That Evening Sun (2009)

Eh! God.
You make a habit
of taking things
ain't yours?
Your name's
Meecham, ain't it?
They sent you to
collar me, then?
Yes, sir, they did.
How much
they paying you
to bring me in?
Twenty dollars.
Did they already
give you the cash?
Not till I
show up with you.
I see.
Well, you...
you help me find my
timepiece down here,
and I'll let you
bring me back to
the authorities.
Sir, I don't know
what to tell you.
I believe that watch
made a run for it.
Hell, no, it didn't.
That's the problem
with your generation...
no follow-through.
I've had that
timepiece 50 years.
My wife give it to me.
Man, we looked over
there, like, three
times already, man.
Like I said...
no follow-through.
Twenty dollars, huh?
Yes, sir.
I'll give you 25 to
forget that old
folks' home
and drive me out past
Ackerman's Field.
Ackerman's Field, man.
Looks like you
got company.
You sure this is
the right place?
My name's on
the mailbox,
ain't it?
How much was it
that I owed you?
Just $20,
like I said.
Worth every
nickel of it.
Twenty dollars
worth of distance
from Linden, Tennessee.
That'll do it.
No, shit, man.
No. No, here.
Okay, thank you.
You know that girl?
She your relations?
Not by a
considerable sight.
I hate just
to drive off.
It's whole lot of
nothing out here.
Way I like it. Don't
worry nothing on me.
Suit yourself, Homes.
Take it easy
in this heat,
man, all right?
Who are you people?
What are
you doing
on my farm?
Well, my name's Pamela,
and I'm sunbathing.
Um, mama's in
the house,
I guess,
probably cooking,
and I don't know
where Daddy is.
Somewhere. Probably.
I mean,
what are you
even doing here?
Why are you here?
We live here.
Ain't you Mr. Meecham?
I certainly am,
and this is
my place.
Oh, I'm Mrs. Choat.
Ludie Choat.
Lonzo's wife.
You... you remember
Lonzo Choat?
Oh, Lord God.
We rented
this place
from your son.
Been here going
on three months.
I was hardly gone
three months!
Well, we
got the papers...
and everything.
We thought you was
in the old folks' home
over in Perry County.
I was. I
ain't no more.
I need to use
the telephone.
Uh, we ain't got
a telephone.
Of course there's
a telephone!
We always
had a phone!
There's one
in there, but...
it don't work.
Ain't, um, hooked up,
or... or something.
I don't know.
You can talk
to Lonzo about it.
He'll... he'll be
here directly.
I'm an old man.
I may die directly.
Abner Meecham.
Is it true Paul
rented you
this farm?
Ninety-day lease,
option to buy.
I guess
this is news
to you, then.
Sorry you had to
come all this
way out here.
Cover yourself, girl.
An option
to buy, huh?
Yeah, that's right.
Let's get
one thing clear
out of the gate.
That will
never happen.
Will... never... happen.
You know why?
Because you wasn't
never nothing but
a loafer, Choat.
You and your
daddy both
never owned so much
as a pair of pliers.
Hell, that's my wrecking bar
you're holding right there.
You're still
as contrary as
you ever was.
If you think you
can buy a farm
this size
with food stamps,
you're mighty mistaken.
You remember
that time I
tried to rent
that tenant shack
out there from you?
Well, I did,
and you wouldn't
rent it to me.
Ain't life funny.
I never rented
that house to nobody!
It was built too close
to the main house
to begin with!
There wouldn't
have been privacy
for either place.
Hell, that
must've been
20 years ago.
You do remember.
Remember how long ago
it was I needed it
and I
didn't get it.
And life is funny.
And you can forget
about your food stamps.
I got
plenty of money
now, Meecham.
I'm buying this place.
I'm gonna tend
to it, too.
I'm gonna have it up
and running in no time.
I ain't seen none
of this famous money.
Besides, this place
ain't Paul's to sell.
We fixed it up legal.
If I was you, I'd
be packing my stuff!
We'll see.
We sure
as hell will.
Now, where's
that paper?
Right here.
I thought you'd
want to see it.
Why don't
you step out
into the light?
I can see just fine!
This ain't
no legal bond!
The hell it ain't.
Unless you
got something
else to say, then...
Where are you
going, Meecham?
How you aimin'
to get back
to town?
Hold... slow... slow
down, Meecham.
Slow down, slow
down, listen.
Now, I can't
let you go
inside the house.
The furniture come
with the place.
That was part
of the deal.
But not my stuff!
Ain't none of your
stuff in there.
We cleaned
all that out,
put it out
in the tenant house.
Now, listen.
Listen to me.
If you want
to go over there
and get whatever it is
you need to get, you can.
Then I need you
to be gone, okay?
Lonzo is down
in the barn still.
I know.
I- I don't think
it's a good idea,
Mr. Meecham, not
unless Lonzo is here.
I just want to have
a look around,
that's all.
Check on things.
Everything's just
fine in here.
That cab's coming
for you, I guess?
What's that?
That taxicab?
It's coming back
to pick you up soon?
Exactly how am I supposed
to contact that taxicab,
Ma'am, you want
to tell me that?
Am I supposed to use
that phone in there,
the one you broke?
Maybe I should
just walk back.
Hell, it's only
about 20 mile.
I'm only about
80 year old.
Okay, okay.
I'll leave when
I'm good and ready.
You tell
Lonzo the same.
You ain't gonna
shoot me, are you?
I wasn't planning to,
but you go sneaking up
on me like that,
I can't be responsible
for what transpires.
Mama sent this.
She said she bet
you was hungry,
and hot as it was,
you needed something
cold to drink.
Well, what did
Lonzo say about this?
He didn't.
He left to go
play poker at
Mr. Goodwin's house.
Here, let
me help you.
No, I can...
I can... uh,
I can do it.
Tell your mama
I'm much obliged.
Is this
your stuff?
I've been wondering
who all this shit
belonged to.
This ain't shit, kid.
A child your age
ought not to use
that kind of language.
Lord, you cheer
a person up.
Are you always in
this good a mood?
Just when I get routed
away from the trough.
It's just a word.
I'm sure
you've said it
a time or two.
I'm 80 years old.
I can say whatever
I care to.
What are you doing
in here, anyway?
Making myself
some quarters.
You're moving in here?
Daddy won't like that.
I don't rightly care
what your daddy likes.
I'm sure
he'll give you
a lift to town,
if that's
what you need.
Ha! Folks in hell
will be eating
Eskimo pies
before Alonzo Choat
hauls me anywhere.
Well, if you're
gonna stay here,
you ought to get up
some nicer curtains, then.
Maybe even some flowers
to help get the
smell out.
Yeah. Maybe I'll
even get me a dog,
liven up
the place a bit.
Oh, Daddy won't
allow no dogs.
He can't stand
to hear 'em bark.
You say he can't?
I had the
cutest little pup
when I was a girl.
His name
was Nipper.
Daddy hated him
'cause he was so loud.
Plus he
shit everywhere.
Mama and I
got church.
Well, it's nice
to talk to you,
Mr. Meecham.
Just put that dish
out on the porch
in the morning,
all right?
All right.
If I ain't badly mistaken,
it's mine anyway.
What do
you want, Choat?
You're too late
for chatter.
Hell do you think
you're doing?
I think I'm
sleeping in the damn
sharecroppers cabin,
and I ain't
proud of it.
I tried to be polite,
make this easy, but...
you ain't
gonna have
that, are you?
This is my place,
and will be my place
till they lay me
in the goddamn ground!
Now, go on!
Let me rest.
Being old and crazy gets
you a little extra rope.
Best not hang
yourself with it.
Old people, man,
don't know when the
fucking clock's
run out!
Son of a bitch.
She's long, she's tall
She's six feet
From the ground
She's long, she's tall
Six feet off the ground
She's telling me
She's ain't
No hand-me-down
She got eyes
Like diamonds
But these shine
Just the same
She got eyes
Like diamonds
But these shine
Just the same
She got
Sweet ruby lips
Hair like a horse's mane
You're back.
Did you run off?
I guess.
Are they
after you?
Hellfire, it's
an old folks' home,
Thurl, not a chain gang.
Well, I
don't know.
I don't know
nothing about it,
which is just as much
as I want to know.
You get in
this morning?
Where'd you sleep?
Choat make
you a pallet
down on the floor?
I slept in
the tenant cabin.
That's mainly why
I come over here.
I need to use
your telephone.
Gotta call Paul,
get Choat outta there.
How was it,
you know,
down there
in Linden?
It was all right.
Was it?
That why
you'd rather sleep
in the slave cabin?
They fed you decent,
and nobody...
nobody mistreated you.
I got the feeling
if you died in your
sleep some night,
they just move you out,
move somebody else in,
nobody much
give a shit.
That ain't no life.
Ought to make
that call now.
They broke my phone
or something.
Dad? What... who?
That Choat bunch.
Who do you think?
Dad, where are you
calling from?
You're supposed to be
at the home.
I'm supposed to be
where I damn
well please.
Look, I'm
in the middle
of a trial, Dad.
I want them out of
my house, and i want
them out today!
Laying up there,
sleeping in your
mama's bed,
eating off
her dishesl
You ought to be
ashamed, son.
Look, Dad, this is
too complicated for
the phone.
Just get a cab,
go back to the home.
I'll call you tonight and
I'll explain everything
about the sale.
You can't sell
what ain't yours!
Well, I'm your
legal guardian
and the trustee
of your estate.
Look, Dad,
I can't talk
about this right now.
You think you're
the only lawyer ever
to hit a golf ball?
Dad, go back to the
home. I'll call you
tonight, okay?
Take it y'all didn't
exactly see eye to eye.
You still got
that old Cherokee?
Yeah, I got it,
but I can't drive it.
They took away
my license.
Why'd they do that?
I hit some folk.
Who'd you run into?
Uh, Mary Margaret Davies.
Oh! Is she...
she okay?
Oh, yeah,
she's fine.
I run into her butt!
You tried
all them years.
I reckon you finally
banged up against it.
So, how you get
around, then?
Oh, Julie comes
over on Tuesday
after she gets
the kids to school,
and then picks me up
and takes me to
town shopping.
Makes sure I
get my fiber.
You know, it's amazing.
After they raise
their own young' uns,
they come back
wanting to raise us.
She was always
a good kid.
How much you
want for it?
I got errands
to run.
Oh, I don't know.
It ain't worth
much to me.
Uh, $200?
Would you pay that?
Uh... I gotta take
a look at it first.
You ain't got the
best reputation
for taking care of
your stuff, you know.
Let it rain in
your carburetors
and all.
Oh, I know.
I know.
At least it's
my carburetors.
I can't make out
what's what in there.
When was the last time
you cleaned this engine?
About a week
before never.
Do you want
her or not?
Yeah. I'll take it.
Uh, I don't have
enough cash.
Well, $200 ain't gonna
cure any of my problems.
Don't worry about it.
He do that
all the time?
Yeah, that's the
noisiest damn dog
in Ackerman's Field.
He starts out
about sundown
and keeps it up
till first light.
That so?
Good boy.
Hang on, I'll get
your food in a minute.
You still here?
I live here.
That's what
you think.
She sure is pretty.
This dog
follow you home?
Something like that.
Daddy ain't
gonna like that!
He sure is a cute
little thing.
Oh, yes, you are!
You're a cute
little thing.
You even look
like my Nipper.
Come on, come on,
let's do your business.
Can I tell
you a secret?
Well, you're no fun.
Never claimed to be.
I got a date tonight.
Oh. Why
is that
a secret?
I didn't take you
for the homely type.
Well, for one, he's
a little bit older
than me,
and Daddy don't
especially like
me dating older boys,
but really it's
because this boy's daddy
got my
daddy drunk playing
gin rummy last fall,
and when my
daddy woke up
the next day
he was missing $40
and a Swiss Army knife
that my paw-paw gave him
when he was just a boy,
but Steve Jr...
That's the boy
I'm dating tonight...
Steve Jr. Said his daddy
won it fair and square
and that my daddy
just ought not play
gin rummy when he's drunk,
'cause he sucks
pretty bad at it
even when he's
stone sober.
But Daddy says Steve Jr.
Just wants what's
in my underwear
and he won't stop
till he has it.
And then he'll probably
take $40 from me, too,
but I don't
even have $40.
I just think he's mad
'cause he lost
paw-paw's knife.
I see.
You're not gonna
tell him, are you,
about my date?
A child
shouldn't lie
to her father,
even if
her father's
Lonzo Choat.
Ain't nothing good
gonna come from that.
You and your rules.
I'm not a child.
I'm 16, and I'm not
lying to him, either.
I just got
some secrets,
that's all.
Everybody does.
Who does this gun
belong to, anyway?
You ask a lot
of questions.
There's a lot
I don't know.
I bought it for my son
when he graduated
law school.
That's a weird gift.
I thought I
might, uh,
get some target practice
back there in the woods,
maybe shoot me a
squirrel for dinner.
You're funny.
I can't imagine why anybody'd
put you in an old folks' home.
You seem fine to me.
I am fine.
Then why'd you go?
I think I need
to get some rest.
Well, it was nice
to talk to you.
Bye, doggy.
You never did
tell me his name.
How about
we call
him Nipper?
Hupl Come here.
Hush, Nipper, hush.
Hush, Nipper, hush.
Atta a boy.
Hush, Nipper, hush.
You're a good dog.
Now, here we
go, Nipper.
Hush, Nipper, hush.
Hush. Yeah. Good.
Good boy.
Hush, nipper, hush.
Good boy.
Hush, Nipper, hush.
Hush, Nipper,
hush! Hush!
Hush, hush I
How about shutting
up some of that
goddamn racket!
You even walk like it.
What's that?
White trash.
You even walk like it.
Heh. It amuses me.
Must be great
to be so funny.
Helps to
pass the time.
Thought you said
that boy of yours
was coming to
haul you back
to the nursing
home today.
I guess he
couldn't make it.
Probably tried to call...
but since you rednecks
can't pay a telephone bill,
he likely had trouble
getting through.
Yeah, well, you'd
better find a way
to get ahold
of him, then.
Where'd you get
that ugly thing?
I guess you
could say
I found him.
You'd better
lose him, then.
Well, he
don't bark much.
Yeah, I heard him
not barking much
most the goddamn day.
He'll come up
with his neck wrung,
and you
may not fare
much better.
Oh, he... he don't
mean no harm.
Oh, you hush,
Nipper. Hush!
I just don't think
he likes you, Choat.
That's all.
It's all right, boy.
He... he... sh, sh,
he's all bark.
You've been trying
to start a fight
with me
ever since you set foot
on this land yesterday.
I ain't trying
to fight you, Choat,
just claiming
what's rightly mine.
This is my land now,
Meecham, can you
understand that?
And I can
do with it
what I want to
when I want to.
I can paint
this house,
I can raise
a new harvest,
I can...
I can... I can...
bathe in that big tub
and lay in that soft bed
and can't nobody
tell me different...
not you, nobody!
And that just eats
you up, don't it?
It just claws
on your insides.
That's what you
work for in this
life, Meecham...
land, to have a home,
to be a landowner.
And I'm the goddamn
landowner now!
How do you expect
to run a farm
this size
when you can't even
keep the lawn mowed?
You're in over
your head, son.
Heh, yeah. Yeah, well,
we'll see about that.
Stupid old coot.
Hell, I'll just
sit right here
and outlive you.
How about that?
You're older
than Moses, anyhow.
Can't walk for shit.
Falling apart
before my
very eyes.
Why do you think
your boy put you
out to seed in the
first place, Meecham?
He ain't stupid.
Some point you gotta
let go, friend.
I ain't no
friend of yours.
That's right.
Go on and get another beer,
you miserable drunk.
You're nasty when
you're drinking, Choat.
Well, you nasty
just about all
the time.
Well, I'm
going to bed.
When you coming?
I don't know.
Don't let him
worry you, Lonzo.
He's just a
harmless old man.
Come on to bed.
Lonzo, come on.
The way the TV glows...
I can see right
through that gown.
This is
serious, Lonzo.
Don't do something
you'll regret.
Don't you pay
him no mind.
He'll be
gone tomorrow.
This'll all
be over.
I got land now, Ludie,
And I aim to keep it.
Shouldn't a man
protect his family, huh?
What kind of man would
I be if I didn't do that?
He ain't gonna do
nothing to me or Pam.
It's the money
you need to be
worrying about.
What the hell
does that mean?
Nothin'. It don't
mean nothin'.
tell me...
what do you mean?
You know
damn well
what I mean.
Those checks ain't
enough anymore.
We ain't ever
gonna get a loan
without any income.
You don't think I
can support this
family on my own?
You don't think
I can bring in
a proper harvest?
Well, you ain't even
planted anything yet.
That's because the whole
goddamn equipment's broke.
He left it broken,
I gotta fix it,
and it ain't easy!
I know. I know.
If we don't
have the rest
of that down payment
in a couple weeks,
we're gonna lose
this place
and what we
already put
into it.
I'll get the loan, Ludie.
tell me how.
You're just
like him,
ain't you?
You're just
like all them.
You don't think
a man can change,
make something
better of himself.
That's not true!
Oh, it's true.
Well, I'll show you.
I'll show the
goddamn lot of you.
And get off me.
Get off me, Ludie!
Last year
I fell down
the porch steps
and broke my hip.
Just slipped
on a patch of ice
and boom,
that was it.
I couldn't
move at all
laying there,
pain like...
nothing you
can imagine,
like some
blade of fire
slicing up
the side of
my body.
This was a...
this was a Sunday
about dusk, and...
it was late December,
around Christmas.
It was real cold.
I hollered
and carried on,
but this far out,
ain't nobody gonna...
nobody gonna hear ya.
Then darkness come
and, uh, all I could do
was just lay there,
foot of them steps,
and ache.
I thought my time
had come, I truly did.
Next morning,
Thurl Chessor
happened up on me.
Just... stopped
by on a whim.
It saved my life.
Spent a few weeks
at a hospital,
got myself a new hip.
And I come
back out here.
To my home.
I knew pretty quick, uh,
I couldn't tend
the farm no more,
just didn't have it in me,
didn't have the strength.
Paul had told me I...
needed a change...
needed to meet people.
Being out
here all by myself
wasn't good for me.
I reckon I was in
a good deal of pain
at the time,
feeling pretty
lonely, and so...
seemed like
a good idea.
But I...
I was lonelier there with
all them people around...
than I ever was
out here by myself.
That's a boy.
That's a good boy.
Where's Pam?
Out with Neely Watkins
and that gang, I think.
You think?
Think they were
going down to the
Snow White Cafe
or somewhere in town.
You think or you know?
I don't know.
Who else
is with them?
Steve Jr. With them?
It's just Neely
picked her up.
But wait.
Hey, man. Wait I
What are you
doing, boy, huh?
What are
you doing I
Daddy I
stop it I
Get outta
that damn
car, boy I
Daddy, stop it.
What are you doing?
I told you not to
go out with him.
Nothing's going on.
Wait I
Get your ass out...
I'll kick him...
Mama! Mama!
I will kill you I
Huh, you wanna
go with me?
Get your ass...
Comin' here
with my daughter...
I told you never
to come by here, boy!
Stop it I
Stop it, Daddy I
Get your ass up!
No! No!
Yeah! Damn you!
Stop it!
Daddy, stop it!
Get off of me!
Get off... God!
Stop it I
Lonzo, stop it!
You wanna
go with me?
Aah! No, please,
leave it alone now!
Get your
goddamn ass
outta here!
Lonzo, just go
inside, baby!
How many times
do I gotta tell
you, girl...
Just go
inside, baby!
Get your ass
outta my way!
You little slut.
Stop it!
Stop it!
I ain't gonna stand
here and watch you
beat folks, Choat.
That's a
young girl, there.
A child,
not a dumb brute.
You better get
your goddamn ass
back in
that house
right now!
You raise
that hose
one more time,
and I'll lay a slug
right in that rabbit
turd you call a brain.
You ain't got
the balls, Meecham.
Gonna call
the High Sheriff
in the morning, too,
First thing.
There's bound
to be laws
against beating
young girls
with garden hoses.
You'll regret
this, Meecham.
You'll be sorry
every day of
your life
that you shot
toward me.
Get this circus
out of my yard
so a man can get
some sleep.
Let's get
you inside.
You okay, baby?
God damn.
No returns or exchanges.
Company policy.
I wouldn't even
consider it.
Best damn dog
I ever knew.
Your boy called
last evening.
Said you were
supposed to
go back
to the nursing home,
but you never went.
I'd have come
and told you
last night,
but, uh, you
got my car,
of course,
and I'm too lazy
to walk all that way.
How come you
not to go?
It's my farm, Thurl.
Can't just let it go
like it don't mean
nothing to me.
Said he was going
to come down here
and fetch you back.
That a fact?
He say when?
Well, maybe today.
More likely tomorrow.
He don't know. He's
busy with that trial
down there.
Busy, huh?
Kid's got a
right to make
a living, Abner.
You ought to
be glad for him.
He got out
of this town,
making something
of himself.
I am glad for him, Thurl,
but there's a difference
between leaving home
and forgetting
the place altogether.
You want some coffee?
No, thanks...
but I... I would like
to use your
phone again.
I gotta call Ma Bell
and get one of her boys
out here to fix my phone.
Go and help yourself.
It's in the same place.
Thought I heard
shots last night.
This is
Tennessee, Thurl.
Gunshots are a
daily occurrence.
Not a nightly one.
Aw, hell.
Choat was beating on
those two girls of his
like they
was racehorses.
Using a garden hose,
for Pete's sake,
with a metal tip!
He must've been drunk.
Seems to me
he's always drunk.
Don't know how
he ever kept
a job.
Choat ain't
got no job.
He ain't held a job
in, oh, damn near
a decade.
I- I don't follow.
Well, he pays his rent
with disability checks,
that and the big cash
settlement he got,
which he probably
already squandered.
I thought
you knew that.
First I ever
heard of it.
Don't you remember
when that Tate boy
dropped a
load of lumber
almost on his head?
They was hauling
for Doug Watson
at the time.
Well, Choat wandered
into that Tate boy's
blind spot.
Boy pulled the lever,
and 800 pounds of timber
rolled up Choat's leg,
broke 'em both
clean through.
Still getting paid
for that ten years
after the fact?
Well, maybe he's decided
to fend for himself now.
That's why he wants
to buy your farm
and get it
running again.
I'd rather that place
go to pot than see
Lonzo Choat
at the helm.
Well, who else you got
in mind to run that
place, Abner?
I gotta run.
Where are you off to?
Going to get
Choat locked up.
Hey, Dad.
Mr. Chessor told me
I might find you here.
You, uh, you talking
to the Sheriff?
That what you got
on that piece
of paper?
Taking care of
some business.
Can I buy
you lunch?
I was out there eight years
after your mama died, Paul.
Eight years.
Sunup to sundown.
Winter, spring,
summer, and fall.
I worked the
land by myself.
I was
plenty capable.
Yes, sir, you were.
And you
go and make
a big deal
out of one
little episode.
Well, it wasn't
the first episode,
and you
could've died
that night, Dad...
and nobody
would've known.
You come out here
to straighten out
this mess, I hope.
I n a way, yes.
I came out here
to pick you up
and to drive you
back to Linden.
Then you wasted gas
and a good deal of
your very valuable time.
Hell's gonna be
ass-deep in snow
before you guile me
into that place again.
You fooled me, Paul.
Dad, we talked
about this...
I get mad every time
I think about it.
Dad, we talked
about this.
And it's the
best solution.
For who?
Look, it's
just until I get
this straightened out.
Now, I've signed a
lease. It has to
run its course.
But the 90 days
are almost up.
Now, let me
talk to Lonzo
and see if I can
get out of the sale,
and then you can
move back in.
And if we... if
we need to get
a nurse for
you, well, then,
we'll get one.
I would think
not being able to lie
convincingly to a jury
would be a considerable
handicap in your trade.
You think
I don't know you?
You think I can't see
through your skin
to every lie
you ever told?
I know how
these deals
work, Paul.
Your mother
loved that farm.
She loved you.
And I loved
her too, Dad.
And I always will.
You want to throw
all that away
for a little bit
of money?
I never taught you
to be greedy.
You learned that
somewhere else.
This is not
about greed.
There's nothing out
there for you
anymore, Dad.
Things change.
Life goes on,
and you gotta
go on with it.
There ain't
any more to
it than that.
Life goes on, huh?
For those who let it.
I'm an
80-year-old man
with a bum hip
and a weak heart.
How much life you
think I got left
to go on with?
I'm no fool, Paul.
The road ahead,
it ain't long
and it ain't winding.
It's short and straight
as a goddamn poisoned arrow.
But it's all I got,
and I deserve to do
with it as I please.
And what makes me
so angry is that
I cut and scraped
and did without...
so that you could go
to an expensive school
and learn a trade
which you now seem
intent on using
to do me out of
what has taken me
a lifetime
to accumulate!
This must be
God's finest joke.
So you're angry at
me for getting
an education.
I'm angry at you
for not caring
about the
only thing left
that matters to me.
And I don't
need a nurse.
Yeah, well, you
need something,
and it's not
gonna be cheap,
and I'm the one who
has to pay for it.
Then it is
about money.
It's about
you, Dad.
It's about me
trying to help you.
I don't need
your help.
You know,
goddamn it, why
can't you just be easy?
For once?
You know, I didn't
want this to
get ugly.
Ugly? What are you
gonna do, Paul?
Drag me off by my ear
the way I done you
as a boy?
I told you
I'd buy lunch.
I don't want
your bribes.
Jesus Christ.
Ah, now there's
someone, I bet...
who could solve
all this nonsense,
and quick.
Now, you straighten
out this Choat mess
and you do it today.
Otherwise, I don't
want to see you.
What the shit?
Oh, she's long,
She's tall
She's six feet
From the ground
She's long, she's tall
She's six feet
From the ground
Eyes like diamonds
But these shine
Just the same
What's going on?
She's telling me
For what?
She ain't
No hand-me-down
He shot at me.
This is bullshit.
She's tailor-made
She ain't
No hand-me-down
Oh, she got eyes
Like diamonds
And these shine
Just the same
This ain't right.
She got eyes
Like diamonds
But these shine
Just the same
And, oh, hair
Like a horse's mane
Oh, I hate to see
That evening sun go down
Yes, I hate to see
That evening sun go down
'Cause it makes me feel
I'm on my last go-round
Makes me feel
I'm on my last go-round
Yes, it makes me feel
He's trying,
you know.
Trying to kill
you, maybe.
Stop acting like
you know anything
about us.
I know what
I've seen.
I know I'd never treat
my wife like that.
Y- you don't
know anything.
I love Lonzo.
You don't just run off
and leave somebody
'cause they
got problems.
So you stick around
till he finally
lays you
out for good?
Can't you see?
We finally got
a new start.
We finally got
a chance to be
something more than
we've ever been,
something better!
Now, I-I
ain't making
excuses for him,
but he ain't laid
a finger on us
in a long time.
But even
one time
is too many.
And then you show
up and all hell
breaks loose!
What, you're saying
I'm to blame for this?
I'm saying this ain't
a game, Mr. Meecham!
Now, we don't have
money laying around
to go and
pay a bail man
just so you
can prove
a point.
Well, I ain't got
time to waste
waiting for folks
who never should've
been here
in the first place
to move off my farm.
Well, I wish you had
something better
to do with your life
than sitting around
being bitter
and lonely.
Surely that
must grow old.
Oh, God.
My father is a drunkard
My mother,
She is dead
And I am just
An orphan child
No place to lay my head
All through this world
I wander
They drive me
From their door
Someday I'll find
A welcome
On heaven's golden shore
Now if to me
You'll listen
I'll tell a story sad
How drinking rum
And the gambling hell
Have stole away my dad
My mother is in heaven
Where God
And the angels smile
And now I know
She's watching
A lonely orphan child
We all were
Once so happy
And had a happy home
Till Dad, he went
To drinking rum
And then
He gambled some
He left my darling mother
She died
Of a broken heart
You Mr. Meecham?
That's me, owner
of this house.
Owner of this farm.
Name's Hollis Pemberton.
I'm with the phone company.
I got a work order here
says you need
some phone lines fixed.
You wanna show me
where they're at?
Come on in.
All right, sir.
My mother,
She is dead
And I am just
An orphan child
Now, is... is that
Jimmie Rodgers?
Man, I ain't
heard that
in forever.
My grand-pappy
used to play that.
Called it, uh,
skirt-chasing music.
Yeah, well,
it ain't no
Toby Keith,
but I reckon you
could do worse.
This it here?
Yeah, just...
just take a look
and tell me how much
it's gonna cost.
Yes, sir.
Will do.
Someday I'll
Find a welcome
On heaven's golden shore
Don't weep for me
And Mother
Although I know
It is sad
But try to get
Someone to cheer
And save
My poor lonely dad
I'm awful cold
And hungry
She closed her eyes
And sighed
That was quick.
Well, your
wiring's fine.
You just need to get
your service restored.
I can do that
for you tomorrow.
Hey, where's the
other phone line at?
Uh, it's in the
tenant house here.
Come on,
I'll show you.
All right, sir.
I just wanna
know one thing.
You never have to
know just one thing.
You have to know it all,
and that's the matter
with you.
I don't know what
you're talking about.
All right, I'm coming.
I'm coming. Here.
All right, go on.
Hi, little buddy.
Hi, buddy.
Come here.
Yeah, come on.
Come here,
little buddy.
Come on.
Come on.
There you go.
Yeah. Yeah.
Hey, wanna come down here
and help me hang this?
It's not you
he's angry at.
He's angry
at that old man.
He's angry
at himself.
I'm tired
of it, Mama.
I know.
It's gonna be better
now, though. It is.
You don't think
he's coming back here?
Well, been gone
two days, so...
I guess not.
Maybe he finally
just got wise.
Maybe even
old hardheaded
bastards like him
can learn a lesson
every now and then.
What'd you do, Lonzo?
Stood my ground,
that's what I did,
like I told
you I would.
Like a man ought to.
No, what'd
you do to him?
I didn't
lay a finger
on that man.
I just made things
a little clearer
to him.
He understood that.
He respected that.
Or maybe not.
Ahh, that's
a good boy.
I'm gonna
take you out,
now, see?
Yeah. Come
on. Okay?
There you are, there.
You're okay.
There you go.
I want you to look
right up there
and keep an eye
on them for me.
Will you do that?
Okay. Okay.
Don't go down
there. Lonzol
He's lost his mind.
Can't you see that?
You watch
these things.
Keep watching
there, all right?
Come on.
Fetch, nipper!
Fetch. Come on,
boy. Ha ha!
Come on, come on.
Fetch, Nipper, fetch!
I wouldn't hold
my breath
waiting on
him to bring
that stick back.
Yeah, he's
a slow study.
I believe he's
got some Choat
in his family
tree somewhere.
If I could buy you
for what you're worth
and sell you for what
you think you're worth,
I'd retire.
I thought
you had retired,
taking taxpayers'
hard-earned money
so you can sit
on your lazy ass.
You're one to talk.
How much of your
social security
did you waste on
that piece of shit?
I bet the little sum-bitch
is a light eater, though.
He don't eat much,
but he's one hell
of a watchdog.
Lays across my
feet all night,
never shuts an eye.
One of these nights
the feller who
strung him up
is gonna come easing
through that door.
I'll make him a date
with the undertaker.
Sure is easy to talk
when you're old
as Adam.
I may be old,
but I can whip the piss
out of any man I choose.
Come on.
Come on.
My God,
if you ain't
bat-shit crazy.
I worked too hard
and too long.
I ain't going down
without a fight!
You might go down
if the wind
blows you hard
enough, old man.
You want this land?
You're gonna have
to take it!
Lt'll be the
easiest thing
I done all day.
You son of a bitch!
Give me
that fucking gun.
I'll light this place
like a stack of kindling
and you with it.
You crazy old man.
I was wondering when
you'd show up again.
Didn't know you were
bringing the law, too.
Well, I gave you
every opportunity
to leave
on your own.
You know where
I stand on that.
I called
Mr. Chessor's place
all day yesterday
looking for you.
I had
an errand to run
down Waynesboro.
Took a little longer
than I expected,
so I stayed the night.
This is out
of control, Dad.
I never was one
to let things slide.
No, sir, you
never were that.
I don't
suppose you plan
to do anything
about Choat's
disability scam.
What disability scam?
What business
is that of
yours, anyway?
I pay taxes,
don't I?
You're reaching, Dad.
That's a
little pathetic
even for you.
You're a danger
to people, Dad.
Like hell.
Shooting a
pistol at a man?
Having him arrested
so that his family
has to go and bail
him out with money
that they don't have?
What do you
call that, Dad?
And this...
I- I don't even
want to know what
this is about.
For God's sakes,
Dad, you need help.
I can't say
I didn't do it,
but you got the
wrong slant on
it, Paul,
always saying things
from the wrong angle.
Now, I ain't... I ain't
gonna argue with you.
Arguing with you always
was a waste of time.
You just...
you just lie
your way out of it.
You're a mean son
of a bitch, you
know that?
You were
mean to her.
You were
mean to me.
I just want
my farm back, Paul.
He said if your dad
is gone by morning,
he's willing to
let things lie.
Well, what's it
gonna be, Dad?
Just give
me a second.
You need any help
packing your stuff up?
There are a few things...
I'd like to keep, though,
Take back with me
to the home.
Your mama's things.
I'll go through
it all tonight,
get it all packed up.
I can drive myself back.
Okay, but I want you to
get on the road, okay?
I don't want you
driving after dark.
You don't think he'd
burn a man out, do you?
No, I don't
think so.
I've never
known him
to do anybody
any real harm.
There you go.
Of course, he'd
steal anything
that wasn't
tied down
or on fire,
but, uh, he's a
trifling bit lazy.
He won't do nothing
if it makes any effort.
You wouldn't have
called him lazy
if you'd seen him
beating those girls
with a rubber hose.
Anyway, he said he
was gonna burn
me out,
and I believe
he'll try it.
You ought to get
the law on it, Abner.
Call the high sheriff.
He wouldn't believe me.
Paul's convinced
him I'm crazy.
All I want
you to do...
is to speak up
if anything does happen.
You tell the law
that I told you
ahead of time
that he threatened
to do it.
Would you do that?
I'll do that.
Wouldn't want him
to get clean away
with it.
No, we wouldn't
want that.
Last time I
saw her alive
was on a Saturday.
We were
getting ready
to go into town
for a cattle sale.
I was in a hurry, but
she kept dragging around,
dragging around.
This dress,
that dress.
Something, and I can't...
"I don't know
which one to wear. "
Always frustrated me
when she did that.
I... I never had
very much patience.
I said, "You best be
for wearing one
of them.
I don't care which."
I said, "I'm going
out to the truck...
"and if you ain't there
in five minutes, I'm gone.
"Then you have the
rest of the afternoon
to make up your mind. "
I had said such things
a thousand times.
I got in the truck and...
and I-I laid this...
pocket watch on
the passenger seat.
When the
five minutes was up,
I cranked the truck.
I looked back
at the house,
and I saw her hand
pull aside the
kitchen curtain.
She pressed her face
against the glass...
and I drove away.
When I come back,
she was laying on
the kitchen floor.
Her eyes
were wide open,
staring at the linoleum
like there was some
secret message...
encoded in a tile.
Keep a
good lookout
for me, friend.
What you doing?
What? Damn!
Girl, you...
you got some
bad timing.
What are
you doing
with the bag?
Leavin' what?
You stealing
his truck?
Taking that
old Cutlass.
Mama gave me the keys.
Hurt you
pretty good, huh?
It ain't your fault
your dad is a
drunk, Pamela.
That's the first time
you ever called me
by my name.
I'll be all right.
My aunt lives
over in Centerville.
Mama's sister.
I'll stay
there a while.
I can't blame you
for wanting out.
But if you stayed here,
he really would be
nicer to us.
He'd have to be!
I'm sure we
can work it out.
You can keep on
living out here.
I'll help you
fix it up.
No, no. No. That...
that's out of
the question.
Please, Mr. Meecham...
No, now, Pamela,
I just need
for you to get on
the road now, Pamela.
Get in that car...
What's going
on, Mr. Meecham?
Get in the car.
Get on the road.
I don't really feel
like it yet.
Just gol Gol Get I
I've tried
to tell you.
Just go on, Pamela.
Go on I
Dah! Aah!
Nol Oh I
That nurse
lady's hands
were so cold...
she nearly gave me a seizure
when she pulled on my stuff,
when she cleaned me.
But I'd be lying if I said
I didn't like it
just a little.
Well, look at that.
He laughs.
Here, Dad.
Right there, that's...
one of the real
tender spots.
You just take
it easy, Dad.
You got a ways
to go yet.
I could leave to...
- Morrow.
Look, you just do
what the doc says.
She knows
what's best.
But you...
you do look
better, though.
Better... better
than you did.
What the...
what of the house?
I guess...
Choats are
all settled
in there now.
Dad, we don't have to talk
about that right now.
We got time.
All right.
I see your
mother sometimes...
in dreams.
Oh. Well, what does...
what does...
what does she say?
She listens mostly.
She is so forgiving.
Um, well,
Dad, I've, uh...
I've gotta
get on the road.
I've got a, uh,
I've got a big meeting
I gotta get
to this morning,
but, uh, I'll be back
tomorrow to check in
on you, okay?
Um, Dad, l... l...
found a place.
It's, um...
it's a retirement community.
And, uh, you would...
you'd have
your own apartment...
and... and... and
your own backyard.
You know, l... I
thought maybe...
maybe you could
grow some tomatoes.
It's only 20 minutes away
from where I live.
I'd prefer
to grow corn.
Sure, Dad.
I'll, um...
I'll see you
tomorrow, okay?
Cornbread and buttermilk
Better clean your plate
He lived
Through the Great War
And came back
To his home state
Married his
Young sweetheart
Never would complain
The world
Keeps on changin'
But he ain't never changed
Depression era
Lived to tell the tale
Depression era
And he don't never fail
The boy
Who called him daddy
Has grown
I n different ways
The things
That made him happy
Have long since gone away
Depression era
Caked in red clay mud
Depression era
Survival's in his blood
Biscuits and gravy
Eggs all the way
Fought in the Navy
And made it back this way
Loved his beautiful wife
Now he's full of hurt
A Methodist all his life
But he didn't go to church
Depression era
Some things never fade
Depression era
I n the modern age
I n the
Modern age
He always rose above it
And nothing's as it seems
Anger has its pitfalls
So does living
I n your dreams
His dreams
They are fading
He'll make a final stand
He'd never hit a lady
But he just
Might kill a man
Depression era
Lived to tell the tale
Depression era
He don't never fail
He don't
Never fail
He don't never fail
He don't
Never fail