Teen Beach 2 (2015)

- Are we there, yet?
- Almost.
Wait, we're not doing that blindfolded
surfing thing again, are we?
'Cause that didn't exactly end
up being one of your better ideas.
First of all, that buoy
had no business being there.
Second of all, no, we're not going surfing.
At least not yet.
Okay. Do you recognize it?
- No.
- No?
Unless it's the grassy
clearing in dolphin's
cove, right by the lifeguard tower,
which happens to be the exact spot
we met three months ago to this day.
To the minute, actually.
At the beginning
of what's turned out to be
the most bodacious summer of my life.
Even the part when we got
trapped in a 1960s beach movie.
Brady, it's beautiful.
I had to do something
cool for our meet-iversary.
It all happened right here.
You were walking on the beach.
I sat there watching wet
side story on my tablet.
And I thought, "who is the
surfer dude with the shiny hair?"
And you said, "wanna watch the
awesomest movie ever made?"
And I said, "I don't think
'awesomest' is a real word.
And even if it was, that
movie's definitely not it. "
Then I said, "check it out with me.
"If you don't have a good time,
I'll buy you a mango smoothie.
Either way, you win. " And...
- And I do love mangoes.
- Yeah.
You did all this for me?
I'd swim to China for you.
Or Hawaii.
Or whatever's that way.
I have no idea what's that way.
- You ready?
- Mm-hm.
In a way, it's almost
too bad it's almost all over.
- A one, two, three, four!
- Five, six, seven, eight!
One, two, three, four!
- Bye-bye!
- So long!
- Toodle-oo!
- Later gator.
- Sayonara.
- Hasta lasagna.
- Hasta luego.
- Aloha.
- Shalom.
- Au revoir.
Oh, it's a shame summers
in real life have to end.
Summer's not over yet.
We could light a bonfire, eat
some s'mores, tell scary stories.
Brady, tomorrow's the first day of school.
- I've got tons to do.
- Yeah, I do, too.
Actually, no, I don't.
If I manage to put my board
shorts on tomorrow morning,
I'll be pretty stoked with myself.
Mack, you think things will
be different for us at school?
Well, we were in school
all last year together.
Yeah, but, and we never
met. That's my point.
We've only known each other in the summer.
Brady, it's us.
We'll be fine.
Yeah. Totally.
No. No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
- What's wrong?
- My necklace. The one that Lela gave me.
The only thing I have from
wet side story. It's gone.
Maybe it's still nearby.
Should I dive for it?
No, Brady.
There's nothing we can do now.
- I'm sorry.
- I should probably go in.
Yeah. Sure.
Whoo! Windy bluff! Yeah!
First day back! Oh, no way!
- Whoo!
- Yo, dude-man!
First day of school!
Wham, wham. Bap, bap.
- Whoo!
- Yeah.
- Tss, tss.
- Hey.
Whoo! Sha, bah!
Dude, how was Indonesia?
Oh, man, the swells were nectar.
Primo pearls, my hombre. The
waves were all like, "muuma. "
And I was like, "bra!" I was a
one-man stoke machine all summer long.
- Ah, mondo, dude.
- Beyond mondo, bro. Beyond mondo.
How was your summer? You spend some
quality time carving up the tubes?
- I met a girl.
- No way.
- You trapped a honey?
- Yeah.
Is she a super-chill surf chick?
Yeah, well, yeah, she surfs.
So, she's one of us? Laid back?
Yeah, she's laid back. On
occasion, when she sleeps.
- Probably.
- Excellent.
I can't wait to meet
your little beach bunny.
Yeah, I mean, just, I wouldn't
call her that, exactly.
Right on, bro. Right on.
Oh, oh. Let's go.
Welcome back, everyone.
Big save the beach dance this weekend.
Buy a ticket, save a seal. Oh, come on.
Who doesn't love seals? Well,
sharks, but they don't like anyone.
- Ah!
- Hey, how was your summer?
Oh, big yawn. Science camp was
epic, the college tour was fab,
and don't even get me started on
the student government conference.
I'm so glad you came back this year.
I don't know what I would've done if
I'd lost you to that prep school.
Yeah, I'm glad I'm back, too.
- Oh, here.
- Oh, what's this?
Uh, well, I made a deal with myself.
If I'm staying here, I'm doing
things that are important to me.
So, I started an oceanography club.
Which is super-convenient,
since our school
- is literally on the ocean.
- Super cool.
Sign me up. Oh! I have news.
Guess who I hung out with at the
student government conference?
Spencer Watkins.
The literally cutest guy in school.
- Mack.
- Brady.
- Hey. - Hi. Oh, you're
wearing flip-flops to school.
Yeah, totally. They're my fancy ones.
Oh, this is my bro, Devon.
Devon, this is my girlfriend, Mack.
This is your girlfriend?
This is your boyfriend.
- You seem surprised.
- Oh, no, bro. It's cool.
Book-bag. It looks very full of books.
And he doesn't seem to
have a bag... at all.
I do not have a bag. I
do, however, have a pen.
How long has that been in there?
- Want some?
- Why not?
So, I'll see you later?
- Yeah, during break?
- Can't.
- French study group.
- Uh, lunch?
- Calculus study group.
- After school?
Oceanography club dance
subcommittee meeting.
How's easter looking for you?
Oh, um, we have marine
biology together, right?
- Third period? So, I'll see you then.
- Sure, yeah.
- Cool. All right.
- Okay.
Mack seems super cool, bro.
Yeah, yeah. She is.
I mean, she went right to
class when the bell rang.
Different. But to each, their own.
What's up, my pucker-faced little buddy?
- Hey.
- Hey.
- What you working on?
- Uh, noth... nothing.
- Okay.
- This is fantastic. Mack!
I got all the good stuff. Score!
I'm gonna go fire up the centrifuge.
Oh. Spencer.
Wow. Hi.
You look great.
Really, really great. Super great.
Perfect, even.
Uh, thanks, Alyssa, I appreciate it.
So, Mack, uh, I'm happy
that you're in this class.
I heard that you started
an oceanography club.
I'm chairing the
environmental studies society.
Really? Oh, I wanted to talk to you guys.
I thought we could work together
on shoreline watershed issues.
Yes. And maybe an emphasis on habitat
restoration and marine pollution.
Oh, I love pollution! I
mean, I don't love pollution,
- but it's an important issue.
- Yeah.
Uh, I'm also the head of a club.
It's the, uh, surf, surf club.
You just hang out and surf.
- Spencer, this is Brady.
- Brady, it's...
I've seen you surf. You're amazing,
man. It's a pleasure to meet you.
- Uh...
- Um...
Right, yeah.
- Centrifuge.
- Check.
- Methylene blue dye.
- Check.
- Cultured petri dish.
- Check.
Begin inoculation. Let's
dilute those solvents. Whoo!
Whoa, cool.
Here we've got some weird, tube-y thing.
A squeezy-sponge.
Some wet stuff.
And a blue, creepy glove.
- Oh, you think?
- Yeah.
Thanks. I've always loved
biology, and the ocean.
Hey, uh, have you checked out the new
oceanography program at
Oregon coastal college?
You get to spend half
a year on a ship at sea.
I could introduce you to the rep.
That'd be amazing.
You okay, my man?
Yeah. Yeah, I'm good. Totally.
All right, well, let's do this.
Oh, wha... I
made a volcano!
- Uh, uh...
- That's so sick!
Oh, gnarly.
Dude, look at this! What?
Oh, my gosh.
Mack. Mack.
- Hey.
- Hey.
Oh, hey, before I forget.
What do you think of this?
I'm gonna sell them at
the save the beach dance.
- I dig it.
- Good, 'cause I got you, like, eight.
Wow. I'm gonna need a bigger wrist. Thanks.
Hey, there's a big swell
on. Wanna go surfing?
Oh, that sounds awesome, but I can't.
The dance is this weekend, and
we are totally behind schedule.
Oh, speaking of, I had the coolest idea.
What if the dance was a 60s
wet side story theme party?
You could do it at the beach.
People could dress up in costumes.
You could even project the movie
on a big, 1960s type theater deal.
- That would be really cool.
- Right?
But there's just no time.
And, as much as I love
wet side story, you and I are, like,
the only people under 50
that have ever heard of it.
Yeah, you're probably right.
Oh, the college fair later.
You're going with me, right?
Right. Yeah. Uh-huh.
Brady, this is important.
It's college. It's our future.
And there's this amazing oceanography
program that I have to check out.
Yes, of course. I'll be there.
- In actual shoes?
- Sure.
- Yeah. See you.
- Bye.
Guess I'll go surf by myself.
- Brady.
- Hey, bro.
Okay. Universal online college application.
Hm... "What personal attributes
uniquely qualify you as an
extraordinary applicant?"
Are you kidding me?
Let's see. Deeper bottom
curve, not on steep waves.
How do you increase water
displacement so it rides smoother?
Hey, mom.
- How's that going?
- It's going.
Slowly. Very slowly.
Mm... wow. How's that going?
It's going.
I mean, I've opened it
up. I've stared at it.
Mm. Well, don't stress
yourself out too much.
It's just, everyone seems so focused.
They've got their whole
lives mapped out. Like Mack.
She knows where she wants
to go, what she wants to do.
And I... I don't even know
what I want for dinner.
Things were a little rough with
you two back at school today?
Okay, maybe.
Have you seen my brown
marker? I can't find it.
I'm sure things are gonna
work out between you two.
And bring these wet towels downstairs.
Sure, mom.
Dinner's back at the house at six.
So, Tanner, is you's
and me's ready to disarm
the diabolical weather machine now?
You bet, daddio. Ready is my middle name.
Ready! It's his middle name.
I thought Lewis was your middle name.
It is Lewis, but it's also ready.
'Cause that's what I was born.
- Ready.
- Ready!
From the moment he was born.
Don't go, Tanner. It's so dangerous.
Don't worry. Danger is also my middle name.
- Mm-hm.
- I think.
Along with ready and Lewis.
That is a very long name.
Okay, Tanner.
I'll just wait right
here for you, and...
well, actually, why don't I come, too?
Uh, what?
Why don't I come with you?
I mean, all that happens
when you guys go off
is we stand here and do
nothing. Maybe I can help.
- What?
- Uh, just one... excuse us.
Um, but girls aren't supposed to.
Right. I'm sorry.
I don't know where that came from.
Forget about it.
Go, Tanner. Be safe.
Be brave.
You're my hero.
Let's go!
- Come back soon!
- So brave.
What was...
No, no.
What? Oh!
Yes. Whoo!
- Thank you so much for talking to me.
- A pleasure.
It was great meeting you,
Mack. I hope you'll apply.
- Nice meeting you, too.
- You, too.
You're right. This program is awesome.
- I knew you'd love it.
- Mack.
What's going on?
Brady, it's already over. Where were you?
Listen, uh, I better be going.
In case you need it.
I will see you guys tomorrow.
You know, you could've
at least shot me a text.
- I did. Twelve.
- No, you didn't.
- Yeah, check your phone.
- What?
Is it too much for you to
take one thing seriously?
- At least I take us seriously.
- What? I take us seriously.
You were 45 minutes late. What
were you doing? Did you just forget?
I was... it
was nothing.
- Nothing?
- Something. I don't wanna talk about it.
Well, you won't even tell
me why you stood me up?
Brady, we used to tell
each other everything.
- What is happening with us?
- You tell me.
It's almost like the school-you
wants nothing to do with me.
This coming from the school-you that
keeps secrets and flakes out on me.
Well, maybe we just don't work at school.
- Maybe we don't.
- Awesome.
Awesome. So, I'll see you next summer,
which, apparently, is
the next time you're free.
- Fine by me.
- Great. Ah, that's just awesome.
Nice of you to drop in.
I guess I literally fell for you, huh?
I'm Lela. I'm sorry, I can't do this.
Put me down.
Uh, Lela.
What are you doing?
I don't know. This whole thing, I just...
I can't do it anymore.
It's not you, Tanner.
You're a great guy, but...
of course I am.
I have to go.
- Where is she going?
- Uh...
Okay. Excuse me, guys. Excuse me. Sorry.
What's going on?
What are we doing?
It's very windy and not good for my hair.
Ever since Mack and Brady
came, I have felt different.
Mack wasn't like any girl I
ever knew. She inspired me.
I... I miss her.
I miss her, too. And
Brady. I... they were swell.
But, uh, but they're not here anymore.
- I want to be like her, Tanner.
- What?
Try new things. Experience new experiences.
What is that?
Tanner, look.
Do you know what this is?
Uh, a necklace.
I gave it to Mack.
And it came back to me
here, now. Don't you see?
It's a sign.
It really looks like a necklace.
This means she's out there somewhere.
I need to be where she is.
Goodbye, Tanner.
Goodbye, bikers.
Goodbye, surfers.
Goodbye, people always standing around
in the background, who never speak,
whose names I don't know.
- We gotta stop her, right?
- I mean, we definitely could.
- But water makes me a little bit nervous.
- What?
I know.
Maybe we should sing a song.
That usually fixes everything.
Uh, maybe I'll talk in my low voice.
Lela, come back.
Yeah, maybe I'd save the low voice
for someone who can actually hear you.
She's already in the ocean.
Aw, where's they goins?
Lela! Oh!
- Oh, my.
- Tanner.
- What are you doing here?
- I don't know.
Are you okay? I'm okay.
It's a little hot outside. I don't
know what to do. Where are we?
- Why is it so hot outside?
- Tanner.
- Tanner.
- What?
Oh, my.
Well, jeepers.
- Ah!
- Oh!
- Let's get our boards.
- All right.
Those fellas are made of rubber!
Oh, golly.
- Is that big momma's?
- Huh?
No, it's, uh, Billy's
beach burgers and sha...
Shushi. What's a shushi? Where are we?
I don't know.
We... oh. Excuse me.
- Hey. What's happening?
- Oh. So...
So we went into the water and
then came out of the water,
and now it's daytime, and we saw
rubber people, and boat cycles...
- I think we're lost.
- Here. Use my phone.
I didn't quite get that.
The little box just spoke to us.
Wow! How'd I get in there?
Hi, small me. Looking good.
Tanner, are we here?
Did we make it? Are we in Mack's world?
We come to your world in peace.
What was that again?
Hello, lady in the little box.
Who, me?
- 'sup, bro?
- Hey, Brady.
I thought we weren't supposed to
see each other until next summer.
I'm just going surfing.
- I'm just cleaning the beach.
- Of course.
You're cleaning the beach
at my favorite surf spot. Ah!
Your surf spot happens to be
where there's a lot of trash.
What's that supposed to mean?
It means that there's a
lot of actual trash here,
and I'm cleaning it up.
Mack, what?
Brady, would you think I was crazy
if I told you that two people that
look exactly like Lela and Tanner
are walking towards us on this beach?
- Lela! Tanner!
- Lela, Tanner!
- Whoo!
- Tanner!
You're real!
Can we take a second and realize
that they are actually here?
Wait, yes. Okay. Wow.
You are here. With us.
- Why? How?
- I found the necklace.
Bu... I lost the
necklace in the ocean.
And it floated back to
me. I knew it was a sign.
I had to find you, so I
carried the necklace out
into the water, questioning
my whole existence.
And I didn't question anything.
And the next thing
we knew, well, here we are.
Oh, uh, I have one quick question. Um...
- Where exactly is here?
- Oh, on the beach, silly.
Oh, right. But, like,
what country are we in?
Uh... let's just say we're in the future.
The future? Like, it's
already tomorrow... today?
A few days past tomorrow.
Cool? Tanner, that is
way cooler than cool. It's...
Hold on.
Sorry, I didn't get that.
I don't think I ever want to leave.
Come on, Tanner. Let's take a walk
down this crazy beach of tomorrow.
It's pretty great that they're here.
You know, it's a little weird, and kind
of impossible, but I did miss them.
Brady, what are we gonna do with them?
I mean, they're from 1962.
They could get in some serious trouble.
- Come on. Lela and Tanner?
- Yeah.
What could they possibly...
on. Off!
Off again!
- On again. Off again!
- Yeah, what are we gonna do with them?
Brady, is it just me, or
is their hair totally dry?
Yes, it's completely dry, just
like when they surf in the movie.
On again! Off again! On again!
Remember what happened to us when
we got stuck in their world?
We almost zapped out of existence.
- We gotta get them home.
- I know.
We should just tell them the truth.
You know, they're made-up
characters in a 1962 beach movie.
What... that's gonna
blow their minds.
Oh, you're right.
They can't handle that.
- No.
- Well, then maybe we just...
We just show them that
our world isn't as great
as they think it is so
they want to go back.
Yeah, then they'll take
the necklace in the ocean,
- and, boom, they're home.
- Exactly.
Hey, where does the record go?
No, I know this technology
stuff can be really complicated.
So, if you're gonna come to school with me,
we should probably make you
look a little less like you.
You're about my size.
- I get to wear your clothes?
- Well, sure.
Yeah, there's a ton of
stuff in my wardrobe.
Just pick something not too flashy.
Whoo! Goody.
Is this out of sight on me, or what?
Yeah, totally out of sight.
I'm gonna look so out of
sight. I'm gonna look just like Mack.
I'm gonna look so out of sight.
Oh, I love this song.
Uh, okay. Well, that's impossible.
- Try this.
- Ooh!
Pink. I love it.
So... you ready for school?
Just make sure no one
knows where you're from.
All right, bring it in, everybody.
We needs to talk, 'cause I'm feeling
a little lost, here, peoples.
Ever since Tanner and Lela
just walked off into the ocean,
I got this sense that... that
things are supposed to be happening.
- It just ain't happening.
- We could rumble.
That usually cheers you up.
You know what, I does love a good rumble.
But, no, that's not what's supposed
to be happening right now. I...
You know what? Maybe, maybe
somebody should sing something.
Maybe like Lela would've
done if she was here.
I thought you'd
never a... oh!
- Cheechee.
- Mm?
- Sing something.
- But, I'm doing my nails.
Oh! Whoa! Oh!
All right, I'll sing.
Five, six, seven, eight!
What was that? What's
the matters with yous?
- I thought you was gonna catch her.
- I thought the exact same thing,
just not in time.
You're lucky my hair didn't broke.
Yous is right, Butchy.
This don't feel right.
- None of it.
- Not one thing.
Does it help if I do this?
You know what, that
actually does kind of help.
That's pretty decent, yeah.
Yeah, that's pretty nice.
You're really good at that.
I don't know why, but it just helps.
Okay, guys. Welcome to school.
So, a few ground rules.
Okay, don't do anything
that gives you guys away.
- No hair-wetting.
- No clothes-changing.
Oh, that thing that you do with your teeth.
This thing?
Yeah. Don't do that.
- Yeah, and especially...
- No singing.
But look at this place.
There's so much to see.
No, no, no, no. Stop. No singing.
- Just one song?
- No.
- One verse?
- No.
- One word?
- No.
Not even if it's from the
heart and moves the story along?
- Don't... gon get...
- Oh!
Okay, man, stay close to me, act natural,
and just walk down the
hallway and be cool, okay?
Oh, you got it. There's one
thing I do better than anyone,
- and that's walk down a school hallway.
- Awesome.
wha... what?
People dig me.
Brady, greetings, meister-bro.
- Man, what's up?
- Chillin'.
Who's this dude?
This is my cousin Dolf, from Iceland.
Iceland. Righteous.
I love that little volcanic archipelago.
I went a couple years ago
to surf, and it was... cold.
Do you know my boy Olafur Einarsson?
Or, uh, Jonsdottir Gunnarsdotter?
Your hair is very pointy.
Thanks, dude.
It's amazing what you can do
with a screwdriver and some surf wax.
I use my own secret mix of
coconut juice and rubber cement.
Rubber cement?
- Yeah.
- Wicked! I love this dude!
All right. See you guys.
This place is so neat! Ah!
So, what'd you think of
calculus? Pretty brutal, right?
I mean, that's what life's
like in the real world.
- Tough classes...
- I loved it. It's magical.
The integral accurately
gives the area under a formula
while the derivative predicts the
instantaneous slope at any point!
It's fantastic.
Wow, you really got it, huh?
Who knew learning could be so much fun?
- Mack, hey.
- Hey.
- Who's... who's this?
- This is, uh, my cousin,
Delga, from Finland.
You are so cute.
Hey, listen, uh,
I hope I didn't cause any problems
between you and Brady yesterday.
Oh, no, no. Our problems
are... are totally our own.
Fair enough.
Hey, how's the, uh, save
the beach dance shaping up?
It's okay. Uh, we haven't
really sold many tickets,
so just hoping people will show up.
Oh, I'm sure they will.
It's... it's a great cause.
Great. Well, I'll catch you guys later.
Well, then I hope you
have a really big glove.
Oh, so you can catch us.
There's going to be a dance?
This world just gets better and better.
Yeah, until your formerly
adorable boyfriend
starts acting like a
completely different person.
Trust me, Lela, you're
better off in your world,
where boys are simple and reliable.
- Mack!
- Oh, hi.
Uh, hi.
- This is, umm...
- Lela.
I'm here to discover who
I am and find fulfillment.
A woman that knows what
she wants. I like her.
I did my philosophy camp thesis
on female self-empowerment.
I can rebuild a motorcycle.
Really? I'm looking into buying a scooter.
I'd love your perspective on
engine torque differentials.
Oh, I can go on and on about torque!
Oh, bye, Mack!
It's a disaster.
She loves everything.
Even Mr. Terry's chemistry class.
She titrated her sodium hydroxide perfectly
and loved the way the resulting
solution matched her shoes.
Well, I think I'm wearing
down Tanner a little.
Nuggets made out of chicken?
Or not.
Don't worry, I have a plan.
We turn them loose, alone,
in the most dangerous,
confusing, scary place imaginable.
A place where one false move
results in exile, shame, horror...
wh... where?
The cafeteria.
- Hi, we're new here.
- I could care less, spray-tan.
Actually, it's Tanner.
No spray, add an "er". Tanner.
Tanner Lewis ready danger.
Oh, no, I...
Wha... I...
I mea...
I w... th... b...
Get out of my face.
Tanner, are you getting the impression
that people here are a little
stand-offish and, well, meanish?
Right? And angryish, too.
Like the bikers and
surfers, only angryisher.
Why is everyone sitting apart?
Well, come on, everyone.
Where's your smile?
It's so easy, anyone can do it.
It's attached to you, here on your face.
There are 43 muscles to use.
I'm really sorry my face hurt your fist.
That's okay. Now I know you exist.
Hey, haven't I seen you in class?
Yes, every day... this year and last.
It's pretty cool how you wail on the bass.
What's happening to my face?
We will never speak of this ever again.
Okay, what is going on here?
It's like we're bored or something.
- We's not bored, Butchy. We's confused.
- Yeah.
- Spit it out.
- Spit it out.
- Spit it out.
- Spit it out!
One of them surfer guys
who's always standing
behind us and never says
nothing, he just up and...
just sparkled up and vanished...
Into thin airs!
Like a magician...
Doing a magic trick... on himself.
Dude, you got some bodacious pipes.
You totally have to be in my surf band.
I play a gnarlacious didgeridoo.
Thanks! Why are we talking so loudly?
- Later, my hombre.
- See you later! Okay!
Oh, Lela. Hi. Um...
Wanna hang out? I've been
working on some new looks.
Check 'em out. I call this
one thoughtful handsome.
This one's soulful smolder.
Those are wonderful,
Tanner, but I can't.
We have calculus
homework. It's so exciting.
Oh. Oh, okay. Uh, well,
have fun...
Without me.
We're further than ever from
talking them into going back.
You watch Lela, I'll watch Tanner.
I learned all these new things,
and then I was sitting there,
and I'm like, "hey, why
don't I make a new look?"
So, I made a new look, and it
was renegade rebel, you know?
And then... what was the
other one? I can't think of what it was.
Oh, yeah. Mysterious wanderer.
And then, uh, thinking guy.
- Here. Check this out.
- Oh, thanks. Mm.
Oh. Hi, medium-sized me.
Still looking good.
- Brady, can I talk to you for a second?
- Yeah, sure.
Um, I've been thinking about things.
And I don't normally like
to think about things.
You see...
I always assumed Lela
would just be there for me.
That night when she ran into
the water with her necklace,
it gave me this strange
feeling in my stomach.
It felt like, like when I drink
a milkshake too fast.
It felt like, like things,
might not work out.
It's called worry.
Yeah, yeah. That.
And, the thing is, things
always work out for me.
But, here, now, I... I
still have that feeling.
- Worry?
- Yeah. Yeah.
I'm worried that Lela
wanted to come to this
strange world because I
wasn't enough for her.
I mean, I guess all you can really do
is be the best dude you can
be and hope that's enough.
Is that what you do with Mack?
Um, not... not
recently, no.
We kind of hit a rough patch.
I've been working on something
I haven't told her about yet.
What is it?
Come on.
Are these surfboards?
Yeah. They're all
surfboards, but prototypes.
Like this one. It has rotating fins,
so you can surf in any direction.
Or this one. It's one of my favorites.
It's my surfboard suitcase.
So, you fold up your
board, put it in your bag,
and it goes up in the
carry-on, then, when you land,
- you're ready to surf.
- That is so cool!
- Yeah.
- Wait, y... so, you made all this stuff?
I've never made anything.
What's all this stuff?
This one's crazy.
So, you have two water intakes that
leads to the sealed hydro-turbine
that also goes to an
internal lithium ion battery.
Then, we have a pneumatic actuator
that's connected to this hatch,
that makes it open whenever I want it to.
Uh, everything you just said,
I have no idea what it means.
Basically, this surfboard
doesn't need any waves.
Well, that is, if it works.
That's so cool.
Why can't you tell Mack?
Because... I don't think she'll get it.
You know, me spending so
much time on surfboards.
She's got her whole life mapped
out. She wants to go to college.
What's it...
where is it... what's
a... where's a college?
It's far away.
And it's full of
impressive people, like her.
It's... it's not a place
where a guy like me
could get around by making surfboards.
I understand, Brady.
Maybe the problem is that
you're not tan enough.
Mack, I never knew I could be so happy.
I mean, I love it all,
the challenging classes, the
interesting conversations,
the flavored lip gloss.
I mean, really. Triple vanilla kiwi berry?
I never even knew there
was more than one vanilla.
- Can I...
- Yeah.
Uh, Lela, here's the thing. Our
world isn't really all that great.
Oh, there's finals, and
taxes, and global warming,
and hangnails, and public restrooms.
You really had it good back in your world.
You don't have to worry about your
future or picking the right college.
You have a boy that loves you.
You have a boy that loves you.
Right? And you want more than that, right?
You want to live life to the fullest.
I want that, too.
But, Lela, being with the right person
can actually make life more full.
If you have the same
passion, the same drive.
Or, maybe that doesn't help at all.
You know, maybe he just
has to respect your passion
and not keep secrets from you
and get weird when you're busy.
I... I don't know. It's
all pretty confusing here,
which is why you should go home.
What? What's wrong?
You look normal.
- It's Mack.
- Oh.
- Hi, Mack!
- Yeah, we'll be right over.
- Tanner, we gotta go. Come on!
- Huh?
- Tanner!
- Lela, you look like future Lela.
- Groovy.
- Super groovy.
No, not groovy at all,
actually. Very ungroovy.
She's not supposed to
be able to look modern.
- No shining teeth pang!
- Mm.
- What are you doing?
- It's okay. It's okay.
- What are you... stopit.
- Just go with it.
- Hey. What... what are you...
- Look. Wet.
What's happening? What are... what is...
why is my hair so squishy and limp?
I don't understand! What is this feeling?
Brady, do you understand what's happening?
The whole essence of
who they are is changing.
They could be stuck here
forever, or the whole
fabric of our reality
could just rip open.
- We gotta get them back.
- Well, maybe we should just tell them
where they're from, what they do?
Are we worried what that might do to them?
Well, we're running out of options, Mack.
Lela, Tanner.
You're just made-up characters
from a movie. You are not real.
Maybe I would've eased it
into them a little more gently.
But, uh, a movie? I don't understand.
Here. Look at this.
- You like to surf?
- I know.
Hey, it's us, doing...
Things we usually do.
You guys are from an imaginary world.
A movie world. My favorite
movie. It's where Mack and I met.
But, I don't want to live in a movie world.
I... but,
you do.
That's why your life's
always been so perfect, Lela.
It's where you belong.
How do we make them understand?
We could explain to them
in a language they know.
You mean...
- Here we go.
- Yup.
No, you guys, honestly,
life is better in a movie.
Quiet on the set.
- Quiet on the set.
- Playback.
Roll sound.
- Speed.
- Roll camera.
- Tanner!
- Tanner!
Can I have your autograph?
I'm sorry, but no.
I don't want to be that girl anymore.
I don't want somebody
to write my lines for me.
I want to stay here.
Well, that was dramatic,
and potentially terrible.
Hey, move it! Out of the way, out of the
way, out of the way, out of the way.
Okays! I think there's
only one thing for us to do.
And that's to not do anythings and
pretend that nothing bad is happening.
Sound good? Perfect. Okay.
Butchy, Butchy! Whoa.
Oh, my gosh.
- You are not gonna believe this.
- Cheechee, what's wrong?
We was walking with our
pals, sidecar and muffler,
and, boom! They just up and vanished.
Oh, this is terribles.
Peoples have been
disappearing left and right!
Any one of us could be next!
Okay, things started going wrong
ever since Tanner and Lela
took off into the ocean.
You thinks thems leaving
is somehow corenated
- with this chain of events?
- Yeahs, I do. Hey, what's that?
This is the same necklace my sister had
when she disappeared into the ocean.
Maybe we's can use it, too.
We can find Tanner and Lela.
We'll bring 'em back, and then maybe
everything will be normal again.
We're leaving? I gotta go
home and get some hairspray.
- This does not travel well.
- We ain't got time, cheech.
- Whoa!
- We gotta get there right now,
before more of us start disappearing.
But, wait. Where exactly is there?
How am I supposed to know, struts?
I ain't been there, yet. Come on.
Oh, yeah. Water gives
you the fears, don't it?
Yeah, it does, but some
things is bigger than fears.
Now, let's go!
- It's gone, Mack.
- No, it might still wash up.
Last time, I ended up in
a parallel movie universe.
Do you have any better
ideas? Just keep looking.
Don't take this out on me.
I wasn't the one who just blurted it out,
like, "hey, Lela, guess
what? You're not real. "
Really, so this is my fault?
How else should I have said it?
I don't know! You could've
been a little less direct.
Less direct, like, kept it a secret
from her? Kept her in the dark?
Yeah, 'cause that's been
working so well for you, lately.
Well, maybe we should
go ask Spencer for help.
Really? We're back to that?
How about this? You just
keep looking over there.
- I'mma look over here.
- Yeah, fine by me.
What was that about?
I think they were arguing.
But they're not in rival gangs.
Here, I guess, couples do it, too.
I don't like it.
Me, neither.
- Well, that's odd.
- What?
Why are those crazy cats
wearing their clothes in the water?
What? Lela, those aren't cats.
Whoo-hoo-hoo! Yeah!
- Those are...
- Guys.
- Tanner!
- Lela!
- Our friends!
- Oh!
Tanner! Lela!
Those people are made out of rubber.
Are you kidding me?
Hi. Hi. Come over here.
Butchy! Lugnut! Cheechee! Struts!
Rascal! Seacat! Giggles!
Oh, we's did it! We's found you's guys.
Hey, guys. Wow.
Y... you're all here.
What are you doing here?
What do you mean what are we doing here?
- We came to take Tanner and Lela home.
- What?
- No.
- No?
I don't want to go home, Butchy.
But, Lela, I'm your brother.
Don't you miss me?
Don't you miss all of us?
- Yeah.
- Yes. Of course. A lot,
but, well, I'm starting to find
myself here, Butchy. I'm happy.
Okay, look, Lela, that's all wells and
goods, but, you see, the thing is,
back home, things are
starting to disappear, like.
Wait, what's disappearing?
- Peoples.
- Peoples?
Yeah, peoples. Peoples are just starting
to sparkle up, and poof, and they vanish.
And we don't even know where's
to or if they's coming back.
That's it. That's what's happening.
Lela and Tanner are the stars of the movie.
- Without the stars...
- There's no movie.
It's vanishing from existence.
You guys have to go back, right away.
You have to go back into the movie,
otherwise you're all just gonna disappear.
- What have I done? I...
- Lela. L... it's not your fault.
Okay? There's no way you could've
known this was gonna happen.
I've gotta go back.
It's our job to be characters in a movie.
Yeah, what are you's talking
about? What is she talking about?
It's complicated.
I'm gonna miss you, Mack.
Yeah, me, too.
You know, and, somehow,
we will always be friends,
even if we're in different worlds.
I know.
I just wish I didn't have to leave.
- Bye, Brady.
- It was great seeing you.
- Yeah.
- Take care of yourself, all right?
Go get yourself home.
He's right. We gotta get ourselves home.
Come on.
- Bye.
- Bye.
They're gone.
- Um, listen.
- Hey, um...
Well, I, uh, I should get
to the dance to set up.
Yeah, yeah. I guess I'll,
- I guess I'll see you there.
- Yeah, I guess.
All right, everybody.
The band's taking a break.
We'll be back in 15.
Here's a little something to slow it down.
Hey, do you... do
you wanna, um...
I'd love to dance.
You know, school dances
aren't usually my scene,
but this fruit punch is
actually pretty nectar.
You all right, dude?
Yeah, I'm good.
Guessing things aren't totally
simpatico with the little beach bunny?
Things are a little not simpatico.
I'm wondering how I can make things
not not simpatico, you know?
Beats me, bro. But I'm pretty sure it
doesn't involve standing in a corner
and bumming oneself out.
- Yeah.
- All right.
Tanner, what are you doing here?
A... are
you crazy?
The movie's vanishing.
You're all in danger.
We're here for you, Brady.
for me?
You and Mack. It was Tanner's idea.
The way I see it is it's not right
that things aren't right with you two.
So we came to help make things right.
Er, help you make things right.
- Right?
- Right.
Isn't it amazing to hear him like this?
I mean, he's caring about
somebody other than himself.
Oh, it's fantastic.
Brady, do you remember when
we were doing that worry thing
about Lela and Mack?
Well, we forgot something important.
Something really important.
See, we have a word in our world, too.
It's called confidence.
And it's spelled
k- o-n... fidence.
Actually, no, you need to remember
it, because you're a good surfer
and a great friend, and
you make cool things.
What I'm trying to say
is you're an amazing guy,
and the only person keeping
you from realizing it is you.
You... you came
back for us?
You risked everything.
Some things are worth the risk.
You know what, Tanner?
You're exactly right.
I can do this.
Hey, man, can I play a song real fast?
Dope. Thanks, man.
Hey, bro. Okay, I need
something really upbeat,
- like, kick snare... crazy.
- Yeah!
- Mm-hm.
- Cool?
Ha ha!
I guess I literally fell for you, huh?
Okays, I hate to ruin
this beautiful moment,
but we got to get back to
whatever's on the other side
of that terrifying watery stuff.
He means the ocean.
Yeah, what she said.
Guys, he's right. We got to get out
of here before another one of us...
oh, no. Oh, no, no, no.
- Vanishes!
- Butchy!
- He's gone.
- With the necklace.
Guys, there's... there's
nothing here but nothing.
This is happening. How
do we make this all right?
How do we get back before we all vanish?
Wait, when you guys
first came to our world,
you didn't have the necklace,
'cause I hadn't given it to you, yet.
How did you get there then?
You ready?
Let's do it.
There they is!
We got to do something before
we all start to disappear.
- Just like Butchy.
- We don't have a lot of time.
- This surfboard will take you home.
- Are you sure?
Yeah. I sure hope so. Here.
All right. Go paddle out
and catch a really big wave.
- Oh, no.
- There's no surf.
How can you surf if there's no surf?
Well, you can't.
Uh, oh, no.
Oh, no!
Oh, no!
Oh, no.
Uh-oh. Whoa.
Good luck, guys.
Tanner. We're the only ones left.
We have to go. Now.
Otherwise, we're gonna disappear and
the movie will be gone forever.
But how?
You need waves to surf.
Tanner, remember when you told
me you've never made anything?
- Yeah?
- I need you to help me make something.
Here. Take these pliers right here, and
you're gonna put it under the emblem
and you're gonna pry it off, okay?
Awesome. Come on, Mack. We gotta go.
- Where?
- To my house.
- Under there, and I'll pull up, okay?
- Okay.
- Brady! Brady!
- Yeah?
I thought we were going to your house.
Just, come on.
Okay, um, glue. Where's the glue?
Where's the glue?
Brady, what is this place?
It's my workshop slash chill out space.
And all of those?
- And you made them?
- Uh-huh.
It's not as hard as it looks.
Actually, it's pretty hard.
This was your secret.
I've been making surfboards.
But not just any surfboards.
Boards that do what other boards don't.
And why couldn't you tell me that?
Because, Mack, you're so together.
College, your oceanography club.
You've got a vision for
your life and your future.
I just thought that, I don't know,
you wouldn't respect it.
Brady, this is incredible.
My grandfather has made
boards his whole life.
It's an art.
And what you're doing here,
This is a vision for your life.
You really think so?
Yeah, I do.
Good, 'cause...
I've been building this one for us.
Remember in the summer when we couldn't
surf 'cause there were no waves?
I had this idea that...
What if you could surf with no waves?
This surfboard has a motor built inside it.
So you can surf when there's no surf!
Exactly. No matter what. Any time.
Brady, it's beautiful.
If this baby works...
We might have a shot at
getting Tanner and Lela home.
- Let's do it.
- Brady.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry you felt like you
had to hide this from me.
You know what really
matters about our future?
No secrets.
- Let's go.
- Okay.
Look at that. We did it!
Guys! Guys!
We got the emblem off it.
Hey, it's... this is
the hydro-lithium board.
The one that can surf by itself.
The board that can surf by itself!
Exactly! Here, I've got this tire
glue that should do the trick.
Okay, help me, Tanner.
We gotta get this board in the water.
Come on. Let's go.
- Will you grab that end?
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
- You got it?
- Yeah.
You okay?
Brady, do you know where we are?
We're at dolphin's cove.
Where we met.
Brady, if this doesn't work,
and Lela and Tanner vanish
and the whole movie never even
existed, then doesn't that mean
th-that we never even met?
If they don't make it, then
we won't even know each other.
Hey, hey, hey.
It's okay.
How could I ever forget you?
I guess this really is good-bye this time.
Thanks for everything, man. Honestly.
Thanks for coming.
We needed it.
You're welcome, Brady.
Hey, I'm really glad I
got to see you again, Lela.
I am, too.
I'll never forget you.
Me neither.
Lela, listen to me.
When you get back to your world, it
doesn't have to be the way it was.
Okay? You can start a math club.
Or... or create a new
type of lip gloss.
You can do whatever you want.
Change the movie.
Make it your story.
Think I can change the movie?
You can do it.
Thank you.
I will.
I'll treasure it forever.
Lela, we have to go.
Be right back.
Okay, guys stand up.
Okay, make sure you bend your
knees when you ride this thing
or else you're gonna fall right off.
Tanner, you hold the t-bar.
Lela, you hold Tanner's waist
super, super tight or
else you're gonna fall.
- Okay.
- You guys good?
- Good luck.
- Bye, Brady.
Bye, guys.
Bye, Brady.
- Brady, what's wrong?
- Whoa. What is it?
I don't know.
Come on.
The hatch won't open.
Brady, we've gotta go now.
No, no, no, no, no, no!
Brady, it's happening.
I can't get it. I need my tool kit.
I need a small, little screwdriver.
I can't get in there with my fingers.
- I... I need some help.
- Okay, Brady, Brady.
Try this.
- Please hurry.
- We've got to go!
Please work.
- You ready?
- Go!
Come on, baby.
Brady, if this doesn't work,
and Lela and Tanner vanish and
the whole movie never existed,
then doesn't that mean we never even met?
If they don't make it, then
we won't even know each other.
Know each
other. Know each other.
Yo! Bro-heim!
Was I right or was I right, dude?
I told you. Night body-surfing?
- Mondo spiritual, right?
- I don't know, man.
It was super flat.
And freezing.
I didn't catch a single
thing, except maybe a cold.
- My bad, dude.
- It's all good.
Hey, you ready to roll?
- Yeah, let's do this.
- Cool, man.
Night body-surfing is still cool, though.
Yeah, yeah.
Hey, what's going on here?
It's that save the beach dance.
There were flyers at school.
They're gonna project a movie?
That looks super awesome.
You want to crash it?
When have you known me to
pass up on a possible fiesta?
- Never.
- Let's do this.
There you go. Thanks, guys.
And they should each be in batches of ten.
And there should be at
least 100 all together.
Some of them went rogue,
so you're going to
have to re-tie them with
the yellow string...
- Can we help you guys?
- Two tickets, please.
- Thanks.
- Make good choices.
Mack! Where have you been?
I just needed some air.
Oh, sales are through the roof.
- You're a genius. People love the theme.
- Two tickets, please.
Hey, hey, hey. Party for one
for the big shindig tonight.
Hey, Devon! What's up?
Can I help you?
Yeah, I got to ask, what's with
the big screen and the outfits?
It's a fundraiser. Yeah,
we're saving the beach.
It's a 1962 beach movie party.
Cool. What movie are you going to play?
Queen of the beach.
- You've never heard of it?
- No, I've heard of it.
Everyone's heard of it.
So, then we agree that it's
the awesomest movie every made.
I'm not sure awesomest is a real word.
And even if it was, I'm not sure
that movie is exactly my jam.
But that movie was
totally ahead of its time.
It's the reason I love to surf.
You surf?
Of course.
Okay, how about this?
You take a ticket, save the beach,
and if you don't totally dig it,
I'll buy you a mango smoothie.
I do love mangoes.
Then you're gonna win either way.
Oh, hi.
- Have fun.
- Yo.
Speaking of mangoes, I'm
gonna go talk to Morgan.
- See you, dude.
- See you.
Okay, Mack, you are gonna do so good.
This is so exciting. And it's
not as scary as you think.
It's only a little bit
more scary than you think.
- Just be calm and...
- Alyssa. Alyssa.
- Okay, okay.
- Just have fun.
- Okay?
- Thank you.
- Oh, hey. Here.
- Thank you.
Alyssa, come on. -Oh.
Hi. Thank you guys so much for coming.
It really does mean a lot.
And now, the moment we
have all be waiting for,
Queen of the beach!
Come on.
Sometimes you just gotta
spontaneously break into song.
So do the milkshake!
Do the jelly belly!
Do the hoo-ha!
Give 'em a knuckle sandwich. Pow!
And the wiggle worm!
- Do the angry gorilla!
- Hoo, hoo, hoo!
Praying mantis. Namaste.
And don't forget the kitchen sink!
Oh, Tanner!
I'm Mack.
I'm Brady.