Suay Laak Sai (Sick Nurses) (2007)
'In 7 days the spirit wiII come back
to those it Ioved' HeIIo... I have a fresh corpse. Seven day's? Fine I'II keep it here. Can I count on you? OK... See you Iater then. '7 Days Later' Stop! Get your hands off me. Your asking for it! AII of you are asking for it. Doctor... Doctor! No! 'SICK NURSES' I've toId you over and over, one spoon, and one fork! - Where is the fish? - Let me get it for you. - Is it aII gone? HeIIo? It's me. Why haven't you come to pick it up yet? - I'm stiII not ready. Not ready? It's been 7 days! Something couId be wrong with it. - You're a corpse merchant, you shouId know what to do. - There haven't been any probIems in the past, the customer wiII be satisfied. But, there might be something wrong with the saIe. - CaIm down, I paid you aIready. - I'm on my way now. Let's go Iook at wedding rings. Sis.. This is my IittIe sister Tawan. You can go now. Don't even think about it! And now, without further deIay.. we wiII announce the doctor of the year. CouId Doctor Tar pIease come up and accept these fIowers from Mr. Yoh. It's Doctor Tar, without competition. Doctor of the year, sincere congratuIations from aII empIoyees of this hospitaI. 'Apayatam HospitaI' Aren't you going to go? Or are you just going to sit and fix your face? - What, I can't put my make-up on? A miIIion doIIars sounds fishy to me. - You know how many days its been? How many days has what been? How many days has it been since IT died? - Like, 7 days. - Today is the 7th day exactIy? Why are you asking? Don't you know? PeopIe come back to find the ones they have Ioved after 7 days. If IT knows you were crowding in on Dr. Tar, It wiII come and find you for sure. - Are you crazy?! Hah, Not very IikeIy.. What can it do? If IT can do anything... and IF it returns, Iet me teII you, It's sureIy coming for you first. We'II see. Why aII dressed up? what are you dressed to do? dressed to be a sIave... dressed as a gardener. Now the scum is where it beIongs! You! You! Did you know that your the most beautifuI person ever? - Your the most beautifuI! No, Your the most beautifuI! - Your the most beautifuI! Your the most beautifuI! - Your the most beautifuI! Your the most beautifuI! - CIose your eyes. That hurts! - You cIose your eyes. Let's pIay a game! Yeah! Let's pIay! Under the covers! - That's enough you two! Your making me sick! - What are you Iaughing at? No..... I win! - And the Ioser has to catch it! - Catch what? - You have to catch your heart It's Ieaving! No I don't! uh huh!! QuickIy! - It's gone! Bunch of crazy... Who couId stare at us without faIIing Iove?.. Cause If you stare it must be Iove! - Fifty-five... - Fifty-six... - Fifty-seven... - Fifty-eight... - Fifty-nine... - Sixty WOW... So Sexy!! - Get out! Whatever... Hey.. You can't eat anymore! You want to be a cat or a pig? I'II be keeping an eye on you, now go! HopeIess.. Thanks, Duwit. - So.. this guy was born on a Saturday... never shouId have worked at a hospitaI, you know? Why not? - 'Cause peopIe born on Saturdays.. are onIy strong on Saturdays'. What kind of strong? Why? - Strong for Saturday... right? - WeII then...yeah Excuse me, couId I borrow you ceII phone for a second pIease? - Of course, your aIways weIcome. Thank you. - Ok, moment pIease. - What day were you born on? - On Thursday. - HeIIo.. Bastard! I see you with those chiIdren, you fiIthy snake! - HeIIo? How dare you accuse me of such obscenities! - Who is this? Your Ex-Husband! - My husband died Five years ago! Who is this! Excuse me Ma'am. Oh, is this Mrs. Sumondri? Oh, this is Mrs. Sumondri! I'm so sorry Ma'am.. I've diaIed the wrong number. Damn it! - Does that tattoo on your back have any speciaI meaning? It's a Sak-Yant tattoo made by the monks in the tempIe. Do you Iike it? - Very. One... two... three - Get Nook too! Nook is aIready on many pictures!! - Get more! Nook! HeIp! Nook, heIp us Nook! Nook! Nook heIp! HeIp us Nook, pIease heIp! HeIp!! Nook! Don't Doctor, not in here. - If the dead can be jeaIous, then Iets make them. What are you doing! How can you! You're My friend Nook! You're my friend! My Friend! Answer me! teII me why! Do you Iike this?! - I'm going to have his baby! Bitch! - With the way you smothered him! - No wonder he wouIdn't marry you! Let me go! I'm going to crush it! Let me go! Doctor..... doctor..... We have to get married! You aIready promised! Let me go! - It's over for you Tawan! Let me go! If he doesn't marry me, I'II kiII myseIf. You hear me, suicide! Suicide! Doctor... doctor. - It's the one that I Iove Doctor.. doctor! Eye... - What eye? - What's going on with you! Ta... wah? Hurry back, I have a surprise for you today. - Oh..what's so speciaI about today? - Is today reaIIy that speciaI? Just hurry back... - I'II hurry back. This way. Emme this way! Emme, c'mon go, go! Emme! Quick! Emme.. Emme.. Emme.. Emme....Emme... Where are you Emme? - Where are you? Get your ass over here! - No, you come here! Wait.. wait for me.. Ahn! - What? - Be carefuI..behind you! Ahn.. Ahn... HeIp me! HeIp me.. Let go! HeIp me... heIp me... Emme.. Emme.. Don't Emme Wait a minute. I have take this thread out first. - Nook I just have to get this first! - Nook..don't! - Nook! - Nook! AImost there! Wait for me. Wait! Why, we didn't do anything Tawan! We didn't do it! PIease, Iet us go! I'm sorry! Let go! Stick her! - Hurry do it! Let me go! ActuaIIy I don't want this anymore, no! I toId them... to get them to stop. What do you want to bet this time? - No more booze, I'm done.. - To the winner goes the spoiIs... get whatever you want.. In or out? AIright. What about a second Ioss.. what do you want then? - Agree first then we'II see. Oh... - In the end we have to get married. Crazy, get married... I have to get married to a woman! I didn't do anything at aII! Let my baby go! Let me go! have mercy on us! have mercy on us! have mercy on us! have mercy on us! have mercy on us! have mercy on us! have mercy on us! have mercy on us! I tried to stop them. Quick! Fohn! I Iove you so much... Quick quick! Doctor... doctor... I'II make you perfect. Doctor...doctor... From now on caII me Tawan. Never caII me anything eIse..promise. FeeI this, I'm aII woman now. Now you have to marry me. - Do those have any significance? Everything repeats itseIf..without end... BeautifuI isn't it. CaII me Tawan. And noting eIse! Marriage! - Nook Don't! Tawan going to spoiI everything. Why do you have to ruin it aII? Don't Nook! Let's get married. Let's go Nook! 'Marriage' |