Thale (2012)

Take it easy.
That's it.
Good girl.
Elvis, I need it for a bucket.
I need it.
Can I have it?
Can I do something?
You could look for a new bottle
of Clorox.
Woman's remains are
pretty much on the floor.
Hello, shit cleaning service here,
Leo on the phone.
Yeah, here in the heart of the vibrant station.
Share that tomorrow? Where?
Hello? Fiplingdal?
Yeah, I know where it is.
Yeah, great. See you later.
Lunch time. - A good thing.
It has been some time for you and me,
isn't this true?
I hope you are doing well.
As well as possible.
Although I would rather be there.
But ...
This is what happened!
And this is for answers.
For who knows how long.
It totally depends on ...
You ...
and I think ...
I found you that day
nine years ago.
I should have left you there.
An older man.
givin the length and width of what was found.
The length and width?
There were predators.
They've managed to find some of his parts.
Einar and others found
About half of him.
And we need to find the rest?
What are you doing?
Wobbling in the wind.
All right ... Why?
Why not?
Brings peace.
The foundation otherwise starts to break.
Then will spread to other places.
Everyone seems to be breaking.
Thank you for positive thoughts.
else I would have been...
Nothing desirable?
- No, not, what I thought.
Katrine called.
On the screen is a small creature.
So, the child is your niece.
Good for you.
Thank you.
How they are doing?
Very well.
What is the girl's name?
- Your niece.
Named after you?
That's nice.
- Leo?
Do not you have then?
- Leo, come take a look.
Should we ...
Einar should see this.
Maybe we could ...
We can not.
Elvis? Get out of there.
Here are the stairs.
He lived here.
Elvis, we are not supposed
to touch anything.
All right.
Best-before date was in 1989.
Can food lasts a long time.
All right...
Elvis, wait here. I'll call the station.
We can not just ...
Leo here. Is Einar already there?
Eldar? - Leo.
Get out of there. This is not our ...
Not at all.
Do you hear?
Yes, Leo here.
The player I am.
Hello, are you there? Wait a minute.
Do not touch anything.
Are you there? Yes.
Take it easy.
Thats it.
Good girl.
Elvis? Einar and others come here
as yeson as possible.
I said good.
We can not leave him here.
We need to take him to the
hospital or yesmewhere.
The shock of the transfer
may only make things worse.
We were told to expect this.
Lets take care of it.
Has he been here
until death?
The man did something here ...
And then all of a sudden died.
haven't you already fucked up enough, Elvis?
He freezes.
Did you find anything?
Here, apparently a lieutenant lived here.
My name is Leo.
He is Elvis.
He can not breathe,
if you squeeze him by the throat.
Do you want it?
I'll put it next to you.
Should not we do something?
Oh, yeah.
Wait until Einar and others come.
How long does will it take?
Will she get here?
She clearly wants something.
Canned food.
Where are you going?
I'll get the water from the car and some rolls.
Does not produce, he can not eat.
But you are welcome under the circumstances.
ECG is good,
even if the QRP is uneven.
The case of yours.
Is likely to stress.
Hemoglobin level is good.
Additional iron you will continue to
at high doses, and ...
What's going on?
Do you know who he is?
It's just a tape recording.
... In the meantime. But do not slosh!
I found you 11 years and
eight months ago.
In August, four years after
we discovered them.
You should keep that in mind.
I do not think that you can forget.
Although I smile a lot.
And laulatkin, don't you?
This Offspring You're very
different from your sisters.
Both internally and externally.
We knew that you were adapting.
But did you adapt to the
whole of your being -
You, surprised us all.
Maybe it was the fact that you
were found in the early stage.
Maybe you are different from others.
Or maybe it's just a way to survive.
And this must continue.
No, no, no!
is the most important thing in the coming months.
This means that you must
bathe frequently.
You do not know what can happen,
if the metabolism begins to fail.
Care must be taken that will not happen.
Thale, have you taken a bath?
This is not used for the moment, is it not?
Is it yours?
Maybe you have a -
Stable under there?
Maybe it's ...
Who taught you this?
Maybe ...
Maybe I could borrow it?
And to teach the little girl?
Do you want to ...
Do you want to know his name?
How long have you been here?
Do you know?
What are you doing?
Take it easy.
That's it.
Good girl.
I know that they call you.
And that you want to follow them.
But the other, -
those that we left, -
Will find you there.
But not here.
The water.
Did you get my message? Are you far away?
How then was the delay?
Oh, yeah.
When you come then?
No, we ...
Can be expected.
Yeah, all right.
In the event
that they will find you, -
it is better to try.
Last night ...
Last night, we did it.
It's gone now.
Can now see.
At least it is sealed,
yes it can not be traced.
It is ... No, Thale, is not there!
You are now almost impossible to control.
The attraction is too strong.
Yes we have to try -
cut it out.
It's been four days.
I do not know if it works.
Maybe I was right.
Maybe I'm ... corrupted you.
I do not know.
Come on, Thale.
We have to -
soak up a bit.
I guess you can see what it is?
Oh, yeah.
Where can I take a piss?
Oh yeah, the window ...
We are probably the first
people here ... time.
I wonder how long he was there?
How he survived without food and ...
Leo, are you there?
- I am.
The woman was really cold.
I wonder if he already warmed up?
Where it was placed in a box by the way?
The beach?
Thermos is still a little warm.
Care to have coffee?
Your phone will ring.
Do you believe that ...
Do you believe that he could be ...
That's what you think that he is?
What if it turns out -
That it is his?
Elvis, stop.
There are certainly gonna be sick to their stomach,
when they come.
Einar is on the way.
How old is he?
Share-a ...
What do you think?
Are you just gonna sit there?
The girl turns five.
Yes, Elvis has become a father.
It is hard to imagine.
I have lung cancer.
I have lung cancer.
No shit?
That's what they say.
"Elvis, I have lung cancer."
"Leo, I have an illegitimate child."
"And the mother complains of the money,
I don't have. "
It was nice to catch up.
What is it?
Einar and others?
What is it?
You were treated badly.
Every day.
And I was involved.
Far too long.
Winter hid us under the snow.
They had already begun to look for us.
You were too valuable to be released.
I almost lost you on the way.
I'm cold, -
but nonetheless.
They sensed your presence
and you theirs.
But you had to keep them away.
Others would have found you there.
I found you -
and I hid you again.
We went underground -
and stayed there.
You think I'm a good person.
But I'm not.
Otherwise I would have
killed you.
But I can not.
Instead, you have to suffer here.
This is what we are.
You know that we are different.
You got it early.
You can do things
which I can not,
and what your current ...
But you do not understand -
that is why we are here.
All we're trying to adapt to,
and in that sense we have been successful
Flourished here in the darkness.
You brought me great joy -
and despair.
Reminding me of what I found.
And what I took.
Because I know -
just like you probably already know, -
you will not fail down here.
But without me you would not be alive.
Without me, you would have lived.
Come on.
The gas causes dry mouth.
But apart from that ...
... It's not dangerous.
Here is something to drink.
Black currant tea.
There's nothing suspicious.
Who are you?
In order to get relevant,
I am making a body.
You were not invited to the party.
and I am looking for a girl.
Where's Leo?
I believe that
you have met her.
Have you met Thaln?
Then we all agree -
that she is different from us.
A long time ago, we,
which should then people -
we began to understand the number of our forces.
Yes lyttydyimme together, with other individuals
were working to serve the common good.
But a piece was missing.
They are passed through stream
but out of the stream.
And they stayed there.
The challenges of different properties,shapes,
characteristics and sizes.
Abnormal discovered
asylum from deep within the forest.
All were sensitive,
and they were rarely observed.
Their metabolism to produce
stronger than ours in the heat.
That energy is not only unique,
also, different.
It is their fingerprints.
Yes years after we knew -
that we had found the right Thaln.
There is only one small problem.
The unit will beep yeah ...
But... we can not find him.
I am honest and I hope
that you are also.
Now totissasi is something suspicious.
Yes if you know,
which could be Thale, -
Now would be the time to tell me that.
And if the answer to satisfy ...
I understand that when feel threatened.
They may have such an effect.
That will cause you to feel compassion.
So much so, that you would sacrifice
everything for them.
Even in their own lives.
She may seem to be harmless.
As innocent, as little girl.
But the light under the skin,
large, brown eyes behind ...
You will not believe what's in there.
Hey, give him something to drink!
There's something here.
Is not enough people have already
suffered because of you?
I think enough is enough.
Are you in it?
Eye-witnesses, a woman ...
is 20 - 25-year-old, 160 - 170 cm.
Eyewitness 1 permits
missing woman -
may optionally be
yes-called "huldra".
Not anytime soon.
How much did you get the time?
All right ...
They said, -
that I -
I am healthy.
Just like that?
Are not you glad?
I am.
Will you do a clean-up tomorrow...
An old Aunt?
Why not.
Bonus pay.
But it's not for you.
All the days go by.
We grow old.
Hour by hour.
From year to year.
If you are lucky, find someone
with which to grow old.
Or maybe not ever.
Maybe for a while.
Maybe forever.
Designing or chance, -
suddenly has doubled.
And sometimes I just want to know -
that it was intended to.
someone whose result will do anything.
Jeopardize everything.
Worth living for.
And dies.
And when the day comes -
I hope that you,
one way or another, -
you are as lucky as I have been.
Thank you.
And forgive me.