That's Entertainment, Part II (1976)

The doubt while the jury is out
Or the thrill
when they're reading the will
Or the chase for the man with the face
That's entertainment
The dame who is known as the flame
Of the king of an underworld ring
He's an ape who won't let her escape
That's entertainment
It might be a fight
like you see on the screen
A swain getting slain
for the love of a queen
Some great Shakespearean scene
where a ghost and a prince meet
And everyone ends in mincemeat
The gag may be waving that flag
That began with a Mr. Cohan
Hip hooray the American way
The world is a stage
The stage is a world of entertainment
That's entertainment
Here we are!
All right.
That's entertainment
Look what I can do!
It's still me!
It's still me!
And now, as we carry right on
We call upon charming Leslie Caron
Anywhere you can watch Fred Astaire
That's entertainment
A scene played by Judy and Gene
It's a song that goes ringing along
Garbo's dance has a touch of romance
That's entertainment
"The show must go on"
is the show business cry
But there's always someone
who wants to know why
With Robert Taylor
I'll try to come up with an answer
It's Eleanor Powell the dancer
There is much more in store
The world is a stage
The stage is a world of entertainment
The bells are ringing
For me and my gal
For Me and My Gal was my first film...
and, boy, was I lucky.
I co-starred with Judy Garland.
That's what I call starting at the top.
To a wedding they're going
And for weeks they've been sewing
They've been sewing something old
and something new
Sew something that is blue
so they can make a trousseau for my gal
They're congregating
for me and my gal
Look here!
Why, that's the parson
waiting for me and my gal
And sometime
We're going to build a little home
For two
- Or three
- Or four
- Or five
- Or maybe more
Loveland for me and my gal
Fascinating rhythm, you got me on the go
Fascinating rhythm, I'm all a-quiver
Fred, I hear tap-dancing is popular again.
And here's a lady
who will keep it that way. ;
Eleanor Powell.
Each morning I'm waking up
Very happy just to find
that no work has been done
Once it didn't matter
But now you're doing wrong
When you start to patter
I'm so unhappy
Won't you take a day off?
A couple of weeks
Somewhere far away off
But make it snappy
Oh, how I long to be the man
that I used to be
Oh, fascinating rhythm
Won't you stop picking on me?
I've got a feeling you're fooling
I've got a notion it's make-believe
and you are laughing right up your sleeve
Mr. Kelly, would you tell me
a couple of things...
you never expected to see?
Well, Mr. Astaire, I never expected to see
Robert Taylor singing.
Moments of paradise
You're such a standout
but how you hand out that
I've got a feeling you're fooling
I've got a feeling it's all a frame
It's just a well-known old army game
No fooling
- No fooling
- No fooling
No fooling
When I'm
When I'm fooling with you
And I certainly never expected to see
Greta Garbo dancing.
Fred, I hear that since you've been a kid...
you always said
you wanted to be a dancing man.
No, Gene. That's not true.
I never said anything like that in my life.
I wanna be a dancing man
While I can
Gonna leave my footsteps
On the sands of time
If I never leave a dime
A dancing man
With footsteps on the sands
Of rhythm
And rhyme
A dancing man
With footsteps on the sands
Of rhythm
A song of love is a sad song
Hi-Lili, Hi-Lili, Hi-Lo
One of my happiest discoveries
was Leslie Caron.
After An American in Paris,
she starred in Lili.
A song of love is a sad song
For I have loved, and it's so
Hi-Lili, Hi-Lili, Hi-Lo, Hi-Lo
Hi-Lili, Hi-Lili, Hi-Lo
Hi-Lili, Hi-Lili, Hi-Lo, Hi-Lo
Hi-Lili, Hi-Lili
Be a clown, be a clown
All the world loves a clown
I always wanted to play a clown...
and in The Pirate,
I finally got the chance...
with Judy, and a terrific Cole Porter song.
Dress in huge baggy pants
And you'll ride the road to romance
A butcher or a baker
ladies never embrace
A barber for a beau
would be a social disgrace
They all will come to call
if you can fall on your face
Be a clown, be a clown, be a clown!
Be a clown, be a clown
All the world loves a clown
Be the poor silly ass
And you'll always travel first class
The Brothers Marx hit our screens
With their zany routines
Groucho, brash and absurd
Harpo never uttered a word
Chico's quaint piano style
Had his audience in the aisle
They could have played French comedy,
trs, trs lgant
Or scenes in English drawing rooms
with riches to flaunt
But they knew they'd get far more laughs
with Margaret Dumont
Be a
- Wait a minute. This can't be my room.
- Yes, sir.
Suite number 58, sir.
Fifty-eight? That's an awful big number
for a birdcage this size.
Wouldn't it be simpler
if you just put the stateroom in the trunk?
Sing ho!
For the open highway
Sing ho!
For the open road
- Hello, boss. What are you doing here?
- Hello.
This makes it a perfect voyage.
- I'm sorry. I thought this was my trunk.
- It is your trunk.
I don't remember packing you boys.
Don't wake him up. He's got insomnia.
He's sleeping it off.
That's as grisly a looking object
as I've ever seen.
Get him up out of there.
- Yes?
- We've come to make up your room.
Come in, girls. Leave all hope behind.
Work fast because
you gotta get out in 10 minutes.
Tomasso. Wake up.
They're going to fix the bed.
I'd like two pillows on that bed there.
There's a slight misunderstanding here.
I said the girls had to work fast,
not your friend.
He's still asleep.
You know, he does better asleep
than I do awake.
Yeah, he always sleeps that way.
- Now he's half-asleep.
- Yes, he's half-asleep in a half Nelson.
- All right, come on.
- Yes?
I'm the engineer.
I'm here to turn off the heat.
You can start right in on him.
Did you want a manicure?
No. Come on in.
I hadn't planned on a manicure,
but on a journey like this...
you ought to have
every convenience you can get.
Did you want your nails long or short?
You better make them short.
It's getting kind of crowded in here.
I'm the engineer's assistant.
I had a premonition
you were going to show up.
The engineer's over there in the corner.
You can chop your way right through.
Is it my imagination,
or is it getting crowded in here?
I got plenty of room.
- Yes?
- Is my Aunt Minnie in here?
You can come in and prowl around
if you want to.
If she isn't in here, you can probably
find somebody just as good.
- Could I use your phone?
- Use the phone?
- I'll lay you even money you can't get in.
- How do you do?
This boat will be in New York
before you get to that phone.
I came to mop up.
Just the woman I'm looking for.
Come right ahead.
You have to start on the ceiling.
It's the only place that's not occupied.
- You can clean my shoes if you want to.
- Operator.
Tell Aunt Minnie to send up
a bigger room, will you?
- Steward.
- Come right ahead.
- The food!
- We've been waiting all afternoon for you.
I want my Aunt Minnie!
From this moment on
You and I, babe
We'll be riding high, babe
Every care is gone
From this moment on
Kiss Me Kate
with Cole Porter's lilting music...
choreographed by Hermes Pan...
and performed by Ann Miller
and company.
That's Bob Fosse
dancing with Carol Haney.
I wonder what ever happened to him.
I love the looks of you
The lure of you
I'd love to make
a tour of you
The arms, the eyes
the mouth of you
The east, west, north
and the south of you
I'd love to gain
complete control of you
And handle even the heart
and soul of you
So love, at least,
a small percent of me, do
For I love all of you
Cyd Charisse, lovely Cyd Charisse.
How she dances.
This is from Silk Stockings.
I get too hungry for dinner at 8.;00
I like the theater but never come late
I never bother with people I hate
That's why the lady is a tramp
Beautiful Lena Horne sings a great
Rodgers and Hart standard...
from the film Words and Music.
Won't go to Harlem in ermine and pearls
Don't dish the dirt
With the rest of the girls
That's why the lady is a tramp
I like the free, fresh wind in my hair
Life without care
I'm broke, that's oke
Hate California, it's cold and it's damp
That's why the lady
is a tramp
They asked me how I knew
My true love was true
Jerome Kern wrote some of
the loveliest melodies I've ever heard.
And none lovelier than this one,
sung by Kathryn Grayson...
and danced by
Marge and Gower Champion.
Something here inside
Cannot be denied
They said someday you'll find
All who love are blind
When your heart's on fire
You must realize
Smoke gets in your eyes
I could hardly wait to keep our date
This lovely Easter morning
Someone once asked Jerome Kern...
where in American music
he would place Irving Berlin.
Mr. Kern replied,
"Irving Berlin is American music."
In your Easter bonnet
with all the frills upon it
You'll be the grandest fella
in the Easter parade
I'll be all in clover
and when they look us over
We'll be the proudest couple
in the Easter parade
On the avenue
Fifth A venue
The photographers will snap us
And you'll find
that you're in the rotogravure
Oh, I could write a sonnet
about your Easter bonnet
And of the guy I'm taking
to the Easter parade
On the avenue
Fifth A venue
The photographers will snap us
And you'll find
that you're in the rotogravure
I could write a sonnet
about your Easter bonnet
And of the girl I'm taking
to the Easter parade
Anything that happens in life
can happen on the screen
Fantasies appear
Colorful and queer
Watch me
You'll see just what I mean
Take the red from the scene
After that
Please remove all the green
Then the yellow and blue,
make them disappear, too
What's left?
Black and white
But that's quite all right
It's entertainment
You came
I was alone
Here's Bing Crosby...
starting us off in some numbers
filmed in glorious black and white.
The siren he's singing to is Fifi D'Orsay.
The film is Going Hollywood.
Born to be kissed
I can't resist
You are temptation
and I am yours
Here is my heart
Take it and say
we'll never part
I'm just a slave
Only a slave
to you
Dear, when you smiled at me
I heard a melody
It haunted me from the start
Judy Garland told me
that this is the song she sang...
for her audition at MGM.
By the way, she got the job.
Zing! Went the strings of my heart!
I still recall the thrill
I guess I always will
I hope 'twill never depart
I knew I loved you heaps
and you were mine for keeps
Zing! Went the strings
of my heart!
The wonderful Ethel Waters
in Cabin in the Sky.
And that's Rochester on guitar.
Here I go again
I'm hearing trumpets blow again
All aglow again
Taking a chance on love
Here I slide again
About to take that ride again
Starry-eyed again
Taking a chance on love
I thought the cards were a frame-up
And I never would try
But now I'm taking the game up
And the ace of hearts is high
Things are mending now
I see a rainbow blending now
We'll have our happy ending now
Taking a chance on love
Got to swing that jinx away
Swing a hi-de-hey
Rap, tap on wood
Eleanor Powell in Born to Dance.
And she sure was.
Three cheers for the red, white, and blue
Three cheers for the red, white, and blue
The Army and Navy forever
Three cheers
for the red, white, and blue
Men, the ship we were waiting
for is anchored in the river...
but it's in the hands of the police.
Our plan's been discovered,
and if we're ever to have our freedom...
we've got to fight for it tonight.
Who's with me?
Not me.
All right, if I have to, I'll go alone.
- Wait, Charles. I'll go with you.
- One man at last.
And me, too.
Nelson Eddy and Jeanette MacDonald
were the king and queen of operetta...
and New Moon
was one of their most popular.
Now we're 10! That makes an army.
Come on!
Give me some men
Who are stout-hearted men
Who will fight for the right they adore
Start me with ten
Who are stout-hearted men
And I'll soon give you ten thousand more
I'm going.
Shoulder to shoulder
And bolder and bolder
They grow as they go to the fore
Then there's nothing in the world
Can halt or mar a plan
When stout-hearted men
Can stick together man to man
Charles, you can't fight
the whole French fleet.
It's fight or perish
for every man on this island.
- Charles.
- Goodbye, Marianne.
Forgive me for any grief
I've ever caused you.
You'll come back, Charles.
You must come back to me.
This eager heart of mine is singing
Lover, come back to me
Near or far, where ever you are
I'm coming back to you
Love will guide me
In the light that follows night
I'll see you smiling through
Your love
Will be beside me
The sky is blue
The night is cold
The moon is new
But love is old
And while you're waiting there
This heart of mine is singing
I will come back
- To you
- To me
Oh, what a tune
One of my favorite comedians...
also happens to be
one of my favorite human beings...
that lovable lunatic, Jimmy Durante.
It's got the whole world spooning
I'm walking down the street
I'm walking down the street
Tell me, Mr. James,
now just what did you accomplish?
That note was given to me
by Bing Crosby...
and was he glad to get rid of it.
I got rhythm, I got music
I got my man
Who could ask for anything more?
I got daisies
Now, Busby Berkeley's dude-ranch finale
from Girl Crazy...
with Judy, Mickey, and Tommy Dorsey.
Old Man Trouble,
I don't mind him
You won't find him 'round my door
I got starlight
I got sweet dreams
I got my man
Who could ask for anything more?
Who could ask for anything more?
Who could ask for anything more?
Be a clown, be a clown
All the world loves a clown
Take a pie in the face
And you'll wow the whole human race
In the beginning,
there was slapstick comedy.
And Laurel and Hardy.
So you can't sleep?
Abbott and Costello being
Abbott and Costello.
I'm going to put this in your ears...
and then when I go to sleep,
you won't hear the record.
When I go to sleep, you take the arm off...
- and the record will stop, and I'll sleep.
- All right.
- Yes.
- Now how's that?
Everything all right?
How's that? All right?
Is that all right?
I said, is that all right?
- Is that all right, the stuff in your ears?
- Yes. Can't hear. Swell.
And when you go to sleep, I'll turn it off.
- Take it off. These are good.
- Go ahead and get your sleep.
I know I'll get some sleep.
- I'm gonna get some sleep.
- What?
I says, I'm gonna get some sleep.
- That's what I'm here for.
- Then why do you keep saying...
- I can't hear you, please.
- Then keep them in your ears...
- you don't have to listen to nothing.
- What?
Look. Now listen.
Don't get excited, please. Will you?
With these in my ears, I can't hear.
Here. Try it yourself now. See that?
Now can you hear anything?
- What?
- Can you hear me?
You can't hear anything, can you?
How can I hear if you're gonna
put these in my ears like that?
After all, I can't hear
if you got them in my ears.
He's got them again.
In this 1929 film...
among a group of songwriters, we find...
Well, he'll introduce himself.
Ladies and gentlemen,
may I introduce myself.
My name is Jack Benny, and I was asked...
to be master of ceremonies
for this occasion.
I'd like to identify these boys for you...
so in case you find them
prowling around your home some night...
you'll know how to address them.
Mr. Nacio Herb Brown,
the composer at the piano...
and Mr. Arthur Freed, the lyricist...
who also writes the words.
These two boys wrote...
Doll Dance, Broadway Melody...
You Were Meant For Me,
the Pagan Love Song...
and The Wedding of the Painted Doll.
It's a holiday
Today's the wedding of the painted doll
It's a jolly day
The news is spreading all around the hall
Red Riding Hood and Buster Brown
The Jumping Jack jumped into town
From far and near, they're coming here
Church bells ringing
Bringing all the little dollies
From the follies
With their painted cheeks
Little mama doll has fussed around
for weeks and weeks
Shoo the blues, no time to lose
Bikes and shoes will spread the news
That it's a holiday
Today's the wedding
of the little painted doll
I've come to the conclusion that it's a very
simple matter to write a popular song.
Let's see how song writer Sammy Cahn
feels about that.
Writing a song can be agony or ecstasy.
It can take half an hour or half a year.
But when anyone
writes a song in a movie...
there never seems to be any problem.
Inspiration turns on
faster than a light bulb.
For instance...
look how hard
Ann Sothern and Robert Young...
have to struggle to write a song...
which was written by
George and Ira Gershwin.
And lovely.
Hey, "Oh, sweet and lovely."
Oh, sweet and lovely,
can it be true?
You are the one
Baby, be mine
Baby, be mine
Oh, sweet and lovely,
Baby, be mine
Baby, be good
Lady, be good
That's it, "Lady, be good."
Oh, sweet and lovely lady, be good
Oh, sweet and lovely lady, be good
Oh, lady, be good to me
How's that?
I am so awfully misunderstood
So, lady, be good to me
...this feeling.
Lew Ayres, prodded by Al Shean...
sets his love for Jeanette MacDonald
to music.
You got something that hurts you,
that's important, that means something.
Well, write it out. Put it in notes.
Orchestrate it.
Make the violins tell it, and the brasses.
You never lost Mary Hale.
You lost yourself.
You were like a bird that wouldn't fly,
a fish that wouldn't swim...
a musician that wouldn't write.
Speaking a woman's name
night after night before you go to sleep...
that's for nobodies, for weaklings.
But you, you got to sing out on them
so she'll hear it...
and no matter where she is,
she'll hear her name in your music...
and then she'll come back to you.
Although your tears may fall
We won't be far apart
Summer journeys to Niagara
And to other places
Aggravate all our cares
We'll save our fares
I've a cozy little flat
in what is known as old Manhattan
We'll settle down
Right here in town
We'll have Manhattan, the Bronx,
and Staten Island, too
It's lovely going through
Now Mickey Rooney
and Tom Drake show us...
how Rodgers and Hart did it.
It's very fancy
On old Delancey Street, you know
The subway charms us so
When balmy breezes blow to and fro
Fred Astaire and Red Skelton
as Kalmar and Ruby.
I wouldn't write that song with you
if you begged me.
Begged you? I didn't even ask you.
I guess you just can't help it, Harry.
I feel sorry for you.
Feel sorry for me?
You must think I'm just some...
I can tell you what I think of you
in three little words.
You're a dope!
Three little words, "You're a dope."
You are a dope
In the film The Great Waltz...
Fernand Gravet as Johann Strauss...
composedTales from the Vienna Woods...
just by riding through the woods
with Miliza Korjus.
Come on, my Rosie
Come on, my Rosie
That's entertainment
Good morning
Good morning
It's great to stay up late
Good morning
Good morning to you
When the band began to play
This is one of those terrific
Singin' in the Rain numbers...
with Gene, Debbie Reynolds,
and Donald O'Connor having a ball.
So, good morning
Good morning
Sunbeams will soon smile through
Good morning
Good morning to you and you
and you and you
Good morning
Good morning
We've gabbed the whole night through
Good morning
Good morning to you
Nothing could be grander
Than to be in Louisiana
In the morning
In the morning
It's great to stay up late
Good morning
Good morning to you
Might be just as iffy
If we was in Mississippi
When we left the movie show
the future wasn't bright
But came the dawn
the show goes on
and I don't want to say good night
- So say good morning
- Good morning
Rainbows are shining through
Good morning
Good morning
Buenos Dias
Guten Morgen
Good morning to you
Fred, Nanette Fabray,
and Jack Buchanan...
as a very young trio in this Schwartz and
Dietz number from Band Wagon.
Mrs. Wipple Poofer loves to talk
to Mrs. Hildendorfer
Of the fatal natal day
she had her silly Willy
Mrs. Hudson-Cooper loves to
talk to Mrs. Golden-Wasser
Of her major operation
when she had her twins
But when Mother comes along
She silences the others
She accomplished something
that is very rare in mothers
MGM has got a Leo
But Mama has got a trio
She is proud
but says three is a crowd
Oh, we do everything alike
We look alike
We dress alike, we walk alike
We talk alike, and what is more
We hate each other very much
We hate our folks
We're sick of jokes
on what an art it is to tell us apart
We eat the same kind of vittles
We drink the same kind of bottles
We sit in the same kind of highchair
highchair, highchair
I wish I had a gun
A real gun
It would be fun to shoot the other two
And be only one
Have yourself a merry little Christmas
Fred, you remember
those wonderful parties with Judy...
where she'd get up and sing this song?
She first sang it to Margaret O'Brien
in Meet Me in St. Louis.
Next year all our troubles
will be miles away
Once again, as in olden days
Happy golden days
of yore
Faithful friends
who were dear to us
Will be near to us
once more
Someday soon
we all will be together
If the fates allow
Until then
we'll have to muddle through
So have yourself
a merry little
Stepping out with my baby
Can't go wrong 'cause I'm in right
It's for sure, not for maybe
That I'm all dressed up tonight
Here you are again, Fred, in Easter Parade.
Can't be bad to feel so good
Never felt quite so sunny
And I keep on knocking wood
There'll be smooth sailing
'Cause I'm trimming my sails
With a bright shine on my shoes
And on my nails
Stepping out with my baby
Can't go wrong 'cause I'm in right
Ask me when will the day be
The big day may be tonight
What a fabulous bit of trick photography.
Please, Kelly. I don't tell your secrets.
Ten cents a dance
That's what they pay me
Gosh, how they weigh me down
Doris Day, belting out
another great Rodgers and Hart tune...
from Love Me or Leave Me.
Ten cents a dance
Dandies and rough guys
Tough guys who tear my gown
7.;00 to midnight
I hear drums
Loudly the saxophone blows
Trumpets are tearing my eardrums
Customers crush my toes
Sometimes I think
I've found my hero
But it's a queer romance
All that you need is a ticket
Come on, big boy
Ten cents a dance
- I got
- Rhythm
- I got
- Music
- I got
- My gal
Who could ask for anything more?
I've always said,
"Just put Gene with a bunch of kids...
"and you're bound to come up
with a winner. " Watch.
- I got
- My gal
Who could ask for anything more?
Old man Trouble,
I don't mind him
You won't find him 'round my door
- Vous comprenez ca?
- Non!
- I got
- Rhythm
- I got
- Music
- I got
- My gal
Who could ask for anything more?
Who could ask for anything more?
Charlie Chaplin!
Who could ask for anything more?
C'est tout!
Au revoir!
You see a pair of laughing eyes
And suddenly you're sighing sighs
You're thinking nothing's wrong
You string along, boy
Then snap!
Those eyes, those sighs
They're part of the tender trap
After having sung with the Harry James
and Tommy Dorsey orchestras...
Frank Sinatra made his solo debut...
at the Paramount Theater in New York
in December 1942.
They had to call out the police
to control the crowds.
Especially his most avid fans,
the bobbysoxers.
When he walked out on the stage...
it was not merely the birth of a star...
but the creation of a legend.
I'll walk alone
They'll ask me why
And I'll tell them I'd rather
There are dreams I must gather
I'll walk alone
It was inevitable that the Sinatra hysteria
would lead him to Hollywood...
and equally inevitable...
that producer Arthur Freed
would choose him...
to sing Kern and Hammerstein's classic. ;
OI' Man River.
OI'man river
That ol'man river
He must know somethin'
But he don't say nothin'
He just keeps rollin'
He keeps on rollin'along
He don't plant taters
And he don't plant cotton
And them what plants 'em
Is soon forgotten
But ol'man river
Just keeps rollin'along
I fall in love too easily
There's something about a Sinatra ballad
that makes it automatically unforgettable.
Here is young Blue Eyes singing
one of my favorites from Anchors Aweigh.
I fall in love too terribly hard
For love to ever last
My heart should be well-schooled
'Cause I've been fooled
in the past
And still I
fall in love
too easily
I fall in love
too fast
I believe
Frank sings to
Jimmy Durante and Billy Roy in. ;
It Happened in Brooklyn.
If you'll wish for the dream
By the wishing well
Don't tell the wish
or you'll break the spell
It may sound naive
But that's what I believe
I don't care
High Society.
And it can't get much higher...
than Frank serenading
the future princess of Monaco.
'Cause you're sensational
Making love
is quite an art
What you require is the proper squire
to fire your heart
And if you'll say
that one fine day
You'll let me come to call
We'll have a ball
'Cause you're sensational
That's all
She argued
Fought like a wildcat
She threatened
Practically drew a gun on the boy
She said
"You can't send me home
- "Not like this"
- What happened?
She finally got her kiss
It seems only yesterday
that I did this number with Frank.
That's when he taught me how to dance.
What a time we had tonight
What a dish, what a dream, what a dame
And she lives alone
I gets weary
And so sick of tryin'
I'm tired of livin'
But I'm feared of dyin'
And ol'man river
He just keeps rollin'
Movie buffs and the rest
Have a line or scene they like best
The courtroom where a lawyer pleads
for his client's life
A sleuth that's hot but cannot spot
the gun or the knife
But you'll knock 'em flat with
"That's no lady, that was my wife"
They all last, unsurpassed
Here's the cast
Please let me stay.
But I want to be alone.
I just want to be alone.
We want to be alone.
But we want to be left alone.
Do you want to be alone, comrade?
I don't know how you'll look tomorrow...
but right now, you're the
most beautiful dame in the world.
- You want to work with me?
- Yes, Mr. Gallagher.
- Yes, sir.
- Now beat it.
Thank you.
Goodbye, Mr. Chips.
Annual income 20.
Annual expenditure 19.
Result? Happiness.
Annual income 20.
Annual expenditure 21.
Result? Misery.
That advice is so far worth taking...
I have never taken it myself...
and I am
the miserable creature you behold.
Grand Hotel. Always the same.
People come, people go.
Nothing ever happens.
I was reading a book the other day.
Reading a book?
Yes, it's all about civilization
or something.
A nutty kind of a book.
Do you know the guy says...
that machinery is going
to take the place of every profession?
Oh, my dear.
That's something
you need never worry about.
I'd like to run barefoot through your hair.
The picturesque impressions
indelibly fixed in our memory.
It is time to conclude our visit...
and reluctantly say
farewell to Hong Kong...
the hub of the Orient.
And as the midnight sun lingers
on the skyline of the city...
we most reluctantly say
farewell to Stockholm...
Venice of the north.
And it is in this paradise
of the Canadian Rockies...
that we reluctantly say
farewell to beautiful Banff.
With this thought,
we most reluctantly say...
farewell to the Taj Mahal.
We reluctantly say,
farewell, colorful Guatemala.
We reluctantly conclude our visit to Japan.
Farewell to Ireland, the Emerald Isle.
Farewell to Switzerland.
Farewell Udaipur.
Farewell to all...
I am Tandaleo.
Jane. Tarzan.
Please stop.
Just walk natural,
as if you were out for a stroll.
Not a word.
Hold it right there!
Where are you going with that elephant?
What elephant?
As soon as I saw you, I said to myself:
"There's a hot-looking little number."
Don't let it throw you, champ.
I'm 20 degrees cooler than you think.
Dames are just like traffic.
Sometimes you got to stop.
Sometimes you got to go.
Certain women should be struck regularly,
like gongs.
You see that chess game over there?
When I was 4 years old,
I played 10 people all at once...
I lost every game.
Lie down.
Stand up.
Grandpa, I love you.
Rosetta, I love you.
Tippy, I love you.
Honey, I love you.
Honey, I love you.
Kippy, I love you.
I love you, Duke.
What're you trying to do?
Steal my gag line?
To begin with, I took four years at Vassar.
Vassar? But that's a girls' college.
I found that out the third year.
I'd have been there yet,
but I went out for the swimming team.
It's all right. That's in every contract.
That's what they call a sanity clause.
You can't fool me.
There ain't no Sanity Claus.
Hold me closer.
I hold you any closer, I'd be in back of you.
It's a far, far better thing I do,
than I have ever done.
It's a far, far better rest I go to...
than I have ever known.
You're my Lassie come home.
But, Rhett, if you go...
where shall I go? What shall I do?
Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn.
What can I say about Paris
that wouldn't be redundant?
Even people who have never been there
know of its glories...
from songs, books, movies, paintings...
even cookbooks.
And thanks to the invention
of film and records...
there is one national treasure...
who will live as long as all the others.
That's Paris.
City of girls and lights!
Maurice Chevalier.
Here he is, singing about his Paris,
in one of his early films.
I'm going to Maxim 's
Where all the girls are dreams
Each kiss goes on the wine list
And mine is quite a fine list
Lolo, Dodo, Juju
Cloclo, Margot, Frufru
We promise to be faithful
Until the night is through
Let us gaze in the wine while it's wet
Let's do things that we'll live to regret
Let me dance till the restaurant whirls
With the girls, girls, girls, girls, girls
Where there's wine and there's women
and song
It is wrong not to do something wrong
When you do something wrong
You must do something right
And I'm doing all right tonight
You know...
I guess more songs have been written
about Paris than any other city.
One of the loveliest and most poignant...
was by Jerome Kern
and Oscar Hammerstein.
Dinah Shore sings it in
Till the Clouds Roll by.
The last time I saw Paris
her trees were dressed for spring
And lovers walked beneath those trees
and birds found songs to sing
I dodged the same old taxicabs
that I had dodged for years
The chorus of their squeaky horns
was music to my ears
The last time I saw Paris
her heart was warm and gay
No matter how they change her
I'll remember her
that way
Paris is called the City of Lights.
When these lights are turned on,
it becomes the diamond of the world.
Lovers, of course...
prefer the romantic shadows
along the banks of the Seine.
Another famous Parisian landmark...
but of a different kind.
We see Georges Guetary performing...
in true Folies-Bergre style.
I'll build a stairway to Paradise
With a new step every day
I'm going to get there at any price
Stand aside, I'm on my way
I've got the blues
And up above, it's so fair
Shoes, go on and carry me there
I'll build a stairway to Paradise
With a new step every day
I'll build a stairway to Paradise
With a new step every day
I'm going to get there at any price
Stand aside, I'm on my way
I've got the blues
And up above, it's so fair
Shoes, go on and carry me there
I'll build a stairway to Paradise
With a new step every day
With a new step
every day
The place du Trocadro
is one of my favorite places in Paris.
It's a great hangout
for children who skate.
So I always bring my kids here to join me.
You know...
a number on roller skates,
that might not be a bad idea.
This is Montmartre...
a very different section of the city.
As you see, the sidewalks are jammed
with young artists plying their trade.
Montmartre is also world-renowned
for its colorful cabarets.
The cancan,
danced by Gwen Verdon and company.
Not far from Paris is Versailles.
One of the most beautiful palaces
ever built.
A museum now,
it's still used for special state dinners...
and charity balls.
Some suggestion of a...
Bal de Versaille...
was captured by Ernst Lubitsch
in the picture The Merry Widow...
filmed in 1934.
Gene dances in the cartoon
Then there's Bing,
He and Louis will croon
Bobby Van could jump over the moon
That's entertainment
You'll see Fred and Judy as tramps
Cyd plays one of those glamorous vamps
Howard Keel,
He'll sum up the whole deal
The world's a cartoon
A great big balloon of entertainment
Hey, Gene, you've had
some very unusual dancing partners.
But these, from Invitation to the Dance,
beat everything.
Well, you take some skins
Jazz begins
And you take a bass
Man, now we're gettin' someplace
Take a box
One that rocks
Take a blue horn, New Orleans-born
High Society brings Bing and Satchmo
together to explain jazz.
Take a bone
Hold the phone
Take a spot
Cool and hot
Now you has jazz, jazz, jazz, jazz, jazz
Pops, you want to grab
a little of what's left here?
- Yeah, daddy, yeah
- Here we go
- If you sail
- A-sailin', sailin'
- Over the sea
- Will you wait for me?
Take my tip,
they're all molto hip in Italy
Well, arrivederci
As for France?
- I know you're very big there
- Yes, believe it or not
I do believe
I do indeed
The Frenchmen all
prefer what they call
- "Le jazz hot"
- Formidable
Take a plane
Go to Siam
In Bangkok today, round the clock,
they all like the jazz
Indians on
the Amazon
Beat one bar,
and all of them are
Oh, well, gone, man, gone!
From the Equator
Up to the Pole
Everybody wingin', everybody singin'
That rock, rock, rock, rock 'n'roll
And from the east to the west
From the coast to the coast
Jazz is king 'cause jazz is the thing
the folks dig most
Now that's jazz
We're a couple of swells
We stop at the best hotels
But we prefer the country
far away from the city smells
Fred, here you are with Judy.
Even when you play a tramp,
you're in top hat and tails.
The pride of the tennis courts
In June, July, and August
we look cute
when we're dressed in shorts
The Vanderbilts are waiting
at the club
But how are we to get there,
that's the rub
That's the rub
We would sail up the avenue
but we haven't got a yacht
We would drive up the avenue
but the horse we had was shot
We would ride on a trolley car
but we haven't got the fare
So we'll walk up the avenue
Yes, we'll walk up the avenue
Yes, we'll walk up the avenue
till we're there
We would swim up the avenue
but we haven't any lake
So we'll walk up the avenue
Yes, we'll walk up the avenue
Yes, a walk up the avenue's
what we'll take
"V" stands for vim, vigor, vitality,
and Bobby Van...
in this number from Small Town Girl.
Take me to Broadway,
and let me take it from there
Take me to Broadway,
and let me take it from there
- Gotta dance!
- Gotta dance!
- Gotta dance!
- Gotta dance!
Cyd Charisse...
lovely Cyd Charisse, how she dances.
This from Singin' in the Rain.
There's no business like show business
Like no business I know
Everything about it is appealing
In Annie Get Your Gun...
Betty Hutton, Howard Keel, Keenan Wynn,
Louis Calhern, and company...
tear the screen apart...
with Irving Berlin's
fabulous anthem to entertainment.
There's no people like show people
They smile when they are low
Even with a turkey that you know will fold
You may be stranded out in the cold
Still you wouldn't change it
for a sack of gold
Let's go on with the show
Let's go on with the show!
There's no business like show business
Like no business I know
Everything about it is appealing
Everything the traffic will allow
Nowhere could you get that happy feelin'
When you are stealin' that extra bow
There's no people like show people
They smile when they are low
Even with a turkey that you know will fold
You may be stranded out in the cold
Still you wouldn't change it
for a sack of gold
Let's go on with the show
Let's go on with the
Spencer Tracy and Katharine Hepburn.
They starred in nine films together...
and were, undoubtedly,
the most successful dramatic team...
in screen history.
Let's look at some of their work,
together, and apart.
There, that's better. I'm Father Flanagan.
I saw your brother Joe
just a little while ago.
We had a long talk about you, Whitey.
Joe wants you to come with me
to Boys Town.
You've got a swell chance
taking me to that joint.
Look, in a pinch,
I can be tougher than you are...
and I guess, maybe, this is the pinch.
You're coming with me to Boys Town
because that's what your brother wants.
And that's the way I want it.
Shorty, you mind backing up
and letting me by?
Yeah, I do mind. Suppose you back up,
and don't call me Shorty.
Shorty or sonny,
what difference does it make?
Move over, bud.
I'm wearing Justin boots
with 4-inch heels.
They'll sure make big dents
in that little frame of yours.
Lady athlete, properly handled,
always a market.
I don't think
you've ever been properly handled.
That's right, not even by myself.
Very few brains.
- There's one thing I got to say, though.
- What?
Nicely packed, that kit.
Is, at that.
Not much meat on her,
but what's there is cherce.
- Let's get out.
- Okay.
I told you already.
I ain't going to make no deals with you.
- Two against one.
- That's right, two against one...
and that's how it is
in this business, too, wise guy.
Two against one.
You want your usual percent?
My glasses.
That's no fair.
What's the big idea?
Where are my glasses?
- What is this?
- It's no fair.
Did you ever see a thing like this before?
We're so different,
we could help each other, couldn't we?
- I mean, really help. That is, if we...
- What?
Don't rush me. Give me time.
- One, two, three...
- I've been thinking...
all sorts of things in all ways.
Backwards, forwards, every which way,
but chiefly forwards.
I hope that means that you've decided
to stop living in the past.
Yes, and I've got to thinking
maybe you're right.
It is stupid of me, it is selfish...
but it is a terrible world to live in alone
with just memories.
You've got qualities to face it
and do something about it with.
Your eye is so clear. You see straight.
You're so honest, quick, aware,
fearless, forthright, and...
- Wait a minute.
- Don't stop me.
I'm none of those, except maybe honest.
I've got qualities for it, too.
I'm strong and have lots of energy.
I'm brave, too. Things don't get me down,
and I can take punishment.
It isn't just this house I can offer you
or myself as an assistant.
After all we said to each other that night...
the way we understand each other
about love...
you know I never could...
and I know you never could
or would want to...
and then there's all that
powerful commodity to be put to use.
- So I thought...
- You thought?
I wondered if you'd like to marry me.
What were you doing down
in my bailiwick today?
- Just a little ambulance chasing.
- Successful?
- I got the case.
- What case?
A girl named Doris Attinger
shot her husband. I'm going to defend her.
Now, when did you begin to suspect...
that you were losing
your husband's affection?
When he started batting me around.
Farewell, Amanda
What's the matter?
Don't you want your rub now? What...
What are you, sore about a little slap?
- What then?
- You meant that, didn't you?
- You really meant that.
- No.
I can tell, I know your touch.
- I know a slap from a slug.
- Okay.
I'm not so sure it is.
I'm not so sure I care to expose myself...
to typical, instinctive masculine brutality.
Come, now.
It felt not only like you meant it,
but like you felt you had a right to.
I can tell.
What have you got back there,
radar equipment?
All right.
Break it up.
Adam. Listen to me.
Don't you handle me, lady. I'm not nutty.
Adam, you're sick. Please.
- What do you think you're doing?
- Teaching a lesson.
Him first, then comes yours.
- Now get away, Amanda.
- Don't you do it.
Stop it, Adam. Stop it!
- You've no right.
- That's all I wanted to hear.
If there's anything I'm a sucker for,
it's licorice.
- I figure you can take care of yourself.
- No, I can't.
- I bet you could even lick me.
- No, I couldn't.
- Sure. I think so.
- No, I couldn't.
- I need someone to look after me.
- What about me?
Why not?
I don't know if I can lick you
or you can lick me...
- but I'll tell you one thing I do know.
- What?
- Together, we can lick them all.
- You bet.
And together they did...
because everything
about Tracy and Hepburn...
was cherce.
Can it be
I like myself
She likes me
So, I like myself
If someone wonderful as she is
can think I'm wonderful
I must be
quite a guy
Gene, you finally did work out
that number on skates, didn't you?
Yes, I guess I did...
in a film dreamed up
by Comden and Green...
called It's Always Fair Weather.
Dislike myself
But now my love has got me
She likes me, so, so do I
I can remember everything
as if it were yesterday.
- We met at 9.;00
- We met at 8.;00
- I was on time
- No, you were late
Ah yes, I remember it well
Here's my favorite boulevardier
with Hermione Gingold...
and a lovely Lerner and Loewe
song from Gigi.
I remember it well
That dazzling April moon!
There was none that night
And the month was June
That's right, that's right
It warms my heart
To know that you
Remember still
The way you do
Ah yes
I remember it well
- That carriage ride
- You walked me home
- You lost a glove
- I lost a comb
Ah yes, I remember it well
- That brilliant sky!
- We had some rain
- Those Russian songs
- From sunny Spain
Ah yes, I remember it well
You wore a gown of gold
I was all in blue
Am I getting old?
Oh, no
not you!
How strong you were
How young and gay
A prince of love in every way
Ah yes
I remember it well
The last time
Ginger and I worked together...
was in The Barkley's of Broadway.
I think this is one of the best routines
you ever did.
No picture about entertainment
would be complete...
without a number from
wet and wonderful Esther Williams.
And she does it without trick photography.
A show that is really a show
Sends you out with a kind of a glow
And you say as you go on your way
That's entertainment
The art that appeals to the heart
Is a song that just has to belong
Or a dance that is sure to entrance
That's entertainment
And now may we pause
For a moment or two?
Because there's a chore
that we feel we should do
We'd like to name
just a few of the stars
You have seen here
Performing a song or scene here
There were
Judy Garland, Leslie Caron,
Greta Garbo, Doris Day
Bob Taylor, Jack Buchanan,
Tony Martin, Maurice Chevalier
Bing Crosby, Mickey Rooney,
Eleanor Powell, Nanette Fabray
That's entertainment
Clark Gable, Melvyn Douglas,
Bob Montgomery, John Barrymore
Hermione Gingold, Esther Williams,
Frank Sinatra, Dinah Shore
- Franchot Tone, Greer Garson
- Katharine Hepburn, Spencer Tracy
Roddy McDowall, Myrna Loy,
and William Powell
Jeanette MacDonald, Debbie Reynolds,
Marge and Gower Champion
Ann Miller, Cary Grant, Ann Sothern,
Louis Armstrong, Bobby Van
Jean Harlow, Cyd Charisse,
Joan Crawford, Vivien Leigh, Tarzan
That makes forty-two
We've missed many
who have entertained you
And if it's a hit,
then they'll go on from there
They played a charade
that was lighter than air
A good old-fashioned affair
As we sing this finale
We hope it was up your alley
No death like you get in Macbeth
No ordeal like the end of Camille
This goodbye brings a tear to the eye
The world is a stage
The stage is the world of entertainment