Tezuka Osamu no budda: Akai sabaku yo! Utsukushiku (Buddha: The Great Departure) (2011)

Did you bring this?
Ah? You want me to light a fire?
This story has been passed
down as the experience
of Makkhali Gosala-sama
who was Asita-sama's mentor.
Makkhali Gosala-sama
was surprised by
an exceptional case.
And with that he understood
cycle of causes of the world.
Na radatta
I feel a strong power in the
south. You go down tomorrow
and go south to
find someone elegant.
Yes, Asita-sama. But
Who is that person
That person is someone who
might be the king of the world.
Looks like the beasts in the forest
are trying to tell us something.
What the...
Your Highness, the Queen
Your Highness.
Maya, is it true?
I dreamed that
a glorious white
elephant with six teeth
went into my body.
What an extraordinary dream.
Yes, even the beasts in the forest
acted as if they were waiting
nxiously for something as well.
Human beings and
everything else on earth
are celebrating for it as well.
Monsoon season is coming soon.
However, the rivers
show no signs of drying.
That's right.
May be
we have been blessed
with a great life.
I think this boy that will be born
will bring something
good to the world.
A great gift that is
unlimited like the sky.
In the past, at the
foothills of the Himalayas,
beside the Indian
River, there is a race.
They are the Aryans.
They have conquered
Indian natives in
the south and the east
and appoint themselves as the King.
Many countries have
been born in many places.
Today, it has become
the great empire Kosala
and conquered the
lush country Shakya.
Hey, watch your steps.
Sorry, I was in a hurry.
Oh? Items that you're
carrying is good.
This is a very important package.
Give it to me, and
I can forgive you.
Damn it, do not run!
You guys, don't let him get away!
Alright! Got it!
Do not run!
Where did he go?
Damn it.
Do not let me see you next time.
Do not cry.
The fabric cost
comparable to 5-6 slaves.
Please forgive him.
I'm begging you. Allow
me to replace him
Your body is precious. If you
are hurt, the price will fall.
Well, I will give you a chance.
Return the fabric to me.
But, if you fail to
do so in three days,
I will sell your mother.
Got it?
I must get the fabric back.
Chapra, are you ok?
Do not separate me and my mother
Hey, thief! Thief!
Seize that boy!
You will not be able to escape.
Stop kidding.
This boy is a slave.
Get him.
Bastard, is there nothing I can do?
If I did not return
the fabric quickly...
What are you whispering about?
Ah, you
Give me back the fabric!
What is so funny?
You come to our places alone.
I really want to
compliment your courage.
Let us greet you.
Oh? He was quite good at fighting.
You can throw stones, right?
This fluff will not be
effective against us.
No one will come and save you
even if you scream.
Give it back to me
If I did not return the fabric
What a shabby house
You're awake?
Ah, ouch...
Do not move, I'll ask
sister to come and treat you.
Oh, do not move.
What is it? You do not like it?
It is cooked with weeds at
the roadside. Bitter, right?
I am Tatta. Your Name?
Sorry, I had sold the fabrics
that you wanted to return.
In our view,
it is our right to steal
from others and to survive.
You were spacing out when
you're walking, right?
Shut up.
If I did not return the
fabric, my mother will be sold.
I will not be able to see her again.
Let me help your mother.
You are mine.
If you look tense and
difficult while you're walking,
your value will decrease.
Walk faster.
Pity. Will they be
sold to a slave market?
Chapra, wait here no
matter what happens.
This time the slave
market is very lively.
You should be sold at better prices.
What an extraordinary power...
Perhaps it is this child?
Bansai, Kosala!
Kosala army intended to
attack the Kapila City.
Kapila City?
It is the national
capital of Shakya.
Kosala try to conquer
the fertile country.
With this, they will
go through our village!
Advance, beat them! Kill them!
That person is the leader.
Mother, sister.
I must take revenge
Tatta, I will help as well.
Look at the format
of our Kosala army.
Shakya would have surrendered.
Let us celebrate.
There's so many people. How are
we going to get near the leader?
Leave it to me. I have an idea.
Sorry, I would like
to borrow your body.
Who is that? After it, hurry!
What is the matter?
Make way! Crush him!
General, General!
Oh no!
Boy, you're quite bold.
Kill him!
Locusts, a large group of locusts!
Get lost!
Remain in your position!
Tatta, pursue the leader!
You will not be able to escape.
Please help me.
Is there anyone there?
Wow! Help! Crocodile, crocodile!
Die, enemy of Tatta!
Please help me!
What exactly do I want?
Become slave that
is tortured to death?
Please, please
I'm sorry...
I want to use this person.
This person is a chance of a
life that is bestowed by the God.
Tatta, I want to go to Kosala
and use the Kosala
army led by this man.
Then I sure will be popular.
We can only live in
poverty in this condition.
Your Highness, the
Kosala army had retreated
from the Rohini river in one night.
There's a locust invasion, and
the enemy's food has been destroyed
and they had to pull back.
General Pudai of the
Kosala Army I was gone, too.
This is great.
Maya, how are you doing?
I'm fine.
That's great.
The war can be avoided
because of this child.
With this, your way
home will be safe.
Ah, I will go back for delivery.
Thank you for your
understanding, Tatta.
Tatta, go back and tell my mother.
Someday, I will come back for her.
Okay. Go, Tatta!
Ah, that is
General Pudai!
General Pudai is seriously
injured. Get the doctor.
General Pudai!
Treat him, hurry!
Ah General Pudai.
Is it you? The one who saved me
General You can not move yet.
Come here.
How can I repay you?
Please rest well.
My condition is bad.
Well? How about you follow me?
I' m honou red, General
Stop the sedan.
My Lady, My Lady...
If you wanted to go home,
we had to cross the Rohini river.
Let's spend the night
by the river today.
How's the Queen?
She is resting.
Well, we must be careful.
There's no wind at all.
The leaves do not move
as well. This is
What is happening?
This warm light
It's as if the whole
forest is alive.
He's born!
The Prince is born!
Ah, this is
The Heir to Shakya was born.
Congratulations, Your Highness!
Congratulations to the Shakya!
The whole world is blessing you.
What an extraordinary boy.
My Lady!
My Lady!
The Queen is in danger!
Hurry back to the city!
Come and see. This is our baby.
I've thought of a name.
How about Siddhartha?
It means Someone people
who achieve his goal.
What a great name.
This kid is sure to be
someone extraordinary.
Someone who has
great soul and faith.
Asita-sama, welcome.
It is our honor to
obtain mercy from you.
Asita-sama, why?
Please look at the
hands of this child.
One finger pointing to the sky.
Another finger
pointing to the ground.
Isn't it I am the most
revered in heaven and on earth?
This kid is going to
be king of the world.
But, I will not be
able to witness that.
Where is he hiding?
The King is looking for him
Minister Gotani.
Oh, Prince.
You told me once that
there are four types of
people in this world, right?
There are four types
of people in this world.
Brahman is the best.
They conduct important
ceremonies in our lives.
Prosperity of the country also
depends on the prayers
of the Brahmins.
How does prayer prosper the country?
In short, the Prince and King
also have to listen to the Brahmin.
Below the Brahmin is the Kshatriya
warrior and the aristocracy.
Siddhartha-sama is the
greatest among the Kshatriyas,
The Royal.
Please wait, the King
is waiting for you.
And below that?
Uh it is the public and
merchants, they are the Vaishyas.
The most ignorant are the Sudras.
They are slaves, laborers and others.
Why are the slaves
the most ignorant?
That Isn't it good? Your
father is calling for you, hurry.
I've heard about your
performance in Magadha.
The future of Shakya
depends on you as well.
I have been waiting
for you, Siddhartha.
Let me introduce our new General.
Famous archer, Bkamuka.
It's my honour to meet you, Prince.
At the same time, Kosala conquered
the surrounding country gradually.
Everything went smoothly.
Bansai, Kosala!
It's the guards!
Kosala Army is really great!
That's great! Unparalleled!
That's Chapra-sama, who
replaced General Pudai.
Bansai, Chapra-sama!
Chapra is really handsome!
Finally, I have come this far.
In order to beat Kosala,
you need to grow up quickly
and become great warriors.
Will the war really lead to death?
Not for all. There are
people who survive as well.
What happens if you die?
There will be a funeral.
After the funeral, what
happens to the dead?
I came here to teach.
Not to debate.
The lesson is really
boring. Let's go and play.
Come on, hurry.
This is the first time I came here.
Siddhartha never go outside?
Yes, I've never been
out of the palace.
Ah, a rabbit. Look at this.
Do not run!
I say do not run!
Do not run!
What are you doing? I missed it.
I almost had it.
Over there.
Hurting living creatures
Is this a dream?
My legs can not move, help me.
Ah, Djedka.
Ah, I can not move. I'm sinking.
Dj ed ka
Please help me!
My legs can not move.
Hey, are you okay?
Please help me.
Come on, hurry.
Dj ed ka
Dj ed ka
Thank goodness you are okay.
Djedka is dead, Djedka
The King has come.
Thank you.
Mother, forgive me
It's okay. Get some sleep.
How's Siddhartha?
I'm sorry.
My dereliction of duty has
caused the situation to be so.
Maya is week after giving
birth to that child.
You must show more
love than his mother.
Thank you, Prajapati.
It's nothing.
Siddhartha is 10 years old.
It's about time for him to
take martial arts training.
From today, he will
teach you martial arts.
Even though he is a prince,
you do not need to hold back.
Please leave it to me.
Well, Prince.
You need to tighten your armpits.
What is this? How can you
beat the Kosala army like this?
Isn't it too violent?
The Prince is only 10 years old.
Your attacks are too weak.
Prince, do not get lost.
Prince, why you being
tender-hearted like a woman?
Please stop.
I'm sorry.
To be a king, you need
the power and not kindness.
That's it for today.
Chapra, Chapra, Chapra!
Well done, Chapra!
If you win the next battle,
the King's Cup is yours.
I sure will win and
earned the title of Hero.
I will not embarrass General Pudai.
I will pray that Chapra-Dono
win the Kings Cup.
I am really surprised. She is the
daughter of the Minister, Ms marika.
Son of General Pudai, Chapra-Dono.
Son of Unbabuda, Bindika-Dono!
Both of them will
compete here to obtain
Kosala King's Cup!
Finally I've come this far.
Hey Hey!
Get up, get up, get up!
Get up, get up, get up, get up!
It's not over yet
Why you.
I am different from
you. I can not lose.
Well done, Chapra!
Son of General Pudai, Chapra-Dono,
you will receive the title
of Hero and the Champions Cup
as the greatest warrior in Kosala.
Now, I have joined the ranks
of the aristocracy in the end.
I am no longer a slave.
I can go get my mother.
Ouch Ms. marika, watch it.
What? It is just a small wound.
My heart almost exploded when
was watch the competition.
Okay, now for the
wound on the left leg.
Ah, if Chapra-Sono
married my daughter,
there is nothing more
exciting than this.
The pleasure is ours. If your
child is willing to marry him,
we would be honored.
Say, Chapra-Dono
is the son of your sister
who had died, right?
Pudai is a famous family
because of the martial arts.
Congratulations, congratulations.
Are you the one who saved me?
Chapra, you are the lucky one.
You have got the title
of the Hero of Kosala.
And engaged to the popular Marika.
You are in a different
world from us.
This is the result of the effort.
Good-bye, you are buying.
What is with him?
If the truth that you
are a Sudra is busted,
the two of us will be done for.
You must keep it
secret. Do you hear me?
Wow, that's amazing.
The Prince has became
stronger day by day.
Siddhartha has become
strong at the age of 15.
After training for five years,
you have become very strong.
His body becomes stronger as well.
Siddhartha-sama, please wait!
You will be scolded by the King.
Oh no He is gone.
My child
Do not cry, this is life
It was his fate that
he was born here.
Please please help us
We all left here after being ill.
No one will save us
even until we are dead.
Please help us
Ah It is silk.
It is ours.
You do not need it.
They will die soon even
if you gave it to them.
So, give us that instead.
Is there anything else?
Let him go.
But Sister
Do not talk back.
If you dare to touch him, we
will all need to be beheaded.
What is with this guy?
Forget it. Do not
fight with the sister.
The whole town is looking for you.
Hurry home.
E-Excuse me...
My name is Migaila.
Do not do any unnecessary
charity next time.
They are only the
elderly and patients
abandoned by their families
here and left to die.
Your small charities are crueler
if they have a
nostalgic to the world.
It is not like that.
No matter how old or sick,
they were still living souls.
Too naive.
Everyone die of old age and illness.
You live in the city freely.
You will not understand what
is happening in the world.
Do you understand the world
that I do not understand?
Hey, be careful.
A. .. is that human food?
This can be sold already.
You do not get ill
after eating this?
No, let's go.
Why do you want to
see places like this?
Ah, boy.
This child should
be treated like this.
It's another slave boy.
Give it back, boy. Give it back.
This is the world
that you want to know.
Life is a pain for everyone.
You will get sick and
you will die as well.
You and I, and that beggar, too.
That's all for today.
The weather is nice today.
The view of the street looks
very different from the river.
People live in places like this.
Is it okay for the Prince to be
hanging out with someone like me?
You care a lot for me.
Naturally, I can not be
excused if I approached you.
Let alone talk to you.
You said it before.
I am just like you.
Is that right? Migaila.
Let's go for a swim.
Like this.
Come here, Migaila.
Migaila, wait.
Is it true that you have been
hanging out with an ignorance woman?
Ignorance woman?
What do you mean...
Shut up!
You are the heirs of
the King of Shakya.
I hope that you will
develop the country
so that it is comparable to Kosala.
You are not allowed to leave
the city, do you understand?
Ignorance? Migaila?
Kill her. Kill this robber.
This woman has robbed
our country, Shakya.
Kill her.
Kill her, kill her!
Kill her, kill her!
Let me go!
No, the King is having a meeting.
Let me go!
Why did you arrest Migaila?
What is so important
that you have to
find me during this
important meeting?
Please let Migaila go.
It is about the robber, huh?
Father, if you kill Migaila,
I will not forgive you.
Do you still not understand?
You are the one who
do not understand.
Are you mad? Siddhartha.
What is wrong with love?
Do not forget that you are entrusted
with the mission to run the country.
Then please let Migaila go.
Prince, please stop.
But with a condition.
There is a princess named Yasodhara
in the neighboring country.
If you marry her,
I will release the woman.
Prince Siddhartha! Siddhartha-sama.
Prince! Prince!
Kill me... Kill me.
I do not know Prince Siddhartha.
Kill her, kill her!
Kill, kill, kill!
Kill, kill, kill, kill!
I understand
Let Migaila go.
Prince, Prince!
You did you do to Migaila?
To prevent her from
seeing the Prince again,
we have blinded her eyes.
How do I describe this feeling?
What an annoying task.
To prevent you from
suffering for me.
Okay. Take her away.
Stand up.
Okay, get going.
Your face has been carved
forever in my eyes.
I am very happy to know you.
Even if only for a short
time, I feel very happy.
Get lost.
You will be a great king.
Siddhartha, when you were born,
Asita-sama had made
a prediction that
you will become a great
king of the world.
Wow. That's amazing.
They have everything here.
Looks delicious.
Because Sravasti is the
capital city of Kosala.
The street is really busy.
I heard that Chapra lives here.
Where are we going to find him?
Make way, make way.
The General is here!
Wait. Let's go and see.
Isee him!
Wah, the General was coming.
Let's go to the house of General.
No, I
This is enough
Why? You come a long way here.
Looks like he is doing well.
Kosala should attack
Shakya another time.
This is a good opportunity
to conquer the
fertile country Shakya.
You're right.
That's right.
Emergency letter!
The war is about to begin!
We are having war against Kosala?
Shakya is a small country.
In recent years, we
are able to avoid war.
Apparently not for this time.
You have to give me a good start.
Defeat Kosala, inherit my place
and become the king of this country.
Why are there wars?
Humans killing each other
If we do not fight,
Kosala will be conquered.
Even so
How you can become a king like this?
Why does the earth shake?
The war has begun!
Advance under the my leadership!
Do not let the Kosala
army move forward.
Your identity is really good.
Your people get killed one by one,
and you can just stand
there doing nothing.
General Bkamuka, the
poison arrows are here.
I have been waiting for it.
Once someone is shot by this arrow,
no matter how strong he
is, he would have died.
Is it fun to kill people?
Yes, it is fun.
Especially when I defeated
the enemy's leader.
A coward
will not understand this feeling.
Advance under the my leadership!
please come forward!
Advance under the my leadership!
It's Shakya's prince.
He is the leader.
I am the most deserving.
Siddhartha-sama, Prince.
Prince Siddhartha of the Shakya
Prince, leave it here to us.
Please return to the camp, Prince.
This place is too dangerous!
Your people get killed one by one,
and you can just stand
there doing nothing.
The Prince's head is mine!
Ha ha ha ha, the leader of the
enemy will be defeated by me.
That's the Kosala's warrior.
He's difficult to get rid of.
I have got an idea.
Bastards, I had him. Why
doesn't the poison work?
What is with this feeling
His eyes seemed to see through me.
Felt like I was in endless sorrow
and sadness. Am I going to die?
Chapra-Dono, General Chapra!
General, General.
I have succeeded!
That's the power of poison arrows.
Soldiers of Shakya!
I am the one who defeated
the enemy's leader.
I'm going to tell the King.
The most deserving
people in this war is me.
Retreated, hurry!
Prince, please return
to our army as well.
Retreat, protect the Prince.
The poison had spread.
There is nothing I can do.
Ms. marika.
This battle is not set yet.
How's Chapra-Dono?
I do not know whether he
can survive for a day
I heard that Chapra
can not be saved
How could it be...
Chapra will die Chapra!
Calm down.
Ah, that's right Asita-sama
might know some magic potion.
Where is he?
In the temple in the Himalayas.
Ah It's so far
I will go.
With my power, one
day is quite enough.
That's all we can do.
Well, I will write a letter quickly.
We are counting on you, Tatta.
Wait for me, Chapra.
Asita-sama, please bless my son.
What is this?
It's a bird.
Where did it come from?
What's in its beak?
Na radatta
What is going on
Na radatta
Listen carefully.
Na radatta
Do you know how many
lives you have sacrificed
to save one life?
You must accept the punishment.
I understand.
But no matter what, I must
think of a way to save Chapra.
Na radatta
You will travel in the wilderness
like wild animals, right?
Na radatta-sama!
What is it?
A bowl of Nuruto powder, a drop of
juice from the Pyracantha leaves,
added in the Mayeela petals
cooked with the Kalima skin.
This medicine is going
to save Chapra's life.
What is the matter?
A strange woman came in quietly.
Maybe she wants to steal something.
I am begging You
Please give this
medicine to Chapra-Dono.
Please, please give this
medicine to Chapra-Dono
They look alike.
Please give this
medicine to Chapra-Dono.
The pulse and
respiration are stable.
Rest well.
Sorry for making you worry.
Why aren't you resting?
You sit here until late
at night every night
Do you have any concerns?
Human die and get ill easily.
Am I not able to do anything?
Does someone have to give up when
he suffers from incurable diseases,
closed his eyes and
wait for death in pain?
Does someone have to
walk towards the darkness?
Life is really
filled with suffering.
I do not know anything.
Although I was born a prince,
but I do not know anything
about things in this world compare
to the public and ordinary soldiers.
No, I am more ignorant than
the people called Sudras.
I want to know.
I would like to learn
all about the world.
Get some rest, Princess Yasodhara.
The Ministers blocked Miss Malika
who wanted to come and visit.
He will be fine tomorrow, right?
You are the son of General
Pudai, Warriors Chapra.
Forget everything about when
you were a slave, understand?
Why the sudden
Where did that woman
get the medicine?
Shut up.
No one mention anything
about that woman. Got it?
Could it be
How's Chapra-sama?
Why do you want to know?
Please, Chapra-sama
Sorry, but you must die.
This is the order of General Pudai.
W-Who is that?
Let that woman go.
You call him Chapra?
Hurry, Mother.
Could it be ...?
This must be
Stop, Chapra.
Chapra, you are saved.
This is great
You have done so well.
Sorry I came late.
I have come to get you, Mother.
Oh no.
My body
Hurry up...
Get them.
Kosala's hero?
As a Sudra, you have cheated us.
That fool.
General Pudai.
Did you adopt Chapra
without knowing that
he is a Sudra?
So you have been cheated too?
What the?
Bring her here.
Come on.
Do not move.
Kneel down.
Sudras, are you Chapra's mother?
Did you give birth to Chapra?
Shut up.
Chapra is not my child.
I found him on the battlefield.
Find him?
That means Chapra is not a Sudra?
Do not deceive me.
He's not my child.
Stop it, mother.
Do not lie to save me.
I was very frightened.
I do not know when my
identity will be exposed.
But now I feel better.
Chapra, do you admit that
your real identity is a Sudra?
Yes, I admit.
Why do you keep it secret?
Why can't a slave
become aristocracy?
Of course not!
Who set the rules?
I just want to end poverty
and live without hunger,
beaten, kicked and looked down.
I do not want to
experience all this again.
That's why I
Now for the punishment. General
Pudai will be imprisoned.
Chapra expelled from the country.
It should be a death offense.
But it can not be
regarded as examples
of the death of the offense as well.
Chapra's Mother is
sentenced to death.
No way!
My mother did nothing wrong.
I am begging you, let her
be casted away with me.
No matter which dessert we shall go.
Please, sir monk.
Please take pity!
Chapra, it does not matter.
As long as you are alive
Alive? How should I live
Without freedom, a slave's
life is full of suffering
Please kill me, too.
I will die with my mother.
He is a liar
and a slave, too. Serve him right.
And his mother
You two will be sentenced to
death for insulting the country.
Okay, push them down.
Do you aware now?
Chapra, run!
What is with that boy?
Kill him!
Tatta, run!
lam your child.
Dear, dear.
Princess Yasodhara gave
birth to a nice baby.
A bright child,
just like Siddhartha.
No matter howl learn,
I do not see anything.
No one teach me
As a prince, Siddhartha who
want to be the power of the people.
Was confused.
Because he realizes that
people will experience birth,
old age, sickness, and death.
This is a bitter truth
that can not be changed.
No one can be excluded.
Everyone is born through the
narrow birth canal painfully.
Despite being born, he will
experience pain when getting old.
He will experience
the pain of illness.
Then one day,
he will face the pain of death.
Past, present, future.
As long as someone is alive,
he will suffer until he died.
The pain is not
physical and mental pain.
It will not be gone as desired.
If someone expect something
that will not become true,
he will suffer.
In order to accept
and overcome the pain,
Siddhartha wanted
to find a clear path.
There must be something I can do.
I want to abandon
everything to find them.
Dad, I am leaving.
Please forgive me
for disappointing you.
Siddhartha-sama, please go back.
Bring Kantaka with you and go back.
Return this to my mother as well.
Siddhartha-sama, what are
you going to do from now on?
Hand my hair to Yasodhara.
Tell her, I will be back after
I found the path of success.
Pray for my trip.
I'll leave Kantaka to you.
Your Highness.
What is the matter?
The Kosala army has
crossed the Rohini river!
Advance! Advance, attack!
You call me?
I hope that you can lead our army.
Yes, but with a condition.
I want to be king of this country.
What? That is impossible.
I'm not going to lead
if I can not be the king.
Is it not important if
the Shakya is destroyed?
Even if the country
is destroyed by Kosala,
it has nothing to do with me.
Pledge that you will let
me be the King of Shakya.
I understand.
Do not let the Kosala
army step into Shakya!
Destroy the Shakya!
The enemy is confused, rushed in!
Follow the leadership of Bkamuka!
Do not let them step
into our territory.
Is that all that
Kosala army can do, huh?
Kosala Army, listen carefully.
I am the new king of Shakya.
At this time, Siddhartha had
learned to pray for the first time.
Siddhartha, someone
who achieve his goals.
You are sympathetic about
the suffering of others.
You will be able to find your way.
Young Siddhartha had started
his journey to find his path.
He became The Resurrection Buddha.
But that happened a
long time after that.