The 11th Patient (2018)

(liquid pours)
(thunder rumbles)
(thunder rumbles)
(thunder rumbles)
- (chuckles) Kids.
(tense droning tone)
(thunder crashes)
(panicked breathing)
(suspenseful strings
music crescendos)
("Down the Rabbit Hole" by Myuu)
("Down the Rabbit Hole" by Myuu)
("Down the Rabbit Hole" by Myuu)
(muffled gurgling)
(electric zapping)
(tense droning)
(scraping and rattling)
(sharp blow thuds)
(sharp blow thuds)
(nails tinkling)
(board clatters)
(hinge whines)
(rattling echoes)
(hatch slams)
("Phantom" by Myuu)
- Hello?
(switch clicks)
("Phantom" by Myuu)
("Phantom" by Myuu)
(blade rasping)
("Phantom" by Myuu)
(object slams)
(eerie strings music)
(electric zapping)
(deep growling)
(menacing orchestral music)
("Dreaded Things
Approach" by TeknoAXE)
(planks clattering)
(skull thuds)
(distant thunder rumbles)
(lightning crashes)
(thunder rumbles)
(rain pattering)
(boards thudding)
(eerie music)
(door thuds)
(timber scraping)
(distant thunder rumbles)
(dark droning undertones)
(dark droning undertone)
(dark menacing music)
(grass rustles)
(twig snaps)
(sheet flaps)
(dark eerie music)
(mysterious creaking)
(sticks clattering)
(tin can clattering)
(dark droning undertone)
(footsteps thudding)
(floorboard creaks)
(walls creaking)
(chain rattles)
(dramatic scary music)
(timber cracks)
(hatch slams)
(sheet rustling)
(thunder rumbling)
(gravel crunches)
(heavy impact crunching)
(tense, dark music)
(heavy impact crunching)
(heavy impact crunching)
(heavy impact crunching)
(tense, dark music)
Come on...
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
(foliage rustles)
(steps thudding)
(throaty breathing)
(scary strings music)
(steps thudding)
(dark droning undertones)
(keys tinkling)
(keys tinkling)
(keys tinkling)
(gate hinges creak)
(thunder rumbles)
(keys tinkling)
(keys tinkling)
("Abyss" by Myuu)
(keys tinkling)
(plastic crackles)
(board creaks)
- Shh.
(rocker creaks)
("Abyss" by Myuu)
("Abyss" by Myuu)
("Abyss" by Myuu)
(door latch clicks)
(jarring electronic tone)
(tense dark electronic music)
(scary strings music)
(menacing orchestral music)
(distant thunder rumbles)
(muffled groaning)
(water splashing)
(water trickling)
(structure creaking
and cracking)
- What happened?
- I need a moment, please.
He's fine, for now.
(structure creaking
and cracking)
- He's in a room
with no way out?
- Steven is strong.
He's just scared.
When I connected, he was
in a room with no doors,
no room for his imagination
to get the best of him, I guess.
- So now what?
- The plan was to
get him to face
whoever put him in this state.
He needs to face his fears.
- I understand, but
you can't leave him.
- What he feels, I feel.
And he's been like
this for over a year.
Look, I'm just saying,
his mind is very active.
It's just creating these things,
some are memories,
and some are just made up.
But every time I alter
his surroundings,
there's something else waiting.
He's just lost in there.
Scared and alone with only
those three months of hell
to keep him company.
I feel this fear as he does.
I know the truth,
but to him it's...
It's very real, and when
it gets too real for him,
he comes out,
and that just brings us back
closer to when we started.
- Are you sure he can
handle facing him alone?
- No, no I'm not.
That's what I need you for.
- What can I do?
- I need you to talk
to him, using that.
- You want me to talk to him?
- I can only alter his
surroundings so much.
I'll be telling you
just what to say,
and you can only say
exactly what I tell you.
- I've never done this
kind of thing before.
- You know, I usually
deal with PTSD patients,
that, you know, they tell
me what happened to them,
and I help them face what
it is they need to face.
Helps them cope.
I've only had 11 patients
including your boy,
but he's the first I've
had in this situation.
So I don't know.
I don't know if it
will work or not,
but one thing I do know
is that he has one
parent left in this world
that he's relied on
for the past 8 years,
and that caring, loving parent
can be a very
powerful influence.
- (exhales sharply)
What do I say?
(tense creepy music)
- Call to him.
- Steven, honey?
- Mom?
- [Kate] Steven?
- Mom, where are you?
- [Kate] I need you
to listen to me.
- Just tell me where you are.
- You have to get out of there.
- [Kate] You have
to get out of there.
- [Steven] How?
I'm in a room with no way out.
- You have to face him.
You are in control.
- You have to face him.
You are in control.
- Control of what?
- You have to face him.
You have to!
- Face who?
Why can't you just
tell me where you are?
- You have to go through it.
- Go through it?
Go through what?
- You have to face him.
You are in control.
- Mom, what are
you talking about?
(tense creepy music)
(suspenseful, fast-paced music)
(creaking and tapping)
(electric zapping)
(throaty growling)
- [Kate Voiceover] You
have to go through it.
(throaty growling)
(distant thunder rumbles)
("Poltergeist" by Myuu)
- [Kate Voiceover]
You have to face him.
You are in control.
- I'm in control.
I'm in control.
I'm in control.
I'm in control.
I'm in control.
I'm in control.
I'm in control.
(body thuds)
(ragged breathing)
("Collapse" by Myuu)
(thunder rumbling)
- The swimming pool.
Come on, move.
- Steven, honey, you
need to get to the pool.
Go to the pool.
Get to the swimming pool!
- What are you doing?
- This part he has
to do on his own.
(water splashes and gurgles)
("Abyss" by Myuu)
You're gonna have
to talk to him.
- Okay.
- Not with the microphone.
Just talk to your son.
(water gurgling)
- Mom?
(woman chuckling)
- What if he doesn't
listen to me?
- The only thing
that's kept him alive
was thinking, if he
died, you'd be all alone.
That's how I know
he'll listen to you.
- Mom?
- You have to swim, Steven.
(scary strings music)
- Tell him he
needs to swim down!
- Swim down, honey, you have
to swim as deep as you can.
- Tell him again, Kate!
Tell him!
- Swim, baby, swim!
Keep swimming, honey, please!
Swim back to me!
- You gave us a good
scare there for a moment.
- Where am I?
- My name is Dr. Soble.
You're in my home office.
It's actually my garage,
but I like to think
of it as my office.
You're a very brave kid, Steven.
You're also lucky that the man
who owns the giant
property you were found on
checked on it when he did.
I'm sorry about Michelle.
Did you know her?
- No.
But she helped me.
- Did she talk to you?
It's not your fault, Steven.
What happened to her, it's not.
- Did he catch him?
- The detective who
worked your case
kept your discovery secret
from the public for two weeks,
hoping that the person
who did this would return.
He never did.
There was no evidence,
suspects, or witnesses
until now.
Look, I never saw his face,
but I believe you did.
Together, we can catch this guy,
so this doesn't happen
to anybody else.
- We have to try.
- I'll help.
I don't wanna be
scared any more.
- You're a brave kid, Steven.
I'll help you, and your
mother will be by your side
all the way, okay?
("Poltergeist" by Myuu)