Territories (2010)

You know what makes the dog
to use his tongue?
You think the fact
he licks his ass?
I talked to Tony the other night
when you took your shower.
He told me a couple of things.
He said
he loved the rose leaves.
He said that person did it
as well as you.
Michelle, but you and the dog,
you're not so different.
Except that, he licks himself.
You're yucky!
I brush my teeth.
As well.
You brush
your dog's teeth?
I can not stand.
I feel more that way.
It gets worse.
It throws me to the ear.
If I could
you polish the molars!
Stop it!
It is swollen?
Yes, a little.
Tomorrow, I run with Willy.
By the way, how are you?
Do you think?
He tears a few teeth
file and hit the ball
with Richard Gere in Florida.
On the Cote d'Azur!
Highly retirement!
Is there anything there?
Perhaps an accident.
No, it looks like ...
Looks like customs.
Good evening.
Border police.
Stop the engine. Your passports.
Yes, sir.
Stay in the car!
My passport
behind in my bag.
Behind in your bag?
Pull gently,
hands in plain view.
Long night?
"Adel Khalid Jalil."
Sit back
and lay hands on the wheel.
You have nothing to declare?
No, nothing.
It's not laugh.
What do they say?
It is because of the lighthouse.
I'll explain.
True, the lighthouse is broken,
but it struck a deer ...
I speak to the driver.
You are the driver?
Sure, anything to declare?
No, nothing.
We were at a wedding
near Lennoxville.
We return to Portland
and we have nothing to declare.
What are they doing?
- An identity check.
- No kidding!
Thank you!
You know
you have a broken headlight?
Yes, in fact ...
We hit a deer.
You hit a deer?
Are you sure
it was a doe?
It was either a doe ...
Be a roebuck!
I do not know the difference.
You do not know the difference?
You distinguish a male not
a female?
For example,
your friend is a doe
or a roebuck?
A doe.
And the wise guy behind?
A roebuck.
- And next to him?
- Listen ...
I think it was a doe.
Where have you struck?
I do not know ...
How so?
But you were driving.
It was on the road
I do not know the area well.
I see.
Give me your passport.
He starts to piss me off!
Calm down.
They are quite excited like that.
What was the animal?
He was dead.
He was dead before the incident?
He died later.
He died later.
Get off the vehicle.
All behind the white line!
What does it mean?
Mere formality.
Do not worry.
Still nothing to report?
So something else?
Hashish, cocaine,
amphetamines ... ?
- Heroin?
- No.
And you, young man,
anything to declare?
My brother is dumb.
It's original.
Do not make fun of him.
Do your homework,
but do not laugh at him.
I do not care for him,
I try to communicate.
Sorry if I have injured
you or your brother.
Tell him.
Tell him I'm sorry
if I have hurt.
My brother is dumb
not deaf.
I know,
but I ask you to translate.
To be sure.
- Have you kidnapped someone?
- Pardon?
Do you plan to
an attack in our country?
Do you have links
with a terrorist group?
Are you kidding?
I do my work.
If you have nothing to hide,
Are you related
a terrorist group?
Not at all!
"Adel Khalid Jalil."
Did you go to Bali?
No, never.
Your passport is empty!
There is new or is a fake?
No, it's true.
I do not understand.
We want to go home,
that's all.
Get carried away.
I do my work.
This is the procedure.
Stay calm, cooperate
and you will leave.
Are you a worshiper of Allah?
That's enough!
I am a lawyer.
If Mr. Khalid
is a "worshiper of Allah"
that's his business.
It is the abuse of ...
He wants his Ventolin.
- Do not move!
- I'll get her Ventolin!
I said, 'Do not move!
My brother has asthma.
You must take leave
the drug is the law!
And shit!
Well, well ...
What is it?
It seems that
the situation is complicated.
That's a big blow!
I will not address that.
Who is marijuana?
It is a mistake,
it is not our bag.
Who is marijuana?
To me.
We must choose, wise guy.
It is your
or the kid?
To me.
Why did you not say
right now?
I do not know.
I had completely forgotten.
Give us a warning.
You forgot?
you do what you want.
But when you cross the border
with drugs,
I have a duty to stop!
Give us ...
We will talk calmly.
If my brother is not his Ventolin,
he will suffocate.
Madam, you are implying
it is irresponsible?
Had to think
before transporting drugs.
I was not clear enough?
I will file a complaint against you!
Show me your names and your plates.
I want to see your name!
I have been lenient so far.
Go ahead, put us a fine.
Make a report.
You will hear from me!
Since you listen to me,
I arrest you!
Legs apart, hands up!
Please calm down.
no right to do that.
I want to be searched by a female.
This is a misunderstanding.
Open your mouth!
Do not make me ...
Follow me!
Calm down,
she did nothing wrong.
I have a formality
difficult to perform.
Leave it, please!
It is!
Put your arms around the pole.
Put your arms around the pole!
Give him his Ventolin!
Stay there!
Stand back!
You have no right to do that!
Behind the line!
Come on,
put your arms around the pole!
This is a hard-fanatic.
What is he doing, anyway?
On his knees, hurry up!
it is a misunderstanding.
It is for nothing.
The drug is mine.
I smoke occasionally
but that's it.
I should have just thrown away.
It will not happen again!
Listen ...
everyone knows
that the drug is
not speak to the kid.
Stop acting like the hero
because everybody is going.
This is not true!
It's clean.
Nothing to report.
Give him his Ventolin.
Give it to him.
Not there,
it is in the backpack!
It is loose.
This is a mule.
Look good.
You think so?
Rid us of it!
Do what I say!
I do not do that.
Stop, Gab!
Come back here!
What are you doing?
Stop it!
What you gonna do?
Nobody move!
It's true
that the situation escalated,
but put yourself in our place.
We live in difficult times.
Removes all, dear!
Things being what they are,
you have too many gray areas
for us to be ...
I said: Everything!
Underwear, jewelry, everything!
Come on, hurry up!
Too many gray areas
for us to be 150% safe
that you represent
no threat to the integrity
of our territory.
Put this!
Welcome to the United States!
We are in a cage!
They put us in a cage!
Tom, moves that I hear you.
Where are you? You?
Are you sure?
Hell, my mother will kill me!
how you feel?
How can you make me feel?
What do you think?
What's the matter?
Jalil ...
What's going on?
Darling ...
Excuse me, Leslie,
have not been able to do.
I saw Gab move.
I'm sure he has moved.
They are
take care of him.
Things have gone wrong ...
because of the drug
and fight with Gab.
They put us in solitary
for the night, that's all.
It's like being in jail.
Tomorrow we will come out.
We can talk to them
and we will find Gab.
Tom ...
We remember the lesson.
I have to go to the bathroom.
What did you do!
You do not like your cage?
Get out of there.
Magne up!
What's going on?
Back in there!
what do you do?
What are they doing?
Leave it!
I speak to you!
Get out of here!
I speak to you!
Come on, Walt!
Leave her alone!
What will you do?
Your name?
My name is Leslie Goldberg.
From now on,
you will answer on behalf of Delta 18.
Drop it!
So you name?
Delta 18!
What is burning?
Get up!
Back in there!
Okay, Leslie?
I have not "19".
I had forgotten.
Too bad, this one uses.
Leslie, are you?
Open the cage!
Opens this
fucking cage, asshole!
Open it!
Stop, I beg you!
We have done nothing wrong.
I do not understand!
My God!
You are totally crazy!
What are you doing?
Your name?
Adel Khalid Jalil!
Your name?
My name is Adel Khalid Jalil
and I am a citizen of the United States!
My name is Delta.
No, stop!
Your name?
And shit!
Hold this for me.
What's your name?
That's right,
Delta 18.
I want to talk about.
My God!
It's all your fault!
Tell him that!
My tooth!
It hurts!
Sir ...
All this, it is useless.
You must release it.
The police will come.
The police
will come and we look for.
I have to shake it?
It's still us.
please ...
You want money?
We will give you.
It will get better.
You want money?
We are their guinea pigs.
Wake up!
Come on, wake up!
Who told you to sleep?
Turn around, motherfucker!
What are you looking at?
You see this tree
for the last time!
Think you, Habib!
There's no place for you here.
Knees up!
Go, Olivia Newton John!
Course, Habib!
Hands against the bars!
Against the railings!
Back up your feet!
Who wants to get fucked?
Be careful fingers!
Back up your feet!
The boss, you're wrong?
Your legs tremble?
Get up!
What are you doing squat?
Get up now!
Come on, hands on the head!
Raise your knees, it is!
What are you doing?
Course, bitch!
If you fall,
I t'crabouille ribs!
Course, hurry up!
Get up!
It can take three days
without food or water.
When was our last meal?
The sandwiches at the hotel.
I have not eaten mine!
There was too much mayonnaise.
I told them
of not putting the fuck!
In addition, I vomited.
I threw up!
Tom ...
you're hungry?
It's not possible!
It can not happen.
Five Americans not volatilize
without someone looking for them.
We will find us,
our friends, our parents ...
For sure they will worry.
Someone in your office, Leslie.
At GE, they will worry
our absence.
They will call home.
Someone will call the police.
Someone will call the police.
... recognizing / i
the urge to close / i
the Guantanamo prison. / i
is maintained security / i
respecting the rights of man / i
and applying the law. / i
They open stuff,
they are closing ...
What assholes!
There is nothing to them.
Hello, Walter!
Life is good?
I can not complain.
Want a coffee?
Hi, Sam!
Sheriff ...
Your chains
are ready for a while.
I am not come to that.
I lead an investigation.
You could not see pass
a 4x4 Chevrolet
with five young people on board?
Four of 30 years
and 16.
Let's see ...
Not that I recall.
And you, Sam?
You should not see a 4x4 Chevrolet?
No 4x4 Chevrolet.
You heard him:
No 4x4 Chevrolet.
You have not identified the unknown
in the corner?
No strangers to us by
but we, we know each other well.
Huh, Sam?
Yes, not bad.
I do not even know
looks like a 4x4 Chevrolet.
Of course.
Excuse me, Walter,
If you do not know
looks like a Chevrolet 4x4 ...
You follow me?
How can you be sure
of not seeing?
What Walter means,
is that ...
we live in a fucking bled.
So, cars ...
we do not see much.
And a 4x4 Chevrolet
even less.
Fucking bled!
People disappear ...
The intelligence of this country
are zero to shit.
I can tell you.
It was not always the case.
there were guys intelligent
guys who had values ??...
Guys who
did a good job.
I speak not of you, Sheriff.
it reminds me of a story.
When I was working
telephone tapping.
I love this story!
I tell you, Sheriff?
It's not always easy
to hide a microphone.
During a reception
or a cocktail,
there are a lot of noise.
The background noise prevents
to hear a conversation.
So we decided
to use
the auditory system of the cat.
These bugs
have a hearing
more developed than ours.
As directional antennas
which orients in the direction
of what we want to hear.
We opened a chat
and we explored the auditory system.
We removed the interference
using its tail
which proved an excellent
the receiver.
Several months of work
and loads of money!
the cat was sent on a mission.
He said:
"You see the two guys there?
"We want to listen t'ailles
their conversation.
"No birds, no dogs,
no cats
"Only two."
The cat crossed the road
and was run over by a taxi.
We were in the van,
ready to record everything.
All that money
and all these months of work
in the trash!
What a fucking mess!
But what ambition!
Another coffee?
No, I have to go.
I behind in my work.
And the horseshoes?
Listen, Walter,
I do not want to disappoint you,
and it is not yet confirmed,
but they may cancel
program Mounties.
For irons, damn it.
You will come out?
Yes, it will go.
With my savings
and the disability pension of Sam,
we cope.
That's good.
If you see anything,
call me.
Thank you for coffee.
You do not know what it's like
a 4x4 Chevrolet?
You do not know what it's like
a 4x4 Chevrolet?
I'll show you, me!
It looks like that!
Stops, otherwise ...
Stop it!
It is not today
you gonna break your pipe.
I'm dying.
Can not you see
I'm dying?
It will not happen to you.
While I'm here,
it will not happen to you.
I am your guardian angel.
You hear?
Is there anyone?
Is there anyone? Help us!
It has been captured
by customs psychopaths!
What are you doing?
Tom ...
What do you have?
Above, the latch!
Try to shoot.
Arrive you there?
Go on, try to shoot!
Do not do anything!
They will return.
They will open the cages
and do us harm.
Do nothing, they will kill you!
Much like you.
Do what you got to do and scoot.
He will be killed!
It's our only chance.
Did you saw Gab!
At the slightest difference, it will be killed.
It's your fault if it is there.
You're really an idiot!
If we do nothing, we will die.
We will all die!
Demeter-yourself hand
and leave my brother alone!
No, you hear me?
Do not do anything!
You stay quiet!
Stop it, Michelle.
Stop it!
give it
something to chew.
Come on,
campers, wake up!
Come out, my pretty.
Beware the head!
It's good!
Mr. Dumb!
Here we go.
Get out of there.
Beware the head!
Take care of the kid!
Sir ...
Give us a drink.
Shut up!
Description: / i
Wacom Tablet .../ i
Perfect condition. / i
Reply to Walter S. / i
We eat well here.
Do you like the food in this country?
So why would
hurt him?
I have put a prayer rug.
Go ahead.
I am an atheist.
As you wish.
Your name?
Delta 18.
No one.
Your real name.
Delta 18.
Do not be afraid.
It's not a trap.
Tell me your real name.
Go ...
Adel Khalid.
Tell me, Jalil:
Date and place of birth?
On March 21, 1976, in Boston.
In Boston?
What is your nationality?
Your true nationality.
What are you doing in the U.S.?
I am part
business to GE Capital.
It's your coverage.
I do not repeat, I do not like.
What are you doing in the U.S.?
I am a sales executive ...
You lie to the camera.
You lie to your mother.
You lie in the world.
It's not you, there?
Of course it's you.
I have information on you.
While a record!
"Is what I am somebody
"Who likes to have his head
the bottom of a bathtub? "
This is the question
you have to ask you.
Every minute!
Let us all along.
Your name?
Leslie Goldberg.
I am a criminal lawyer.
Goldberg ...
You're Jewish?
The tick,
It stung me not by chance!
Basically, your man, Mr. Khalid,
must hate you.
Jalil is my future husband!
Listen, dear,
when it will explode
next to you shouting
"Allah akbar! Death to the Jews!"
you will do the least malignant.
I repeat: What are you doing?
I am a writer.
I also write scripts ...
for the series.
You like to tell stories?
I very badly.
I may sepsis.
I wrote a script once.
I have sent to TV stations,
but I never got an answer.
As a writer,
you find normal
that I not respond?
I can help you.
I can help you if you want.
I know people,
I could talk to them.
This is the story of a type
who is madly in love.
His girlfriend is cheating
when he defends
his country to war.
It happens not to forget.
I want names,
numbers, addresses,
places! Got it?
Names, numbers,
addresses and places!
He said
we are in the middle of nowhere ...
between two worlds.
You're gay?
What is
it was in your bag?
It's so hard to tell me
what are you doing?
It's your life though.
I read the mail, I reply,
call customers.
I read mails, I answer
and call of clients.
I always do the same thing.
How do you define it?
What do you think of yourself?
I work ...
I am a good person.
I love my country.
We know when you lie.
You always know when you lie.
your strategy going anywhere.
Should be that you are
more enthusiastic today.
You do not care who I am.
Look into my eyes.
Go ...
Hands down.
Hands down!
You do not care who I am!
This is not true.
I do not care.
Please ...
Please help me.
Please ...
Help me!
One day ...
I saw ...
talking in a park
near his home.
He was with three men.
I had never seen.
They were
djellabas and had beards.
Do you follow me?
When Jalil saw me ...
He was embarrassed,
as if I did not have
to witness that.
He soon Ioign them.
He made the
who do not know.
He asked me what I was doing there.
In your opinion, he knew?
Yes, I'm sure.
I beg you!
Do it.
- I beg you.
- I can not.
B: / i
Whoever, for the purpose / i
to commit an act / i
defined in Article 288, / i
commits, / i
convinced, / i
leads, baits / i
or seduces by false promises / i
or lies, / i
is guilty of kidnapping. / i
A: / i
Kidnapping is punishable / i
imprisonment / i
ranging from 3 to 8 years. / i
Convince , by false promises / i
or lies, / i
everyone to leave the state, / i
or cause / i
she is away, / i
in order to sell / i
that person as a slave, / i
to enslave / i
or use it to their account / i
or that of third / i
against his will .../ i
You want?
With or without ice?
You have Irish whiskey?
It has only one
and it comes not from Ireland.
So what?
You decide what?
I'll take a whiskey
not just in Ireland.
Of malt.
I know nothing.
I have a question ...
A question?
Go ahead.
A photo or a question?
You've already seen?
I also have a question.
What happened to them?
I am paid to know.
Are you one of these detectives
those who seek it sees more,
except on posters,
in service stations?
Yes, you guessed it.
I do not know ...
This is the name of a woman?
That's not forget?
It's not a woman is a god.
I can see?
This is Ganesh.
I do not know.
An Indian god.
A god
never comes out without his ax.
I like it.
Life is learning how to die.
The ax, that's it.
Learn how to cut
links with life ...
before death
obliges you there.
I end while it's hot.
Sorry for the noise.
No problem.
It's a cage?
A trap instead.
This is to catch rodents
around the house.
We protect our territory, what.
I see ...
It's ingenious.
Yes, that's exactly it.
You are Walter Sotos?
Rick Brautigan, private detective.
I'm looking for people
who disappeared in the region.
They must be important.
Everyone is looking for.
Do you mind if I record?
No, if it can make you happy.
On October 7.
Interview with Walter Sotos.
I am listening.
I told you ...
The sheriff went
there a few weeks.
He asked if they had seen.
They were not seen.
This may be
not the same people.
I can show you pictures?
You tell me ...
It is to be sure.
Here are the youngest, he is 16.
One of the women ...
You acknowledge ...
It is a 4x4 Chevrolet?
That's them.
This is the 4x4
that the sheriff was looking for.
No, sorry.
Let me emphasize, Mr. Sotos.
I'm sure Mr. Khalid
took this route.
They stopped
at the gas station,
just before the bifurcation.
Or they took the road
leads to the main customs office,
or ...
they took the road of Trees
that goes through here.
I talked to their families
and friends
and I concluded
they probably wanted to avoid
the main customs office
because they had been drinking
or something silly like that.
In short ...
You know ...
You are the only inhabitants here.
You are my only chance
forward in this investigation.
We did not see anything. Hein, Walt?
As you said,
it is far from the road.
M. Torrent,
I investigate the disappearance of a ...
I know, a 4x4 Chevrolet.
That is correct.
So ...
you see anyone.
You are parents?
We are friends.
For a long time?
Walt saved my life
when they fought in Iraq.
On February 14, 1991.
Hein, Walt?
It creates links.
There's a saying:
"You save someone's life
"And you are responsible for him
until his death. "
Not sure I understand.
It's too twisted for me.
It's like this rotten world
in which we live.
You live in autarky?
We live not in autarky,
we are self-sufficient,
eh, Walt?
We try to support us.
We are well on their own.
What people think,
their contempt ...
We head down to the grocery store
and you pay without fuss.
Everything else is bullshit.
You save it?
It concerns not the investigation.
I can stop it.
This is an RN-102?
No idea.
I can see?
Do not leave!
Can I use your bathroom?
I drank too much milk.
This way.
In the corridor.
You must have been a hell of a soldier.
These are unlawful combatants.
They have no nation.
They are part
of the most dangerous assassins
and cruel world.
It's here.
It must be hard for you.
You caught this shit
in Iraq?
after the Gulf War.
I guess it's there ...
you've nabbed.
Yes ...
it is there.
I would blunder for you.
The cops here do not
those who drink and drive.
It's been three weeks / i
and still nothing, / i
no trace of an accident, / i
no track .../ i
The police stopped the search. / i
500 000 people have disappeared / i
last year / i
same as the year before. / i
can not live like this / i
are our children, / i
two children / i
I know you understand us. / i
our lives that we are away. / i
You know what I mean, / i
M. Brautigan. / I
Yes, I know. / i
You are a member of the ACM / i
We call you from them / i
for you to help us. / i
Take the time it takes / i
to find them / i
Something has happened to them. / i
I will do my best, Mr. Goldberg. / i
I will keep you informed / i
every day at the same time / i
wait for you / i
not my call. / i
Dad, do not forget / i
to come give me a kiss .../ i
Dad ...
My God!
I will return!
... do not forget to come / i
me a kiss when you come back / i
because I know when / i
you kiss me, even when I sleep. / i
You know, / i
I learned a new song. / i
I'll sing it, / i
you listen while driving. / i
Flakes, flakes, soft and white / i
fall, fall into the night / i
While the children are sleep / i
they covered / i
flowers and hills .../ i