Task, The (2010)

You okay?
I'm so sorry.
No, that's all right.
Really, it is.
You want me to help
you out with this?
Yeah, that would
be amazing. Thanks.
No problem.
Here, let me just help you out here.
These, too?
Okay, here, let me get that for you.
Hey! Hey!
What are you doing?
Come on, boy!
What you're proposing, Connie, is,
to say the very least, extreme.
Very extreme.
I agree, Bob, but in
this particular case,
I truly believe we have
to do whatever it takes.
Come on! Come on!
Okay! Okay!
Come on! Come on!
Move, move, move!
What are you doing?
Get off me.
Please. I don't wanna die.
We all gotta
go sometime, huh?
Four months ago, each of you
little piggies attended auditions
to be on a never-before-seen
reality TV game show.
And guess what?
You won.
Hey. Rhonda Shoemaker.
I think, in life, some people
are meant to be on TV,
and I'm one of them.
My favorite color is yellow,
like the sun.
Hi, I'm Randall,
and I'm totally off-the-hook
gay and proud of it.
You're a cutie, aren't you?
My favorite book is Ok! Magazine.
Hi, I'm Toni,
and I have the IQ of Einstein
and Stephen Hawking,
put together.
I wanna lead our country.
Next question.
My name is Angel,
on loan from England.
Me, too.
He's my brother
Stanton/parole officer.
When Stanton and I were two,
our mother dropped him
on his head.
And he doesn't know.
Well, but I do.
Dixon, 6'2", 200 pounds.
You know, people used to say
I look like Will Smith.
Now they say
Barack Obama. Okay.
The name of the show
is The Task,
and the premise is simple.
To win $20,000 each,
all you have to do is spend
one night in a prison.
That abandoned prison.
Holy shit!
How come I've never
heard of this show?
Like, how do we know this is not
some sort of frat house prank?
This is actually
our third show,
but we won't be
on-air until the fall.
And as for knowing if this is
anything more than a college prank,
you'll just have to play
for the money to find out.
You'll be asked to perform
a series of tasks.
Tasks that will
test your nerves,
your courage and your sanity.
Sounds like fun, right?
What kind of task are
we talking about, dawg?
That I can't tell you.
You either accept the challenge or not.
Feel free to take
the easy way out,
by jumping into
this yellow taxi cab,
yes, the pun is intentional,
and going home.
Make your decision now.
I'm in.
What, you kidding me?
I'll pay you to let me do this.
Where do I sign?
Shit! I can't have no girl
do this while I take off.
My boys will rob my ass
to the grave. I'm in.
I have to look
after my baby sister.
I'm in.
You guys are insane.
Do any of you know the
history of that prison?
Some really fucked up
shit went down in there.
He's right. Some truly
disturbing events
took place on the other
side of those walls.
Like what?
Stick around.
You'll find out.
The total money will be divided
equally between the survivors,
but if all of you make it
through the night,
there will be a substantial bonus.
So the team counts.
Ain't enough money in the world
to make me stay in that place.
So, you're out?
Way out.
Anybody else wanna join him?
Not me.
Well, there's no way
I'm riding all the way
back to the city
with urine boy.
Oh, I'm in.
Just get me
the hell out of here.
Your chariot awaits.
Unlock him.
You guys are idiots.
This is for some
fucking frat party joke
and you're all
gonna be made fun of.
You're all gonna look
like a bunch of losers.
Can't you just see this
video playing at a party?
Or we get famous.
Jesus! There's a freaking
human head in there!
Don't worry, it's not real.
Sure as hell looks real to me.
What we in the business like
to call a "special effect. "
Pretty cool, huh?
A little taste of what's
waiting for you in there.
Thanks to our award-winning
special effects team.
Follow me, my friends.
In the warm,
swampy water,
lazy crocodiles wait
for the next meal.
The Indian crocodiles
have long, pointed faces.
These crocodiles are called...
I see you're
working hard as usual.
Are we ready?
Totally ready.
Totally and absolutely.
Let's keep it that way.
Yes, ma'am.
And the award for "Best
Performance in a Reality TV Show"
goes to me.
Thank you.
Thank you so much.
Great job selling
the fear out there, man.
I can't believe any of those
kids stuck around for the show.
You actually looked like you
were terrified out there.
Well, that's because I am.
I mean, first of all, just looking
at that place totally creeps me out.
And second, I have a cousin
that lives near here,
and he told me that, like,
disappeared in there.
Did you know about that?
About the dead homeless people?
Why didn't you say anything?
Some homeless
people died. Big deal.
That's kind of a lot of
people for a coincidence.
I mean, do you really
think it's safe in there?
Safe enough to get
the show insured.
Any more questions?
How do you sleep at night?
Like a baby.
Let's do this.
We are filming.
All of you have chosen,
of your own free will,
to spend the night
in this prison
for the chance to
win $20,000 each.
Pretty straight forward, right?
Okay, then let's get
this party started.
You'll find everything you
need in your base camp,
which is located in
the Warden's office.
Where's that?
Well, it's kind of complicated.
Maybe one of you
should write it down.
But you took away all
of our possessions,
so how are we supposed
to write it down?
Oh, darn. Then I guess you just
have to remember everything I say.
Go straight down the hall,
hang a right,
another right, then a left.
Then straight on up the
first flight of stairs,
a left, a right,
then one more left.
You want me to say it again?
Too bad.
When you get there,
you'll find the key
to release you
from those shackles.
Is there anyone else inside?
Mmm. Smart question.
We'll just have
to wait and see.
I thought coming out of
the closet was scary.
Have fun,
Good luck.
Where's she going?
Welcome to The Task.
Can you please not do that?
I can't see
a damn thing in here.
Okay. Does anybody
remember which way he said to go?
It's straight,
a right, then a left.
No, it's straight,
two rights then a left.
Too many "straights. "
No, it's, "Go straight
down the hall,
"hang a right, another
right, a left.
"Then straight on up the
first flight of stairs,
"a left, a right,
and one more left. "
What are you?
She's smart.
Bob has found us some really
great contestants here.
Guys, we're gonna
have a great show.
What is this place?
and get ready.
That was fun.
Shut up!
And speed them up.
Yes, my queen.
Hey, hey!
Go, go, go!
Come on!
Come on!
Go, go, go!
Now go!
Left turn.
Why am I not seeing anything?
Shit, shit, shit, shit.
I don't know.
The power's going down,
but the backup should've
kicked in by now.
It's a weird glitch,
Here we are.
We're here.
Damn, it's cold in here.
Look, key.
Hell yeah.
Hey, guys, look.
Yeah, come on.
All right, you.
Who's that?
I guess
it's the Warden.
Get this one.
Yeah, my turn.
Okay, yeah.
Wow. Cool map.
check this out.
What you got, man?
"Greetings, brave contestants.
"That would be me.
"Welcome to Warden Clem
Harvis' personal office.
"In the center of
the room is a box.
"You are to take turns
reaching in the box
"to retrieve
a single chess piece.
"This chess piece will determine
your own personal symbol.
"You cannot trade with any
of the other contestants.
"Legend has it that
the Warden used to put
"a little surprise in the box.
"Razor blades were
a personal favorite. "
Okay, now that's...
That's sick, man.
"Now, it's your turn to put
your hand in the box. "
So, who wants to go first?
What the hell is going on?
I don't know.
What do you mean
you don't know?
I mean, I don't know.
I didn't put anything in the box.
Just the chess pieces.
You should have
seen all of your faces.
She's funny, man.
Not cool, man.
Not cool.
Silly bitch.
Not cool.
Bishop. Yeah.
Black king.
Black rook.
White knight.
White queen.
Hey, look.
Holy shit!
Okay, that is
really fucking creepy.
Welcome, my little
piggies, to The Task.
Now, for a little history
of Pennyville State Prison.
In 1931, with the climbing
budgets during the Depression,
the cold blooded Warden thought he
could keep his fortune on track
by eliminating
certain overhead costs.
His inmates!
the Warden was exposed,
but not before having
executed 85 inmates!
The last person to be served
a death sentence here
was Warden Harvis himself.
To this day, it is on record
that his last words were,
"My work here
is not yet done!"
Rumor has it that the Warden
still roams the halls.
Tonight, you will be asked to go
face to face with the Warden,
and the tortured souls that still
inhabit the building you are now in.
Task one. White Queen.
Try not to die!
Does anybody want to trade?
Hell no!
Well, I don't get it.
What's my task?
"The White Queen will got to the
prison chapel to complete his task.
"The other contestants will
instruct him how to get there,
"by using the radio headsets
"and the map found on the wall
"in the Warden's office.
"Once there, you'll receive
further instructions. "
My greatest fear
would have to be...
Anything to do with
all things religious.
Can you hear me?
Yeah, where are you?
Still in the first hallway.
Okay. It says
to go straight
and take the first
opening on your left.
Nice job with the sound.
Hey, thanks.
Oh, shit.
They turned my torch off.
I can't see a damn thing.
take it easy, Randall.
Now, make a right
and go straight.
There's babies hanging!
I imagine they have the place
wired for audio input.
Audio being more profound in tapping
into our primal fears than sight.
Is that right?
"Continue forward
and there should be
"a corridor off to your right.
"Pennyville Chapel's
located in the same wing
"as the death row jail cells.
"It is in this chapel that
many convicts would visit,
"as they made their way down
"to their final moments
in the gas chamber.
"It is also the place where Warden
Harvis had many prisoners tortured
"just before
putting them to death. "
Sounds like
a real sweetie.
No, I'm good, man.
"The task at hand
is to get to the chapel
"and light a candle for the
souls who died there. "
Freaking stoner.
"Continue forward
"and there should be a large
wooden door to your right. "
Did you hear that?
I don't know.
It was a sound.
Okay, I... I think someone's
in the room with me.
They're using
speakers, Randall.
Oh, my...
Nice set.
Okay, I'm at the altar,
but I don't see anything
to light the candle with.
Okay, never mind.
Now what?
They want you to
turn off your flash light.
Oh. No way. There's no way in
hell that I'm turning off...
Okay, now what?
"Open the Bible
to the marked page
"where you'll find
the Lord's Prayer.
"Having been
desecrated 75 years ago,
"this once holy place is a likely
hotspot of paranormal activity. "
Yeah, okay. I got it.
"You are to call upon the dark
spirit of the Warden Harvis
"by reading
the Lord's prayer... "
Oh, my. "In reverse. "
No way.
Oh, hell no, man.
Don't do that shit.
I can't...
I can't do that.
That's total Satan stuff.
I can't...
"Once your task is completed
"if there is no sign
of the Warden,
"you can return
to base camp. "
Just... Just read it
and come back.
Yeah. Deep breath,
Just do it.
Please forgive me, whoever
I may be pissing off.
This wasn't my idea.
"Evil from us deliver
Father who art in heaven...
"but temptation
into not us lead.
"... Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done.
"On earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day...
"And us against trespass
"who those forgive we as
trespasses our us forgive.
"And bread daily
our day this us give.
"Heaven in is it
"as earth on done be will thy,
"come Kingdom thy.
Name thy be hallowed.
"Heaven in art
who Father our. "
Please say I can leave now.
"Before you head
to the base camp... "
God, Randall, you have
to blow out the candle.
Bloody hell.
You're joking, right?
And sit there
for one minute.
The things I do for money.
Where'd he go?
It would be my estimation that the
production has cut off our ability
to communicate with
our homosexual friend
in order to create a more
terrifying atmosphere.
Hey. We're just finishing
up the first task.
like clockwork.
I think we got
some really good stuff.
Yeah. You, too.
Guys? Guys!
Oh. Hey.
Do you see anyone?
Okay, task completed.
Return to base.
If I knew ahead of time that
it was gonna be that scary,
I would never have done it.
Come on, dude, it couldn't
have been that bad.
Totally not worth the money.
But having done it, it was
totally worth the money.
Oh, thank God I'm finished.
Look at me, I'm still shaking.
I don't think I could
handle doing it again.
You never know.
They might ask you to do another one.
Don't joke.
I swear you can feel some kind
of twisted vibe out there.
It's like walking
through heavy fog,
only it's ice cold.
It was creepy.
Is it me, or is it
getting colder in here?
Yeah, she's right.
I want to go next.
What exactly
do you mean,
"There are some cameras down"?
What do you want me to say?
I'm sorry, but this is
pretty complicated stuff.
We'll get Scelzi to go down
and have a look and fix them.
Get it done and pause the game.
Can you hear me?
Yeah, I need you to go down
and have a look
at some cameras.
Too late.
We need to talk.
I'm busy.
Well, we talk now or I walk.
You know that the
success of this show
is very, very important
to me, right?
It's important
to me too, Taylor.
Okay, good. So why are you
trying to sabotage it, hmm?
What do you mean?
Well, I've been
doing a little research.
And by "research,"
what you actually mean
is you've been fucking
one of the local girls.
Am I right?
Loose lips sink ships, Taylor.
Yeah, well, you know
what she told me?
Okay, this prison didn't just
have a men's wing, all right?
It had a women's wing,
too, all right?
And the twisted fucking Warden
would roam around it, naked,
answering to no one.
He beat them, he raped them,
made them have his children,
then he starved them to death.
People say he even fed some
of them their own babies.
What's your point?
My point?
My point is that the real story
would have made the show a hit!
Everybody would've
been talking about us.
The story you cranked out is
nothing compared to the real one.
I agree.
So why didn't we use it?
Because the town said
they'd sue us if we did.
They did?
Are we done here?
No, wait. No. Wait, wait, wait.
No, there is...
There is one more very important
thing I need to discuss with you.
Oh, yeah?
What's that?
The girl I slept with,
I think she gave me crabs.
I'm gonna go take a nap.
They on?
Yep, they're on.
what was that?
Just a little something
to get me through the night.
Do you want?
No, I do not want.
Just get your hairy butt back here, okay?
Aye, aye, captain.
You scared the shit out of me.
You seem a little tense, man.
You wanna get high?
I've got some good stuff.
Suit yourself.
How we doing? Fixed?
Great. Just great.
We are totally ready to go.
Test two. Bishop!
I would have to say my biggest
fear would be being buried alive.
Where do I go next?
Okay, "Go right at
the end of the hallway.
"This will lead you
to Freedom Row. "
All right,
I'm at the end of Freedom Row.
What do I do next?
Tell him to go right again.
Go straight on
and then right.
Straight and right.
Got it.
Oh, shit!
What? What is it?
I don't know, something just
dripped on my forehead.
It's not real blood.
No shit, Sherlock.
I love that girl.
Okay, do you see
a door to a staircase
somewhere on your left?
Oh, man, please tell me I
get to go up and not down.
"Down one floor
to the lowest level
"in the entire prison complex.
"The level you are going to
"is known amongst inmates
as Suicide Row. "
Shit, man!
Hold me back, hold me back.
Okay, take
approximately 80 paces.
Eighty paces?
Who do I look like, a pirate?
You should see a metal door
once you've gone a flight down.
Yeah, I see it.
It says...
"Welcome to solitary
confinement, cell number five.
"Solitary confinement was
the most feared cell block
"in the entire facility.
"For the violent
and frequently insane,
"cell number five was
the biggest contributor
"to the cell block's
death toll. "
What happened?
No, nothing happened.
This place literally smells like shit.
Look, just tell me
what I need to do
so I can get
the hell out of here.
Okay, do you see a boiler suit?
Yeah, I see it.
Right, put it on.
Ooh. Cool bugs.
You guys ever get tired of
complimenting each other?
I don't. Do you?
The things I do.
I got it on now.
It says, "If an inmate failed
in his suicide attempt,
"he'd be further punished
"by being placed
in the hole. "
"You are to now re-enact the torture
of a prisoner. "
Okay, so where is it?
Under your feet.
Oh, come on!
You gotta be kidding me.
I mean, this thing is, like,
full of shit in here.
Money, money, money.
That's a pretty
harsh task.
"Once in the hole, you are
to await further instructions. "
Shit. They've
cut us off again.
Hey, no offense, but I really
hope you're not my task.
Take a look
at this.
What is it, Snow?
Just tell me.
No. Come look.
What the...
Who is that?
That isn't...
You're fired.
You go behind my back and you
hire some extra to be in the show
when I specifically
told you not to,
and you wanna know
why you're fired?
That's not my guy.
Well, that's weird.
He just disappeared.
Where'd he go?
Who the fuck was that?
I don't know.
Don't look at me.
Look, Connie, you've got to get
that guy out of there, all right?
I mean, this is gonna
screw up the show.
This is gonna kill us.
You're sure this isn't
just you screwing around?
Scout's honor.
Why are you laughing?
This isn't funny.
It's so obvious.
What is so obvious?
Come closer.
Remember when I asked you
why you were having Snow rig
cameras in the control booth?
The network wanted
some guys in there
to shoot some
Fuck me!
Fuck me!
You're right.
It's kind of genius, isn't it?
It's total genius.
What are you two talking about?
We're part of the game.
What? You mean to tell
me that the network
is throwing some twists
into the game
just to see how
freaked out we get?
So what do we do now?
Go on with the show.
As planned.
Task three.
Black King and White Knight.
Task four.
Black Rook and White Queen.
Double trouble.
I like it.
Told you you might have
to do another task.
Okay, Black King
and White Knight
are to turn right and make
their way to the gas chamber.
White Queen and Black
Rook are to go straight
and head to the prison kitchen.
Okay, laters.
Good luck.
My greatest fear would be
being left alone.
"King and Knight
go left and then right.
"Rook and the Queen go
to the end of the hall
"and take
the stairwell down. "
Scelzi, pick up.
I need to talk to you.
Scelzi, are you there?
Can you hear me?
Come on, pick up.
We're in.
"Welcome to
the gathering room.
"The windows in front of you
have been the viewing area
"where hundreds of citizens
"witnessed dozens
of condemned men
"breathe their last breaths.
"If the condemned wished,
"this is where he would
receive his last rights. "
You should see a light
switch at the rear wall.
"If you're being put to death
"during the reign
of Warden Harvis,
"you might also find him
enjoying his evening meal here,
"calling it
'Dinner and a show. '"
"Black King and White Knight
are to enter the gas chamber. "
Again, nice set, Connie.
Can't take credit for that,
it's the real deal.
Only thing the legal
department could clear.
Cool, right?
Well, it's scary all right.
What's that smell?
It is a well documented fact
that execution chambers frequently
have the smell of death in them.
Of course the smell
isn't actually death.
When a human knows his or her
life is about to come to an end,
it will tend to
reach an anxiety level
that will cause it to emit
highly noxious odors.
In this particular case,
we're smelling a combination
of human smells
and the smells of the gas
used to kill said human.
Now for the fun
part, boys and girls.
Black King gets to sit
down in the gas chair.
Black King?
That would be me.
And await further instructions.
"White Queen and Black Rook
are to make their way
"to the rear of
the dining hall.
"There you'll find
some meat and a pan.
"This is to be
cooked and eaten. "
Oh, man!
I'm starving.
"Inmates were always
suspicious that meat supplied
"was not cow, pig or lamb,
"but something else.
"Something sweet and nothing like
anyone had ever tasted before. "
So, we're talking
human flesh, right?
You in?
Guess what you get to do now?
I give up.
You get to strap Toni in.
I'm paraphrasing here, but
Toni should fully comprehend
the fear the victims felt when
they were about to be gassed.
You're good at that.
Let's just say, some of my girlfriends
have been on the kinky side.
Okay, she's all strapped in.
What now?
Okay, you have to exit
the chamber and seal it.
Is that okay with you?
What are you doing?
Just in case.
"Your task is to shut off
the master valve
"before the gas
terminates your teammate. "
You need to
follow the pipes.
Makes sense.
Okay, got it.
My greatest fear?
Well, I'm vegetarian,
so I guess eating meat.
Taking bets?
I will bet 100 on
her throwing up.
Hmm. Not bad.
Mmm. Sweet.
It's weird.
I can't do this.
I can't.
It's my worst nightmare.
Come on, sweetie, that's the show.
Just think,
"No more college debt. "
Look, remember what he said?
"If the team wins, there'll
be a substantial bonus. "
Do it for the team, girlfriend.
You gonna hurl?
Thank you.
Okay, Angel, I'm at the
bottom of the stairs.
What? What is it?
Nothing. It's just more
of that fake blood.
Do you hear me?
He's back.
This really stinks.
Let me out.
Hey, come on.
Hey, let me out, man.
This really stinks. For real.
My God!
Who is that man standing there?
So manly.
Let me out.
I don't know, Con.
This guy is actually starting to creep me out.
You and me both.
Hey. Hey, come back!
Hey, stop playing.
Let me out.
So, what's up?
I need to talk with you.
Big news.
I think the company's
playing us.
Who's there?
Who are you?
Show me the chamber.
The smoke's too thick.
Shall we cover Rook and Queen?
Where are they?
I don't know, but just
give me one second.
Yup, Connie.
Here, I got them.
There's that guy again, see?
Who the hell is that?
Okay, how'd he
get there so quick?
That's the guy from
the painting, right?
Yeah, it looks like him.
No, not cool.
He either walks through walls,
or there are more
than one of them.
We all seen
The Prestige, right?
Do you mind if we pass?
Fake blood pack, fake shiv.
Nice. Nicely done.
In fact,
maybe even Oscar worthy.
No, that's not right.
This is way, way off script.
It looked real to me.
they are playing us.
Trust me.
Warden Harvis,
meet Connie Solomon.
They copied the picture.
Hold on.
No. No.
No! You're right.
He's a real ghost.
Can't get
any more off than that.
That's Stanton he's carrying.
He goes
any further with him,
he's gonna take him
off my grid.
Look, it's a huge prison.
I mean, I couldn't put
my cameras everywhere.
Show me the hole.
Show me the chamber.
Taylor, somebody's gotta go in
there and see if they're okay.
I can tell you,
they don't look okay.
She's acting, acting, acting.
Where is Scelzi then?
I don't know.
Probably off
his face somewhere.
No. No, something
is not right here.
I'm gonna call the office.
Bob. Hi.
Yeah, it's me.
Look, I need to ask you,
have you thrown in any
surprises on this one? Any...
No. Okay.
Yeah, you too.
Good night.
They say they've got no
idea what's going on here.
Still feels wrong.
Okay, I'll go
and prove it to you.
No problemo.
Anyone coming?
Yeah, I'll go.
I'll grab a camera
and get some cool footage.
Thank you.
All right.
Yeah. Again.
Task five. Black Pawn.
Your destination is
cell seven. Lucky.
You must be nice to them.
Easy peasy lemon squeezy!
"Easy peasy
lemon squeezy. "
Let me out!
Hey, this ain't fun no more.
Hey, you know what?
You're actually kind of photogenic.
Yeah, so funny, pretty boy.
Hey. You.
It's freezing in here.
I want to do my task.
Kill the air-con.
What? I turned it off
Come on.
Connie, what do you wanna do?
Hold the game.
Wow, this place is
kind of spooky, right?
Yeah. You should try rigging
our shit in here on your own.
It gets a bit weird.
Look, look.
That guy.
The extra? Where?
Where'd he go?
I don't know.
I didn't see him.
He went
right past here.
Dead end.
What was that?
what was that?
Shit. No!
Put Angel on screen.
We need to get those
kids out of there.
Can you hear me?
Yeah. Hi. Yeah.
Good. Listen up.
There's been a slight
change of plans.
We're gonna need
to stop the show.
I'm gonna be honest with you.
There is somebody
in there with you.
We're not sure.
But I need you to get
yourself out of there
as fast as possible,
You're playing me?
You're trying to freak me out.
It's genius.
Pure genius.
It's great.
It's gonna be a hit show.
No, please. Angel.
My name is Connie Solomon,
I'm the producer of this show,
and I am telling you to get
the hell out of there.
Open the door.
I want to win and
I want my money.
So open the door!
Who opened the door?
Sorry, you're not
serious, are you?
Oh, shit! Sorry, I thought you
were playing to the cameras.
You're task is to memorize
and locate the clearly
marked cell seven.
In this cell,
Warden Harvis received
a near fatal stab wound
from an inmate.
You'll find a key in that cell,
and this key can release
both your inmate colleagues
from the hole
and the gas chamber.
Is that all you got for me?
Easiest money I've ever made.
What am I afraid of?
Great, now she's
gone off my grid.
Who's there?
Where are you? Help!
Hey. Put me down.
Put me down.
Who are you?
This isn't right.
Put me down.
Hold on.
It's you.
There you are.
What the...
Angel, are you okay?
He killed my brother.
He's gonna kill me.
He killed my brother.
Go. Run!
And the winner of The Task is
Connie Solomon.
New Jersey School of Acting.
Not bad for
a straight guy, right?
You all are
complete and total...
Might I add,
very clever assholes!
Hey, congratulations.
You're gonna be on TV.
This is for you.
It's Bob.
Connie, you there?
Yeah, just about.
How in the hell did you
organize all of this?
With great difficulty.
It's gonna make a great show.
I will deal with you later.
I'm gonna de-rig some
of my shit first, okay?
Okay, sure.
You really are an asshole.
You said you wanted a
great show, didn't you?
Well, you got it.
Oh. What about
the others?
You go wrap Toni, I'll
get Dixon and Stanton.
Okay, Snow, that's a wrap.
Hey, guys, you all go get
cleaned up and change.
Let's get ready for the wrap
party and some champagne.
Great acting work.
Show's over.
Good job, Dixon.
Okay, Dixon.
That's a wrap, buddy.
You okay?
Quit dicking around, Snow.
Hey, you got anything to say?
We have to get
them out of there.
No, give it to the camera.
To the camera.
We have to get them out of there.
Hey, kiddo.
Calm down.
The show is over.
We've wrapped.
Give it to the camera.
Give it to the camera.
Get that out of my face!