Tears of the Sun (2003)

Tension that had been brewing for
months in Nigeria exploded yesterday...
...as exiled Gen. Mustafa Yakubu
orchestrated a swift and violent coup...
...against the democratically elected
government of President Samuel Azuka.
In the land with 1 20 million people
and over 250 ethnic groups...
... there'd been a long history
of ethnic enmity...
...particularly between northern Fulani
Moslems and southern Christian Ibo.
The victorious Fulani rebels
have tak en to the streets...
...as outbursts of violence
continue all over the country.
Thousands have been killed in
the fighting or executed thereafter.
Fearing ethnic cleansing, most Ibo
have abandoned their homes...
...and are fleeing the city or searching
for sanctuary wherever they may find it.
Gen. Yakubu has tak en control
of most of the country...
...and appears firmly in charge.
There's no word on the United Nations'
reaction to the coup...
...but United States forces have already
begun to evacuate its embassy.
As you can see behind me,
on the USS Harry S. Truman...
...activity is high as foreign nationals
are evacuated from all over Nigeria.
This once peaceful country...
...has been rocked by a series of ethnic
unrests and brief but bitter battles...
...mainly over control
of Nigeria's vast oil supply.
However, nothing can prepare
the country...
...for the overwhelming and decisive
action that has just taken place.
We have just heard
that the entire presidential family...
...has been assassinated.
l repeat:
The entire presidential family
has been assassinated.
-Welcome aboard, Mr. Ambassador.
-Thank you.
Let me take those for you.
He got one in the leg!
Put him in the sickbay now!
Well, look at you.
-Welcome back.
-Thank you.
We appreciate you've been humping out
there, but we have to put you back in.
Priority tasking. We need to extract
a critical personality ASAP.
Now get some chow,
refit for a three-day LLRP.
See you in chow to debrief.
-...go see the medic.
-Aye, captain.
Attention on deck.
As you were, gentlemen. Sit down.
Everybody get chow?
-Yes, sir.
Now, intel estimates
...scattered throughout this sector.
They've captured
government armories...
...and unfortunately, we have been
supplying them for far too many years.
ln addition, the local militia are killing
anyone who goes to a different church.
All right, now, your prime objective
is to find and extract...
...Dr. Lena Fiore Kendricks with
lnternational Relief Services.
Dr. Kendricks is an American
by marriage.
Her late husband
was Dr. John Kendricks.
Your secondary objective...
...is to extract two nuns and a priest
who run a feel-good near Yolingo...
...if they so choose to leave.
St. Michael's Mission, right here.
You will halo over Cameroon...
...and float into your DZ near the edge
of the Mazon Rain Forest.
When you get your package...
...you will proceed
to your extract LZ Alpha.
Our presence on the ground
will be considered hostile.
...rules of engagement?
You will defend yourselves if you're
fired upon. Otherwise, do not engage.
Sir, what's our escape-and-evasion
Patrol the Cameroon border
through the Tandjile Pass.
Anything else, gentlemen?
All right.
Gentlemen, three minutes out.
lt's okay. lt's okay.
You speak English?
You speak English?
Good. Good.
l'm not gonna hurt you.
Are there any soldiers here?
Any rebel soldiers?
You sure? You sure?
Good. Good. Can you take me
to Dr. Lena Kendricks?
Do you know who she is?
Okay, here we go.
Nice and easy. Come on.
Zee, we're moving.
lt's all right. l'm not gonna
hurt you, okay?
Lasana, where's that wa--?
These American men are here
to see you!
l'm Lt. Waters with the U.S. Navy.
l'm here to get you and your people out.
We're in the middle of surgery here.
Ma'am, you don't realize
what's about to happen here.
Are you a nun?
Are you one of the nuns?
-Are you a nun, ma'am?
-Yes, sir.
Good. Pack your things
and let's get out of here now.
Get those weapons out
of my operating room.
You're frightening my staff.
l'll be with you when l'm done.
Now please wait outside!
Your staff should be frightened,
Do you know what'll happen to you
and these women when rebels get here?
Doc, maybe you can help her out.
Ma'am, may l assist?
-Are you a doctor?
-No, l'm a corpsman, ma'am.
-Can you stitch?
-Yes, ma'am.
-Are you sure?
-Yeah, he's sure.
Then close for me.
We're taking our good old time here.
All right, Lt. Waters, l'm all yours.
Hurry up, Doc.
l assume you have a plan
to get us all out of here?
Yes, ma'am. Come with me, please.
We've got a 1 2-klick hike to make
to rendezvous to the helicopter.
Get your things together,
but pack light.
Zee, bring your perimeter up.
Keep Flea in place.
We spotted a rebel company
outside of Yolingo on the way in.
We must assume they'll be here
by night, if not sooner.
l'm responsible for 7 0 people here, more
than half of them seriously wounded.
My orders are to evacuate
foreign nationals only, ma'am.
What does that mean?
l mean nonindigenous personnel,
Then we have a problem.
l will not leave without
the indigenous personnel.
We're here to get you out.
Now, l suggest you go find the priest...
...go find the nuns, pack your things
and prepare to move.
When the rebel troops get here,
they'll kill everything they see...
...including privileged white doctors.
-What part of that plan don't you get?
-The Cameroon border's 40 miles away!
-You could fly them out in 30 minutes!
-Can't do that.
-Why not?
-Because my orders are very clear:
Evacuate the priest, you and the two
nuns. Now pack and get ready to move.
We can take those who can walk.
They're not my responsibility.
You are my responsibility.
You're right, lieutenant...
...it's not your problem.
lt is my responsibility...
...and l will not leave
without my people.
All right, give me a minute.
-A minute?
-That's right.
Sixty seconds. l suggest you use
that time to go find the priest.
Get Command on the horn.
Eagle One to Command.
-Lena, what's going on?
-l don't know yet.
Eagle One to Command.
Eagle One.
Yeah, captain, we got a problem.
No, we got her.
But she wants to bring the 7 0 people
here along with her.
Yes, sir, l understand.
l will handle it.
Eagle One, out.
Dr. Kendricks.
You win. Get your people together.
We leave in a half an hour.
There will be helicopters for them too?
Yes. We can only take those who can
move under their own power.
l understand.
Thank you, lieutenant.
Hurry, please.
Why don't we just get Doc
to tranq her the fuck out?
That's a great idea, Red. Drugging
and kidnapping an American doctor.
l ain't sure this bitch is American.
The doctor is the mission, Red.
Stick with her.
-And we're taking all these people out?
-Go on.
We need everyone able
to travel ready to go.
We must leave quickly.
God will bless you, Lena.
-What did the captain say?
-What the fuck you think he said?
Okay, let's clear these hooches.
Come here, you guys.
lt's okay. lt's okay. Come on.
Hour and a half off the rendezvous
with the bird.
-Can only bring what they carry by back.
-Roger that.
-Where's that priest?
-He says he ain't coming.
Bless you, Lena.
Thank you for everything.
Don't cry, Sister, please.
We'll see each other again.
Take care of yourself.
-You got it, Lake?
-Hundred percent, sir.
All right. Let's go.
Take us out of here,
but don't run away from us.
Roger that.
Keep them moving. Keep them moving.
Come on.
Keep them moving, Slo.
Get her out of there.
Come on. Come on. Come on.
Hey. Come on, let's go.
-Come on, now.
-Catch up!
Sister Grace.
-The mother?
-She is dead.
Oh, no.
Oh, no.
What am l going to do
with this child?
Lena, you'll have to take this child.
lt's the only chance she has.
We gotta move quicker than this.
We gotta get back for the Falcon game.
Come on.
Take care of yourself, girl.
Sister Siobhan.
Mind yourself.
Let's go, Sister. Pick your bag up.
Let's go now.
l'm not going.
-L.T., she doesn't want to leave.
-l'm not going.
Good luck.
-God bless you.
-Thanks be to God.
All right, let's make it quick.
Come on, ma'am, let's go.
Come on. We have plenty of work
to do now. Come on.
Take care.
Go with God.
-God already left Africa.
Go easy, doc. Watch your step.
l got her.
We're only five klicks in. lt's seven
and a half miles to LZ Alpha.
We go any slower, we'll start going
backwards in time.
-Red, what do you got back there?
-Five stragglers.
-30 meters and falling from main body.
-All right, roll them up ASAP.
Let's go.
Come on. You've gotta speed up.
Ma'am, speed up.
You too. You--
Watch those trees.
l'm gonna help you.
lt's all right. l'll tell them.
We got you.
We need to stop.
-l heard you.
We can't stop.
Behind schedule. Come on.
These people need to rest.
And we have a child
who needs medication.
Here we go.
There you go, ma'am.
Let's go.
Let's go, doctor.
Come on, sir. Here we go.
What you want to do?
Rest for 30.
Lake, hold it up.
We're gonna rest for 30.
Set a perimeter.
Perimeter up.
Ma'am, we gonna take 30.
L.T., we got guerrilla rebels inbound...
... on our path.
Dr. Kendricks, come with me
right away. Come here.
There's danger on the trail. You must do
everything you can to-- Listen to me!
You must do everything you can to keep
that baby quiet, you understand me?
Whatever it takes. Go now.
Get up. Get up.
Danger close.
Oh, fuck. L.T., straggler, straggler.
Danger close.
Go on, ma'am. Go.
Now is good. Go!
Lake, lead us out before they
realize their tailgunner's gone.
And find us a safe place to rest.
Wait! They're going to the mission.
You have to stop them.
l can't do that. lt'd risk the safety
of all these people here.
-Besides, they may bypass the mission.
-You know they won't.
There are a lot of possible scenarios
that could happen, Dr. Kendricks.
l don't presume
to know them all. Red?
Dr. Kendricks.
-Let's go.
Come on.
Can't you sleep, lieutenant?
lt's my watch, ma'am.
You can call me Lena.
Dr. Kendricks, l suggest
you get some rest.
You know....
Thank you for saving my life.
lt wasn't about saving your life.
lt's about getting the job done.
Completing the mission, that's all.
My dear...
...a thousand difficulties
don't make a doubt.
-But l'm not a good Catholic.
-You don't know that. Only God knows.
This is a house of God.
We have no soldiers here.
There are only sick people here.
Please, sir.
-Gentlemen, please.
-No! No!
No! Please! Please!
Commander, please.
This is a house of God.
We have no soldiers here. We have
hope. We have only sick people here.
We have only sick people here.
No, commander.
And blessed is the fruit of thy womb,
Holy Mary, mother of God...
...pray for us sinners
now at the hour of our death.
Commander, no!
Holy Mary, mother of God....
What the fuck was that?
Flea, Lake, status?
Clear, L.T.
Star One, this is Eagle One.
Be advised on location.
This is Star One. My ETA,
your location, five minutes.
Popping smoke.
Do you have smoke?
Roger. Yellow smok e.
That's us.
Eyes on.
Slo, bring her up.
-Let's go! Come on! Now!
-Let's go, ma'am. Come on.
Let's go now! Come on! You're first!
Let's go!
Goddamn it, let's go! We're late.
Come on!
Why doesn't the other helicopter
come down?!
lt's a gunship!
lt's here to protect us!
-What about the others?
-They'll be fine! Keep moving! Hurry up!
You gotta move faster!
-What are you doing?!
-Keep your head down!
Stand back.
-Where is she going?
-Wait! Back!
Keep your head down!
-Let us go!
-Dr. Lena!
-Wait! Get back!
-Dr. Lena!
Answer me! You never planned
on taking all of us out, did you?
l simply follow orders! My orders are
to get you out! Get on the helicopter!
-What about my people?!
-l'm not here for them.
You lied to me!
You lied to me!
Liar! Bastard!
Lena! Let me go!
What about my people?!
l won't leave them!
You lied to me!
-They're gonna die!
-Secure the doctor.
Dr. Lena! Dr. Lena!
Who decides for me?! You?!
Your government?!
Bastard! l won't leave them!
Let's go! Let's go now!
Let's go!
Let's go! Go! Let's go!
Lena! Lena!
Listen to me!
Listen to me! lt's okay.
Let's go!
Lt. Waters. Starboard side.
We saw this on the way in.
Come on.
Let's turn it around.
We can only take 1 2 people.
Old, young, anybody
who'll slow us down.
We'll meet up again in Cameroon.
Go. And tell the others.
-God will bless you.
-Hurry, please.
Thank you.
Hurry, please.
Go with the package.
Now, goddamn it!
What are you doing?
New mission?
Same mission.
Get them ready, Zee.
God will protect you.
Take Mama's cross. Take Mama's cross.
Let's go! Get her ready.
We gotta go. We gotta go.
Let's go! Let's go. Come on!
Get her out of there!
Get off!
-Patience! She'll be safe.
-She's my baby!
Keep your head down.
She has no one to care for her.
Ma'am, you gotta take this baby!
Hold her tight!
-Keep your heads down!
-No more packs, sir. We're maxed out.
See you in Cameroon.
Come on. Let's go.
Here we go. Stay low.
Head down.
Let's go.
Sergeant! Let's go!
Eagle One, over.
Can you wait one, sir?
Yes, sir?
Lieutenant, why is that bird full of
refugees and not your criticals?
The doctor wouldn't leave her people.
You can't get a woman on a helo?
She was on the bird.
-It's difficult to explain, sir.
-Oh, come on.
We're marching them to LZ Bravo.
Request helicopters to take them out.
Negative on the evac at LZ Bravo.
Come on, give me three choppers. l'll
have them in Cameroon in 20 minutes.
Birds have taken heavy fire. We've
stopped entering Nigerian airspace.
We'll give you what help we can
from our end, but right now...
...you are on your own.
Man, l hope you know
what you're doing.
Me too, sir.
All right. We'll keep you advised
if the situation changes.
Negative on the evac.
Come on. There you go. Come on.
Hang on to the knot, doctor.
-Come on.
-We got you.
Come on. Come on, doc.
Some went in the helicopter.
Some went up the mountain...
...to Cameroon.
Give me your chow, man.
l don't like roast beef anyway.
We're a little over 30 klicks
to the path to Cameroon.
Roger that.
What do you got?
We got a large body 1 0 klicks back,
bearing 3-6-0 and closing.
How strong?
Thirty, maybe platoon strength,
maybe more.
Could be.
Why would anybody be following us?
l don't know.
But we're gonna find out.
Good job.
-Keep an eye on them.
-Roger that.
-We got a problem.
We got possible hostiles on our 6.
Get them up, get them ready to move.
Roger that.
Dr. Kendricks, could you come with me,
Thank you. lt'll just take a second.
-Do you know why anybody'd follow us?
-No, l don't.
You sure?
Yes, l'm sure.
-Think hard.
-l told you, l don't know.
Get your people ready to go now.
These people have been going
for over 30 hours.
Come on.
Red, help the doctor get ready to move.
How you doing?
The fuck you mean, how am l doing?
You know what l'm talking about.
You know as well as l do...
...that when we left that mission,
those people were dead.
And then we take 28 men, women
and children...
...and we hump for a day.
Zee, keep them moving.
Be with you in a second.
We get them to the LZ, and we leave
them behind to die like the others.
l'm confused.
And the boys are confused.
Get to the point.
Why'd you turn that bird around, L.T.?
Talk to me.
l'm with you either way.
You know that.
When l figure it out, l'll let you know.
This way.
-Go, Lake.
You're gonna want to come
tak e a look at this.
Get Dr. Kendricks up here. Come here.
We'll rest here for a minute. Stay down
in these trees. Listen to my men. Go!
Stay down. Stay down.
Zee, Flea, with me.
What do you got?
Ringside seats to an ethnic cleansing.
How strong?
l counted seven so far, sir.
-Flea, get eyes on.
-Roger that.
There could be more in the hooches.
Bring them up.
Sir, we could go around them
to the north.
Rules of engagement.
We're already engaged.
Hand me the binoculars.
Flea, you got the Zippo?
Roger that.
Zippo first.
Red Team, right flank. This way.
Edge of clearing. Wait for my go.
Silent and quick.
Gold Team, on me.
Silk, close up that back door.
-Flea, keep your eye on the package.
-Roger that.
Let's go.
Been going at it all day.
-Roger that.
lt's okay. l'm here to help you.
l'll help you. lt's okay.
Go! Run! Get out of here!
-Doc, get them out of here!
Go! Go!
Hold on. You hold on.
Come on, little man, come on.
Boss, you want me to take a look
at that?
l'm all right.
lt's a kid. lt's only a fucking kid.
Motherfucker. Get the fuck up.
Look at your work, motherfucker.
Doc, get over here.
Her baby's dead.
Eternal rest grant unto her, oh, Lord.
Let perpetual light shine on her.
May her soul and the souls
of all the dead rest in peace.
Eternal rest grant unto her, oh, Lord.
Let perpetual light shine on her.
Eternal rest grant unto her, oh, Lord.
Let perpetual light shine on her.
May her soul and the souls
of all the dead rest in peace.
She has a low pulse.
How can they do this?
This is what they do.
They cut off the breasts
of nursing mothers...
...so that they'll never again
feed their own babies.
This is what they do.
l need morphine.
Dr. Kendricks.
Dr. Kendricks.
lt's all right.
-ls something wrong?
-Let me take care of your arm.
All right.
Try this.
lt will help you stay awake.
What is it?
Cola nut from the tree.
lt's harmless.
We've been using them
for generations.
Patience, right?
How long you been at the mission?
l live there.
l've been living there since l was 1 0.
How come?
l heard they were helping children
who had been forced into the war...
...so l ran to them.
Will you get me to my daughter?
Yes, ma'am.
How'd you end up here in Africa?
l came here with my husband.
We wanted to help.
We went to Sierra Leone.
They were short of doctors there.
How did your husband die?
We were at the hospital.
The rebels came.
My husband tried to stop them,
to protect me...
...but he couldn't.
l'm sorry.
You did a good thing today.
l don't know if it was a good thing
or not.
Feels like so long since l've done...
...a good thing, the right thing.
You should have some rest.
Thank you for taking care of my arm.
Easy, boss.
-Are we there yet?
-Glad to see you still got it...
...but we got trouble.
You all right?
What do you got?
This is the outfit
that's been on our tail.
-Hey. You with me, boss?
-This is at 2200 hours.
Four hours ago.
Three hours.
We figured they'd make camp
and come at us after first light, right?
Bad call.
Two hours ago.
These guys run the damned Olympics.
They've been closing in on us all night.
How long we got?
An hour, two tops.
We shouldn't have stopped.
How the fuck are they tracking us
at night?
Someone's transmitting something.
We got a rat in the nest.
Get them up.
Take their weapons away.
We search everybody right now.
-Okay, team.
-Dr. Kendricks.
-Turn two.
-Lena. Get up.
Everybody, up.
Point out everybody that came into
the mission in the last three days.
-Right now.
-Let's see the weapons.
Give me your weapons.
-Let's go. Step forward, sir.
Who else?
Who else?!
These people.
-Step forward, you two, right now.
-On your knees.
Down! Now!
-Hey! What the hell are you doing?
-He's my friend!
You know what?
He could also be armed.
Get back there with the others!
Go on!
-Watch his hands.
What the hell is that?
What do you got?
He's bugged.
You fuck!
-Stop it!
-Who told you to do this?
-They have my family.
-Who told you to do it?!
-They have my family.
-Who has your family?!
l was promised no harm
will come to them.
-Who told you to do it?!
-Stop it!
-Who told you to do it?!
-Col. Sadick.
Col. Sadick.
l am one of many
who give him information.
About who?
lnformation about who?!
We have to follow....
Who?! Who?!
We have to follow....
-Follow who?!
l am not a killer.
The fuck you're not.
-What do you wanna do with him?
-Let him bleed out.
What is going to happen
to my family?
l don't know.
-Help them.
-Zee. Lake.
-Get them up.
-Everybody up. Now.
Who knows what this is?
This is a transmitter.
l took this off Gideon's dead body...
...Dr. Kendricks' good friend.
You have any more of these here?
Why would anybody wanna transmit
our position?
Transmit our position
to over 300 Nigerian soldiers...
...who ran all night...
...to get to within an hour and a half
of where we are now?
Somebody's gonna tell me.
Somebody's gonna start talking
right now.
Because if they don't tell me
what l want to know...
...by the time l count to five...
...l'm gonna kill someone else.
Don't fuck with me.
There's no need for this.
Now you got something
to say to me, don't you?
My name is Arthur Azuka.
l'm the only son
of President Samuel Azuka.
Please don't blame them.
l'm sorry to have misled you...
...but there are enemies
looking for me everywhere.
That is why you're being pursued.
Our report said the entire
presidential family was executed.
Your reports were incorrect.
They were not executed.
They murdered my father...
...along with my mother...
...and my two...
...younger sisters...
...out of greed...
...and my father's fight for democracy
for his people.
My people.
When it first appeared
there might be trouble...
...my father sent me away with this man.
Col. Okeze.
Lieutenant, his father was more
than the president.
He was the tribal king.
That makes him the heir
to the lbo nation.
lt's a bloodline they must cut.
The Fulanis will comb heaven
and earth to find him.
You knew about this?
You knew all the time,
and you didn't tell me.
l didn't trust you...
...at the time.
l wonder what it takes
to earn your trust.
Red, Lake.
Tell them to pack their things.
We're leaving.
Men, give them their weapons.
We're moving out of here.
-Pack up your things.
-Come on.
Move it out!
-Get in, get out. Okay?
-Come on.
Move it. Move it.
-Come on. See you. Hurry back.
-Back in formation.
They must continue their route to
the Tandjile Pass or they'll lose a day.
So they must come out here,
near the Cameroon border.
How many men
do you have in Gashanka?
Right on time.
Good hustle, Red.
Come on up and brief Zee.
This river will get us
straight into Cameroon.
They'll be expecting us.
What do you think?
l think we're fucked
either way we go.
We backtrack, cross downstream...
...come up, go through the jungle
and rip right into Cameroon.
Roger that. Let the other men know.
-Yes, sir.
-Good job.
-What do you got?
-Rhodes on the phone.
Yes, sir, captain, this is Waters.
lntel reports military elements
in your sector...
...conducting search and destroy
of a U.S. military unit...
...moving with Arthur Azuka, son of the
late president. What can you tell me?
Yes, sir, we just discovered that
He and his bodyguard hid themselves
within Dr. Kendricks' refugee party.
That's a major problem, lieutenant.
He inv olves your mission in the
internal politics of a foreign nation...
...affecting U.S. diplomacy and
seriously increases the mission's risk.
He's considered a criminal
by the new regime.
He's a major liability.
-What exactly does that mean, sir?
-His party is excess cargo.
You mean he's not human, sir?
Captain, this man is the lbo tribal
leader. Do you know what that means?
Cut the shit. Who do you think l am?
Sir, we both know what'll happen to him
if l leave him out here.
There won't be a trial or a jury.
Outside the courthouse,
they'll put two in his head.
l'm just asking for a little help here.
Put yourself in my shoes, Bill.
l've been in your shoes, lieutenant.
Send in an air evac immediately
and get all of us out of here, sir.
Negative on air support at this time.
Airspace is too hot.
Your judgment has risk ed the lives of
your men and the mission's success.
l advise you, complete the evacuation
as planned! Do you read me?!
Yes, sir, l read you. Loud and clear.
But l cannot, in good conscience, do that
without taking these people to safety.
That's not your mission!
When have l not completed a mission?
My team will complete this mission.
l give you my word on that.
l don't like this.
Get your ass back here alive
soon as possible.
Maintain contact with OP center.
l'll direct air support
as soon as l can.
I promise you.
Yes, sir.
Eagle One, out.
Bring them up.
Everybody up on L.T. now. Double time.
So much for diplomacy.
Come on, let's go.
Here's the deal. lt's been strongly
suggested that we turn over Arthur...
...and abandon these refugees
out here in the bush.
l'll tell you right now
l'm not gonna do that.
l can't do that.
l broke my own rule.
l started to give a fuck...
...and brought you guys along with me.
We're about to walk into some serious
shit. Before we do, l'd just like...
...to hear what you guys have to say
about it. That's all. Speak freely.
ln my opinion, sir...
...we cut our losses.
This isn't our fucking war.
As far as me being in or out...
...you know the answer to that.
Let's get these people to safety.
Let's finish the job.
l can't leave them, sir.
l'm good to go.
What about you, Red?
l can't look at them
like packages anymore.
l'm gonna get them out...
...or l'm going to die trying.
Are we there yet?
Thanks, fellas.
Strip those packs down
to rolling gear only.
Have the refugees drop anything
that don't go '' boom.'' Let's move.
Double time. Let's go. Hustle.
...those Africans are my people too.
For all the years that we were told
to stand down and to stand by...
...you're doing the right thing.
For our sins.
We gotta go.
Let's go.
l'm sorry l didn't tell you
about Arthur.
l should have trusted you.
lt's not your fault.
l would've done the same thing
if l was in your position.
l wouldn't have trusted me either.
l'm gonna get your people
to Cameroon.
l promise.
Come on. We gotta hurry.
L.T., hold one.
Hold one.
What do you got, Lake?
Everybody down.
Get down! Get down!
Where you at, motherfuckers?
Where you at?
Fat fuck.
Look at this motherfucker.
Clear, L.T. lt's just a pig.
l'm crossing over.
Sniper, 1 1 o'clock.
Sniper, 1 1 o'clock.
-Smoke! Give me smoke!
...l got hit. Sniper.
-Look who it is. The fucking cavalry.
-Keep your hand on that.
-Sit him up.
-How's he doing?
He's all right. One in the shoulder.
Clean hit.
Sorry, sir. He caught me sleeping.
Don't worry about it.
-Did you get that little son of a bitch?
-We got some of him.
-You see anybody else?
-l'm better than that, sir.
-Don't worry.
l'm better than that.
-Fuck that.
-Can you walk?
Yes, sir.
Let's go, Doc. Make it tight.
Get me back in this shit.
All right. Ready.
Get down!
Dr. Kendricks!
Lena, listen. Wake up.
Wake up. Oh, God. Wake up.
Wake up. Do you hear me?
Okeze! Okeze!
Wake up.
Lena, listen to me.
We've gotta get out of here now!
You hear me?
Listen, we gotta get out of here.
We gotta get out of here right now.
Slo, Zee, get them ready to go now!
Sit up.
-Oh, fuck! Goddamn it!
l never saw it coming, boss.
Son of a bitch.
lt wasn't supposed to happen
like this.
lt's my fault.
lt's my fault, all right?
-You know what to do, right?
Yeah, l know what to do.
You hear me? l got it, okay?
Breathe. Just relax.
You'll get them there, right?
lt's not for nothing, right? Right?
l'll get them there. Don't worry.
l got it.
l got everything, all right?
Don't worry.
Breathe, Slo. Breathe, breathe.
l guess we're there, huh, boss?
Yeah, we're there.
Zee, get these people ready to go.
Do it now.
...get his weapons and ammunition.
What about the body?
We gotta come back for it.
Goddamn it.
Goddamn it!
-Listen to me, goddamn it! Listen to me!
This man is dead. lf you don't
want his death to be meaningless...
...it's time for you to become a man
and get your people into Cameroon!
Now cowboy the fuck up!
You got it?
Do you understand me?
-Yes, sir.
-You all right?
-Yes, sir.
-Stay with this man.
-Yes, sir.
lt's your job to keep him alive!
Everybody down!
lt's your job to keep him alive!
Everybody down!
Get down! Stay down!
Open up those toolboxes, boys.
They'll be coming!
Conserve your ammo!
Get down! Get back.
-Red, how many claymores you got?
-One, sir.
Stand by to lay down cover fire for Red.
On my mark!
And now!
Everybody down!
Command, this is Eagle One!
Under hostile enemy attack!
Request immediate air support!
Location: one klick south
of Tandjile Pass.
l say again, request
immediate air support.
Location: one klick south
of Tandjile Pass. Come back!
Stand by to peel!
Zee, get them out of here now!
You have to run! Do not stop
till you hit the trees. Go now!
-Come on!
-Let's go! Let's go! Move it!
Move! Now! Go!
-Let's go! Come on! Let's go!
-Move! Go!
Dr. Kendricks, keep your head down!
Let's go!
Doc, let's go! Run! Run!
Ready! Peel left!
Go! Peel out!
Hold the line!
Get up! Get up!
Get up! Come on! Come on!
Come on! We have to go!
Dr. Kendricks, let's go!
Go! Go!
Run! Go!
Dr. Kendricks, we have to go!
Hold the line!
Hold the line!
Flea! Come on, Flea!
Peel! Peel now! Drop them!
Arthur. Arthur! You okay?
-Get ready to go.
You okay? You okay?
Help me get her up.
Help me get her up!
Fuck you!
Go! Go! Go!
-Move out!
-Go! Go now!
-Move, Zee! Go!
Damn it!
Get that knife off me.
Tie it around my leg. Tight! Tight!
You guys are gonna have to help me.
Eagle One, this is Star One.
Do you read me? Come in.
Come on! We're here!
Go! Go! Go! Now! Run!
-Run straight for that gate!
-We have to go!
We have to go! Dr. Kendricks, let's go!
Forward! Come on!
Hang on! Hang on! We're here.
We're at the border.
The gate's right over there!
Excuse me, let us through.
Please. Let us through.
Let us through! Open the gates!
Please open the gates! Please!
-Coming in!
Doc, check him out.
-How's he doing?
-Got a low pulse.
Eagle One, this is Star One. Eagle One,
this is Star One. Do you read?
Star One, this is Eagle One. Go!
What do you got down there, L.T.?
l got beaucoup bad guys between
the tree line and my smoke!
Doc, pop smoke now!
-Where's Silk and Red?
-Silk's dead.
l don't think Red made it either.
You stay with me, Zee.
Zee, you stay with me. Stay with me.
You have to help these people!
l'm an American! Open it!
l got white smoke, L.T.
Let her rip, Todd. Danger close!
Roger that. Coming in hot.
Oh, my God.
Red! Red! Come on, Red!
Come on!
Move it! Forward! Come on!
Red, come on!
Get down! Get your head down.
Keep Zee moving.
-Arthur, help me.
-Lieutenant. You're okay.
-We made it.
-Yes, we made it.
You made it.
Lieutenant. Lieutenant.
We made it.
l'm sorry about your men.
l will never forget you.
God will never forget you, lieutenant.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
Take care.
Open up! Open up!
Open up! Open up!
Open the gate. Open the gate.
Welcome back, lieutenant.
This is Dr. Lena Kendricks, captain.
This is Arthur Azuka...
...son of the late President
Samuel Azuka.
-l have men down in the field, sir.
-We'll take care of them.
-The doctor needs medical attention.
-So do you. Get them in here.
-My men also....
-Take care of them.
-Let's go. Come on! Move.
-Let's go!
-Over here!
-Come on. Zee, come on.
You made it. You made it.
Lena! Lena! Lena!
Lena! Lena!
We love you, Lena.
All of us.
We will always love you.
l love you too.
Move him in.
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