Tequila Sunrise (1988)

Whose idea was this?
What idea?
Meeting here.
ANDY: Why?
MAC: It looks like we're dealing dope.
You like static?
It's tough getting FM.
MAC: Under a freeway
and high tension wires.
These guys are late. What time
were they going to meet you?
ANDY: 7:00.
MAC: Yeah, they're real late.
Okay, what do I do about it now?
MAC: Why don't you just back up
and see if you can get K-EARTH?
MAC: Boy, this is not cool. He ought
to lower his brights, at least.
Lights, goddamn it!
ANDY: Jesus Christ!
We're just meeting here...
... to make sure
we weren't followed.
Christ, how did I get here?
ANDY: He's got the cash.
Now we got to go weigh it and test it.
MAC: Why not just do it
on the hood of the car?
Stop here.
What are you looking at?
Peanut shells.
Right! Jesus!
Go in the room and leave the door
unlocked. I'll be there soon.
What were you doing?
Who is it?
It's Leland, Dan.
- Andy, how you doing, baby?
ANDY: Great.
Say hello to Nick.
Nick's my partner.
Hold it.
Who the fuck is that?
It's a friend.
He's not my friend.
And I got all the friends I need.
He's my ride.
He drove me, that's all.
Let him wait in the car.
I don't like meeting strangers.
Really, he's just a friend of mine.
Hey, that's cool.
MAC: Just let me take a quick leak
and I'll be out of here.
Deal's still good.
How do you want
to weigh and test it?
We'll work it out, Andy.
Maybe you shouldn't be looking for
any new faces in your life, either.
Fine with me.
I'll wait outside.
NICK: I thought you retired.
MAC: I am retired.
- Then what are you doing here?
- A favor.
You mean, a felony favor.
A client paid him with coke.
I'm holding his hand
while he sells it.
Man, that is one
flimsy fucking excuse.
He also says his customer asks more
questions about me than the dope.
My phones have
funny little noises on them.
You're setting me up, Nick.
Not tonight, pal.
I got here by accident.
Talk about a flimsy fucking excuse!
This is going down right now.
And do yourself a favor.
Don't go back to the car.
Don't you go back to the room.
There's no evidence.
I'm sorry. I couldn't afford to have
him busted, as dumb as he is.
He's my lawyer.
Who authorized this shit?
You did, lieutenant.
Look, that's what
we were told, okay?
COP 1:
What a waste of time.
(OVER RADIO) Units 3, 4 and 5,
return to parking lot.
Units 6 and 7...
... check all of the exits and the
stairwell. Look at those vents...
(COP 2) Got a runner
going across the freeway!
MAC: Fucking-A!
MAC: Must be the only fucking phone
I've ever met that don't...
Get in there!
JO: Vallenari's. Good evening.
- Hi, this is Dale McKussic.
Mr. McKussic, I'm sorry.
It's a little noisy in here.
Aren't we seeing you this evening?
I don't think
I'll make my reservation.
I'm going to be a little late.
How late will you be?
I don't know.
How late is the kitchen open?
Tell me something, Hal.
When you asked me to help, did you
know who you were asking me to bust?
I knew who it was.
Why didn't you bust him?
You know that too.
He's a friend of mine.
I'll tell you what I heard
when I came to L.A.
Nick won't work South Bay
because he won't bust McKussic.
Tonight you proved that.
You not only let him walk...
...you kicked him out and gave
him a personal escort. Why?
Because you're predictable, Hal.
You're very predictable.
Mac saw you coming a mile away.
How did you know he wasn't holding?
Was Andy Leonard?
You busted him.
NICK: No coke. No sale.
No conspiracy to sell.
All you've got is a conversation...
...with a chickenshit
Century City lawyer.
And an entrapment lawsuit.
Mac's lawyers would make
mincemeat of you.
I let him walk to save you
from a bad bust.
I did you a favor.
(JO OVER TELEPHONE) How are you?
(MAC OVER TELEPHONE) Fine, thanks.
What is it?
It's McKussic.
You're kidding.
He's in and out of this place
all the time.
Andy Leonard's the lawyer
for this restaurant.
McKussic and the Vallenaris
talk drugs and money?
They're careful what they say.
Let me hear.
I told you they're real careful.
I'm sure you're right.
Could I hear?
Yeah, sure!
(JO OVER RADIO) In that case,
why don't I give you a taste...
... of something different tonight?
How about...
... rigatoni?
JO: Rigatoni quattro formaggi, a
creamy blend of four Italian cheeses.
Fontina, taleggio,
gorgonzola, and parmigiano.
Sounds good.
Sounds good to me too.
Look, before we spend another
$5,000 to hear what Mac eats...
...take my guys off the clock
and let me ask him.
Unless you guarantee the Feds
are picking up the tab tonight.
What's good?
Why, are you hungry?
I missed dinner.
- What are you having?
MAC: Pasta.
Something like
rigatoni quattro formaggi?
Good guess.
Dinner's over, Bart.
Pay the tab at the bar.
L.A. Narcotics and the D.E. A...
...are arguing about
what you're doing here.
NICK: You deal drugs
and don't pay taxes.
I'm not active these days.
But you're a legend around here.
Not only that, you're white.
They figure they'll be able
to see your picture in the paper.
So what do you figure, Nick?
I made lieutenant.
It'll be announced next week.
I'm the head of Narcotics
for L.A. County.
That's all you got to say?
What about your law degree?
Getting into the D.A.'s...
Forget about my career. The Feds
swear you're doing business here.
I'm not, here or anywhere.
And you couldn't catch me if I was.
Try the sand dabs.
Try the sand dabs.
Here, look.
That's terrific.
You know, I just...
...think something's going on.
I'm still a detective
even when there's no crime.
What do you think's going on?
you don't want me to know.
JO: How are we treating you
this evening, Mr. McKussic?
Fine, thank you.
JO: Can I offer you anything more?
- More?
JO: There are two excellent fish
you haven't tried.
MAC: Sure.
- What are they?
I thought I'd surprise you.
This is my friend, Nick Frescia.
A pleasure, Jo Ann Vallenari.
A plate for you?
I've got to be going.
JO: Try us another night.
- What I tried tonight was terrific.
I'm pleased to hear it.
She's attractive.
Oh, yeah.
So, how about it?
How about what?
Whatever you're doing...
...do it somewhere else,
and don't make me look bad.
There is one last thing.
There's no new business.
It's an accounting problem.
The Colombians.
Another discrepancy about money.
They don't know how to count.
I got your word, Mac?
One more thing.
How about another bite of that fish?
That's great!
ARTURO: I give him two drinks.
JO: That's two too many.
If my brother sees Nino like this...
What will he do, fire him?
He won't fire the chef, Arturo.
But one less bartender
is not a problem.
JO: He can't drive that car.
ARTURO: He can have mine.
JO: Your Cadillac?
You want to kill him?
I'll drive.
I go dance.
- No, you're going home.
- Why?
In the course of last night...
...something came up
which persuaded me...
...that Mac dining in that place
is a non-drug related activity.
He won't get away with what he's
done for 15 years and just retire.
What do you suggest?
I suggest you make sure
we have a case.
After all, what are friends for?
We haven't seen you in a while.
MAC: I've been a little busy lately.
And I took a break, you know?
Did you go away for Thanksgiving?
MAC: Yeah, I went up to Aspen
and put the skids on.
JO: Put skids on?
MAC: Yeah, I went skiing.
JO: Are you good?
MAC: No.
Well, passing.
I'm not an expert.
Are you?
MAC: You should go sometime.
It's fun.
Maybe I will.
HAL: What the fuck
is the matter with you?
I don't need you
flying in from Washington...
...taking over my office,
telling me to manufacture evidence.
This is my backyard, Hal! I don't
grow weeds in it so I can pull them.
GREG: I swear to God I wasn't using
you. I was just trying to pay some bills.
Now you got another one to pay.
And if I don't come through,
these guys'll kill me.
They won't kill you. They'll
probably just break your legs.
Here comes the money junkie.
I've been calling and calling.
I just broke a fucking nail!
I sent your lawyer the check, Shaleen.
Tomorrow's the first.
You might as well write another one.
I'm at a critical point.
This business requires cash.
So do I. Sorry, I'm not starving
so you can tell your little boy...
...you're a rubber hose salesman,
not a drug dealer.
SHALEEN: Cody gets old enough to ask
what his father does for a living...
...suddenly he has a conscience.
Greg, I'll deal
with that other stuff later.
Leave my kid out of this.
Our kid.
Anyway, I need another 10,000.
SHALEEN: The Mercedes burned up.
- The SLC?
It's under warranty.
Take it back, make them fix it.
You know those assholes. They claim
I didn't have any oil in the engine.
I made an improper suggestion.
I overreacted.
It was uncalled for.
It was my fault.
Well, Okay.
HAL: Look, I'll lay my cards
on the table.
Any questions about our operation...
...go ahead, ask me.
Who's your snitch?
I can't tell you that.
We got to start somewhere, Hal.
How about...
July 17, 1963?
"Frescia and McKussic were arrested...
...for curfew violation
on Hermosa Beach."
...when he was busted for drugs
on Rosarito Beach.
No, he was on the beach.
I was in the water.
Otherwise I'd have ended up in
the same Mexican jail for 2 years.
What can I say?
You have really done your homework.
This is not about you being a cop.
I know you're one of the best.
You're close to Mac.
Mac is close to Carlos,
who is coming to town.
Who says?
He's getting ready to move
That's the word.
For $ 1100 a week...
...a local snitch will tell you
anything you want to hear.
I'm hearing it
from the Federal Mexican Police...
...and I'm not paying them.
You say this is your back yard.
Has Carlos ever made a move in it
without Mac's help?
If Carlos is back in town,
Mac's back in business.
What do you want?
- Use Mac to get to Carlos.
NICK: How?
Any way you can.
If Mac's clean,
it will do him a lot of damage.
Say he is working with Carlos
and we bust him.
I will personally guarantee
that Mac...
...doesn't stand trial
in federal court.
You're liable to save him
I cleared out of your office.
- It's me, Mac.
CARLOS: Hey, my buddy. Qu pasa?
No, you called me, buddy.
Not now. They watch me
everywhere I go.
I'm telling you,
there's renewed interest in me here.
My cousin used my name
as a guarantee of delivery.
MAC: I'm not worried about my cousin.
It's you.
Don't come here now.
Not now.
Your chef's visa has expired.
He has a work permit.
My brother has an immigration lawyer
working to get Nino his green card.
Andy Leonard?
Have you seen Andy Leonard in
your restaurant with Dale McKussic?
Yes, they're both
very good customers.
- What's that?
- What's what?
A "good customer."
Someone who is on time.
Who doesn't make personal requests
or demands for unusual dishes.
HAL: In other words,
you're telling us...
...you've never had to satisfy any
personal requests for Mr. McKussic.
No, he usually orders off the menu.
Who are you and what's this about?
Agent Maguire.
Federal Drug Enforcement.
JO: Has Andy Leonard been arrested
on some sort of drug charge?
We arrested him.
You think my restaurant is involved?
Leonard's in there all the time.
So is the District Attorney.
Does he sell drugs in my restaurant?
HAL: Leonard doesn't have dinner
with the D.A. He does with McKussic.
JO: You think Mr. McKussic
sells drugs there?
All I do is see him eat.
Miss Vallenari, we know
how important your chef is to you.
We have our problems.
We certainly...
...don't have to help
Immigration with theirs.
In other words,
if I'll spy on my customers...
...my chef won't be deported
for drunk driving?
I didn't say that.
Don't bother to explain.
At 8:00, I'll be seating my lawyer
and his ex-partner, a federal judge.
I'm sure they'll explain to me
what you meant.
Okay, Hal.
Hello, I'm Lieutenant Frescia
from the Sheriff's Department.
We've met...
with Mr. McKussic.
And when you sue him...
...I don't want to be anywhere
in sight. Get me out of here.
Arturo will come for it.
NICK: Take care of it.
JO: Everything okay?
Somebody dropped
last night's evidence...
...including Nino's urine specimen.
What's that mean?
It means
we'll have to drop the case.
No court?
No court.
Take it easy, for Chrissake!
I work here.
What's on your mind?
The way I met you with Mr. McKussic.
You seemed like friends.
I'm sorry.
It's really none of my business.
You've been terrific.
Don't worry about it.
Just buy me dinner
one of these days.
Any goddamn day you want.
Thank you so much.
We got the word your friend
has got a deal cooking.
We're going to nail him.
If anybody can do it, you can.
Why'd you let her chef go?
She's tough, isn't she?
- She beat the shit out of you, Hal.
- The hell she did.
NICK: The hell she didn't.
Ask anybody.
What you got going on here?
Where've you been?
I've been looking for you.
MAC: In Chula Vista,
selling farm equipment.
What are the Sin Sisters doing here?
Just cranking on the coke.
I'm just kidding.
They're just leaving.
What can I do for you?
I'll do anything.
Name it.
Start by cleaning off that table,
and get some new paddles and balls.
Suddenly up for Ping-pong?
And drop something off
at Vallenari's for me.
- Who for?
- Jo Ann Vallenari.
- Aren't you going there tonight?
- I want to clean up first.
Besides, she can look that over
before we talk.
- Could you give it a rest?
GREG: Whatever, man. I hear you.
What is it?
ARTURO: The cop.
He's waiting for you.
How nice.
Not nice,
he thinks he did you a favor.
And cops are the worst barflies.
It's not worth it, I tell you.
You just don't like his looks,
It's quite an experience
to watch you work.
Like you're in a play,
everything's on cue.
NICK: You're kind of letter-perfect.
- Thank you.
Do you ever flub your lines?
Are you politely suggesting
I lack spontaneity?
Have you seen Mac?
Mr. McKussic.
NICK: He's going to ask you
to cater a party.
That is our business.
We think it involves his business.
Are you suggesting I refuse because
it's a party for drug dealers?
No. But if it's for this one particular
guy, he's particularly unpleasant.
JO: You mean violent?
- No, I doubt that.
Unless he doesn't like your lasagne.
I'm sure Mr. McKussic's friend
will be well-behaved.
Why would you call him a friend?
A figure of speech.
Who else would you give a party for?
A business associate.
As it happens,
Carlos and Mac are friends.
And you and Mac are friends.
That's right.
Sounds like a friendly situation
all around.
Not exactly.
Nobody knows Carlos. Nobody knows
what he looks like but Mac.
You want me to spy on a customer so
you can find out what he looks like?
Absolutely not!
Let's not discuss my business
or his business or your business.
But that leaves nothing
to talk about.
Let's eat.
Good evening.
She's having dinner with him.
She can't be.
The chef is with them right now
checking out their Caesar salads.
Do you want me to drop off
the envelope anyway?
Yeah, I'm beat.
I'll never make it in there.
GREG: You meet at Orville and Wilbur's
every Christmas.
He throws his Chevrolet keys
on the bar.
You throw your Porsche keys
on the bar.
You pick up your drink
with a gold Rolex on your wrist.
He wears a Timex.
Even if he wasn't a cop
he'd hate your guts.
(REPORTER OVER TV) Deputies seized
over 700 kilos of cocaine...
... a street value of $ 27 million.
Street value $27 million.
What street is that?
You show me how to get there
just once.
Man, aren't you listening to me?
Nick Frescia came in that restaurant
looking for a way to bust your buns.
He's going to have to drag me
out of bed to do it.
I'm under the weather... heavily.
Hey, Mac.
What I'm telling you
is for your own good.
NICK: That swordfish was great.
JO: Excellent piece.
- And the Cristal.
- You know it.
We serve it at the Lomita station.
What do cops drink?
I tell my men to avoid vodka.
- And stick to Scotch and bourbon.
JO: Why?
So the brass will know
they're drunk, not stupid.
- You have an answer for everything.
NICK: So do you.
You answered Maguire's questions
like you were reading off a menu.
Your keys.
Thank you.
And yours.
Want me to lock up?
No, I will.
Make sure the kitchen is closed.
Good night, Arturo.
You were saying.
You're still suspicious
of me and Mr. McKussic.
You think
we're in business together.
I don't date the customers, Nick.
Especially when they drive
$50,000 cars and always pay in cash.
Then you'd heard about Mac.
You hear everything in a restaurant.
He's never asked you out?
You're still suspicious.
If I was, you'd talk me out of it.
That's not it.
No, you're suspicious of any woman
who hasn't slept with you.
Jo Ann...
...that is a wildly off-the-wall
assumption on your part.
What is it? Do you need
some Chap Stick or lip gloss?
Your lips get stuck on your teeth,
or is that your idea of a smile?
That's my idea of a smile.
You are, you're tough.
You're a bad boy, Nick.
You're a very bad boy.
What's this mean?
Redondo Union High.
You smoked in high school?
We were a bunch of rowdies, Jo Ann.
How about an espresso?
JO: I've got to lock up
and I'll never do it like this.
Oh, no!
What are you doing?
I want this under there.
JO: You'll get dirty.
NICK: Don't be silly.
The skylight's indented, so rain...
...fills it up into a puddle
until it becomes a pond, and then...
And then what?
And then you're all wet.
I'm sorry.
I should have just left it.
I don't know what it is...
... about going to high school
with someone...
... that makes you feel you're
automatically friends for life.
Who says?
Who says friendship lasts forever?
We'd all like to, maybe...
... but maybe it just wears out
like everything else.
Like tires.
There's just so much mileage in them
and then you're on nothing but air.
Keep your shirt on.
Any word on where
McKussic's giving the party?
How would I know? I'm waiting
to hear it from your snitch.
I keep coming back to this.
What do you think?
Excuse me, Hal.
This is a personal call.
How about a movie?
JO: I can't tonight.
We're booked solid.
This afternoon.
JO: Don't you ever work?
- Yeah, I'm working now.
Don't say that or I'll believe you.
I always believe the worst.
I'm going to die if I don't see you.
We can't have that.
Check out the competition with me
this week...
...and we can both keep working.
MAC: Where's Jo Ann?
ARTURO: She's taking a few days off.
Your table is ready.
I'll have the drink sent over.
Where the fuck have you been?
Working my ass off, Hal.
Mac's party is next week at his
house at 1:00 P.M. For 56 guests.
You like cappuccino?
We got two coming out.
Down front, two males.
I got them.
talk as long as the checks keep coming.
FRIEND: What's so funny?
- That dogcatcher.
FRIEND: He's not catching the dog.
MAC: That's right.
Wrong size handcuffs.
I'm leaving right now.
Thank you.
Nice food.
Thank you.
Nice party.
You're a real magician.
I was surprised.
Well, it was a surprise party.
JO: Did it surprise your boy?
MAC: Oh, yes.
Not as much as it surprised
the 25 cops on the beach.
You're going to tell me
that's a surprise?
Mr. Frescia said it was possible
the police might be watching you.
Did he say why?
Do you want me to be specific?
I'd appreciate that.
He said that you were
a serious drug dealer.
You promised to quit,
but you lied and are still doing it.
He called me a drug dealer
and a liar?
I guess I can't blame you.
For what?
Telling Nick about the party.
Thanks again.
I didn't tell Nick about the party.
He told me.
What was I supposed to do?
I didn't know it was
for your child's birthday.
I didn't even know you had a child.
I thought it was for a "Carlos."
Just pretend like
none of this ever happened.
The harbor patrol is involved?
To do surveillance in the marina.
Boats are in the marina.
You see, this is a house.
A house is not going to float away.
It's not going to fucking move!
Yeah, put him through.
How you doing?
In my office.
And you?
In my office.
I was wondering
if we can get together somewhere?
Yes, any particular time?
How about right now?
Sure, why not?
You say he's giving a party soon.
Hang on.
HAL: And Carlos is coming to town soon.
- Who's your snitch, Hal?
He hasn't gotten a damn thing right.
You look for Mac in L.A.,
he's in San Francisco.
You go for Carlos,
you get Mac's kid.
Sin Sisters?
Listen, I'm not authorizing
any more county funds...
...unless you get someone
who can actually identify Carlos.
What are you talking about?
Is he right there?
Just about.
Everything all right?
MAC: Why did you try to get me
kicked out of my favorite restaurant?
You told Jo Ann about me,
didn't you?
Yeah, I did.
You got a reason?
I didn't want her getting hurt.
MAC: Is that why you told her
about Carlos?
So she could identify him?
Is that your way of making sure
she doesn't get hurt?
Okay, I fucked up.
Look, Mac...
...I've been seeing a lot of Jo Ann
and it affected my judgment here.
MAC: If you want to go after Carlos,
go after him.
Just don't use me to do it, okay?
I don't get it, Mac.
He saves your life in a Mexican
prison, so you owe him for 20 years?
- None of my business.
MAC: Exactly.
MAC: By the way, you told Jo Ann
about the party, didn't you?
No, Mac.
You got it backwards.
She told me.
MAC: Then I guess
she got it backwards, huh?
That's understandable.
You confronting her like that,
she probably got flustered.
After all...
...she's not used to that.
She's a very traditional girl.
NICK: By the way, wish Cody
a happy birthday for me, will you?
Would you hold, please?
What do I do
with Mr. McCussky's tip?
McKussic. Divide it among
the waiters, like you normally do.
ARTURO: It was a pretty good tip.
- What do you mean?
His bill is $2500...
...and his tip is $2500.
There's $5000 in there?
Must have been a pretty good party.
Arturo, give me that envelope.
If you want Mac...
...he's down at the competition.
Get away from the pier!
- Holy smoke, it's you!
JO: Yes, it is.
Look, I don't want your money.
I don't want any of it.
How come?
What did you think
you were paying for?
If it's not enough...
No, it's not enough.
Did you think you could buy me?
- Buy you what?
JO: There's $5000 in there!
Lower your voice. Someone will think
something's going down. $5000?
- Right!
MAC: I must have grabbed the hundreds.
You owe me.
This was a mistake?
Wrong envelope.
Shaleen must have the fifties.
She'll be pissed.
What did you think
I was trying to buy for $5000?
GREG: Man, you all right?
MAC: Yeah, I'm fine. He's hurt.
Could you get everybody out of here?
I'll get the gate.
What do you see?
A Kleenex.
Blow your nose on that!
Still hurt?
I feel like shit.
Mom's going to blame this on you.
Cody, watch your language.
JO: How about I send over
some angel hair pasta?
Would you like that?
Thank you.
Be well, Cody.
I don't know what I'd have done
if you hadn't come along.
Greg had my car.
I'm sorry, I don't usually
do things like that.
They make you sign forms
when your kid's neck...
Why don't you sit down?
I'll just have some Herradura.
Your boy lives with you?
MAC: That depends.
- On what?
Money and his mama's mood.
Haven't you had enough?
You want to hear if Cody wakes up
and needs something, don't you?
You won't answer me?
I don't think you really want me to.
Yes, I do.
I'll answer any question you ask.
How about that?
Bet I know the first one.
What's that?
How can you feel about your boy
the way you do and sell drugs?
It is cocaine, isn't it?
MAC: It was.
- But not anymore?
You were with Andy Leonard
when he was arrested.
Nick tell you that?
You weren't with him?
I was with him.
And you weren't selling cocaine?
No, I wasn't.
He was.
Then what were you doing?
Trying to teach him how to sell it.
You're serious?
That's what it came to.
He's smart enough to be a lawyer...
...but too dumb to be a crook.
- You had to get something.
MAC: He's my lawyer.
He's your lawyer, too.
So he's your lawyer and he's my
lawyer. What does that do for you?
I pretty much knew that you knew...
...what I had done for a living.
I wanted him to let you know...
...that I now had
a legitimate business.
Naturally, I didn't want him busted.
So you thought Andy Leonard
would give you respectability?
Yes, ma'am.
What do you need it for?
So if I asked you out,
maybe you'd accept.
You don't need a lawyer for that.
Dating is not a criminal activity.
I think your...
...profession has clouded
your judgment here.
I'm flattered and I...
...I believe you.
It was awful dumb.
I'm late as hell.
Pour me a glass of champagne.
You'll never believe what happened.
If it's bad news,
I believe it.
I returned McKussic's money.
You gave back my tip.
I don't believe it.
Good evening, Lieutenant.
- You're early.
- You're late.
- Disappointed?
- Yeah. What kept you?
You don't want to know.
We're over here.
No, we're not.
- Where do you suggest?
NICK: The wine cellar, where else?
Nick, come on.
Stop kidding around. I mean it.
I have customers all over the place.
I'll scream.
That won't be necessary, seorita.
May I present Commandante Xavier
Escalante-Portero y Vega...
...of the Mexican Federales.
Lt. Frescia has alarmed you.
I surprised her with a private party
in the wine cellar.
Because I phoned
and made reservations.
She arrived late
and didn't realize we were here.
You go to a good deal of trouble
to explain an inconsequential event.
You remember Jo Ann Vallenari.
Yes, of course.
How are you?
Nice to see you.
You were going to
tell me about your day.
Oh, with Mr. McKussic.
You were with Mac?
How come?
- Is this a professional question?
- Purely personal.
Please, the judge
is waiting for you.
I'll be right back.
JO: I hope we didn't keep you waiting.
JUDGE: Not at all.
Here's a green card for Nino.
I had to pull some strings.
Come on, Escalante's waiting.
He has a token of his friendship.
A gun.
He's Mexican.
What can I tell you?
You wanted someone to I.D. Carlos.
I've got him for you.
I've worked with him for 8 years.
He doesn't get involved
in an operation...
...unless he can bring it off.
Don't mess with him.
You can mess with her anytime.
ANDY: Think it was an accident
Nino was arrested for drunk driving?
Frescia had the police
waiting for him every night.
He figured you knew more about Mac,
and used Nino to find out.
How's the judge involved?
He's the Federal judge Frescia
went to for the deportation order.
I told the judge he was about
to deport his fettucini verde...
...his ossobuco
and his rigatoni quattro formaggi.
CARLOS: Informants assure us
Carlos will contact McKussic...
...before he does business
HAL: Would he risk
going to McKussic's house?
CARLOS: He hardly expects me to be
there to identify him, Mr. Maguire.
After all, beaches are a crowded,
friendly place, aren't they?
People don't wear much
in the way of clothing.
Guns and surveillance equipment are
that much more difficult to hide.
Mr. McKussic
thinks about such things.
Which brings me to the point.
A group of Mexicans patrolling
the strand will look conspicuous.
I suggest your people
patrol the beach...
...and keep a wide perimeter with
some frozen surveillance for us.
Where'll you be?
There's a lot on the highlands
above his home.
But I'm told Mr. McKussic
has a boat stored there.
That could prove awkward.
That can be handled.
With a phone call.
Don't you have to
get back to your party?
In a minute.
Excuse me.
Is there something wrong?
What do you want to know
about McKussic?
I asked about you,
why you saw him.
- He owed me an explanation.
NICK: Did you get it?
Would you like to hear it?
I'm not sure.
It seems he has been engaged
in his business...
...for purely romantic reasons.
While you have been engaged in
romance for purely business reasons.
I'm not sure I understand that.
A little vague for you?
A little.
Let me spell it out. You want to
fuck your friend? Fuck him, not me!
How you doing?
I have to go to work, okay?
Is everything okay?
Yeah, I'll be irrigating
half the county by the end.
Who's sitting me?
Ann Marie downstairs.
She's very good.
You ever date her?
I don't date the sitters.
COD Y: Couldn't Jo Ann baby-sit me?
- Who?
Jo Ann Vallenari.
How do you know her name?
She promised to make me
angel hair spaghetti.
I wouldn't count on that now.
She's a very busy girl.
Doesn't she like you, Dad?
We never really got around to that.
Why doesn't she like you, Dad?
I didn't say she didn't like me.
I don't know what she likes
or if she likes a damn thing.
Some people don't like anything.
They just have nice
manners and live.
Take your shoes off the bed.
What are you doing?
I got a ticket.
Noise abatement ordinance.
Not allowed to do
any work on machinery.
Haven't worked on it lately.
Anyway, I better move it
or they will.
I ran into Rudi Samudio's customers.
They're desperate for product.
Not as desperate as Rudi.
He's doing 100 years.
They'll go up to
half a million in advance.
I couldn't help you if I wanted to,
and I don't want to.
You got to know where something is...
...even if it's bad shit.
I mean, half a million bucks!
We agreed you weren't going to hit
me with this kind of stuff anymore.
Why do you keep talking?
I had a feeling
you'd change your mind.
Enough of this shit!
MAC: I got to stick this thing
in the water. See if it floats.
- What can I do for you?
- I'm okay.
You don't have to be here yet.
No, I'm fine.
Go home and rest
and come back tonight.
No, I'm fine.
It's okay.
I didn't know you...
...or your relationship with Mac.
I only knew he was hiding something.
It turned out to be his feelings.
But you're so smooth...
...I figured you were
hiding something too.
How could you tell?
You lie to me about Mac.
You lie to Mac about me.
You lie to the judge
about everybody.
Eventually, you have to lose sight
of the facts, don't you?
You don't lose sight of the facts,
not unless you're nuts.
You lose sight of your feelings.
Mac knows his feelings.
He's crazy for you
and doesn't want to get caught.
For a crook, it's crystal clear.
But for a cop, it's confusing.
Mac's my friend.
I like him.
Maguire's my associate
and I hate him.
I probably have to bust my friend
to do my job and I hate that.
But I hate drug dealers and
somebody's got to get rid of Carlos.
How do I do that?
With my powers of deduction,
I walk into your restaurant...
...Iook at you and realize...
...regardless of the food,
Mac's not here to eat. He's in love.
And I wonder if you're not as good
about concealing your feelings...
...as you are at
taking care of your customers.
You're not in the drug business,
but you may have helpful knowledge.
So I checked you out.
You've had, near as I can tell,
With a lifeguard who was more
a high school buddy...
...a painter who did frescoes
for your restaurant...
...and a married man with whom
you broke off almost immediately.
So you're not exactly
wild and crazy in this area.
I figured if you got involved with
me, you're not involved with Mac.
But his interest in you makes you
likely to find out what's going on.
What I didn't figure
is that you're not like me.
You're honest and kind
and principled.
And I trust you.
Suddenly, I'm...
You're the most beautiful thing
I've ever seen and I'm nuts about you.
I've only got one question.
I don't want to know
what you know about Mac.
Man, I just want to see you tonight.
Will you?
See me?
So what else do you know about me?
God, didn't somebody
turn the machine on?
No, somebody didn't,
because I'm supposed to do it.
JO: No, I do know who it is.
How did you get my number?
I'm surprised
you'd be left alone unsupervised.
I don't believe you.
I'll see what I can do.
I'll be over as soon as I can.
- So, do you think there's a chance?
- Of what?
Of seeing you tonight.
Let's play it by ear.
Call me later.
(DJ OVER RADIO) We're continuing
with rock and roll on KMPC-FM.
Beautiful Southern California day.
That song was made
for girl-watching.
The fantasies come
just by hearing the lyrics.
(CARLOS OVER RADIO) Female Caucasian,
late twenties, fair hair, medium height.
CARLOS: No makeup.
No visible jewelry.
What's she doing?
CARLOS: She's taking some clothes
out of the car.
Obviously, she's going back
to the house.
Earlier she was cooking spaghetti.
Fancy dish cooking spaghetti.
How about that call, Hal?
HAL: Our guy is set to drop off
the half million at McKussic's.
Carlos will pick it up there
What about McKussic?
Could you hold on a second?
HAL: Where you going?
NICK: Carlos is due at McKussic's.
Not till 12:30.
Jo Ann Vallenari
is not an informant.
I don't want her mistaken for one.
Forget it. She let herself in,
she can let herself out.
I just left $500,000 at a church,
and not for religious purposes.
I'm telling you...
...if you call her or go anywhere
near Mac's, I'll have you shot.
You hear me?!
You mean arrested.
Don't you?
HAL: I'm sorry, Xavier,
what were you saying?
CARLOS: What about McKussic?
Where will he be?
HAL: We're not sure.
He isn't cooperative.
But it's no problem. Our guy has
made contact with Carlos directly.
How long have you been here?
How long have you been here?
Let's discuss this somewhere else.
JO: After I dealt with the fact
of your leaving him alone...
...Cody admitted he dismissed
the baby sitter to get me over here.
I didn't know when you'd be back,
so his mother picked him up.
How did he reach you?
Called the restaurant.
Yes, he called there.
Some wine?
Not a bad Chardonnay.
How'd he get the number?
Your bed stand.
I'm late for work.
When did you last see Nick Frescia?
This morning.
I didn't know
you're open for breakfast.
- When will you see him again?
- I can't answer that.
Right, you don't talk
about customers.
Not after I've slept with them.
If you want to know more
about Nick, talk to him.
MAC: And he'll tell me to talk to you.
Thanks for the bullshit, Slick.
- Did you call me "Slick?"
MAC: I'll say.
Ask me anything.
Whatever you want to know about me.
- Anything, Mr. McKussic.
- Please don't call me that.
I'll call you what you want.
Contrary to popular belief...
...I'm not good at undercover.
I don't know your first name.
But don't call me that.
Then don't call me "Slick."
(OVER RADIO) Alpha, Beta, Charlie teams,
we need 1020 at Western and P. C.H.
Equipment van is waiting.
It's called leaky pipe irrigation.
Trade name is Hydro-pore.
Made from old tires.
You put it 14" under the soil
and it sweats out the water.
I got an order for 50,000 feet
from a lemon grower in Encinitas.
I didn't think there were any
growers left in California.
You said she was leaving.
She was.
What's the delay?
They're watering the lawn.
Watering the lawn.
What do you think?
I think...
...you're a legitimate businessman.
I hope so. If it doesn't work,
I'm a crook forever.
Why haven't you
gotten out of that before?
It's tougher to quit than you think.
Just say no.
Nobody wants me to quit.
Don't get caught.
Stay on top till we knock you off.
That's the motto.
Nobody wants me to quit.
Cops want to bust me.
The Colombians want my connections.
My wife wants my money.
MAC: Her lawyer agrees. Mine likes
getting paid to argue with them.
Nobody wants me to quit.
Not to mention my customers.
They don't want me to quit.
That is completely paranoid.
I'm just talking here...
...I'm not trying to convince you
of a damn thing.
I may be paranoid, but then...
...nobody wants me to quit.
I'm sorry.
I was just joking.
I didn't mean to hurt you.
It didn't hurt that bad.
Just looking at you hurts more.
You said she was leaving.
CARLOS: Well, sir,
it was a miscommunication.
How much longer
do you think she'll be?
I can't leave just yet.
My clothes are still in the dryer.
Get out of there!
I believe you that
you're out of that other business.
What's that?
It's just my service.
I better call.
Right now?
I'll be right back.
What the fuck are you doing?
Are you nuts? They're covering me!
Didn't I say to call first?
Not only that,
you scared the shit out of me!
This is not funny.
I'm wearing a fucking towel.
You know who is in charge
of all that surveillance?
The U.S. Government and
the Federal Republic of Mexico...
...have me watching you
waiting for me to show up.
Which reminds me. I talk
into the wrong one of these...
...and it costs us
fifty years apiece.
I told you on the phone.
I take care of everything.
(FEDERALE) I've been instructed to tell
you that Carlos has entered the house.
Thank you, thank you.
But you, I trust with my life.
You keep me waiting all night...
...never showing any sign
of being worried about me.
Forget it. Your hands were full.
I could see.
What's more, you fuck like a world
champion. Four fucking hours!
CARLOS: Those cops are terrified
their wives will hear about this.
I got starved just watching you.
She can cook too.
Believe me, if she's willing
to take out the garbage, marry her.
Is this the best idea right now?
CARLOS: When's the next time
we'll get a chance to play?
In jail.
MAC: What's going on
with you and Lindroff?
I don't want him
involved in anything.
I realize...
I'll take care of it.
- You've got company.
- Company?
It's for you.
You've got to be out of here
in less than twenty minutes.
We'll never finish the game!
Vittorio's wife called.
He had to go home.
I've got to go close up.
JO: Why are you here?
- Vittorio's wife is fine.
I had Arturo call you.
Listen to me.
Mac's getting busted tonight.
There's an informant making sure
of that. Your behavior...
...could be misconstrued.
You were in the wrong place
at the wrong time!
That could get you hurt.
Give me your purse.
NICK: I want you to go inside
and lock the door.
Detective Torres will be here
in a few minutes.
He'll take care of you
until this is over.
Ready to fire.
All you care about is arresting Mac.
Get inside.
MAC: Don't smoke.
I got a leak in the fuel line.
Everything's set.
No, Carlos is still at your house.
CARLOS: Wait a minute.
Now I recognize you.
From the restaurant
with Lieutenant Frescia.
Miss Vallenari.
Where's Mr. McKussic?
I recognize this, too.
You've got to watch her.
Is that right?
She's friendly with a cop
that knows Mac.
Where is Mac, by the way?
Do you think she could be dangerous?
Be some sort of informant?
I do.
GREG: Mac's nuts about her.
He wouldn't see it.
That's terrible.
Have you mentioned this to him?
Oh, yeah!
I do what I can for Mac.
It's all here.
Yes, it is.
Speaking of information...
...you were busted by the D.E.A.
Four months ago.
You didn't happen to mention that
to Mac, did you? I didn't think so.
What a shame.
People in trouble need to talk to
somebody. If not to their friends...
...it's usually your enemies.
Federal narcotics number 7-2-4-4.
(COP OVER RADIO) Maguire claims
only he has contact with Mac's cousin?
At 7:00 P.M., we spotted a couple
of Escalante's men with him.
- Near the Wayfarer's chapel?
- Right.
NICK: He's got some
interesting holes in him.
He went down, what can I tell you?
NICK: For only getting hit once or twice,
he sure got him in the best spots.
All right, who fired their gun?
Everybody to the edge of the pier.
Let's have a show of hands.
Come on, people, hands in the air!
How the fuck did this guy get dead?
HAL: Escalante's men got here ahead
of us. That's when there was gunfire.
This stinks.
HAL: Gas fumes.
So what?
I've been hearing for months how
Carlos was real upset because...
...he shipped cocaine that got
soaked in gasoline on a tanker.
What is this?
you just paid half a million for it.
You're full of shit. Carlos wouldn't
go to that trouble for half...
Half a million? Probably not, but
who knows what he's really up to?
Your snitch isn't going to tell us.
Where's Escalante?
I don't know.
He said something about
going back to his boat.
His boat?
He sailed up here from Ensenada.
Said he wanted to go fishing
for albacore on the way home.
Gone fishing?
What is wrong with that?
Escalante is Carlos,
you miserable shit.
CARLOS: She works hard in a restaurant,
but never takes the time...
...to enjoy a meal.
She starts taking the time.
She enjoys it.
She goes from one customer
to another...
...from your friend Frescia
to his friend McKussic to...
...who knows?
I'm sure the girl has friends
of her own.
The point is she's discarded
her traditional values.
She's lost.
Then she uses cocaine,
for Chrissake.
Naturally, she dies.
It's an American tragedy.
Don't worry, buddy,
I won't kill her unless you approve.
And if I don't approve?
Then we talk until you do.
Come on, when was the last time
we smoked some really good shit?
Come on.
Life is serious enough.
Where is she?
WOOD Y: I should be the one calling you
for help. It's been rowdy tonight.
WOOD Y: What's up?
NICK: We've got to find a boat.
Probably out of Ensenada. Put in
for mooring in the last five days.
You want me to call every harbor
master between here and Mexico?
(OVER RADIO) This is Torres at
Vallenari's. She's not here, Nick.
Check McKussic's and
get back to me right away.
Why would I do something like that?
What for? What would I gain?
We've been sitting here...
...doing nothing but
asking ourselves that same question.
I haven't seen any matador stand
his ground like that since Abruza.
He's a pussy.
He's the finest matador in Mexico.
He's a pussy, man.
Why is that, buddy?
I don't know why.
Look at him.
Look at the matador. What does he
fucking do? He dresses up in his...
...spangles and puts on
his fucking sequined jacket...
...and wraps that sash
around his waist.
Then puts on
his little pink stockings...
...and his hair up in a little
pigtail. I mean, that's a pussy.
That's what a bullfight is.
It's saying he's a pussy.
And we're the bull.
MAC: They got that thing and
they wave it like a red flag.
What do we do?
We charge that sucker!
They always got the edge.
They know what we'll do.
We're predictable.
They're just going to stick it in...
...and break it off.
There's not a fucking thing to say.
Bravo, buddy!
What do we do about it?
What do we do? You die.
You fucking die. That's what.
Wait, I've seen him this way.
He's very serious.
Are you coming with me
or are you staying?
This is a tragic fucking mistake,
She'll testify and she'll get
us all. She's the only one who can.
What will you do about that? What
about your boy, family, friends?
- What are you going to do?
MAC: Get in the boat.
I urge you to reconsider.
Meet me at Pier 17. Stay up
on channel 12. I'll tell you when.
Son of a bitch!
MAC: Could you get me a flashlight?
There's one near the companionway.
Can you do that now, please?
How about that light?
Could you turn it on?
Could you hold it, please?
Right, just there.
That's an awful lot of money.
$ 15 million.
That's an awful lot of money.
MAC: Money makes people predictable,
at least. They'll never be reliable.
Nick knows everything about me now.
I didn't talk about you.
MAC: Forget it.
JO: I don't want to.
MAC: I don't care what you want.
When I drop you off...
...you better take
a long vacation in Bora Bora...
...because you'll never live
to testify.
JO: I was never going to testify.
MAC: You're telling me.
Mac, I'd die before I'd hurt you.
That was being arranged.
If you believe what Carlos said,
why didn't you let him kill me?
Could you hold the light?
Mac, I love you.
You got to stop talking, you know?
I got to fix this boat
or someone will get killed.
I'll put it like this. Shut up or
I'll smack you. Now hold the light.
I love you.
I love you.
Don't say that again.
I love you.
I love you.
I tell you right now...
...if we find McKussic
anywhere near Escalante...
...I'll put him away for 25 years.
That's not what we agreed.
You're reneging on a deal.
You're a lying no-good cocksucker
and a four-flushing son of a bitch.
But, no matter.
You didn't tell me Mac was involved.
- What's the difference?
- Mac's a friend.
He's a drug smuggler.
What do you mean, Frescia?
Let's see.
You've lost half a million dollars,
confiscated a ton of useless coke...
...caused the murder of a federal
informant, and that's just tonight.
That's all bullshit,
and you know it.
Think about this.
Mac can identify Escalante
as Carlos...
...and prove you've been partners
with the biggest drug dealer...
...in Mexico for eight years,
whether you knew it or not.
And when you put Mac away,
he puts you away.
Any luck, Woody?
Yeah, see you.
I got to go post warning signs.
WOOD Y: Can you give me a hand?
- Yeah, sure.
It will make messy headlines.
At least the CIA does it on purpose.
When will I see you?
How about dinner?
What time do you want
your reservation?
I'll put it down.
Anything else I can do?
Marry me.
Let's go.
Let's do it now.
MAC: Hey, Woody.
Nick, thanks for showing up.
- How did you two get here?
MAC: Boat. Could you excuse us?
MAC: Did Woody have
any trouble getting ahold of you?
None at all.
MAC: I need you
to look after her for a while.
Tell me where Carlos is...
...or you're an accessory
to your cousin's murder.
Mac, you're under arrest.
I hate to pull a gun on you
but that's how it is.
At this point, that's nothing new.
Here's another gun you pulled.
I don't believe you'll use that.
I know how you feel.
I don't get it.
I mean, you're not this stupid.
I caught you.
You can't pretend you're not caught.
You can't spend the rest of
your life hiding in Mexico, either.
You got one chance.
Turn yourself in.
What for?
- What for?
MAC: Yeah, what for?
I told you I had an accounting
problem in the restaurant.
I've been keeping money for someone
and he's here to pick it up.
I want to get this.
You'd kill me over drug money?
It's a lot of money.
What's it going to be?
I can't believe this.
I can't believe what you've done
with your fucking life!
I can't believe you either, thinking
you can do anything, like Carlos.
You try to fuck her,
he tries to kill her.
Woody's the only one of us worth
anything. He's got a decent job.
I'll be back in an hour
and you can lock me up.
You lied to me.
You wouldn't shoot me over money.
You've got to tell me
where Mac's gone.
Why should I?
He'll try to kill Carlos...
...because Carlos
is trying to kill you.
MAC: Ensenada, this is Little Red.
I'm approaching Pier 17.
Ensenada, this is Little Red
approaching Pier 17. Over.
CARLOS: You son of a bitch!
How could you do this?!
Friendship is the only choice
in life you can make that's yours!
You can't choose your family!
Goddamn it, I've had to face that!
No man should be judged for
whatever direction his dick goes!
That's like blaming a compass
for pointing north, for Chrissake!
Friendship is all we have.
We chose each other.
How could you fuck it up?
How could you make us look so bad?
Welcome aboard.
Careful, it's loaded.
Keep it. You're going to spend
the rest of your life in jail.
I won't be there to take care
of you. I'll be in a Mexican jail.
- She's never going to testify.
CARLOS: How can you say that? Damn you!
She can't testify
against her husband...
...so she can't testify against you.
She said she'd marry you?
MAC: Yeah.
CARLOS: Oh no!
Under the circumstances,
she would have said anything!
She would have fucked a snake!
Come on, be serious!
I am serious.
Don't you even want to...
check below?
When it comes to money I trust you.
So, how are we going to do this?
I don't feel
like unloading $ 15 million.
Why don't we swap boats?
That is not exactly fair.
This is a real nice boat.
The hell with it.
So this is it?
I hope she's worth it.
And I hope she keeps her mouth shut.
That's all I can say.
No, don't.
Hold it.
I got that thing rigged
to blow sky high.
I'm sorry. I hated having to
do that, but I didn't want her hurt.
You mind undoing it?
Look at it this way.
MAC: If you had tried anything,
we both would have gone.
You love her that much?
CARLOS: When I first heard that,
I thought you rigged the butane stove.
I thought of the butane stove.
But that's a little too hard
to control.
The ignition system is best.
You knew?
I know you.
CARLOS: Jesus Christ, look at that!
You shot me.
MAC: So what?
You shot me.
Look at my stomach!
You went too far, damn it!
And because you're my friend, that
means you can kill anyone you want?
Will you stop talking?
It's making me sick.
That looks bad, don't it?
That's what I've been telling you.
MAC: Now I got to get you a doctor.
- Don't move.
Wait a minute.
I feel seasick.
I think it's time
for both of us to quit.
I know.
I've seen it coming for some time.
Cocaine is no damn good for anybody.
The future...
The future is grass.
Grass, buddy!
I have 60 tons of Thai stick
coming in.
It's on the way.
Don't do this, goddamn it!
Oh, fuck.
NICK: Freeze!
I said freeze!
I'm unarmed!
Don't shoot!
I'm unarmed.
I'm turning myself in!
HAL: Goddamn it!
Stay still!
NICK: What the fuck are you doing,
He's turning himself in!
Let it go, Hal!
Jo Ann, it's Nick.
Before you open for dinner,
can you meet me down by Tower 12?
We have a strong riptide in this area.
And all lifeguards
will be off duty soon.
For your own safety,
please stay out of the water.
How's our friend?
Aside from a concussion,
powder burns...
...and being generally pissed off.
Did my name come up?
They're probably talking
about me right now.