Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The (2003)

The film which you are
about to see
is an account
of the tragedy
which befell a group
of 5 youths.
It is all the more tragic
in that they were young,
but had they lived
very, very long lives,
they could not
have expected,
nor would they
have wished to see
as much of the mad and macabre
as they were to see that day.
For them, an idyllic summer
afternoon became a nightmare.
For 30 years,
the files collected dust
in the cold-cases
of the Travis County
Police Department.
Over 1,300 pieces
of evidence
were collected
from the crime scene
at the Hewitt residence.
Yet none of the evidence
was more compelling
than the classified
police footage
of the crime-scene
Test, test, test.
OK, uh... this
is August 20, 1973.
The time is 3:47 p.m.
Our location is the Hewitt
residence on Route 17.
That's where
victim one was found.
We're gonna do
a walk-through,
and we're now
descending the stairs
into the furnace room.
There's... Over here.
There's scratch marks
along the wall.
There's some more over here,
right along here.
And... oh, There's something
over here. It seems like...
It looks like a clot of hair
and an embedded fingernail.
All right, we're gonna go move
into the actual furnace room.
The events of that day
were to lead to one
of the most bizarre crimes
in the annals
of American history...
the Texas
Chainsaw Massacre.
Hold on! Hold on!
Don't let go!
Not yet! Not yet!
Yeah! Now! Now!
Let go!
Big wheels keep on turning
Would somebody please
make her stop singing?
Carry me home to see my kin
I think you got
a beautiful voice, baby.
Thank you.
I miss Alabamy once again
and I think
it's a sin, yes
Can you believe...
we didn't even know
each other yesterday?
I know.
It's just amazing.
You know what's
even more amazing?
What are you, like at a pause
or half-time?
OK, the fact that
are infected with
a sexually-transmitted disease,
and two-thirds of them
are just about your age.
Ha ha!
Hey, Morgan.
How are you the expert
on the dumbest shit?
Sweet home Alabama
Lord, I'm coming home to you
What are the odds
of you guys
passing through
El Paso
just as I started
to hitch?
I mean, it's like...
It's like L.S.D.
It's like this shit
does not just happen.
Oh, baby, they got to
play "Free Bird."
Oh, they have to.
We paid a fortune
for these tickets.
Yo, Kemp, can you do something
about the A.C. back here?
I'm melting.
But if you or Pepper
get too hot,
you could always
take your clothes off.
You'd like that,
wouldn't you?
You are such a perv.
Don't listen
to him, Pepper.
Why not?
I think he's funny.
She's only known you
for 19 hours.
I've lived with him
for 3 years,
and trust me,
he is not funny.
Morgan, hey,
let me see that.
Careful, man.
Thank you.
I think
I can manage,
college boy.
Oh, no, thank you.
I'm nauseous.
Montezuma's revenge.
I was like Erin...
"Don't drink the water
down there."
I didn't.
And she didn't
drink the tequila,
she didn't drink
the weed...
smoke the weed.
Well, maybe I
didn't go to Mexico
to watch you get
shit-faced for 4 days.
That is what people do
when they go to Mexico.
What did you expect?
I don't know.
A tear-cut diamond ring
that goes right here
on my beautiful
little finger?
You're gonna get
your ring someday.
I heard
that one before.
Peace offering.
Oops. Oh...
That was
so not cool.
Guys, relax.
It's not like
we don't have
Oh, right.
What did you say?
I don't remember.
I'm sorry.
I got bad brain cells.
Uh, "2 pounds of pot."
Does that refresh
your memory?
Don't listen
to him.
He's baked,
and he's stupid.
Baby, will you
please tell me
that we did not go
to Mexico to buy pot?
We did not go
to Mexico to buy pot.
Hey, come on, baby.
Look at me. I am not
a dope smuggler, OK?
Tell me how much
you love me.
How much?
That much.
This much.
That much?
That's it.
That's it.
Give me a kiss.
Can you drive
possibly, please?
Look out!
Oh, shit!
You almost hit her.
What the fuck
was she doing walking
in the middle of the road?
Hey, are you OK?
Boys, that's
a bad acid trip
right there.
Can you hear us?
You're gonna
get killed doing that.
Kemp, stop the van.
Fuck that.
We got a concert to go to.
We're still 3 fucking
hours from Dallas!
Where are you going?
We're getting there.
Get away.
Just need to get away.
Got to get away.
From who?
I want to go home.
OK, we can't
leave her
out here
like this.
Hey, let us
help you, OK?
Come on.
Come on.
It's OK.
It's OK.
It's OK, man.
We'll give you a ride,
wherever you want to go.
I want to go home.
OK, we can
take you home.
Um... what's your name?
They're all dead.
Oh, my God. I am
way too stoned for this.
Baby, let's find
a hospital, OK?
You know what?
Give me the vaguest idea
where there is one,
and we'll go there.
Um... who's dead?
Kemper, didn't
your mother ever tell you
not to pick up
You're going
the wrong way.
Stop! You're
going the wrong way!
Hey, hey, hey!
Jesus Christ.
You can't make me
go back there.
I won't go back there.
Back where?
He's a bad man.
He's a really bad man.
He's a bad man.
Oh, my God.
Oh, shit.
You're all gonna die.
Drop it.
Drop it.
Let me out!
Oh, my God!
Are you
all right?
It's too much.
I'm OK. I'm OK.
Aah! Aah!
Oh, my God!
Let me see.
It's all over me!
It's gone.
It's gone. Look.
I could have fucking
died out there!
We all could
have, Morgan.
Did that
just happen?
I've never seen
anybody die before.
Yeah, most people
never do.
I really don't see
how that's helping
us right now, man.
I don't know
why we had to pick her up.
Why the fuck
did we have to stop?
She needed help!
A lot of fucking
help we did her!
Leave her alone.
I just don't understand.
Why did she do it?
And why did she
have to pick us?
Why did she
have to pick us?
What are we
gonna do?
I don't know.
We're gonna...
We're gonna have to
call the cops, I guess.
Yeah, on the list
of bad ideas,
that one goes
way up there.
Are you kidding me?
Oh, police officer,
as you inspect
the crime scene,
which is now
our van,
please ignore
the colorful piata
with marijuana
you may just happen
to come across,
because it played
no part whatsoever
in the demise of this
unfortunate young woman.
Listen... keep
your goddamn voice down.
Easy, easy, easy.
Goddamn it.
Well, you're not gonna
listen to him.
What the fuck
are you doing?
It's over, man.
Kemp, you just can't
throw the shit out.
You OK?
I'm sorry, OK? I...
I did it for us.
I did it so we could
start a life, you know.
I'm sorry. OK?
Well, I'll tell you this much...
there's no possible way
I'm ever getting back
in that van.
I guess that's what
brains look like, huh?
Sort of like,
uh... lasagna...
Kind of.
All right,
I'll shut up now.
I'll tell you
this much...
the next hitchhiker
is shit out of luck.
I swear to God.
Dude, gas station.
Come on, Erin.
Let's find the bathroom.
Well, I'll be damned.
Ma'am, we need
to report a suicide.
Something like this
comes along,
it makes folks realize
how crazy the world
is out there.
Would you mind calling
the Sheriff, ma'am?
It's gonna cost you
You want some pig?
Big brothers.
I just feel
so disgusting.
Oh, there's about
counting the dead one.
Poor thing. It's awful.
Well, why don't you
ask them yourself?
Right. Where did you say
you found her again?
Ma'am, I already
told you.
About 10 minutes
west of here.
About 5 miles west.
Ma'am, excuse me.
When is the Sheriff
gonna be here?
Sheriff said
he's headed over
to the old
Crawford Mill.
I'm sorry.
The what?
The old Crawford Mill.
He wants to know
if you wouldn't mind
driving over there
to make your report.
Yes, we
goddamn mind.
I'm sorry,
but how often
do girls just blow
their heads off
in this shit-hole town?
All right,
just calm down, OK?
Let me... I'm sorry.
I apologize.
But, ma'am,
I don't understand.
Why the hell
won't the Sheriff
just come out here?
Didn't say.
He said it would be
about 2 hours
before he could get here.
We're not gonna drive
around this town
with a dead girl
in the back of our van!
Young man...
what you do
is your own business.
Come on.
Get in.
I just want
to go home, OK?
That's fine.
It's starting
to stink back here.
No worse than the inside
of that fucking store.
Did you smell
that nasty beef shit?
Oh, my God.
Ain't no
Sheriff here.
I think we should
drop off the body
and get the hell
out of here.
Maybe we should
vote on it.
Kemper, no.
Why not, Erin?
It is a democracy.
Well, how would
you like it
if we just dumped
your body out here?
I'm sorry.
Nobody asked her
to blow her head off
in our van.
My van.
I say we dump her.
Cool. All right. Fine.
Now we just need
one more. Kemper?
One more and we're
out of here.
Kemper, please?
Baby, she's dead.
I just...
I really don't think
it matters
where we leave her.
Well, it matters to me...
if that means anything.
Erin, look...
That girl has got parents
out there somewhere
who's gonna want her back,
not just dumped
on the side of the road
like a piece of trash.
You see our Lone Ranger
Maybe this
isn't the Crawford Mill.
It's unbelievable.
This is a joke.
There's nobody here.
There's no Sheriff here.
I just saw something
move in there.
I just saw something.
I swear to God,
I just saw something
move in there.
You're just trying
to scare me into leaving.
Erin, come on.
Go to hell.
Erin, come on.
Quit screwing around.
Aah! Kemper!
Erin, where are you?
All right.
I got it.
Damn it!
Give me...
Give me something
to hold this.
It's a possum,
indigenous to the...
I didn't do that.
All right.
All right, that's it!
If somebody's out there,
just stop fucking around,
all right?
I mean it!
Just come on out!
Who are you?
What did you do to her?
The girl out there,
in the van.
We didn't do
anything to her.
She did that
to herself.
Oh, my God.
you won't hurt me?
Hey, you make these?
Hey, bud. Hey.
This is the old
Crawford Mill, right?
My name is Erin.
Hey, junior.
So, we're waiting here
for the Sheriff.
Do you know
where he is?
OK. Well... where?
getting drunk.
So, cool.
Um, let's split.
If the Sheriff
doesn't give a shit,
then why should we?
Does he live
around here?
You know,
front-row tickets
to a big concert.
Can we drive
there from here?
Road don't go there.
Short walk, though.
I think
we should go,
like now,
like right now.
How do I get
to the Sheriff's?
Whoa! Hey, you sick
little mutant.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Come on now. Let go.
Get out of here.
police evidence.
Is anybody home?
What do you want?
Um... are you
the Sheriff?
Do I look
like a Sheriff?
I don't know.
I can't see you.
Stand back
from the door.
Sheriff don't live here.
You can call him
if you want to.
Thanks. We'd really
appreciate it.
Wipe your feet.
I like to keep
a clean house.
I said
she could call him.
You wait outside.
OK, chief.
I ain't looking
for trouble.
Don't shoot.
I'll dial him
for you.
Hi. Is... is this
the Sheriff's office?
Can I speak
to him, please?
Oh, thank God.
Now, it's just
an educated guess,
but my money says
your dead body
is right there
in that van.
we will be there.
Thanks. I'm all set.
Wait. Wait.
Can you help me out
back here?
Are you OK?
Could you just...
Excuse me.
Excuse me.
Excuse me.
You mind getting
the fuck out
of my way, son?
We picked her up
on the side
of the road, like...
Wow. Look at that mess.
Who's this belong to?
She had that
on her, sir.
You don't say.
Had it on her?
Yes, sir.
OK, if you could
just relax,
because you're
not helping.
Good girl,
good girl.
Pig sty.
Oh, Jesus.
What the hell
was that?
Ha. Well, let's get her
wrapped up.
Oh, pretty
little thing.
How about giving me
a hand here, asshole?
You don't expect me
to do this by myself?
I need some help.
Why do I always get
yanked into this shit?
What am I doing?
Lift her up
and just kind of
pull her over
your way there.
She ain't
gonna bite you.
She's deader than
a goddamn doornail.
Get ahold of her
and pick her up.
Yes, sir.
Oh, yeah.
There you go.
I bet she's
real unhappy,
real sorry that you're
getting fuckin' her blood
all over
your goddamn arm.
You know, back when
I was a young patrolman,
I used to love wrapping up
these young honies.
Yeah, I bet you did.
Yeah, cop me
a little bit of a feel
every now and then,
you know.
Oh, look at that.
She's kind of wet down there.
What you boys been doing
with this dead body anyway?
Can we please
finish this?
Something wrong?
Where is he?
I don't know.
But he's not
in my house.
Goddamn him.
OK, boys, there you go.
There she is.
Let's get her
out of there now.
You, four-eyes, get a hold
of her legs there.
Get after
that part of it.
I got her head.
Come on.
Ow! Shit.
Just stick her
in the back seat.
It just seems
so wrong.
Don't give me
any crap, young lady.
Goddamn it, I got
just as much respect
for a dead body
as anybody around here.
Hey! Get that nasty
goddamn thing
out of the back seat
of my goddamn car!
Put it in the trunk.
What the hell's
the matter with you?
Put the legs.
Don't break
my stuff.
Put the legs in.
Y'all gonna be able
to find your way
out of here OK?
Yeah. Yeah,
we'll be fine.
All right, then.
Protect and serve.
That's what we do.
That you did, sir.
Poor Kemp. I mean,
he ain't ever
gonna get the stink
out of this van.
You think we should try
to clean it for him?
Be my guest.
You OK?
It's too much.
I'm gonna be sick.
OK, good news.
Sheriff's on his way.
The Sheriff already came.
He took the body.
Where's Kemper?
Isn't he with you?
What the hell is that?
There's nobody
even here.
What was that
all about?
What is that?
It's somebody's
fucking teeth, isn't it?
Pepper, look, just
calm down, all right?
Erin, find your goddamn
boyfriend. It's time to go.
Morgan, what
are you doing?
Help him! Help him!
Oh, my God!
Pull him! Pull him!
I can't!
Oh, my God.
Ha ha ha!
You stupid...
That's not funny.
Oh, what the hell
is that?
Is that the girl
from our van?
That's her.
Is that her family?
What were
they all doing here?
They were probably
looking for the Sheriff.
It's fucking weird.
All right, you know what?
Let's find
and get the hell
out of here.
Where you going?
To find him.
Well, where are
the keys for the van?
Well, who put you
in charge?
If you guys just want
to take off, that's fine,
but I am not
getting in that van
and leaving
without him.
Give me the keys.
Don't even
think about it.
I don't know about
you guys, but I happen
to like my teeth
right where they are.
I can't leave him.
Let's go.
We'll meet you
back at the van.
I know
Kemp's in there.
All right,
keep him busy.
Hi. It's me again.
I'm really sorry
to bother you,
but I can't find
my boyfriend Kemper anywhere,
and I thought
I would just...
Ain't you supposed
to meet the Sheriff?
Kemp, don't mess around.
Um... wow. What... what
a wonderful garden you have.
It's just so...
plentiful. Ha ha.
Damn it!
Hey, you can't
just go in my house!
Are you OK?
What the hell are you doing
in my house?
All right, look.
We're just looking
for our friend,
all right?
Then we'll be
out of here.
You ain't
running things, boy...
exceptin' your mouth.
This guy's crazy.
You little turd,
you're so dead,
you don't even know it.
Come on, boy.
Bring it!
Bring it.
Bring what?
Bring it.
Come on!
Get the fuck
out of here! Run!
Shit! God!
Please! Stop! No!
Please! Put me...
Erin! Erin!
Ugh! Kemper really
owes us for this.
What the fuck's
wrong, Erin?
Erin, are you OK?
Where's the gun?
Come on!
Erin, what's
going on?
Where's the gun?
The Sheriff
took it.
Erin, what the fuck's
going on? Calm down!
Oh, thank God.
Oh, thank God.
Take it easy.
Thank God. My friend...
My friend needs help!
My friend right now...
My friend's dying!
My friend's being hurt!
Take a couple
of deep breaths.
There's some guy...
Just quiet down.
Now, what's wrong
with your car?
There's nothing
wrong with my car.
It's my friend.
Please help him.
I don't know
where he is anymore.
Somebody want to
explain this?
It... that's not mine.
You kids
taking drugs?
It's not our van.
I smell bullshit.
Get out of the van!
On your faces,
all 3 of you!
Get on the ground!
New York.
Please, you've
got to help us!
He's fucking
killing him!
Now we're getting
Who's killing who?
some fucking guy
with a fucking
Get your sweet little ass
back in the dirt
until I say otherwise.
You know what I think?
I think your boyfriend
shot that little girl
and then he ran off.
He did not!
Some fucking guy
with a...
Stop! Stop!
We're all gonna die!
You girls better get yourselves
under control,
or I'm gonna have to
do it for you.
Why won't you
listen to her?
Get on your feet.
Get over
by the van.
Please stop.
We're gonna die.
We're gonna die.
I want to know exactly
what happened inside that van.
We already told you
what happened.
And now you're
gonna show me.
Is that where
she was sitting?
Because the angle
don't add up for me
with the blood
on that back window.
Maybe she was
a bit more in the middle.
Well, maybe
you ought to move
a little more
over to the middle.
What, are you afraid
of a little blood?
Get the fuck
over there!
I don't have much
of an imagination,
so I need to get
a distinct image
of what
went down here.
What did
she do next?
She shot herself.
Oh, she
shot herself.
What do you mean, how?
Take the gun.
Take the gun
and show me
how she did it.
Come on.
Take the gun.
Take the gun
and show me.
Take the goddamn gun!
Is that
how she did it?
Yes. Yes, sir.
a fucking liar.
There ain't no hole
in the bottom of
her chin. I looked.
She stuck
the goddamn weapon
into her mouth.
Didn't she?
Show me
how she did it.
Do it!
Show me.
Please, please, please,
please, please...
That a boy.
There you go.
And then what
did she do?
She shot herself.
You ain't lying
to me again, are you?
Because I have never
seen a weapon go off
without somebody's finger
on the fucking trigger.
Morgan, what's going on?
You OK?
You girls
stay in the dirt
till I tell you
You mother fucker!
Get on the fucking floor!
I said get on the floor!
What the hell
are you doing?
What are you
gonna do, shoot me?
Morgan, please,
Just please put
the gun down, OK?
Please don't do it.
Oh, my God. Morgan.
You lyin' fuck!
You could kill me
right now,
get out of here
scot-free, couldn't you?
Morgan, please,
just put it down.
He shoots me,
you're accomplices to murder!
Please. Please!
Come on!
Morgan! Damn!
Fucking shoot him!
put the gun down.
Shoot him!
Don't fucking do it!
You don't have
the fucking balls, do you?
Pull the fucking trigger!
Fuck you!
Well, well, well.
Looky here.
Oh, my God, Morgan.
We got ourselves
a killer,
only this time,
you killed
a Sheriff.
I ought to blow
your fucking brains
out right now,
Get out of the van.
Get out.
Get out of the van.
Where are you
taking him?
What are you doing?
Where are you taking him?
Jesus Christ!
Get the fuck
away from me!
Man, this is bullshit.
I have rights.
Yeah, you got
rights, OK.
Where was
y'all headed?
for a Skynyrd concert.
Skynyrd? Hell,
I like Skynyrd.
By God,
how about that?
We got something
in common, don't we?
Ha ha ha.
Well, what
are you gonna do
with your tickets
now, hot shot?
You can have them.
Is that bribery?
Oh, that was really
rude, wasn't it?
Oh, look at you.
How about that?
Look at that shit.
We got something
else in common now.
Ha ha ha. See that?
Get on over to the damn
Crawford Mill.
Those 2 fillies
are good to go.
What do you think
he's doing to Morgan?
I don't want to
think about it, OK?
Oh, shit!
Pepper, I need you
to hold that light
really steady.
Can you do that?
Where'd you learn
how to do that?
In juvie. They call
my youth misspent.
Oh, thank God.
Get out of the car.
Where are we?
That's none of your
goddamn business, faggot!
Just get out
of the goddamn car!
You kids shouldn't have
messed with that little girl.
You brought this all
on yourself.
Now get the hell
in the house!
Come on, please.
Come on.
Come on.
Come on, Erin.
Come on!
Go, go, go!
Aah! Go! Go!
Help, Pepper! No!
No! No, Pepper!
Please! Please!
Please let me in!
Please! Help me, please!
Come on. Come on.
Why don't you
have a seat?
It's OK. Sit down.
Have a seat.
Turn that thing off!
He's gonna fucking hear us!
There's nothing a good old
cup of tea won't settle.
Nobody's gonna come
through that door.
I really need
to use your phone.
We don't have one.
Phones are a hassle.
No! Don't you get it?
He's gonna kill you.
He's gonna kill all of us.
Oh, no, he won't.
Yes, he will.
He knows better than
to be messing around here.
Everyone around here
knows that...
poor sweet boy.
Sweet boy.
He's no harm.
He always keeps
to himself.
Skin disease.
He was just a little boy
when it started.
Didn't you look
at his face?
I couldn't.
I couldn't look at him.
Oh, sweetie. Here.
Here. It's just...
just right.
Come drink some
before it gets cold.
You have no idea.
Hush now.
I don't want to drink
any more tea!
I just need a phone!
Now you see
what you've done?
Oh. Ha ha...
That wasn't
a good idea.
Now, drink up your tea.
It'll help you relax.
I'll be right back.
a little tense.
You should relax.
I got to go.
You OK, child?
You don't look
so good.
I thought you said
you didn't have a phone.
It's OK.
It's all right.
That's not your baby.
You stole her!
She's mine.
Oh, my. Oh, my,
my, my, my, my.
Everything's gonna be fine
real soon.
I promise.
Give her some room.
Maybe she'd like to
stay for supper.
Messed up
everything already.
Stop bothering her.
Let me in now!
You best stay out there
with them dogs
till you learn
how to play by the rules.
You're not going
nowhere, honey.
Please. Please
just let me go.
I know your kind...
nothing but cruelty
and ridicule for my boy,
all the time
he was growing up.
Does anybody care
about me and my boy?
Don't hurt her!
Please, grandma.
You shut up
out there!
Help me! Please!
Make them stop!
Looky, mama.
She likes me.
What's wrong with
you fucking people?
wrong with us.
Help me, please!
Thomas Brown Hewitt,
you get in here
right now!
No! No!
Get her out of my sight.
No! Please! No!
Will you cut out
that racket?
your pants.
Thank you.
Oh, my God.
Uh... Erin...
I can't...
Erin, help.
Lift your body.
Lift your body up.
Lift your...
Lift your body.
Erin, I'm dead.
Please finish it.
You can do it.
I can't.
I can't. I can't.
I can't.
There's a knife.
Do it.
Do it.
Do it!
I can't do it.
Do it!
Do it. Do it.
Please forgive me.
Please forgive me.
Morgan, it's me!
Help me!
it's Erin.
Morgan, it's me.
It's Erin.
It's Erin.
Come on.
Come on.
Come on.
Come on, Morgan.
Over here.
We got to go.
Go now!
OK, Morgan, come on.
Morgan, get up.
Over here.
Let's go. Walk.
We need you to lead us.
Run! Faster! Hurry!
Let's go!
Run! Fast!
Run for it!
Come on, Morgan!
We got to go!
Keep going!
Keep going! Hurry!
Come on! Don't
let him get you!
Come on!
Get up there!
Come on!
Go! Go!
I'll be fine.
Come on, Morgan!
Come on!
Morgan, the couch!
The couch!
Come on!
This way!
Come on.
Aah! No!
Stop! No! Please! No!
Stop! Uh!
Run! Run!
Get off him!
Get off him!
No! Stop! Stop!
Please! Stop!
Help me! Please!
Please! I need help!
I need help! Help!
Let me in!
Oh, my God.
Goddamn it!
Stop! Stop! Please!
Hey there.
You all right?
Huh? Are you OK?
Here. Come on.
Let's get
in my truck
over here.
You in a car wreck?
Where are we going?
I'm going to
get you some help.
what's your name?
I just want
to go home.
You live
around here?
I can't go back there!
Keep going!
Stop it!
Keep going!
Stop it!
Please don't stop!
I don't know what
your problem is,
but I can't
take this.
Don't get out.
Don't get out!
Hello in there!
Hello! Help! Ma'am.
Ma'am, please help.
I need some help
out here.
What do you want?
I picked up a girl.
She's bloody.
She's out here
in my truck.
Junior. Junior.
Come on out here.
Come on.
Henrietta, get me
my raincoat.
I need some help out here.
I'm glad to see you.
I give her a ride.
I found her running
down the highway.
I don't know her name.
She grabbed
the steering wheel
and dang near
run me off the road.
She nearly caused us
to crash.
Yes, she grabbed it
while I was driving.
She's hysterical.
She's out there
in the truck.
I've never seen
anything like it.
The baby's gone!
Come on. Come on.
Come on.
Come on, you bitch, start!
Fuck you!
You asshole!
This is August 20, 1973.
Our location is
the Hewitt residence.
We're gonna go and move
into the actual furnace room.
Watch yourself.
Look out.
Oh, man. Ugh...
Look out.
You got it?
All right. This is
the actual furnace room
we're going into where they are
suspected to have perpetrated...
Got a bit
of a jump there.
Got it?
That's OK. Don't worry.
Come on back here.
Follow me.
The crime scene
was not properly secured
by Travis County Police.
were fatally wounded that day.
This is the only known image
of Thomas Hewitt,
the man they call
The case today
still remains open.