Terrible Angels (2013)

Look at you. Don't be upset, baby.
Trying to go straight.
Okay, good.
What are you doing? No!
Linda? Let's go.
Have a seat.
Well, where's Jason?
He has been reassigned.
Jason, God bless his
little heart, he...
believed your story.
So now,
I get the pleasure of
spending time with you.
And who knows, you know? You might
even say something that I believe.
And if you do, then...
we might even go out
and burn one together.
Yeah, well, I just quit.
Did you?
You know, I've been doing this for
a really, really long time.
And I've heard...
just about everything
that anyone can imagine.
But wow, kiddo.
You... you've got first
prize 'cause...
you make it sound like it was
just three junkies hanging out
watching snuff films.
I really do not care
what it sounds like.
The problem with lyin'...
is that you gotta
keep on tellin' lies
to cover up the first one.
Pretty soon, you lose track of
what you been lyin' about.
So, where was I?
Where was I for two months?
The people I run with,
they would love nothing more
than to sell me out.
Have you interviewed them?
You mean, like eye witnesses and...
people who were there to
corroborate your story?
Why don't...
Why don't we work together, all right?
Answer some simple questions for me.
Who do you know out there
who might want to do you some harm?
Linda? Linda?
- Hey, wake up! Help me find my keys.
Get the fuck outta here.
Can you help me fuckin' look?
Let's go. Wake up!
- We're here.
- Music.
Come on. I-I got places to be.
'Cause you are so fucking important.
Get the fuck outta my car.
- Don't slam the...
Linda! Where the
hell have you been?
My god, Gerta. What are you, my mom?
You told me you were gonna
be gone for a few hours.
Yeah, well, I was dealing
with some shit.
Well, you could have called me, you know.
My phone died.
Listen, I'm feeding your kids breakfast
and then I'm sending them down to you.
I'm gonna need that money
you owe me today, Linda.
All right, I'll see
you later, okay?
Okay, Linda. I need
my money now.
I haven't got my check yet.
And I don't get social security
from my dead husband.
Hey! Come on! What are we doing?
Let's go. It's nap time.
Mom, but we just got up!
Yeah, I don't care.
Let's go!
- But mom...
- I don't care.
Come on.
Give me your feet.
Mommy, I want socks.
You need to man up,
little soldier.
You don't need socks anymore.
Who's there?
Where the fuck have
you two been?
Demetri's dad never showed up,
so I had to get a sitter.
Plus, we been all over the town trying
to get these things filled.
I can't get mine 'til next week.
What's the problem?
My doctor thinks I'm jumping
and cut me off.
I got an appointment with
another doctor, but...
they just can't get
me in 'til next week.
Well, that fucks me.
Well, I'm sorry.
Can I have my money?
- What money?
- You owe me from last week.
Um-um. No, no, no.
That's not how it works.
You know that.
- Come on, Linda!
- Go to the emergency room
and get that shit filled, and
you can come back to me.
I already tried that. I
can't do it anymore.
I don't know what to tell you.
Come on, Linda.
She's really fucking bad.
Why don't you fuckin'
help her then?
Fuckin' bitches left the...
Hey! Come on, let's get up!
Go, go, let's go!
Come on, let's go!
Let's go now!
- Stay in here and be quiet.
What's up?
You tell me.
Ray says you haven't
been for visits.
You don't answer his
phone calls either?
Listen, I told him like 10 times
to get Michelle on the list.
She'll take care of it.
Who the fuck is that?
She just left.
Well, he wants you to do it.
It's not gonna happen.
If I get caught, who's gonna
take care of my kids?
So you don't answer your phone?
You seeing somebody?
No, I'm not seeing
nobody. I...
He just calls me collect all the
time and I can't afford it.
So, where's my little niece anyway?
She's sleeping.
Why don't you ever let them
play outside or some shit?
They do play outside.
You know what, if you're so concerned,
why don't you take 'em?
I could use a break.
You get the car seat?
For real?
Fuck all that.
Better get the fuck out.
I guess we'll get her next time.
Let's do this shit.
Linda, how many bitches
you got workin' now?
It's none of your business.
Ray. Who is ray?
It's my daughter's dad.
Your daughter's dad.
Where is your daughter's dad?
He's in prison.
Oh, boy.
Well, you ain't gonna win any Parent
of the Year awards, that's for sure.
Can you think of anybody else...
who might want to
do you some harm?
Yeah, there's probably quite
a few people, actually.
Where the fuck are you?
Phone: I'm sorry, something came
up, alright? I can't make it.
Why the fuck didn't you call me earlier?
I could have gotten somebody
else to watch 'em.
I just found out, okay? I'm sorry!
Yeah, well, fuck you!
Wha-What? Go!
Hey, Katie!
You wanna make 20$?
Come on!
Can we get this game poppin'?
I need to win my money back.
- Seriously.
- Damn.
- Is that all you guys ever do?
- My dad's not here.
Well, where is he?
I don't know.
Hey, babe.
It's me. I'm at your house
and I'm hanging with the boys...
and I just wanted to see
what you were doing.
I miss you, so...
call me when you get this.
You guys about ready to dip?
Where you guys dippin' to?
Just... goin' out.
But uh...
I thought you and
my dad broke up?
Is that what he said?
You got a great...
poker face there.
Linda. Really.
You know. I wish
I had that gift.
Seems to me like people
in your situation
usually tend to exaggerate.
A lot.
Did you want me to continue or not?
Sure. Ramble on.
Oh, ho, ho, yeah!
- Wha-wh-wh-what?
- What the hell, Carlos?
He doesn't wear a condom
with me either.
What are you doing here? Are
you out of your mind?
Who the fuck is she?
Get the fuck outta my house.
That's cool. She's leaving,
okay? Hold on.
Hey. You're going to talk to me.
Look, I got nothing to
fuckin' say to you.
- You're gonna talk to me.
- Noth... no!
- No, no, come here!
- No! No!
I'm done with you, you got it?
- Fucking done.
- Talk to me.
No. Get the fuck outta my way!
Look, I am not talking to you.
How many goddamn times
do I have to say that?
Shit, you broke into my house.
No, please, baby!
Please, don't go! Do you know...
No, come on! God!
Hey! I still wanna talk to you.
If I ever fuckin' see you
around here again...
- What?
- I'm going fu...
What are you gonna fuckin' do?
What? What are you gonna do?
- What?
- Get out of my face, you crazy bitch!
What the... Dad?
What's going on, man?
It's-It's cool. Uh...
Son, why don't you go back
to your room, okay?
You are pulling this shit
in front of my kid.
Hey! Put the phone down!
- I wanna talk to you.
- I don't have anything to say to you.
I'm calling the cops. Get
the fuck outta my house!
Why? I didn't do anything wrong.
I think it's called breaking and entering!
Look at you! All gacked
out of your... brain!
Look at yourself. Hmm.
You wanna know why I am
not with you anymore?
- Fuckin' look in the mirror!
You think that you're
better than me.
You're a fuckin' pig!
Don't you fuckin' ever show your
goddamn face in here again!
Yeah, this is uh... this
is an emergency.
Yeah, I got some crazy
junkie broke into my house.
Roll down the window, please.
Would you roll down
the window, please.
Good evening. Police officer.
Uh, the reason I'm out here this evening
is we've received information
that you may have been involved
in a domestic disturbance.
Uh, we're out here checkin'
on your welfare.
Do you have any injuries or anything
we need to know about?
I don't even know what
you're talking about.
Um, also when I pulled up,
I noticed that you were
smoking a substance from an aluminum foil
which is evident of smoking
an illegal substance.
Have you been smoking any illegal
substances this evening?
Well at this point, I believe
you have been.
At this point, I'd like to ask you to step
from the vehicle, if you wouldn't mind.
Would you please step from
the vehicle, ma'am?
You don't have anything
better to do?
No, this is what I get paid to do.
Ma'am, please step
from the vehicle.
Go ahead and face the car.
You have any knives, needles? Any weapons?
Any sharp objects on your person
I should know about?
- No.
- All right.
Go ahead and step back
here, please.
Face the car here.
Go ahead and have a seat. Watch
your head getting in.
Have a seat right here.
Let's go.
Put your hand up on the counter.
Right hand.
Sign your name.
Thank you.
All right ladies. Line it
up and let's go.
Miss Grossel.
You've been charged with
driving under the influence
of drug-related intoxicants, possession
of a controlled substance,
and two counts of child neglect.
You understand the charges?
- okay.
You honor, the client has a question
on neglect charges.
Well, according to the arresting officer,
you made quite a deal about your minor
children being left home alone
during the time of the arrest.
He had dispatch send child
services to your home.
Your four and five year-old
children were found
under the care of a 9 year-old
neighbor girl.
Hardly what the state considers
proper adult supervision.
You understand now?
How do you plead?
I'm not guilty.
Your children will remain
wards of the state
'til this whole thing can be resolved.
A little advice, Miss Grossel.
If you indeed want your children
back in your life,
I suggest you get some help.
Trial date to be set for
July 16th, 9 A.M.
Thank you, your honor.
You'll be fine.
Oh, fuck. Fuck me!
Where the fuck have you been?
Somebody took all my shit!
Where have you been? I've been
trying to reach you for days.
I been in jail!
I came back and all my shit's
gone. I need help.
Who do you think did it?
I don't fuckin' know!
It could have been
Ray or his brother.
Policemen came and took my kids.
I don't fuckin' know!
I-I-I need you to come help
me. Can you help me?
I don't know what to tell you.
I'm totally broke. I
can't help you out.
You have nothing?
You have nothing?!
Maybe you should go to the E.R.
- Fuckin'...
Boy this just... [ LAUGHTER ]
This keeps gettin' better
and better, doesn't it?
You're pretty good.
Your time is up, so I'm gonna get going.
- So that's it?
- Yep.
You're outta here?
Why'd you even come?
Excuse me! Can I get another
round, please?
- Another round?
- Yes.
- Yeah.
- Thanks.
Come on, Linda.
Come on, you know you're 86'd. You're
not even supposed to be in here.
- What's he talkin' about?
- I don't know.
Yeah, right. I don't have time
for this shit tonight.
He has me confused with somebody else.
- Get the fuck outta here!
- No.
Get the fuck off! Don't
fucking touch me!
Get off of me!
Mother f...
Hey, daddy!
Is there a problem?
Not much.
Couldn't sleep, so I thought
I'd go for a drive.
You wanna buy a girl a drink?
Oh, okay.
You're probably broke, right?
No. I don't drink.
But I could uh... could
buy you a drink.
Okay, let's go!
Okay, hop in!
Unh-uh, unh-uh, unh-uh.
Let's go to the bar
around the corner.
Well, uh... I mean, I can't leave it
parked here. It might get towed.
Hey, you know what? Maybe
this is a bad idea?
Okay, wait, wait, wait. Listen.
Do you live around here?
Well, yeah. Just uh...
just up the road.
Do you have 200$?
Okay, show me.
Well, what's 200$ get me?
Whatever you fuckin' want.
Come on.
All right, then.
All right, get in.
Oh, uh... buckle up.
For safety.
You gotta be fuckin' kidding me.
Hello! Hello! Hello!
Hello? Can I have some water?
I need some water, please!
Just look... look by the table.
Is there a flower pot near you?
He usually keeps it there.
Please hurry! I need some water.
I have your water.
Pour it down.
I'm underground!
I'm buried underground
in a coffin!
Will you get me some water?
Give me some water!
Please, please! Just give
me some water.
Hey! Did you get my water?
What is going on? What
the fuck is going on?
I'm Lily.
Get me some water and I'll tell you.
Pour it down.
How long have you been down there?
Four. I've been down here four days.
- Are there other people here?
- There were.
Please, can I have some more?
Who is that?
Who is that?
Are you still there?
Please don't leave me alone.
Can you... can you help
me get out of here?
Can you help me?
- Somebody's coming.
Why are you doing this to me?
Why are you doing this to me?
You bleeding?
Why are you bleeding?
Get away from me.
- Get away from me!
- It's alcohol!
Now you can make this hard
or you can make it easy.
It's your decision.
But let me tell you something.
You continue to be
difficult with me...
our relationship is over.
- Our what?
- Our relationship.
You know, I've had so many,
I've lost count.
I bet you've had a lot too.
The difference between yours and mine,
I just can't seem to find the right one.
So, what do you say?
You wanna try and make this work?
You are fucking crazy!
Oh, well.
Mr. or Mrs. Right's out
there somewhere.
Guess I'll just have to keep looking.
Can we talk?
Thought you didn't want to
talk, remember?
I'm crazy!
I'm not thinking clearly. I'm sorry.
Please, don't put me in there!
Well, did you eat yet? Did
you take your pill?
Take your pill and eat something
and you'll probably feel
a whole lot better.
Well, come on!
Come on!
Did you talk to them?
Yeah, well. I warn you.
Not a lot comes out of their
mouths besides complaining.
All they do is eat, squawk, and shit!
Let's start over.
Hello. I'm Justice.
- Linda.
- Linda.
Now, where are you bleeding?
- My foot.
- Let me take a look at it.
Does that hurt?
Now, you... are going to eat your sandwich
and take your pill.
What's the pill?
I can't have you dying on
me from withdrawals.
I mean, what would that
do to our relationship?
Besides, we've already gotten
off on the wrong foot.
Get it? The wrong foot.
I'm gonna set you up a tent
and you are going to go feed them.
Linda, let's go!
Piece of gum?
Do you know a Dallas Jones,
Crystal Foster, or Maria Alvarez?
Never heard of them, huh?
Don't sound familiar?
Why don't you stop bullshittin' me?
I'm not.
Why don't you tell me who they are?
Because I have no idea.
We'll get to that.
Not even a single eyewitness, huh?
I already told you everything.
You know, if you were a girl with no
record, it'd be a different story.
You know it and I know it.
Nobody in here cares about you.
You start telling me the truth,
maybe things in here
will change for you.
Listen, the warden digs me with
some of your good behavior,
who knows?
Your time might just fly
by like a little birdie.
Just try it.
So how was it?
Did you get enough?
Oh, hey!
I got a surprise for you.
Here you go.
Thank you.
Open, open, open, open!
You know what to do with those?
My mom always used to say...
genies in a bottle are fake.
They don't exist,
but wish jars do.
You want something in this
life worth something,
then write it down,
put it in a jar,
and bury it.
So I did.
And guess what?
It worked.
I've been burying things
ever since.
Is that why you buried them?
You don't believe, do you?
I do. I do.
- Thank you.
- Oh.
You're welcome.
- So what do you do?
- What do you mean?
Well, for work. What?
Are you a prostitute?
No, I've never been a prostitute.
So what do you do?
I take care of my kids.
Who's watching them now?
Where's their daddy?
He's in jail.
What for?
- Drugs.
- So who pays your bills?
The state does.
Well, they did anyway.
The state?
I don't see anything wrong with you.
Well, I got injured on the job, okay?
What happened?
I was bartending and I
lifted up a heavy keg
and I hurt my back.
But you're better now, hmm?
I'm not better.
I have to take pills.
It's serious.
I've been to several doctors, okay?
Are you lying to me?
Well, I'm not going to get involved
with any drug addict,
I can tell you that.
How was your home
life growing up?
Mom and dad still together?
Did they not love you?
You know what?
Relationships are two-sided.
So if you wanna know
something about me,
you need to give me something
in return.
I just need some pills
for my back.
How was it?
- How was what?
- Your home life!
- I don't wanna talk about it?
- Why not?
Because I don't!
Listen, they really need me.
I have to get home.
Well, I'm not telling
what you should
or shouldn't write down, but...
maybe that's something you
should think about.
If you're heart is right and you believe,
then it really does work, Linda.
Shut up and go to sleep!
What are you doing?
I have something to do.
Hey, come back here!
Did you sleep okay?
Not really.
What were those pills
that you gave me?
Those pills.
For my back.
Didn't help.
Well, aspirin always
seemed to help me.
Course I guess being a drug addict,
you thought they were going
to be painkillers.
Well, guess what, sweet cheeks?
Tough titty!
- What?
- Tough titty, said the kitty,
when the milk went dry.
Last night meant nothing
to you, did it?
No, it did. I...
I had a great time.
Yeah, well, guess
what, Pinocchio?
I'm not buying it,
so cut the shit!
- I swear!
- I said quit it!
Justice, please! Come here just
for a second, please! Justice!
Justice, please! I'm
so thirsty, please!
What did I tell you?
Didn't I tell you to keep
your yapper shut?
Oh, I'm hungry.
- I want some water.
- I just want some water, please.
Look at me!
You know what?
I looked in on you.
Your kids are wards of the state
and you're going to the big
house for a long time.
So what else you been
keeping from me?
That's what I thought.
You didn't tell me anything.
I should have guessed by your
hair, you phony baloney!
No, no wait! Wait, wait, wait, wait!
Wait, wait. Wait, listen to me.
I am innocent.
I didn't do anything wrong.
It-it was my boyfriend, Ray.
They wanted him, not me.
They set me up.
It's the courts.
All I have ever tried to do
is be a good mother.
Yeah, the courts are wrong.
I don't know what they're doing.
I'll agree with you there.
I see more people go into the
system just to see it fail
time and time again.
You have to believe me.
What are you doing?
Come here.
Oh, is this what you want?
Hey, you're all the same.
You think I'd wanna
be with you?
You offend the order of things.
I'm clean.
I promise.
I will do anything you want.
You have until morning...
to decide who deserves
to live or die.
What are you saying?
I can't do that.
Look, I want us to make progress.
I don't want you to
end up like them.
You have the power to be judge,
jury, and executioner.
- What?
- It's your chance to make it right,
get back at the system.
To entirely remove these defects
of one's character.
Don't ask me to do that, please.
What if I was to tell you
that maybe one of them
destroyed a teacher's entire life
because she accused
him of rape?
Maybe another one left a
bar after tying one on
and ran over a seven year-old
on his bike.
Another one thinks it's okay to have
sex with a 13 year-old girl.
You know, people aren't always
who they say they are, Linda.
You know, I want us to make progress.
So you'll make the right decision
and make me proud.
I can't do that.
Hey, I can't do that!
No, it's not Lily.
What happened to Lily?
She's buried.
Is she okay?
She's doin' real good.
She's great.
Can you tell me what happened to you?
That sick fuck kidnapped me
and stuck me in here.
Can you get me out of here?
No, I can't fucking get
you out of there!
I'm a good person.
I have a family.
I have two kids.
I love my wife. I go
to church on Sunday.
Yeah, well, if you were
such a good person,
then why did he put
you down there?
I don't know.
You're a good person too, right?
What did you do?
Don't go. Don't go!
Is that you? Lily?
Please... help me.
Can you tell me why he
put you down there?
I don't know.
I mean, come on, give
me something here.
Where you from? I
mean, who are you?
My name is Dana...
and my parents are filthy rich.
And if you can help
me in any way,
I guarantee they pay
you a lot of money.
My name's Muriel.
I... I have a son. He's...
he's four.
Do you have any water? Any...
Can-can you get me out of here?
Are you still there?
I think I already told you.
I don't want any.
Who's there?
Does it fuckin' matter?
Yes, it does.
By the way, my name is Sam.
Can you... tell me what
happened here?
There's a spi... Sending
spiders down here!
It doesn't do anything.
Doesn't do anything.
I was on my way back
to my dorm room
and, and he pulled up
and asked for directions,
and that's when he grabbed me.
You're telling me
you have no idea
why he put you down there?
Sick, ugly bastard.
I haven't done anything!
I'm a really good person.
Well, there has to... there
has to be a reason.
You did something wrong.
Don't try and fuck
with my head!
I'm the one that's in
control, not you!
I don't call my mom
and dad enough.
I don't go see them.
I miss my son!
He's only four.
Can't stop crying.
I keep beggin' him
to let me go...
and he would just
get mad at me.
He would just get
really mad at me.
And he said, "I'm gonna
put you in a box!"
I like you. I like you.
No, I can tell real quick
about your attitude.
You'll be box-bound soon enough.
The fact is sweetheart, you're gonna
spend the rest of your days
of existence in a box just like me.
Well, guess what?
Up here, I'm the fuckin' judge,
I'm the fuckin' jury, and
I'm the executioner.
Okay? I decide your
fuckin' fate!
I decide!
Yeah, well, today's the last
day. Today's the last day.
It's your day. It's your day!
Oh, you sorry ass bitch.
How many days before he
put you down there?
Only one.
Why do you feel like
bullshitting me?
I'm not bullshitting you.
Did you ever actually see the alleged
people in the coffins?
Well, how'd you
see them? Like,
looking down through the pipe?
Did you see Justice kill anyone?
- Yes.
- You actually saw it?
With your own two eyes?
Well, then, how do you know?
I tried to dig her up.
Hey, Lily?
How long did you last up here?
You heard me.
How long until he put
you down there?
Two weeks.
Well, did you have
sex with him?
I don't understand.
You survived out here
the longest.
I don't know.
Maybe because I did
what he asked me to.
He's not stupid.
He's really good at
reading people.
He knew things about me.
When I wasn't telling
the truth.
Did he make you choose?
I don't wanna talk about that.
I almost escaped once.
- How?
- If I tell you,
you have to promise you'll
never leave me here.
You have to get me out.
I won't leave you, okay?
I promise.
I... I found this sharp rock
and I started using it
but I was afraid I was
gonna get caught.
I'll tell you where it's at but
you can't leave me behind!
Yeah, I promise.
Where is it?
It's under the seat
in the truck.
Have you found it?
This is gonna take forever.
I want you to do something
for me.
If I die,
will you tell my kids
I love them?
I am so sorry for
for everything I put
them through with it.
I-I... I didn't mean
to hurt them.
that I was selfish and...
I didn't know
what love was.
We don't...
we don't think about what we
do with the time. We just...
we think we're going to live forever.
We think we have all the time to
make everything right again.
They're the best thing that
ever happened to me.
I'm gonna get you outta there, okay?
I promise.
You sleep good?
My back hurts.
Did you decide?
I need more time.
Well, you don't listen
very well.
I asked you to do
one little task
and you just sit there and look
at me like a puppy on a leash.
Well, you really
disappoint me.
You know, it's not that hard, Linda.
See, I'll show you
how it's done.
Hey now, hey.
Shh, shh!
Relax! Shh, shh. Shh!
Relax now.
Ooh, just breathe.
Shh, shh. Breathe.
Breathe. That's a girl.
Hey, see?
That wasn't hard, was it?
You know what?
Everybody wants more time.
But tick-tick-tick.
It's always going.
It's not waiting on you.
When you sleep.
When you're in those long lines.
When you're at work.
I need to know her last name.
It doesn't stop.
Please, just tell
me her last name!
- It's life!
- Please tell me!
Time waits for no
man or woman.
I need to know her
last name, please.
Well, if you wanted to know...
you should have asked.
I buried your wishes.
I wanted to read 'em so bad.
But then I'd be breaking the rules.
And as you well know,
you can't do that.
It's a trust thing.
I really need to know
her last name.
Don't do that to yourself.
Decisions are made and we
have to live with them.
I didn't decide anything.
Oh, yes, you did.
It's cause and effect.
Just because you didn't
make a decision
doesn't mean there won't
be an outcome.
I want us to get off
to a fresh start.
A whole new beginning.
I want you to take this
relationship seriously
and honestly!
If not...
then I need to know
right... now.
Okay, I will.
Oh, Jesus!
I sure know how to pick 'em!
I'm telling you the truth.
It's the same old shit.
I've heard it a million times.
All you do is try and
scheme and hustle.
'Cause it's what you are.
Hell, it's what
you're good at.
You know what a pilgrimage is?
- No.
- A pilgrimage
is a journey of great
moral significance.
See, Sam there...
he had nothing to gain
by lyin' to me.
You wanna start over?
You know, I've never ever given anyone
this many chances before.
So don't disappoint me.
I won't.
My little angel.
There may be hope for you yet.
Now you... have a
big day tomorrow.
I buried your jars, Linda.
Wishes really do come true.
Sleep tight.
I'll be back for you
in a few hours.
What are you doing?
Where are we going?
Take a look around.
See 'em there?
Just look at 'em.
So innocent.
Filled with unconditional love.
A whole world ahead of 'em.
Just look at 'em.
How do you know about my kids?
I have your purse.
Didn't take much to find
out where they are.
Their new family.
I'll have you know, these
are good people too.
That's a blessing.
See, some foster parents, they're
only in it for the money
and the kids aren't
any better off.
But these two...
well, they're the exception
to the rule.
You did good, Linda.
I didn't.
Well, they're better off.
They're gonna have
a good life.
You did it.
You're finally a good
mother now.
Are you ever gonna let
me see them again?
Well, I can't predict the future, but
I'd say maybe you should just
count your blessings
and leave it at that.
Now, we gotta get going.
- Back in the trunk.
- No! No, no!
- I want one more minute, please!
- No!
You got your wish.
Now we gotta get back. You've got
two more jars to look forward to.
- You're a liar!
- Okay, so we're not all perfect.
But the jars do work, Linda.
- Now let's go.
- No!
You're startin' to make
me mad, damn it!
That wouldn't be the healthiest
choice for your kids.
I think you're bluffing me.
Go for it.
Now get back in the trunk.
You were taken off
the property?
You want to elaborate on that,
just a little bit more for me?
Anything specific
you can remember,
like any kind of a...
landmark or something
like that?
There was a carrousel there.
My dad used to take me there
when I was a little girl.
Yeah, the merry-go-round, huh?
Listen, there were people everywhere.
Somebody saw me.
All right, I'll...
I'll go back to the park and I'll...
I'll look around.
See if I can find any surveillance
pictures, or
anything like that.
What I really want to know is
what happened between
then and now?
I already told you.
All right.
Who's there?
You gotta get me
outta here now!
Stop! Listen!
He's gonna fucking hear you!
I think that there are keys
in that truck, okay?
I have to go alone.
- No, there's tools in that shed...
- Shh!
Shut up!
I will be right back, okay?
Go! Go in there!
There is nothing in there.
I gotta go.
You can't leave me.
Where is the nearest town?
- [ LOUDLY ] I don't know!
- Shh! Shut the fuck up!
- I'm sorry.
- Please, don't leave me here.
- Oh, fuck! Oh, fuck!
- Where are you going?
You can't leave me here! Fuck!
You can't leave me here!
- Get back in there! Get in there now!
I don't want 'em.
Maybe later then.
Now I need you...
to dig right here.
Four by eight...
by six feet under.
I'm not digging my own grave.
Are you testing me?
- No! Don't do this!
- Stop! Stop it!
- No!
- Stop it!
Stop it.
I'll do it, okay?
Now, for once in your life,
take pride in something.
- Give me the fu...
- Hmm.
I'm gonna die in here, aren't I?
- No.
- I don't wanna die alone.
He left the shovel. I can
get you out of there.
The ground is still soft.
- I can dig you out.
- You'll never get me out of here
before he gets back.
Do you want to live or not?
Of course I do!
I'm gonna dig you out, okay?
The lord is my Shepard.
I shall not want.
He maketh me lay down
in green pastures.
He leadeth me beside still waters.
He restoreth my soul.
Memory: You know what, if you're so
concerned, why don't you take 'em?
I could use a break.
You need to man up,
little soldier.
I don't know what to tell you.
- You don't need socks anymore.
- I said I don't care.
Let's go!
I don't care.
I shall fear no evil.
For thou art with me.
Hey. Hey!
Hey. Hey.
Listen to me.
He is gonna come back.
I have a plan, okay?
No! No!
No! No!
Do you even know what
my name means?
Well, I'm gonna teach you.
Listen, I...
Yeah, your guess is
as good as mine.
You enjoy your last
night, Linda, huh?
Now you two don't go anywhere.
I'll be right back.
Wake up!
Where am I?
Shh! Shh! He's gonna hear you!
He's gonna hear you! Shh! Shh!
Please, where am I?
Listen, listen, listen. He's
gonna hear you, okay?
- Where is he?
- Shh!
- God damn it!
- Hey! Hey!
Listen to me. Listen to me.
All right. I need your help.
Okay, listen.
I-I need you to cut my cable.
Okay? I need you
to cut my cable.
Please help me.
My hands.
My cable's almost through.
Ok? Just right here, right
here, right here.
Right here. Right there.
- Look at me!
- I'm gonna do mine!
I'm gonna do mine!
Stop it! Stop it! Give
me the fucking shovel!
I'm sorry...
I'm going to do mine... mine first.
I'll... I'll do it.
Go, go, go! Do yours.
Do yours.
- I'm gonna fucking do mine.
Did you hear that?
What is it?
- I'll get you help.
- No, don't leave me!
- I'll get you help!
- Don't leave me!
Don't fucking leave me here!
Please, don't fucking
leave me here!
Please, please don't fucking
leave me here!
My god, what happened to you?
Do you have a cell phone?
No, I don't have a cell phone.
But I got a phone
up at the house.
No, no, no, no, no!
Do you know where the
nearest town is?
Well, it's about...
30 minutes away.
Will you take me?
Sure, I'll take you.
- Come on.
- Okay.
- Go!
- Buckle up.
No, no, no. Just go, go!
She wasn't raped.
Other than her hands,
she's perfectly fine.
Then can I see her again?
Yeah, go ahead.
I need to ask you just a
few more questions.
Nurse, if you don't mind.
Okay, why isn't anybody
listening to me?
Look, there is a woman
out there right now,
and she is being tortured.
Do you mind?
Why don't you just tell
me where this...
woman in danger is?
Why don't you ask the man
who brought me here?
What man?
The man. He picked
me up on the road
and he dropped me off here.
I don't know anything
about that. Look...
the hospital staff statement says
subject was found on the ground
outside of the E.R.
Look, Mrs. Grossel,
all right?
You lost custody of your children
recently, right?
Yeah, I did.
What does that have to do
with this right now?
You say you were abducted
and held captive.
The court says you are
a known drug user,
dealer, all right?
Also currently a defendant in
a child abandonment case
who missed her court date.
See where this is going?
All right? People go on binges,
miss their court dates every day.
You're gonna do some time.
Take me to jail...
'cause honest to god, I
could use the break.
I'm telling you the truth.
What proof... what proof do you have?
I am a worthless mother.
I am... worthless.
I have been worthless for
the last six years.
And I can look at myself
and I can say that.
But I am telling you the truth.
For the first time,
I am clean.
And I'm telling you the truth.
I can live with that.
Can you live with that?
What proof do you have?
Take her away.
There weren't any cameras in that uh...
Do you believe me?
I ain't saying whether
I believe you or not.
Just saying...
there weren't any cameras
in the park.
You remember them three
names I gave you?
Well, you know, they...
they all told the same story.
Pretty much.
Ain't that funny?
It's a big, bad world
and a lot of ugliness
and um... and a lot of
really bad things.
I've seen...
and been a part of...
I guess I figure...
we're all angels in...
one way or another.
We... we just do...
terrible things.
I gotta go.
Why don't you just let
her be for a second.
I told you I quit.
I'm gonna make it.
I bet you will.
I know how hard this is.
I lost my brother.
I didn't get a chance to save him,
but, we saved Linda.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
Ready to go again?
Everybody's ready.
Are you good to go?
My name's Lily.
Can you get me some water?