Thanga Magan (2015)

What are you doing?
You're pregnant!
Don't do all this.
Go set up the kitchen.
It's alright.
-Listen to me go.
Don't lift anything heavy.
Dude, stay home and take care
of them?
Where are you going?
They said dad stole the file
and fired me.
I need to find a job
before I run out of money.
But you don't have to start today!
I must start looking right away.
Just do me one favour.
It's not possible to start
cooking today.
If you could bring some food
for mom and Yamuna
My mom has already packed food for them.
I'll handle it, don't worry.
Thanks, dude.
Your profile is impressive.
Why did you quit your previous job?
Won't you eat?
No, mother-in-law.
I'm not hungry.
I'll eat later.
He'll be home soon.
Let's go inside.
Sir, do you know what happened to my dad?
-I have no idea.
Okay. Thank you, sir.
Sir, my dad...
-I have nothing to do with it.
I don't know anything.
Okay, sir. Thanks.
Are you drunk?
Forgive me.
Forgive me, mom.
Is this our home?
Is this our life?
Is this how we're going to live?
I'm not saying
we were really well-off before
But it was good.
And now
I'm unable to take
good care of the both of you, mom!
I'm unable to do anything for you!
Please forgive me!
You forgive me, too
Forgive me!
Everyone is saying something or the other
about dad.
I asked everyone, mom.
No one knows anything.
That's why...
I couldn't take it.
I got drunk.
You're my life, Yamuna!
You are.
I'm so lucky to be married to you.
My name is Tamizh.
My dad meant the world to me.
I was very happy when my dad was around.
Dad, I drink beer sometimes.
You drink often?
No. Maybe once or twice a week.
As long as you don't drink often.
The kind of filth you're watching,
you'll go to waste!
How dare you bring this
into the house?
Go now.
Take it back to the wretched place
you got it from.
Sorry, man.
It's my fault.
Forget it.
Like he never watched stuff
growing up.
It's important to watch and learn, dude.
Can't afford to get it wrong!
Hope he didn't hear that.
Dude, I heard you get these
in 3-D now.
Dude, hurry up.
The show is about to begin.
After my parents, the two
important people in my life
My cousin Aravindh and my friend Kumaran.
-Yes, auntie?
I've made pickle.
Carry a jar back home
to your mother.
I'll take it later today!
I told you not to triple-ride on the bike.
'What could I possibly say to him?'
'All this while,
I've yelled at him.'
'I've hit him.'
'If I speak to him affectionately
now that he's got a job'
'Won't he think his dad is
only after his money?'
'Your letters burned to ash, my dear;
I wasn't even done reading them'
'You're the reason I live"
That Anita is some girl.
I want a girl like her.
You have preferences?
I'm okay with anything.
You're talking about the dirty stuff.
I'm talking about love.
A girl would come into my life.
Fix me, transform me.
That's a special feeling, dude.
So, you'll let your girl change you?
I can see that.
You live in a colony, just like that movie.
But no Anitas here.
Only Kathirs.
Turn on the T.V.
Match is about to begin.
Mum, I want-
Why are you limping?
Strained my hip while mopping the floor.
-How come, aunty?
Get out, you swamp.
You cuss more than us these days.
It's your dad's star birthday.
Need to give offerings at the temple.
I don't feel well. Will you go?
What? To the temple?
No chance.
What about my image?
I won't go.
How will going to temple hurt your image?
Stop kidding!
I call such guys "goody-goody".
I only ask because
I don't feel well.
Mom, I need to watch the match.
Fine, I'll go.
Don't make that face.
Drama queen!
Give me money for snacks,
or I won't go.
One fine day,
this technique will stop working.
Oh, now you can walk?
Okay, I'm off.
-Where are you going?
No way I'm going to the temple.
Have fun.
-Wait up, man!
I'm off, too.
-Where are you going?
To give him company.
Fine, I'll go with you.
Don't make that face!
One fine day,
this technique will stop working.
We'll see about that!
Be careful.
-Do I get snacks, too?
What are you praying to God?
Just posing.
Mobile phone. Car. Girls.
"Girls just don't get it..."
It's the beast.
-It's "priest"
Yeah, a priest.
You've come to make an offering?
In my dad's name.
-His name?
Dad's name is Vijayaraghavan.
His birth star?
-Don't know.
Man, you don't even know
your dad's birth star?
No, man. You?
Heck, no.
Not bad.
Some decent looking girls
come to this temple.
But I've set my heart on one.
Over there.
She's my heroine.
That's Revathy.
She lives in my colony.
I know. Why do you think
I come there so often?
To see your face?
She won't give in.
Doesn't even talk to anyone.
Very arrogant.
Then, I've fixed my mind
on another lover.
Who is that?
Behind her.
So the one I first saw
was the heroine's friend?
I've found my own Anita
like the movie 7-G Rainbow Colony.
You know you're just a comedian.
Look over there.
I'll get that girl.
We'll see who has the last laugh.
She's unbelievable.
I doubt if she'd be single.
By now, some bloke must have
gone on his knees and wooed her?
You're not as good looking as me.
It's your low self-esteem talking.
I find her pretty average.
My heart tells me
that no one's wooed her yet.
Your comedy timing
Just keeps getting better.
They're leaving.
Why do you keep calling me a comedian?
The one in green is yours.
Orange, mine.
That was easy, picking them up.
About this...
Aravindh needn't know.
Because he is
Much better looking than us.
That's sad for them
Where are you going?
-To the temple, mom.
The temple?
He never goes, even if I beg him
Where to?
-The stationary store.
-To buy ink.
I'll go with you.
-No thanks.
I thought about it all night.
I'm okay with Revathy.
You can have the white girl.
Tell me now.
Where are you going?
I'm going to the temple.
Won't you join me?
What made you so sure
she'd be at the temple this time today?
Revathy comes to the temple
everyday at this time.
Just a simple math.
The only kind of math you know.
When you look at me - WHAM!;
My mind goes - BAM!
Plant one on my face - SMACK!;
My nerves would tingle - OH SHEESH!
And when you turn around - TOK TOK!
Girl, my system crashes down - PLONK!
Touch me gently like the wind - SWISH!
And I'll feel so chill - BADUM TISH!
If ever you were to fall - THUD THUD!
Babe, I'll be waiting to catch you - TA-DA!
Don't shake your head!
Fine. You shake it.
The way you prance - FLIP FLOP!
My body feels hysteric - WHOOP WHOOP!
Where are you going?
-To the temple, dude.
Kumaran! Your jokes get
funnier by the day.
I'd given my bat to Senthil Kumar...
I'll go get it back from him.
Oh yeah?
Mum has sent flour.
I'll give it to auntie and come.
Dude, listen.
This is not a job for three.
We'll go get it back.
You stay here and make some pancakes.
-Okay? Bye.
No way.
"Ditching" is a strong word.
He tells his mom everything.
His mom would tell mine.
My mom would tell my dad.
And my dad would talk to me.
Why bother?
Eat while you eat
Tamizh, heard you've been
going to the temple everyday?
Your mother told me.
He goes to the temple everyday?
You didn't know?
You know his every move.
I know his every move.
Anyway, that's a good thing.
What are your plans after college?
Business, like dad.
Is he studying for it?
What do I know, brother?
He does what he wants.
Roams around in his scooter
all the time.
Oh no! My scooter.
I took the scooter to work
but took the bus back home.
That's bad!
What a careless man!
-Why do you do such things, dad?
You refuse to see a doctor about it.
Your memory is getting worse.
Can you go to my office
with Aravindh and get my scooter?
No way! I need to study.
It'll only take you half an hour.
Please go, son.
Don't be mad, dude.
Didn't mean to hide anything
from you.
Fine, I'll tell you the truth.
Remember the day mom forced me
to go to the temple?
When I went there
Something changed.
A sense of peace.
I felt enlightened.
Like a ray of light.
I have been drawn to the temple
everyday since.
You wouldn't go with me,
and you'd make fun!
Dude, stop.
Dad's office if here.
You're lying.
You'll come to me when there's a problem.
We'll see then.
But you could've said something believable.
-Shut it.
He won't mind too much.
You should do something
about the girl!
You should talk to her!
She's out of my league.
So I'm a little reluctant, dude.
Just talk to her, it's no big deal.
She's just a girl, after all.
Need to get the little things right.
Or we'll goof up the big ones.
Didn't see you in the class?
I'd gone to the temple.
Whoa! So funny.
No, really.
I wanted some peace, tranquility
and enlightenment.
I won't go to the temple anymore.
Let it go, man.
You've attained salvation?
Come on!
Forget it. Let's go up to the terrace
and drink some beer.
No, I'm going to the movies.
With whom?
Gokul and his friends.
Why would you go
with that loser?
I only went to the temple
It's not like that.
He called me, and I'm going.
That's all.
I'm off.
Bye, man.
He's avoiding us.
It's alright.
We did ditch him.
You like him way too much.
But he doesn't appear
very affectionate towards you.
Trouser face!
I'm open about my feelings
and he's not. That's all.
Don't talk like a fool.
It's the white girl.
Go on, talk to her.
This is your chance.
No, man.
Need to get the little things right.
Or you'll goof up the big ones.
Just ask for her name.
She'll either say her name,
or refuse.
What's the worse that could happen?
Talk to her.
We've met at the temple.
What's your name?
Do you know how many guys
follow me everyday?
The number of guys
who try to talk to me?
Or the number of guys
who ask for my number?
If I were to give my number
to everyone, what does that make me?
You just randomly walk up
and ask my name!
He's your friend?
Didn't he encourage you
to come talk to me?
Please go.
What did you say?
She'll either say her name,
or refuse.
What's the worse that could happen
She said everything but that,
you dumb
Forget it, dude!
She seems arrogant.
Won't work out.
That's why I declined.
Your comedy timing
Keeps getting better!
Look over there!
What's the white girl
doing here?
Must have come to meet Revathy.
He's followed me here.
She talks too much.
I don't want any of this
These guys just don't get it.
I'm good looking, too.
But I don't brag about all the girls
who follow me, ask for my number.
What happened?
You were being serious?
I thought you were joking.
What's wrong with you?
Why do you follow me around?
Are you mad?
-Stop, don't!
I told you the other day,
not to follow me.
Aren't you ashamed?
Stalking a girl
Follow me again
and I'll call the cops.
Don't follow me.
He lives in this colony.
'H' Block.
I've never followed anyone.
I didn't follow you.
But you said "follow"
so many times, now I want to.
I'm going to start following you.
I saw you at the temple
Asked for your name.
Is there a more decent way
to approach someone?
And you went on about
so many people following you...
Your name, your hometown.
How Jackie Chan asked you out
in Japan, and Michael Jackson in America
So arrogant!
But such a pretty girl
can afford to be that arrogant.
It's not wrong.
Let's go, man.
Young lady you've got the glow - BLING BLING!
I'm just a nervous young man - BOO HOO!
My pulse is rising - OH THROB THROB!
My heart is racing - LUB DUB DUB!
Hey, what's your name?
Don't want to call you "Hey" every time.
Hema D'Souza.
Hema The Saucy?
Why'd your parents
do this to you?
What's your name?
Is your dad's name English?
That was awful.
Dude, please.
She's my girl!
Please laugh, for my sake?
Fine. Ready?
Wow, awesome.
-So funny.
When you look at me - WHAM!;
My mind goes - BAM!
Plant one on my face - SMACK!;
My nerves would tingle - OH SHEESH!
Is she looking at me?
Is she?
Is he looking at me?
Revathy is checking me out!
He's asked his friend to look.
Shall I call the cops?
Want the number?
The cops' number. Thought
I'd give you mine? Boo.
What's wrong with you?
You could have rode
with him, instead.
-Let's go.
Hey, stop.
You can't enter with slippers.
-We'll take them off, then.
Keep an eye on it.Only shoes are alloed
You can't bribe me!
He must maintain clean accounts.
Tell him to meet his auditor.
He won't need to pay off officers then.
You're just walking in and out...
Where are you going?
Do I ask you where you go?
Do I?
Why do you ask me then?
Let's go.
-That was great logic.
Don't ask me anymore.
You're not afraid to
talk back to your dad?
At his age, he may have
a million reasons to go out.
At our age, so do we.
As long as we do nothing wrong
They shouldn't interfere in our lives,
nor we in theirs.
My dad won't mistake me.
You have a great dad, man.
But he has terrible memory.
The other day,
he kept calling me "Mustapha".
I just let it be.
What can I do?
Asked him to see a doctor
so many times. He won't listen.
And he works for the government
in the Income Tax department!
Where are they?
Who cares where they are?
Buy me a beer.
I'm getting bored here.
Dude. I've got 600 bucks!
6 beers each.
We'll rule the night!
Just to be safe, lets see the menu.
Menu card, please.
How do we spend all this money?
Bloody fool.
Everything costs 500 or 1000 bucks.
This is priced at 20 bucks!
That's the water bottle.
Look here!
Beer for 200 bucks.
Give us two of these 200 bucks beer.
You said we'll have 6 beers.
But this is a tiny bottle!
This won't get us drunk!
Just drink that.
Didn't come here for beers.
I'm so anxious to find her
She's looking. Or is she looking?
I can never tell.
How do they manage to do that?
Who's this skyscraper?
What's your problem?
-Buzz off, hot shot.
Look here.
Why are you staring at my friend?
Laying a hand at HIM?
I go to the gym, too!
-Let go.
I'm the Inspector General's son.
Out of my sight!
I'm the Inspector General's son.
Even constable's son could make him
wet his pants...
Who let you in?
-Hey, I know him.
So you're the I.G's son?
-What's wrong with you? We're friends!
Your friends are cheap.
Who's cheap?
We paid 200 bucks for a beer.
Beer is cheaper in the stores.
You won't take your eyes off me.
Why do you follow me around?
How could I not follow
such a pretty girl?
Would you ogle at any pretty girl this way?
-Of course.
But youre not just any pretty girl.
Give me my beer.
So you had this little speech
rehearsed, huh?
Give me my beer.
Listen, man.
That rich kid bumped against my beer.
Can I drink yours?
Mine spilled.
Can I have yours?
Dude. My brother!
-Shut up.
Stop doing that.
Here! Take it.
Get lost.
Where are they?
Can't see them.
Let's go.
-My beer!
Sir, please
-Drunk and driving!
Wait here.
Show me your papers.
-I left it behind at home...
Roaming around drunk
with girls at night
I'm taking you to the station.
Dude, that's my dad's friend!
Uncle Ramalingam.
Just watch me.
I was on my way back home.
-Put your phone inside.
Seize that car.
Hello, uncle.
Hello, Tamizh!
Uncle you see, I had a beer.
No problem. Go, I'll handle it.
-No problem.
What else?
They're my friends.
Really? I'll let them go?
Hold the boys.
I'll drop the girl home.
-You, come here.
Come here.
Where's your license?
-I told you I forgot.
Your vehicle insurance is due
Give me the girls' parents' numbers.
-Please don't do that, sir.
The Assistant Commissioner will be here.
-Sorry, please let us go.
Shall I drop you?
Trust me.
I'm a good guy.
I never break anyone's trust.
And your friend?
He'll walk home.
Don't I have any dialogues
in this scene?
I trusted you, too.
HEMA: Bye, Revathy.
TAMIZH: Go away, this is my one chance.
TAMIZH: Go hook up with Revathy.
KUMARAN: Good idea!
Wish you'd told me sooner.
I'll drop you, Revathy.
In your imaginary car?
-Oh no!
He didn't mention that.
You don't drink?
I saw you at the bar,
you only drank juice.
Not interested.
Do you drink?
No way!
Do you drink beer?
A little.
What do you do?
I did nothing!
Did I brush against you?
I mean, what do you do,
for a living?
I'm a second year
Bachelor of Commerce from the arts college.
Bachelor of technology.
In architecture.
You look like a White girl.
But you come to the temple everyday!
My dad is British.
Mom is a Brahmin.
Mom would insist that I go to the temple
to preserve the culture.
I grew fond of temples.
Do I still have to wait
outside the temple to talk to you?
Okay, bye.
Won't even thank me?
She didn't even thank you?
Don't piss me off first thing
in the morning.
Girls are like pancakes.
Boys are the pan.
Everyone enjoys the taste
of the pancakes
Not the sacrifice made by the pan.
What's with the one liner?
I thought it up a long time back.
Waiting for the right time to say it.
The timing sucked.
Come here.
You come here.
You're so macho!
Hema asked if you can buy her beer.
Yesterday, she told me
she doesn't drink.
She's been wanting to try it
ever since you told her.
You take those rich boys
to go clubbing.
But you need me to buy the beer?
-Fine, don't buy.
No, let me buy it.
Hey, let me buy it.
But you were so macho!
-Please, let me buy it.
No wonder beer is overpriced.
She's chugging it faster than us!
It's so bitter.
Oh no!
You're wasting precious potion, you cow!
She reminds me of "Venneeraadai" Murthy.
I'm steady!
-I can see that.
Is she talking about us?
She didn't even finish the joke.
Are you okay, Hema?
Do I look like I'm not okay?
Not at all.
Shut up, you sidekick.
It's not like you're the heroine.
You're the sidekick, too!
-Hit the sidekick, too.
Why did you hit me?
Shut up, man.
Shut up.
Shut it.
-And you thought she's a white girl!
Look here, man.
Look here.
You look average.
Very average.
You've done something
to me.
You have.
Over here.
And here.
What did you do there?
Do you know what you're doing?
You're doing something!
What have I done, Hema?
You're disturbing me, you pig.
Do you know how I feel?
Come on, let's go.
-I feel
Let's hit them tomorrow.
-Take her away.
Can't you see that?
You pig
You dog!
You tramp!
That's too much drama
for half a pint.
It's fine that she slapped me.
But between the slaps and curses,
she said something. Yeah?
Even though she was tipsy,
she knew you're average looking.
Listen, man.
You're the hunky one, happy?
"You've done something"
"You're doing something.."
"You're disturbing me"
What does all that tell you?
That you're disturbing her.
You won't get it.
Acts like an infant
-Tell me.
When the heroine's friend is not with her,
you must know to walk away.
Go away, dude.
-I'm not going.
Too much nuisance here.
Let's go over there?
Like you'll do any talking there.
Sorry I hit you yesterday.
You hit me?
No, you didn't!
But you mentioned something.
About some disturbance.
Over here.
About how you feel.
Did I?
No, I didn't.
I was kidding.
You did hit me.
I'm not kidding.
I didn't say anything.
So whatever you said yesterday
doesn't count?
You could just accept.
Accept what?
That you said it.
Said what?
I used to play
when I was a kid.
I want to play, too.
My love, my life;
Sweet love of my life.
The apple of my eye;
You are, you are, you are.
My love! My life!
Sweetheart, the apple of my eye.
We're punch drunk in love, baby;
Don't you say a word.
We may get tipsy;
But don't you falter.
We're punch drunk in love, baby;
Don't you say a word.
We may get tipsy;
But don't you falter.
Woman! Can't you see?
I'm soaring in new skies.
Oh no, I can't rest now.
My eyes refuse to sleep.
Listen up, you're the one;
My sweet, young love!
Lock your lips to mine;
Devour my soul!
Talking to you, endlessly;
The sound of you breathing softly.
And your kisses on my cheek;
Makes my knees go weak.
Your unfaltering gaze;
I'm lying in a daze.
And the mock anger;
Your naughty fingers.
I see our future;
It's you and me!
We'll be together;
We'll be one!
You're everything I wished for;
And everything more!
Girl, I want you by my side;
Even when we're past our prime.
You're the one I'll write love songs for;
When the sun goes down, we'll be one.
Woman! Can't you see?
I'm soaring in new skies.
Oh no, I can't rest now.
My eyes refuse to sleep.
Listen up, you're the one;
My sweet, young love!
Lock your lips to mine;
Devour my soul!
What's this?
We're going to Darjeeling.
What will you tell your parents?
Happy first anniversary.
My love, my life;
Sweet love of my life.
The apple of my eye;
You are, you are, you are.
My love! My life!
Sweetheart, the apple of my eye.
We're punch drunk in love, baby;
Don't you say a word.
We may get tipsy;
But don't you falter.
We're punch drunk in love, baby;
Don't you say a word.
We may get tipsy;
But don't you falter.
What's on your mind?
It's just
I never hide anything from dad
or Aravindh.
Ever since Hema came into my life,
it's like Aravindh is not a part of it.
Must have been close to a year
since we met him?
He's keeping his distance from us, too.
He gets that we're leaving
him out of something.
After we get back home...
I'll tell Aravindh and dad about Hema,
and introduce them.
I'm going to find a good job
within a year and marry Hema.
After that, it'll just be my mom,
my dad, Hema
You, Aravindh...
And my aunt.
Won't it be great?
Surprised to see me here?
You've come for your "college tour".
I go to the same college.
Naturally, I'd come for it, too.
Dude, I didn't mean to-
Don't come any closer.
You're being a jerk.
Know why I'm not pissed off with you?
You're a nobody.
Don't be mean.
Don't just say things
to hurt him.
I'm being serious, man.
Look, I'm in love with a girl
Quit it.
Just quit it.
He means more to you
than I do.
Or you'd have told me, too.
How would you feel
if I'd ditched you and gone around with him?
I thought the two of you were my world.
That was my mistake.
I'll find a new world now.
Don't you even feel guilty?
Just stand there.
Just hold that!
I came all the way just to see
that head of yours slouched.
Don't bother coming home
when you're back in town.
I don't ever want to look at your face again.
HEMA: We did our best. Do you like it?
REVATHY: You look so dazed!
HEMA: Cut the cake!
KUMARAN: He's very upset, be quiet.
Let's give them privacy!
Come here.
I've got something for you.
What's wrong?
It's nothing.
Okay, open my gift.
What's this?
This is the house we shall live in.
This is the living room,
where we'd hang out with all our friends.
This is the kitchen,
where you'd hold me from behind.
And this
This is our master bedroom.
Where you know..
Do you know?
I do know.
Go on.
This is the balcony.
This is the garden.
Do you like it?
Which is my parents' room?
Your parents?
They'll live in the house they live in now.
-Stop kidding.
How could this be our home
if my parents don't live here?
Where's my parents' room?
Tamizh, I've been drawing this plan
ever since I was a little girl.
It's my dream to live like this
with my husband.
Okay, let that dream be.
Now, in that dream of yours,
I'm just going to
Draw a small line
Here, it's my parents' room.
It's all good.
Tamizh, we shall live in this house.
And your parents in their current house.
We'll spend time with them every weekend.
Are my parents a cinema hall
to visit on weekends?
Why are you fighting with me?
What, then?
My dad is 56.
My mom is 52.
They didn't abandon me when I was a kid.
How could I abandon them now?
I'm not asking you to abandon them.
I'll take good care of them.
I'll obey them.
Respect them.
But it's my dream to live this way
with my future husband!
What made you think
I'd leave my parents for you?
I'm leaving mine.
Why can't you?
You bring your parents, too.
Let's all live in the same house.
-Are you mocking me?
Trying to be smart, are you?
It just won't work.
It just won't work.
How could you be so selfish?
I'm selfish?
Why are you making me
out to be the bad guy here?
I just told you how I wanted to live.
But it's always all about you.
What about me?
What about my dreams?
What's all this life and dream
you speak of?
I don't think this is working out.
You're making a big deal
of a small issue.
You're asking me to abandon my parents.
That's a small issue?
I didn't say that!
Stop making me look like the villain!
What are you trying to say?
This is important to me.
This is how I wish to live.
And you're not even
taking that into consideration.
What would I do if you
control me all the time in the future?
I don't want someone who tells me
to abandon my parents.
You don't want me?
Tell me.
You don't?
You don't want me?
I don't.
I'll just drop dead.
I tried so hard, but we just couldn't
get back together.
Aravind stopped hanging out with us.
A year flew by.
Do you like it?
-It's very nice.
Aravindh is getting engaged.
I can't believe one of you boys
is getting married!
You see, sister-in-law
They're a good family.
Aravindh is doing well in his business.
He liked the girl, too.
How long could him and I
live by ourselves?
Are you still not talking to him?
Still fighting?
No such thing, auntie.
I'll talk to him.
Mom, I'll be downstairs.
He's being difficult.
We tried to talk to him so many times!
It's not like you did something terrible.
You went out with a girl
and didn't tell him. Big deal!
Aravindh is running a business.
And he's getting married.
But you're still loafing around
with this swine.
Dad says he'll get you a job
at his office.
Why won't you take it up?
I want to see you married, too.
-Right, like things aren't bad enough.
Okay, I'll go to work.
Tell dad.
You mean it?
Tell him.
Right away!
I'll go with you?
-I'm not going to the park!
Wants to go with me
Let's see his wedding invite.
Like it's the Taj Mahal.
You look very different.
I swear, I didn't know Aravindh is your cousin.
After we broke up,
I wasn't interested in another relationship.
My parents asked me.
And I said yes.
I just found out that Aravindh is your cousin.
I had to talk to you.
We're going to be a part
of the same family.
There shouldn't be any awkwardness.
No such thing
We were over anyway.
We have to move on.
My cousin is a great guy.
You'll be happy with him.
I'll get going, then.
Hold on.
Did Aravindh agree to leave his mother
to live with you?
That's why we broke up.
So I just
That's not why we broke up, Tamizh.
You don't even know why we broke up.
It's a shame.
It's the way you treated me.
I'm leaving.
Even I can't take this, man.
Listen. Let's just go somewhere else.
Dude, let's go!
It started to sink in that she was not
my girlfriend, but Aravindh's wife.
Just like mum wanted,
I went to work at my dad's office.
Somehow, my mom convinced me
to get married.
They say God knows what's right for us.
To me, Yamuna was it.
She was life's greatest gift.
Give me!
You don't have to
Alright, you're sitting already.
It's nice and quiet, right?
We should talk something.
We should talk, because
ours is an arranged marriage.
Need to get to know each other.
Did you like me when I first came
to your house for bride-seeing ceremony?
If you say something apart from "Hmmm",
that would be really helpful.
I liked you.
I liked you.
And you?
What does 'Hmmm' mean?
The exact same thing that
all your 'hmmm' meant.
You ask me something.
Okay, I'll ask.
What does a husband mean to you?
I mean
What do you need from a husband?
To share my future with.
To take good care of me.
To feel safe.
For security
And you?
What do you need from a wife?
I had a little brother. We'd sleep
in the living room next to each other.
He'd always put his arm around me,
I hated it.
I'd always push it away.
One day, I'd gone to school.
When I came back from school
They told me he died in an accident.
He was there when I left in the morning.
How could I cope with him being dead
by afternoon?
I had to sleep alone in the living room.
I'd have nightmares about my brother.
My brother would ask me,
"See, you never let me put my arm around you"
"Around whom will my put my arm now?"
I'd get really scared.
And wake up out of breath.
I'd sweat a lot.
Then, I started sleeping next to my mother.
I'd put my arm around her.
That was okay till a certain age.
Then, my dad said "You're old enough
to sleep on your own"
And made me sleep in the living room.
I'd sleep in the living room, get scared.
And wake up with a start!
I want a wife
To sleep with my arm around her.
That's what I want from my wife.
Did I bore you?
Are you hungry?
What do I say?
Words fail me.
When our eyes do the talking;
Words are nothing.
This strange tingling;
I feel inside me.
The kind that makes me blush;
I can't speak of it!
With small desires welling up;
I stutter and stammer.
There's a breeze wafting;
With the scent of blossoms.
Piercing me with your gaze;
My heart does a waltz.
We came out to give them privacy,
and he's out there playing on the slide!
He's playing on the slide?
Does our son even know
how stuff works?
You and me, Me and you;
We are one!
You and me, Me and you;
We are one!
What's with the sudden plan?
We were planning on a pilgrimage
after your wedding.
We'll return in a week.
Take care of the house, dear.
-Okay, mother-in-law!
I'm leaving for work.
Suddenly, out of nowhere;
Love struck me! Leaves me panting!
Today and forever, I see us together;
With clasped hands, today and forever!
Unspoken desires, wicked thoughts;
They weigh down on me.
Our quest for love ends here;
I'll be yours, till the end of time.
Someone's knocking.
We'll answer tomorrow.
-Let me go!
Are you well?
-Welcome home.
Hi, dad.
MOM : Are you well?
TAMIZH : Back so soon?
Say something.
With small desires welling up;
I stutter and stammer.
There's a breeze wafting;
With the scent of blossoms.
Piercing me with your gaze;
My heart does a waltz.
Life's brought us together;
We're a brand new chapter.
You and me, Me and you;
We are one!
You and me, Me and you;
We are one!
You and me, Me and you;
We are one!
You and me, Me and you;
We are one!
What do I say?
Words fail me.
When our eyes do the talking;
Words are nothing.
This strange tingling;
I feel inside me.
The kind that makes me blush;
I can't speak of it!
Son! Tamizh!
Hurry up.
You're getting me late for work
every day!
YAMUNA: Must you go to work?
TAMIZH: I'm coming, dad.
Hurry up.
-Be quiet, he'll come.
Inappropriate man
Okay, sir.
I'll tell you where to bring it.
Okay, sir.
I'll bring it over.
Let me just resign and come back!
I have an errand to run.
I'll get to work on my own.
You take a cab.
Why did you rush me?
Just take a cab this one day.
Everything was just fine.
But one day, dad came home
very worried.
We didn't know anything.
He looked very disturbed.
I'd never seen him that way before.
But he wouldn't talk about it.
You forgot to put on your shoes.
Put them on.
These days, I'm
My memory is getting worse, right?
Not really.
You forget some small things. Why?
I don't forget the big ones, right?
No, no.
Is this about the shoes?
Let's see your aunt
on the way to the office.
You go in.
I'll wait here.
Looked like you were arguing with him...
No, it's nothing.
That was something else.
Let's go.
Okay, fine.
Officer wants to see you.
Bring me Mr. Devanathan's accounts file.
What are you looking for, dad?
I'd kept this important file
in the locker...
It's missing.
Did you leave it somewhere
and forget?
I don't have memory issues!
You carry on. I'll handle it.
-Don't get so worked up. I'll look for it, too.
Dad, did you find the file?
I've got a headache.
I'm going home.
Where's the boy?
Am I in charge of him?
For how much longer?
He's not a child.
He's married!
He's a responsible boy.
He'll manage.
Be careful with the file.
Remember where you keep it.
He's still not returned.
His phone is switched off.
I've written the office number by the phone.
Call up.
Is Mr. Tamizh there?
He's left, madam.
He's left?
Okay, thank you.
She gets so worked up
if he's just a little bit late
Want to eat?
What's wrong with the guy?
Your dad yelled at your mom.
There was a file missing at work,
so he's worked up.
Dad yelled at you?
Let it go.
He was stressed about work.
So he'll yell at you?
Let it go.
What do you care?
Your wife got all worked up
because you came late from work
One whack
Buzz off.
-I'm buzzing off.
Scrub it nice.
He came home last week.
He said he forgot
where he left the money
It's not that.
He'd forgotten some file.
They're saying he stole it.
I feel dizzy.
I'm feeling dizzy.
Lie down for some time.
Sir, come in
Sorry for your loss.
-Come in, sir.
It's fine.
Can we speak in private?
Did he say something about a file?
My dad is not a dishonest person.
-Of course!
I know that very well.
I shall burn in hell
if I utter one bad word about him.
But it's my duty to ask you
Did he bring some bag or something?
What bag, sir?
A bag of cash
Did he bring..?
You want to know if he sold the file
and brought home money?
It's not like that.
I had to ask.
He lost the file, so his pension
and provident funds has been revoked.
You had to be removed from the job, too.
-I know, sir.
I'm very sorry.
If you need some help,
feel free to ask me.
Okay, sir. Thanks!
Take care, Tamizh.
Take care of your mother.
Not resting?
I think I'm pregnant.
Everyone's talking about the suicide.
And there was something about
a file theft on the news.
The neighbours are uncomfortable.
If you could vacate the house
in a week's time
You want us to vacate suddenly?
We're been paying the rents regularly.
No, son.
I can't live in this house anymore.
It's fine.
Let's go to my parents' house.
Why would he do such a thing?
Did he say what the problem was?
He didn't say anything.
Yamuna, that's for your brother.
Hold on. I'll make another cup
for your husband.
Let's go to a new house.
Is it possible?
My dad's gone.
Lost my home, my job
My whole life has come
crashing down.
What took you so long?
-It's nothing.
Yamuna hasn't eaten.
She's waiting for you.
Go to her.
Why have you still not eaten?
Do you need to be reminded constantly
that you're pregnant?
Here, eat up.
What is it?
This can't go on.
We need you to be normal.
We're dependant on you.
I didn't want to stay in my place
I'm sure you had your reasons.
While we stayed there,
had someone said something to you
Or treated you badly
What would I do?
People in my family are very nice.
I like them.
But I like you more.
My baby should have good ties
with all his family.
So I had to.
I didn't ask you for your reasons.
That's what makes it so hard.
My mom is a widow!
I'm going to be a father.
But I can't even smile.
You're pregnant.
And you don't even have
a nice place to fall asleep.
Please don't cry
I can't stand this!
I can't take it!
You pure soul, my loved one.
Does sorrow weigh you down?
Let go of your misery;
I'll carry your burden, lean on me.
This tide will soon pass;
Time will heal these scars.
Even fallen blossoms;
Shall spread their scent again.
I haul and haul, it never ends;
Such hardships life throws.
We will see a thousand million,
Countless happy smiles.
Bear with me, darling.
I'm here for you, beloved.
The earth, skies and space...
Our love shall transcend all.
You pure soul, my loved one.
Does sorrow weigh you down?
Let go of your misery;
I'll carry your burden, lean on me.
Time will heal these scars;
Our love shall be a constant.
Even fallen blossoms;
Shall spread their scent again.
Sir, you were close friends
with my dad.
Did he say something to you?
In the end
Before he did it...
He didn't say anything.
Did he say something about the file?
He didn't, son.
The baby's moving!
Feel it.
Don't misunderstand me
Our lives have taken unexpected turns.
I know things are not the way
they were before.
But we need to think about the future.
We shouldn't miss out on
the small joys in our life.
I can't find out why my dad did this.
I asked everyone.
His office for 25 years, his whole world,
is calling him a thief
I can't just carry on with my life.
I can't see the small joys around me.
Forgive me if I'd hurt your feelings.
No, it's not like that!
Wait for a minute!
Are you crazy? Don't run so fast
when you're carrying.
You got mad at me
and left your lunch behind.
That's why.
I could never get mad at you, Yamuna.
Where would I go
if I got mad at you?
The way you left,
it didn't appear that way
You're all my small joys, Yamuna.
Fine, come
What are you doing?
I'll drop you home.
What would people think?
Can't a man carry his own wife?
I'm feeling shy!
We need to speak in private.
I couldn't say anything when you
came by the office.
I was a little hesitant.
But I'll tell you what I know.
I don't know whether or not
your dad took your file.
But he said that the officer gave him something
and he forgot where he left it.
You look tense. What's wrong?
The officer's cash
Don't know where
What cash?
Don't mind me.
I'm just babbling
You said "cash"
When I tried to ask for details,
he started covering it up.
Talk to the officer.
You'll find some clarity.
Did he bring a bag?
Or maybe some cash?
Sit down.
Tell me.
Did you give my father some money?
And he had a memory slip?
Just tell me, sir.
I wont talk to anyone about it.
Please tell me what you know.
Fifty million.
Fifty million?
-Yes, fifty million.
Tie it right!
-Yes, sir.
Yes, sir!
Could you come by to my place?
Right now?
-Yes, right now.
To your place?
Shall I come over in half an hour?
Yes, come over.
You need to do me a favour.
-Tell me, sir.
Keep this bag safe for a few days.
-Okay, sir.
What's in the bag..?
-There's fifty million in it.
Return it to me when I ask for it.
Sir, fifty million
It's a lot of money!
How could I?
-I get it.
You're an honest person.
But I'm not like you.
This won't work for you.
I've got a tip-off that the Central Bureau of
Investigation is raiding me tomorrow.
I can't trust anybody now.
Keep it for me till then.
It's not right, sir
-Please, Raghavan.
If you don't help me,
I'll be arrested.
I will lose my respect, dignity.
My wife and kids will be on the streets.
Please, Raghavan.
Okay, sir.
When I asked him for the cash
after six months.
Where's the cash?
Sir, it's
Yes, Raghavan?
The cash
-The cash?
I don't know where I kept it.
You don't know where you kept it?
I had given it
I'm not
I left it somewhere
but I've forgotten.
You may forget where you left your pen
or your wallet.
But you're saying you forgot
50 million rupees of cash?
I just
I don't understand, sir.
-Me neither.
What I gave you was black money.
There's no evidence
that I gave you that money.
Nor is there evidence
that you have misplaced it.
Sir, I don't want that money!
I only said I don't know
where I left it.
Okay, you may go.
You may go.
Watch out, Raghavan.
Big money is always trouble.
Think about it,
get some rest and clear your mind.
But when you come tomorrow,
bring the cash.
Hard to believe, right?
My father won't steal, sir!
Which is why I trusted him.
Where's my money, then?
So the file that my father was
accused of losing...?
Sir, that file is missing.
I looked everywhere.
But I can't find it.
Yesterday, it was the cash.
Today, it's the file.
I remember very clearly
I swear it was in my locker!
Where did it go, then?
You're losing a lot of things, Raghavan.
Do you know what the file is worth?
If we don't get the file,
not just you
Your son will be arrested, too.
There are two women in your house.
If the two of you end up in prison
What would happen to them?
Think about it.
Anything could happen to them.
Sir, I
I had it in my locker.
First, find the money.
Once you find the money,
you'll automatically find the file.
Got it?
I thought he'd return my money
if I threaten him with the missing file
But I didn't think
he'd do this.
Find the money.
You'll automatically find the file, too.
I'll get you your job back, too.
These days
My memory is getting worse, right?
How would I know?
He had a memory slip.
Why am I being interrogated?
Why are you getting so worked up?
-What do you expect?
I just wanted to know
if my dad said something to you.
You're his son. If he hasn't told you,
why would he tell me?
Don't misunderstand me.
Your dad might have had
another family or something
Maybe he had to pay for those children?
If you don't know,
just say so.
Don't you speak that way.
Or you'll pay for it.
You told that boy the truth,
what if he brings the cash?
I just need to know
what happened to my money.
If he brings the cash, we'll see.
Don't mind my asking
First, his father asked about the money.
And now, it's Tamizh.
What's happening, Aravindh?
Are you involved in this somehow?
I'm really pissed off.
Just go away.
Leave me alone.
-Why are you pissed off?
I said leave me alone.
I can't tell you.
Why can't you tell me?
I said I can't.
-I want to know why!
What is it that you can't tell me?
You must be hiding something.
-Yes, woman.
But I can't tell you.
You'd tell on me to your ex-boyfriend.
Why should I tell you?
My ex-boyfriend?
Drop the act.
Isn't Tamizh your ex-boyfriend?
How did you know?
How did you know?
I saw it.
I saw it all.
I saw him avoiding me
and running after you.
I followed him.
I saw you.
I saw how pretty you were.
I saw that he always
got better things in life than me.
But I had nothing
to do with your break-up.
So, I thought "Why not take her?"
I told my mom that I liked this girl.
And to talk to her parents.
And now
You're mine.
Why do you hate him so much?
So... his dad's money?
I took it!
I've got the money.
What do you want me to do?
There's fifty million in this.
-Fifty million?
How did you get so much money?
This is my officer's unaccounted money, it seems.
He's got a tip-off about a raid
at his house.
So he's asked me to keep this money
for a few days.
Uncle, what if there's trouble?
-There won't be any trouble.
Why did you bring it to me?
-I live in the Officer's Quarters.
How could I take this money home?
Besides, there was a robbery
at the neighbours' last week.
I brought it here
because it would be safer.
I'll get it back from you
when the Officer asks.
Just keep it safe.
Okay, uncle.
But don't mention it to mom.
Black money, raids she'll worry.
-I won't tell her.
And you don't mention anything
to Tamizh or your aunt.
They'll ask too many questions.
Especially Tamizh!
I thought I'd use it for my business
and return it in a few days.
I didn't think he'd come back
and ask for it so soon.
The cash I gave you...?
The officer wants it back.
Get it.
What are you talking about, uncle?
What cash?
The day before your wedding,
I gave you this officer's cash, right?
The black bag. That one.
Go, get it.
Uncle, I have no idea what you're talking about.
On the day of my wedding
A black bag?
You didn't.
You didn't give me any bag, uncle.
Stop joking, boy.
Bring the bag.
Uncle, I'm very serious.
You didn't give me any bag.
Is this something you joke about?
Go, now.
What's happened?
My superior officer had asked me
to keep his cash for him.
I gave it to this boy for safekeeping.
Now he tells me I never gave it!
Is this something to joke about?
What's this?
Return his bag.
Mom, I don't even know
what he's talking about.
Why would I refuse it if he had
given it to me?
It's slipped from your memory
and you're babbling now...
I've got a memory slip?
Hit me, uncle.
Hit me!
My father is dead, anyone can barge into
my house and hit me.
How could you raise your arm
at him, brother?
He says you didn't give it.
My son doesn't lie.
Uncle, don't take this the wrong way.
Your memory has been getting
worse by the day.
I kept telling Tamizh
that you needed to see a doctor.
See what's happened?
I remember very clearly...
I did give you the cash.
I did
You must have
forgotten it somewhere, uncle.
I thought it was done.
But he came back with Tamizh
the next day
I thought maybe he knew about it, too.
But he hadn't told him.
Aravindh, please.
If you've got it,
give it back to me.
Not for any other reason.
I'm scared that I'm going crazy!
Why are you doing this, uncle?
I don't have the money,
how could I return it?
I didn't want to use the money
immediately after he died
I was just about to invest it in business
but Tamizh comes and asks me now.
Should I keep waiting for them?
You're not human!
You're a monster.
-Get lost.
Is it hard-earned money?
This is someone's black money.
I'm ashamed of you.
-Where are you going?
Let go!
-What are you..?
How are things?
Going on.
Everyone at home..?
They're alive.
And Tamizh?
What about Tamizh?
He's the same.
He goes to work at the shop
in the morning.
He returns only at night.
My mother-in-law just sits
in one corner
Things are not the way they were.
All that happiness,
the laughter
Always wondering
what happened to dad.
And the worst part...
There was this chirpy little boy in him.
He's missing.
Bottling up so much,
unable to talk to me
He's never harmed anyone.
He wept like a child yesterday.
Why should he weep?
I'm whining about my issues
like a mad person
And making you cry, too.
No, it's not that!
I shouldn't have spoken that way.
I'm sorry.
No, listen to me.
Tamizh's dad
Aravidh is the reason he died.
The money that Tamizh's dad gave
Aravindh has got it.
I raised him like a son.
Why did he do that?
Mom, don't cry.
I have to see him.
I have to see his face.
-No, mom.
I want to see the man who killed dad
-No, mom. Listen to me.
Why did he..?
Don't let him get away with this, Tamizh.
Don't let him get away.
Make him pay.
I already looked all over
the house.
The cash is not here.
Aravindh brought these documents
to lease a plot.
I don't know anything about it.
Hello, sir.
-Tell me.
Aravindh asked me to meet you.
-We'll seal the deal tomorrow.
What now?
We shall seal the deal,
but he wanted us to go over the details.
I've told you a dozen times.
Total investment- 10 million.
You'll get returns of 500 thousand
to a million in a month.
It's a booming locality,
with IT companies and call centers.
I've got many offers for the place.
I'm giving it to you because
you're paying it all in black money.
We're okay with the deal,
but the venue
We sign all our deals at the family room
in Shwetha Park hotel.
Be there by 7 A.M.
-Shwetha Park
Okay, sir.
But instead of 7 A.M,
could you make it 9?
Auspicious time...
-I'll see you there.
You've come to the right address, dude.
Come on in.
Sit down.
I prayed so hard
That you shouldn't turn up here.
And you shouldn't
be the one holding this cash.
How could you?
My father is dead.
And you act like such a thing
never even happened.
My mom raised you like a son!
I didn't think your dad would
commit suicide.
But I
Really need this money now.
We could split this money between us.
You want to split this money?
Didn't you say my dad had another family?
You're a good man.
Everytime you started a business
and lost money
My dad would worry night and day.
How could you do this?
Aren't we made of the same blood?
I'll give you twenty four hours.
Return the remaining money
and fall at my mom's feet to apologise.
Take a minute over twenty four hours
You just went and blurted everything
to him, didn't you?
You can't just hit me.
I'm not that kind of girl.
You'll get it back.
What are you going to do?
You're not loyal to your husband.
You're no woman.
Make sure you're a man.
We'll think about whether or not
I'm a woman.
He means more to you
than me?
Answer me!
He's more important to you?
-I can answer that question.
You'll find it very humiliating.
Is that okay?
Return the remaining money
before things get ugly.
Don't be cheap.
What is it?
-Come up here.
Quick! Look over there.
That man was pointing at our home
and speaking over the phone.
The money is at our home.
I'm scared.
It's probably nothing,
I'll talk to them.
Stay inside, okay?
Looking for me?
You took the money from me!
I know how to get it back from you.
-Is that why you sent those men after me?
Send men?
I'll snatch the money from you
on my own.
Why do you speak like
that's your hard earned money?
Watch out, buddy.
Money can make you a rich man.
But it can also make a mad man.
Be careful.
I will send men.
They're about to raid your house.
What? A raid?
-For Devanathan's file
Why would the file be here?
I don't know.
Just be prepared.
What is it?
They're coming here
to look for that file. But why
The money!
Auntie, my mom said she'd visit this evening.
Take this and leave.
What's happened?
-It's nothing.
Just take this and leave.
We're from the Income Tax department.
We have a search warrant.
You wouldn't take my word for it.
We're so devastated.
Why do you make it worse, sir?
Sorry for the trouble.
So, buddy
They raided your house?
I knew this was your doing.
But it didn't end the way you wanted.
You gave the money to Kumaran?
I think you may have to
take Kumaran to the hospital.
Didn't I tell you I'd take the money
back from you?
Money chooses the worthy.
Your family is not worthy.
Quit this hero act
and try to save your family.
Some men are born to win.
And some are born to lose.
I was born to win.
And you were born to lose to me.
I tried really hard,
but I couldn't save the money.
I'm sorry, man.
Tamizh here.
-Tell me, son.
I want the call records of the past 15 days
for a number. Possible?
We work in the Income Tax department.
Can do, within 15 minutes!
Come over.
His number has been switched off
for the past 15 days.
He's turned it on just to dial
these numbers.
Bring me the installment details
for the 23 unsold apartments.
Man, what's wrong?
Why do people know the details
of our deal?
Why would I talk?
One of your men came
And asked for details.
Changed appointment from 7 to 9 A.M.
You'd just discuss it with a stranger?
This is Hema's number.
This is his mother's number.
-Call up this number.
You should have phoned
and checked with me!
Gen Builders.
This is the builder's number.
I have the money now.
Is our deal on?
The property is sold out.
I get the feeling you're trouble.
This money, too!
Random men are barging in!
I won't deal with you.
He's called this number often.
-Hello, who is this?
Sir, it's about the money
-What money?
For the business
-What business?
I'm calling about the money!
-Who are you?
I was given your contact.
That's why I'm calling.
Who gave you?
-It's this guy
You've got the wrong number.
Hang up.
We need to find this address.
So Hema darling!
What are you upto?
Scheming ways to destroy
your husband?
He thinks
He can take my money?
Here's the money he snatched
from me.
Wish you could
see your ex-lover getting humiliated.
Want to hear it?
Want to hear him crying desperately?
-So, Tamizh
Having a sob-fest with the family?
They'll face so much suffering,
thanks to you.
Speak out, buddy.
Your lover can hear you on the speaker.
-Just hang up, man.
You'll be embarrassed before your wife.
-Embarrass me, huh?
How, darling?
-I'm telling you again.
Hang up. You're embarrassing yourself.
Try and embarrass me!
Let me see.
I meant what I said.
I was born to win over you.
Remember the name Amirtha Sen?
Ring a bell?
Mr. Amirtha Sen?
You are?
-I've spoken to him over phone.
Who are you?
Sir, my friend has gone missing.
We're checking with all the numbers
he last dialled.
Really? What's his name?
His name is Tamizh.
I don't know anyone by the name Tamizh.
They said "Tamizh".
My phone is out of credit.
Can I use your phone?
Thank you.
Actually, I got the name wrong.
His name is Aravindh.
Hey, look
Aravindh is just my friend.
That's all.
I don't know anything.
I'm busy now.
Daddy has told us not to play
in that room!
Can't hide there.
Let's hide elsewhere!
Can I have some water?
Come this way!
They must be hiding
in the other room!
Why did he give you this money?
To launder the black money to white.
I just take a commission.
You've taken the 10 million, alright.
But the remaining 40 million
Is with me.
No, no, no
I warned you not to
embarrass yourself before your wife.
You didn't listen!
And you said
Money chooses the worthy.
And my family is not worthy, huh?
You're my family, too.
Is that why it slipped through your fingers?
I was born to lose to you?
Here in Tamizh Nadu...
The English language may lose,
French may lose.
Korean may lose,
Japanese may lose.
Chinese may lose,
Italian may lose.
Spanish may lose,
German may lose.
But here in Tamizh Nadu,
Tamizh never loses.
Lost the 40 million?
You brought 10 million and lost 40 million!
Why'd you show off so much?
My ex- boyfriend sounds bright and sunny.
You sound dull though.
"Tamizh, the sweetest dialect of all"
"Tamizh, this fine Tamizh;
We shall cherish over our lives"
I don't need a baby shower now!
The baby can hear us
talking now.
Say something.
Don't trust your family.
That's what you have to say?
I only said what I knew.
I'm leaving, then.
Bye, auntie!
See you, Yamuna.
Why? It's so late.
Stay over and leave in the morning.
No, auntie!
I'll come back later.
This place is not
even comfortable enough.
It's fine.
No such thing!
Stay over?
I could use the company, too.
Okay, I'll stay.
You can't sleep here!
There are mosquitoes here.
Your girlfriend is comfortable inside.
Don't worry.
-Come on!
That's silly.
I saw it.
I saw you prepping her bed
with so much care!
One must be hospitable to guests, right?
Look at me.
Look into my eyes.
Don't you still have feelings for her?
You're crazy!
So you haven't refused.
I'm only in love with you.
Yeah, right.
I love you, wifey.
Whoa, whoa, whoa!
Hearing it for the first time.
And I'm yet to hear it even once.
Fine, I love you.
Wow, so romantic!
Where's my food?
Why would you do this?
You're talking to yourself
like a madman!
Know why I haven't told your mum
about this?
If she knew you killed her brother
Money can make you a rich.
But it can also drive you crazy.
Money can make you a rich.
But it can also drive you crazy.
So, buddy
Can't tell the truth and lies apart?
Everyone thinks you're crazy?
Heard you've been talking to yourself.
You had better see a good psychiatrist, man.
Why did you do this?
What did I ever do to you?
You've brought my family to the streets!
Why are you so greedy for money?
You got me killed!
Come on.
Come, join me!
Come to me!
-Come to me!
Why are you doing this?
We were so happy. So peaceful.
Did we have money then?
I had you, you had me.
We had everybody.
You've got nobody now.
Why do you love money
more than all of us?
I'm not trying to snatch that money
for my benefit, man.
I must return this money to the officer
and prove my dad's innocence!
That's all.
But if you're losing your mind,
your life and happiness over it
I don't want it.
It won't bring my father back.
I'll give you the rest of the money.
You keep it.
I'm off.
Forgive me!
I was greedy for money.
I didn't think uncle would commit suicide.
I just wanted to use the money
for business and return it.
But when uncle died,
I didn't know what to say!
Forgive me, auntie.
I'm so ashamed to face you.
Forgive me!
I'm sorry.
It all seemed right at the time.
But I was wrong.
I was wrong.
I'm sorry!
I'm sorry!
Come in.
Oh, Tamizh!
Come in.
Have a seat.
I've got the missing 50 million.
Please announce that the file
has been found.
And give me back my job, sir.
I'll come over to your place
in the evening and drop off the money.
Let's make a deal.
You can keep the 50 million.
I've made 500 million with the missing file.
I can't account for this file now.
Nor can I give you back your job.
Instead, keep this 50 million.
You can settle down.
And I can put an end to this.
Don't think too hard.
Even if you slog all your life,
you can't even make 10 million.
You'll never get so lucky again.
Why did you send those men
to get the money, then?
So that you wouldn't walk in here
with the money.
I'd have to answer to you!
What say?
You can settle down.
And I'll be relieved of these issues.
You're putting a price tag of 50 million
for my dad's life?
Not everyone is after money.
-Why not?
What's greater than money?
The file shall be back by morning.
And my job, too.
Or else
-Or what?
You can't do a thing to me.
But I can destroy you.
No one can destroy Tamizh.
Try your best.
Did he just refuse 50 million?
He won't budge.
He needs the violent treatment.
-My contractions have begun.
And mother's gone out to the temple
-I'm coming!
Don't hit him. Please!
Somebody, help!
You should have agreed to my terms.
You've made a mistake.
I shouldn't have let you go yesterday.
But you got away.
You can't get away from me.
I'm not going anywhere.
I'll be waiting.
But you're going to the prison.
You've got nothing
to send me to the prison.
Could you please turn on your T.V
and tune into the news?
Yes, sir.
I'll say it like it is.
My conscience is killing me.
A senior officer of mine, Mr. Prakash Kumar
Falsely accused Mr. Vijayraghavan
of stealing Devanathan's file.
Unable to handle the accusation,
he committed suicide.
It worked in Mr. Prakash's favour.
Have you got evidence?
I was an aide to everything.
I'm an eye-witness.
Wondering how I pulled him
to my side?
I beat you at your own game.
I bribed him your 50 million
to make him confess.
Your money
Turned out to be your devil.
Much money is much trouble.
Why did you tell the press?
You're going to prison with me.
Sir, you looted 500 million
and threw me some 500 thousand.
The boy has paid me 50 million now.
If I continue to be your side-kick
for the rest of my life, I won't make so much!
Wait up!
You forgot your lunch.
-Won't you carry me home?
You were pregnant then!
If I carry you now,
what would people think?
Walk back, okay?
Really forgot your lunch, huh?
Nope. You were holding the box.
Why didn't you give it?
Won't this old lady think
we are disgusting?
But I can't carry her!