Teufel Kam Aus Akasava, Der (The Devil Came from Akasava) (1971)

- Professor Forrester!
- Yes, what is the matter?
Someone wanted
to kill your assistant.
Hurry, bring him in here.
Tell me, what happened?
l took the stone-
the stone, in-
Were you in the cave?
Yes. l...
l found it-
the stone-
l found it.
l'll get a doctor.
l'll drive over to Thorrsen
and ask him to come here.
Wait for me
and watch out.
What do you want?
What are you doing?
you can't do that.
Good morning!
ls your husband at home?
- Yes, but he's in surgery right now.
- Would you please ask him,
whether he could come right away?
Joao, my assistant, is seriously injured.
- He has to help him.
- l'll tell him.
lngrid, how many times
have l told you not to disturb me?
- l'm sorry, but it's urgent.
- This is too.
Professor Forrester
is waiting downstairs.
- Forrester?
- His assistant is badly injured,
and the professor would like you
to go with him.
l assume you have
to operate on the man.
- l understand, yes.
- Well?
Tell him to go home,
l'll come as soon as possible.
- Good.
- Good.
- What did he say?
- He'll hurry.
You can go home again.
l assume,
he'll be finished here
in about half an hour,
and he'll come to you right away.
By the way, there is a shortcut,
approximately four miles from here.
Turn right at the first turn-off,
that will save you
at least 15 minutes.
Yes, thank you, l'll do that.
And please...
every minute is important
for life and death here.
He'll hurry.
Where is that guy?
The stone is gone.
- One moment, where are you going?
- The inspector called me,
dear sir.
My name is Lambert.
We first need to determine,
when Professor Forrester disappeared.
Hello, Mr. Lambert.
So you saw Professor Forrester
for the last time,
- when he came to your clinic?
- Yes, lnspector.
You also reported,
that he was very agitated...
and he told you
he would go right back
to his place.
Yes, he asked my husband
to treat an assistant of his,
who had been badly injured.
He seemed a little confused.
Thank you, Mrs. Thorrsen.
And now to you, Doctor.
What do you think caused
the death of the assistant?
But strangely enough,
the professor asked for plasma.
Well, he was an archeologist and no
medical doctor, he made a mistake.
You said 'was,' Doctor.
You are implying a fact
that has not yet been proven.
l would say there is proof.
As we all know, his jeep was found
completely destroyed,
and the police found traces of blood
leading into the jungle.
But that isn't proof
that he is dead.
No, no, Doctor,
we need facts.
Well, this may be correct
from your point of view.
l only know that traces of blood
were found,
and for someone injured in the jungle
there isn't much of a chance to survive.
Well, this is certainly a convincing
argument, but as l said,
we need proof,
how, what and why.
l'm really sorry, lnspector,
that is something
that requires your intellect.
Very nice, Doctor,
very nice.
And now to you,
Mr. Lambert.
You are an intelligent person
and a good businessman,
but also the British consul here.
What will the government's reaction
be in this case?
My government will not be able
to blame you at all,
even though it is your responsibility
to avoid something like that.
One more thing, Mr. Lambert.
Do you know what type of research
the professor was working on?
You know, he really didn't like
to talk about his work,
he was very secretive.
There has to be some indication.
Professor Forrester comes
and asks for your help,
and he disappears shortly thereafter.
What happens then?
This is probably something
that we will never know.
Well, friends,
something new?
No, sir, unfortunately not.
No fingerprints,
no papers or anything else
to identify the dead body,
absolutely nothing.
Professor Forrester disappeared,
his assistant is dead,
and 6,000 miles away
a complete stranger
is murdered in his office.
Well, this is an extraordinarily
difficult situation.
You will solve it, Sergeant.
- A call for you, sir.
- Yes, who is it?
l don't know, sir,
but she sounds charming.
You will get far
with your intelligence.
Just go to hell,
Stop that.
- ls there a Miss Jane here?
- Madam, someone wants to see Jane.
Oh, you are looking for Jane?
Yes, l have an appointment.
l have an appointment
today with Miss Jane.
Oh, then come closer, sir.
Thank you.
One moment please.
l'll see right away
whether Jane is available.
Tinkerbelle, pour a drink
for the gentleman while he's waiting.
Well, what would
''Your Majesty'' like?
Oh, thank you, thank you,
it is much too early for this.
Come please,
Jane is expecting you.
Third floor on the right.
l'm sorry, l didn't want to make
any inappropriate moves.
Here l am.
You are right on time,
Now, listen to me.
l don't mind working together with
your gun-toting Secret Service agents,
but l have a reputation to protect.
l am a married man
and l have to consider my wife.
Maybe she would be delighted
to hear that you still have
some steam under the hood.
Am l right?
Well, l don't think
this is very funny.
Oh, my dear Sir Philip,
of all the conceited
Scotland Yard officials
you are the nicest.
l almost admire you.
You are so wonderfully correct.
Oh, Jane...
you will ruin me.
But come on, we have
to talk about this matter.
All right then.
l'm sorry that l had you
come here,
but you have to admit that this bordello
is an excellent cover.
All right, now let's get
to the heart of the matter.
You have to bring us the man
who committed the murder
in Forrester's office.
Was the guy who was stabbed
one of your people?
Yes, he was.
- And what was he doing there?
- He tried to crack the safe.
- Hurry, come to bed.
- What?
Come on,
they are watching us. Come on.
- And what are you looking for?
- Professor Forrester's assistant...
died of a blood disease,
according to medical reports.
Yes, caused by an unknown
form of rays.
You are right.
We are only interested
in one question:
The origin and cause
of these rays.
The Secret Service
can depend on Scotland Yard.
And now... may l offer
you something else?
No, for my health...
it would be better
if l went back to my office now.
Oh, Sir Philip,
how nice of you to come.
- Hello.
- Hello. how are you?
l'm fine, thank you.
Have a seat, please.
My leg is a little better now.
Well, you know,
the damp-
it can drive you crazy, but it will
probably never heal completely.
Your only souvenir from lndia.
Oh, no, there is something else.
Even if some people see these things
as somewhat antiquated,
sometimes you do meet the old ghost
once more.
There is probably not much use
in pining for the past.
- Well, yes.
- By the way, l am sorry.
that l have to take up
some of your precious time.
But my dear friend,
l am always available for you.
Thank you.
Let's get down to business.
l know that Professor Forrester
He was a good friend of mine,
and l would like to ask you,
to find out everything that you can
about what happened to him.
But you can't ask me
to send someone
to Akasava.
That is not at all
in my area of responsibility.
Really, you know you can send
- unofficially.
- Oh, Sir Philip,
how nice to see you again.
l hope you are doing fine.
We always enjoy seeing a guest.
But, please excuse me,
l have to take care of the flowers.
Certainly. Yes, yes.
Sir Philip, could you
do a favor for an old friend?
Mr. Forrester, there is
a telephone call in the bar for you.
Mr. Forrester,
a telephone call.
Mr. Forrester, please.
My name is Forrester.
There is supposedly a call for me.
Thank you.
Forrester. Yes.
Yes. l understand.
lf you say so.
lt's okay.
All passengers of flight 737
to Mombasa, proceed to gate A.
The passengers from London
are asked
to go to Customs lnspection.
Mr. Forrester?
- You are Mr. Forrester?
- Yes.
l was beginning to doubt
that l would find you.
By the way, l am Tino Celli.
l was a good friend of your uncle's.
- Excuse me.
- Oh, yes.
l heard a lot about you.
l am happy to meet you. Come.
My car is outside.
Let's go.
- Can l rent a car here?
- Certainly, madam,
but you have to wait a moment.
May l?
Sorry to barge in like this.
May l give you a ride to town?
No, thank you.
l prefer to take a cab.
So pretty and so prickly.
What a pity, right?
- There are no cabs here?
- They are all taken.
Oh, man.
- May l invite you now?
- Okay, one point for you.
My name is Jane Morgan.
My friends call me Tino.
l'm sorry to be so curious
but would you tell me please,
what you plan to do
in our beautiful city?
l plan to work here.
l am a dancer.
lf you are a dancer by profession,
you probably don't object to it
during your spare time.
Yes, l do quite a bit.
- A beautiful country, isn't it?
- Yes, beautiful.
Do you also think that it is so different
from dusty, old England?
- Yes. What are you doing here?
- Oh, you know, nothing really.
l am only here in my capacity
as nephew.
Nice job.
Did you ever hear the name
''Walter Forrester'' before?
- No, l don't think so. Who is that?
- A scientist,
who disappeared in Akasava
several months ago.
He was a mineralogist.
l am here to find out
whether my uncle is really dead.
l have to know what happened.
Now, don't be depressed,
we'll find him,
alive and cheerful.
Everything that we have
heard so far
has only been suppositions
by some people.
There is absolutely no proof
that he is dead.
- Are you married?
- No. Why are you asking?
The only possible reason
why you rejected my invitation.
You have very little imagination.
My name is Morgan. Jane Morgan.
Yes, please.
Yes, Miss Morgan.
The bellboy will show you
to your room.
- Thank you very much, once more.
- See you later.
As fate would have it,
my room is directly next to yours.
Jane... will you go to dinner
with me?
lt depends.
But you can find me
in the club.
l'm looking forward to it.
Jane! How nice
to see you.
l'm sorry, may l
introduce myself?
- Lambert.
- Yes. Nice to meet you.
l registered you as my wife,
because l don't want people
to ask any questions.
This is a very
dangerous situation for you.
All right, you are a better
judge of that than l.
Tell me something
about you.
You make it easy for me.
You are good-looking...
- you are young.
- Please.
l would like to know something
about my new identity.
Oh yes...
a very interesting person.
Jane Morgan, 23
a dancer from Jamaica.
You have been married
to me for two years,
and Morgan is the name that you
perform under.
l never talked about you
because we are separated.
We can't make it too obvious
for the others.
Anybody could be a murderer.
Be careful.
You are young and pretty, Jane.
l don't want anything to happen to you,
but anything is possible.
We have to go.
l get ideas.
lf you don't try it with her,
l'll get upset. Wonderful.
Good. Bravo.
l didn't think
you were that good, Jane.
You really can be charming!
l like you better without clothes
than with.
- ls it all right like this, you old peacock?
- Yes, perfectly posed.
- Hello, Walter.
- How charming.
Since you are not willing to come to us,
l decided to come to you.
How nice.
But l never quite know...
l am Dr. Thorrsen's wife,
Mr. Forrester.
Oh, really?
l heard a lot about you
and your husband, Mrs. Thorrsen.
l wanted to drive out
to your place anyway,
but how nice to meet you
today already.
My husband is very busy right now,
that is why he couldn't come.
Are you sorry he couldn't?
Absolutely not.
Would you like to dance?
Oh, yes, very much.
How about a little drink?
l hate hair gel.
Thank you very much.
- Do you know who that was?
- l don't know.
He has to disappear from here.
But where are we going to put him?
But Mr. Forrester...
l'm a married woman.
At least, married women
know what they want.
l know it.
Oh, Walter.
We could take him out through
the window in the room next door.
- That's the best way.
- Okay, let's...
There are steps below the window.
lt should work.
But we have to be careful.
Well, let's go.
What are you waiting for?
Yes, yes.
ls something the matter?
l just saw something,
that l just couldn't have seen.
l'll get the car.
why are you drinking
so much?
- Can l help you?
- No, he just drank too much.
He fell asleep,
it happens frequently.
- Well, if you say so.
- Goodbye.
- Goodbye.
- And thank you. l'll take care of it.
Thank you.
- What's the matter?
- My car is gone.
Jane, did you
recognize the driver?
l hope you know
how to swim, my dear.
Would you like to see
the clinic?
- Yes, certainly.
- Good. lf you wish.
did you ever consider
going back to England?
To be quite honest,
l never thought about it.
l believe in fate.
l accept what life brings me.
But, Walter, you are not really
We both agreed
to something here,
but we shouldn't consider it too
important... at least not right now.
You know, l have my work here,
and it fulfills me,
even if it doesn't appear that way.
- Do you know what l want here?
- Certainly. You want to find your uncle,
but be prepared,
he is probably dead.
Will you come upstairs
with me?
But this is terrible.
lt seems as if
they are no longer alive.
They have narcolepsy,
don't they?
Yes, very serious cases.
- And what happens to them?
- All inmates of this quarantine station...
will be taken by us
to a special treatment in London.
He looks more
than 100 years old.
- Where did he come from?
- l don't recall.
One day he was here,
just like all the others.
Completely apathetic
and without any memory.
And nothing is known
about them?
No. We will probably never
know anything about them.
ls there no serum or something?
So far, modern medicine has
not found any serum for it.
- What do you do in London with them?
- They go to a specialty clinic,
run by Dr. Henry,
they can do more for them there.
l want you to meet
Mr. Forrester.
- Hello.
- Hello.
Your uncle was
one of my best friends.
l heard that you were one of the last
people to talk to my uncle.
Yes, l think so. But someone must have
seen him after that.
Let's go have a cup of coffee.
- What is your theory, Doctor?
- lt's the jungle... very simple.
You don't seem to think so,
Mr. Forrester.
l must be absolutely certain.
lf we can help you,
you will find us in Rio dos Mortes.
What a charming name.
- lt means... ''River of Death.''
- That's what l thought.
An old legend says
that it is the devil's birthplace.
l like strange old tales.
Sometimes these legends
hold a kernel of truth.
What do you think?
Come, continue.
there is supposedly
some stone,
that changes a certain metal to gold
under the right circumstances.
This mineral has rays
that burn everything,
it must be a completely
unknown type of mineral.
Professor Forrester, your uncle,
found one of these stones someplace.
Some criminals must
have found out about it
and kidnapped him to find out
where he found the stone.
Because whoever has
one of these stones,
controls the world's gold market.
A nice fairy tale.
Oh, no, this is most certainly
no fairy tale.
Okay, let's assume that there is
some truth to this story.
Has anybody ever seen
one of these stones?
You don't believe that they wouldn't
look for them otherwise?
Well, then tell me everything.
Well, l took your nice
dead body with me,
- in your own car.
- Why?
l wanted to save you from a few years
in government housing.
- Extraordinarily funny.
- Do you know, there is someone,
whose machinations
are hard to comprehend.
- And who is that?
- Dr. Thorrsen.
- Eavesdropping is fun, isn't it?
- Who's eavesdropping?
Jane, it's all right.
May l introduce you to Major Celli
of the ltalian Secret Service?
lf that is the case,
then l did eavesdrop.
Maybe you can imagine
what we plan to do.
l assume you want to take
a closer look at Dr. Thorrsen's clinic,
and he would be in the way.
You will never see such beautiful
flowers in a greenhouse.
They really are beautiful.
- Walter, what is it?
- Damn it-
- somebody took a shot at me.
- Come, l'll help you.
Well, l'm afraid
your leg is broken.
- Damn it, what else?
- Oh, it's not that bad.
We only have to give you
a plaster cast.
lt's not that bad.
Why don't you give
Mr. Forrester a sedative?
- lt will get better.
- lt's enough for me,
if l feel the way l used to.
Why don't you cheer up, Walter?
This way you at least
get to come to London with us
and we'll stay together.
Oh, then l'm really
very happy.
Now start to count
from one to 10.
Do you really think
his leg is pretty bad?
Really, sweetheart,
stop it.
Are you really seriously
concerned about him?
l only want to know
what's going on.
Remember once and for all-
what l do here,
l do for both of us,
do you understand? For both of us.
Would you tell me now
what you plan to do with him?
Our dear young friend
will take the stone
for us to London,
packaged in lead and plaster.
But why him?
Because nobody will suspect
Professor Forrester's nephew.
- Understood?
- But that is much too dangerous.
Only for him.
Not for us.
- What would you like?
- Champagne.
- There you go.
- Yes, thank you.
Do you like her?
l can't stand her.
l don't either.
Oh, really?
- And l hate you.
- Oh, how charming.
First you love me,
now you hate me.
No objections.
The only thing
that l can't stand
is you don't care at all.
Oh, hello.
- Good evening.
- We haven't seen each other for ages.
Thank you for the invitation.
We enjoyed your performance.
You are doing this very, ah,
seductively, l must say.
Oh, thank you very much,
l must admit, l always...
am a little afraid,
when there are friends in the audience.
Tell me, why did you
invite us tonight?
Well, you know,
l feel so alone, everything
is so boring, so terribly bland.
Yes, l understand,
l also think it is boring here.
And l have a lot of work
waiting for me back at the clinic.
My husband sometimes is less
than polite.
- l'm sorry.
- But it was only a joke.
Come and have a drink with us.
What a shame that l have to leave now,
but my wife will keep you company.
There is something
that bothers me.
Why did you invite us?
l don't understand.
l will try to get in.
Wait here.
How did this happen?
l was at Dr. Thorrsen's clinic
with Tino.
Tino went in by himself.
He is probably dead.
Someone took a shot at me.
Stop this nonsense.
He is dead, isn't he?
Yes, he is dead.
Hurry up and come.
lt is terrible.
Someone took a shot at me
with a rifle from the door.
Who are you really?
Don't tell me
that he is your husband.
How do you know?
How do you know?
Do you think l'm an idiot?
You can't play this comedy for me.
Do you have any proof
that l am?
Oh, God,
l have eyes in my head,
that's enough.
You can't pretend with me.
l like you anyway.
You don't like to wait for someone
to ask something of you, do you?
But if you really want
to take it that far,
why don't you stay here?
Now l would like to ask you.
But it will be short and sweet,
- l'm leaving for London at 8:00.
- What? For London?
So what should l do now
with a dead body in my room?
Don't worry,
l have good friends,
they will help you.
For sure.
- Not the woman from the clinic?
- No. Not that one.
She is flying to London with me.
Now, why be upset?
Lord Kinsley,
how nice to see you.
And how nice to see you.
We meet much too rarely.
Why don't you come to tea sometime?
And this is Humphrey, my new nurse.
- So when will you come and see us?
- We have a lot of work.
- May l call you?
- Certainly.
l neglected to introduce you
to Walter Forrester.
Nice to meet you, young man.
- Bring him along sometime.
- Thank you, sir, l would enjoy that.
- How is your leg?
- One gets used to it, slowly.
Only the wheelchair
is a little irritating.
- But you look excellent.
- Oh well,
l have nothing else to do
but to take care of myself.
l hope that we will
see each other soon.
- l hope so too.
- Goodbye, Mr. Forrester.
- Goodbye, sir.
- Goodbye.
Who was that?
An old friend of ours,
a multi-millionaire.
He is our patron.
A charming old man,
who made his fortune in lndia.
An interesting friend.
What are you thinking?
This man is one
of the last philanthropists.
Without him, we would have never
been able to set up our clinic.
He was extremely helpful.
He basically supplied us with all
that we needed to build the clinic,
as well as what we still need now.
Yes, yes,
it's healing well.
Your husband
did a good job.
l believe that we can replace
the cast with something a little lighter.
That would make me very happy.
l can hardly carry it any longer.
ln half an hour
you'll hop around again.
Dr. Henry,
something happened.
lt's patient number 77.
- What is the matter?
- He disappeared.
Come on. Look in the park
or in the hallways.
Very well.
What is with this patient?
Doctor, what is going on with him?
We don't want to talk
about my problems
but free you of your cast instead,
my dear man.
l really feel
a lot better.
Go get some fresh air with him,
it will be good for him.
Make sure that
he doesn't walk too much.
l would suggest
you bring him to the hotel later on.
Make sure
he keeps his leg still.
Yes, sure.
Oh, one moment.
Ah, that feels good.
Nobody knows where he is?
No, don't call the police.
Hello, darling.
Don't move.
One moment.
What is the matter with you?
l'm the one asking questions here.
Who are you?
l am Walter.
What kind of nonsense is that?
Don't tell me some kind of story.
Forrester never had a nephew.
l swear you're wrong.
- My uncle...
- Shut up.
l want to know
who is your boss.
Now, let's tell the truth.
Who do you work for?
Spit it out.
You can kill me,
if you want,
but l will never tell you.
Bravo. The Secret Service people
are very straightforward.
Secret Service?
How do you know about that?
l just happen to work
for Scotland Yard.
tell me.
lt is about
Forrester's disappearance,
and also about
this mysterious stone.
Apparently, three different
groups are after it.
But which one is the most
dangerous for us?
What are we going to do?
- Cooperate?
- Good. Yes.
Their faces were completely
black and charred,
and their hair was white.
There is nothing
that we can use as proof.
- The matter is completely stuck.
- So what can we do now?
First of all, our opponent
must be lured out into the open.
Let him assume
that Professor Forrester
left important research results
for his nephew Walter.
Then he will
most certainly do something.
He has to approach us.
We will most certainly
keep surveillance on Walter.
We want to get the material
in your hands, right?
That means,
l am playing bait for you.
When do we start?
l've already
prepared everything.
l made...
l made it known that the material
is in your hands.
Good night.
How can you simply barge in here,
Mrs. Thorrsen?
But Dr. Henry, do you plan
on hiding something from me?
lngrid, come here.
l didn't know
you were in London.
Why didn't you
inform me?
There is a lot
you don't know, my dear.
But why aren't you
with your friend?
You need to tell me,
you with all your dirty affairs.
Get out
and don't forget
to do exactly
what l want...
- Otherwise?
- Otherwise everyone will find out
how l got Mrs. Thorrsen
out of a bordello in Mombasa.
Now that would be something
interesting for your circle of friends.
You could tell your friend
over coffee
about your experience
with dirty harbor rats,
you will come up
with something.
Listen, Mr. Forrester
is still missing,
we have to conclude
the matter.
The stone has to get
to the lab for processing.
Our chemist is waiting there,
we have to hurry.
What are you waiting for?
l have to take care
of something first.
Hello, this is Thorrsen.
We've got it. But our agreement
is no longer valid.
lt is worth considerably more
and we want double the price.
l'll give you 24 hours
to think about it.
Please decide by then,
otherwise we'll have to contact
other parties who offer more.
Yes, call.
Sir Philip,
after all that you told me,
something has
become very clear...
That four people
were killed in Akasava,
and probably your friend Forrester
as well, because we must assume
- that he is dead.
- l cannot believe that.
Now, the Secret Service
is of the same opinion.
Then l'm in very good company.
The two of us survived
quite different problems in lndia,
didn't we,
my dear Sir Philip?
Another cup of tea?
Now what kind of secrets
are you whispering about now?
- Are you turning the world upside down?
- Nothing important.
Yes. All right.
Hm, please treat this information
as confidential.
Certainly, but there
are some circumstances,
and a lot of strange
lt is simply not believable
that so many people
are killed because of such
a ludicrous stone.
But this seems to be the case,
my dear Lord Kinsley.
But l really am not
allowed to discuss this now.
But, Sir Philip, l don't
want to cause you any problems.
You know, l am only interested in one
thing... the mysterious disappearance
of my old friend Forrester.
What is that?
How did you get in here?
How charming.
Would you please be nice enough
to tell me what you want here?
- l am Sue.
- Oh, well,
that really gets us very far.
Sue, and Chinese as well.
There are men who want to kill you,
do you understand?
You are supposed to be killed
because of the material
- that you received from your uncle.
- But it takes two for killing.
l am willing to tell you
more tonight.
Go to the China Restaurant,
Down Street.
- Please come.
- Then l can't say no.
How do you know
that l am supposed to be killed?
Out with it.
l can't tell you right now,
but l know,
that your life hangs by a thread.
Hard to believe.
Well, then l will come.
- Good evening.
- l have an appointment.
My name is Forrester.
l was asked
to make you an offer.
Then do it.
What is that supposed to be?
We offer you
for your uncle's material...
But you will also have to tell us
where the stones were found.
lt is your choice,
you decide.
- lf not?
- You will find out.
- And where?
- At a new location.
Go to Wong's,
Lincoln Street 29.
But you will also have to tell us
where the stones were found.
lt is your choice,
you decide.
- lf not?
- You will find out.
- And where?
- At a new location.
Go to Wong's,
Lincoln Street 29.
take care of this.
l was supposed
to come here to...
Someone must have
overheard us.
We have to get out of here.
Book two seats to Hong Kong.
We are coming right now.
- Thank you, my sweet Abigail.
- Who is that?
That is Forrester.
You know Thorrsen
was supposed to kill Forrester.
He took him to his clinic
and disfigured him terribly.
- But he didn't kill him.
- He is still breathing.
Poor Forrester.
Release him
from his suffering.
Well, Abigail.
He believed in me
until the end.
Until he found out,
that l only wanted to use his discovery
to have absolute power.
lf you can change
ordinary metal into gold,
then you rule the world.
Forrester knew
that l was financing Thorrsen.
And when Thorrsen
was unable to kill Forrester
after stealing the stone, it was clear
to me that only l could be the head.
But now there are
no more obstacles.
we will rule the world.
Hurry and get dressed.
lt is terrible.
l just can't believe it.
Tell me,
how was this possible?
Did you discover the two?
it was the nurse on night-duty.
What a terrible business.
Nobody is safe
from violence or murder.
But why?
Why two innocent men?
We can't change it anymore,
my dear child.
Your husband's death
and that of Dr. Henry
is a loss for science.
Please, sir, let us... let us not
talk about it anymore.
- You have to calm down.
- l am so-
l know it is hard,
but think of tomorrow.
Here, child,
this tea will do you good.
- Thank you.
- Drink it all,
and then the world
will look different again.
Thank you.
We will find a way.
Trust us.
l would suggest
you go to your hotel.
Yes, you are right.
what happened?
Let me go,
l am afraid.
Stop! Don't move!
take her away.
- There is something wrong here.
- But what are we going to do now?
Go in, what else?
- Yes, please.
- ls Lord Kinsley at home?
- Yes, but he is resting.
- lt is extremely urgent,
- we must talk with him.
- Fine, then follow me, please.
You too.
Normally, l shouldn't
bother my brother,
but you are so nice.
Please wait here.
There is somebody
to talk with you.
Hello, what can l do for you?
- Yes, we want...
- l believe, we made a mistake.
lf you want to see Lord Kinsley,
l am Lord Kinsley.
- lt is still a mistake.
- l'm very sorry.
Sorry, but we better leave now.
Yes, goodbye.
l've heard a lot of interesting
things about you.
Then come and tell me.
Well, especially about your
success with women.
That arouses my curiosity.
You are also supposed to be
an expert on some sort of stones.