Teraa Surroor (2016)

This story is about
Tara and my love.
But this is also the
story of a crazy
'..who had just one agenda.
Ruining Tara and Me.
"It's your passion."
"It's your passion."
"My conversations. my memories."
"..the lonely nights."
"It's your passion."
"My ta
es..my breaths."
"My Sighs."
"It's your passion."
"It's your passion."
"My conversations. my memories."
"..the lonely nights."
"It's your passion."
"My world resides in you."
"My happiness dwells in you."
.Ve high hopeS with you."
Don't shatter the
link between our heans.
Don't ask the pain
that's in my heart.
"Don't ask..Don't ask.."
"Don't ask..Don't ask.."
"My desires..my moments."
"My Songs."
"It's your passion."
"It's your passion."
What a beautiful day, isn't it?
When you're really happy,
from the bottom of your heart.
"the world seems beautiful.
Life is strange.
When you feel even/thing's
about to end..
..and suddenly it shows
you couple of ways out.
Do you understand what I am saying?
Sir, Tara's been arrested.
What's your name?
Tara Wadia Branson.
What's your father's name?
Elvis Branson.
And your mother's name?
Shenaz Wadia Branson.
ls there anyone you
would like to call?
A story about lies,
truth, loyalty and betrayal.
It all began between
Tara and me on this night.
I killed Fahim Ansari.'
But Tara was unaware of
the fact that I am a gangster.
Hundred percent..it's
a bloody gang war.
Fahim Ansari,
the guy who was ki
..was our country's
biggest drug supplier.
Inspector Rathore. - Sir.
Find out..when Fahim
Ansari was ki
..where was Raghu and his men.
Yes, sir!
On one side, Tara was praying
day and night for our
..and on the other side,
I was going to..
..give her the biggest
betrayal of her life.
"Take me to my be
bless you a million times."
"Take me to my be
bless you a million times."
"Without a glimpse of my be
can't think straight."
My eyes will narrate the
condition of my hean to him.
"Sea of love in my heart."
"Sea of love in my heart."
"You're the one I want to
want to wait only for you."
"You're the one I want to
want to wait only for you."
For me..
ife means
dying in your love.
How long are you going
to keep running after wealth?
"Sea of love in my heart."
"Sea of love in my heart."
My conscience couldn't live with.
'..cheating on Tara
and hiding this incident.
You're still awake.
"there's something I want to say.
Last night..
met a girl at the bar.
And I made a big mistake.
.. - Enough!
I don't want to
hear anything funher!
Why are you two so quiet?
Something wrong?
Only one month left
for your wedding now.
So stop fighting like kids..
..and son out whatever's
between you two.
Tara. Stop being so stubborn.
I know Raghu wants to patch up.
Mom, I am going to Ireland soon.
I have a show there.
There's so much
still left to do here.
You can't go now.
Just keep every1hing on hold.
What do you mean by "On hold"?
What are you saying, Tara?
All the invitations
have been sent out.
Even to Raghu's car dealers
and business associates.
How can you sudden
Please stop Tara
from leaving if you can.
I don't know what's
happened between you two.
But I think you're
making a mistake, sweety.
It's not easy to
find a man like Raghu.
Along with being a
successful businessman..
..he's also a very nice human being.
He has hean of gold.
Which guy ever treats his
mother-in-law like his mother.
..and respects her?
And let's her stay at his home,
like family?
You know people are shocked.
..when I tell them that I'm living
with my daughter and son-in-law.
He really loves you!
Mom. I don't want
to discuss this anymore.
No, I can't come.
There's some problem
between Tara and me.
And I don't want her
to find out at any cost.
..that the underworld
knows me as a gangster.
"There was a time."
..when she cared
for me more than I did.
"She used to say.."
never pan
ways ever..after this.
Now she asks strangers
about my condition.
And this pain..
makes my hean cry.
"Love..has..betrayed me."
"Love..has..betrayed me."
"Love..has..betrayed me."
"When I look into your eyes."
"Baby, I am in paradise."
"We can take it to the skies."
"We can make it, you and
"When I look into your eyes."
"Baby, I am in paradise."
"We can take it to the skies."
"We can make it, you and
Hyder, I don't want
to meet anybody, okay?
Sir, if you can p
Thank you.
I surrender my
the hands of God.
Someone p
cajole my beloved.
"The memories. pierce my heart."
When the loneliness
crosses all limits.
"There was a time."
..when she cared
for me more than I did.
"She used to say.."
never pan
ways ever..after this.
Now she asks strangers
about my condition.
And this pain..
makes my hean cry.
"Love..has..betrayed me."
"Love..has..betrayed me."
"Love..has..betrayed me."
Yes, sir.
Tara's staying in
some hotel in Dublin.
But we've no information about it.
She didn't even tell mom.
I thoughtmaybe you know.
No, sir, I don't have
any information either.
Raghu you aren't telling
me anything neither is Tara.
Please tell me.
What has happened?
After Tara left for Dublin.
that was left
in my life was her memories.
I knew Tara is innocent.
But I had to find out the guy..'
'..that framed Tara, and why.
I'm sorry, sir.
I can't allow you to meet the girl.
You must understand the
seriousness of this case.
She was caught with drugs.
And you better get a very
good lawyer to prove her innocence.
Otherwise..she'll be in a big mess.
Hi, sorry I am late.
I am Eli Jordan. - Chris.
Tara Branson's lawyer.
Hi, Eli. I'm Raghu.
Thanks for taking up the case.
Eli, they are not
letting me see Tara.
Please do something
so they let me meet Tara.
Raghu..the law here is quite strict.
They won't let you
meet Tara so easily.
But yet..
try my best.
Mr. L
oyd..may I see my client?
Yes, Ms. Jordan. - Thank you.
Tara Hi! I'm Eli, your lawyer.
Raghu appointed me to your case.
ls he here? - Yes.
But because of legality,
you cannot meet him.
Tara, in order to
get out of this case.
..you must tell me
every1hing honestly.
So..how did you land up in Dublin.
Anirudh Brahmin was
my Facebook friend.
He invited me here
to perform on India Day.
But..there's nothing
called India Day.
He said to me that my grandmother
will give you some books and CDs.
When you come here, bring it along.
And I met his grandmother
at the address he gave me.
And she gave me some
books and CDs for Anirudh.
Do you know that woman's name?
Can you tell me something
about her appearance?
She was ta
Fair complexion.
She had a heavy voice.
Anirudh said he'll
meet me at the airport
But when I stepped out of
the airpon Anirudh wasn't there.
I was a little surprised.
I waited for him for a long time.
But he called me instead.
Hi, Anirudh.
Hi, I am sorry.
I couldn't get to the airport
My elder brother met with
an accident. He's at the hospital.
I am very sorry.
I'll get delayed.
Give the phone to any taxi-driver.
explain him
where you need to go.
Then I'll meet up
with you there. - Okay.
I got in taxi and..
And I was surrounded by Police.
Are you sure he was Anirudh Brahmin.
I've never spoken
to him before this.
I only know him through Facebook.
And that to since
the last 6-8 months.
What about his voice?
- He had a heavy voice.
will try my best
to prove your innocence, okay.
It was a very long day.
Chris was very tough.
But we have some
imponant information.
Anirudh Brahmin,
the guy who called Tara to Dublin.
..he terminated his Facebook
account before Tara arrived.
Chris is trying to recover
his photograph from Facebook.
And the woman who gave
Tara those books and CDs.
They are trying to trace that call.
And Tara has also
given us her description.
We can get it sketched.
And the call that Tara
received from the Airport.
..was from a internet
calling system.
It could be from
anywhere in the world.
This means..on
y Anirudh
Brahmin can save Tara.
We have to find out
who Anirudh Brahmin is.
Anirudh Brahmin.
Tara Wadia.
Faheem Ansari.
The only thing common
between all of them is drugs.
Faheem Ansari.
Killed in a gang-war on 18th July.
Related to drug's smuggling.
Tara Wadia.
She's in Irish Police custody.
Related to drugs trafficking.
As far as Anirudh
Brahmin is concerned.
If we want to get to
the roots of this network.
"then we must find out who he is.
We need to find out who is this man.
I killed Anirudh Brahmin's
men in self-defence.
But by doing so..a
leading to him had ended.
Anirudh Brahmin!
I am Anirudh, sir.
That photo was mine too.
never went outside the city..
"then, how can I go to Ireland?
Sir, I swear on my kid.
I don't know what drugs are..or
anything about this drugs case.
I don't know, sir.
Finding Anirudh Brahmin
had become impossible.
How can someone find
a man that doesn't exist?
I was really worried for Tara.
Because she was supposed to
face trial in court the next day.
My lord I request you to grant
bail to my client Ms. Tara Wadia.
My lord, she can't be granted bail.
She was caught red-handed with drugs.
Tara Wadia, found guilty.
7 years of rigorous imprisonment.
My Lord, she's innocent.
Please reconsider my
request for Tara Wadia's bail.
7 years of rigorous
imprisonment, I say.
"Tears filled with your memories."
My nights..are
filled with sorrows.
"My paths are lost."
was mislead in your
was mislead in your
I am the moon that
has no sky without you.
I am the moon that
has no sky without you.
My prayers are filled
with your wishes.
've read you, you're my
"You're my heaven, don't go away."
"You're my sanctity, my grace."
The prison of my heamkeeps
me in captivity.
ike some innocent bird."
ike a bird."
"Tears filled with your memories."
My nights..are
filled with sorrows.
"My paths are lost."
was mislead in your
was mislead in your
I am the moon that
has no sky without you.
I am the moon that
has no sky without you.
Hello. - Mom.
I met Tara today.
She was missing you. - My baby..!
How is she?
Raghu, I get nightmares.
let me come there.
No, mom.
I'll bring her back.
I was just watching
videos of Tara and you.
Tara come back?
Yes, mom.
Tara will come back.
I'll bring her back.
I promise you.
Abu speaking. Did you get it?
I am sorry, Raghu.
Even extradition is
not possible in Tara's case.
Otherwise I would've
at least had her extradited..
..and she couldn't
been in her country's jail.
There are other ways in
..but the systems
here are very strict.
It's okay..at least you tried.
What will you do now?
I'll go back to
ndia..with Tara.
But how?
People escape from prison.
Raghu, this is Ireland,
not other country.
It's impossible.
Eli, my mother used to say..
..a man that turns his
obsession into his goa
..cannot be stopped until
he reaches his destination.
You can't shoot? Goddamnit man!
Where do you get these guys from?
Yeah.. - A God forsaken place.
This is bloody Ireland, you know.
The Ire have real stuff.
And they go Bang-bang-bang!
Where do these guys come from?
They are a bunch of jokers,
you know.
That's all they are.
I am telling you.
Here's one more Indian coming.
Would you like to try shooting?
Don't be afraid.
They're not real, all are blank.
Just used glasses and headphones.
..so bullet sound
will not disturb you.
And then even if you
can't hit the target..
it's all game.
So don't feel sad.
It's all game.
Indians can't shoot proper.
They're the best
and easiest targets.
Ask the neighbouring country.
Hey boy, this here is a G-41.
Generation four.
Practical and tactical .45 ca
..automatic pistol.
Manufactured by G
os..in the USA.
Do you understand? No?
Translation denied.
It is real.
No automatic,
no theory, no catalogue.
Just killing the enemy
to the centre point.
Brand name: Local Pistol.
Made by Abu Farooqui.
State Azamgarh country, India.
And one more thing.
It takes an entire country, race,
money and the military to catch Osama.
Ask the neighbouring country.
But to kill one General Dire..
one needs is one
Indian Guts and a local pistol.
Ask the world!
Do you understand?
No problem!
Translation denied.
Raghu, this is Rajveer.
My almost ex-husband.
He's the Indian Ambassador.
Rajveer, this is Raghu.
I was hoping you can help them out.
Anything for you my love.
Look Raghu, I'm going
to come straight to the point.
You know and so do
Tara's case is an absolute mess.
All the evidence are against her.
The verdicfs been given.
And the sentence has been given.
So it's absolutely impossible
to do anything now.
So what do I do, sir?
Go back?
No, sir.
I won't go back without Tara.
At any cost.
I hate love stories.
"It's your passion."
Tara's face was always
in front of my eyes."
"My conversationsmy memories."
"..the lonely nights."
"It's your passion."
"It's your passion."
Eli. I found a way.
At that time, getting Tara out
of jail was more important for me..'
Ethan finding Anirudh Brahmin.
Robin Sentino..is one of the
biggest con anists in the world.
Breaking out of prison
is a child's play for him.
His father worked for the
Britishers at the Karachi pom.
And in 1954,
while migrating to
"the Mujahidin's kill him.
After that his mother
didn't go to India.
Although everyone
was expecting her to.
Instead she went to Spain.
And there she met Enrique Sentino.
And they got married.
He's escaped 14 of the world's most
difficult jails in his lifetime.
Due to lack of hope in
..he now stays
behind bars willingly.
And donates everything
that he earns.
Dublin jai
's jailor Douglas
Broad can take you to Sentino.
Sir, my name's Raghu.
Doesn't matter if it was Rahim.
On the other side of the bars..
e are lost
without their names.
And on this side,
they're only known by their numbers.
I charge.
"not per hour..
--" Pei Project.
"but per word spoken.
So don't ask any stupid questions.
And don't ask any more questions
you'll have to pay dearly.
One more thing.
I don't make friends.
I don't like relations.
I only work for money.
Sir, will it be possible?
Whether it'll be possible
or not is your bloody problem!
I ta
k..you listen.
The desire to stay a
Hope to f
"lots of courage..and
plenty of luck.
You need this deadly combination.
..for the bird to
fly out of the coop.
No jail in the world is air-tight.
And..there's no lock in this
world that doesn't have a key.
You've to find the right
lock and the right key.
Driving license will be your key.
First of a
..you must
memorize Dublin's map.
Your destinatiomwhere
do you want to reach.
..you must decide that first.
And what's more imponant
is to decide how you will get there.
The city and the entire
country's modes of communication..
..you should know like
the back of your hand.
They will easily block you.
From the time they
make an alen call.
Sealed off.
The police can paralyze
the entire city in 20 minutes.
They can seal it tight.
So quickly.
After 9/1 1..a
most every country.
..has made security
and lockdown plans.
What if I can't do it in 20 minutes?
Then surrendenotherwise
they will shoot you and that girl.
Sir, her name is Tara.
There will be shoot-at-sight
orders issued for both of you.
I need two passpons.
2000 Euros..per passport
As I told you all in advance.
That day I was attacked again.
A city..that filled my
love story with explosives.
'..and I could never
forget its echo.
I had only two motives in life.
Getting Tara out of jail.
'And..finding Anirudh Brahmin.
His name is Raman Furia.
On the 28th, he boarded the
same flight from Mumbai as Tara.
But he got off in
Abu Dhabi on the way.
Tara's seat no was 22 B..
..and his seat no was 22C.
Both tickets were booked
through the same travel agency.
Raman Furia works in
a pharmaceutical company.
And that day he
brought licensed drugs.
Rathod. - Sir.
I want Raman Furia's
passpon details.
ong with his address
and phone number.
Sure, sir.
"It's clouded my heart."
You're the only
one that dwells in me.
"You've become my God."
"Let the world become alienated."
"Don't ever let go of me."
I cannot bear being separated
from you, sweetheart.
"It's clouded my heart."
You're the only
one that dwells in me.
"You've become my God."
"Let the world become alienated."
"Don't ever let go of me."
I cannot bear being separated
from you, sweetheart.
You won't meet that girl again.
Everywhere I turn to
all I see is your face.
Every moment..
think only about you.
"It's clouded my heart."
You're the only
one that dwells in me.
"You've become my shadow."
"Let the world become alienated."
"Don't ever let go of me."
I cannot bear being separated
from you, sweetheart.
Love made me useless.
..otherwise I too
had many qualities.
I had an unknown
bond with Santino.
"It's like grains of sand.."
"..keep it close to your heart."
ove's not a rebe
"..but don't try his heart."
No one's as pure
as you..in this world.
"Stay away from slanders."
Happy Annivarsary.
You remembered?
How can I forget?
I love you.
Love you too, Raghu.
Why come to me if you
wanted to do as you please?
I told you not to meet that girl.
Yet you went to see her.
If you keep meeting that gir
"the Police will
keep a watch on you..
..and they'll grow suspicious
that you're up to something.
Then nothing can be done.
Nor you, nor that girl.
Sir, her name is Tara.
What if you hadn't met
that girl for 5 more days?
Sir, her name is Tara!
Whether her name's Tara or Chanda..
..or Madhuri Dixit..
don't care.
I told you before..
I don't care how you do it.
Even if you mess it up,
it doesn't make a difference to me.
Sir, are you sure it
doesn't make a difference.
It does make a
difference to you, sir!
And somehow I am really happy..
..that it makes a difference to you!
We've found Raman Furia.
His real name is Montesar Aijaz.
And his phone's disconnected.
Just tell me..make my job easier.
You've made the entire
world busy for no reason.
Tell me.
Are you going to tell me?
Sir..its Nafisa Baig.
Nafisa Baig.
Nafisa madam.
Shall we?
Sir, can I ask you something? - Yes.
How do you speak so uent Hindi?
I learnt it in the Indian jails.
I've 19 years there.
14 years in UP and 5 years in Tihar.
After escaping from
there I got arrested here.
An old woman came in my way..
..and I couldn't shoot her.
And you?
How did you become
such a big gangster?
When did you kill first time?
Sir, I'll charge you for this.
We'll adjust.
Sir, this happened in 1990.
My mother was a junior
anist in Hindi films.
I loved dramatics.
I used to sell tea.
A underworld Don called
Aurangzeb used to live in our area.
I used to go sell tea to him.
I could come and go
without any security check.
And Aurangzeb's
enemies knew about it.
My mother was really sick.
And I needed 10,000 rupees.
One day a guy called
Anthony came to me and said..'
'..ifi kill Aurangzeb..'
'..then he can give me 10,000
rupees for my mother's treatement.
Anthony trained me to use a gun.
He said to me that,
if I kill Aurangzeb..'
'..then I'll be doing
a good thing for the country.
'..because he was a demon that
was ruining the city of Mumbai.'
I said yes.
I arrived at Aurangzeb's lair
with the intentions of killing him.
But then suddenly
I changed my mind.
I decided that I won't kill him.
Hey joker.
You look serious today.
My mother's very sick.
And the doctor's said..
..the treatment will
cost 10,000 rupees.
Your mother's so beautiful.
Send him to me.
She does have a long list of lovers.
I am first on the list.
He abused my mother.
I lost my patience.
I killed him.
Mom didn't survive.
At the age of 9 I was sent
to juvenile jail for murder.
When I came out..
met Tara..
..and my life changed, sir.
Chief, come in. Chief! Prisoner
312 is bleeding and unconscious.
Get the coun orders..
..and get her to the
hospital immediately.
The day had finally arrived
to elope Tara from jail.
If we succeed..
would welcome us..
..and if we miss, we'll
be shot dead by the Dublin Police.
But right then..there was
only one thought on my mind.
Every man loved someone sometime.
I surrender this life
in the name of that love.
Now there's just one way
that can make things easy for you.
Somehow..get Tara shifted
to a hospital from that jail.
Tara..don't react immediately
to whatever I say.
"Loneliness. "Loneliness.
"Loneliness. "Loneliness.
All my dreams, my happiness,
Without you..
After a point..the entire
plan should be in your mind.
Burn every paper..
..that can become
evidence against you.
Security, the phone is not working,
ease..check it.
The Wire's have been cut.
Sir..we cannot get city hospital.
The lines are dead.
Hello. - Officer Manin.
Chief Josha, here.
ls the prisoner there with you?
- Yes, chief, we're here.
The prisoner is secure, no problem.
Just increase the security
around her as soon as possible.
We'll do it right away, sir.
Stay back! Stay back!
Stay back!
Don't move.
Don't move. Don't move.
Stay back!
Oh, God! It's a mess there.
Quickly send the emergency eet.
Send Walter to that Raghu's
apartment for any clue.
Rest, head to the
hospital immediately.
According to Sentino,
I had only 20 minutes.
Because the city's lock down p
..are initiated 20 minutes later.
Hi, my patient Tara is
admitted here in the hospital.
Tara Wadia? - Yeah, exactly.
That's the name.
I had to get out of Dublin
city in 20 minutes at any cost.
"which was almost impossible.
Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop!
They'll keep tell your
description to each other.
That's why..keep changing
your appearance as much as you can.
Keep changing your locations.
clothes, cars, etcetera.
Don't be stupid.
Don't move.
We've units on all the exits.
Tara, press the button.
Tara.. Tara, press the button.
Don't do this, sir.
Don't move.
It's most imponant
to know about their plans.
So you can be one step ahead.
They're going to the top floor.
Come on.
They got away.
After escaping from jai
they don't catch you,
or until you're not dead..
"they won't stop chasing you.
After escaping from the hospitaL.
had very little
time to get to the station.
And if I make any mistake.
"then Dublin's lockdown
plans will be operative.
From here I had to get to my car..
"which I had parked
at Golden road.
Block stations on either directions.
All the main lines.
Call the Port authority.
Tell them I want that train stopped.
Sir, there's something here.
Tara's love was the strength.
..that made every
difficulty easy for me.
One thing that
Santino said was true.
It's most imponant
to know about their plans.
And I knew they are waiting
for me at the next station.
The police were waiting
for us at Bourneville station..
"but we got out before.
Tell us, madam.
Who is posing as Anirudh Brahmin?
The real one cried his hean out.
What are you so angry about?
Speak up!
don't know any1hing.
Some guy called Anirudh
Brahmin called me.
That's it.
Yes, Walter.
Sir, they're heading
towards pom.
Increase all the security checks.
..and check all the entrances
in and out of the city.
I had only nine minutes
to get out of the city.
And Dublin police was blocking me.
You're going the wrong way.
No, Tara. This is the right way.
I've misled the police.
I knew the police will arrive
at our home looking for us.
And that's why I
intentionally left clues.
..indicating that we're
headed for the Port.
They will look for
us around the Port.
..and we'll head towards the coast.
Everywhere they look for us..
"they won't find us.
I had only one minute
to get out of Dublin city.
If don't make it out
of Haus Cons in one minute.
..then all the lockdown
plans will be initiated.
And then escaping
would be impossible.
Suspect in a black car
heading towards the Bay.
I want them brought in alive.
Yes, sir.
What are you doing, Raghu?
They got away.
Mr. Rajveer, I am the Director
of Military intelligence, Ireland.
I am perfectly aware
of who you are, sir.
I just hope that you
are just as aware of who I am.
And I hope there's
a really good reason..
..why I am here on
a Sunday morning, unless.
..it's just to exchange a cup
of coffee over some pleasantries.
How do you know Raghu, Mr rajveer.
- I do not?
You really don't know who he is?
- I just said so, sir.
I do not.
Do you know Tara Branson Wadia?
She escaped this morning
with her boyfriend.
I guess that's why they say..
Do not ever give a
bad girl a good boyfriend.
"It's your passion."
We had escaped the
city's lockdown p
..and were heading
towards the coast.
But who is Anirudh Brahmin
and why he did this.
..that was still a question
"It's your passion."
Finally we arrived at the Port.
..and fate also gave us
a way to find Anirudh Brahmin.
Raghu, you'll find
Anirduh Brahmin at.
He escaped this morning with the
help of the bird..Enrique Santino..
..and some legal support
And the suppon
of the Indian Embassy.
False allegations
and invalid accusations"
..are heavier than abuse, Mr.
Are you trying to tell me my duties?
Then I suggest that we move
on and enjoy the rest of the Sunday.
Unless you have something
serious to talk to me about.
Didn't your wife fight
the case of Tara Branson Wadia?
My wife once contemplated
..Osama Bin Laden
and Saddam Hussain.
She's a lawyer,
that's what she does.
Where is Douglas Brod?
Who, sir? - Douglas Brod?
Am I supposed to keep tabs
on almost everybody I know?
We've found Anirudh Brahmin, Tara.
Listen to me carefully.
I'll meet you back
here in exactly one hour.
But if I don't return in an hour..
"then promise me that
you'll follow our escape p
..and return to India.
And won't wait for me.
Please don't go.
Try to understand, Tara.
I cannot forgive
Anirudh Brahmin, Tara.
One more thing.
I never cheated on you.
I never deceived you.
It's a pan of my job. - Job?
I did it for my profession.
I am no car-dealer.
..in fact I am a
government assassin.
After coming out of Juvenile jai
..Commissioner Afzal
Khan took me in his refuge.
And I staned working for him.
I want you to know
what you're getting into.
Compared to every job
you did for me until now..
"this mission is
much more dangerous.
The problem is..
8 of Faheem Ansari's
men have been caught.
Now..the Human Rights
people will step up.
Many things will be written
against the Indian Government.
And these 8 guys will
eat Biryani in jail.
Then, either on 15th
August or 26th January..
e will stan
talking about exchange.
And they will all be released.
Next the police will risk
their lives again to arrest them.
And they will be set free again.
Just give the orders, sir.
What must I do?
What do I tell you, Raghu?
You're a bright boy.
Few police offers, social workers..
..and a handful of
politicians are supponing us.
On the 18th of July,
Faheem Ansari with four terrorist..
be in suite no.
1503 of the Imperial Hotel.
You'll get only one
hour for this operation.
One hour! No more!
Are we clear? - Yes, sir.
Raghu, the mission is crucial.
It's imponant for the country.
Sir, if I survive until18th Ju
"then they won't.
Believe me..
I'll bid them off..on
y after
making them say Hail Mother India.
Say "Hail Mother
..Mother India.
The jobs that police
officers can't do officially..
do it for them.
Only Commissioner Khan
and a few Ministers know this.
I didn't cheat you.
After killing Faheem Ansari..
..we wanted to kill
his elder brother Farooq.
And that's why we
trapped call-girl Neon.
Because Neon was supposed to meet
Farooq in Lucknow after two days.
Neon was a call-girl
at the white club.
And she also dealt in drugs.
I made the bar-tender deliver this
news to Neon that I am a millionaire.
Because I knew she
would make the first move.
And she did exactly that.
Next I planted an explosive
chip in Neon's mobile.
The job's done.
And two days later,
when she met Farooq in Lucknow.
I detonated the chip.
Every1hing I did,
I did it for my country.
I don't do anything wrong.
While doing the right
things for the country.
had to do one wrong thing.
I deceived you in love.
And I am very sorry for that.
But today when I don't
know whether I'll survive or not.
I only want to tell you the truth.
I really love you, Tara.
But I cannot forgive
Anirudh Brahmin..
..who caused you all this pain.
I Will kill him.
Promise me..you won't
wait for more than an hour.
No matter what happens,
you'll go back to India.
If God's with me..
definitely come back.
Trust me.
I love you, Tara.
In order to find Anirudh Brahmin..
arrived at the address
given to me by Commissioner Khan.
What is your enmity with us?
Why did you do all this?
I am not the one,
you're looking for.
You'll find him outside
Trinity College's old library.
After killing you I was going
to meet him there.
Let me go..p
Let me go!
Anirudh Brahmin.
Hyder was surprised to see me alive.
And I was just as surprised
to see him as Anirudh Brahmin.
Why did you do it?
You're asking this Raghu.
You killed my father..right
before my eyes.
And you ask why I did it.
I'll tell you. Listen carefully.
You're going to enjoy this.
After my father's death..my
uncle brought me here.
Day and night..
with just one motive..
"which was to avenge
my father's murder from you.
Anthony was the rascaL.
..who gave you the contract
of my father's murder?
First kill.
Do you know how crazy I am?
I even killed that
guy that was with him.
I came all the way to India
from Ireland only for you, Raghu.
But then I thought.
I thought.
Death will be a really
small punishment for you.
Your life dwe
s..in Tara.
I joined her group.
And befriended her on
Facebook..using a fake ID.
Interesting, right?
And then I waited..for
the right time"
..the right opportunity.
And you gave me that.
Your breakup with Tara.
I took advantage of that
opportunity and called her here.
My home country!
And I made my man..
her through internet calling.
And in the ight.
Montsar Aijaz.
Aka Raman Furia.
They were my men..
Who changed the books
that Nafisa Baig gave..
..with the books
that contained drugs.
He was a pharmacist.
He has license to carry drugs.
Nafisa, Montesan.
..it was important to change
the books in the flight, Raghu.
So that you never find
any link to get to me.
I was completely sure..
..that she'll be
caught at the customs.
But she got out of there.
She got out.
But then..
called Ireland's
Narcotirfs depanment.
I wanted to show you, Raghu..
"the pain of a kin
makes you restless too.
And when I thought you
will manage to save her..
was forced to attack
you at Dublin Castle.
I wanted you to
die with the remorse.
..that you couldn't
do anything for her.
You know, Raghu..
..you can never get
her out of this mess.
You can't.
You know,
Raghu..what I am doing right now?
Tara is in my arms.
M! "pa.
..are on her lips.
Do you know, Raghu..
..where my hands are?
Do you know?
Hyder! - Shoot! Kill me!
You cannot kill me.
You know..if I die..
..then there's no evidence
of Tara's innocence.
You know,
Raghu..my mother used to say.
I am a lunatic. I can do any1hing.
But I am not crazy
enough to understand.
..that you can't kill me.
You can't kill me, Raghu.
You call yourself a lunatic,
don't you?
Let's play crazy.
One bullet in..five chambes empty.
PoinLand shoot.
One who wins lives
one who loses is dead.
I saw this in a Anil
Kapoor film when I was a kid.
Since then I just
love this dialogue.
Come on, let's try our fate.
You're a lunatic, aren't you?
What happened?
Are you done yet?
Your father was a
and a basm
He died like a scum.
Your death.
be worse.
You shouldn't have
done this to Tara.
What you did was wrong.
To hell with Tara's innocence!
And to hell with you!
Game over!
It was really nice
of you to help him.
Raghu's a really nice guy.
Well Afzal and I go back a long way.
Consider that he's
our country's boy.
As you command.
You haven't forgotten that line yet.
k to Eli and..
Yeah, It'll be done. Don't worry.
And Douglas Broad?
ls he a friend too?
You should always make
an offer they can't refuse.
I guess a
's well that ends well.
I am glad they are together again.
But how will they get to India?
's men and my
men are very good at that.
We've done it before,
we'll do it again.
Will you marry me again..
..before the divorce?
You serious?
"Everyme I looked at the sky."
All I ever thought
was that you're my God.
felt the same in my desires.."
..every word you said,
made my hean cry.
Every time I bowed
taking your name..
found my reflection
in your tears.
"The head's very
"Why should I stay alone?"
've a request for you."
My life's incomplete,
you make it complete.
My life's incomplete,
you make it complete.
What a love story?
Death is cenain.
Your memories are
etched in my mind.
I can't shed tears.
or spon a smile.
Why did you leave and where
did you go, I don't know any1hing.
Someone just tell
me what was my mistake.
"Your memories are..everywhere."
"Your memories are..everywhere."
Our meeting
isn't..without a reason.
You're my
you're not here.
"There's definitely a reason."
You're my
you're not here.
"There's definitely a reason."
"Your memories are..everywhere."
What was destined
to happen has happened?
What was supposed to be lost,
is lost.
I had to fall in love
with you and go crazy and I did.
"Now this madness controls me.."
"What do I do?"
It's a small questiomwhether
I live or die.
Lock stations in either directions.
All the main lines.
Call the port authority.
Tell them I want that train stopped.
How can I make
this journey..alone?
"You dwe
..inside me.."
And narrating this
ing..isn't possible.
"O beloved."
You're my
you're not here.
"There's definitely a reason."
"Your memories are..everywhere."
Your memories are
etched in my mind.
I can't shed tears..or
spon a smile.
Why did you leave and where
did you go, I don't know any1hing.
Someone just tell
me what was my mistake.
I am breaking apart
piece by piece.
"Gradually drowning in your
My days are lost and
nights are wandering.
"This yearning."
"..is infinite."
You're my
you're not here.
"There's definitely a reason."
"Your memories are..everywhere."
"Your memories are..everywhere."