Ten, The (2007)

I sit down It but I have to leave
Because I have to present
the history, he/she had already told it to you
we will Speak then of this
we Go, they are 10 histories
Not we will continue with this
until you marry me
TO this I am devoted
Hello, I am Jeffrey Good
Ok, I have the 10 commandments there
And I will give them 10 histories
Each one according to the commandments
So hands to the work
Pardon to arrive late
By the way, a short history, my wife...
... no, I won't tell them this
Ok, a long-short history
my wife and I have been bad
We agreed in
to go after the...
... and to have a great day
of purchases
Not I will count them
He/she will put on of bad and...
.. also, you not...
... they didn't come...
... to listen my shits, certain?
I came to give them 10 histories
and arrive late, so...
... for that don't already make it
That the party begins
History not. 1
This ignition? Hello to all
I will jump
These nervous one?
No, like I will be nervous
I will marry
- Bring it
- These nervous one
Look that high we are
It is like in the movie Titanic
I want them to throw me
as to their friends
you already know it
Ok, let us make it that the party begins
- ... he/she forgot their parachute
- Please tell me that it is joke
No, it is not joke
Oh not, Steven!
Steven oh my God
Are you well?
No, really not
It seems to be well, but...
... their body this so buried one
that it cannot take off
That would kill him
That it is supposed that he/she makes?
Alone to leave to my engaged one
there buried?
But I suggest that both
return to their normal routine
Don't sunbathe
Do You Know Restaurant Fun?
There is a show tomorrow
We would rot...
forget it
Pardon that you said?
- Anything, did I say as these baby?
- Horrible
Ok, we are to the air in 30 seconds
We will marry in the house
of the beach of my parents and.
If very beautiful
But now it seems that it will be here
If, it will be...
... he/she already knows, there
... and it will be...
No, this well
Ok, 5, 4, 3, 2...
Thank you Jake, I am here in
a field away from Homesdale
Where Steve has been buried
in the earth the last two months
I suppose that you know
that you are hero's spice
You have some words for
your growing fans group?
No, really not
He/she is a man of few words
But many followers
They gather by day or at night
to have something of the one
The buried Hero
This Halloween will be a little
but... under earth
I Am Steven Montgomery,
if they remove me I die
The Fever has begun Montgomery
we will make the unemployed that that
Steven Montgomery to their body
We will be buried low earth
and we will make sure that they don't move us
I will be direct because
it is my style
Not you are amusing
With that act, never
you achieved something in this city
- As they allow to enter to people as her?
- I suppose that taenia mentions
- Not another time passed
- But it is worth
Sr. it is Sr Montgomery
in the line 1
... they come and we will make a history
in the TV, what do you say?
Do you never play?
He/she would make it but if I make it as the other ones
as you would know that I am?
- Where this Steven?
- Here, as always
Hello, Steven
I have two tickets for
the world series, do you want to go?
No, in fact not
- For that not?
- Because I cannot move, Fred
If he/she made it, he/she would die
We all die to know
will your character leave at some time?
Not I mean a lot...
But I will say this
Probably not, for obvious reasons
I would have been embarrassed for two years
As agent of Montgomery
all world calls me
The world has changed
Without moving
When I began in this industry...
it is like a Trail Blazer...
I believe that it is very safe
to be in the hat of Brando
America loves my things...
Steven Montgomery, hero, superestrella...
... God
There was a tragedy in Texas when a group
of adolescents I jump intentionally of an airplane
Without parachute
Obviously to imitate a man
that they come as a God
Steven Montgomery
Turn off that shit
What this happening here?
Who these people are?
- Not it is what you believe
- Not it is what you believe
Kelly, waits
He/she waits
Not I can move
Damned it is I cannot move
Not wise to where to go
This well, listen to me
I will take care now of you
Will you make it?
Ok, to the air in 5, 4, 3,
That he/she has the monkey in common
with Feed Newton, anything
Think again, both sometimes
they are brown
Steven, I have bad news
your program has been canceled
The girl that was here
taenia 16 and something happened
I thought that taenia 18
Not it cares, it was here
- I thought that her already wise
- Not Steve cares...
- ... you had sex with her
- I thought that it was she "dedeando!"
is the same thing, don't you understand it Steven?
Shit, give me another work
Not I have anything Steven
Let us face it, you cannot leave
without dying
I don't make the rules
It is like the market is managed
I have to take this...
Hello, Johnny Franco
I am blocked here
that it happens?
He/she looks, you have to decide
quick, because...
At the end of the day, there won't be but...
Three years later
What did it pass Steven Montgomery?
In the last three years that
Steve has been outside of the air
He/she chose a calm life
Blocked in the earth
Before it pleased me
Now I hate it
Thank you Lewis
They are all the news for
tonight, I am Brein Vincent
And me James Stanfold, good night
Do they come like it works?
It was the first and
I have nine but
In total they will be 10
And they know what is 10
It is as if we didn't have but
Good, we go to the
second history
Do we go?
No, don't help me in anything
Not he/she knew that you were here
Undoubtedly not wise, not you
nobody cares but that your same one
- Gretchen
- Don't tempt me today, you will lose
Do they come that? Am I crazy?
Not wise that was here
God, goes to the point, there is not
something that could...
... before never we fought
before we laughed at those people
If it broke that knot
I would laugh so much
They knew that laughing
is the best medicine?
No, he/she would not need medicine
to break it
It is this way like he/she was laughing
It was so much time ago I laughed
so much that he/she already forgets like it is
I sit down it, I didn't want to bore them
with this...
... oxydon 3
It is this way like he/she called himself that oil
Good, let us return to
our 10 histories
We Go with the No. 2
The duck, the news
Improving your Spanish?
If, a moment
Very well
You hear yourself as my grandma
That not so good fu
As it is, I want that
know Tony
It will be in Mexico this summer
Very well Oliver
I will be able to improve my pronunciation
Do you see what we have Gloria?
For that don't leave with me?
God willing it felt this way, but not
Not you can be my girlfriend
Every day, during
five years
I introduce you to Tony,
your temporary substitution
As these?
He/she had not seen you
- Hello, pardon, this better one?
- A lot
The system this here
I wrote you here the instructions
and if you need something
- you can call me...
- Hey relaxes you
He/she takes your vacations
Drive crazy you, have a good time
Tony can get ready them
certain Tony?
Perhaps be right
- I want...
- If
I want...
... to catch your teats, if!
No, I don't believe that it is
that what you try to say
A moment
Prove this... it is very sweet
"Thank you" Alfonso, but...
... "tired" by my airplane
He is Jess
I like in knowing you
... our gentleman and savior
Jesus Christ
Oh Oliver, if, Oliver
Oh Jess
Who demons are Jess
Nobody, Oliver
- These exaggerating
- Exaggerating?
That it would seem you that
Patricia told you to half...
Lament this
From when you exercise?
That you speak?
I found it below
I thought of giving him/her a little
of flavor to my pectoral
- Flavor to your pectoral?
- That? Flavor to my pectoral
Not you
There is something that I don't like
That you think Rachel?
That I deceive you?
Allow me to guess, I knew to
a girl in the coffee
It is as if you take something hot
with a glove you didn't burn
- Twice?
- Not he/she will say that
- Then I can...
- Please, continuous
They saw, boys
It questions my pectoral
I sit down it it was not my intention...
Ah if, here the third history goes
This well?
- Scissors
- scissors
- It is everything
- Good work, Dr Richie
Thank You Mattie
- Every time that I move.
- Hey seems that we have a couple...
Dr. she has a horrible pain
from the operation
Oh if
Do you see this? Not it should be there
This cutting the knives
The scissors prescribe
They are causing most
of the pain
I leave the scissors inside
of my wife?
- If, it is this way
- How could it make this way an error?
Not fu error, I made it as joke
- Does he/she joke?
- No, relax you
- As joke, I made it as joke
- Not I understand
Clearly he/she doesn't know me,
I joke a lot
My friends know it
If, I joke, the thing is
that he/she has to understand my sense of humor
I believe that it is everything, Natty
Your you were when it operates her
throw the scissors in their belly
For that made it?
if I remember well, he/she made it
as joke
- Now you do go?
- Dog son, serve looks at that of the... !
... stomach of my wife, now!
- This dead one
- What?
Do wait, is a joke?
It is a... no, this dead one
He/she still wants him to remove him/her
the scissors, seemingly not
- He/she murdered my wife
- Hey, fu a joke
As joke, does he/she know that?
It is very violent, I have
that to fly
Let us be direct
He/she says that you accent a
I orchestrate surgical in their body...
... knowing it and deliberately
I have been a good surgeon
during 20 years
Good citizen, a father,
family man... a husband
It put those deliberately
scissors in their body?
He/she would never make something that hurt to
some patient, fu a joke
- Did it put the scissors?
- They belonged to practitioners
- Did it put the scissors?
- During the last 20 years
Did it put the scissors?
- Did it put the scissors?
- As a prostitute joke
Ladies and gentlemen
of the jury
I would like a joke
As much as to this type
In the school, me and my
We put to an oriental inside
of the cajuela of my corvette
It is a joke
But it is a joke...
... and later fu murder
- Objection
- Accepted
Alone I joke
It is one of the many examples
I already heard too much, I am here
to close up of for life
For the murder of Sheyla Contiella
Their lordship
- Will we have the same thing?
- Clear
does he/she want to go by everything?
As he/she wants
- They arrived to a verdict
- It is this way, their lordship
Us the jury, we find
to the protected one...
... guilty
Murder in first grade
Not to say this, but
what I said 3 hours ago was not?
- But they insisted in...
- But their lordship, the system works this way
Is it as well as does the system work?
Please, say but to the world
we want to know it
The Verdict is, as there was him
said before
Life imprisonment, for
Dr. Richie
Is a joke?
I don't believe it
If it was for my, it would send it to the death
Damned imbiles
- Thank you their lordship
- Ah, your...
- Your in contempt
- Me?
For that? That I will make?
I knew that there are vacancies in
the plant
He/she can that it is better than this
You were very good in this
thank you
From now on, you will be Is it handcuffs
of Bost
No, I already have wife, you will should
to take somebody but
But it is worth you that you are quiet the muzzle
and begin to suck me the verga
I joke
Very good
Not it is joke
Make it
you are for sure you will be
the whole day
Oh if, this playing basketbol
It will be outside hours
- Oh not you...
- Which the alternative is?
It ruined your glorious day
I want to make you love
before your session
It is terrible about the love
of the women
I believe that we would should
to see the points
Don't misinterpret me, I offer you
a same salary
But there are some differences
You want to be in the front line
I don't believe it
The Russian will come and
they will want to be in your boobies
You are so sexy when
politics languages
- When you finished with Rachel
- Soon
- soon
- alone you make me promises
Him you, is complicated you will have
that to have patience
I will make it this week
This is the following history
It becomes touching
Can you feel?
You HONORED Your Father and Mother
- Is he/she a boy or girl?
- I will say this way it, the first are boy...
... here the boy Not comes. 2
Oh my God
Is there ace in that vagina?
I love it
My small ones
I will love them until I die
We have already grown
I believe that it is moment
of telling us the truth
About that?
about the fact that
your and dad are white
and we are black
Wise that this day he/she would come
The year before they were born
He/she was the reporter for
the local newspaper
And I had to opportunity of interviewing
to all the big stars
Denzel Washington
Morgan Freeman
... to all
And although it was married with
their father
And it was very in love of the one
From time to time
After the interviews
These stars
They caught me
Mom, leave you of things
did you have sex with them or not?
- As I said...
- Who is our biological father?
One night after one
he/she interviews...
... take the opportunity of...
... to catch with Arnold Zuartzeneger
They need that I spelled them to him
I... F...
Or... Z... K...
... Or... D...
To... R... N...
Or... L... D
S... Z...
- ... And...
- Mom - you Allow it to finish
... W... To... R... And... N
And... G... G...
... And... R
You Say that Arnold Zwarszenegger
is our biological father?
If, for that reason they are so high
He/she always told to all
that they were high because they ate a lot
- As you can be sure... ?
- Positive
It was with the only one with the one
that I was in that moment
And I made myself a test of blood
to prove it
How you explain the color
dark of the skin?
Him you, believe me, him you
About that conversation
I have been thinking a lot
and I have decided
it is better for you
that they know their true father
If... so...
Without but that to say
He/she has returned, and here it is
The man, schemes it
Their father
The incomparable one, Arnold Zswarzenegger
Hello children
I Am Arnold
Finally I know my
two children
It will be fantastic
Do they want to go to the bar or something like that?
he/she suckles
He is not Arnold zwarzenegger
- Could you wait in the room?
- Clear
Look, I tried to arrive to Arnold
but now he/she is a politician
and I could not pass the reception
that type is it covers its events
Alone he/she wanted to give them an idea
of like it was
this well suckles
thank you
We will try him to work
Those are my beautiful boys
You that this owes
to be difficult for you
so many levels
He/she makes but of one week
it would not have imagined this
after canceling
a great battle
but that the international star and governor
they already know who is
Arnold Zwarzenegger
To have me to my, replacing it to the one
and to make them feel comfortable
and complete
To know that they have two biological parents
and to be African-American American
it should be difficult
not so much
you don't have to fake the voice
of Arnold if you don't want
look, to be honest with you
it is sometimes but fcil to express
my true feelings
making this personification
there are things that he/she can say
but that Mark Jakempson
We go
Look at my so sweated children
he/she suckles, true Arnold szwaurzenegger
it is as this
I have not spoken with the one
in years
according to memory
Oh my God
Van to hate me for this reason
I made some...
Not it was Arnold Szwarzenegger
It was...
That explains a lot
Then discover the true truth
And the test of blood that you said?
It was for the...
And like I am?
What can we make?
I can make a good Eddie Murphy
- This well
- Same difference
Do they remember?
They can think that our
family is a little different
But do they know that?
It is our familla
and it is what counts
Who goes to say who
he/she is your father
Is he/she the person that and did it raise?
Or he/she is the person that gave you their DNA
Or perhaps it is a type that
this in your house imitating comedians
That it is the same one that
your biological father
If they ask us?
It is the I finish
The type that this at home
imitating a famous comedian
that it also raised
to famous other comedian
who is your biological father
- I Am Gratt Jeffey
- and me Ted Jeffey
And we are the Siblings Jeffey
Gretchen is an incredible wife but
Liz makes me feel young and I live
and the sex, hey the sex
If, but it is worthwhile to throw 20 years
of marriage for a moment?
- The monogamy is...
- what maintains the society in foot
... biochemistry... to deploy
.. as soon as you burn the truth
you will be but happy
I am happy with this
- Not him these
- I am really it
They were 24 good hours but
it is with who I sleep
If he/she had my milk free
you could be so sure
He/she would begin to catch cows
It is easy to say it for you
I have children
It is the only reason to continue this way
when I wake up
You live in a world of fantasy
Perhaps but I take
a pill
to feel well
Not you to the one who to believe
Ave or Scottie
What is been...
... we have 10 histories
and I won't disappoint you
I promise them to him
Does one scheme as of hospital?
for that would make that?
it is ridiculous
The problem of being a hero
do you know that?
we will have one it schemes this way
Affection would not know that
to make on one schemes this way
I will investigate it, if I can with
the Video casetera can with this
I configure VCR
- Hey
- Not it was intentional
I sit down it Jake
do you know that dad loves you certain?
- Pope loves you
- I configure VCR
- Ray!
- Not it was intentional
I sit down it Jake
do you know that potato loves you, certain?
Pope loves to his small one
already him you dad
Oh sits down it
I have to have another
Pardon affection had not seen you
You see yourself as shit
Your also
as 125 dollars, not so much
that you can have with 5 dollars?
Burger King
I love them, some changes
and they are but famous
It is this way
I really love Ray
thank you
This is the radioactive nucleus
of where the energy comes
so that you connect
their you scheme electric
Doesn't it become very hot there?
Don't worry, we are
perfectly safe here
We know that we make
Attention, this it is not a mockery
This is not a mockery,
all the levels...
This happening!
There are many children that can be
exposed at dangerous levels of radiation!
That demons will make?
The substitution will be able to fix everything
in the following hour
Impossible, where we go to
does to find scheme this way in this city?
- I have an idea
- That it happens we already have many problems
In a reality show...
- That that is?
- It is a panel of celebrities
Not you!
- I was hardly happened
- we will speak later when we concentrate
Your dad doesn't maybe have a
heap of you scheme this way?
Not there is here neither nobody
I don't have my key
It is an entire relief the one
to leave the house
Your you said it
another beer gentlemen
me if
give me two
dog son
we go, don't die
not now
In the news, 75 children
they are dying
as a result of an accident
in a nuclear plant
The hopes finished the one
not to be able to enter to those houses
It is reported that they had dozens
of you scheme that they would save their lives
Collected without reason by two neighbors
that unaccountably they have not been opposing
Formally this being pursued
the one in charge of the nuclear plant
The details to the moment
the bill
Have you been deceiving me one year ago?
He/she finished, long!
I am fed up with your lies
of your excuses and your...
... lousy stone chart
To where it is supposed that he/she goes?
For my it vetoes to the hell
Veto with your small prostitute
Not he/she is a prostitute
he/she is an actress and you know it
one is also considered
You know that that your you cannot make...
Not say anything of that that
you can be sorry
- Don't say it, I notice it to you!
- Veto to fly, Gretchen
Veto to fly
Prostitute's son!
Ok, something that to speak...
They have not shown up
they have just transferred me
Oh a pleasure, Glen Richie
You are the one that killed
to one of their patients
it was a joke
If it was joke, I understand it
Finally somebody understands it
He/she makes a lot that I am not out
Something new that to say?
- It is good
- Do you joke?
this type has a
social problem
I tell it to you, they have a social calendar
better than none
if for some reason salts
there won't be reason
But it is not so bad here
I am addicted to that
It would bother you if I sit down next to you
No, it sounds very well but...
... I don't believe that it is good idea
I have a great partner
and it would violate me for that reason
It is my luck
I should know that they would take you
That but I can say
Do you know that? to the devil, we are alone
two people enjoying their company
To who he cares, I say
first the security
The heat
The life is interesting
He/she looks, you that you already have owner
And I respect that totally
But your and I are
so similar
When I pass that of this type, I said
the life is interesting and your also said it
It is the type of moments
of those that I speak
I sometimes wonder as serious if
it was me the one that violated you every night
you know
I believe that I sit down the energy
of our friendship
- and you project it in something that is not
- No, me not...
... I don't project it
I can see you without you chewed
as if we were in another side
you would hit me in the mouth
and it would violate you
Without your consent, clear
That is very valiant
Of that it is violating
- He/she looks and I have listened
- But
I cannot simply change
it is not so simple
- I will already fix it
- Not be of the type...
Not I can
I don't have left it a lot,
see you later
To where chingados
do you believe that you go?
Buster, we have to speak
Oh not, don't tell me
Not it is easy, Dwayne asked me him to be its dog,
and I am not sure of wanting or...
... noq to want to be their dog
Tell me that it is joke
No, this time not
We have gone by moments
emotional, we know it
this cell explains to it but that anything
wise that this day it would arrive
Listen to me... you have to make
what you have to make
Whenever your ass
be violated
I suppose that it will be this way
for somebody who is
every night
and it is what it cares
he/she joked
long of here
these busy one?
he/she read a paper but
I can make it but late
that it happens?
speak with the great buster and...
... it seems that I take it well
this is wonderful
Do you know what means, not?
him you
The king is the but big
All that I have made
It has been expressed intensely
The life is to delight
day by day
The hours will be patient
and yours...
... leave it in our hands
and take you our hearts
Everything is this way
Do make state drinking?
No, alone a little
I believe that we have that
to leave tonight
I have an idea that such
if your and me
we stay and we speak
be not so wet blanket
I want to leave, I want to leave
of party 24 hours a day
do you know it already not?
I say, you will leave Gretchen
for my, truth?
- Clear
- If! Would you buy me a ponny?
- that they have a good time
- Thank you
You have made me the best
of the channel 3
And he/she can that you are the girlfriend
of Steven Montgmoery that this blocked in the earth
But tonight, we are
those but happy of the world
and he/she could not love you but
Hello friends, I am Oliver Swallow
And me Gary and I renounce
- Gary
- Your you are the one that has the hand in my ass
- Or somebody laughs enough
- He/she leaves alone the girl
To the chingada, as you call yourself affection?
- Me?
- Undoubtedly to you, I don't speak with your boyfriend
Hey Kelly because you don't wait for me
after the show and I will show you my hooter
Not it is amusing
He/she allows to hear what Gary says
- Idiot
- When he/she says you can unite
He/she is a great comedian
Oh my God
I believe that it was part of the act
can you be quiet one second?
Affection is our moon
of honey, we should take champagne
- To return to the room
- Please, I have just had dinner
hello friends
- We love the show
- Thank you
Can I speak with Gary?
Hey baby, is glad me
that you liked the show
For that don't come undone of the one
and we will be able to speak
You showed me your hard verga
as you said?
I already have to leave
Well for that doesn't leave
that Gary comes with us
- Affection believes that...
- I will hit you in the face
That Gary says,
we go to the field
This a little tired
good night
You are maybe...
Not I am gay because I go out with small
and Gary is not Gay because
he/she is a marionette
that I bought in a company
in Chicago
Good night
Kelly, we go...
He/she hoped to lose the virginity
I have go to walk
Really? Because it would rot...
... to go with you
I have many condoms
I want to make it
Does he/she know where was the it finishes time?
thank you to call to the police
We should call to the police
I sit down it
I thought that him toward
but not
I had never felt
so happy for a long time
we always make the same jokes
I no longer find amusing
Your you were there when my engaged one
it was buried
- And it continues there
- it continues there
You said that taenias girlfriend, but
when it was the it finishes time that you came out?
She dies to go out with you
Do how many point out you need?
then our marriage
it is a farce
perhaps be right
You that I am right
I am for sure to her
he would love to hear that of you
It is a madness
That you make here?
Gretchen... hello it was
in the neighborhood
I thought that it could happen
to shit
Not it is a good moment
for that don't return tomorrow?
Can I enter for single 5 minutes?
Tomorrow perhaps doesn't have
necessity to shit
Who this in the door?
Jeff, you already know to...
.Then your and Jim...
- If
How this Liz?
In fact we look for a ponny
A ponny can be
As I said, it is not moment
so that you shit
But it was good to see you,
you are brilliant
It is always well you
You are tired
- These taking...
- Gretchen
I can speak for five minutes
without you attack me for that reason?
- Rot then
- Am I taking my Oega Trifsico, ok?
Alone that not in the same way
It is for that reason
If it is for that reason
That you are lucky, Jeff
Also your, Gretchen
The new one this awake one
As not, if it hurts me
the head
And definitively I will need something but
you to what you refer
You Need a Lionel Rynold
It is always the shit
for that lick this way it?
It is a good question and
there is a history, friend
Len Renold, in fact existed
Before that he/she lived in New York
No, the history begins before
Did you count your history or mine?
The first in the history of he/she Quarrels
it is when it left the school
And I work AD in Washington
He/she opened locks
It was difficult because
not taenia fingers
Their prostitute open door wants
You paid for that reason, he/she Quarrels!
So for that reason they call
to this Life does Quarrel?
There is but in the history
Some years later, he/she Quarrels
he/she worked in the streets
- Give me one second
- Not I do have toa the night, does it work or that?
Don't speak to me, leave me
to concentrate
Do you know that? Forget it
God that passes them
For that reason he/she was not able to
to maintain a work
He/she wanted to play the piano
- These discharged
- That?
Because I sit down passion
for this reason?
- If
- Do you know that I knew?
That it is of the racist organization
If, it is this way
Undoubtedly if
Finally he/she Quarrels he/she found something
in what was good
To say lies
You know that she sucks him/her
the eggs to somebody in a party?
Wise that your he/she suckles
was it in and prostitutes' service?
Take away from the director, he/she wants
to catch to all the children
- He/she quarrels it was in the summit of the world
- Does he/she quarrel that there is?
Aaron, you knew that that
did it pass the lizard?
You knew what passed him/her
to your face?
Until he/she heard something
Evil dogs
And all were infected
to if same
With an illness of
transmission sexual human
and they planned to begin an orgy
to infect to the whole town
This way the one Quarrels he/she wanted to notice
to all
A moment for that those dogs were infected
with a mortal illness?
They were immune
Listen all, don't have
sex with the dogs
they plan to have an orgy
You always lie for that
we should believe you
Hey has gender together all
- Not you
- To who you will believe him/her to he/she Quarrels or to the winning dog
It began to lose weight
For that reason they call to this
Does Liar Quarrel?
Because it is the same thing
every day
- See you later friends
- That the one is he/she Quarrels?
This is the place
it is not necessary a lot to look
What you see is what there is
That you waited for 850 a month
What you see is what there is
or that you waited for
The station MIR there out
In the space?
I take it to me
Sr. dalton
- Dalton... Timothy Dalton
- As the 007
It is this way
The keys
As you have been?
Your dilo first
As this Liz?
we finish
she was very young
- As this Jim
- Not I work
Their penis is too big
I say, for a while
it was grandiose
God, very well
I sometimes think of that and.
... I have a small orgasm
No... oh waits
Here he/she comes
But you know, I don't work
- And where you live?
- I have this new home
It is an empty place
without stone charts
That good that changed
Gretchen could never apologize
For what I happen
You came out of you limit them
I should never tell it to you
not after him
that I happen with-
... with you and your brother
thank you
Perhaps you would want.
... a cup of coffee
I would love it, but after finishing
with Liz, let us marry and I won't make the same error
you already know, adultery
With who you married?
it is brilliant
- The star of Broadway
- oh if this prides of that
and also of the oscar
I see that it has been useful
it is as "thank you"
- that good to see you
- equally
Gretchen loves you so much
I want you to return
If. no
that there is of your wife
I will call him/her and I will tell him/her
that he/she finished
As these?
As if he/she shitted dollars
Him you, terrible work
he/she looks, I have you bad news
I saw. to my former wife Gretchen
and... as I will say it
Diane, I sit down it a lot
You are brilliant, we could make it
I will make that my lawyers
do send you the documents, ok?
This well, I will make it
I have to leave
I have to leave, Diane
we will arrive late at the church
the children are already in the car
I am sick, I believe that
they have poisoned me
You should go without my
Totally naked?
completely naked
The whole time that
they left to the church
The whole morning
He/she is intriguing Oliver
And I eat it was you on Sunday
- we could be together
- That I will tell to Gina
It invents an excuse
- That?
- Buimia
- It is something gay'
- No
I am very heterosexual
I like girls
But even so I like life
We are alone a couple
of types heteros
That they don't go to the church
to be naked
not you, doesn't like me
In fact serious
Hey that made you
to change opinion?
Really these nude
that it is your penis
And your bottom there
You are right
For that not and ntras and do you take off your clothes?
I have q ue to tell it to you
I thought that this serious good
But this, is very good
Is it very good, not?
I have many Cd's
do you want to hear something?
Do you joke? It is my favorite one
That we listen?
Killing me Softly?
That is too much
We go a little but deep
That such an east
The contemporary flavor
The grace of the universe
That was grandiose
- That well we pass it
- For that don't come next Sunday'
Not you, would feel a little guilty
if I don't go to the church
Marty, God not necessarily
he/she wants us to go to the church every Sunday
Take it as being given or
rest of the normal life
and to celebrate their great creation
And that bigger creation
For my there is not he/she swims well
that to be here, and to move the balls
It is a great point
But I have a question
To how many boys but
should he/she invite?
On following Sunday
Who invite it to the one?
It is the I finish that I need
Week 5
I like the music
I always know them
Wise that serious good
Week 7
And it was no longer angry
and it was completely outside of if
As their own wall
Week 9
We finish early in the church
and your wife goes in road
This here!
That we make?
Hello potato? as your gangrene he/she goes
Oliver, does something happen?
For that?
You act strange and I want
to know that it happens
Affection, you deserve to know the truth
Every Sunday, dozens of
men come here
And they get undressed
- I already see
- Not we go to the church again
That you think of that?
I will tell you what I think
If you have one again
party of nudes in my house...
... in a Domingo
You can kiss me the bottom
when saying goodbye
a moment Gloria
Listen to me
I have been a good man
all my life
I have taken care of my children
and to my wife
I give to the church
I never knew about flying
I have never caught to a prostitute
So leave us this day
that every Sunday
we have to make this
That is the worst way
But I felt never so well
there was really something
Not this wrong to be naked
in one Sunday
Comely that would want to make it
Present them this history
Not they could get lost it
I read that of the charts but
don't listen the wisdom
I should never betray my wife
but I made my work
I gave them 10 short histories
And we don't die for that reason