Thaw, The (2009)

My name is David Kruipen.
"What is sacrifice?
What does it mean|to make a real difference?
Throughout my life and career,|I have straddled two worlds.
Increasingly I have become...
Increasingly my books|and articles...
...are published and read.
Increasingly I have been|embraced by policymakers...
...and referenced by bureaucrats...
...but today I realized...
...that I have...
...misguided myself.
Today I rediscovered...
...what I knew|when I was young. "
- Is that one on her forehead?|- I can't look.
Jesus Christ!
I know.
You said it was a tick.
- Um, I don't know if it was a tick.|- It's not a tick.
- It was a bug.|- It hurts.
I know, sweetheart,|but I need you to stay still.
Okay, it's just about there.|Hold on, hold on.
Hold on.|Okay okay.
Okay, there, Doug,|do you see that?
- Jesus.|- What?
- See those hairs?|- Get the tweezers, the tweezers.
I want you to grab it. Honey,|keep your head still, please.
- Get back in so I can see it.|- What?
Get... Just...
What do I do?|What do I do?
We have to do something|about the population.
- And what is wrong with the population?|- We have too many people.
There's way too many people|using way too much stuff.
That's why we have|global warming.
They will tell you|that we are on the verge...
...of imminent destruction.|The carbon dioxide in the air... gonna turn our atmosphere|into a microwave...
...and we're all gonna burn and die.
What a load of crap.
I don't care what they say.
It's not a glacial meltdown|or anything like that.
For decades|we've been warned.
Global warming is definitely real|and it's potentially catastrophic.
I believe it's prophecy|being fulfilled...
...hard times that's spoken|about in the Bible.
Global warming is|becoming a religion...
...for some of these...|for some of these loonies.
Of course there's global warming|and of course it's man-made.
It's a hoax.
The melting Arctic will|reveal a frightening truth.
I don't think that people are|going to do enough in time.
We're on the brink of Armageddon.|Most of us will die.
The few of us who survive will be... in a world like Somalia.
And what can we do about it?
We make small sacrifices,|but the real ones that really matter...
- The world will change, I don't think.|- Ever.
What does it mean to make|a real difference?
...radical environmentalists and|clearly a legitimate terrorist threat.
When non-violent|methods fail to...
...change people's minds|quickly enough...
...well, we have to consider|other options.
- The time is now.|- We have a breaking story.
It's spreading quickly|and hospitals cannot keep up.
Thousands are violently ill,|hundreds dead.
There is complete chaos|in the streets.
State troopers and the National Guard|were ordered to seal off all borders... people|are trying to flee.
When nature is the terrorist...
We're gonna... we're gonna die.
It's too late to do anything.
Die, I'm gonna die,|I'm gonna die!
I'm gonna... Help me!
One of the horrors...
The worst bioterrorism|we've ever known.
Oh my God!
I'm dead!
A couple hundred pounds|underweight.
He must have traveled far.
The teeth... only two years old.
He probably tried to swim... island, had to come back.
Not enough ice.
What's he saying?
He's saying get|the fuck over here.
What did you find, man?
What is it?
The pine beetle is|just one example...
...of the profound impact|global warming is having on the planet.
The truth is our way of life|is leaving the door open... an infinite number|of threats...
...equally as pernicious|as the tiny pine beetle.
We're not going to see an end|to this sort of horror...
...unless sacrifices are made.
And that's all for now.
Now as you know, a few|of you will have the honor...
...of joining the renown|Dr. Kruipen and his team...
...studying the impact|of global warming...
...on polar bears.
Atom Galen...
Federico Fulce...
...and Ling Chen.
- Yes, Atom?|- I thought four students were going.
So did I. Unfortunately|that is no longer the case.
Jesus Christ!
You know, we probably would|have been there by now...
...if you guys didn't have to, like,|put on four different bathing suits.
I asked you|to please not call me.
Evelyn, don't hang up.|It's important.
We discovered something.|I want you to come up.
I told you I'm not ready|to see you.
Can we please|just leave it at that?
Ev, I just...
I want you to understand.
You want me to understand?
Dad, you couldn't even|make it to her funeral.
Evelyn, this is important.
It's important to our cause.
Look, Dad, it's not my cause.
It's your cause.|You're the one who chose...
Okay, so apparently people just get out|of vehicles when they're moving.
Everybody knows about global warming.|Congratulations.
It just really too bad|nobody really gives a shit.
Ev, I'll...
...give you all|of your mother's money.
- No more monthly payments?|- That's right.
There are some students|coming up from Dawson...
I'll save you a seat.
Hey, Evy, get in the car!
Uh, I'll... I don't know.|I'll think about it.
- Get in the car!|- Dad, look, I have to go.
I'll think about it.|Could you hold on a minute?
- We're moving.|- Calm down.
How can I communicate|with the world...
...when I can't even communicate|with my own daughter?
She's just angry right now.|She'll come around.
Eight hours from bottle|to throttle, buddy.
Are you good?
Yeah, I'm good.
Someone named Ling called.
- Said she was running late.|- Thanks.
Sounded cute.
Bart, I need your help.
Dr. Kruipen?
I can't reach Evy.|She can't come up.
Why?|Is everything okay?
Yes, everything's fine.
Just make sure she|doesn't come up.
- Okay.|- I'll send her paperwork back with you.
Did you reach Bart?
David, did you|tell them not to come?
To call for help?
- Yes, I did.|- Thank God.
Nuti is...
...he's much worse.
And I'm...
I'm not much better.
- Hey, nice chopper.|- Thanks.
- Where are you from?|- Dawson City.
- Where are you from originally?|- Dawson City.
One of you gentlemen want|to help her with her bags there?
Yeah. Here, let me|take that for you.
No thanks.
- Oh, hey, let me get that.|- Oh, thank you.
- Can I ride in the front?|- Yeah.
There you go.|Hop in.
Oh, shoot.
Uh, just put your stuff|in the back there, guys.
- Evy.|- Hey, Bart.
Well... shoot.
You weren't supposed|to come up.
- What?|- That's what he said.
I was supposed to give you some|sort of paperwork when I got back.
So he doesn't even|want me to come up there?
I'm sure he's got his reasons.
You know what? I don't really|care what he says. I'm coming.
Uh... Uh... Evy?
...that's going to put me|in a really tight spot, see...
- 'cause...|- Sorry, Bart.
Yeah, you see, I kinda...|I promised him...
Ground Control, this is Major Tom.|We're outta here, man.
This is Ground Control.|You're cleared for takeoff.
Did I hear that you're|David Kruipen's daughter?
No way. That...|it must be so cool.
Yeah, he's my hero.
Is it true that|when he was younger...
...he sabotaged a pipeline|that was blocking...
- Migratory caribou?|- I guess so, yeah.
Huh, sure has changed.
It's okay, buddy.|It's okay.
I'll wrap him in plastic...
...just in case.
Make sure it's sealed.
We need to protect ourselves...
...until we're ready.
Are you okay?
Ready for what?
Edward, ready for what?
Look at that ice.
Yeah, she's breaking up|more and more every year.
It's terrible.|When are we gonna wake up?
It's not that easy, buddy, not when|people's lifestyles are at stake.
What are you|implying, Federico?
I'm just saying that we can't ignore|the reality of what we're up against.
Somebody's got|to take responsibility.
Okay, sure, but what are we|really doing to stop it?
I mean really stop it?
Look at Kruipen. He's attacking|the problem from the inside out...
- Changing how people think.|- What if we don't have that much time?
Maybe the best way to change|how people think is to...
...blow something up,|you know?
Look at that ice down there.|That's melting fast.
What do you think?
Oh... You don't want to know|what I think.
Sure we do.
Honestly, I think that people|are incapable of change...
...and our days are numbered. Might as well|enjoy the place while we can.
See? That's exactly|what I'm talking about.
Nobody's willing to make|any sacrifices.
Thar she blows.
There's no power.
What is that smell?
Smells like something|died in here.
Mmm, ahem!
Dr. Kruipen?|Edward?
Why is there no heat?
Yeah, wouldn't the pipes|freeze at night?
They must be|out in the field.
There's no running water either.
The genny must be off.
I'm gonna go check it out,|okay? All right.
Hey, where you going?
The restroom.|Is that okay with you?
Well, now we know why|one of us got bumped.
Yeah, and she doesn't even|sound like she wants to be here.
Did you want a water?
No thanks.
I'm gonna go look around.
...look, I know I can never|expect you to trust me again.
I made a huge mistake.
You are so full of shit.
What, a little makeup sex|in the Arctic?
Something to tell|your buddies about?
- You know it's not like that.|- Oh, really?
Well, then...|why tell me this now?
I don't know.|You were so angry.
And I was scared.
I'm looking for something|that belongs to me.
You don't really believe what|you said in the helicopter, do you?
What did I say?
About just giving up.
Bet your dad|doesn't think that.
You'd probably know what|he thinks better than I do.
My dad's in the oil business.
A few years ago,|one of his rigs hit sour gas...
...and the well blew out.
The gas blew downwind|and killed nine people.
I asked him how he could live|with himself and you know what he said?
"Plenty more|where they came from. "
Just part of the risk.
So now you know why|I'm willing to blow shit up.
You don't really think that|ecoterrorism is the answer.
I don't know.
But I want to do what needs to be done,|be there when the ball starts rolling.
There's a flashlight in the lab. We'll|need it if the genny doesn't start.
- Man.|- Ugh.
Oh, that is brutal.
God, it stinks.
What the hell is that?
I don't know.
Hold on.|Don't get so close.
Oh my God!|Oh, shit, are you okay?
Yeah, it's okay.
Yeah, we're in here.
Oh, Jeez Louise!
Not exactly my choice|of words, but...
Why do they have this|rotting bear in here?
- Oh.|- I don't know, but I need a picture.
Ow!|Something just bit me.
I think it's just a flea bite.|You're gonna make it.
Let's get out of here.|The stink is getting to me.
Evelyn, hold up.
I heard a gunshot.
From out in the field|when I was filling up the genny.
Look, I'm sure it's nothing.
I just thought|you should know.
My name is David Kruipen.
"What is sacrifice?"
Base station|to field station, come in.
Base station to field station.
Dad, are you out there?
Jane, could you please|put my dad on?
What are you doing here?|You're not supposed to be here.
I don't want to discuss this with you.|Could you please put my dad on?
Evelyn, are the students|with you?
Yes, of course they're here.|Why wouldn't they be?
Jane, could you please|put my father on?
They're here!|The students are here.
David, Evelyn's here.
She's on the radio.
She's at the base station.
What's going on, David?
Evelyn, what are you|doing here?
- So now you don't even want to see me?|- I do.
It's just... it's very important|that you stay where you are.
Where are you?|Everybody's waiting.
Please do what I'm saying,|just this once.
- What's going on?|- Just do what I'm asking this one time.
Okay. Fine.
Why are they here?
- I don't know.|- What did you do?
You should lay down.
I'll be there in a minute.
The students are here.|Evelyn too.
What did you tell Jane?
Nothing.|I don't think she's... the strength|to go through with it.
- I'll take care of it.|- I know.
- We're doing the right thing.|- I know.
Edward, no!
Any luck?
Uh, yeah.|Yeah, they're on their way.
Everything okay?
I don't know. Why did he|tell you not to bring me?
- He didn't say.|- God, he's such an asshole.
It tears him up, Evy.|It really does.
Look, I know you're probably|still mad about the funeral.
But he did everything|he could to get there.
- I mean, we were snowed in.|- Yeah, I know.
You hear that?
Yeah, what is that?
It sounds like...
...homo sapiens mating.
I missed you so much.
I know you did.
A bug!
- Jesus.|- What?
It's a bug.
- It's just a bug.|- You don't understand.
It's something I've had since|I was a kid. It's a phobia, okay?
It's... it's a...
I can't handle it.
You never told me that.
It's not exactly|something I'm proud of.
All right?|Now come on, let's go.
Where are you going?|I'm not going to go sleep out there.
Okay, come on, you don't understand.|I can't stay here.
- Please come with me.|- It's okay, Feddy.
- I'll look after you.|- I can't stay here.
Okay? I'll be|in the other room.
What are you doing?
Somebody's here.
- You guys!|- God.
I feel like ass.
Dude, your arm is bleeding.
Jeez Louise,|this ain't no flea bite.
- Ow!|- Stop scratching it.
It's flipping itchy, man.
Jane? Oh my God.
Help!|Somebody help!
What was that?
What's going on?
No no, Ling...
Ling, honey, it's okay.
Ling, you'll be fine, baby.
- Who the hell is this?|- My dad's assistant.
Evelyn found her|in the helicopter.
Jesus Christ.
I... I thought|there was a bug.
- Uh-huh.|- It was just my zipper.
- I'm gonna try my dad again.|- Okay.
Oh, uh...
Base station|to field station, come in.
Base station to|field station, come in.
Dad, it's me.|Come in.
Dad, are you there?
Ahem.|Is she contagious?
I don't know.
She's burning up.|Might be pneumonia.
We gotta get her out of here.|She needs medical attention.
That's the best idea|I've heard in a long time.
This place is infested with bugs.|Ling's got bites all over her face.
We gotta get out of here.|I got this... it's a medical condition.
It's a phobia.|It's like a panic attack!
All right, all right.
As soon as light breaks,|we'll fly out to Sachs Harbour.
What about my dad?|Nobody's answering at the field station.
Something's obviously|happened out there... something bad.
We don't even know where|"out there" is, do we?
Look, the ATV she came|in on has a GPS unit.
We'll get the coordinates for|the field station. We'll fly out there...
...and we'll see what's going on.
If there's an emergency,|we'll call for a second chopper.
Okay, sounds reasonable.
Guys, I'm sorry.
It's all right. Let's load everything|into the helicopter.
We'll come back|and we'll get Jane.
- Thank you.|- Okay.
Where did you get|my dad's camera?
It was in Jane's jacket.
- Are you okay?|- Mm-hmm.
There's no tape.
Okay, guys, come on,|let's get packing. Let's go.
Are you okay?
- What time is it?|- About 3:00 a. M.
Holy shit.
What is it?
Oh, man.
- What?|- Take a look.
Jesus H Christ.
- What the heck was she thinking?|- That's a really good question.
- Sabotage.|- Jane.
It'll take me a couple|hours to fix this.
You gotta be kidding me?|Can't we call another helicopter?
It won't take me that long.
Oh, whoa whoa.|What's that for?
Relax, it's just a precaution.
- I have to go.|- Evy!
- Where are you going?|- The field station.
I don't think|that's a good idea.
No kidding. What if this thing's|fixed and you're not back?
- Evy.|- Honestly, what do we do?
Hey, that woman's really sick.|I don't think she can breathe.
Come on.
Oh my God,|oh my God.
Oh, Jane!
Jane, it's me. It's Evelyn.
Oh no.
We have to do something.|It's okay.
I'm sorry.|I'm so sorry.
Sorry for what?|It's okay.
- Don't let them leave.|- Let who leave?
Holy shit.
- She can't breathe!|- What can I do? Tell me what to do!
No, stay with me, please.|Please!
Jane, stay with me.|It's okay.
No no.
- No!|- No no no no! I wouldn't do that, no.
Better seal off the room.|Who knows what she's got?
Yeah, it's a good call.
There... there's some plastic...
...around back by the genny.
Come on, everybody out.
Just give me a minute.|I knew her!
Oh, God damn it.
Hey, where the hell is she going?|I thought we agreed to stick together?
Where the hell do you|think you're going?
That woman just died in there, man.|Think about it.
That's her dad out there, man.
As soon as that helicopter gets fixed,|we're getting out of here.
Get the duct tape.|Let's seal up this door.
- Wait for me.|- What are you doing?
I'm coming with you.
Why'd you stop?
- How is it going?|- It's worse than I thought.
Why didn't you say something?|We should be calling for help.
- I'm doing everything I can, okay?|- This is so fucked.
Holy crap.
Is that a wooly mammoth?
Jesus, it's pristine.
What is it?
It looks like eggs of some kind.
Yeah, it looks like they're|thawing with the mammoth.
Oh my God,|did you see that?
That's impossible.
Isn't there that|species of frog?
Yeah, the-the... Um...
...the wood frog... its liver glycogen|converts to glucose...
...but, you know,|that happens over a winter.
This thing's gotta be what?|20,000 years old?
Oh... oh my God.
- Who is that?|- It's Edward.
He works for my dad.
No no no.
- No no no...|- Evelyn.
No, God, no!
- Don't don't, Evelyn!|- No, please.
- Let go of me!|- You don't want to see him like this.
- No no!|- Don't remember him like this.
It's okay.
What am I supposed|to do now?
It's not fair!
He's gone and I still hate him.
Ow, ohh.
Oh, Jesus Christ.
I just had the most|painful piss of my life.
- Any idea why?|- What are you saying?
- Oh, little Miss Innocent?|- Oh God.
Who have you been seeing|for the past couple months?
Jesus, baby, I'm sorry.
I just...
Oh, I guess I'm just...
I'm scared, okay?
There's something|wrong with us.
Some kind of infection.
It's inside of me|down there.
What happened?
They're all dead.
Jane shot them all.
Kruipen too?
Why would she do that?
I don't know.
Look, man, I don't know|what a "20" is...
I just know that we're|in trouble and we need help now.
I just need to know|where you are.
What are your coordinates?
I don't know where I am, man.|We're in the middle of nowhere.
- David Kruipen's research center.|- Okay, stand by.
Ling, are you all right?
Get out. Get out!
- Evy, what are you doing?|- I need to see her.
- This room is quarantined, Evelyn.|- Please!
Please, you have to trust me.|We need to see her, please.
Please trust me.
Oh God.
What is it?
- Eggs.|- What do you mean eggs?
Like the ones|from the mammoth?
- Oh my God, did you see that?|- What?
- What happened?|- The bugs that bit Ling...
...they must be some kind of parasite.|I just saw one. They're inside of Jane.
- We gotta move her.|- We have to get her to the lab.
It's a separate structure.
Come on, use the sheet|to wrap her up.
What is it, Evy?
The bear's infected too.
There's more eggs over here.
I wonder how long they stay|in their larval state.
I radioed for a rescue helicopter.|We're getting out of here.
- How long?|- A few hours if the weather holds.
Oh, thank God.
What, Evy?
We have to call them back|and tell them not to come.
- Excuse me?|- They won't be prepared.
We have to contact disease control.|They'll have time to study this thing...
- And decide what to do.|- What?
- Evelyn, we have to get out of here.|- We have to be quarantined.
Quarantined?|Are you out of your mind?
Ling is sick in there. She's been|throwing up. We have to get out of here.
- Federico, you don't understand.|- Hold on, hold on.
Maybe we're jumping|to conclusions.
I mean, we're just|students here.
She's not even a student.
They died out there|because they couldn't stop it!
They're dead?
Jane was trying to stop us|from getting home.
She said don't let them leave...|she was talking about the bugs.
What do you mean?|What bugs?
Look, you don't know that.
We don't know what|happened out there.
- You saw the eggs in the mammoth, Atom.|- Mammoth?
Jesus Christ, would somebody please|tell me what's going on here?
There's a wooly mammoth|in a glacier melting out there.
It's full of eggs.|The same ones that are in this bear...
...the same ones that are in Jane, and very|likely, the same ones that are in Ling.
And me.
And Ling?
...we think that the insects|that bit Ling...
- They're laying eggs inside.|- What?
They're some sort|of prehistoric parasite...
...that thawed in the ice|inside the mammoth.
This is so sick.
You guys are sick. Where would you|come up with something like this?
We have to contact disease control.|They'll know what to do better than us.
No no.
No no... Hey!|Where are you going?
Hey hey!
We could die here.
Hey, stay away|from the radio!
Don't. Don't!
- Put the gun down!|- I didn't have a choice.
I'm in charge now. Until the helicopter|arrives, I'm in charge!
What was that noise?
- Are you okay?|- Yeah, it's just a scratch.
Oh, Jesus.
- Hey, baby.|- When are we going home?
Soon, baby, soon.
It's the same color as...
- As what?|- Maybe you'd be comfortable lying down.
- That's a good idea.|- Same color as what?
All right, put her|in the spare bedroom.
It's okay, baby.
You'll be fine.|You just need to lie down for a minute.
- Where's Feddy?|- I'm right here, babe.
- When are we going home?|- Soon.
Really soon.|It won't be long now.
We need to seal off the room.
- What about me?|- Good question.
You guys need to see this.
What is that?
What do you think it is?
Oh my God.
Do you think they can get out?
No. But we need|to seal that door.
I need to do|something about this.
Right now.
Bart, wait.|What are you going to do?
I doubt there's a chopper between|here and Dawson City this time of year.
They're not gonna|be here for a while...
...and I ain't got that kind of time.
If these things hatch,|they'll spread.
If that happens, I'm done.
If I can just kind|of get underneath...
...some of them.
If I can just...
It's starting to come off a little bit.
- Oh shit.|- Oh, Jesus!
No no no,|don't look at me.
Bart, no, you'll lose|too much blood.
Okay, then...
...we'll burn them out then.|I don't see why not.
We'll just douse|the arm in gasoline.
How do you know if you'll get them all?|You'll have to burn it to the bone.
If you don't do it...
I will.
We have to be|more prepared.
Are you sure about this?|I don't even know if this is morphine.
The worst that can|happen is that I OD.
There are worse ways to go.
Go on, man, jab it in.
Jeez Louise.
There we go.
Oooh, a guy could|get used to that.
All right, man, do it.
Something's happening|in there.
They're hatching.
Okay.|Okay, here we go.
Atom, hurry!
This isn't right.|You can't just chop off body parts.
This isn't the way.
- Atom.|- Do it.
- Atom, do it again!|- Oooh.
- Evelyn.|- Oh my God.
Get the bugs.
- With what?|- Try the bug spray.
- It's not working.|- There's a lighter... try it.
God, I can't stop it.
It's working.|It's working.
I need something else to stop|the bleeding. This is not working.
I saw in the...|ATV kit.
Is he okay?
- The bleeding's starting to slow.|- Aw, he could go into shock.
Get his arm up.|Get his arm up.
We gotta put him on the couch.|Lie him on his back.
Come on, come on.|There we go.
- Get some gauze and some tape.|- Okay.
Lie him on his back. Okay, wait...|put his feet up, okay?
- Put his feet up.|- Oh, fuck.
There we go.|There we go, buddy.
Got the tape.|We need some gauze.
What the hell?
It looks like they knew|what they were dealing with.
Dr. Kruipen.
It's a vertebrate.|It's not a bug.
- So we're related to this thing?|- Yeah.
It says that the males are harmless,|except for they create the sores...
...that the females bore into|and then they lay their eggs...
...and multiply.
What are you saying?|If you're bit by a male... might not necessarily|be infected?
Yeah, the eggs|are the only threat.
These tapes, they only|date up to yesterday.
We have to see what's on them.|We need to know...
...exactly what we're|dealing with right now.
This tape's the most recent.|Where's my dad's camera?
It's with Jane's jacket.|But we put all that stuff in the lab.
- What the hell are you doing?|- We have to get in there.
You're not going back in there.|It's completely sealed.
You're just going to bring|those bugs back in here with you.
We need to get the information|before the helicopter gets here.
There might be something|in there that can help Ling.
Maybe save us all.
You get any bugs on you,|you're not coming back in here.
Evelyn!|Behind you!
There's no fucking way she's getting|in here. She's covered in bugs.
- Back off!|- Let me out! Let me out!
No no!
There's... There's...|there's bugs on her!
Atom, step away from her.
Atom, step away.
There's one under my shirt!
What the fuck is that?
Get it out.
Get it!
- It's fine.|- What if it laid eggs in her? Huh?
I got it. She's fine.
All right. Um...
...the rest now.
She's clean, Fed.|Drop it.
Take the rest|of your clothes off.
- Now.|- It's okay.
He's right.
Atom, I need you|to check me.
She's clean.
I had to be sure.
Are you sure you|want to see this?
Of course.
I'm really sorry,|you know?
Whatever happened between you|and your dad, I know it must be hard.
The weather's cleaning up.|They should be here soon.
What exactly are you guys|trying to find on that tape?
I mean, they're bugs and they|eat people... it's that simple.
We need to know what's gonna|happen if the bugs get off the island.
What kind of habitat|can they survive in?
What are the odds|of this turning into a pandemic?
My dad would have|thought this through.
We have to get that|information back.
"Today I rediscovered...
...what I knew when|I was young.
Whoa!|One got out.
Somebody kill it.
Oh my God.
It's time to get out of here.
We have to get|to the helicopter.
It's the only safe place.|Everything else should be burned.
- Help me! Help me!|- Oh my God.
Shit, they're coming|through the vents.
- We've got to get her out of there.|- No, we can't.
- There's too many. It's too dangerous.|- We gotta do something.
- What's going on?|- The vertebrates... they're with Ling.
We gotta sedate her.|Get me some drugs, man.
Get me something to wear...|something protective.
Jeez, you almost fell.
You gotta loosen this.|It's too tight.
I can't.
Feddy, open this door, Feddy.
- Almost got it.|- Agh.
Help me, Feddy.
Oh, please,|you have them too.
Feddy, what are you doing?
She was suffering.|She asked me to.
She's still alive.
You son of a bitch.
I gotta sedate her.
Bart, wait.
It's okay, Evy.
- I got nothing to lose.|- No.
Evelyn, come on.|Come on, we've gotta go.
We need to make sure|everyone's clean before we leave.
I'm going straight|to the helicopter.
Anybody who wants to leave|can come with me.
It's just a precaution.|We're not accusing you of anything.
We just want to be sure.
Fuck that.
Federico, wait!
You can't go in there.|I know why you shot Ling.
You're gonna fuck|this up, aren't you?
- Fed...|- Shut the fuck up, Atom.
Soon as the helicopter gets here,|she's gonna blow the whistle on me.
And that means I'm gonna|die with these fucking bugs in my dick.
I can't let that happen.
Please don't.
I'm sorry.
- Dad!|- Kruipen.
Oh my God,|you're alive!
I'm sorry.
Me too.
I'm so sorry.
- Are you infected?|- No.
- You're shot.|- I'm okay.
Jane died.
She sabotaged|the helicopter.
It's okay though.|We already called for help.
The whole place...|it's almost entirely infested.
Now the only safe place|is the helicopter.
We're gonna burn it down.
There's some gasoline|around the back.
- You should wait in the helicopter.|- I'll be okay. Go on.
Go ahead.|Go ahead.
Bet you wish you didn't|get on that helicopter now, huh?
He knew.
"These parasites were|discovered in a thawing glacier.
They are just one...
...of the horrors that will|come from global warming.
And so today I...
...prepare this statement... I prepare myself...
...for the ultimate sacrifice,|the only sacrifice.
Though thousands will die...
...the threat will surely|be contained.
This video, too,|will surely be contained.
But the impact of both...
...will survive...
...spread through the veins|of the internet...
...onto the screens|of the youth...
...into your souls...
...into your spirit.
You will know the need|to sacrifice.
You will know|the time is now.
You were right, Evy.|No one cares.
May I have the tape, please?
Dad, please. Please don't do this.|There has to be another way.
Please.|People listen to you.
- You didn't.|- I only said that to hurt you.
You were right.|You've always been right.
We can change people's minds, but, Dad,|this is not the way to do it, please.
I'm getting on the helicopter.
When the fear...|when it spreads...
...the people will know.
- You can't go.|- Maybe he's right.
How could he|possibly be right?
Dad, you were going to save me.|What about everybody else?
What about|other people's children?
How do you know how quickly|they'll be able to isolate it?
How many people|are going to die? Thousands.
Maybe hundreds of thousands.|Plenty more where they came from, right?
Please. Please don't.
I'm sorry.
- No.|- The window... gotta go to the window.
Oh my God.
That's Dr. Kruipen.|He looks hurt.
Are you okay?
- I should take a look at that.|- No, let's go.
Hey, is there|somebody else in there?
Quarantine.|They're contaminated.
- Are you contaminated?|- No. Let's go.
Aw, shit!
Stop, he's infected!
Stop, this whole area's|quarantined!
- He's on the skid.|- If he gets in, we die.
- He's infected.|- What did he say?
This whole area's quarantined.
Something about the quarantine.|We've got to put him down.
We can't.
He's infected.
He's rocking us.|I can't stabilize it.
- Jesus Christ. Is he okay?|- He's not moving.
- We need to go now.|- What about her?
- She'll be okay.|- No.
Hey, she's got a gun!
Get up, get up!
Aw, fuck!
Come on!
Oh my God, no, we need|to get you to the helicopter.
No, it's too late.
- No.|- It's too late.
You have to... you have to get your|father's notes. You have to warn them.
I can't.
No, I can't leave you here.|I can't do this.
Yes, you can, Evy.
This is it.
The ball's rolling.
This is the beginning.
No. No.
What is sacrifice?
We keep saying|we want change...
...but we just keep doing the same|shitty things every day.
And that's no justification|for what my father did.
Or what he tried to do.
A body! There's a body|over here!
But I want people to know that he|really did believe he was helping us...
...and he sacrificed everything...|including himself.
I have a pulse!
Come on, let's get|her out of there!
I used to believe that|people couldn't change...
...that all we could do was just...
...have as much fun as we could|before it all came to an end.
But now... I don't want it to end.
All right, we're back and today...
...we're talking|about Evelyn Kruipen...
...daughter of infamous ecologist,|Dr. David Kruipen.
- Max!|- Now she's being hailed as a hero.
- Max, come on.|- She's on the front of every newspaper...
- And website around the globe.|- Come on, boy, let's go.
The Center for Disease Control|said this young woman...
...saved us from total annihilation.
Well, I don't know, Mike.
You're a bit of a conspiracy nut.|What do you think?
Well, callers, what do you think?
What is going to end|the human race?
A giant meteor out of the sky?
Are we all going|to starve to death?
Or is a tiny little bug going|to come and wipe us all out?
First caller, you're on the air.
I honestly think it's just more|global warming propaganda.
I... I think the whole thing's|just a marketing scam.
It's just another example...
...of how vulnerable|we are, you know?
You've got SARS, bird flu, AIDS.
It's just a matter of time|before the big one hits.