Thank You (2013)

- Clean up those plates
- Okay
" Dai!
" Sir!
Haven't you been asked
to close shop by this hour?
I was about to wind up
but that big chicken shop closed only now
We get business only after they close
Allow us also to survive sir
Don't try your tricks with us
It's the truth sir
No one comes to joints like ours
Everyone goes to big places like those
What can we do sir?
Enough! Pack up your things
It's me Elvis
News bulletin tonight will carry
an exclusive report I've sent
The case where the civil supply minister
was exposed accepting bribe
Don't forget to telecast, its exclusive
I'll be right there
Sir, we'll get into trouble
This fellow appears
to be a TV channel reporter
Better not rub him up
the wrong way
You will be forced to run around
to justify yourself
- Better to leave
- Okay, let's go
Phew! Gone!
Escaped only because of you sir
Which TV channel do you work for?
I don't work for any channel
It was just a ruse
Think they're very smart!
Still clinging to old bullying tactics
He's terrible! A tiger!
- How much'?
- Rs 22
2 steamed pancakes and egg roast curry
Pack it up
- Shall I pack and keep it ready?
- Okay
How do I reach
Vand ross Junction?
Yes, but if I explain you'll lose your way
Pay me return fare also, I'll drop you
- Okay
- Keep the packed food ready
okay. We
Sir, you can sit with me
These ladies will get off soon
Hey Gopa, will anyone be hooked?
Money you earn during day
do you splurge it like this at night?
I've got better work to do sir!
He's training to be like
Mammootty in the film Valsalyam
Day and night he thinks
only of his family
One liter of petrol that used
to cost Rs 30 is now Rs 70
I can fill 10 liters of petrol
for the money you charge
My dear chap! Petrol alone is not enough
You have to apply some grease also
If not, the gear box will rust
and become totally useless
Who is your client today?
A Hindi speaking guy
Malayali's are the
best ones
They'll just lie quietly and that's
convenient for us
Oh God, let it be some
political party member
I can easily prosper
in life using him!
Hello? What is it my son?
Ayyo! When I come home,
I'll bring you the drawing book, okay?
Now go sleep my dear
Hey! stop here!
- What an awful brake!
- You ain't seen nothing lady!
- How m uch?
- Rs 50
Which apartment did he say?
God knows! I wasn't told, let's ask Vasu'anna
Shall we go sir?
Some people beg for a living
While others sleep around
- How m uch?
- Rs 30
Do you drive only at nights?
Of course not, we sleep only
by 3 AM and are awake again at 6
If it's not a problem can you come
to Jawaharnagar at 8.30 morning?
Sure! Why not?!
- Okay
- What's your name?
- Gopan
- Okay
Okay sir, see you
- I want a room
- Write your name and address here
It will cost you Rs 300
Room # 8
"When all those wild rose apple trees"
"Burst out in full bloom one night"
"Little breeze that went looking
for a handful of nectar"
"Why did you scratch on
earth with your fingers?"
"When all those wild rose apple trees"
"Burst out in full bloom one night"
"Little breeze that went looking
for a handful of nectar"
"Why did you scratch on
earth with your fingers?"
"Shade giving trees slept
through the night along roadsides"
"As moonlight faded away from earth"
"Filled with yearnings, desire goes in search
of a partner to spend the night"
"Why did the breeze go to those shores"
"...of fiery fires where red
hot coals were fanned alive"
"Why did the breeze go to those shores"
"...of fiery fires where red
hot coals were fanned alive"
"When all those wild rose apple trees"
"Burst out in full bloom one night"
"Little breeze that went looking
for a handful of nectar"
"Why did you scratch on
earth with your fingers?"
"Why did the breeze go to those shores"
"...of fiery fires where red
hot coals were fanned alive"
"Why did the breeze go to those shores"
"...of fiery fires where red
hot coals were fanned alive"
I am here -xxx-Team Splash-xxx
Shall we go?
- Sir, what do you do?
- I don't belong here
I am from Kurichy in Kottatam
looking after dad's rubber estate
But actually I want
to script a movie
I have written some,
without dad's knowledge
I must meet a good director
Why don't you meet
the guy who directed 'Beautiful'?
Who knows, you might be his savior!
- Who is that?
- I don't remember his name sir
The hero is always lying
on a bed throughout the film
Is it a Kambi movie?
No, probably his parents forgot
to vaccinate him against polio
In this mad rush to make money
where's the time to look after children?
No problem
The papers for pollution test is missing
Hey! Stop!
Lower the glass I say!
Fellows out to harass early morning!
Open up guys!
Sir he refuses to lower
open LIP
Oh! A set up for pleasure eh?
Knew it seeing the darkened windows
When playing around without your wife
Don't forget to wear the seat belt
I know it sir! For safety right?
My foot! Such games will be caught
on camera like those and sent home
Your wife will then seal your fate
Zip up and get going dude!
Wear the seat belt
Hey! Stop!
Where's your helmet?
I am on my way for an interview
Already I am late, may I go?
You don't need a helmet
for your interview
But when you ride on
roads you need it
Please sir let me go, I'm late
Come here! Pay the penalty and go!
Get the wireless guys!
Stop him
Don't let him go
Sir, the wireless is missing
We get good appam and
egg roast here sir
Come sir
Sit sir
Chechi (sister)! You okay?
That dried up twig is that
cow elephant's mahout!
That deep sigh said it all
Chechi, he is in the movies
I write scripts for films
A script writer
Shall I get you
oothappam (puffed up pancakes)?
My oothappam is very famous here
Shall I get appam (fluffy pancake)?
My appams are also-
A piece of puttu will do for me
- What do you want?
- Appam
- Where's the toilet?
- Go this way, you'll find it
Be careful! See that you don't knock down
the pancake batter kept near the toilet
Hello control room?
Good morning sir
Come on play
Hello, control room?
I am not here to tell you
who or what I am
Now the time is 9.10AM
At precisely 10.45 AM there will be
a bomb blast at Little Angels school
I repeat 10.45 AM
I repeat 10.45 AM
- What's your name?
- Bhaktavatsalan
Bring me a tea
And no foam please!
What a policeman, asking for tea
when a bomb is about to go off
My dear chap,
stop confusing issues okay?!
Yes sir
I mean, no sir!
Shankar, if a wireless set lands
in the hands of a stranger... means serious
security lapse on our pan
We should trap him
Sir, Won't our problem be solved
once the life of its battery is over?
Sir, with so many Chinese
markets and grey markets
replacing the battery is
quite easy and a simple job
If the wireless is kept switched on
for a minimum of 15 minutes only...
...we will be able
to de-activate it from here
Otherwise it's impossible
Sir all these are just hoax calls
just to make us run around
Buggars call from public booths
with a 1 rupee coin and claim...
...there's a bomb here or there
And once you go investigate,
nothing is found
- ls your kid in this school?
- No, he's in Christ school
That's why you think this way
When there's a bomb threat
to 626 students and 24 teachers you think we should
shut up and sit here doing nothing?
Never ever judge your enemy
- Shankar
- Sir
We are moving
Sir, now-a-days more
than dialogues
they use a peculiar slang
instead of normal talk
They talk like this
ls your film also like that?
My film is a thriller
Oh then it will have plenty
of police and fights right?
Gone are the days where...
...the hero flexes his muscles
like a body builder
Youngsters these days
play with their brains
New games where they strike
a match in petrol and write their story
That will be superb!
Well, the audience too
have to like it, rig ht?
- The audience is most important these days
- That's true
Let it go
You can't go
- Stop
- Let go
Hey! Move it this way
The road is blocked
Come quickly
Let it go
The kids upstairs
have been moved
You go this way
And you this way
Be quick!
Below the benches
This room
Come, next
the last classroom
Come on
Sir, I think it was a fake call
Good sister, nothing to worry
There is no bomb inside
All clear now
Everything is ok
You can take the kids in
Nothing to fear
Come on, go to your classes
Hey cover the kids
Come on!
Don't be afraid
- Back off!
- Move I say
Goodness! This is deep trouble!
- Won't you be late for you appointment?
- That's okay
I'll change the tyre right now sir
Da! Do you have to fiddle
with your vehicle in front of the jail?
Bugger off!
Sir I will shift
Lets not go via the school
Someone's placed a bomb
and that road is blocked
Have these bandicoots
started bomb blasts here also?
Not only them, even dead
Bin Laden will come back alive
Because there's wealth in millions here
Padmanabha swamy temple wealth
Sir I don't think this will be solved
I have to take it to a work shop
When the curtains fell
after a half hour bomb drama...
...the police finally found
only a harmless country bomb
What did they gain?
People delayed for a wedding
A candidate who missed
his interview appointment
The police have to give an answer
Commissioner Dev is here
to answer our questions
What have you got to say, commissioner?
The safety of those kids was our priority
Everything else was secondary
Do you see this as negligence
on the pan of police?
Shasheendra! Why don't you
get the cistern of the toilet fixed?!
Commissioner can you hear me
Can't you store at least
a bucket of water here?
Shasheendra, can you get some water?
Or at least get me some paper
The commissioner appears to be busy
Let's go to our next segment
Her blessed journalism!
A bunch of do-gooders!
Sir, it was Sugunan's wireless
that went missing
Sir it was while I was checking
Stop it! Checking my foot!
Hiding behind trees and thickets like thieves
Look at him with his paunch full of shit!
- Shankar
- Yes sir
Study the camera surveillance
Check the CCTV footage
Fast-xxx-Team Splash-xxx
Come here
Do you get Dum Biriyani nearby?
What biriyani?
Dum biriyani
Buy one for me
Sir what about my job?
Don't worry I'll take care of that
This is a good violin
- How much does it cost?
- Rs 4500
- I'll come this evening
- Okay
Sir, I wasted a lot of your time didn't I?
That shop opened only now
- Did you call him?
- No there's time
- Who are you buying the violin for?
- Muthu my daughter
Her violin teacher has asked her
not to attend class unless she got a violin
Have you got what ever
this dum or gum biriyani?
If I have to buy a violin for Rs 4000
I have to run this vehicle for 40 days
Some idiot took off with my wireless set
I will surely get my hands on him
What a wasted day
Yeah, that's the one!
Zoom it
We got him
Yes, that's the guy
A guy traveling in an auto
Pass the message
Quick let's move
He's only a short distance away from us
Next lap the game changes
The real game starts from there
All stations and control rooms
All stations make a note
Awireless set was lifted
from a police jeep at
Thycaud junction by a
guy in an auto Sundari'
All junction sets please not
and stop the auto
Traffic stations make
a special note
Aman has gotten away in an
auto named Sundari
Control room message is not clear
Call control room for further information
Sir, can I give you
a superb story for a script?
What is it?
I got it from the puncture shop
Sir, how is the story
Isn't it superb?
The police, government and the city
is within his hands now
Did they catch him finally?
He's born to a combination
of Maradona amd Messi
The kind of game he plays is such
When Messi strikes a goal
there's a face missed out by everyone
The one who passed the ball to Messi
His face will always be in a shadow
This stranger is also like him
Let him play
Let him play the game well
Hey! Look out a vehicle!
Hey! Move aside
Help him out
Da! Where is the guy
who was with you?
Sir, he was in there
Push him into our jeep
Will you stand aside?!
Just take it away from here
Sir, the auto driver
has been brought here
Good! Let's go
Sit, sit
- Gopan, you aren't hurt, are you?
- No sir
Don't be worried
Do you know why you've been brought here?
- No
- I'll tell you
- We need your help
-I will sir
Sir! Here is the Dum biriyani
you asked for
Hey! Cash not necessary
I got it free from the hotel
There is another job fit for you
That also has only 2 letters in it
Go pay that hotelier for this
- Sir! What about the charges against me?
- Good you reminded me
Now give him the suspension order
- Sir, what's our next step?
- He is in this city
But we don't see him
He's able to see us
He's enjoying each blunder we commit
But we will find him
He's just an ordinary buggar
doing extraordinary
"Which is this wind?
That crosses mountains to reach here"
"From where did this storm arise?
Awind so strong and beautiful"
"To a thousand flowers with hearts
that burn, this wind is a chant of balm"
"Whatever this wind, whoever it is
These winds so righteous comes to awaken"
"Whatever these winds,
wherever they come from"
"They are here to accompany
the right against wrongs"
"Breaking down barriers"
"Bamboo groves and jasmine on hillocks"
"Branches of fragrant Acacia
all swayed in glee"
"Dragon flies that sip on
nectar lost their way"
"Like flower petals in the breeze,
that fluttered away"
"Whatever this wind, whoever it is
These winds so righteous comes to awaken"
"Whatever these winds,
wherever they come from"
"They are here to accompany
the right against wrongs"
"Breaking down barriers"
"Winds you've got to see to
believe their strength"
"Eyes burning with fiery
red coals of anger"
"Breaking the tender branches
of the Alstonia tree"
"Raging, this storm comes
dancing the 'theyyam dance"
"Whatever this wind, whoever it is
These winds so righteous comes to awaken"
"Whatever these winds,
wherever they come from"
"They are here to accompany
the right against wrongs"
"Breaking down barriers"
"Whatever this wind, whoever it is
These winds so righteous comes to awaken"
"Breaking down barriers"
Sir, he's back on the wireless
Commissioner here
Tell me
Long back in 2005 in
Mumbai at Mahim police station
Awireless set
like this was stolen
They got it back in 2010
lam not going to do anything like that
I called now to return this to you
It's okay, not a problem
Just a prank as a citizen
I'll see that you don't be
penalized for this
Tell me where are you now?
You belong to the old cadre, don't you?
I just asked seeing
the love you shower on me
Are you mocking me?
You don't know me, be warned!
It is actually the opposite
You don't know me, sir
Isn't that why I am playing this game
And making you play it as well?
The simple harmless bomb
you got this morning
from school was just
a trailer from me
Now the actual game begins
lam going to give you a gift
bigger than what you got from school
Wrapped in glittering red paper
I've left it in a restaurant on MG road
I give you 20 minutes, sir
Just 20 minutes
Come on move
Quick disperse
Sir, I give you 20 minutes
Just 20 minutes
Go inside
Look here
Sir, nothing here
Sir, nothing here
Move on next
Moving into Statue Hotel
Sir, everything's clear here
Its clean sir
Shankar next
Move them aside
Search is over
Search is over
Nothing found
Be quiet!
The second threat in city by
the unknown man, also turns out to be a hoax
Police are here,
following the threat issued...
...of a bomb placed
in some hotel at MG road
They are now trying to solve
the public pandemonium following this
The wireless set stolen
from the police...
...was used by the unknown
to issue the 2nd threat
Travels in a car with red light
All very good to see
Do you know how many days
since I properly was in touch with my wife?
Sir may be you should
visit a fertility clinic
Don't act over smart!
I was talking about being in touch over phone
Forget that! That guy has really
tied you up in circles right?
Sometimes, authority has no effect at all
Even if it is Obama, indigestion could
make him also faint in weakness
Come to the point
His second message too was hoax right?
Yes sir
We could not find anything
What is your opinion?
Sir the first one was a harmless bomb
And 2nd time we drew a blank
I think he's playing a game
A game he has no control over himself
Is this a pointer that terrorism
is not too far in our state also?
I don't know sir
We are going to trap him soon
Very soon
- I think we got him
- Go ahead man
We have traced his location
It was from Palayam we got the last signal
Make it fast
A minor mistake and we'll miss him
Move aside
Get him inside
The unknown person striking terror
in city has finally been caught by police
He has been taken to police head quarters
for further questioning
Get out!
Come on, move
I am not that unknown terrorist
I swearl am not him
I am Sudhi
Police call be robber Sud hi
Bhaktavatsalan sir
Sir I do know him
He does all the petty thieving in city
- What is happening?
- Tell us you!!!
The other one, the other one
Next to that, sorry
Is that the one?
Or give me the yellow one
Yes that's the one
Got it
- It's not cold
- Then I don't want it
Irritating fool!
What do you want?
We've traced the signal sir
Move man
Oh! Was it yours?
I was looking out for you
Here take it
It's yours, take it leave me
Sir, this is a sketch of him
- Sir sketch is ready
- Good, see that it reaches every where
Even after 3 hours, police
are not able to nab him
The common man falls prey
to the actions of this unknown guy
There is a huge line of vehicles
unable to keep up time schedules
Let us ask our people what they think
It has to be solved as soon as possible
- Does it reflect police apathy?
- Yes it does
What are we to do?
We are put to great trouble
Either the common man has to decide
or government has to take a decision
- The police are unable to identify him
- That shows the police inefficiency
Just a minute
What do you think of this unknown chap?
Whoever takes law
in his own hands will be punished
Brother, thanks
This is the opinion of people
Shankar how far
is the school from MG road?
Hardly 2 KM
And the time between these 2 incidents
About an hour
There's quite a crowd
between the 2 places
At peak traffic hour it takes almost
an hour for any vehicle to pass this way
Moreover, Gopan's auto fell here
That means he was actually
traveling here to here
So his target is here
This 2 KM stretch
I want details of all events
happening or about to happen here
Sure sir
You can just wait there
I want to meet Shruthy
who reads the news
Sorry sir she's busy right now
You can't see her
I have something
of utmost importance to tell her
Sir I've already told you she's going in
to read the news, you can't see her now
I have seen you somewhere
Where are you from?
Katayikonam, why?
Shruthy this bulletin
has to include this story
It's very important
Okay I'll take care of it
"Whatever this wind, whoever it is
These winds so righteous comes to awaken"
"Whatever these winds,
wherever they come from"
"They are here to accompany the
right against wrongs"
"Breaking down barriers"
"Bamboo groves and jasmine
on hillocks"
"Branches of fragrant Acacia
all swayed in glee"
"Dragon flies that sip on
nectar lost their way"
"Like flower petals in the breeze,
that fluttered away"
"Whatever these winds,
wherever they come from"
"They are here to accompany the
right against wrongs"
"Whatever these winds,
wherever they come from"
"They are here to accompany the
right against wrongs"
"Breaking down barriers"
tiff -xxx-Team Splash-xxx
"Winds you've got to see
to believe their strength"
"Eyes burning with fiery
red coals of anger"
"Breaking the tender branches
of the Alstonia tree"
"Raging, this storm comes
dancing the 'theyyam dance"
"Whatever these winds,
wherever they come from"
Has this guy stayed here?
"They are here to accompany
the right against wrongs"
"Whatever these winds,
wherever they come from"
"They are here to accompany
the right against wrongs"
"Breaking down barriers"
"Whatever these winds,
wherever they come from"
"They are here to accompany
the right against wrongs"
"Breaking down barriers"
Shankar come fast
Close the door
What happened?
Sir please come its important
Shankar, howlong
for the live program to come on?
No way sir
We can't do anything
Midday news
It was after a lot of deliberations
and discussions...
...that we decided
to conduct this program
Many of you may think that we are doing this
to increase the rating of our channel
- Yes sir
- He has to be arrested immediately
No sir, if we arrest him within TV channel
premises, it will become an issue
What do we do now?
Just shut our mouths
and watch the show
We leave it to you to decide
We present him before you
Isn't he the guy I saw in the auto?
- Can I speak?
- Yes, please go ahead
This is the first time
lam talking for a TV channel
So if I commit mistakes
please excuse
Many people viewing this
may recognize me
You have given me a name
after the fiasco of the last few hours
Unknown guy
Next you may want to know
the answers to 3 questions
Whol am, howl am here and why?
It was a few years back
that I resigned... job in America and reached
our own native land
Remy a?
Are you doing all
that in this condition?
Its okay
May be okay for you
Leave it there, I'll do it
- Leave 'n there Remy a
- Over, 'R's done
Meenu's 3rd birthday
What is that?
Don't know, probably
belonged to previous tenants
Hey! Anu what are you doing?
Get down
I want this
I told you many times
Get down!
How can you
do this in your condition?
It's okay
You are pregnant
Understand that
But nothing's wrong with me
Can't you just tell me?
Is this the one?
What? What are you
going to do with this?
Are you going to fry me?
Next time you do this I'll just...
My new born baby
Say 'Happy Onam'
- Happy Onam
- Good
Just see to her
Don't allow her to go late
on her birthday
The van has come
Take the bag
Hold the bag
- You'll trip
- No mom
My daughter
- Eat up your lunch fully
- Oh I forgot
Thank you
Come fast
Bye dad
Bye mom
She always wanted a cycle!
This will definitely be a surprise
S he's com e
Go fast
Don't spoil it like last time okay?
Happy birthday
Meenaks h I's ho use?
Anu, get UP
Get me my phone
I'll ask Kurup'ettan about this
I did tell the house agent
that you must be told everything
Obviously he has not
You must know that family well sir
'Jan 23, 8 year old molested
Capital city in a state of shock'
Happy Onam
Today we are going
to celebrate our daughter's 8th birthday
We are planning to make it
a memorable celebration
Bye dad
Thank you
Bye Meenakshi
Come dear, you can sit in front
One ice cream please
Oh God!
Oh God! My daughter
'Driver of a school van molests
Girl of 3rd grade class dies'
'Meenakshi's death
Tragedy that shocked the state'
'You are watching the arrest of
the accused, school van driver'
'Meenakshi died after
the school van driver molested her'
'Also a member of a political party
He was in hiding after the incident'
'Police found him after a secret tip off
regarding his whereabouts'
'Massive retaliations and protests
in different areas following this'
You are agitated because
you are new to such incidents
These are regular incidents I see
on the channel since the last 10 years
May be Bal'etta, do you know that kid
is not even as old as your grandson
I know it...l know it very well
I also know why you are so furious too
Come with me
The school van toppled into the man made
Parvathi puthannar canal near the temple
Little Hearts Kindergarten School van of Petta
lost control when its wheel skid against...
...the root of a tree in the narrow road
causing it to fall into the canal
9 children and a lady helper were in the van
Although residents of nearby
started rescue operations immediately...
...the African algae and strong
undercurrents hindered their mission
This happened in July 2011
The driver and 5 children were rescued
But 4 kids and the lady died
All children are either LKG or UKG kids
Chief Minister V S Achyuthanandan
and other Ministers along with...
...police officials visited
the place of incident
Accident in September 2012
These 2 separate incidents happened
because the backwaters were
...too near the road
and did not have any barriers
After the 1st incident there were
plenty of agitations and protests
And the government gave
assurances of immediate action
But sons of guns and
buggars of council...
...just one week after that
went their blessed ways
Bloody rascals!
A year later again, 5 kids were lost
to their parents in the same place
This is the scene when the corporation...
delayed just for 2 days, clearing the garbage...
...that were dumped from hotels and houses
Every night like going to attend
a wedding bearing a huge gift...
...they come in cars bearing the feathers
and fowl wastes to be dumped on streets
As if the place was
their ancestral properties
But is there anyone
who sees the pain...
...and tears of an entire village
affected by this?
The Police had to escor1ther2 lorries
of garbage that had to come to Vilapilsala
In 1st week of April 2008, young girls
taken away to Mangalapuram and molested
Every such criminal
activity goes scot free
Because he is backed by
a politician or a VIP
But is there anyone who realizes...
...the hundreds of homeless
women being harassed?
Enough please!
The reason why such dastardly
acts are repeated... because we have no
inclination to retaliate
Today, the newspaper is just a thing... be read in the toilet
till the time we crap!
In this world where each one
lives only for his own family...
What does media matter?
And what is ethics to him?
He has gone from this so called
God's own country a long time ago
This land is leased by the Satan today
Satan like us,
who live within our own selves
Why Bale'tta, has our native land
alone become like this?
I too had the same
thought as you just did
What use is it, if we alone try to change?
Forgetting all that I
had heard and seen
I returned to my old life
living like everybody else
Busy with only my own life
Acommon man, slipping from
one busy schedule into another
'These are the scenes
our news team captured'
'...using hidden cameras
on the eve of August 15th'
'Melpara committee member,
a small issue in property'
'Please help him out of it'
'Hey! What is it?
Go away'
'This man who is supposed
to be undergoing punishment...'
'...lives in luxury with his
political influence'
'Today Meenakshi is no longer alive'
'And the man responsible
for her death is living a life of luxury'
'These comforts he enjoys is also
our hard earned tax payers money'
'We must be ashamed'
'Where is law?
What is the justice in this?'
Shall we go?
All of you saw the video
that shocked everyone
We should have
remembered that child
Remembered Meenakshi's family
who were devastated by it
None of you reacted
But I did
It's me da
I need your help
I must meet you urgently
We have one day only
Afew hours of day light actually
A minute mistake
and all our plans will shatter
So the game starts from here
Pay the penalty and go dude!
Hey stop!
Where is your helmet?
I am going for an interview sir
I'm already late
You don't need a helmet for the interview
But you do need one to ride on roads
Please sir I am late
Let me go
'That was the day
I was waiting for'
'The culprit was
brought to the court'
Da! Do you have to fiddle
with your vehicle in front of the jail?
- Bugger off!
- Sir, I will shift
Let's not go via the school
Someone's placed a bomb
and that road is blocked
Have these bandicoots
started bomb blasts here also?
The jeep has started
They will be taking a detour
They'll need 45 minutes to reach MG road
Hey! Look out for that vehicle
Turn it around
There's a block here
We'll go the other way
Hello control room
Sir a bomb scare in this school
Please turn and go this way sir
From MG road once they reach the old road
you have to take over okay?
Sir this road is blocked
You can go
to Vanchiyoor this way
What's this?
Road block
What man?
Stop it
I abducted him
to actually kill him
But I did not kill him
I don't know if what I did
was right or wrong
It is for you to decide
I have hidden him safely at a place
In a house # C 21 at Chengalchoolai
Hey! He is right here in our own colony!
Come on guys!
Move aside
Move! Move!
Move aside I say
It is not the system that has to change
We have to change
Every bit of news we read
in papers is not to forget...
...but to be remembered always
As a reminder that one
voice raised in protest
against a wrong must be
joined by 100 voices more
Excuse me
Remya just delivered
A baby girl
How do I get this off me?
Thank you
'With this we end
our live transmission, thank you'
There are losses for me to bear
when I cross this threshold
I may be punished
for taking the law in my own hands
I don't know if I can
even see my wife and child
I don't mind
As long as at least one person
will agree that what I did was right... convert my losses into gains
The doors that opened out for me
did not lead me to losses
Every voice that rose for me
belonged to my own native land
Move aside
Move back
Walk with me
No! Shankar leave him alone
Move aside
Like he said today, it is not the system
but we the people who have to change
He is being recognized not for
a wrong he didn't do, but for a right he did
A 1000 voices support him today
Even the government is forced
to accept the strength of that voice
Meenakshi pick up the phone
Where is she?
I may be delayed
Where is she?
What do you want to say?
She has only one job
To watch your stories of valor on TV
- Give it to her
- Okay
Dad's on the phone
Who is this mom?
Your dad's most intimate friend
Talk, come on hold the phone
What are you doing my dear?