Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3D (2013)

They're trying
to kill me!
They are crazy!
Just calm down, Sally.
You're safe now.
Can you tell me
what happened?
We ran out of gas.
Kirk went for help.
Anybody home?
Sally, I hear something.
Stop! Stop!
No! Please! Please!
Please! Please stop!
Give me that hammer!
Sheriff, we've got
the victim's statement.
She's en route
to the hospital.
What's your 20?
- On Quick Hill Road.
- Headed out there now.
in case there's
any others still alive.
I'm only two minutes
behind you and I'm closing.
All right,
step on it, Marvin.
that family is likely armed.
You gonna wait for backup?
I can't wait.
I'm going in now.
I swear to God.
Come on, let's go.
Sheriff wants an ambulance
to 647 Quick Hill Road.
You copy?
You know why I'm here!
Come out and
bring your son, Jed.
Hands high
above your heads.
I ain't leavin', Drayton.
I have a girl says you
butchered her friends.
No one's turning
a blind eye to this.
He's protecting the house
and the family.
Yeah, well that ain't the way I heard it.
Oh, damn it.
Come on out here!
Look, I ain't waiting
out here all day.
I'll call in the Staties,
if that's what you want.
Send the boy out, Drayton!
Look, this don't have to get
no uglier than it already is.
Fuckers ain't getting
anybody in this family.
You don't wanna
make it worse.
I ain't leaving
without the boy, Drayton.
- We're Sawyers!
- Hell, yeah!
What's it gonna be?
You do what
you have to do, Sheriff!
Send the boy out!
Give him the boy.
He's simple anyway.
He's family.
We're gonna send out Jed.
All right. Send him.
Hold it up, Marvin.
And he gets a good lawyer!
You did it now, boy!
You let that
bitch meat get away.
Oh, shit.
Come on out, Sawyer!
Give us that retard!
There's more!
Them ain't cops.
Get back here, Drayton!
We got trouble!
All right, just stay back
now, Burt. I got this.
We're here to back you up.
Yeah, you can start by getting
everybody back in their cars
and high-tailing it
outta here.
Let's go, boys!
Lynch these son of a bitches.
I've got
control of this.
He's bringing
the boy out, okay?
What are we
doing there, Sheriff?
Kick his ass out!
Look, he's bringing
his son out here.
Bring him out!
Light 'em up, Ollie!
Special delivery!
Hell, yeah.
Sawyer bonfire.
This is on you, Burt.
Eye for an eye, Sheriff.
Can't get around
the Good Book.
Helluva job, boys!
When they're charred,
they're hard to find.
Ah, hell.
Hey, Burt!
Looky here.
I'm hanging this bad boy
over the bar.
This baby's coming home
with me.
We gonna be heroes.
Son of a bitch.
Help us.
Yeah. Yeah.
Come here.
Come on. Come here. Come on.
Come on. Let her go. Let her go.
Come on.
Yeah. Yeah.
I got her.
Everything's okay.
Shh! Shh!
It's okay.
Hey, Gavin, where've you been? What is...
Oh, my God.
It's a baby.
Found her.
Brought her out through the woods.
Come on, man, we're gonna be in the paper.
Yeah, man,
I'll be right there.
Yeah, yeah.
Come on now,
you're gonna miss it!
Come on!
She's been burned.
Yeah, yeah, brother!
Be right there,
my man!
We're gonna
keep her, right?
I got her
for you, Arlene.
You never know
how you look
till you get
that picture took.
I'll be right back.
Come on,
what were you thinking?
Hey. He was Ryan's idea.
I warned you.
Well, next time your raunchy-ass
boyfriend tries to stick me
with one of his
high school band buddies,
kiss him for me.
I like him.
He was pretty cool.
We started talking and he
made these incredible crepes.
He's got this thing
about becoming a chef.
And there's actually a lot
more to him than meets the eye.
So, do you think
you can handle this
four-day road trip
with him to New Orleans?
I am way ahead of you, girl.
He even volunteered to drive.
Seriously? Wow.
Hell, yeah!
- I was talking to...
- Hey, Nikki!
Bobby wants you
back at your register.
All right. I'm gonna go work
on my Halloween costume.
And I don't mean scary.
Nikki digs your old
high school friend.
Something about crepes?
That's Kenny's
signature move.
Nikki had no chance.
I thought we weren't gonna
bring our work home with us.
You think I'm cracked?
No. But you might wanna
broaden your extracurriculars.
Get over here
and tear this up.
I'm not up
for a bruising.
I wasn't
talking about the bag.
Neither was I.
I love your
crazy little birthmark.
Who is that?
Shit. That, it might be my contract.
I'm coming!
It's for you.
Some law office
in Dallas, yeah.
My grandmother died
three weeks ago.
I thought all your
grandparents were dead.
So did I.
I just wanted to
have a child.
Enough. Enough! I wanted
to have a child so bad
and I couldn't!
Enough, Arlene. Enough!
Why couldn't you tell me?
Tell you what?
Your mother has
a defective uterus?
She wanted a kid.
End of story.
So what? We're not
good enough for you now?
I didn't say that.
I just wanna know where I
came from and who I came from.
Well, we're the ones
that raised you.
And you were
damn lucky, I'd say.
Those people were...
I can't even put
that into words.
Shut up, Arlene.
There are no words
for that, Heather.
Shut up!
You came from
a shit heap.
Now you know.
If I'd had half a mind,
I'd've left you there.
I'm out! I'm done.
Don't even think
about going down there!
You go down there,
you're gonna bring
trouble on us.
What are you
talking about?
Trust me.
Newt, Texas is the last place you wanna be.
How'd it go?
Like shit.
your parents have been
lying to you your whole life.
Baby, I'm sorry.
I was adopted.
I never felt right
about them.
I'm gonna go pack.
For Texas, not New Orleans. Wait.
Hold on. No, Ryan. I have to go.
Wait. Wait, just listen to me, please.
Oh. Ryan called us.
That's really cool art.
See, I kind of figured
you'd wanna deal with
your grandmother's
stuff so...
So, knowing how
hard-headed you are,
we have decided
to come with you.
You guys would do that?
Are you kidding me?
Come here. Of course!
Come on. You're our girl.
Listen, I wasn't gonna
send you to some
cousin-fuck town
all alone.
I don't mind
driving to Texas.
I hear they got
great barbecue.
So, maybe so,
maybe no?
All right.
Sounds like a plan.
- Let's do this.
- Oh, yeah.
What! What!
Texas, here we come!
Oh, my God.
Are you kidding me?
Jesus Christ.
Go, go!
What'd you get?
All this.
You like? 'Cause it was, like, 25 bucks.
Get out.
That's a rip-off.
Don't worry about it, honey.
It's on your credit card.
Oh, yeah? Well, that's okay. You know why?
Kenny paid for the gas. What?
What the...
Give me that.
How'd you get that, man? Oh, Kenny.
Don't cry. It's okay. Let's go, baby.
- Ready?
- Baby, let's go.
What was that?
Jesus, dude,
you all right?
Oh, my God.
Yeah, it's all right.
You hit him, Kenny.
Sorry, I didn't
see you, man.
It's all right.
I should probably sue.
But I'll settle for
a stick of that jerky.
Say, where y'all headed?
New Orleans.
You're kiddin'!
That's great!
That where you goin'?
No, no.
It's on the way.
Did your car break?
Where's your car?
Uh, that's a bit of
a long story.
Short of it is
and I've been thumbing
my way back from Tulsa.
I sure could use a ride.
Ain't got no problem
paying my way.
60 bucks.
You'll be doing a guy a
favor. Help a fella out.
Okay. Come on.
We have to stop in Texas
on the way.
Well, sure beats walking.
All right.
You okay?
Yeah. I'm good.
You scared at all?
I'm just wondering
where I fit, you know?
So, what's in Newt?
My grandmother died.
I gotta sign some papers.
My condolences.
Were you two close?
I just learned
about her yesterday.
But family's family.
Amen, sister.
Family is a messy business.
Ain't nothin'
thicker than blood.
So, do you know anything
about this place?
Just the address.
We're just
in and out, right?
That's the deal.
What the hell? We wouldn't
be able to see anything.
Hey, this is it.
This is Homestead Road.
Make a left.
This can't be it, right?
He said a big gate.
Well, there's gotta be
something behind there.
Like a castle
or somethin'.
All right.
Mr. Farnsworth?
I'm Heather.
I could tell from the car. Dead ringer.
Thank you for coming
all the way from Dallas.
Anything for Verna.
She was a good woman.
Salt of the earth.
Though not the most popular in these parts.
I didn't know
you were bringing friends.
Is that okay?
Well, it's your house,
if you want it.
Just so you know...
Verna's trust forbids you
from selling it.
It's all described
in these papers.
Okay. Thanks.
You can't quite
see the house from here.
But it's just up
beyond those trees.
These keys, they open
everything inside and out.
Verna was
big on security.
Best to remember it
as a date.
August 19th.
Right. And the gates work
automatically from the other side.
I have a house. And a whole list of assets
that I'll be
forwarding to you
as soon as the
accountants sign off.
Oh. I almost forgot.
The most
important thing.
It's from Verna.
Make sure you read it.
Okay. I will.
And call me if you have
any questions.
You're not coming in?
No. I promised some other folks I'd stop by.
Don't forget to read
Verna's letter.
How did you find me?
Find you? Honey, you were never lost.
It's a mansion!
Oh, my God!
No way. Oh, my God, girl! Are you kidding?
This is nicer
than the outside.
I don't know where to start. How about here?
What is going on here?
Some fine dining.
Heather, can I open this one? Yeah.
- Wow.
- Wow.
This is definitely
worth coming home to.
Want some tea?
It's all set up.
So, Heather.
What exactly did Granny
do for a living?
I have no idea.
Hey! Check this out!
Look like Granny liked
to play a little pool.
Who wanna play?
I do.
Got money, bitch? Okay, I'm a bitch now.
Yeah, you're my bitch.
Okay, rack 'em up.
What'd you say about my rack? Rack 'em up.
Now it's a party!
- Nice.
- Oh, I scratched.
Oh, too bad.
I'm gonna dominate you.
Where's the white one?
Thank you.
Hey! What's going on?
This house is insane!
God, we gotta stay the night. It's too cool.
That kitchen
is so amazing.
Y'all have to let me
cook for you tonight.
And you can thank Darryl.
He's the one splurging on
the steaks, ain't that right?
Hey, Shreveport can wait.
I needed something like this
for a long time.
Thanks, you guys.
God, is he
a Boy Scout or what?
No, I'm overkill
on this mission.
I'm gonna get the bags,
clean up a little.
Yeah, I'm
a regular Boy Scout.
All right. So let's, uh,
let's divide and conquer.
Will you take care
of that for me?
We'll see you in a few weeks, Mr. Mayor.
Burt. Wish I had a swing
like that in my backyard.
Yeah, that's something
all right.
Hello, precious.
Where's your mama?
Where's your mama?
Where's your mama?
I'm gonna get, like, one
more thing and then I'm done.
All right.
I'll meet you outside.
There's, like, a carnival
or something going on?
Price check.
Fuck are you doing?
Nobody's looking.
Listen, it was one time.
One time. And I had, like,
18 kamikazes. Come on.
Come on.
You begged for it.
And now I'm begging you to
keep your hands off my shit.
All right.
Beautiful big door
for a beautiful big key.
Oh, I got your stash now,
you old cunt.
What am I gonna do
with a bunch of wine?
What the hell is this?
Here we go.
Come on.
Come on!
I've dealt with
stubborn bitches before.
You just need
some kicking.
Now, honey.
I'm coming back here.
I don't quit easy!
You're asking
for trouble.
That wouldn't burn if you
doused it with a fuel tanker.
This here will give you
some good flavor.
But if you wanna unleash
some hellfire,
this here's the stuff.
Good to know.
In town for
the carnival?
Just a little
Well, you best
keep it down.
I'd hate to have
to haul you in.
I'll try to behave.
How much is this?
That'll be $9.
So, whereabouts
is this shindig?
Homestead Road.
Ain't nothing out there
but the old Carson place.
That's the one.
I thought that place
was empty.
Not anymore.
This officer
bothering you?
Say the word
and I'll shoot him.
He will, too.
Go read some meters.
Burt Hartman, proud mayor of
this little slice of paradise.
How're you doin'?
Nice to
meet you, Heather.
Now, my ears aren't
what they used to be,
but I swear I could
have heard you say
something about
the Carson place.
I inherited it.
You're a Carson?
You're not a Sawyer.
Yeah, you've got her eyes.
You knew her?
Yeah. Me and your family go way back.
to be burdened with that
beat-up old trap.
Tell you what.
I'll take the whole place
off your hands.
Gonna hardball me, huh?
Hell, I like you already.
Come on, let's go.
Come on.
Give me a number.
- Oh, shit.
- What?
Fucking thief.
He took my keys.
Wow, he played that smooth. Yeah, he did.
We should've never
picked that guy up.
Let's do this right.
What's wrong?
Darryl ripped us off.
So he heisted some ashtrays
and candlesticks.
That shouldn't keep you from
having a good time. Come on.
Cheers, you guys.
To happiness.
To the queen.
To the Sawyers.
To the Sawyers.
All right.
Hey, there's a butler's pantry in here!
Yo, Darryl!
Oh, my God,
you've gotta see this!
It's so fucked up! Come
on! Whoa, what's wrong?
Come on!
- It's right down there.
- Where?
It's right down there.
It's in that stall,
right there.
In here?
Oh, God!
Nikki, I don't see shit.
It's right under
that bucket.
It's under that bucket
right there.
It's right under
that bucket.
What the hell, Nikki?
What are you doing?
I told you
it was fucked up.
You guys!
Dude, what the f...
What is that? What the f...
What is he doing?
Who is that?
Hey! Hey!
- Oh, my God!
- Go!
Move. Move!
Close the door!
Welcome to Texas,
Did you hit him?
I don't know.
Did you hit him?
I don't know!
Something's coming.
Back up.
Back up!
Back up, Nikki!
Get in the van!
It's Heather!
Move over, move over!
Let me in! Hurry and get us out of here! Go!
Go, go, go, go!
Go! Go!
Go, go, go!
What the hell was that?
Where's... Where's Kenny?
He's dead.
They're fucking dead!
The gate,
the gate needs to open!
Give it time to open!
We got to go.
Fuck the gate!
Buckle up!
What happened?
The car stopped.
back it up. Back...
Back it up,
back it up, back it up!
Back up the car!
What's wrong with it?
Ryan, go!
I'm fucking trying!
Back up the car!
It won't start!
Fuck, fuck,
fuck, fuck, fuck!
Back up! Here we go. Here we go.
Wait for the gate to open.
- Fuck!
- Ryan!
Ryan! Start it!
Go Ryan, go!
It won't start!
Now, go, go, go!
Ryan, go!
Ryan, go!
Ryan, go!
Come on!
Go, go!
Please, go!
Come on!
Here he comes!
Ryan. Ryan.
Heather, what happened?
Quiet. Quiet.
We gotta get
outta here now.
We gotta get outta
here right now!
Get away, get away,
he's coming over here!
My leg.
No, Nikki!
Hey! Hey,
you country fuck!
Run, run!
Hey, wanna play a game?
Call the police!
Get out of the way!
Call the police!
Go! Get out of the way!
What the hell?
What's going on?
Hey! Hey!
Drop the fucking saw!
I said, drop it!
Put it down!
Where's the girl?
Carl is tending
to her in the back.
All right.
Sheriff? This is Marvin.
I'm at the crash site.
You copy?
Go ahead, Marvin.
the vehicle now.
Late model VW bus
on its side.
It's a real mess.
Do you need an ambulance?
Checking now.
That's a negative.
No one.
No victims on the scene.
There's blood everywhere.
Seat's all sawed up.
Somebody died out here.
All right, stay where you are,
Marvin. I'll get back at ya.
Roger that.
They find her?
We will.
Got you a shirt here.
I should've never
brought them here.
Look, this town
ain't much,
but we take care
of our own here.
He'll be a sack of meat
scraps by dawn.
You can count on it.
Take your time.
Sheriff Hooper?
This is Heather.
You the girl that guy was chasing? Yeah.
He killed my friends,
but Nikki...
She was still alive
after the crash.
Yeah, we're on it, but
there was no one at the site.
No, she was there.
I left her there.
He must have moved them.
No. He was... He was in the house. He was...
What house?
The Carson Estate.
My grandmother left it to me. Verna Carson.
We just got here
a few hours ago.
I'm a Sawyer, if that's your next question.
Sheriff, I dug through
the evidence room.
Pulled out what we had
on Verna Carson.
Also pulled a big file
on the Sawyers.
You get a good
look at him?
He was wearing a face.
A mask?
A human face.
Carl, we're a little
I'm gonna need you out
on the street. Get going.
the mayor just got here.
He's looking for you.
Take a seat. I'll be back in a minute.
Some fucking crazy
just tore up the carnival!
I need to know what the
police are gonna do about it!
My office.
I think it may be Jed.
Jed Sawyer?
No way.
We burned that place to the
ground years ago, Hooper.
Well, maybe he crawled out
through the back. I don't know.
You telling me he's been
holed up all these years
and now he's running around on the loose?
I'm telling you
a 6'5" man
came out of
Verna Carson's house
wearing a skin mask
and wielding that.
I'm at the Carson place.
Gate's busted open.
There's a broken side mirror that looks like
Marvin, I told you
to stay at the van.
Now, that's an order.
Do you copy?
Hell, no! That's not how we play this!
There's a blood trail
on the pavement.
Sheriff, no disrespect, but I
think I need to move on this.
That's not
your call, Officer.
This is Mayor Hartma.
You got your Eagle?
You know it,
with an extended clip.
Just looking for
a reason, sir.
Then what the hell
are you waiting for?
Marvin, stand down.
Now, we believe Jed Sawyer
may be alive.
Copy that, sir, but a chainsaw
don't make you bulletproof.
Door's wide open.
This is a mistake.
Now, stop it now
before you get him hurt.
It's hot pursuit, Hooper.
I'm going in.
Give me a visual.
You got it.
This is on you, Burt.
Eye for an eye, Sheriff.
Can't get around
the Good Book.
Entering the kitchen.
What the hell?
Following the blood.
You seeing this?
Looks like it leads
to this door.
Push it open.
What the hell is this?
Proceed, Officer.
I don't know
about this, Burt.
God damn it. Do I gotta come
down there and hold your hand?
So, where are you no?
I'm in the wine cellar.
There's an opening
to some kind of...
I don't know.
Going through.
Looks like some kind of
crazy catacomb.
Still following the blood.
Getting a bad
feeling here.
Jesus Christ.
What is this?
It's a haven?
High heels.
Little farm toys.
Ladies makeup?
What a fruitcake.
This is the most
disturbing place
that I have ever been.
What's that to your left?
Marvin, keep your hands on that gun!
My fucking God.
How many?
You tell me.
What fucking human
does that?
this is fucked up.
What's in there?
What's in the freezer?
Be careful, Marvin.
Marvin! You get the hell
out of there right now!
That sick fuck'll be
back out there tonight.
We rally the boys,
we torch that place
to the ground!
End this! Finish what
we started years ago.
Not this time.
Not on my watch!
What happened that day was
a travesty. It was justice!
I wanna see
the Sawyer girl.
She's a victim, Burt!
She hasn't done anything!
She's breathing,
ain't she?
Yeah, I know
what you're thinking, Burt.
You have no idea!
Nothing better happen
to that girl, Burt!
Hello, Farnsworth here.
Hi. This is Heather Miller.
My friends have
all been killed.
I just found out
about August 19th.
How could you leave us
alone in that house?
Okay. Uh...
Uh, where are you?
I'm at the bank
on Main Street.
Uh, meet me at
Johnny B. Red's.
It's a bar about
a quarter mile
east on Fifth and Main.
I'll be there
in 20 minutes.
I want your
Halloween candy!
Come on and
party with us!
Why didn't you warn me?
My family was wiped out
by this crazy town.
Did you read Verna's letter? No.
Verna was very particular.
I'm sure she laid it all out.
You knew about this town.
You knew everything.
Oh, okay.
Okay, so who is he?
Well, the person
in the basement
is Jedidiah Sawyer.
Goes by Jed.
He's your cousin.
For years
I suspected something,
but I never knew for sure
about Jed
until about four months ago
when Verna,
who was very sick,
presented him to me.
A grown man, huge,
but mentally stunted.
With emotions of
an eight-year-old.
Frankly, he scared
the shit out of me.
Why'd she keep him?
Nobody loves you like your family, I guess.
She preserved you, too.
She investigated everyone
who was involved with the...
August 19th.
Found you right away.
And she let me live
with those people?
You were safer there.
And she knew there would always come a day.
Jed knows
about you, too.
That was some welcome.
He doesn't know
who you are.
And the last time
a girl got away,
Jed lost his whole family.
So, he'll stay after you.
He doesn't know any better.
Burt Hartman, too.
After reading
that police file,
you know this town's
dirty little secret.
Burt. Burt!
Let me through.
Let's go. I'm getting you out of here.
Out of my way!
What's your problem?
Use the back door.
Yeah, take it!
I got her, Burt!
She's right here.
You going somewhere,
She cut me. Burt!
That little bitch.
She won't get far,
that's for sure.
Come on.
Get up now!
Stop! Stop! Stop!
What's going on?
Burt Hartman and his guys,
they beat up my lawyer
at the bar.
And they're after me.
Okay, come on.
Let's give you a ride.
We have to stop at the bar.
We have to go back.
There he is.
That's Farnsworth.
That's the place!
Stop the car!
Stop the car!
That's the bar! Stop!
Let me out!
What are you doing?
Stop the fucking car!
What are you doing?
Sawyer girl's loose.
She's headed towards town.
Yeah, yeah. I got her.
She's in the back.
What do you want me
to do with her?
Tell you what,
take her up to the
slaughterhouse and hold her.
I'm dealing with Ollie.
She sliced him good.
Just give me
a few minutes.
You got it, Dad.
That's your fucking dad?
Fucking stop the car!
Let me out!
Open the door, you liar!
Okay, Marvin,
do you copy?
We have the girl
from the Carson house.
Come on, Marvin, pick up.
Are you there?
Come on, Marvin.
That you, Marvin?
If you can hear me,
then meet us out
at the slaughterhouse.
Sheriff, I represent
Verna Carson's estate
and her granddaughter,
Well, at this very moment,
she's in the back of
one of your police cars
against her will
heading out of town,
out past Johnny B. Red's.
All right, come with me.
She's headed out
Highway 28.
There's nothing
out there.
Oh, shit. I know where he's headed.
You know,
I thought you were
pretty cute.
So you're a Hartman, huh?
I'm a Sawyer.
Please stop!
Quit it!
Don't tempt me.
You should feel right at
home in this nasty place.
Your family used to
work this shithole.
We'll take it from here.
No place for a cop, son.
It's me!
It's Heather!
It's your cousin!
It's me! I'm Heather!
Please, it's Heather!
Come here.
You remember me?
Come on, Ollie. Let's feed
his ass to the shark. Move!
Hit him, Burt.
Come here!
Move your big ass!
Get up there!
You about to die,
I'm gonna end the whole
Sawyer bloodline tonight.
You and your
pretty bitch cousin.
Atta boy, Burt.
Hit him again.
you're about to die, boy.
Go get that chain, Ollie.
All right. I'll get it, Burt.
Grotesque excuse
for a man.
You're not gonna
get off that easy, boy.
I'm gonna enjoy this shit,
you hear me?
Hurry up, Ollie.
I got it.
Give me that.
You're about to get chewed
up like a fucking cow!
Fit for a pig meal,
is what you'll be.
Turn it on, Ollie and
fire it up. Let's go.
All right, Burt.
I'm on it!
Bet your ass, boy.
I'm gonna enjoy watching you get chewed up.
You son of a bitch.
This is my town,
you fucking cockroach.
She rolling, Burt!
Out of all you Sawyers,
all you sick fucks,
the only one that gets out of the fire
is a fucking retard?
How the fuck
did that happen?
You remember me?
You got nine lives?
Are you a cat?
You came back.
But you're gonna die today,
you motherfucker,
just like your daddy.
Your day has come!
Look who's back.
That's right.
Do your thing, coz.
You cockroach.
Bitch, you're dead now.
I will fuck you up,
you hear me?
You piece of
fucking trash.
Oh, thank God, Hooper!
Shoot him!
Come on, shoot him!
Shoot him!
Don't shoot!
Take him out!
Shoot the fuck.
Kill him!
Pull the trigger,
you weak son of a bitch!
He's gonna kill me!
Oh, God!
Don't shoot him!
Finish what we started!
Can't get around
the Good Book, Burt.
Clean this shit up.
Dearest Granddaughter.
This home and all it
comes with, is now yours.
Just know that these gifts
come with certain burdens.
Your real name is
Edith Rose Sawyer.
Farnsworth was
instructed to give you
a set of keys to the manor.
The large key opens the
fortified door to the wine cellar.
There you will discover
a metal door.
Behind it
lives your cousin,
Jedidiah Sawyer,
your only remaining
blood relative.
He's family-bound
and will protect you.
He simply requires
your care in return.
Edith, you are the last
of my line of Sawyer.
My blood runs through you.
The decision to stay
is yours.
Just remember,
you're a Sawyer
and this is home.
Now, it's your time.
Now remember, you tell her
that you love her.
For this kind of money,
I almost do.