That Hagen Girl (1947)

Good evening, Al.
What you doing down
here this time of night?
The mister and missus is coming in.
The Gateleys?
I thought they was in Florida.
They wired this morning from Chicago.
They told us to open up the
house and meet this train.
Don't know what's up.
Sounds kind of mysterious.
- Yes, it does.
They told us not to tell a soul.
Then don't.
- I won't.
You told me.
Oh, heck.
Hi, Jim.
Train is on time, huh?
- Always is.
Who you meeting?
- The wife.
She's been up in Chicago visiting
her sister for a couple of months.
Good evening, Mr Gateley.
I see you got my wire, Corey.
Yes. I couldn't help wondering ..
- Where is the car?
In front of the station, Mr Gateley.
I don't know what to say.
We'll talk later.
I want to get the baby home.
All aboard.
Yes, sir?
I'll get some tea for you all.
And take some up to ..?
Should I?
Miss Grace can't see anyone.
Not even you.
The nurse will take care of her.
Sorry, sir.
What's the matter with her?
That's none of your business, Millie.
Not now.
Not ever.
Yes sir, Mr Gateley.
Yes, sir?
Get John Helverson up here
first thing in the morning.
The man who made the gates?
- Yes.
I want him to put bars
on the windows upstairs.
Bars on the windows.
- Upstairs?
Don Helverson told me himself.
It only means one thing.
Poor Grace is ..
Tom Bates.
But I thought he wasn't allowed there.
You'd think he'd know he wasn't welcome.
No use fussing, Tom. I've strict orders
to keep you out. And I aim to do it.
Corey, you better stand out of the door.
If you don't, I'll go right through you.
Here, here, here.
What's is it?
He's bound and determined to push
himself in where he's not wanted.
I've a right to see Grace
and I will see her.
No you won't, Tom. You can't.
Oh, I know. You got orders from
Mr Gateley the same as Corey here.
But that doesn't cut any ice with me.
- I don't take orders. Not from anybody.
I just give them.
I order you to stay
away from Grace Gateley.
Why, three quarters of what's wrong
with her is on account of you.
Now why can't you be reasonable?
I'm in love with her and I must see her.
- I'm sorry Tom, you can't see her.
You just can't.
Did you see that?
Jim, it's time go to the christening.
Alright, Minta.
Name this child.
Mary Hagen.
Mary Hagen.
I baptise thee in the
name of The Father.
And of The Son.
And of the Holy Ghost.
You have a very beautiful baby,
Mrs Hagen. - Thank you.
A very beautiful baby.
Well, hello.
- Morning, Mrs Miller.
And is this the little darling?
Let me see her.
Precious child.
She's very sweet.
But where in the world did she get
that color hair and those eyes?
She was born with them.
And when I saw her on the church steps
today and got a good look at her baby.
"I thought .."
- No!
Thelma Delaney, you don't mean ..
I do.
Grace Gateley is the mother of the baby
that Minta Hagen brought from Chicago.
I don't for a minute believe it.
But who do you think it was?
Not Tom Bates?
This doesn't surprise me much. He's a
little superior if you know what I mean.
Nothing but the best for Tom Bates.
Grace Gateley is about the
best there is around here.
It's a wonder old man Gateley
hasn't run him out of town.
He would too if Judge
Merrivale wasn't his guardian.
Yeah, Bates is pretty
much of a smart aleck.
Well, this doesn't seem too smart.
Still, I can't blame him too much.
Any guy is apt to get
caught once in a while.
Am I mistaken or did I
hear my name mentioned?
Oh .. oh, how are you, Tom?
You don't blame me for what, Herb?
I'm kinda particular about who talks
about me and what they say and where.
If you haven't heard it yet I guess
you might as well get it now.
The story is all over town that
you and Grace Gateley are ..
Well, you know what I mean, Tom.
No, I don't know what you mean.
But I heard what you said a minute
ago and If you mean what I think ..
Why not? Everybody in
town knows the story.
Why, it's ridiculous. The whole thing.
Every woman in Jordan sitting on
her porch rocking back and forth.
Making up more slimy details on a thing
they don't know anything about.
And the men are worse.
Well, I can't do much
about the women, Judge.
But I can stop guys like Herb Delaney.
A few more days like today and you'll
have the reputation of a hothead, Tom.
Alright. If that's the way it has to be.
Did it do any good hanging around the
Gateley house until you were thrown out?
Did it do any good having a fight with
Herb Delaney in the drug-store?
Now look ..
- Don't come at me, Tom.
I'm too old for it.
Oh, I know you're trying to help me
Judge, but what am I going to do?
How am I going to stop them
from talking that way?
You can't.
- Why they're ruining our lives.
- Mine and Grace's.
Hers is already ruined.
She's a mighty sick girl.
I talked with her father this afternoon.
He told me things I hadn't known.
One way or another the things
people are saying downtown ..
Won't make very much
difference to Grace.
As for you, you're a youngster.
You've got a career before you.
And I hope it will be
a distinguished one.
I don't care about that.
- Well I do.
That's why you're leaving town.
Leaving Jordan?
- Yes.
I talked with Griswold
today in Columbus.
He's got a job for you in his office.
He is the best trial lawyer I know.
The experience will do you good.
It's all been arranged.
They are not going to
chase me out of town.
Nobody is chasing you.
Just a little pushing.
This isn't the easiest
thing I've ever done.
At my age, to lose a right arm ..
Might be fatal.
But it's the best thing.
The only thing.
You see, Tom.
This isn't something that
concerns only you and Grace.
There is that child to think of.
That Mary Hagen.
She is the one who's life
could be ruined by gossip.
She's just a baby.
One thing I've found out about babies
is they always grow up into people.
I've lived in a small
town all my life, Tom.
This town.
And if there is one thing I know.
It's how these people are.
You can leave town.
You pretty well have to.
"It will hurt you."
"But you'll go on to other things and
finally it won't bother you anymore."
"But it's different with that baby."
"The rumours, whispers,
lies, have already started."
"By the time she's
outgrown her diapers .."
"The story will have been repeated
over and over so many times."
"That what was once elaborate fancy."
"Will be accepted as solid fact."
"I may not be alive to see it."
"I hope I'm not."
"But that girl's life is close to being
ruined before she gets to live it."
"From the day this all started,
that Hagen girl will be marked."
"Of course it will die down."
"People will lose interest.
Gossip about something else."
"But it will never be
completely forgotten."
Thank you, girls.
Did you see him?
- Who was that?
I don't know. Somebody
I've never seen before.
It has a Columbus licence plate.
I wonder who it could be.
Well, if it ain't Tom Bates.
So they tell me.
- Going away?
Getting back.
Is that so?
I thought I hadn't seen
you around for a spell.
Been gone long?
About a hundred years.
Long enough.
Can I give you a hand with your stuff?
- Sure, thanks.
The place is kinda run down
a little since the judge died.
I didn't see you at the funeral.
I didn't hear about it.
We didn't get much news at Bikini.
A mighty fine funeral.
People cried for miles around.
Quite an occasion.
Too bad you missed it.
I'm going to be kind of busy.
Could you come back later.
Back later?
Well, I might be kind of busy myself.
Oh, I get it.
You want to be alone.
Isn't that ..?
- It most certainly is.
Dolly, may I use your phone?
- I'll be using it myself.
I don't see why Mary has to
dance with him all night.
Why don't I get a chance
to struggle with her?
Pull yourself together, Romeo.
You've lost a button.
Well, she's certainly been throwing
herself at him long enough.
Mary Hagen throwing
herself at Kenny Freneau?
You certainly are a
confused type, Dewey.
Miss Kane, have you seen Link?
The janitor? No. Why?
I want him to take a flashlight and go
through those parked cars outside.
Why, is there someone in them? Students?
If there isn't it, will be
the first time, Miss Kane.
I understand. If I see Link I'll say to
invite them in here where it's warm.
If you think it's warmer in
here than in a parked car ..
You've a great deal to learn
about students, Miss Kane.
Have you seen that Hagen girl?
Mary? Well, she was dancing
with Ken Freneau.
Oh boy, that's the guy my old man
was talking about last night.
Oh, he's sweet.
For anybody his age that is.
Don't you know who he is?
Uhuh. Tell me.
Not me. Ask your mother.
Tom Bates.
What did you say?
Nothing. Nothing at all.
Just talking to Sharon.
I seem to have that effect on everyone.
Please forgive me.
You look so like someone that I used to
know that .. for a moment, I thought ..
Well, you startled me. I'm sorry.
I'm sorry too.
Sorry I came here tonight.
I've been looking for someone to
give me a smile or a kind word.
Well you came to the right place.
I'm Julia Kane.
My name is Bates. Tom Bates.
I'm the one they are all talking about.
I hope it won't make it
worse if I ask you to dance.
Well, I am a chaperone.
In that case we won't need one.
I'm sorry.
I should have known better.
- I don't understand.
I'm apologising for dancing with you.
It's likely to cause you
a good deal of trouble.
Don't you know?
Well, I'm sure someone will
explain it to you after I've gone.
Ashamed to be seen dancing with me?
- It isn't that Ken, but ..
Everyone is leaving the floor.
They want to see how it's done.
Let's give them a show.
No. I don't think I'd better, Ken.
Say, you and I had better have
a heart-to-heart talk, Mary.
When I say "heart" twice
like that, I mean it.
Something is the matter.
Everyone is staring.
Let's dance.
Hey, what's wrong?
Well .. where have I been all your life?
Oh, hello Christine.
Finishing this dance alone?
Would you like company?
Yeah. 0kay.
Need any help?
That's alright. I'm broad-minded.
Besides, you look better that way.
Here, have some punch.
It's got something in it.
- I don't want any.
All the more for me.
What is this?
I said: what is this.
What does it look like?
Or maybe you don't remember?
That will be all from you, young man.
Be on your way.
Very well.
I don't intend to stay
where I'm not wanted.
Now, Mary. Perhaps you will explain?
There is nothing to explain.
I was just standing there when that ..
That octopus came creeping up on me.
It was his idea to kiss me.
I ..
I tried to get away but ..
He held me.
You are well aware of
the school rule, Mary.
And to leave the dance with Dewey ..
- I tell you I didn't leave with him.
How is it I found you together?
Can't I even have a chance to explain?
- Go on, Mary.
I left the dance alone.
Because my ..
My shoulder strap broke and I couldn't
very well just let my slip fall off.
That excuse sounds manufactured.
I know I'm not very familiar
with the rules, but ..
Surely we are here to
give Mary a fair hearing.
And I for one believe her story.
Very well Mary. You may go.
We accept your explanation and
are sorry this had to happen.
But the parents of the other students
expect us to keep the school's morals.
The parents of the other students?
My parents expect that ..
- Mary.
Well, I don't know what we can
expect, knowing who she is.
Just who is she, Miss Grover?
And who is Tom Bates?
So I finally told them what happened.
And even then Miss Grover
didn't believe me.
If it hadn't been for Miss Kane ..
Ah, we should have more
new teachers like her.
Miss Grover has probably never
even heard of a shoulder strap.
I don't understand why people
are always suspicious of me.
What's wrong with me, Sharon?
At the dance everyone stared so hard it
is a wonder their eyes didn't fall out.
Am I a freak or something?
Hello, girls.
Hello, Mr Bates.
Aren't you excited?
What about?
Why him, silly.
Well, who is he?
Mary, don't you know who he is?
Well, I've seen him around but ..
Why, it's too fantastic.
I'm amazed. Literally amazed.
It's starting to rain. Come on,
we'd better find shelter.
Oh my goodness.
Of course, it's only gossip.
Rumor. My mother said
nobody really knows.
Knows what?
Who you are.
Who I am?
I am me, of course.
Mary Hagen.
That's just it. Are you Mary Hagen?
Of are you ..?
What are you talking about?
I don't know if I ought ..
Maybe I shouldn't.
Promise you'll never say
who it was that told you?
[ Police siren ]
Kind loud, ain't it.
I guess they don't get a chance
to use if very often in this town.
What's going on?
Some girl from the junior college.
Drowned herself in the river.
Going to have a baby I suppose.
Sharon may be wrong. Maybe she didn't.
No, I ..
I feel that she did.
Her book is here and everything.
Don't take it too hard, chum.
Me, I hardly knew the girl.
Oh yeah? I know better.
You ever had your face pushed in Dewey,
or have you always looked like that?
Hello Tom.
- Hello, Link.
I hear there has been a drowning.
It appears that way. Least-ways,
the girl has disappeared.
Folks think she may be drowned.
They are dragging the river to see.
Who was it?
- Well ..
It was a girl from over
the other side of town.
But what's her name? Who is she?
Her name is "Hagen". Mary Hagen.
Oh, hello Miss Kane.
What did you say her name was?
- Mary Hagen.
Mary Hagen.
I don't believe I knew her.
Well, I guess there isn't
anything anyone can do.
No, not now. It's too late.
That's too bad.
Goodnight, Miss Kane. Goodnight Link.
"Too bad", he said.
Just like he wasn't her father at all.
Mrs Hagen.
We just got this wire from the
Chicago Police Department.
She is safe in Chicago.
- Safe?
In Chicago?
- That's right.
- Hello mother.
Mary, why did you do it?
You frightened us so.
Who am I?
What did you say?
I said: who am I.
Please tell me the truth.
Who are you? Why ..
Why, you are Mary. Our girl.
Didn't I have you baptised
by the Reverend Sparling?
Didn't I raise you like the
other girls' mothers?
Then why does everybody
in town think that ..
Grace Gateley is my mother
and Tom Bates my father?
Whoever told you such nonsense?
Of all the silliest things I've
ever heard, that's the silliest.
Then you won't tell me?
There is nothing to tell.
Alright, mother.
I won't ask you .. anymore.
I was just passing the station as that
Hagen woman brought Mary home.
And my dear, she seemed almost proud
that she'd run away. Not a bit sorry.
Well I can't say as I relish the idea of
a girl who's running wild like that ..
Associating with the rest of our kids.
They are too clean for her.
A girl can't just run off to Chicago
without something happening to her.
Yeah, Dewey. You started all this by
getting her in the hall at the party.
How was it?
Ah women. I can take 'em
or leave them alone.
Let me give you a piece
of advice: leave her alone.
You mean: "Private property.
Keep of the grass"?
That's just what I do mean.
0kay, lover.
Oh, Miss Kane.
- Hello Mary.
Broken any shoulder-straps lately?
That was the truth. Really it was.
- I know.
But I'm glad I found you here.
I had to say how happy I was you turned
up in Chicago instead of the river.
And how sorry I was about
that day in the Dean's office.
We were all terribly worried about you.
But that wasn't why .. I mean ..
I didn't run away because ..
- You don't have to explain.
I've been running away from places
and people and things all my life.
I also wanted to say how
much I enjoyed your poetry.
Particularly the one:
"Shadows in the Wind".
It's my favorite too.
What are you going to do
when you leave school, Mary?
Oh, get a job someplace.
Washing dishes or taking
care of children or ..
Making banana splits.
There isn't much choice.
But with your imagination you
should do something creative.
You should paint or design or write.
You are very kind. We haven't
much money you know.
And there isn't even one good
meal in Shadows in the Wind.
I know. It's hard at first.
But someday you'll be somebody.
How can you be somebody someday
if you're nobody to begin with?
I'm eighteen and I'm a failure already.
Nobody is a failure at eighteen.
And you'll be surprised how much
younger you get the older you are.
You won't understand that for a while.
I suppose not.
By the way, we're starting
a new dramatic club.
A dramatic club?
Uhuh, and the first readings
are this afternoon.
I'd like you to come.
Will you?
Of course.
If you want me to.
Well, you be at the
auditorium at 3:30 then.
I will.
And thank you.
Hey, is the building on fire?
No. I .. that is ..
I beg your pardon.
You received my message?
Obviously, I wouldn't be here otherwise.
I seem to remember this room.
Do you have to kick the lower
drawer before it will open?
So did Miss Hughes.
My English teacher.
I'm afraid I was quite a
problem to Miss Hughes.
She spent many an unpleasant afternoon
trying to get me not to say "ain't".
I'm glad she ain't here.
What is it?
Nothing. This used to be my seat.
I suddenly felt very old.
I left a mark.
I was always leaving marks
on things in those days.
And now?
I haven't carved my initials on anything
or anyone for many years, Miss Kane.
The room is a little smaller.
This chair seems to have shrunk.
The teacher is prettier.
But I gather I'm about to
be taught another lesson.
You sent for me, Miss Kane.
Usually, I don't pay much attention
to letters of that kind but ..
Here I am. What is it you
want to see me about?
Whose initials are those?
Mine. Thomas John Bates.
And the others?
I think you know.
Grace Gateley.
That's what I want to
speak to you about.
All that happened a long time ago.
It's of no great interest
to anyone but me.
Frankly, it's none of your
business, Miss Kane.
The other night when everyone thought
Mary Hagen had drowned herself.
I made it my business.
Mary Hagen?
You must have passed her in
the hall. She only just left here.
There was a girl, yes. But ..
What has someone named
Mary Hagen to do with me?
Everyone in this town says that
Mary Hagen is your daughter.
Yours and Grace Gateley's.
Is she ..?
That grown-up girl?
I've been thinking of her as a baby.
Then you weren't being callous
and indifferent the other night?
You just didn't know.
I didn't know that Mary
Hagen was who she is.
As for all the gossip ..
- Yes?
One way or another, you're being
as bad as the rest of the town.
I deserved that.
And I owe you an apology for ..
Seeming to be ..
Well, prying into things.
I don't mean to, really.
It's just that Mary is so unhappy.
She needs a chance and
the town isn't giving it to her.
I'd like to help her if I can.
So would I.
I'm sorry I sounded off on you.
I'm an attorney.
Every once in a while ..
I talk to people as if they just
belted someone with a meat hook.
It's been years since I did that.
If you're just leaving, maybe we
could have a cup of tea together?
I've always wanted to keep
a teacher after school.
Well, I'm afraid I can't.
I have a meeting.
Afterwards, perhaps?
Coming out to the game?
Why, I'd like to Ken, but ..
It's the first meeting of ..
- Hi, Kenny.
It's the first meeting
of the drama club.
The drama club? Gee, that's ..
Hi, Ken.
Gee, that's swell.
Get in there and wow 'em.
Oh Mary, I've been meaning to ask you.
How about going to the ..?
- Hello, Ken.
What were you going to say?
How about coming to the
fraternity dance with me?
Hi, Ken.
- Hello, Christine.
Hello. I'll be rooting for you but can't
be there. There's a drama club meeting.
Mary has been telling me she's
going to the drama club too.
This really is going to be a
democratic organisation.
It's a date then, for the dance?
Alright, Ken. It's a date.
- Good.
Because, if we can bring
this town a little laughter.
Or even an occasional tear.
We'll have accomplished
something we can feel proud of.
And I think you will find
great excitement in it.
Greasepaint, dress rehearsals
and opening nights.
Now I haven't decided upon our
complete schedule yet, but I thought ..
Mary, can you find a seat.
As I was saying, I think Romeo and
Juliet will be a very good opener.
Now I have copies here for all of us.
And as I call out your name would
you come up and take a book.
Harold Francis, would you read Paris.
Eddie - Montague. Charlie - Capulet.
Jimmy, you'd make a good Romeo.
Henry - Mercutio.
Harry - Benvolio.
Harold - Prince Tybalt.
And Herman - Friar John.
Helen Young - Lady Montague.
Christine Delaney - Lady Capulet.
And Mary Hagen - Juliet.
Now if you push your chairs back ..
We'll omit the prologue for a minute
and go on to act one, scene one.
T'is but thy name that is my enemy.
Thou art thyself full ..
Not a Montague.
What's Montague?
It is nor hand, nor foot,
nor arm, nor face.
Nor any other part belonging ..
To a man?
You can't do it like that.
Try and be more gallant.
Who, me?
What's in a name?
That which we call a rose by any
other name would smell as sweet.
But it is so unfair.
Mary can play Juliet backwards and make
more of the part than Christine Delaney.
Christine Delaney's family
is important in Jordan.
They have the support of
other prominent families.
It's a matter of prestige.
I'll go to Tom Bates. He'll have
something to say about this.
You think anything Bates can say in Mary
Hagen's defence will be to her benefit?
And .. it would be better
for the girl, wouldn't it ..
Not to stir up any more trouble.
Yes, I suppose it would be.
I suppose it will always be
better for her to be just ..
A nobody.
"Yes, sir?"
Will you please ask Mary
Hagen to step in here.
"Yes, sir."
Is that the material you sent
to Chicago for? - Uhuh.
It must have been pretty expensive.
The play is ..
The most important thing that's
ever happened to Mary and both ..
Jim and I want her to look nice.
When my sister died,
she left me a little insurance.
It helps.
You ought to be proud of Mary.
Just think. The fraternity dance
on Friday with Ken Freneau.
And the lead in the play.
What's the matter with Mary?
Mary, dear.
What's the matter?
Oh, nothing.
Nothing at all.
I'm just not going to play Juliet.
Not going to ..?
They've given the part
to Christine Delaney.
But they ..
They can't.
But they have.
That's that.
I'm sorry, dear.
This came for you this morning.
Two bases. Why don't you look
at the ball when you hit it.
I'll get it.
Oh, Ken.
- Yes, mother?
I was thinking. The night of the dance.
Maybe you'd like to have
a little group in first?
Mrs Delaney and I were talking about it.
And as long as you're
taking Christine ..
I might as well tell you now, mother.
I'm not taking Christine.
I'm taking Mary Hagen.
- Mary Hagen.
No, you're not.
I asked her several weeks ago.
But Ken, certainly ..
Certainly she can't mean so much to you?
After all, you said yourself
that you hardly know her.
Christine is .. well Christine
is more like one of us.
I'm very much afraid I will have to
speak to your father about this.
Come on, Ken. You are
holding up the game.
You'd really be with the
Queen of the ball, Ken.
Well, I did get it finished
in time after all.
And it looks very pretty.
Thank you, mother.
There's the phone. I'll get it.
Hello. Mary? This is Ken.
Hello Ken. I was just trying on my dress
for the dance. I hope you'll like it.
That's what I called
you about, Mary. I ..
I don't think I can take
you to the dance.
"My mother sort of expected
me to take Christine."
"And you know how my mother is."
Yes, of course. I understand.
I hope you do because I have an idea.
And if it works out, maybe it will
be best if I do what she says.
It really doesn't matter anyway, Ken.
"I didn't want you to think that .."
Who was it?
What did nobody want?
Nobody is ..
Taking me to the dance.
Ken, we're going to be
awfully late to this party.
That doesn't matter.
It will go on for ever.
I thought you and I ..
There is a new roadhouse
up here a few miles.
A roadhouse?
Yeah. They have a swell little band.
I thought we'd have a dance together
alone before we return to the wolf-pack.
Why, Ken.
What a sweet idea.
Put it up there. All the way up.
Hi, Sharon.
How do I look?
I don't think you're exactly what
Shakespeare had in mind.
Did you hear what happened to Christine?
- No, what?
She isn't going to play Juliet.
Well, what happened to her?
- You'll find out.
[ Telephone ]
"Hello Mary. This is Julia Kane."
Oh, hello Miss Kane.
Mary, we're in trouble.
You've got to help us out.
Christine is very ill.
She has ptomaine poisoning.
"She won't be able to
play the part tonight."
Ptomaine poisoning?
You've got to take her place,
otherwise we can't put the play on.
I can't.
My mother is sick.
What is it, Mary?
Christine is ill.
They want me to take her place.
Do it, dear.
Do if for me, please.
"Hello Mary?"
Alright, Miss Kane. I'll be there.
"Oh, thanks."
Gregory, on my word,
we'll not carry coals.
No, for then we would be colliers.
- I mean ..
And we be in choler ..
- And we be in choler, we'll draw.
Aye, while you live, draw
your neck out o' the collar.
I strike quickly, when moved.
But thou art not
quickly moved to strike.
A dog of the house of Montague moves me.
To move is to stir.
Sweet .. goodnight.
This bud of love, by
summer's ripening breath.
May prove a beauteous
flower when next we meet.
As sweet repose and
rest come to thy heart.
As that within my breast.
I must be gone and live.
Or stay and die.
Yon light is not day-light.
I know it, I.
It is some meteor that the sun exhales.
To be to thee this night a torch-bearer.
And light thee on thy way to Mantua.
Therefore stay yet.
Thou need'st not to be gone.
What's here?
A cup, closed in my true love's hand?
Poison, I see, hath
been his timeless end.
O churl!
Drink all, and leave no friendly
drop to help me after?
I will kiss thy lips.
Haply some poison yet doth hang on them.
Thy lips are warm.
Lead, boy: which way?
Yea, noise.
Then I'll be brief.
Oh happy dagger.
Some shall be pardoned.
Some shall be punished.
For never was a story of more woe.
Than this of Juliet .. and her Romeo.
You were right, Miss Kane.
She's very talented.
Well, come and tell her so.
I think it would be better if I didn't.
Why not? You've never
spoken to her, have you?
That's why it would be better not to now
when all these people are around her.
I think I understand.
- I know you do.
Please tell her how much I
enjoyed her performance.
I will.
- Goodnight.
Mary, you were wonderful.
Just wonderful.
Thank you. Wasn't that ..?
Yes, it was. And he's very proud of you.
Congratulations, Mary.
Miss Kane, if you please,
I'd like to talk with you.
Hello Ken.
- You were swell.
Thank you.
I have to go and change.
I wanted to explain
to you about last night.
Could I .. would it be
alright to drive you home?
I suppose so.
I'll be back in a minute.
I'm sorry Christine got sick.
I hope it didn't spoil
the party for you.
Of course it did.
I didn't take her to the party.
I took her to The Tavern instead.
What did you do that for?
Because I was determined
you were going to play Juliet.
You mean, you got her sick on purpose?
How was I to know she
was allergic to beer?
Brother, you should have seen her.
She really let her hair down.
You shouldn't have done that.
And what I didn't get from
my old man this morning.
But I think he understood. He was
young once himself and in love.
Though it is difficult to imagine that.
You know.
It's amazing what moonlight does to this
muddy river and this ugly old pavilion.
I said he was young once
himself and in love.
It's getting chilly.
You know how it is in June.
It's warm during the day and
then at night it cools off.
Yeah, it does.
Yes, it ..
And of course a little
later in the summer it ..
Will you please stop
talking about the weather.
And let me tell you I love you.
No, Ken. Please.
I love you.
I want you to marry me.
Of course, I don't mean now.
I mean someday.
There isn't any someday
for you and me, Ken.
Mary, don't say that.
I'm going home.
- Wait a minute.
I guess you haven't been
proposed to before?
You have to give a guy an answer.
You mean like "yes" or "no"?
I mean like "yes."
No, Ken.
I can't wear your ring.
Not until I find out something.
Something that would
always stand between us.
If that's the way you want it to be.
Mind if we watch?
Get out your notebook, honey.
We'll take notes.
Maybe we'll learn
something I don't know.
Dewey, you kill me.
Ken, take me home.
Shut the door on the way out, will you.
Here she is now.
What's the matter?
- It's your mother, Mary.
She's ..
She's ..
Doc Stone is in there.
He don't think she'll last the night.
May I please see her now?
Yes, my dear. Of course you can.
Hello mother.
I heard you were very
beautiful in the play.
I want to ask you.
To promise me that
you'll take care of Jim.
Of course, mother.
There will be money every month.
My sister's insurance.
I asked Doctor Stone to
help you with the papers.
To change them from my name to yours.
There is another thing.
It's about you.
There. Everything is in order.
Now if you will just sign these papers.
- Doctor Stone.
I don't understand exactly.
Well, this is the insurance
your aunt left your mother.
It is to be transferred to you.
Why do you say that?
When I know it isn't true and so do you.
She wasn't my mother.
What's the use of pretending?
Young lady. I don't know
what you are talking about.
I'm so tired of having people lie to me.
Whisper about me and look down
on me because I'm supposed to be ..
Because I am ..
I never listen to gossip.
You'd be a lot happier if you didn't.
If you know anything you've got to tell.
- There is nothing to tell.
Nothing at all.
Well, hello.
Hello, Mr Bates.
I am ..
- Yes. I know.
Come in. I've been expecting you.
You have?
- For quite a while.
A place like this in Jordan.
It's wonderful.
It's very comfortable. It was
left to me by Judge Merrivale.
Come on, sit down.
Thank you.
You know, I really did
expect you before this.
I .. I couldn't come any sooner.
There is something I have to ask you.
Why, Mary.
You are just in time for tea.
- Hello, Miss Kane.
Julia is my only touch
with civilisation.
She has shined my tea service,
introduced me to watercress sandwiches.
And has made Sunday afternoons
in Jordan something to remember.
I'll just be a moment.
The tea is not quite ready.
Mister Bates.
- Yes?
I'm here because ..
Well, because I've heard something.
A rumor in Jordan? Impossible.
I didn't just hear it today.
I've heard it for a long time. And I
must find out whether or not it's true.
And it concerns me?
You are my father, aren't you?
No. I'm not.
But people say.
- Yes I know.
Lies, rumors, gossip.
It's the largest industry in Jordan.
You're lying now,
just like all the others.
No I'm not.
I'm not your father, Mary.
If it were even vaguely
possible, I would say so.
I'd be proud to say so.
But it isn't true.
Not a word of it.
You didn't really think it was, did you?
But I did.
If you are not my father,
I'll never know who I am.
Does that matter, Mary?
It matters to me.
Ever since you've been
here things have changed.
I wished you'd never come back.
I sometimes wish myself
I had never come back.
That wouldn't have solved anything.
Now you two have talked long enough.
I'm tired of sitting out there and
pretending the tea isn't ready.
Would you like milk and
sugar in yours, Mary?
Yes, please.
I hope you like watercress sandwiches.
Because that's all you ever get
at these Sunday afternoon teas.
Here. You better get these.
They're dripping on me.
- Isn't that wonderful.
- That's me.
Sign here please.
Thank you, sir.
It's nothing important. I have
to go to Washington tomorrow.
How would you like to
go to a university, Mary?
It isn't quite that startling.
A lot of people go to universities.
But the tuition fees.
I'm afraid it is impossible
for me, Mr Bates.
No it isn't.
I'd like to send you.
- Uhuh.
You really would?
Oh, you can't imagine what
that would mean to me.
You see. I'm engaged.
Sort of.
That is, almost.
- Yes, and ..
And he is somebody, and I'm nobody.
His family would want to break it up.
But if I could have a college education.
If he loved you enough,
nothing could break it up.
Oh, he loves me enough.
But it's the town.
What people will think.
You care about that, don't you.
Whether you care or not, what
they think affects your whole life.
And after all, they are Freneaus.
And their friends.
Oh, so it's Ken Freneau.
I shouldn't have told you.
It was a secret.
It's still a secret.
I'll be back before graduation.
We can choose a
university then. Alright?
Of course, Mr Bates.
Under the circumstances, I think
probably you could call me "Tom".
But not "uncle".
I can't tell you what this means to me.
It means a lot to me too, Mary.
Because what?
Just because, Mary.
Now, let's finish this darned puzzle.
These lockers are great. For midgets.
Well, at least we won't have
to look at them much longer.
Graduation is only a week
away .. and then.
A job behind the fountain
at the drug-store.
Drug-store. You?
- Sure.
I took two years of Latin, two years of
geometry, and a year of trigonometry.
And now at last I'm ready
to make chocolate sodas.
How about you, Mary?
What are you going to do?
I may go to the university in the fall.
Oh, that's wonderful.
That's mine.
- Just a minute. - Give it to me.
Not until you tell me why you carry it.
That's none of your business.
- Oh? I think it is my business ..
When I find another girl carrying
around a picture of my fiance.
He's not your fiance.
He would have told me.
It's hardly the sort of thing he
would have told someone like you.
Why not kick her in her blue-blooded
teeth, Mary. Let's go and get a coke.
Imagine her thinking Ken would
be seriously interested ..
Personally I'm very happy about you
and Ken. I think you deserve each other.
And that's all you deserve.
Swell girl.
Good afternoon.
I think it is time we
had a talk, Mary Hagen.
About Ken?
"Kenneth", my dear.
I understand he may
have said things to you.
Made promises that were unwise.
And frankly impossible.
He asked me to marry him.
For years, Ken's father and I have hoped
he would marry Christine Delaney.
Her parents have hoped so too.
They've practically grown up together.
Had the same backgrounds,
the same advantages.
I ..
Well, I almost feel as though
she were my daughter already.
I could never feel that way about you.
And I'm sure you could never
feel that way about me.
No .. I'm quite sure I couldn't.
You and Ken are not
suitable for each other.
He has a right to a life of his own.
I am not going to let a momentary
infatuation ruin that life for him.
I insist Mary, that you stop spreading
stories around about you and my son.
And I am suggesting that
you stop seeing Kenneth.
That sounds like a threat.
Call it what you like.
I happen to know a good deal more about
your birth than I have ever mentioned.
If you persist in seeing Kenneth, I may
be forced to go to a certain gentleman.
You mean, Mr Gateley?
I see we understand each other.
There is a young lady to see you, sir.
A Miss Hagen. Mary Hagen.
Mary Hagen?
What does she want?
- I don't know, sir.
She didn't tell me.
I've never heard of the young lady.
And as you can see, I'm busy.
Send her away.
Very good, sir.
Hello, Mary.
Hello, Ken.
What's the matter?
Oh, I've been talking to your mother.
Or rather, she's been talking to me.
What about?
I'm very fond of my mother, Mary.
But not always.
Your mother says you and
Christine are engaged.
Does she?
Are you?
Well, not exactly.
That's what my mother wants.
What do you want, Ken?
Mary, I'm crazy about you.
You know that.
Nothing anyone can ever
say will ever change it.
But if you only knew what I've
been going through at home.
Lectures from dad at breakfast.
Then mother at lunch.
Christine in the afternoons and
dad takes over again at dinner.
And it's always about me, isn't it?
Ken .. do you want to marry me?
Yes, I guess so.
Of course, but ..
Not right away, Mary. I can't.
What a beautiful proposal.
Mary, I didn't mean that ..
- It's alright.
Goodbye, Ken.
Mr Nolan said I should practice
so every afternoon after school ..
I come in and practice.
And it's killing me.
In a nice way.
You wouldn't think I can eat 4 of these
a day and be as swelt as I do would you.
- Uhuh.
It is "svelte", Sharon.
You got the idea anyway.
I'm glad you dropped in
because I've been thinking.
You haven't?
Yes. And there's something
I've decided I should say to you.
What is it?
Well it's just that ..
Well, men aren't worth it.
Why go on eating your heart out?
Please, Sharon.
Think of all the men I've lost.
And am I mourning about
either one of them?
You are never going to be happy
if you're always going to be sad.
And you've got nice teeth and
you took two years of French.
So why not try to see the
bright side of things?
Of course, you've always
got this thing about Ken.
It isn't just Ken.
Everything seems to happen all at once.
And so fast.
Then suddenly it doesn't seem
to matter what happens.
Here comes a small dose of arsenic.
Hi, beautiful. Hello muscles.
Hello, Dewey.
Say, what's with you and Ken?
I thought you two were the
gruesome twosome of 1947.
Haven't you heard?
I gave him up for lent.
- Haven't you heard?
He ran away and married
Christine Delaney.
Yeah, him and Christine eloped.
He and Christine.
He. Him. What's the difference?
They are married.
It happened last night. How about that?
Mary, he isn't worth it.
Well how about celebrating,
now that you're a widow?
Why don't you go somewhere
and catch yourself you foul ball.
Who was talking to you?
How about it?
Come on, let's hit the high spots.
0kay Dewey, let's go.
- Mary.
I want to have some fun for a change.
Well at least take my
brass knuckles with you.
How do you like that.
Now what's a lovely dish
like that doing with junior?
I'll bet he has to save up
to buy himself a beer.
Take it easy. You make me nervous.
You know what?
I'm going to rescue her.
Oh Eddie, not again.
I'll be solid. Get solid.
This is really living, isn't it?
- You can call it that.
Pardon me, sonny.
- Yeah? What do you want?
There is a man wants to see
you outside. The truant officer.
Now you'd better go out and explain
why you missed kindergarten today.
I'll dance with the little lady.
- Say, what's the big idea?
Look at that! Just look at that.
Spread out for everyone to see.
I'll not permit such behaviour.
But it isn't her fault and your
decision is a little drastic.
My decision is not drastic
Miss Kane, but it is final.
I've been patient with that
Hagen girl long enough.
I did everything I could.
I said everything there was to say.
But graduation is only a week away.
I passed all my exams.
The board insisted and Mrs Freneau.
I might have expected that.
But it isn't as bad as it sounds.
You have your grade.
You can still go to the university.
But it's so unfair.
I've never done any harm to anyone.
I've never done anything wrong.
Except getting born.
I know it seems like an
injustice and it is .. but ..
But I have to put up with it.
Is that what you were about to say?
Mary, don't take it hard.
I must sit quietly and say "yes, ma'am"
and "yes, sir" when I'm spoken to.
And maybe if I really behave
for the next fifty years ..
The town of Jordan will
forgive me for being alive.
Say, did you hear about that Hagen girl?
I understand she got Ed Koons'
boy into plenty of trouble.
Well if the boy is like old Ed,
it didn't take much leading.
- Me too.
I'll have the same.
The girl is getting
kicked out of school.
- Yep.
That's private information.
- How?
Say, look at this.
Hey, that's Tom Bates.
As big as life and twice as natural.
What did he do, rob a bank?
No, sir. Listen to this.
"This week in Washington
the Order of Merit."
"Was bestowed on a man who
deserves not only a medal."
"But the heartfelt thanks
of a grateful nation."
"Lieutenant Colonel Thomas J. Bates."
"In awarding the medal to
Lieutenant Colonel Bates."
"The President of the Untied
States paid high tribute."
"Not only to this officer's long and
distinguished combat record."
"But to his magnificent organisation."
"Which contributed so greatly to the
successful launching of atomic warfare."
"An attorney by profession,
Bates comes from Jordan, Ohio."
"Which must be proud indeed
of its distinguished citizen."
What about that.
I tried to catch you at the station.
Well, this is a very pleasant
but unexpected homecoming.
Have you got a drink?
- A drink?
Teacher, what will Jordan think?
I don't care what Jordan thinks.
Do you know what they've done to Mary?
- No. What?
Well, among other things
she's been expelled.
Expelled? What for?
Oh Tom, it's so mixed up and unfair.
Sit down. Maybe we'll both have a drink.
Ain't that the school-board coming?
- It kinda looks that way.
Never saw them all in a lump before.
Don't look no better that way, neither.
Now remember. When Colonel
Bates steps from the train ..
Give him a big welcoming
smile while I make my speech.
Are you looking for Tom Bates?
It is Colonel Bates
we're looking for, yes.
Well, you just missed him.
He just got off the 8:15.
Oh dear, this is terrible.
At one time or another I gave each of
the fellows that married those ladies ..
Exactly the same advice.
Don't do it, I said.
It's all you can expect of these people
but I thought Ken Freneau was different.
Whether he is or not doesn't matter.
Mary may be hurt a little.
But although she doesn't know it,
she was never in love with him.
Where is she now? Let's go find her.
No. You go and find her.
I have a lot of packing to do.
You see, I'm leaving Jordan.
- Yes.
I only had a one year contract
with the school, as you know.
Now the term is over so ..
I never thought about you leaving.
We've been such good friends.
Yes, we have been.
Very good friends.
I don't know what I'll do without you.
Sort of lonely.
No it won't. Not with Mary still here.
You know, I don't think you two even
realize how much you mean to each other.
Well, Tom.
I don't know what to say.
I do.
Tom Bates.
I'll miss you.
I hope so.
Now go to Mary and
stop playing the father.
You've been in love
with the girl for weeks.
Operator, could you give
me Jim Hagen's number.
[ Door knocks ]
Come in.
Oh, my dear Colonel.
How do you do, Mrs Freneau.
Jordan is honored, Colonel Bates.
- Honored.
This is all very nice of you.
I have something very important
I have to take care of.
But we haven't accomplished our mission.
Like you boys in the Air Force, we
believe in "mission accomplished".
I am very busy.
- Then we'll be very brief.
As president of the school board.
I am delegated to ask if you'll give the
address at our graduation exercises.
You want me to speak at
the graduation exercises?
You will be our guest of honor.
After everything that's happened,
all that's been said about me?
Well, we're anxious to forgive
and forget, Colonel Bates.
There is every reason to think that
we were mistaken about you.
Well now, that's very generous
of you, Mrs Freneau.
And all this time I'd been thinking
that you and these other ..
Ladies and gentlemen
didn't approve of me.
The idea.
I even thought that you were
trying to make me leave town.
Just shows how mistaken
one can be, doesn't it.
Now, about this speech I'm to make.
I can't help wondering if you'll
like the subject I have in mind.
What would your subject
be, Colonel Bates?
Mary Hagen.
But she's been expelled.
For going to The Tavern
with Dewey Koons.
But Dewey is going
to graduate, isn't he.
And if memory serves me
correctly, Mrs Freneau.
Your son and Christine Delaney
went to The Tavern.
As a matter of fact, Christine became
somewhat ill as a result of her visit.
Something she ate no doubt.
Four students went to The Tavern.
Only one was expelled from school.
It is a convenient kind of justice
you have on your school-board.
Colonel Bates.
We came here in good faith.
Yes. To "forgive and forget" you said.
You're willing to forgive me for a thing
that never existed except in your minds.
You want to forget years
of persecuting a girl ..
Whose only crime was growing
up to be fine and decent.
You should be asking
Mary Hagen to forgive you.
The funny thing is.
She probably would.
[ Door knocks ]
Hello, Mr Bates.
- Hello, Jim.
Is Mary here?
Isn't she home?
No, I went home for supper and
she wasn't there and I got worried.
I called up a few of her girlfriends.
They don't seem to know where she is.
She left this note.
You go on home, Jim. I'll call you.
"Just who is she, Miss Grover?"
"And who is Tom Bates?"
"There is nothing to tell."
"I insist Mary, you stop spreading these
stories around about you and my son."
"I love you."
"I want you to marry me."
"Haven't you heard? He ran away
and married Christine Delaney."
But none of these things seem
like reason enough to ..
When you add them all up they do.
They don't make a very good reason.
But never knowing who I
am or where I came from?
Don't you see Mary, who you are or
where you came from isn't important.
It's what you are and where you
are going that really matters.
It's easy for you to say that.
I know you don't like
to talk about it, but ..
It isn't just finding out
that you aren't my father.
There was Grace Gateley who
was supposed to be my mother.
People say that you and she ..
- I was in love with Grace.
Her father found out and sent her off
East before I could do a thing about it.
We used to write to each other.
After a while she stopped writing.
"A year after that I heard the Gateleys
were back and Grace was with them."
"Very ill."
"Doctor Stone told me that I
must never try to see her again."
"But I was still convinced that Grace
and I were being treated unjustly."
"Through the fence I saw a
ladder resting against a hedge."
"And I got the idea of
climbing up to her window."
"I knew if I were caught my standing
in Jordan wouldn't be enhanced but .."
"I was determined to find out why
Grace and I were being kept apart."
"I could see into the room
through the lace curtains."
"Grace was sitting in a little
rocking chair with a baby."
"It wasn't a baby at all."
"It was a doll."
"She was just sitting there
rocking back and forth."
"Back and forth."
I climbed down.
Put the ladder away.
I could see her yet.
Sitting there.
As lovely as ever.
And completely out of her mind.
It is impossible for you to be
a child of Grace Gateley.
I found out about you, Mary.
It isn't an unusual story.
Minta and Jim Hagen, childless folks,
did what people are doing every day.
They adopted you from an
orphanage in Evanston.
Why didn't they ever tell me?
I suppose they were afraid it might
change your attitude toward them.
Don't you see, Mary.
It isn't the accident of birth
that determines who we are.
Minta and Jim Hagen took a baby.
They fastened all their hopes and
love and dreams on that child.
And when she grew up they were
proud of their daughter Mary.
Like parents everywhere, they ..
Hoped she was a little proud of them.
If you think it's important enough.
If you want to know more.
We can go back to that
place in Evanston.
No, I'm glad I'm Mary Hagen.
So am I.
Take good care of her.
See, she's all I have.
Goodbye, Jim.
Well. What are we going
to talk about now?
T-G o