Teuk-soo-bon (S.I.U.) (2011)

Lotte Entertainment & Cinergy Present
A Watermelon Pictures Production
Stop staring!
I wasn't!
That's a fat lie, sir.
You're one to talk. Like 'em?
Bigger with stuffing?
These are real.
Yeah, right.
Wanna see? I'll show you!
You nuts?
Go ahead.
So, you can jump me?
Crazy? So, I'll be liable?
I don't hold just anyone liable.
Where are you going on shift?
The bathroom!
Looks smart but talks like a dope.
What the hell!
Eum Tae-woong Joo Won
It's him.
Jung Jin-young Sung Dong-il
Lee Tae-im Kim Jung-tae
Screenplay by Kim Yu-jin, Hwang Sung-gu
Inspector Kim!
Hey! Stop!
Stop there!
What the!
- Bro!
- Lee Jae-wi!
What are you doing?
Can't you tell? I'm on a job!
How about spicy ribs and Soju?
Soju? You can't even drink!
- Stop the car!
- Why!
To catch that bastard!
You'll catch him. You're a pro at that.
I'm going on a job, too.
Don't wanna be late.
Have fun!
Wait! Hold on!
Dang, Jae-wi.
Stupid, why didn't she bring the car!
Producer Lim Min-sup
Directed by Hwang Byung-guk
What do you have to say?
What's this?
Sgt. Lee Jae-wi, Age 32.
Stationed at Yeon-heum Precinct.
In August, 2007,
he was with Kang Do-shik
when he was arrested and brought in.
Don't bring that up again.
Who knew Kang was a druggie?
He was on the Youth Protection Committee.
Who hasn't had a meal with Kang Do-shik here?
So, what if we did.
Keep quiet if you don't wanna
end up on patrol.
And be on time!
Jae-wi just stepped on shit!
Then, what did you do
while your ex-wife suffered?
What did you do for her?
Meth went missing at Kang's house then
That's why Jae-wi
investigated internally
You're saying it's the same Meth?
Shit, you think Jae-wi
banded with a druggie!
Why're you yelling!
- Calm down.
- Hey!
Quiet down!
That's why we're investigating.
Who's the idiot!
Who yacked to the reporters!
Dr. Kim Ho-ryong?
I'm Sgt. Cho Su-han.
I'll be working with you.
There he comes.
I'm Sgt. Cho Su-han.
This way.
You look younger than I thought.
I am younger than you think.
I see.
Get in.
You like the back?
He went for training at FBI
and came back recently.
He volunteered to gain
experience on the front lines.
Why here of all places?
A doctor in criminal profiling?
Why bring in a cock with the cops!
It's an idea of one of the higher-ups
for police development.
Morning, sir.
Pretending to work?
What development?
Call this a 'special investigation team'?
Look around. It's 'special', isn't it?
Always so positive.
Good for you.
The Chief's here.
Who are they?
You've all seen the news.
From now on,
he'll bring in outside experts
to solve this case.
That's why he's here.
Kim Ho-ryong who had training at FBI.
He's an expert in criminal profiling.
Headquarters especially sent him.
So, seek his counsel.
Wants us to investigate or take classes?
What did you say?
Nothing, sir.
Don't worry.
I don't plan on teaching.
This case is our fellow officer...
I mean, our brother's brutal murder.
Ripped socks, worn out shoes,
and sweaty t-shirts.
He was like flesh and blood to us.
Remember his sweat and tears.
He is watching us.
our lives belong to Jesus Christ.
Next week is our revival period, Lord.
Fill our church, Lord.
That little twerp.
Why're you doing this!
What did I do wrong!
Nothing, Geko.
I just got a question for ya.
Who's the new druglord around here?
What druglord!
Once a druggie, always a druggie!
Tell me! Go on!
- Tell me!
- Please, Inspector!
No one sells Meth these days.
Whatever fool.
Let go!
They all take pills.
They come in capsules
packaged like medication!
Learned to lie your head off in church?
A beer guzzler doesn't
suddenly switch to wine!
Some bastard killed a cop
and sprinkled that at the scene.
Who'd do that?
You know, right?
No, I don't!
I wiped my hands clean long ago!
Clean, my ass!
- I received Christ, sir.
- Like hell, you did.
I'll give you one day.
- Wait...
- See ya.
Inspector Kim! Wait!
Call me!
a report came in to the precinct
and Sgt. Lee Jae-wi went out.
Why'd he head out alone?
As you can see,
there were many cases that day.
We're always busy here.
On weekends we're jammed with
all kinds of cases!
What was the report?
The call didn't come in through 911
so we have no record.
They called here directly
to avoid a recording.
Sometimes, places with
many breakouts call here directly.
Like bars and night clubs.
The caller's location?
It was from a payphone.
I'm not sure.
It was a Saturday so I was open till late.
But who uses payphones these days?
The culprit must've known
Sgt. Lee Jae-wi well.
He was well aware of the precinct.
and had someone else call in.
Then, what about the Meth
found at the scene?
That's a trap to jam up the investigation.
As you know, Meth dissolves
really well in liquid.
But the strange thing is...
If you look closely
the Meth is hardly melted.
That means it was sprinkled
after Lee died and his blood clotted.
So, the culprit knew about Jae-wi's past
and used it to screw the investigation?
First, check Lee's bank records
for the last 6 months.
And phone records, too.
- Young-soon?
- Yes?
Jot down what he said?
I already asked for the records.
Even his e-mail.
Only been in for 3 months, but so smart.
You're more like the doc.
Why you...
You're the expert in yapping gibberish.
Get all the CCTV files around
and expected routes.
Then, find the cars and bring in
everyone related to Lee!
Brought in an expert to sew buttons on dolls?
Can't you keep your mouth shut on the job?
I'm not on a stakeout.
Why can't I talk?
Where're ya going!
Dr. Kim?
Did you serve in the army?
Or just civil service at FBI?
I was an active-duty soldier.
Pretty famous as an ace shooter at the DMZ.
Ace shooter? Yeah, right.
If you don't believe me,
I'll shoot an apple on your head.
How about it?
- Bang!
- Hey!
Let's go eat duck meat!
Coming, sir!
Where are you?
I know the place.
What the!
I'll be right there!
Going out by twos is the rule.
Sewing buttons on dolls is not my thing.
Let's go.
You said you're almost here!
Where are you?
What? I'm not slacking off!
I'm here, fool!
I said to come alone!
He's leaving the country soon.
Don't worry.
Still, you should protect your sources!
Where are they?
Thalay's gang.
Thai guys who rule this area.
They scam money off East Asians
and run a gambling hall.
I think they' re the ones.
You sure?
Ever seen me bite and bring you shit?
I've been to Thailand often and know.
Their borders are dang big.
So, who's Thalay?
I don't know
It's not like they got IDs.
Look! They all look like Ong-Bak.
Big Ong-Bak, Little Ong-Bak,
and Skinny Ong-Bak.
It's Little Ong-Bak.
The small and sturdy one is Thalay.
- You speak Thai, right?
- Yeah, why?
What now!
This man will bring that bastard over.
- You translate.
- Crazy!
What? If you don't have the guts
go back to sewing doll eyes.
This is insane!
Know how crazy those bastards are?
Think illegal immigrants will listen to cops?
Inspector Kim! Is this like hazing?
Stay here if you're scared.
You're a doc who just studied.
Of course I should go.
Get hit with a knife or a pipe.
I should go.
Dr. Kim!
Be sure to give 'em back.
Sure he'll be all right?
If not, he'll be all hurt.
Stupid bastards.
Whose side are you on?
What are you talking about!
Little Ong-Bak!
Dang! Block!
Move, fool!
It's definitely them.
Only the Thai gang could have
this much stuff.
Heard that, fools!
What you sold was at a cop's murder scene.
Know what that means?
Think before it's all dumped on you!
Who is it!
Who ordered 200g of Meth from you?
Sit down!
Hand those 3 over to narcotics.
The moustache, too.
The middle guy doesn't look well.
Beating doesn't always work.
Look at my eyes.
It's a woman in her mid-twenties.
Get up.
You understand Korean, don't you?
You're the one who keeps contacts, right?
A woman bought Meth a few times before.
She lives close by and has brown dyed hair.
You understand Korean! Fess up!
Didn't buy 200g.
Bought over 50 times.
I don't remember.
What's her number?
How did you know?
He responded before Geko translated.
He understood Korean.
And the woman?
Shouldn't I stay out of the country?
That's stupid.
Just keep living like normal.
I keep having weird dreams.
A piece of hair at the payphone
tested positive for Meth.
So, I poked him with it and he responded.
Shit, why didn't you tell me?
Showing off you're a doc?
I'm outside the club.
Sir, the boss isn't here.
The hood was warm.
I wouldn't do that.
You're quite the business man.
Not taking my calls these days?
You know... I'm a busy man.
Of course.
You're busy opening up a new rubdown shop.
It's not a rubdown shop.
It's a Thai style massage parlour.
I was gonna tell you when things were ready.
So global! Karaoke, Turkish bath house,
and now Thai massage?
Enough chit-chat.
Here's this month's collection.
Isn't it time to change things?
Change what?
What do you mean?
No matter how I look,
no one's better at business than you.
So, we're gonna invest directly.
Don't want it?
It'll be a good chance
for you to broaden things.
We just want a small percentage.
Whose idea is this?
From the top?
It's mine.
Killing Sgt. Lee was your idea, too?
Who says that!
Put it down. My boy's watching.
Son of a bitch!
You dissing me 'cause I collect money?
You dis me, too!
What's this?
Son of a bitch!
Goh Su-jin!
Where's Su-jin!
- I didn't see her!
- Shit!
Come out!
Goh Su-jin!
Come back, soon!
Two going up!
Use a broom, stupid.
Son of a bitch!
Got shit all over!
Shit, they're already here.
Came so soon after our report?
Some crazy bastard messed up my business.
Cut the crap!
Goh Su-jin! Where is she!
She's Ms. Popular today.
Did Su-jin come in today?
Why're you here?
Goh Su-jin!
Get off!
Goh Su-jin!
Goh Su-jin!
Why isn't she answering!
Who the hell is this!
Where the hell were you!
I'm in the parking lot.
Goh Su-jin!
Goh Su-jin!
Son of a bitch!
- Son of a bitch!
- Stop that car!
Son of a bitch!
Who the hell are you!
- Call the cops!
- Hey!
Why you little!
Today's your funeral!
I'm sorry, Senator.
My boys were busy with a case.
Very sorry, sir.
What's your rank?
- Sorry, sir.
- What's your job title!
The hell!
What are you gonna do!
That rude bastard!
Very sorry, sir.
You're their superior?
Fire these bastards now!
If you don't, I will!
Who do you think I am!
Wearing this badge means...
Find my badge and bring it to my office now!
Are they cops or gangsters!
How dare you yap shit?
Have you lost your mind?
Thanks to bastards like you,
we can't help but lose it!
Are you insane?
I'm Joo Ho-young.
I'm a provincial senator!
So, what were you doing there!
What did you do in the salon!
Why you!
Like drinking and fondling
girls half your age?
Like doing favours and drinking free wine?
Call the press!
Fire them, charge the senator,
and have a briefing here!
Call the reporters now!
Crazy bastard!
Damn luck.
Park In-mu!
- Can't you do your job!
- Sorry, sir.
It can happen.
The Chief saved your asses.
Stupid idiots.
I'm sorry. Because of me...
Are you okay?
I'm fine.
Forget it.
It's not the first time.
You, too, Dr. Kim.
Things are like this around here
Inspector Oh?
I identified the vehicle, sir.
- What?
- A white Azera, plate number 3369!
- How'd you find it?
- Well.
There was a Black Box in the car
that clashed with the suspect's.
Good work!
Who's the owner of the car?
I think the car is under...
There's an odd number
in Goh Su-jin's phone records.
It belongs to...
- Goh Su-jin.
- It's Goh Su-jin.
Who the hell is this bastard?
No name?
Okay, fine. Later.
This is some sick bastard.
He must've left something.
There's nothing.
Just a shaver, toothbrush,
and a pair of boxers.
What was the plate number again?
I sold this car to a friend.
- A friend?
- Yes, Park Kyung-sik.
Know where is he?
Don't you know him?
Yes, sir.
Then, I'll trust you and wait, sir.
Inspector Park! Come in!
Why isn't he answering?
There's no answer.
Did he catch on already?
Yes, sir.
You want me to do it?
Okay, sir.
Some cop!
We should search his bank records.
Wants to be rich and successful...
Shouldn't have become a cop from the start.
The front lock is busted.
That means someone busted in here...
Hold on.
Have you ever seen Park Kyung-sik?
Not sure.
Probably bumped into him at some point.
Sung-bom? Ever seen this guy?
- Nope.
- Right.
Well then.
Why make things so difficult?
Keep it up and the poor girl gets it.
Bastard! Think I'm an idiot?
Son of a bitch.
Who's next?
There'll be others.
Park Kyung-sik got money from Yoon Il-do
on a regular basis.
When Lee Jae-wi found out,
Park tried to stop him from talking
and killed Sgt. Lee.
What about Yoon Il-do?
When Park rose as a suspect
Yoon tried to kill him to cover himself,
but ended up getting killed.
If you mess up, you're dead?
So, where's Park?
Sorry, but we're still looking.
- Park In-mu
- Sir?
What did you do all this time?
Can't you do anything?
Sorry, sir.
- Jang!
- Yes, sir!
Your team will join the special investigation.
Yes, sir.
It's an open case from now.
Use the media if you must to get Park.
He killed a fellow cop and 4 others.
He humiliated the entire police.
Kill him.
I give permission to shoot him.
When Kang was arrested 3 years ago,
my boss, Yoon Il-do, reported him.
Park found out and kept threatening Yoon.
Said he'll tell Kang in prison.
So, Yoon paid Park to keep his mouth shut?
Just some cash every month.
To avoid a gang war.
Boss thought of doing in Park.
But who knew it'll end up like this?
Why weren't you there, Geun-su?
Yoon's right hand man
didn't know about the hit?
Because it would've been weird for me.
I used to be Kang's left hand man.
You got around left and right?
Expect me to believe that?
Whose damn scenario is this!
Don't believe me, then!
It's up to you! I don't care.
Son of a bitch!
Kim Sung-bom!
Listen up.
You're bound to talk to me.
And that damn rat, too!
If you're gonna eat all mine,
why didn't you order one!
- Sung-bom? Want some?
- No, thanks.
Leave him be.
- Inspector Jung.
- Yes?
Get Park's work records.
Dr. Kim already asked and has them.
Isn't it weird, sir?
Park Kyung-sik and Goh Su-jin.
They both ran off before we got to them.
Think there's a spy among us?
You're the spy, fool!
Stop watching spy movies.
Hurry up and eat!
Hi, Sweetie! It's Daddy.
How've you been?
I wanna fly out to see you, too.
But too many bad folks here.
There, too? Why you!
You're still at headquarters, right?
Can you check on Kim Ho-ryong for me?
How you weren't assigned here,
but volunteered!
Explain everything!
Think you can handle it?
What's happening inside there?
Aren't you supposed to be busy these days?
Where's Kyung-sik?
How would I know?
It's not like we' re close.
Things got really serious, huh?
If you find Kyung-sik, call me.
In secret.
See ya.
What's your plan?
You should keep watch on your boys.
How dare they!
Not knowing who I am!
Stupid bastard! I'm not your boss!
Do I look like a gangster?
Call me if you see Kyung-sik.
Got that?
See ya.
Before Yoon died,
Capt. Park went to Yoon's office.
Still don't get it?
Who knew before we went to find Goh Su-jin?
You, me, Su-han, Young-soon
and Capt. Park In-mu!
You're the most suspicious to me.
While you kept your mouth shut,
You mean five.
What do you mean?
A man who died 15 years ago,
Sgt. Kim Han-gu...
My father.
While investigating a cop,
he ended up dead.
Everyone testified that
he was the corrupt cop.
He wasn't a great father,
but an honest cop.
The key testifier was Park In-mu.
I didn't recognize your son.
Dr. Kim?
You seemed familiar.
Is this all 'cause of your father?
I must make you uncomfortable.
Digging around me and all.
You're our team member.
Must've had a reason to volunteer.
After all this time, what will change
by bringing up your father?
Go back to where you were.
What if I won't?
Like father like son.
If you came here to get me,
you got the wrong man.
Stop wasting time and go back.
Got that?
Was my father really...
A corrupt cop? Curious!
Moved up, huh?
You're driving Yoon's car?
Hi, boss...
Where are you?
Are you okay?
I'll get you on a ship to China,
but I can't get $100,000.
Shut up! You bastard!
You sent the text!
If I killed him for you,
you should pay up!
Son of a bitch!
Do they know?
That saved your life?
You have till tomorrow.
Park In-mu's looking for you.
Tell him not to look for me.
Got that?
Why'd Capt. Park go to Kyung-sik's house?
The hell would I know.
We need your signatures.
Sign here, please.
Where's Sung-bom off to these days?
Kim Sung-bom!
Stop slacking on the job!
Report where you're going!
Respond when I'm talking to you!
Where are you off to
like a madman these days?
Shit! Don't grab my ear!
Nice going, folks.
Captain and his man.
Such a shame.
Got something to say?
Think I'm a pushover like your captain?
What? Stop staring!
Son of a bitch!
Dare act up on your superior!
Kim Sung-bom!
Are you insane!
Where's your respect?
You out of your mind!
Yes! I'm going crazy!
That'd make me feel better! Shit!
I got the cash ready.
The ship leaves in two days.
Come to the factory by 3 PM, tomorrow.
If the top set me up, tell 'em.
I'll blow everything for good!
Blow what? Hell!
We'll see about that.
I'm sorry I hit you.
Did it hurt?
You wanna lose your job?
Acting up to a superior like that.
Do you need money, bro?
Is that it?
For your wife and kids?
How much? I'll lend it to ya!
I got money! Tell me!
Crazy fool.
Who says I need money!
- I'm serious!
- We got a tip!
Park Kyung-sik is about to show!
Who called it in?
Lee Geun-su!
Don't have to be exact.
All officers listen up!
If he resists even after a warning,
shoot him!
I repeat!
If he resists, fire at once!
If Park dies, the investigation is over.
We have to capture him alive.
Suspect is on the 5th floor.
It's heavy, boss.
You don't look too hot.
You're on the news and everything.
Did you have lunch?
You should eat well at a time like this.
Got the money?
It wasn't easy to get...
And the ship?
It leaves at 3 AM tomorrow.
It's called...
Park Kyung-sik!
Over there!
Get off! Now!
Why'd you push me?
Don't shoot!
What the hell you doing?!
You bastards!
Run down and get him!
Crazy bastard!
What the hell were you thinking?
He's the suspect and our only
witness to this case.
If we kill him,
we can't solve this case.
Think you became
a real inspector in a few days?
I sent word to headquarters.
When the order falls, go back.
But the investigation isn't over!
You were just an ornament from the start.
You know... All for show.
In-mu, pack your bags and go home.
The case was too big for you.
What's with all the long faces?
Smile people!
As soon as this special team is wrapped up,
I'll buy everyone dinner.
Drop by my house when you have time.
Mom sent some Kimchi.
She sent yours, too.
Say something, will ya?
You love Kimchi.
Make sure to come and take it.
Who asked for Kimchi?
Think Park will really come to meet the Capt.?
He's Park's last card.
He has no other choice.
Where's the bread?
Under the instant noodles.
I'm sorry, bro.
No matter how I think with my stupid head,
You're the only one I got.
Are you okay?
You didn't do anything wrong,
but 'cause of me...
It's my fault for not stopping you.
Oh, I have the receipts.
- Then, they'll get you!
- Kyung-sik.
If you're nearby, come up.
Be right up.
You okay?
How did I end up like this?
Let's put an end to all this.
You, too?
My team...
Don't hurt them.
Fuck you.
A word, please!
The police murder case and gangster...
Yoon Il-do's murder were
committed by Capt. Park...
It is the result of internal bribes
and fight for power...
It turned out to be a great
internal police corruption case.
Death by falling, after a gun wound.
Apparently Park Kyung-sik and Capt. Park
attacked each other at the same time...
Is there a problem?
Just my opinion...
But it's hard to believe
they killed each other like this.
Capt. Jang.
We didn't come here
to listen to your opinions.
With all the media pounding at our doors!
Sorry, sir.
Kim Sung-bom.
On the night in question,
you were to first to arrive at the scene.
How is that?
Park In-mu...
I was trailing Capt. Park.
That means...
You knew Park Kyung-sik would show up.
Why didn't you report it?
You went against procedure
and investigated on your own?
Send Kim to disciplinary committee.
Yes, sir.
Since everything's been revealed,
prepare for a briefing on closing this case.
Special Investigation Team is now disbanded.
It's not over yet!
Someone on the inside knew
they were meeting.
He probably wanted them to meet!
He's in here!
We have to investigate all officers here!
Even if we re-investigate,
it's not the special team's job.
The rest...
can be investigated in our department.
You remind me of myself at that age.
I'd do anything to close a case.
I'll make sure you get a light penalty.
Just rest for a while.
Thank you, sir.
- Daddy!
- In-mu! No!
My son! In-mu!
Why didn't you protect him?
Why didn't you save him?
How can I live without him?
Don't ever become a cop again.
Say something, will ya!
You love Kimchi.
Make sure to come and take it.
Who asked for Kimchi.
What are you doing?
When's your friend coming?
It's too dang quiet.
They're receipts that Park sent
money regularly to Kim Jin-hwan.
Must be where the black money went.
Where'd you get this?
No need to know.
Just tell me if you' re interested
in catching Kim Jin-hwan or not.
If we' re gonna be a team, no secrets.
I found 'em at Capt. Park's house.
You were right, Doc.
Capt. and Park go way back.
I found a picture of them at Park's house.
You knew from the start?
So what?
Forget it.
It's too much just to keep quiet
about Yoon and Kang.
And Park's money
going to someone else means...
Inspector Kim!
How'd you get here?
What are you two doing?
What are you cooking up, now!
Park Kyung-sik?
- No need for you to know.
- What's this?
Go. I'll tell you later.
Why can't I know!
Forgot I'm practically your wife?
Stop leaving me out of things!
That's not it!
Your mom thinks you're still a traffic cop.
You could get killed!
- So just...
- No!
I have to be in this all the more!
Running 'cause I'm scared?
Then, I should just quit.
Come on in.
I heard the place will be
re-developed so I bought it.
But the union head ran off
and now everything's stopped.
What do you think?
Nice, huh?
What is this place?
Take a wild guess.
It's our very own special team.
Must be police regulated shops.
The owners sent money to Yoon
which then went to Park.
Then sent again to Kim Jin-hwan.
For security, they used
Yoon and Park as the fronts.
So if anything should happen,
they'll take the fall.
Let's start by finding out
who Kim Jin-hwan is.
Trace his bank account.
Can't do that without a warrant.
Then, start with something
that doesn't need a warrant.
Look at the faces.
Well, sir.
You asked for scary mugs.
Don't know how hard I searched.
Hey, it was a compliment.
Good work.
You're cute when you smile.
- Don't wake me up till 11.
- Yes, boss.
Enjoy, boss.
- Boss?
- Huh?
Geko... Think he can do it?
I'm a cop!
Nice and slow.
You're muscles are so tensed, boss.
I'll make you feel all better.
That's it. That's good.
What are you doing bitch!
Kang Do-shik sent me!
The one you betrayed wants your head!
Wait! Hold on!
Shit! You know who I am!
Wait! Wait! Wait!
Hold on tight, fool!
The hell is this?
Kang Do-shik wants your head.
If you fall from here,
your head's sure to burst.
How about we saw it off and bowl?
I'll meet him and tell him myself!
I didn't betray him!
I took Yoon's club,
so I can give it to the boss!
Why aren't you...
Boss is curious about a few things.
What! Anything!
The bribes went to Kim Jin-hwan.
Boss wants to break the link with him.
I don't know anything about that.
That was Yoon's business.
I just did as told.
What did you do?
Collect daily interest
from the market vendors.
- Like a private loan shark?
- Yes!
What's that got to do with Kim Jin-hwan?
I don't know I just know the name!
That's all!
There's a loan machine!
To pay us off,
vendors borrow money from the machine
at a higher mortgage rate.
If they can't pay back,
they lose their business.
What loan machine?
Daeun Trading!
Daeun Trading's machines!
That's all I know! Honest!
What's Capt. Park In-mu's relation to Daeun?
Huh? Park In-mu?
Talking about boss Park?
How do you know him?
The hell he's your boss!
Son of a bitch!
Kang didn't send you, did he!
- Let go!
- Bastard!
I warned you before!
You' re bound to talk to me!
Say it! In-mu!
Who killed him!
The hell would I know!
It's probably 'cause of you!
What the hell does that mean?
When you and that doc
from the States got in danger.
He probably tried to handle it
on his end and got hit!
By who!
How would I know!
Tell me or you're dead!
I don't know!
Go ahead, you bastard!
Crazy son of a bastard.
Find out if Daeun Trading
has any ties to Kim Jin-hwan.
Ah, okay.
I'm sorry.
- For suspecting Capt. Park...
- No.
Forget it.
What are you going to do now?
What else?
End this for good!
Inspector Kim!
This isn't a normal ATM machine.
If they can't get a bank loan,
they get it here.
Vendors took the bait.
- Please!
- It's ordered by court!
Hey! My wife!
- Stupid.
- Stupid?
Here's your court order.
- Please, sir!
- Please!
They're taking over the vendors one by one.
Why're the bastards snooping
around the market?
Maybe they came to shop?
Why the market of all places.
- Geun-su.
- Yes, sir.
Thank you, sir.
Enjoyed your drink?
Son of a bitch!
The hell those bastards
snooping around that market!
I just mentioned the machine!
Not the market!
I had no choice, sir.
They knew about Kim Jin-hwan.
They tied me up over a building!
- They know Kim Jin-hwan?
- They tried to kill me!
- It's me.
- Kim Jin-hwan used to be a former police.
He got fired 15 years ago for taking bribes.
He's the current rep of Daeun Trading.
What kind of company is it?
I can't pull that file.
Kim's address is...
in Hong-eun-dong.
I'll check it out.
Okay, but be careful.
Just check and come back!
Yes, sir.
- Check what out?
- Well...
This doesn't suit me.
Let's see the ace shooter at work.
Or he'll blow your head off!
Put that down!
The hell?
Lee Geun-su!
The hell you doing here!
You made it.
Inspector Kim!
Good work coming all this way.
You bastards!
Long time no see, Sung-bom!
Can't do anything, but curse, huh?
Did you kill him?
What are you saying?
Didn't the case close saying Park killed him?
That wasn't it?
Stupid son of a bitch.
Talking to me?
Use your head for once.
Why do you think you're on this van?
What the hell you saying?
Always yappin' gibberish.
Don't get where you're going?
Did you go home since we last met?
If he did, he wouldn't be here.
What the hell are they saying?
- These bastards are total idiots.
- Shut up!
Let's go quietly.
I bet it'll say I killed you,
then got killed in tomorrow's news.
Just stay put, Sung-bom.
You son of a bitch!
Stay still!
Stay still, you bastard!
Damn loser.
- I'm sorry, all I have is water.
- It's okay. Thanks.
How do you get by?
I work part-time,
and Dad's co-worker supports us.
A co-worker while he was a cop?
They must've been close.
Do you know his name?
No, but there's a picture of him.
Don't look back.
- Let go!
- Stay still, you bastard!
Wanna die!
You out of your mind!
Son of a bitch!
Who is it?
The bastard behind you.
Fuck you!
I have something to show you.
Let's meet.
What is it?
I'll wait where Jae-wi was killed.
Young-soon wants to meet
where Jae-wi was killed.
That's her car.
Found the right place.
I'm sorry.
Don't be.
If you didn't call,
I would've killed you!
So heart-wrenching.
Kim Sung-bom!
You should've dropped the case
when we told you!
You did all this?
That's not important.
Don't you get it?
- Young-soon!
- Inspector Jung!
- Inspector Jung!
- I told you to be careful!
Open your eyes!
- Inspector Jung!
- Young-soon!
- Wake up!
- Young-soon!
Open your eyes!
Inspector Jung!
I'm sorry,
you'll have to wait out here.
Hello? Hello?
Why'd you do it!
Kim Sung-bom?
Why! Why! Why!
They were all your men!
Why'd you kill them?
Cut the gibberish or l'm hanging up.
I'll chase you down to hell if I have to.
What's with all this racket
to put up a building!
Give companies permission
and we have to deal with this!
We still make a lot off the interest.
Can we keep trusting Chief Hwang?
The promised date is soon.
But those people won't stop demonstrating!
- Damn!
- Why!
- You're nervous?
- Chief Hwang!
You said everything would be
taken care of by now.
But what's all this!
You have 30% stake here!
Swap at flies and they'll buzz
around all the more.
- We're doing our best.
- Enough excuses!
Forget everything.
Just clear out the area
to start the construction.
Are you ordering me?
Dare give me an order!
Think you can order us around
'cause you got some cash!
Just sit back and watch as usual!
I'll do my job! Got that!
Chief Hwang!
Hope you finish things off well.
Let's go.
I'll remember this.
Yes, Chief!
Yes, sir!
Sung-bom and Ho-ryong are headed this way.
Get rid of them before others see them.
Yes, sir.
Listen up, men!
This is your Chief speaking!
Arrest Sung-bom and Ho-ryong
upon sighting.
They murdered Capt. Park and are armed.
I give permission to shoot!
I repeat!
Arrest Sung-bom and Ho-ryong!
Hey! Stop!
Sung-bom and Ho-ryong are at the demo site!
I repeat.
They're here at the demo site.
Lost 'em?
You call yourselves cops!
It's rash to try and run past them.
Let's try this.
- All officers on guard!
- Kim Ho-ryong!
What's going on!
Report to me!
Say something, fools!
What's happening?
Is Sung-bom caught?
Don't lose them!
They can't be far!
There's a loan machine!
To pay us off,
vendors borrow money from the machine
at a high mortgage rate.
If they can't pay back,
they lose their business...
Oh no!
Daeun Trading!
Daeun Trading!
Daeun Trading 's machine!
Running Daeun Trading and
conspiring with G-Mart and gangs,
the one who tried to take your
business and push you out is...
Chief Hwang Du-su of Seoul Police.
That man!
Killed his fellow officers for his own gains!
Sgt. Lee Jae-wi!
Inspector Park Kyung-sik!
Capt. Park In-mu!
Fifteen years ago...
My father!
Get him!
Get Ho-Bryon down!
Get moving!
Can't even catch one bastard!
Get him!
I heard things got out of hand.
It's under control.
Don't worry.
I trust you'll make a wise decision.
Don't let it get ugly.
I'll take care of it.
Damn bastards.
What wise decision?
Screw 'em!
I'll handle this!
I'll take care of this!
Give me that!
What happened to Ho-ryong and Sung-bom!
Report at once, you bastards!
The hell you doing!
Why'd you do it?
There's no clear excuse to live
in this world.
With the petty salary I make
I buy ice cream and crawl home
at the break of dawn.
And see my kids only when they' re asleep.
Let's just say
I got sick of doing that?
You killed your men to fill your own stomach?
Seeing your children's sleeping faces?
Most cops live like that!
To live like a true cop!
What's living like a true cop?
Does that get rid of all the
crime in the world?
If you can't get rid of it, control it!
That's living like a true cop!
Is that the excuse you gave to my father?
That's right.
Your father snooped around like you...
- and ended up dead.
- Shut up!
Shoot me!
You weak bastards!
Shut the hell up!
Shoot me!
Shoot and end it nice and clean!
Shoot me!
It can't end this easily.
Park In-mu.
Know what he said
before he died?
He begged not to hurt his men.
Stupid bastard.
Where you're going...
In-mu won't be there.
Happy, Dad?
Now you can rest in peace.
Miss Soju without me, right bro?
I'll come by often, bro.
Dr. Kim?
How about a drink before you leave?
Yes! To celebrate the end
of our special team.
Let's go tonight.
I leave tomorrow.
Where should we go?
By the way...
You two suit each other.
Inspector Kim!
You're done?
But I prepared a dang blessed prayer!
- Go say your dang prayer.
- What?
My father's Buddhist.
Really, Doc?