Tenebre (1982)

The impulse had become
There was only one answer to
the fury that tortured him
and so he committed his
first act of murder.
He had broken the most
depruted taboo
and found not guilt, not
anxiety or fear, but freedom
Every humiliation which
stood in his way
could be swept aside by this
simple act of
annihilation: Murder
Thanks, John. Take care of
everything while I'm gone.
Thanx. Have a nice trip,
Mr. Neal Flight 40120
See you inside the check in.
Flight 410 passengers please
proceed to gate seven.
Mr. Peter Neal to the
information desk.
Excuse me, Peter Neal do you
have a message for me?
Yes, there was a call, you
can pick a phone over there
Thank you - Hello?! Ya - ya
well listen, Jane,
listen to me - ya - the
reason why you haven't
seen me for six week because
I - ya - Jane,
take it easy, just take it
easy. Look, I'm just going
to hang up on you!
Tomorrow - ya, tomorrow.
I'll try to call tomorrow -
ok - ya - bye.
Oh, Excuse me.
Open your bag! I said open
it! - Leave me alone -
Come with me! - I said come
with me! -
leave me alone! - I want to
look in your bag!
Do you have a receipt
for this?
I was going to the cassier
to pay for it!
You told me you didn't
have a book.
Hey, what do you think? I
was going to pay for it!
Please come to my office!
This way! - I'm coming!
Elsa Manny, 12 convictions
for shop lifting.
You should have learned by
We can make a deal: You
give me my paper bag back,
I give you my address. Come
on. You're not gay, are you?
Where do you live?
Here in Rome, Number 14
Via delle Camene.
Via - delle - Camene OK!
We are approaching the coast
of Greenland.
Hey - come here - come in!
You hit me! I'll kill you!
Hi Carla - Hi, my washing
machine broke. Are you OK?
I am, now -
fine, thank you!
Did everybody get this re-
lease? - Let's try anywhere.
Am I too late? No, did you
get this release?
You look prettier everytime
I see you!
Are you still writing nice
things about me, huh?
Getting my notes takes me
usually, about a month, and
then the actual writing
about three month
Ya, two month for revision.
I haven't stopped for
almost two years.
Tenebrae is a sexist novel
Why do you despise
women so much.
Sexist?! - No, I don't
think it's sexist.
Women as victims, seiphors,
the male heros with their
hairy macho bullshit,
how can you say it isn't?
What's the matter with you?
You know me for 10 years
ever since you studied in NY
You know very well that I...
Look, I'm talking about work
Well, I don't know. Would
you like me to tell you
that I support to the equal
rights amendment?
OK, so explain the books.
Do you write to a fixed
pattern, or do your publish
tell you this kind of sexism
sales copies?
Miss, why do we do this?
Setup a separate interview
with you and Mr. Neal let hi
really come the grips with
your mag's attitude.
He just got of the plane and
how would that be? Ok
We just gonna slip out.
You are all welcome to drink
the bar dry.
Thank you very much for your
attention and your interest
BTW - call me tomorrow and
we will set up a meeting!
Hey, my mother was hoping
you to call.
Tell her I will. I'd love to
see her!
You know that you're getting
very tense? I'm learning.
Those lesbians want your
balls because
they don't have any of
their own.
What is that? The hat you
Bought it in a shop here in
Rome. Nice, eh? It suits me!
Isn't it warm?
No try it!
No! - Doesn't it drop off?
Drop off? Yeah, at a quick
movement, won't it slip off?
Look! - That's a miracle!
Drop off?!
Your book is number one on
the bestsellerlist 12 weeks!
That's amazing, amazing!
Pleased with your agent?
Terrific, great, incredible
Come on, tell something
nice about me!
Tell me, where is Ann
my secretary?
Yeah, she's quite a girl
over here. 6 days over here.
She promised to meet me here
She's downstairs,
I didn't want them to think
you had an on to roach.
They love your books,
but they hate success!
That's interesting, very
Hey Bulmer, there was a
fellow in the corner.
He was - ah - well actually
he never said a word.
The tall thin guy?
Yeah, that's him!
Cristiano Berti, he's a book
reviewer on Channel One TV
he is a big fan of yours. And
we take the show with him.
Oh yes!
Haha Peter! -
How are you? Fine,
How are you?
- I'm great!
Peter, this is Gianni
Gianni, this is Peter Neal
Gianni will be an agent with
our rome office some day!
Now he is looking after you
during the time you stay her
And in the meantime you pay
more than promises, right?
See you tonight, alright?
So, I bought you a present
Peter! Just a little thing!
Oh God! -
Who could have done such a
Here we go, I'll take that,
Are you Peter Neal?
Yeah, that's me
Good evening!
I'm Captain Germani!
The Rome Homicide Squat.
And this is Insp. Altieri
We didn't want to disturb
you but the door was open!
Right Inspector? It was open,
that's correct!
I apologize, but the girl
was killed 5 hours ago.
Her name was Else Manni, an
inveterate shoplifter.
We wanted to know if you
knew her?
This is the first time I've
been to Rome.
She died from 4 deep wounds.
Throat, chest and suffocatio
Her mouth was stuffed with
pages from a book, Tenebrae.
We came to check if you knew
of any connection.
I'll get you a drink.
Ah, just ah just some water
please Alleen, thank you!
Is it alright if I...
Sure, go ahead!
Sorry to bother, we were
just about to leave when we
heard you in the elevator!
Well, I didn't know the girl
I'd offer you something
harder, but you don't drink?
Aeh, Scotch please, straight
up Ok.
You just arrived, Mr. Neal?
You mean, do I have an alibi?
I landed from New York about
Can I ask you something?
If someone's killed with a
Smith & Wesson Revolver,
do you go and interview the
president of Smith & Wesson?
I've read all your books
Mr. Neal, except this one.
Just started on it
last night.
The book deals with a murder
commited with a razor, right
Don't tell me who did it,
I haven't finished it yet!
The girl was killed with a
razor and your books in mout
Ah. We found this
on the floor of your appart-
ment here. It's for you!
There was only one answer to
the fury that tortured him.
Isn't that a passage from
your book?
Yes, Yes it is.
I respect you Mr. Neal, be-
lieve me. I don't want your
stay in Rome to be trouble
but we need your help.
I'd like to keep the letter.
I think you'll get another
one some time
and then another.
So we'd be very grateful
if you keep us informed.
Beautiful scotch but we
won't keep you.
Inspector, please give them
a card.
Mr. Neal, if you get any-
thing at all, you just call m
Wait a minute, wait a minute
there is something else - my
travelbag in the bedroom
When I left home yesterday -
this morning - it was
of course it wasn't
like that. Hello, Hello?
Mr. Neal, would you like me
to go and get you anything?
I don't know what's beeing
destroyed - Shaving Kit?
I make you a list.
Thanx Gianni.
? Do you mind if I take this?
No, please go right ahead!
Hello - Peter Neal speaking!
No anxiety reveal, but free-
dom. You wrote these words.
Page 46 Freedom to strike
again. Peter...
Listen, don't hang up. Snip.
We have to talk!
You taught me how. You and
me together! We've just begu
I can see you. That's your
girlfriend -
Maybe she will be next
but I've got other plans
you like them.
Just wait and see.
Now listen we should meet.
Maybe I could talk to you?
You know
, explain about the books.
The girl you killed today
she was...
How'd you know about that?
Got away? I couldn't get him
I should have a though male
assistant who runs fast.
You'd hate it. You've nothin
to bitch about!
Massimo, when are you going
to take my picture. Never!
Hey, he is cute.
He is vulgar and cheap.
I love you Tilde. But no
jealousy. You promised, ok?
Listen, He doesn't have a
place, we go to ours.
Hey what's bugging you.
I thought we agreed.
Ok. No ties but you don't
have to rub my face in it.
Not your face, honey.
Not tonight.
Listen, just give me an hour!
I see you later.
Hey. - Hi! - You look like a
turkey at christmas time?
How are things? I've got an
hour so I tell you. - Ok.
Oh god, what a drag those
friends at of Bulmers are.
And that Food.
I swear if there was a world
cup for boredom, those guys
would win for Italy
no contest.
I let you go to bed I come
back at 10 tomorrow morning
Anne, just have a nightcap,
would you. It was a hard day
Tilde, are you coming up?
Get lost.
Come on. - You cheap little
hooker, I wouldn't come near
you right now
if my life depended on it!
You make me sick.
I drunk too much. I am going
to throw up.
If you have to, go some
other place to do it!
I feel sick
Go call your pimp to look
after you!
You want to know what
happened? He was terrific!
He made you look pathetic
when we fucked. For a start
One day
Turn it down!
Filthy, slimy pervert!
Porter Albaretto speaking?
Oh Mr. Neal, everything ok?
Well there is a switch
I'll come up and show you.
Daddy, 5000? - What?
Go to 22 and turn on
his hot water.
The switch is either in the
Bathroom closet or under the
kitchen sideboard. 5000?
Hmmm. Uhm... - Thank you!
Hi I am Maria.
Oh Hi! - You had a deeper
voice on the phone!
That was my father. Is it ok
to go into the bathroom?
Oh, I don't think it's over
No, no it's around there,
that's fine.
Ah, there it is. - Mhhh.
I guess the switch must be
in the kitchen! - Oh!
Oh you wrote Out of Dawn?
It was terrific.
You read it, hu?
Oh, it was good.
Look right here.
Oh yes, I see! Mhh.
The bookstore at the corner
has a window.
Just your books are in it!
You should go in. Carlo
would love to say hello!
That sounds very nice. Maybe
I will some day.
Good Morning! - Good Morning
You don't waste time, do you?
That was jelda my dear. She
She was fixing my water!
Your personal plumber!
I guess I've to wait 2 hours
before the water is hot!
Do you know what time I woke
up this morning?
No, what time did you wake
up? 5 a.m.?
Oh you poor thing. Are your
pillows too hard?
I'll get you a
feather pillow!
The pillows are too hard!
I'll get you feather pillow.
I meant to. Forgot! Sorry.
It is near the elevator!
Ok, thanx!
Today I need the typewriter!
It's ordered! Good!
When did this come.
It wasn't here a minute ago.
When? - Just now!
"Sic transit Gloria lesbie!"
So passes glory of Lesbos
What does that mean!
It means our killer had most
likely studied latin!
I don't know, maybe he's
he's killed again!?
A cut of 14cm diagonal
going to the clavicle!
Hi Doc. It's always nice to
see you.
But I like this place less
and less. It's cold too.
Warmer, and you complain
about the smell!
How far have we got?
It was the same razor than
the opening examination on
the girl killed 6 weeks ago!
The blade has 3 shattered
nixoning. Wanna see? No!
The girl had intercourse
less than 1 hour before she
was killed. There was an
A negative secretion.
Well it doesn't mean the
killer was the lover!
No, but they often are.
Dofbar correctable with
courier 72 at your service.
Where shall I put it?
Over there - Hello?
Capatain Germani!
Yes, Captain?
Who's been killed?
Hello Mr. Bulmer, would you
like a drink?
No, thank you. You two go
right ahead. I am fine!
Thank you, Angelica.
Can we sit down?
Oh yes, thanx.
I'd like to do about half
an hour with you... now?
Oh no, in the studio as part
of the early transmission.
I'd like to do
something in depth.
They let me do it about
twice a year. Ok fine!
Now, Tenebrae is about human
possession and
it's effects on society!
And I'd like to know
how you see it effects the
behaviour on our lives?
Well first of all it isn't
just about that.
No... - The killer is...
Wait a minute, wait a minute
One was gay, so what.
I mean his portraits is
perfectly happy...
The motivation is to el-
iminate corruption
The killer is insane!
What I mean by that is
that the only aberrant
Ahh - what is aberrant
I was brought up a very
strict catholic. Were you?
Yeah! - But I believe in ab-
ortion, I believe in divorce
That makes me aberrant from
a strict catholic standpoint
I see. I thought this was an
afternoon show! You really
want us to get this heavy?
Well, I guess not.
It's just that
I'm getting really
interessted myself.
Well, I really appreciate it
That's a real compliment!
We're starting in 4 minutes,
Ok, mh... shall we?
It's down here!
Hey, hey my hat!
I am going to start the show
with a resume of your work!
They're just starting. It'll
Ok. We go ahead...
You see, Peter is a really
sensitive guy & an interview
is a delicate thing.
I don't want him disturbed.
Isn't that Yes Montand there
Yeah, thats him.
Anyways, is there anything I
can do for you? Peter has go
one hell of a schedule & he
starts work on his new book!
What's your relation?
I'm his agent!
You get 10% of his conver-
sation with police aswell?
Careful now, I have feelings
like a real human beeing.
Somehow other than your
client holds the key!
Those Killings are like,
like a tribute to Peter Neal
What'd you do with 10% of a
tribute like that?
You know something. I read
em all, Agatha Christie
Mickey Spillane, McBain and
I'm a detective right!
And you never guess who the
murderer is! - Right never.
You just remember, any bright
ideas, you let me know, ok?
You write these things but I
turn over real dead bodies!
Good bye, Capatain!
Well how did it go, ok?
Yes it's really.
I got his autogrpah! -Whose?
Eve Montant! - So what?
Could it be somebody I know?
Damn. I wish I'd never
written that book!
You don't mean that!
Hi! - Hi!
Mr. Bulmer left this down-
stairs for you.
Wait, I go down with you!
Is that a proposal?
If you like!
Ok, if you need me,
I'll be at home! -Go ahead!
Jane? Is that Jane?
Janne McKerrow? - I could
have sworn it was!
What's the prefix to
New York?
But, it's impossible -
she is in New York -
She never strays 10 miles
from her shrink - Here!
Jane McKerrow. I am out for
the moment. Would you leave
your name, number and
message after the tone?
It was Jane!
But she'd call you. If only
to scream at you!
She wouldn't even be here if
it wasn't to try to get you
back or apologize.
Apologize for what?
For what she did to,
oh god forget it...
My Travel Bag. You think it
was Jane? I never said it was
I am going home,
no more puzzles!
Anne, do you think Jane
could have done that?
Bye - Bye, See you later!
No. I told you I don't give
a damn! You understand?
Why don't you say something?
Go fuck yourself!
Help Me. Is anybody home?
Hello there!?
Is anybody here? Help me.
Isn't anybody here? Please.
Oh god, please help me.
The door was open and I was
attacked by a dog!
Damn litte Spy.
No. Leave me alone.
What do you want from me?
"I grieve for this child."
Her death was the only way
"to be free to go on!"
"I will eliminate those who"
"disgust me." The human"
perverts soon now the
"corruptor himself."
Be careful. This killer is
also very well informed.
He knew you're here! Knows
you've an agent here where h
can send the letter. And he
also knows it's be dangerous
to come around to your place
coz the girl, I mean Maria,
was living in your building!
You need me anymore today,
No, No Mr. Neal...
But I'd like you to stay in
your appartement if possible
because this last message
threatens you personally.
By the way I finished your
book. You know what?
I knew on Page 30 who the
killer was. For the 1st time
Oh. I can't do this!
Going through your address-
book, trying to pick out
crazy people it's crazy!
Why me, why - because, coz
I have corrupted, he says!
Or she says!
She right! Trying to
eliminate the human
Christiano Berti
the TV critic called
"Tenebrae" a novel about"
appartent behaviour and
human perversion.
He was very weird about it.
Hey Gianni, gimme that
telephone book.
Christiano Berti lives only
three blocks from here!
Now wait a minute.
This is paranoia!
Maria's body was found there
Tenebrae is a novel about
human perversion and
it's effect on society.
Those were his exact words
before we did the interview.
Trying to eleminate the
human perverts.
Two words, that's hardly a
case against him!
You could mention it to the
captain! - No, No way.
"Famous writer has funny"
"idea?" They would love tha
"Peter Neal plays the fool"
"to raid the killer"."
On the other hand,
if Peter Neal
got it right, wouldn't that
be something?
The cops are all over
the place.
Mhh 10:15, they should be
quitting soon!
The victim was 17 year old
Maria Alboreto.
What happened there this
morning is still a mystery.
Meanwhile we understand our
murderer sent another letter
to the police in his magesty
warns he'll be striking ag.!
He says the next victim will
be someone he refers to
"The Great Corrupter"."
Well as a matter of fact
this is expected to result i
several businessmen and pol-
iticians leaving the city!
Jane? - Jane!
This is Jane McKerrow. I am
out for the moment. Leave...
Come on! I haven't been in
a garden since I was 6
Shut up!
This is boring.
All detecive work is boring.
But if you cut...
...out the boring bits and
keep the rest...
...you've got a bestseller!
Jesus - He must have been
there all the time!
He couldn't have seen us!
Listen, I go to the back!
Who is it? Who's there?
Yes it was me!
Peter, Peter! Come on Hurry!
Oh... my head!
We've gotta get out of here.
The Guy has an axe!
He must still be in the
We've gotta go, come on.
What happened to you.
I don't know.
Somebody must've
hit me!
What did you see, the killer?
I couldn't see much.
I don't remember!
Was he tall, short? What?
I don't know. I didn't see
anything except the axe!
The Killer. Christiano knew
the killer. Said it was him
He said he was who killed
them all.
That many murdered.
The blood!
You've to tell the police
What you saw could break it.
I didn't see shit. A dead
man and his head split open.
You know what I saw?
My mother putting me in the
schoolbus in Rhode Island.
That's what I saw.
After the knock on the head.
Like in the movies
You should've a doctor look
at this!
No, it's ok. Just a little
dizzy and very done!
Peter, maybe we should,
maybe we should both go
back to New York.
Anne, would you sleep here
tonight? Just company.
I will make up the bed.
Of course I'll stay!
Six years, and we've never
spent one night together!
Four of those six years we
had Jane around to disaprove
Oh. How does your head feel?
My Head?
How my head feels? Well that
is an interessting question.
My head?
What head, hm?
Peter, in the morning we
both forget about this, ok?
Nothing's happend, Nothing!
Nothing's happened!
Peter? Peter?
Would you like some coffee,
Mr. Neal?
Well close the deal on that
basis-No thank you-come in.
I am just broken up over
Christiano. Unbelievable.
Listen I only came to say
well I'm thinking of leaving
Rome for a couple of weeks.
Maybe going to Paris or some
other place!
Peter, Peter, you can't let
me down now.
We are within two days of
making a deal!
Please, stay until friday!
My Life is in danger.
There's no deal in world
worth risking my life for!
You are right!
You are right!
You know what. I'll book a
suite for you over the hills
Tell people you are going
back to New York just lay lo
until the publishers and
financers come back.
And it's a million dollar
deal, you understand?
Just you & me'll know where
you are. It's safe!
Do that for me, will you?
What is it?
Sir Donald Otley on line 1!
Where is he? - In London!
Put him on hold!
What do you say? - I'll
call you this afternoon!
Donald, how are you?
Hello, hello?
Where is that damn drunk?
He said he'd call back.
No Calls!
It's alright Darling!
I feel so filthy.
Hearing his voice from the
other side of the door
wondering if he knows
about us!
No, no it won't be long,
I promise you!
Jane? Will I see you for
lunch today?
Yeah. Same place?
Piazza Arduini - 1 o'clock!
I can't go in that house
No way!
You don't have to, Gianni!
Just stay in the car!
The lights went out.
Somebody switched them off.
Not Christiano.
I heard him screaming!
Stop right here!
I'll walk, you drive and
I'll see you later! - Ok!
I called you over here coz
I didn't want to
come to you til we finished
doing a complete checkup.
Was it the same killer?
I think so.
Only this time it was done
with an axe!
You didn't get the
yellow envelope yet?
Oh No! - You will!
You said that you only met
With Mr. Berti twice, aeh??
Yes, at an airport press
conference and the
TV interview.
Look here. Peter Neal...
Analysis of Obsesssion
Peter Neal, Aparrent
Behavior - The Novel
Peter Neal, Personal
Born Rhode I. Pref School
in Yale. Strict Catholic.
Taller than I expected
with lightbrown eyes.
He looked at me often but he
never spoke to me.
Jesus. Somebody was really
into your life!
Can we go outside? - Sure!
Bless you!
Oh thank you. I have an
allergy to dust
What happened to your head?
Just feeding my brains out
on the case.
One thing's for sure. The
killer and Christiano Berti
were both obsessed
by your work!
Last time we talked, I think
I was a little sarcastic
but you know we need all the
help we can get.
Well I was trying to build
the plot the same way you're
trying to figure it out but
I just have that hunch that
something is missing.
Tiny piece of jigsaw. Some-
body who should be dead is
alive, or somebody who
should be alive is...
already dead.
Explain that.
You know there is a sentence
in a Conan Doyle Book
When you have eliminated
the imp., whatever remains
however inprobable must be
the truth!
Hound of the Baskervilles?
Yes. You know the impossible
in this case is that the
chain of killings doesn't
make sense!
In Hound of the Baskervilles
the impossible was a giant
ghost dog!
The improbable in this case
again, like the book
is almost certainly weird,
but possible.
That's what we have to find.
Truth is always possible!
Mr. Neal! - I have to go.
I'm a very devoted reader,
Mr. Neal and I'd like to
think that 20 more books of
yours to enjoy in future!
So I guess what I'm asking
is selfish.
Tell me, would you leave
town? Today?
I was going to do just that.
Ah ok, let me know where to
find you, eh? Good luck!
For you, Jane.
Passport? - Passport.
Passport. Oh Passport.
OK. The bank's wired me the
money at Raphael in Paris.
You are booked for a week.
Hello? The Captain?
I am afraid he is out to the
airport already. Yes?
Is there anything I can...
Good bye!
He just wanted to make sure
you're going.
Something happened he said
he was only
checking to make sure you
were safe!
Oh, hi!
Ann brings me to the Airport
You don't have to drive me!
I know there is a piece of
the puzzle back at the house
If I remember it, see it.
Where are you going?
Classified! Silly, I know
but if no one knows...
That's cool. But I'd be glad
to see you again!
I'm really that you had to
get caught up in all this!
I won't say it's worth it,
but I'm glad we've met!
And call me when it's over
and you'll be back in Rome!
I go down with you! - OK!
Yes I killed them. It was me!
I killed them,
I killed them all!
Christiano... But I don't...
Killed them all,
killed them all...
Christiano is the murderer.
So who killed him?
Hello? Oh Ann, I'm sorry
I wanted Peter!
He's gone, he's left Italy.
I did something so...
It's like there are two
people in me...
...and sometimes the other
one just takes over!
Where are you, Jane?
Are you in Rome?
Yeah. Help me please, don't
let me kill myself.
Tell me where you are Jane.
I'll come around, alright.
An appartment, on the
Cassia No. 11.
I'll be right down.
Give me a few minutes!
I am so sorry!
I didn't mean to.
I wanted to explain...
...I have done!
Ok, I'm coming. God damn.
Who is that lady?
She is the housekeeper of
Bulmer. She's a Philipino
and has a lot of interesting
stuff to say say about him.
Like Bulmer had a girlfriend
A regular grilfriend.
What language she speaks?
Only Tagalog and Spanish!
You question her! The
Murderer has killed again
I have to go!
Ok, I see you later, eh!?
Have you got a license
to work for Mr. Bulmer?
Oh, thank you!
Good bye!
Ann? Is it you Ann?
I didn't know...
I didn't know that...
No, don't look!
When you have eliminated
the impossible,
whatevery remains,
however improbably
must be the truth.
And Bulmers maid told Insp.
Altieri he had an affair...
...with your fiance
Altieri was too headstrong
and came over here...
...alone to check.
She didn't know that
you Neal are mad.
Completely mad.
And it cost her her life.
I don't know if I should
hate or feel sorry for you!
No, I didn't kill the other
women, I didn't kill them!
I know. That would have been
But I realized Christiano
Berti was the killer.
And it didn't take me
long to realize that.
The rest, Mr. Germani, was
like writing a book. A Book!
Perfect revenge.
The Razor Killer was dead...
. but you wanted him to live
...long enough to be blamed
for the murder of your...
. fiance & her lover. The
two people you hated most!
Come on, get up! - No!
Turn around.
You know the routine.
Come on, get up. Get up! -
Come on, move over there.
I'll call from the car radio
Come on now, lets go.
No wait. I don't want to
leave him!
Lets go now!
Ok, it's over!
Peter! It's not possible.
I couldn't believe it either
not until I got the telex
from Interpol this evening.
When Peter was a teenager
in Rhode Island,
a girl he knew was killed,
Someone accused him but
there wasn't any evidence
and it was never brought
to trial!
But it was Peter Neal. There
he committed an act
which haunted his life and
twisted his mind forever!
It was in his last book.
Now he realized that any
obstactle or humilitation
standing in his way could be
swept aside by a simple
act of annihilation: Murder!
Calm down, it's all over now
You better stay here.
Wait for me