go to the market with me.. ..then get up and finish the househoId chores first. I don't want to go to the market with you. When you're with me, aII the boys Iook at you. No one Iooks at me. UseIess boys. You.. Am I meant for useIess boys? Wait! I'II teach you a Iesson! Mother, you are number one. Mother, you are onIy one. Mother, you are number one. Mother, you are onIy one. You gave me a chance to experience Iife. Mother, it's because of you that I've got aII the joys. You make this a home. You give us hope. Give birth to me as my mother in every birth. Mother, you are number one. Mother, you are onIy one. Mother, you are number one. Mother, you are onIy one. Happy birthday, mother. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday, cooI, cooI aunt. Happy birthday to you. Sachin. My name is Sachin. And I'm your new computer teacher. Can anyone teII me the difference between a human and a computer? Anyone? No? Okay. PeopIe say that the computer is an amazing machine. It can do anything much better than humans can. But this is not true. A computer can't think. A computer can't feeI anything. Anger, regret, joy, sorrow. And most importantIy, a computer can't Iove. But humans can do aII this. Excuse me, sir. Have you ever faIIen in Iove? Oh, no, miss. Love is not my subject. But I wouId sureIy say that Iove is Iike an infection. When it has to happen, it just happens. So, try to avoid it as much as you can. And concentrate on your studies. Okay? Now, taIking again on the subject. Yes! Yes, I got seIected in the team. Yes! Yes, I got seIected in the team. Yes! Yes! Yes! If the probIem is buying the things, then teII me, Ishmeet. How much wiII it cost? I'II buy you a new sports kit. Why are you begging before the coach? Yes. We can contribute. Thank you, friends. But I don't want to Iive my Iife on donations. I have a father. He gets a saIary. The schooI has a sports fund. But the question that arises is in spite of aII this... why am I not getting anything? The coach is right. I'm an orphan. Ishmeet, I didn't mean to say that. Ishmeet. - Ishmeet. Ishmeet. Ishmeet! Ishmeet, come back. We'II go to the principaI right now. What do you think of yourseIves? Don't we care about the schooI? Or do we not know to run the schooI? If the coach didn't seIect him, then there must be a reason behind it. The reason is just that he doesn't have t he money to buy shoes and uniform. So, do you want the coach to buy him uniform? If you are so concerned about your friend... then you buy him a uniform and shoes. Sorry, madam. I want my right, not aIms. He's right, madam. There is a sports fund in schooI. AIong with fees, students are charged for the sports fund as weII. Pay for the uniforms of aII the pIayers from that fund. The team pIays for the schooI, after aII, madam. It's the schooI's responsibiIity to provide them with everything. You? You'II teach me about responsibiIities? The most useIess peopIe in schooI and the city. IrresponsibIe, stupid students. You'II taIk to me in a high tone! You'II taIk to me in a high tone! Get out! I said get out! We won't. UntiI you accept Ishmeet in the schooI's team... we won't go anywhere. We wiII hoId a strike outside your office. We'II foIIow Satyagraha. You stupid feIIow! How dare you say that! You are suspended! You aII are suspended! You aII are suspended! Suspend? Saivi has been suspended? He did it. Now even I feeI that I shouId get you married. I had toId you. You didn't Iisten to me. Look, friends. Our Irfan Pathan is here. Brother, if you want to pIay for the Indian cricket team.. ..then Iearn to have the energy drink first. Take it. HeIIo. I've come. You must be wondering why I hadn't come untiI now. ActuaIIy, friends, first kids get into troubIe.. ..and then the eIders come to soIve their probIems. But don't think that I've come to soIve a probIem. Bachchan Singh Sandhu has come to create probIems. Grandpa! Grandpa! My grandpa has come! My grandpa has come! SIowIy. - Grandpa! - SIowIy. See that you don't drop me! Or eIse peopIe wiII be shocked at my death. I'm feeIing dizzy. Put me down. Grandpa, since you went back to the viIIage, my Iife was ruined. I'm aIways in some or the other troubIe. Mother! Look who's here, mother. - Who is it? The oId man. Wait, you.. HeIIo, father. - BIess you, dear. Father. So, teII me. Is everything aII right? Yes, father. Everything is aII right. You teII me. How are sister Gogi and her kids? Everyone is fine. They weren't Ietting me come. I said, No. It doesn't Iook good if parents stay at their daughter's house. If I had to stay at my daughter's house... why did I give birth to my son? That's what I want to ask you, grandpa. Why did you give birth to him? RascaI, he's your father. CouIdn't you have given birth to a nice father for me? Get Iost. Parry, I'II sIap you. What's the matter? Has Jas created a new troubIe this time? It's nothing, father. His job is so strict that he has to go outstation every aIternate day. Moreover, the tension of his studies. I expIained to him, but he gets so angry over petty issues that.. That's his chiIdhood habit. But he's not a bad person. Do you know what had happened? ChiIdren are born on the 9th month. But he was born aImost on the th month. He's a IittIe frustrated. That's why he's so hot-tempered. But don't worry. Now that I'm here, I'II teach him a Iesson. Come on, Kirti dear. Let's go to the kitchen. Grandpa, you'II have to teach our principaI Kanto a Iesson. You'II be shocked to know... that she suspended a decent and nice boy Iike me. WeII done. I'm proud of you. Does your father know about your deeds? That's why I've caIIed you from the viIIage. My father has gone to BangaIore for a few days. Before he comes back,... pIease come to schooI and resoIve the issue, grandpa. Or eIse I'II be in grave troubIe. Isn't your principaI that Iady... who's taII, good-Iooking, arrogant and short-haired? The one who isn't married yet. You must be thinking of ways to entice her now. RascaI! No. Never. We've warned these chiIdren umpteen times. We cannot take them back in this schooI at any cost. These chiIdren? These chiIdren are highIy iII-mannered. Look, Ms. Biba, things are not aIways what they Iook Iike. Look, you actuaIIy Iook so sensibIe. - What do you mean? Do I onIy Iook sensibIe? - No, no. You must be. But onIy being sensibIe is not enough. You shouId Iook sensibIe too. But the way you've suspended the kids without even thinking twice.. ..no one can caII you sensibIe after that, madam. PIease forgive me. These kids came to my office and chaIIenged me. They onIy asked you a question, Ms. Biba. When there is a sports fund in schooI... for which students are made to pay.. ..why are you not buying the sports equipments.. ..for the students from it when required? The kids asked you this question today. But when the media Iearns of it in the future... the whoIe country wiII question you. Are you threatening me, Mr. Singh? Things are not aIways what they Iook Iike. We eIders feeI that we're very sensibIe.. ..and that kids don't have the right to question us. But that's not true, madam. It's every person's birthright to ask questions. Fine. We'II buy a sports kit for that student Ishmeet Singh. But why did they come to my office and create nuisance? Mr. Singh, they threatened me that they wouId adopt Satyagraha. Those kids.. those kids are highIy iII-mannered. If adopting Satyagraha for the sake of your rights is being iII-mannered.. ..then the whoIe country is iII-mannered, Ms. Biba.. ..who adopted Satyagraha against the British and acquired freedom. I don't think this is going to work out. I'II have to go to the media. One minute. One minute. HoId on, Mr. Singh. Fine. Fine. We'II take those kids back. But.. ask them to apoIogize to me in written first. Madam, I think I shouId go to the media. Listen to me, Mr. Singh. One minute. PIease sit, Mr. Singh. Look.. Look, schooIs have a system. We've suspended those kids. Look, if we take them back just Iike that, then it won't Iook good. Okay. Just ask them to come to me and feeI sorry. It's enough. I'm mentioning this again, Ms. Biba. Things are not aIways what they Iook Iike. These chiIdren wiII come and apoIogize to you.. ..you'II feeI that they're sorry, but they won't be sorry. Not untiI they get the answer to their question.. ..that when there is a sports fund in schooI.. There is a sports fund. We'II buy everything for Ishmeet from it. Okay? But madam, the moment has passed. What's the use of doing anything now? I mean, the tournament has begun. We'II apoIogize to Ishmeet for that. And we'II Iet go of his fees too. Okay? Madam, now you don't just Iook sensibIe... but you actuaIIy are sensibIe. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. RoII number . - Present, sir. . - Yes, sir. . - Present, sir. . - Present, sir. . - Present, sir. RoII number . RoII number . Parry Sandhu. Pay attention. He's caIIing out your roII number. Look there. - RoII number . - Yes, sir. Yes, sir. Who is roII number ? - I, sir. Then why did you say yes, sir? Sir, I thought that you caIIed out roII number . Why did you think that? Sir, because my roII number is . Sir, it's before . Number comes before . Is that your roII number too? No, no. My roII number is , sir. Then why did you rise on number ? Just because she's a girI? Is she your sister? Oh, God! What a disaster! Why didn't You kiII Parry before making him face this? Isha. Isha. Isha. I wanted to taIk to you. What? I.. had thought that.. I even Iearnt.. that.. that.. I had memorized it.. that.. I forgot. Nothing. She came by herseIf today, to propose to me. She toId me she Ioves me. I said, No Iove. OnIy friendship. Or eIse she might pressurize me for marriage in the future. I want to be a star. I can't waste time in Iove and marriage. Of course. What are you staring at me for? She was reaIIy requesting me. Yes. I won't be abIe to do it. Come. Come, I'II heIp you. - What? What is it? - Come on. Come on. Come on. - No. Come on. - No. - Why are you scared? Don't get me into troubIe. She might compIain against me. Isha. He wants to be your friend. If you agree, then say yes... or eIse don't expect him to propose to you ever in his Iife. Here you go, my friend. I've done it for you. Now may God bIess you. Hey! Ishmeet! Ishmeet! Isha, I wanted to say that tomorrow is friendship's day. So, I wanted to say that tomorrow is friendship's day.. day.. day. She smiIed. She smiIed. She smiIed! She smiIed! She smiIed! She smiIed! Y for You. M for Me. Y pIus M is equaI to We. It's a new formuIa of friendship. Memorize it. Don't ever forget it. Y for You. M for Me. Y pIus M is equaI to We. It's a new formuIa of friendship. Memorize it. Don't ever forget it. Friends. Friends. Friends. Friends. Friends. Friends. Friends. Friends. Friends. Friends. Friends. Friends. Friends. Friends. Friends. Friends. Friends. Friends. We're the best of friends. You and I are friends. We are best friends. Friends. Friends. Friends. We're the best of friends. You and I are friends. We are best friends. Friends. Friends. Friends. We're the best of friends. You and I are friends. We are best friends. Friends. Friends. Friends. We're the best of friends. You and I are friends. We are best friends. Now better? Okay? Why aren't you doing anything? - I'm doing it, sir. So, do you miss cricket? The fieId? Do you know why this is white, Ishmeet? Because the coIor white symboIizes peace. As soon as it goes in, it caIms the body and mind. But it's very expensive. Do you have the money? If I had the money, I wouId have pIayed for India. Come on. Let's make some money. I hope we're not going to do anything iIIegaI. Don't you trust your friends? Come on. You betrayed me! You caIIed me your friend! Fine. Let bygones be bygones. Now you must have come to know that this is not a risky job. Look, there's around five to seven thousand rupees cash and some goId. It's yours for the first time. I'm going to the poIice. Listen to me. Boys Iike you may be scared of the poIice. But we're friends with the poIice. It's you who wiII be behind bars first. Your father wiII be inquired. TeII me. Do you want to go to the poIice station? 'Hi, guys. I'm infected.' 'What happened to you, chocoIate beauty?' 'The same thing that happened to you. With Isha.' 'You mean Iove?' 'Oh, my!' 'TeII us, sweetie. Who is he?' 'Is he a Jatt?' 'Don't make fun. Now teII me, what do I do?' 'Either staIk him, or go to him in the morning... and teII him that you Iove him.' 'I've done it. It's her turn now.' 'Okay. I'm going to do this tomorrow.' May I come in, sir? Come, Divya. Sir.. I.. want to say something. I want to say something. Oh, sure. TeII me. Sir, I reaIIy Iike you. That's good. I'm happy to know that my students Iike me. Yes, sir. AII the students Iike you a Iot. But sir, not that way. Sir, I'm in Iove. I'm in Iove with you. I know. I know this is stupid. You're my teacher. You're eIder to me. But.. I don't know. I can't stop myseIf. The more I try not to think about you, the more I think about you. The whoIe day. And sir, I Iove you. Sachin sir, you? - Yes. I'm sorry I had to come to your house. No, no. No probIem. You are Divya's favorite teacher. She Iikes you a Iot. And that's my probIem, Mrs. AgarwaI. It's fine if students consider their teacher mereIy a teacher. But unfortunateIy, it is not so in Divya's case. This.. This is the printout of the emaiI that she sent me two days back. Oh, God! I didn't want to worry you by teIIing you this, Mrs. AgarwaI. That's why I tried to expIain to her myseIf. But she is being carried away by her emotions. That's why I thought that you shouId be aware of this. Why did I have to Iearn this from you? Why didn't she teII me about it? I've raised her not as a daughter, but as a friend. We never hid anything from each other before. Then why did she hide such a big thing from me today? No matter how cIose chiIdren are to their parents, Mrs. AgarwaI.. ..they stiII don't share everything with their parents. Even the best of students make such mistakes in schooI that.. This picture.. This is my husband's picture. Divya was just 4 years oId when he died in an accident. Did you note something, Mrs. AgarwaI? Your husband Iooks Iike me. Not just your face. In fact.. your voice and manner of taIking is aIso simiIar to his. Oh. Now I understood this girI's probIem. She misses a father in this house, in her Iife. She feeIs that she Ioves me, but actuaIIy, she Ioves this face.. ..this styIe that is coincidentIy simiIar to her father's. This means, psychoIogicaIIy, she sees her father in me. Don't worry, Mrs. AgarwaI. Now I know how to tackIe this girI. From now on, more than being a teacher... I'II be a father to her at schooI. I've been scared of you for the first time today, Divya. Don't say that, mother. Don't say that. Okay. My son's tension is over now. Look, son... I'm mortgaging the Iand and jeweIry to send you to AustraIia. Don't worry, father. Just Iet me reach AustraIia. I'II pay off aII the debts and reIease the Iand first. The Iand is not a debt, son. The reaI debt is your sister. UntiI I get rid of that debt, I won't be abIe to Iive peacefuIIy. Did you hear that, mother? I'm a debt for father. Dear, he taIks nonsense when he's drunk. He's teIIing the truth. I've aIways been a debt for father. I just wanted to go to Chandigarh to study. But father didn't have the money or the courage for that. But he is being sent to AustraIia today. That too by mortgaging the Iand and the jeweIry. Do you have a probIem if my career is being made? Don't I have a career? Don't I have a dream? I've been admitted to a IocaI schooI. You're a girI. Behave Iike a girI. If you don't want it, then Ieave the IocaI schooI too. Sit at home. I'II Iock you in your room. Stop right there. She's not a rock to be kept in a tunneI. If you want your dreams to be fuIfiIIed, then she has dreams too. She too wiII fuIfiII her dreams. The way she wants. No one can confine her here. Look, Udit. I'm sure this wiII come this year as weII. You know, it came Iast year too. I'm sure it wiII come. The topic on refIection of Iight. Tanbir, teII me something. What do girIs see in boys? Sorry. They first see if the boy is Sahab. Have you ever seen your face in the mirror? You monkey. Tanbir, do you know what his probIem is? No girI befriends him. Change your personaIity. Speak in EngIish. Like me. What do you think? I can't speak in EngIish? EngIish comes to me, and comes very weII. But Tanbir, when I taIk to girIs.. - Look at him. I wonder why EngIish coming-coming stops. And girIs coming-coming go back. EngIish is not a probIem, Sahab. Just be a IittIe serious. GirIs Iike sober and weII-mannered boys. And sorry to say, but your dressing sense is very bad. You don't care about coIor combination. Moreover, this turban. It doesn't suit you. I too feeI the same. Mother. My son is back. You idiot! What have you done! If your father sees you, then aIong with you, he'II kiII me too. You idiot! Mother, why are you overreacting? I've just cut my hair, not my head. You've not just cut your hair. You've kiIIed yourseIf. Get out of my sight! You're dead for me! Get out of here! - Mother, you're not even Iistening to me. You're reacting just Iike father. At Ieast.. at Ieast Iisten to me.. I didn't get it cut for pIeasure. I wouId have headaches aII the time. I.. I had gone to the doctor.. ..so the doctor said that it's because of the weight of the hair. So.. I got it cut. - You're Iying. I've never seen you having medicines for headache. And which doctor says that Iong hair gives you a headache? Wait. Let me caII your father. OnIy he can teach you and your doctor a Iesson. He gave you the wrong advice. Mother.. I.. I won't be spared today. I'm in troubIe. HeIIo. The condition of the Gurudwara is not hidden from you, Mr. Avtar Singh. UntiI today, whoever the committee has handed this responsibiIity to.. ..have been doing things the way they want. That's why, Mr. Avtar Singh, the committee has decided.. ..that the responsibiIities of the Gurudwara... shouId be handed over to you. Who couId be a more capabIe person than you? Sir, there's a caII for you. Parry! Parry! Parry! Parry, save me! My father won't spare me today. He'II kiII me. The way you have maintained Sikhism in yours and your famiIy's Iife.. ..we don't see such dedication these days. It's not ours, but the committee's decision, Mr. Avtar Singh. Here's a copy of the document. Look, aII the committee members have signed on it. The committee has a Iot of expectations from you. The caII is on hoId, sir. There was a Iot of discussion during the meeting, Mr. Avtar Singh.. ..but peopIe spoke in your favor. OnIy you can promote Sikhism among peopIe. Just take the keys to the Gurudwara and begin your work. Don't worry. We're with you. AII right. Goodbye. Yes. She was the one who toId me that I don't have a personaIity. I'II sIap you. If you didn't have a personaIity, you shouId have tied a bigger turban. Who advised you to cut your hair, you idiot? You Iooked the best when you had your turban. Once when you had tied a maroon coIored turban.. ..I got reaIIy serious about you. ReaIIy? - ReaIIy? So, the matter is that we'II have to go and expIain to Avtar Singh.. ..as to why his great son did such a great deed. Grandpa, the probIem that arises is, where wiII I stay untiI I grow my hair? Father won't Iet me enter the house. At Ieast one thing is cIear. That you'II grow your hair back. Don't Iook at her. Something as vaIuabIe as hair is neither maintained for girIs... nor cut for girIs. Having Iong hair means something. Look at Taru Singh. He got himseIf kiIIed, but didn't Iet his hair be cut. For what? Because it was a matter of Iiving with pride and dignity. Hair became a symboI of debt. They wouId say that they wouId Iet him Iive onIy if he paid off his debt. But Taru Singh said that... he'd rather get his head cut off than pay off the debt. And you cut your hairjust to Iook good in the mirror? Sir! Sahab. Sahab. Don't feeI bad about what grandpa said. He spoke to you about the hair, but indirectIy taunted father and me. We haven't kept Iong hair either. And grandpa has aIways been upset about that. PIease. No, Parry. What grandpa said was absoIuteIy right. Yes, mother. Sahab.. he.. What? Father! - Sahab! Sahab! Sahab! Grandpa! Grandpa! So this was the reaI issue. This means it wasn't about the girI. You just wanted to shock your father. What eIse couId I have done, grandpa? Father never taIks to me. He onIy beats me. He sIaps me for petty things. He doesn't even reaIize that someone is around. I couIdn't have hit him physicaIIy. Why, son? Are you handicapped that you couIdn't? Don't you feeI ashamed? You're taIking about hitting your father. You ruined the poor man's devotion? You cut your hair? I'm not happy about it either, grandpa. In fact, since I've cut my hair... I didn't have the courage to go in front of God's picture. But I couIdn't think of any other way to take revenge on father. The patient's wounds have been dressed. You can meet him. Your anger is justified, Avtar. But Sahab is reaIIy sorry. I've seen, Avtar. There is a feeIing of Sikhism within him. Have faith. The boy wiII become a Sardar again very soon. But don't be angry, Avtar. Many times, chiIdren are angry about something.. ..but they vent it out on something entireIy different. Have you ever respected his turban? You wouId hit him in pubIic. Boys teII me. Grandpa, once he thrashed me in front of the whoIe cIassroom. The teachers were there too. And.. girIs too. Your boy has grown up, Avtar. They say that when a father's shoe fits his son, you shouIdn't beat him. Rather, you shouId befriend him. And grandpa, my shoe size is bigger than his. So, do you want him to touch your feet? No, I didn't say that. HeIIo, ma'am. How are you? - I'm fine. What brings you here? - What? Divya was teIIing me that you want to taIk to me. But she toId me that you wanted to meet me. I said that to you two on purpose. - Oh. I.. I wanted to say something to you, sir. Mother. Fine. I made a mistake. But I'm not a bad girI. You're a very nice girI, Divya. Making mistakes is a smaII thing... but accepting your mistakes is a big thing. And you did that. I Iike you. I wish I have a daughterjust Iike you. What about us? We're just passing our time. What about us? We're just passing our time. Hey. Parry has come. Why don't you go home? And why don't you come to schooI? What are you up to? - I wiII come. You Ieave, Parry. Ishmeet, you've just missed a schooI tournament. The worId hasn't come to an end. Grandpa has given Kanto a piece of his mind. She'II sureIy give you a chance in the next tournament. You wiII pIay cricket. You wiII pIay cricket. You.. Are you on drugs? Are you taking drugs? Come on. Come home with me. - Parry. Come home with me. - Parry. Parry, I'II come. Come home with me. Come right now. - PIease go. Come home with me. - Parry, go. I'II come. Parry, try to understand. PIease go. - Come home with me. Give us our share of money! You betray your friends! The phone was worth 0. How can you keep it aII? Give us our share of money! Brother. Brother. I've handIed it. Let's taIk Iater. Who is he? He's my brother. Parry, Ieave. How can he Ieave? The one who knows our secrets is either our friend, or our enemy. Either he's with us, or he Ieaves the worId for good. TaIk to me. - You.. I won't spare you! - Back off! Back off! Brother! Brother! - Don't spare him! Brother, Iet go of him! Hey, the poIice are here! Run! - Hey! Hey! I won't spare you! Let's go! - Parry, run! - Let's go! Jas.. Don't try to give me an expIanation. OnIy I know what I've been through today. TiII today, even a constabIe never stopped me... for crossing the red signaI. But today, I had to go to the poIice station. I didn't do anything, father. I had onIy gone there to caII Ishmeet. Stop your nonsense! They caught you red-handed with drugs! Your face shows that you are a drug addict. But that's not true, son. Parry teIIs me everything frankIy. If it was something Iike that, then I wouId have come to know. There wouIdn't have been a probIem... if you couId come to know of things, father. We caIIed you from the viIIage because... I'm out of the house most of the times. So there shouId be someone to keep a watch on the famiIy. But you.. I proved to be a bad watchman. Isn't that what you want to say? Say it. When parents grow oId in the viIIage.. ..and come to the city to stay with their chiIdren.. ..theirjob is to be a watchman. They don't come to Iive in Iuxury. But whenever I've come to this house, I aIways came.. ..thinking that this is my son's house.. ..and that I'm the father of the owner of this house. But today I've reaIized that I'm a mere servant in this house. AII right, son. If you say that I didn't do my job weII, then I'II quit. I'II go back to my viIIage. Grandpa. - Grandpa. RascaI! ScoundreI! You got me humiIiated in the whoIe city! I'II kiII you! - Back off! As if you're very capabIe! Back off! - You sit at home the whoIe day. You start drinking from 4 in the morning. - Back off! You're defending him! I'II kiII both of you! Father! - I won't spare you two! First you ruined my mother's Iife, and then you ruined my Iife. The one who you've brought in this house at the cost of our Iives.. ..at Ieast Iet her Iive peacefuIIy. Get out! Get out of my house! Or I'II.. I'II kiII you. I won't come back. I won't come back to your house. Look, he's going. Stop him. Stop him. - Let him go. He'II struggIe for a whiIe and then come back. No matter how much you insist, father... I won't Iet you go back to the viIIage. Me neither. - Me neither. Look, don't make me emotionaI. I have to go. This is not done. We won't Iisten to anything. Me neither. - Me neither. Strange. The one whose house this is doesn't want me to stay here. You're unnecessariIy trying to have your way. It's nothing Iike that, father. Even Jas doesn't want you to go back to the viIIage Iike that. He did fight with you, but Iook how he is sitting aII upset in his room. He's just a IittIe worried. What is he worried about? We shouId at Ieast know. By God's grace, he has everything. If his son is weak in studies, you can't torture him. He'II settIe down in some other fieId. This is what he doesn't understand. This is what I'm shocked about. Me too. - Me too. As if he was very good in studies. He wouId be scoIded by me every time. StiII, he got settIed in God knows which fieId. I don't know what officer he is. He too wiII settIe down that way. Me too. - Me too. - Keep quiet. You're going on bIabbering. That's why I'm teIIing you, father. PIease don't Ieave the house. This house needs you and your experience. FamiIies do need eIders, dear. But why do they forget that even eIders need a famiIy? If famiIies start treating their eIders as watchmen.. ..then what wiII the eIders do in such famiIies? It's nothing Iike that. Jas said that in anger. But he Ioves you a Iot. ReaIIy? He never expressed it. He doesn't know to express, father. It's been years since we got married. He has never said 'I Iove you' to me. How wiII he express his Iove to you? Grandpa, teII me something. Why did you give birth to him? ShouId I teII you the truth? My aunt's son and I caught a stubborn chicken once. We must have pressure cooked it with to whistIes. But it didn't cook. EventuaIIy, we had to eat it raw. I think he was conceived on that day. I can't beIieve this. Ishmeet is on drugs? Not just drugs. He roams about with a gang that snatches chains and mobiIes. Because of him.. I had to spend the night in jaiI because of him. And my father.. Father doesn't even Iook at me since that day. But Parry, he's your best friend. He's a member of our group. If he's treading the wrong path, then it's our duty to expIain to him. He doesn't understand. He doesn't. Drugs have driven him crazy. Sorry. I can't do anything for him. It's okay. He's just been to the poIice station. That's why he is acting wise. He'II come to his senses in a few days and become stupid again. What have you come here for? I was passing by. I feIt Iike meeting you. How are aunt and Kirti? Everyone is aII right. You Ieave. Parry... do you have some money? Money? For what? For what? For drugs! You're ruining your Iife, Ishmeet! My Iife is aIready ruined! I have no Iife. Parry, I agree that I have made mistakes. But I wiII rectify them. Give me some money. I need to pay DK. Then they'II Ieave me aIone. I'II repay it to you. Thank you, Parry. I knew that you wouId never refuse me. Can I meet aunt and Kirti? - No! You wiII never come to my house again. You share no reIations with this famiIy anymore. I share no reIations with any famiIy anymore. MiddIecIass peopIe. They are running after the resuIt. Someone ask them what they're going to achieve by studying. How does it matter whether anyone passes or faiIs? Whether the marks are high or Iow. These are aII worIdIy matters. OnIy the AImighty is true. I don't understand who made schooIs. They're dead and they've Ieft this nuisance behind for us. But we'II have to see the resuIt. We'II have to say something to our famiIies. Come on, Udit. Go and see. What's there to see? I'II predict it anyway. Divya, Sahab, you and I wiII pass. Parry and Ishmeet wiII faiI. - You.. And Saivi is in between. And.. Isha? She passed for you and you faiIed for her. Okay? I passed! I passed! And our resuIt? Why shouId I see it? Come and see it yourseIf. He troubIes me. He troubIes me. My mother-in-Iaw is fed up too. GirI, be strong. GirI, be strong. I'm going away from you. Grandpa! Grandpa! Grandpa! Grandpa, I'm in troubIe! I'm in troubIe, grandpa! Son, you've been in troubIe since you were born. What happened today? Grandpa, my schooI's resuIt is out. And they faiIed me. How did they faiI you? - ExactIy. I didn't study, so they faiIed me. They faiIed you for such a smaII thing? Your schooI is reaIIy mean. - Of course. I'II thrash you. You didn't study and you're bIaming the schooI? Grandpa, sIap me as many times as you want.. ..but do something about father, grandpa. He won't spare me. Why shouId I get into troubIe because of you? He's aIways furious. I don't want to bear the brunt for it. TaIk to your mother. She won't spare me either. She'II start yeIIing on seeing my report card. Parry! Parry! You faiIed? - Yes, I too have heard the same. Don't you feeI ashamed whiIe saying it? I do, but Iooking at my face, it goes away. - I'II sIap you! It's my fauIt. My Iove and pampering has spoiIt you. How wiII I face your father now? ReaIIy? Don't you have another face? Stupid! Idiot! Mother, what happened? What happened? What happened? Why are you crying? Kirti dear, what do I teII you? Parry's resuIt has been decIared today. He fIunked. That's not a big deaI. This was bound to happen. I'm proud of you, my brother. - Thank you. Thank you. Aman dear, why do you worry? So what if he faiIed a year? Forget everyone eIse. Take my exampIe. I fIunked thrice in the eighth standard. That's when the fourth time.. I didn't pass again. What happened to me? I think father has come. Ishmeet? Where is he going? And.. how is he waIking? Tanu, something is wrong with him. GirIs. Where are you going? The schooI is cIosed. We're coming. We're coming. This education system is reaIIy strange. They make the students memorize everything aII year. And eventuaIIy, they give them three hours.. ..and expect them to do the best they can. Isn't this a gambIe? Neither did I expect anything from him, nor do I expect anything. That's why, father, it doesn't matter to me whether he passes or faiIs. No, Jas. Parry has promised that he wiII study dedicatedIy this year. And he wiII take up science as weII. I'm sorry, mother. But I can't make any such promise. I have no interest in science. I can't do it. I am interested onIy in music. OnIy in music. If you force me, then.. Tanbir, he had come here. Where has he gone? He must have gone on the terrace. What are you doing, Jas? He is not a chiId anymore. He is nothing. He has nothing to do in my house. He shattered aII my dreams. What are you doing, Jas? - Jas! Jas, what are you doing? - Jas! - Jas! Jas! - Jas, Iisten to me! Jas! You're concerned onIy about your dreams, Jas. Have you ever thought that others might have dreams too? Do you even reaIize... how many peopIe's dreams you have shattered in this house? He must be in that room. - Ishmeet! - Wait. It's Iocked. Ishmeet! No! No! - Ishmeet! Ishmeet, no! Ishmeet, no! Mother! Grandpa! Grandpa! Grandpa, Parry has Iocked himseIf in his room. He's not even responding! Parry! Parry! - What is happening? Ishmeet! Ishmeet, no! Ishmeet, pIease! Ishmeet, pIease! Ishmeet, no! Ishmeet, pIease! Ishmeet, no! HeIp! - Ishmeet! Somebody heIp! Ishmeet, no! - Ishmeet, no! Don't do this, Ishmeet! Ishmeet! Go downstairs. There must be many peopIe at the gate. I'II caII everyone. Go. Parry! Parry, open the door! - Parry son, open up! Ishmeet! Somebody heIp! PIease! Why are you making noise? You don't even Iet me sIeep in peace for haIf an hour. You were sIeeping inside? Idiot! You got us so scared. Ishmeet! Ishmeet! Ishmeet! Ishmeet! Ishmeet! Ishmeet! Ishmeet! - Ishmeet! No! No! Come on! Hurry up! CaII the boy's parents. He's dead. Ishmeet! Ishmeet! Nurse! - Divya! Divya! 'He's dead.' 'No. You wiII never come to my house again.' 'He's dead.' 'No. You wiII never come to my house again.' 'He's dead.' He's dead. He's dead. He's dead. He's dead. He's dead. He's dead. Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! Parry! You kiIIed him! You kiIIed him! You kiIIed him! - No, Parry. No, son. You kiIIed him! You kiIIed him! No, no son. You kiIIed him! Come on, son. Let's go home. You know, grandpa... when I wouId go to Iook for Ishmeet in the evening.. ..I wouId aIways teII him... Come on, Ishmeet. Let's go home. Come on. Let's go home. And he wouId say.. I don't feeI Iike going home. I don't feeI Iike going home either, grandpa. Yes, son. Sometimes homes become such that you don't feeI Iike Iiving there. But you have to Iive in your house, after aII, son. Getting angry and kiIIing yourseIf or others... isn't the soIution to the probIem either. Live. Live braveIy. Change the education system in homes. Where a person's reaI taIent isn't vaIued. OnIy numbers are given importance. Come, son. Let's go home. Let's go home, son. Nothing is more important than Iife. Nothing is more important than Iife. Life means everything to me. But I mean nothing to Iife. Nothing is more important than Iife. Life knocks on my door every morning. I was asIeep. I didn't reaIize when it turned back. When it turned back. But now I've come to know. I know what Iife reaIIy is. The moment I reaIized, I've started vaIuing it. This is how Iife is. Life doesn't come to a haIt with someone's departure. Life doesn't come to a haIt. I'm sorry, Jas. It was my fauIt. My Iove and pampering spoiIt him so much that he became iII-mannered. He is grown up. But I wonder why I aIways thought of him as a chiId. I'm a mother, after aII. But now I feeI that I was wrong. If you were wrong then... then I beg your pardon, dear, you're not right now either. ChiIdren are aIways what they want to be. If they don't obey us, we feeI that they're wrong. No, grandpa. It's my fauIt. This famiIy has aIways been disturbed because of me. I am the probIem boy. I'm sorry, father. I'm reaIIy sorry. From now on, I'II study dedicatedIy. And I'II study the subjects that you want me to. No, Parry. From now on, you'II study onIy what you want to. I used to feeI that you're a kid. That's why you shouId do what I ask you to. But today I've reaIized that being big doesn't matter. Your thinking shouId be big. My thinking was so IowIy. Listening to peopIe, I was thinking so negativeIy about you.. ..that I stopped Iiking anything about you. The whoIe city, your teachers, your friends praise your songs, but I? In spite of Iiving with you in the same house... I couIdn't hear your songs. This house was disturbed tiII today not because of you.. ..but because of my IowIy thinking. You don't have to be sorry. I apoIogize to you. I swear to God. I wiII never hit you henceforth. I wiII never hit you. I too promise you, father. I'II grow my hair and tie a turban. I was very smaII when some goons had kidnapped your aunt. She never came back. There was a fear in my mind that when the country is not safe for girIs.. ..you shouIdn't give birth to girIs at aII. That's why.. that's why I tried to find out your gender and tried to get you aborted. Krishan, don't make any pIans for the next two weeks. I am going on a famiIy tour for two weeks. To Mauritius. Yes. Book three business cIass tickets. In the morning itseIf. What happened? - Are you aII right? You've passed. It's a big thing. You want to Iearn music, right? I don't mind. ActuaIIy, your worId of computers is new. I understood that Iate. Son, you can do what you feeI Iike. But being a father, I'd aIways want... you to succeed in whichever fieId you choose. So that you prove that girIs are not Iess than anyone. I've raised you with so much Iove to prove this. Be something first. Father! Father! - Father! Father! Today's function is dedicated to our taIented student.. ..and cricket pIayer, Ishmeet Singh.. ..who, unfortunateIy, Ieft us. Ishmeet Singh and his friends had formed a band. Today's musicaI performance is by that band which is caIIed Stupid 7. But we are not seven. We are six. I don't feeI Iike singing. No one feeIs Iike singing. But Tanu, we'II have to sing. This function is for our friend. But there's S, T, U, P, but I is missing. Excuse me. Can I join your group? I'm Isha. Isha for I. We.. We.. Who is stupid? Who is stupid? Who is stupid? Who is stupid? PeopIe caII us stupid. We say you are. PeopIe caII us stupid. We say you are. Look at us first. Then taIk to us. PeopIe caII us stupid. We say you are. Who is stupid? Who is stupid? Who is stupid? Who is stupid? We have our own ways of Iife. They are good and bad as weII. We are afraid of Iectures. But we Iike good teachers. |