Tendres Cousines (Cousins in Love) (1980)

My name is Julien. I'm 15
That's me there
Well - going on 15
Trouble is, I'm in love
with my cousin, Julia
She's great looking
from any angle
See for yourself,
better than Venus
You know, the nude
on the half-shell
Anyway, that's what I think
That's Poune, Julia's sister
Naturallly she's my cousin too
She can talk 5 minutes without
breathing or thinking
The trouble is she's
in love with me.
I don't get 5 minutes alone
to piss
That's my Aunt Adele
She's their mother
She's obsessed with calories
She thinks they gang up on her
and make her fat
That's my sister, Clair
Forever plucking her excess hair
If it didn't grow back,
she'd be bored
She's all set to marry
for money... Him
Forget it, a dull subject
My mother, very nice
but plagued by financial worries
That's why she took in boarders
A German scientist who fled
the Nazis...
with his daughter
And a fading actress who
fled the talkies
That's my father... very dapper
Next to him, we always look like
poor relatives - or slaves
These are the slaves...
Monsieur Lacroix, estate-manager
Madame Lacroix,
his wife
Mathilde, the upstairs maid
and Angela,
the housemaids
and Mathieu, the farmhands
Monsieur Bazu, the mailman
Looks like it'll be
a great summer
It's 1939 and
all's quiet as can be
You could move a little quicker,
and dont dawdle
Me, dawdle?
And that?
Breakfast, Madame
Mathilde... come here,
I want to talk to you
Morning. How are you,
have a good night?
- Oh, he's ugly.
- Who?
Mussolini bathing at the beach.
He's a fright
He must love spaghetti
Stop your barking, it's me.
Good morning, ladies
Morning, Monsieur Bazu
Is he hungry?
He's always hungry, Rex
Nothing for me?
No, Madame Clementine.
Hollywood's still waiting
Oh, the plumber, him again
For Mademoiselle Adele.
It's a striated basalt
It's lovely
It's a stone
Would it be convenient to remove
your bicycle from the marmalade?
I'm sorry. Goodbye, ladies,
have a pleasant day
Your mail pouch, Monsieur Bazu,
but whats in it?
To build a palace
- Good morning, dear
- Morning, Aunt Agnes
Had breakfast?
Well, I must run.
I'm a little scared
Be careful all the same
She'll be up on Prince
for the first time
I found a poppy!
Bad dog. I'm so sorry dear
I thought you were the dog
I hope you weren't hurt
No, it's nothing
Wherere my tweezers?
A little, a lot...
You're getting on my nerves
Stop it
Well, I try
Leave me alone!
Hi, Antoine. Can't win them all
Sorry. You see it all,
don't you, my poor darling?
Listen, I'll tell you another
Im in love. Mustn't tell
What we need here is real men.
There you are. Look at her
Go on, take the tray. And
put your clothes back on
Can't do everything.
Ive got my hands full
And she knows how to use them
It's pretty clear Hitler hasn't
spoiled somebody's appetite
Madelon pours out our drinks
full measure
And in the dark, we feel around
her skirts
He beat his wife
with a hickory stick...
Courage, courage...
and when hed beat her once,
he'd beat her once again...
Why'd you take the straps down?
You think I wouldn't understand?
They'd make marks
Charles, what is it?
I want!
You're crazy
Youre a nuisance.
Youre obsessed
Ive got a right to.
I have, don't l?
In Venice, I thought we decided
Madelon pours out our drinks
full measure, and in the dark
Eat. What a miserable mess
Order is just appearance;
it passes like present time
Thats it?
Madame Agnes' orders
All the boarders who
don't pay... crack!
Even Mademoiselle Clementine...
She's late
You have a letter from Berlin
- Thank you.
- Give me the stamp
Why don't you give me a horse?
In Venice, the horse
What would Justine say?
Oh, Justine is like me..
Yes, she's modern ideas, and
she's not stupid
Stupid and more
Well, can't
win them all. Bad luck
Come here, Rex
Just look at the poor creature,
Stop playing with him
Julien, at last
Julien, my love...
I dressed Rex up like an aviator
Did you notice, I've grown
two inches
- Tell me later.
- All my teeth are in
Julia got a horse... for passing
all her exams, and I got zip
Hello, Mom
A big hello. I've been
waiting for you
Wait, you get one more...
the wetter
The better
Are you hungry?
Yes, he's hungry. Very hungry
Then off to the kitchen because
your aunt's devoured it all
Come on, let's go
He's nearly grown up
See, just the way it was
Monsieur Julien, youre so big
- Im hungry. Anything to eat?
- Sure
- Justine...
- Yes, Ill fix you something
Move over
A little drink of wine?
What happened to you,
your cheeks red
I banged it on the barn door,
that's all
Sure, a barn door - with
All of you, butter your bread
Wake up, Mathieu, pass me
the butter
Yes, Mathieu, wake up.
Pass her the butter
You two, you're too much
One drinks, the other sleeps
Hey, show him your snazzy boots.
Did you see his boots?
Theyre nice
Hey, what's this... what's
this bulge? What is it?
Stop already
Hey, Mathieu, look
Mathieu's asleep; you going
to wake him up for that?
Besides, the children
We know all about it,
don't worry
Well then, you see? You're
the only one who doesn't know
Leave me alone, go find your
barn door
I have the ball right here
- Have your paddle?
- Of course I have my paddle
- Well, toss me the ball.
- The point of the game is...
when I have the ball,
I hit it to you
You be kind, don't
make me nervous
No, really, dear. The car is
right there
I want it super clean!
Let's do it
Concentrate. Service
You're not ready,
pick up your paddle
My seams are twisted; just a
sec... then you can serve
Wearing hose to play?
You didn't take your trousers
off, did you?
Well, whats the score?
Always 15 to 5
Nice doggie
Oh, there's your brother
Hi, Julien. See, I'm learning
ping pong
And my creams, you remembered?
- They're on your bed
- You saw Mom?
Baby, do you mind? Save these
outbursts for later
What's the rush?
You're ridiculous, you know that
Hi. Give me a kiss
Shh! They're concentrating
Well... here we go
First, the left hand
- You wear brassieres?
- Evidently
I shave
Second, the left knee...
everything harmonious
You get my notes?
Your notes? Oh, your books
I'll give the rhythm, one two,
one two
I get it
Third, the chest... open
Our roses, youve seen them?
A forge! Breathe in, out
I brought you something
Bravo. You made me break a nail
Look, baby, it's aesthetics
or it's sport. Have to choose
I'll tell you one thing. Go on,
but do it alone
Oh no, you chose a bad moment.
Go away. Here, go chase this
Julien, you're always last
Thank you for bringing
the veterinary creams
I dont want a dog
What's he done?
Today, July 5, 1939,
after years of searching
I believe I have isolated a soul
That's marvellous
And you're going to sell it
Really, Charles, to who,
the devil?
Who's that girl?
The Prof's daughter.
Doesn't like boys
Whats this?
A Swiss knife
Its for you
Its nice, thanks
A soul, how would you
describe it?
It is highly volatile
Speaking of volatile...
Hurry up, hurry up
You scared me. Stop it,
Im on duty
What do you care whether those
bastards eat or not
How about letting me taste?
Justines coming back
It tastes better from your hand
Let me go.
Madame won't be happy
Who cares?
But shes not good now
It's damn sure her husband
won't make her happy
Watch out for the rooster
And Fougerasse Lavignole?
Lavergnole, still nothing?
No, but it's always a long wait
with him
Her husband?
No, her impresario.
I suppose her lover
You know what lover means?
Are you going to show a film?
Dont talk at the table
Leave it. Yes, about
Anna Karenina
Are there any lions?
I know something's gone wrong
Oh, the rooster
Oh, thats right, just like dogs
You, stallion, go back
to your stable
we'll talk about this later.
And what's that?
Its the rooster
Pick it up
Cover up
It's not my fault, they jump
out by themselves
Come here; Ill fix you...
No wonder, missing a button
Go on. The rooster!
Hey, baby, show the ring
to Madame
You love jewels
You've come
It's tiny
It's an investment
My dad is the only man
who could find diamonds
in the bottom of a sink
Is he a plumber?
Charles father made a fortune
in bathroom fixtures
My wife adored jewellery
Youre always thinking
of your mother
A real bitch
May I have my ring back, please?
The rooster was fit to be tied
You remember coming here
when we were kids?
Is it still a long way?
Wait for me!
Wait for me!
I can't go so fast
It hasn't changed
Hey, wait, slow down,
I have to pee
One for all and all for one
Let's stop here
With a horse, at least
nobody has to pedal
Its dirty
You're never happy
Look, it's Charles
A breakdown?
You can't get anywhere
Okay, you win. Come on.
Take care of my bike
Hey, what're you doing?
- lm looking for something.
- What?
Would it be a Swiss knife?
Yeah, I suppose
How come youve got it?
In a way, I did a trade
For what?
A secret
It's about Charles.
You can tell hes in love
You sure?
He's sticking his lips out
Stop, you're tickling my ear
Your cheek's all red
Where would l get make-up?
From Claires.
Later, Ill tell you a terrible
secret about Charles
Ah yes, what secret?
Go ask her to dance
I don't know how to dance
Neither does she, go on
I can't dance
I want to
You dance terrific,
like in the movies
Is this what the priests
teach you in school?
It's the last bottle
The Mayor wants a word.
He refused to go away
He can return tomorrow when
Edward is here
He insists
I'll see him
Save a little champagne.
I shall surely be needing it
Wait, I'm really thirsty
That's the rhythm
She doesn't know how
Time to learn. Shall we try?
I don't want to anymore
Just when I was getting good
That was the Mayor. He wants
extravagant payment
And all for a water bill
The Popular Front,
what nonsense
Professor... it's the last one
Naturally it hasn't
been chilled
And your hiccup?
It's fine
July 5, 1939...
I danced with him
Feeling his warm breath
on my skin drove me crazy
I think he loves me, but we
mustn't. We must be strong
I rather pity cousin Julien,
poor fellow
If he knew a great love,
it would transform him
My goodness, it's all
so difficult
A soul
Its cold!...
Who is it?
Its me
Not now
Its urgent
Come in
What do you want?
I have to talk to you
It can't wait?
Please, leave us
Well, go on
I can't watch you play the fool
with that man
Together you look ridiculous
What man?
You know who
Close your eyes
Close your eyes. I'm rinsing
Go on
And have you thought
about Claire?
Care to scrub my back?
Oh shit
Im bored here. You want
to play anything?
Quiet, Im thinking
What good's that? You want my
advice? You're wrong to think
Look at Charles; he never
thinks, and he makes out
Whos that? Julien,
come and look
Don't make any noise, quick
Julien, hurry up...
you won't regret it
What happens when you see
a naked girl?
Come on, quick, don't want
to miss this
One, two, one, two
How do you do?
Why are you stopping?
Anything wrong?
Motor's overheated.
Want to swim?
I didn't bring a bathing suit
Who cares?
Wait a sec. Can I drive it?
Okay, take my place
Do I start the engine?
Later. Well, you see...
this leg here...
you use to accelerate
But the other one, this one
here, puts on the brakes
Your hands are icy
Look, relax, you're a bundle
of nerves
The keys
What about the keys?
- They fell down there.
- Where?
- Somewhere down there.
- I can't see
Oh, the flowers. I'd better go
get a nice bouquet
Don't see any keys
Stuck. Oh, damn
Move over. Ill do it
I'll look for those keys
Shit, I cut myself
Are you hurt? Let me see
Help me
You're bleeding
Don't leave me like this
No, please...
youll make me fall
No, please stop feeling me
You've got long legs
Because you're on your knees.
Oh, get up, get up
Im fine here
You must stop
There's a grease stain on
your dress
Look, we could go swimming.
Oh, let me go. A wasp
Did I do something?
No, a wasp, it stung me
- It did? Where?
- On my thigh
- Show me where
- No, not on my foot
Your foot, yes
The keys,
I see the keys
Monsieur, you have traces
of red on your lips
Thank you, Lacroix
Hello, Papa dear. Didn't forget
my bridal gown?
No, of course I brought it
Look at that
What's it like, describe it?
Lace everywhere
That's great, bravo
Enough ribbons, you're sure?
Yes, lots of ribbons.
Hello, Mathieu
Here, Mathieu, you take it,
but handle it gently
Just a second. Here, Mathieu,
something for you
Come on, let's get inside
Charles, don't look,
it's bad luck
It won't make a difference!
What a silence
Close the window,
it attracts bugs
There, on your desk are
Tomorrow. You must speak to
the Professor and to Clementine
They both owe for three months
She was up for a big role
A flop. Ah, the Mayor
was around
He wants to speak to you
How will you ever pay
all those debts?
My boat is so small...
and the sea is so large
Now you have a boat?
A small point, thanks
What delicacy: I get the same
as the farmhand
In the old days,
you preferred artists
You're right, it does
attract bugs
You may not notice from your
boat, but you have a family
including a son...
who, at the moment is in
the depths of puberty
Oh, what a pleasure to chat
I remind you, you're marrying
off your daughter cheap
You're the one who's marrying
her off... to a toilet bowl
Enter, don't stay there,
it's only me
I can't sleep
What're those?
My first souls
Pink for girls?
The colours are for pleasure.
The souls have no sex
Where do you find them?
When anyone dies, hup.
I reach out and catch one
I've had this one here
for 20 days
What do you do with them?
I just observe... then
I let them go
They're not property,
not my souls
Here today, gone tomorrow
Like love?
Like love. You are unhappy,
young man?
It is good now and again.
Too much joy makes you an idiot
Take a look... I was teaching
at the University
I had a big house, a wife...
Ah, the sun, you'd think
you were in Italy
I was in a film there,
a costume site
Florence, Sienna, Capri
With Gustave, the Venetian
Venice isnt only canalettos
Eating flowers now?
Lets talk of Gustave
He sees a casino, he gambles
away our shirts
He was so sweet afterward
He had a splendid death.
Where's my daughter?
With her horse. A brilliant
idea you had
you flat broke and you give
her a horse
A tiny present for her
You marry off your daughter,
so you can fix up your house
Charles, where are you?
Im right here, baby
What're you doing?
Im thinking
About your breasts
Think of something else
That's worse
You're not thinking about her?
Who's her?
You know very well
You mean the kid? What an idea
You're lying
Id like to know what's
going on in your head
Hey look, it's Charles
Hey kids, scram
To your house
Com on, I have an idea
Hello, little sheep
Whats wrong now? Get down
I admit, I prefer you like this
You're sleeping?
Shall I show you what we'll do
in Venice?
Close your eyes
You feel how warm I am?
Now, you promise me to be
very good
Charles, a sheep is stealing
your car
Can I come in?
If you Like
My poor Monsieur Julien, still
getting punished?
You're too old for stunts
like the car
I don't need their company
Your bed's very nice...
compared to ours
Can I lie down with you?
Oh, am I tired
Relax, I won't eat you
Ever kissed a girl?
On the mouth?
And you said a lot of
pretty things?
You want to tell me?
Right now?
But you did't say anything
You must have learned a poem
in school
It was snowing... We were
defeated by his conquest
"But not once before had the
Eagle bowed its head
"Oh, sombor day"
I think we should get more
"The Emperor returned
on his mount
"In the distance, at his back
"Burning Moscow...
"In the distance...
it was burning
"Moscow burned"
But what possible interest
would he have in Poland?
Why not Belgium?
With him, you never know
What does he want?
He wants Poune and Julien
Professor, do you think dogs
have souls like humans?
Its entirely possible,
We can't stand that noise
Do you insist on more
Did he really damage your car?
But there's the sheep too
Oh, who cares! Ill get him
Don't you know any other poems?
Don't you know any other poem
in Latin?
Oh shit, I'm on vacation
If Antoine ever saw this,
what would he do?
Don't worry, I'm joking
What are you doing to him?
Edward, come here, quickly
You really not hungry?
Want a cigarette?
I guess she's pretty mad
Shell calm down. Mathilde
is being sent away
But I gave her the address
of a friend in Paris
Don't blame me
That's between you and you
When you start to smoke,
don't blame others
Anyway, for next time
try not to get caught
Tell me exactly when you
got up today
- 6 o'clock.
- In a pig's ear
Here's the new girl
She's so young
Put down your case, you'll
see to it later
Show her where her room is
The rule here is up at
meat 3 times a week. One Sunday
in 4, you go and see your mother
Don't have one
And at Christmas; a gift
from the boss
With little Jesus to bless
all that
You, silence
Here, sit down! Right here.
A little
Give her that
- Tell me, what's your name?
- Agnes
- What?
- Agnes
We'll have to change your name
because Agnes here is the boss
That's a pain in the neck
We'll call her
by another name then
Madeleine, that's pretty
Quite pretty... Madeleine
Its nice, Madeleine
We agree, then, she's Madeleine,
right? This'll make it legal
Right. I name you Madeleine
You'll put away a nice
nest egg here
Dont listen... and dont
let her bother you
That's my fianc
And the boss?
Don't worry about him.
He won't bother you
Its Madame who's the real boss.
She's got all the bucks
They're rich?
Oh no. All she has is the
mansion; propertys gone
they've spent everything
Quiet, woman, is it any
of her business?
Its only natural she wants
to know
They've all got 2 left hands
Tell her what she's to do
Shall we finish that letter?
You said: "My dear mama...
I am well
The food here is good and tasty.
I sleep well every night
I hope my letter finds you well
and in good health
Signed: Mathieu
What about sending her
a big kiss?
lf you want
It's a real mansion.
I know the Mistress
Seen my car?
What do you want?
I have to talk to you.
The new girls just arrived
I have to talk to you.
The new girl's just arrived
and Charles has already
pounced on her
There's already a meeting
What're you babbling about?
I told you it's all arranged
- You sure?
- I heard everything
Come with me
A note to Julia? Oh, you want
her to meet you
...when the rooster crows.
Why did you sign Charles?
Put it in Julia's room, and
don't let anybody see you
More sentimentality
Charles, are you here?
Monsieur Charles...
Are you here?
Madeleine... are you here?
Are you here?
I'm here, Monsieur
You came...
Why are you trembling?
You aren't going to do
anything silly?
Don't be afraid... over there
Please don't
Yes, Madeleine, yes...
I beg you.
No, Monsieur Charles...
You bastard!
She didn't show up at mealtime
- Did you really look for her?
- Of course
Have you searched the barn?
No, Ill go there
- Sacrophage isn't in the stable.
- Is that it?
Did you see Julia?
No, I have a headache.
Anyone got an aspirine?
Justine, it's me, open
Go to bed. I'm scared
of the storm
Then you shouldn't be alone
Go to bed, I told you
I swear I don't know
what's wrong with her...
What? Who is it?
Its me. Listen, do storms
scare you?
No. Go away, I'm sleeping
Stone deaf
It hurts. How old are you?
And nothing ever hurt
quite this bad
Not this bad, no
Well, you were lucky then.
Pain begins early for some
And once it starts,
it won't stop
And there's nothing you can do?
You can always dream
Since it's your birthday
tomorrow, they're yours
Are they real?
Real, fake... what's the
Today I took a decisive action
I helped my cousin Julia rid
herself of that imbecile Charles
For a while it will be painful
If only I didn't love
the idiot so much...
Nature's got it all wrong.
I have the feelings
but not the age, and he has
the age but no feelings
Happy birthday
Happy birthday, Mademoiselle
Julia, you're aging fast
No faster than you.
You'll be sick
This is nothing
What do you want, baby?
I want an orange juice
A what?
Iced? In your condition?
A iced orange juice
No, that's lemonade I said
orange juice
An idiot
She was in a bad mood
Yes, very happy
Can I try?
No, youll stain your dress,
they're fresh eggs
I bet I can
My turn
You must walk very carefully
Lift the dress up
Another pin, please
I look all right?
Put down your collar.
Oh, there's a button missing
The princess?
Yes, coming. Professor,
what are you doing here?
You mustn't look
Do I make the announcement now?
One minute, Im not ready
What a handsome young man
He's our Casanova. He has
a terrible reputation
Hurry, please, everyone's
I still haven't learned
my lines
You wait till the last moment
At last
Tonight, to honour our dear Julia
on her 16th birthday
we have the good luck
and the honour
of seeing Mademoiselle
Clementine Granval,
in scenes from Fantasio,
by Alfred de Musset
Are we the Queen of Spain?
They're splendid; where'd
you find them?
A gift; they were Clementine's
Then they've got to be fake
What's wrong?
Tummy ache
And what's this?
I broke an egg
How pale the setting sun is,
my Lord
All nature's pitiable tonight
Good tobacco, good beer
You must be bored, Spark
Why do you say that?
No, why do you say that?
I... I dont understand this
Ah, the solitude in the soul
of man
Drink to forget...
All such nonsense
Right you are
Quiet, that's enough
What a miserable thing is man
Unable to leap from a window
without breaking a leg
Don't want to see the play?
Oh, the theatre. Id rather stay
and watch you
Give me a glass of cider
How old are you?
You want one?
No thanks
Come closer. Do you like it
I won't eat you
Julien was good, wasn't he?
Go ahead... don't just stand
there. On stage, quickly
There, that's your place.
Get closer
My God, it's Mathieu
Tomorrow or perhaps later,
you depart for Mantua
and with you your wedding gown
Why should I hold ill feelings
for you?
I have no reason to desire
your death
Maybe fate will reveal it
to you
Maybe fate has revealed you
I can elude it no longer
Him, I understand
Should I not put you out
the door?
No, that's the line, say it
Its the child of misery
Will you be quiet
Ill put you to bed
I cheated on you but you
don't know who
Yes, I do
- Bet you can't imagine.
- I know...
With her
That's not true
No, it's true. Tell her
We'll talk about it later.
Come on, Antoine
Aren't you going to slap my
face? Go ahead, slap me
Take that
Go to bed and sober up
You did it on purpose,
didn't you?
Is it your plan to make me
your confidant in tragedy?
- Madame...
- What's the matter?
The Mayor... the Mayor is here
Please don't send me away...
It's so amusing here
Look, your governess arrives,
pockets bulging with mysteries
Ill be damned!
Is it quite the moment?
Madame, I truly hope that
I couldn't care less, believe me
Look, the Mayor is here.
He's barged right into the party
Please kick him out
Ill need a pair of scissors;
Don't rip it. Calm down
Im not the star, she is
- I'm honoured.
- Delightful
You were splendid.
I assure you, you were
Im glad, thanks, but Im
really not used to doing this
lf you wanted to,
you could go far
Go where?
Ill explain later. I'll see you
in the park
Julia, will you do me a favour?
Yes, what?
No, I won't. No, please.
It was a present
Theyre fakes
I don't care
You'd better do it
Here you are. The jewels
of the family
No, Madame, it's too much
Take good care of them.
A queen has worn them
Poune, youre the leader
Come, mama, come with us
Not at my age
You're young, mama, come on
I can't go on
Sure you can
Mama, you alright?
What's wrong?
Nothing. Im alright
Go on, join the parade
You, you detest all of them -
that right?
You would like to see them
all dead
Yes. Are you psychic?
No. Im not a mind-reader or
At your age, you have emotions
you can't control
and pity always comes too late
I won't be like that,
I swear it
I'm already a monster
My soul, if you saw it, would
be as black as coal at night
Its entirely too soon.
Its transparent
Yes, crystal clear...
and light... like a bird
Im sorry, you haven't
seen Mathieu?
Do you know the legend
of Tristan and Isolde?
Its a love story from history
You like them... love stories?
I might, but Im not really sure
I will be Tristan tonight
The grease paint is running
Yeah, I guess I sweat plenty
I don't think Im made to be
an actor
Im certain that your mouth
is like ripe fruit
You sigh?
Its my brassiere,
Madame Tristan
What's going on?
Why are you going?
- It's war.
- What?
War's been declared
Have you heard?
Yes... what happened to
She fainted
You returning to Germany?
To make war on us
Im too old for this silliness
Im not old enough
Then, my young friend, we two
are very lucky
Of course, you'll see
Its sweet to die for one's
country of old age
It looks like this'll be
the last one
Its time to go. Well, goodbye
You'll have plenty of work now
Try to stay awake
Don't, you'll scare us all
Let's go, back to work
Don't catch cold
Don't try to be a hero
I promise to be a coward
Don't do that, Mademoiselle
It's all right, leave it
Personnel may now return to
the kitchen, thank you
Ill be crazy with worry
Dont pout, Im off to the
station. I'll be back
And be careful
of the Germans
There you are. Be good
to Mama and your sister
Sure, I know
Wait a second
You too. You going to see
I might, who knows?
Have a bonbon
You're the man here now
The train
Shell make them miss the war
Take this along, it always
brought me good luck
lf you get to Berlin, you have
the address
Charles, hurry up,
we're waiting on you
Don't lose it
Mama, stop the car
Hey, you men... the first
casualty of the war
Alright, let's get going
Sure, here we go.
Cover up, Monsieur Julien,
you'll get sunburn
My shirt's sticking to me
Like this
Angele, get cracking
I can't go any faster
What are you doing?
I was milking a cow.
she doesn't like it
Tough piss
Never mind, do your homework
- Haven't got any.
- What?
All my teachers've gone to war
Really? Well, we'll see
about that
Can I be of help?
Careful there.
Feed the chickens
There's some grain in there
Youll allow me?
By all means, Professor
Where's Mathieu?
In the woodshed, finishing
his night
It hurts
Ill show you the best way
to take care of it
Feel it? Its balm from my heart
Our Justine's a pretty girl, no?
Come on, nobody's working.
You're not at a golf party
Julien, come walk with me?
Not yet, we're not finished
Ha! Finished? It'll be a while
This war's getting off to
a great start
Look at that bundle
Mama said to see you.
I got a sunburn
Im not surprised
the way you were working
on the haywagon today
Go on, stretch out over there...
and take off your shirt
This is an old remedy,
it never fails
Its cold, I know.
Ill be gentle
Is that you?
Yes. Taken on our wedding day.
Goes back a long time
Is that Monsieur Lacroix?
No, that's our son
I never knew you had a son
He died
You should have seen
Monsieur Lacroix's hat
on our wedding night.
He was so clumsy
I was no better, I suppose
It had poured.
I've never been so wet
I didn't stop sneezing our
whole wedding night
That better?
There was a fiddler there
No matter what, Monsieur Lacroix
wore his hat
He danced with it on
And so I said - we were
exceedingly polite
"you look like a mushroom
under your hat"
He choked and blushed but the
hat didn't come off
I was certain that he'd sleep
with it on
We got undressed
How cold and humid
the room was
You have a young girl's skin
May I tell you... tonight,
I am worn out
All day, I have chased
the chickens
Any news in your letters?
The offensive is imminent
General Comelle sends his
best regards
He sent me an officer...
a bright young man
from our region
He knows every hill.
We chat like old pals
Old pals
And what's happened to your
souls now the war has started?
I am worried about them.
They are all deflated
My dear baby... Life here is
We're all cold and hungry.
But we stand fast
My men have upquestioning
confidence in me
matched by my own. They obey
my ardours... orders
You would be proud of me,
my baby, your...
Poor Charles... He is miserable
He can't handle his men
and they mock him
He is the butt of one joke
after another. Don't tell Claire
And where'll you go, Professor?
America, with any luck. You
know, I still want to live
Ridiculous at my age, no?
No, why?
Well, now it is too late. Old
people get set in their ways
And you're lost
And do you have any plans?
I suppose they'll have to wait
till after the war
It has barely begun
Well, perhaps you could return
to America
Why not?
Anyway, you will be leaving
next week
Because your room is rented
Monsieur Julien
Julien, come to the table
Monsieur Julien... what
are you doing here?
Playing little Jesus?
I fell asleep
I can see work doesn't agree
with you
Oh, goodness, your shoulders
I hurt all over
Those priests didn't build up
your muscles
you've got a long way to go.
With me, it's different
Here, feel
Don't be scared.
Go ahead, fell it
I might hurt you
You couldnt if you tried
Go on
Don't take it away -
it feels warm
Of course, that's a bit softer
Because it's not for working.
Dont be scared. It doesn't
hurt, you know
Open it if you want
Do it
I know they're hard to unbutton.
You're doing fine
Caress the nipple
Don't pinch it.
Theyre sensitive
kiss me
Undress me
Undress me
Well, do something.
Don't leave me like this
Would you turn around?
Why? Are you shy?
A little
You're pretty quick
Are you angry?
No. But after this... you
mustn't be so emotional
Its pouring
You're telling me... and
it's the day to clean windows
You can forget windows today
Add some sugar, it'll give
him energy
Last ones of the season
And still no word from our men
Im starting to worry
Here, some brandy.
It'll fortify him
For Julien, the flower there?
Yes. He's delicate,
Monsieur Julien
Its true, he is delicate.
Touched his skin?
He's still a boy. He'll grow
Oh no, today, it's my turn
Go ahead, go be the May Queen
Go find me a plate
Now, 6 and 4 is 10; let's see
one... 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,
Park Place, want it?
If you want to buy it,
you'll have to mortgage
don't want it
Its your turn.
It's getting exciting
Ventnor Avenue
Are you crazy?
Just a little bit
Go ahead
Just a little, come on
Well, just a little
Go on, just a little
You said you would
Mine. And with a hotel on it
Pay up, you'll have to mortgage.
Bad luck
Served a property tax, pay to
the Treasury 2.000
We won't use that one. Here
Aren't you playing?
What is it?
She's such a bad loser!
Its none of your business
Little shit
Don't expect a letter. We're
not pen pals
Don't look at me like that
Ill be' back, I don't intend
going off to war
Write to me, your Aunt Agnes
Now, you be good
Ill come to the station
Answer Julien
He can do what he likes -
I can't stop him
Thank you
Why're you mad at me?
Im your pal
Maybe you think we're friends,
but we're not
Out of her head
What's this thing?
I wondered where I put it.
I use it for exercises
Clementine... I've come to
a decision
Im leaving with you.
Its all decided
If you agree
Ill write my mother when we're
there, explaining my decision
When we arrive... where?
Wherever youre going
I packed a suitcase. I'll
be ready. You'll see
Ill manage all the details
Im sure you will
Please, don't joke.
I can't stand it
Ill never cause you any problem
Im the one who would
cause you problems
Im sick... finished
Yes, I mean it. Im flat broke
Poverty doesn't scare me
You know what it is?
An empty stable is poverty
to you
or a dress you wear
for two seasons.
The real thing you don't know
Here, look
Quite a group
Is that you there? Its you
It was. Where he went, women
used to adore him
But he died penniless
He was always joking
He'd imitate a horse when
I needed cheering up
An alcoholic, a hopeless drunk
This is my husband.
Now he sells door to door
And this one
He's a millionaire
with influence
Will he remember me?
What's wrong? Crying?
Leave her alone
- Who asked you anything?
- What?
What did you dare say?
You heard me
You are completely crazy
Ive heard that before
Don't touch me
Im never going to
You're beneath anything,
you're disgusting
A stupid egoist. You're putrid.
And to think I loved you
I still owe you one
I loved you, you hear?
I had all your letters. I'd find
your hairpin and save it
What a joke
Stop it, Julien...
It hurts
Let me go
She left
Im scared
What do you know? I'm scared too
See that bird?
He can fly across a continent
and never land once
It must be wonderful,
gliding through the sky
Hey... Balloons
Shall we go?
Will you give me the Swiss knife
Yeah sure, baby, sure
Don't speak to me like that
Ok, baby