The 14 Amazons (1972)

This film is adapted from
"The Yang Heroes".
Generations of loyal Yang warriors
have fought for their country;
Their descendents have died
for the people.
They have taken part
in many famous battles.
When the older generation has fallen
the younger generation took their place
until the last general, Yang Tsung Pao.
He defended the border
against invasion of Western Xia.
For 3 days and 3 nights,
he battled against the enemy.
Though unaided,
he fought bravely true to Yang spirit.
being outnumbered, he was ambushed
at Golden Mountain,
his troops were wiped out.
Yang Tsung Pao was wounded and trapped...
Capture Yang Tsung Pao!
Why aren't you fighting?
The soldiers have been killed
We are the only ones left!
The enemy has broken through!
Don't mind me
General Chiao, General Meng
Send a message to Tian bo Mansion,
ask Grand Dame
to dispatch more troops
to the border at once
What about you?
I'm the commander
I must die defending the land
Go now!
I'm not going!
This is an order!
We're not going!
We won't take your order!
How dare you!
We're worried about you!
We're like brothers
This is a matter of national security
Don't mind me anymore!
I haven't been home for 5 years
Please apologize to the Grand Dame for me!
Tell Kuei Ying not to grieve for me
and to impart proper coaching to Wen Kuang
Yes, sir!
Protect the Commander!
Yang Tsung Pao, you've been surrounded!
Come before our King!
Commander Yang, what a pleasure!
My sons have always admired you
Your troops have been annihilated
You should surrender!
No one surrenders in the Yang family
Song soldiers do not surrender
That's right!
Kill them!
Wait! Will you surrender?
Over my dead body!
Watch how I reward your men
and you can die in peace!
His soul is never in peace
Rarely did he ever care for himself
He selflessly died for the country
and only the dust accompanies his spirit
but the people of the earth sob
And also the Heavens above cry for him
Today is Tsung Pao's birthday
He's defending the border
Let's celebrate for him!
Wishing him a speedy victory!
Kuei Ying
We're at home now
There's no need for such formality!
Of course
The birthday boy is absent
you'll have to make a toast on his behalf
You should!
A toast to your health
A toast for grandmother
One for you
One for you
One for you
And one for you
It's my turn, isn't it?
I'd like a double
It's for good luck!
Serve the wine!
You deserve this for teaching Wen Kuang
You can certainly hold your liquor!
Kuei Ying, I should congratulate you
Thank you
Here's a toast to you
Wishing Tsung Pao a long and healthy life
A toast to you, mother
Wishing a speedy return for Tsung Pao
and for you to be reunited soon
Thank you
Sister, here's a toast to you
It would be perfect if brother were here
He's been defending the border for 5 years
We're hoping for a reunion for you
It'll be sweet after a long separation
You should be pleased
Here come the birthday buns and noodles
I made these myself
Have some for good health and fortune
So kind of you!
Let's put on the flower and eat some buns
Great grandmother!
Let's eat!
Wen Kuang
Give out the flowers for your father
Pai Feng, one for you!
Thank you!
Let's eat!
Grand Dame!
General Chiao and General Meng are here
Why are they back?
To deliver a message
The Commander was ambushed
at Golden Mountain
He was shot to death by arrows
Don't be so sad
Tsung Pao, today is your birthday
didn't expect it will be
the day of your death
Kuei Ying
Greetings, Madam
The Yang's blood line has come to an end
I'll ask the Grand Dame
to avenge Tsung Pao
It'll be such a blow to her!
Afterall today is Tsung Pao's birthday
Madam is right
Please put this back on!
Kuei Ying, let's deal with this tomorrow
I promise you
I'll wait
Very well
Don't tell Wen Kuang!
Uncle Chiao! Uncle Meng!
Wen Kuang!
How's father?
He's... fine!
Mother, when I grow up
I'll fight alongside father, alright?
Come on! Great grandmother
wants to talk to you!
Wen Kuang, let them go change first!
You run along!
Watch what you say!
Don't say anything
I don't want you to stir up trouble
I'll keep my mouth shut
Go change!
Greetings, Grand Dame!
Greetings, ladies!
Please get up!
Thank you
Kuei Ying tells me
you're here to celebrate
Tsung Pao's birthday
Does he have a letter?
How can you leave
when there's a war going on?
Ting Kuai!
Tell me the truth!
The Commander wants us to
ask after your health
I'm not asking you!
Ting Kuai
Speak up!
The Commander...
What about him?
Speak up!
He's dead!
We must take revenge!
I will present the case to His Majesty
Tsung Pao, you're worthy of being a Yang
Here's a toast to you
"A Patriotic Family"
Minister Kou is here...
Grand Dame
Minister Wang...
Commander Yang died for his country
His Majesty grieves his loss
I'm here to convey his condolences
We thank his benevolence
Please restrain your grief
Though it's an honor to
die for the country
the border is under siege
troops should be dispatched at once
His Majesty has read your report
It's senseless to go up
against Western Xia's
His Majesty has taken our advice
he'll negotiate peace with Western Xia
That will bring forth grave harm!
There are no more troops to dispatch
We have no choice
There are 800,000 guards at the capital
Can't they defend the border?
We have no commanders
The Yang family has one
At your age?
All the more determined in old age
Even if you become the commander
you still need experienced generals
We all are!
Yang warriors have fought numerous battles
We'll be the laughing stock
if women go into battle
There's still a son in the Yang family
Yang Wen Kuang
This is not a child's game
Ability has nothing to do with age
Gan Luo became a minister at 12
Zhou Yu was also a young man
Such impudence!
Have I been mistaken?
You're a spoiled brat
Wen Kuang might have been rude
but it's out of his patriotism
That's not true!
You just want an excuse to take revenge!
You're dreaming!
You think little of the Yangs
Turn around!
Liang Lang Mountain, Li Ling Tomb
Hong Yang Cave, Golden beach
And Triple Pass Cliff
The Yangs fought in every war
They died in every battle
Look up!
For the country and the people
We have shed our blood
Now we're left with widows and orphans
How dare you say this is personal?
There is no end to our vendetta
And no revenge is enough for us
I'm only here to pay my respects
It's His Majesty's decision about the war
Generals Chiao and Meng
Scrape the ground
No traitor is to leave footprints
in Tian bo Mansion
Yang Hong!
- Prepare my palanquin
- Yes
I'll seek an audience with His Majesty
Grand Dame
Wang Qin controls His Majesty
as he commands
I'm afraid it's useless to see His Majesty
With your permission
I'll go alone
and avenge Tsung Pao
We all want to wipe out the barbarians
Mother, we want to go too!
Me too!
Grand Dame, all of us
should bear this responsibility
We should all go!
Very well! I'll go too!
Grand Dame, at your age...
you may not withstand
the hardships of war!
Mother, you can count on us!
I've made up my mind!
We'll all go except Wen Kuang!
I must kill the barbarian King
You can't go!
Mother, I must avenge father!
I admire your piety
but you should stay behind and practice
Listen to us!
Great grandmother, I want to go!
You're indeed your father's son
you're the only heir
Grand Dame...
I'll kneel before father's memorial tablet
and won't get up
Wen Kuang
Wen Kuang...
He's quite good with the spear
despite his age
Let him come along!
He'll have to prove it!
Go to the exercise room
Great grandmother!
How cocky!
You'll take on your mother
Whoever drops the spear will lose!
Wen Kuang
Wen Kuang
Why hasn't Kuei Ying taken charge?
She's doing this on purpose
Get up!
Watch out!
Strike the drum and cheer for Wen Kuang
Watch your right arm!
Hold on! Don't let go!
Wen Kuang
Please help me!
This is for your own good!
Then you should let me go!
I'll show you a Parthian shot
The son beats the mother
My student is not bad!
Thanks to you!
No, it's your magnificent yield!
Wen Kuang, you're worthy of our name!
We have another warrior!
Kuei Ying
Grand Dame!
He would have lost
if it hadn't been for you!
I understand your wishes
Wen Kuang can come along
Thanks, Great grandmother
Thank you, mother!
You can no longer object!
Prepare your armor!
Standby in the courtyard!
You're all that is left
of the Yang warriors
We're on a punitive expedition
to Western Xia
Remember this
The future of Song
and the Yangs ride on this battle
Grand Dame...
What are you doing here?
I'm coming with you
We're at war
You still have to eat!
That's right!
You'll escort the rations and forage
Please mount your horse!
Wait! Please wait!
Did you forget about me, Grand Dame?
You wish to come along, Yang Hong?
I've served you for decades
I must come along
You're too old!
You're not any younger!
All the more determined in old age
I've served the old Master well
Followed him into every battle
I've always been there!
Very well!
With your loyalty
we needn't be afraid of anything!
Head for the border!
Look how majestic the Yangs are!
Greetings, Grand Dame!
You leading your family to war at your age
is truly admirable
Song's future lies with the Yang heroines!
You flatter us!
Wang Qin arrogates military power
He will not allow you to serve the country
He comes with ill intent!
Watch my signal!
Grand Dame!
So kind of you to see us off!
His Majesty orders you to turn back!
Where's the imperial edict?
There isn't one!
The imperial sword is here
My word is as good as the edict
I have the authority to execute
those who defy me
Arrest him!
Don't move!
How dare you!
You're rebellious!
bring me the Dragon Cane
You want to beat me?
How dare you!
How dare you!
Minister Kou
What's the penalty for
beating up the minister?
Execute all kinship!
What about me?
No penalty for the Grand Dame!
The Dragon Cane is bestowed
by the late Emperor
to beat fatuous kings
or lecherous officials
I've done nothing wrong!
You did nothing to defend the country
Aren't you guilty of causing great harm
to the state?
Aren't you guilty of bullying
fellow officials?
Second guessing our patriotism
Stopping us from dispatching troops
I'll beat you!
How dare you!
That's quite enough!
Very well!
We'll settle this
upon our victorious return
Mount your horses!
Let's go!
Are you alright?
Move away!
Let them get killed!
Dons on the armour showing heroic spirit
The four generations leading the troops
fighting for the country
The 14 Amazons to achieve fame
on the border
We're outnumbered!
We need a stratagem instead of
taking them head on
Go around the Golden Mountain
and attack from the back
Target the leader!
We'll conquer without a fight
This is the location of the camp
Troops are stationed at the entrance
Here's the back
where the rear camp is
You're fine warriors
I'm training you to be killing machines
so we can conquer the Song dynasty
These Song women are your rewards
Pick one for yourself!
I'll strip her even if she's dead!
Lu Chao, how long have you been here?
10 years, 5 months and 3 days
You have a good memory
Even a dog
knows its owner after 10 years
How dare you protect
the corpse of a Han woman?
She's a reward from the King
If you deny him the pleasure
you're defying the King's wishes!
bring his sister!
Let me go!
You spoil his fun
he'll have fun with your sister!
Will you comply?
Let me go!
How dare you!
We must kill him!
I intend to
You have guts
I'll allow you to fight him
If you win, you and your sister will live
You're a slave
Do you understand the rule
of challenging a warrior?
To win
you must beat him with bare hands
or else he's free to fix you as he pleases
I've won!
Not yet!
I've already beaten him!
Now, you have!
Your Majesty!
What is it?
The Yang widows are on their way!
How many troops?
Just a few hundred
Let's discuss a plan inside
They plan to
ambush the Yangs
Hurry and bring them the message!
The barbarians will know it's me
and they'll harm you
We've been here 10 years
We've endured great sufferings
You are well trained
to serve our country
here's your chance!
Don't worry about me!
Zhen Zhu
Stop! I'm not a spy!
Wait! Let him get up first!
You have a Chinese accent
Is that right?
No! I'm not!
The barbarians killed my family
and kidnapped me!
I've been waiting for a chance
to serve my country
I heard about your conquest
so I ran away from the barbarian camp
to deliver a message to your Commander
You want to see our Commander?
What is it?
You'll be ambushed at Twin Dragon Mountain
Let's go around
No, it's the only way
We'll be walking into a trap!
We've come this far
we'll fight through
Kuei Ying
Are you sure about this?
Nothing can stop us!
Very well! I'll leave this to you!
Show us the skill
that broke the Tian Men Formation
Lead us through Twin Dragon Mountain
Why are they stopping?
What is Mu Kuei Ying up to?
Go check!
It's Lu Chao
The enemy is hiding up on the hill
How do you know that?
Those are fake bushes
They're using a fire formation
What shall we do?
We must let them on
We'll proceed as planned
Mu Kuei Ying, you've been duped
You'll be crushed to pieces
and burnt to ashes
Fake an epilepsy attack!
Don't make a noise
Get ready!
What is it?
Epilepsy! Try harder
Let's go!
Don't support her!
I'll let you live a bit longer
be very careful!
Watch them!
Looks like they're faking it!
Don't run!
Stay calm!
Protect the Grand Dame!
Watch the food cart!
Put out the fire, hurry!
break out from here!
Watch out for the falling rocks!
Watch out!
Head count?
The food cart is missing!
They're here!
burn them alive!
I'm not afraid
Let her watch them burn!
burn the others!
Mu Kuei Ying has been lured away
Go after the old lady!
Attack the forest!
Madam, the Grand Dame is ambushed!
Let them deal with it
Look for the old lady!
Set the formation!
I want her dead today!
Compared to national security
my life means nothing!
We can't forego Grand Dame's safety!
Stop fighting!
Huai Yuan!
Tell them to stop fighting!
You must fight if you're a Yang
We have the old lady
Mu Kuei Ying will come for her
We'll wait here!
Stay calm!
Get ready!
We'll capture them in one go!
Your Highness, Mu Kuei Ying is here!
We have the old lady
Regardless of how capable she is
Mu Kuei Ying will surrender!
Make them drop their weapons!
Drop your weapons!
Let me! How dare you resist?
Put it down
or else you're dead!
Put it down!
Madam is here!
Drop it!
In the forest
Did you hear me?
They've complied!
You should put it down too!
You've done a good job
but something gave you away
You forgot the boots!
Why did Mu Kuei Ying send you? Speak up!
To bring you a message
We'll send you to hell!
Let's go!
Where is she?
Forget it!
She'll come after you!
The same message...
She'll come after you
Wen Kuang...
One more move and I'll spill your guts!
Go ahead! I'll show you the Yang spirit!
Unlike you ruthless barbarians
How cocky!
Kill him!
Catch her!
Stop! It's me!
Stop! Don't go!
What's this?
Mount the horse! Hurry!
He got away!
I don't care if he has backup! Let's go!
Stay here!
Don't be reckless!
Mu Kuei Ying
I shot your husband 19 times
It's your lucky day today
I only have 6 arrows left
You and your son will share them
Wen Kuang, he's an expert archer
You can't go!
I must kill him to avenge father
Wen Kuang...
It's a trap!
Don't fall for it!
He killed father
I will risk my life to kill him
This is an order!
You both stand guard over there
Let me handle him
Madam, be careful!
You have a heavy burden!
You're down to your last arrow!
You'll be reunited with your husband!
The poison will reach your heart
within 5 paces
Even if you can break
the Tian Men formation
There's nothing you can do now!
Sir, let me send her off
I've killed many Song soldiers
but never someone famous like her
If I kill
the famous Mu Kuei Ying
It'll be such an honor!
As you wish!
You asked for it!
I'll first gouge out your eyes!
You missed!
Such a cunning bitch!
How else can I catch the fox!
Looks like I've been defeated
I'll be at your mercy
Go ahead!
Where did you first shoot my husband?
On the chest!
Then I'll jab you on the chest
You're not sly enough!
We'll meet again!
Search for Mu Kuei Ying!
Kill all the prisoners!
Make them kneel before your brother
Look up!
I dare you too look, snitch!
You'll die differently
and horribly
I'll cut out your tongue first
Look what you've done!
Sister Shen!
With a knife
I'll cut you to pieces!
Give her a knife!
I'll watch while you slice her!
Poor girl! You won't suffer anymore!
Then I'll make you suffer instead!
Arrest her!
Yes, sir!
Kill them! Kill all of them!
You won't die in peace
You can't save the Yangs!
Without food and forage
they'll die anyway
Mother, you were alright yesterday
does it hurt again?
I'll give you a massage
Never mind
I feel bad about them eating tree bark
It tastes so bad I want to throw up!
You can't even put up with this
When your father was at war
he ate dirt and tree bark
Good boy!
4 more days till we reach the pass
but there's nothing to eat around here!
Unless we rob their grain depot
Wang Wen is ruthless and sly
If he knows we have lost our provisions
the depot will be heavily guarded
We'll be walking into a trap
We can't do that!
Then we'll have to kill the horses!
They have been with us at every battle
They're good war horses
I can't bear to eat them!
We'll think of something else!
Ting Kuai, what have you got there?
We'll have a feast tonight!
What's that?
Meaty enough?
We'll kill him tonight!
I dare you!
I'll kill you if you kill him!
That's none of your business!
I'll eat you if you eat him!
I didn't intend to catch him
he was following me
It's because he wants to eat you!
Let him go!
Whatever you say!
Let me set him free!
No! You're sly like your father
You won't set him free!
You almost got killed, you poor thing!
Run along now!
Damn old fool!
Who are you calling a fool?
Whoever lost my food!
He didn't mean you!
but I blame myself!
It's my fault there's nothing to eat
and I've delayed the progress
It was all my fault!
He's stupid and you're silly
I'm a fool!
Collective wisdom will come up
with something
We lost the provisions
we'll get them back!
From where?
The grain depot is on the
other side of the bridge
We'll go there!
We're not allowed to rob them!
No! but we'll take them just the same
They burnt ours
we'll steal theirs!
That's fair enough! Let's go!
Not so loud, silly!
we'll sneak out and
ship back the provisions
Go! Let's go!
Don't worry, I know him!
Remember me?
They wanted to kill you
I set you free
Please don't bark!
You're a real pal!
What is it?
Why did you hit me?
I didn't! You must be drunk!
This is ridiculous!
Who else can it be?
Someone is here!
The Yangs are here stealing provisions!
Don't yell! Let them!
We can trace them back to their camp!
Watch them!
We'll tail them when they leave!
Young Master!
Young Master!
I broke the rule!
So did I! I followed you here!
I'm afraid to go back!
Don't be silly! You must go back!
Don't worry! I'll help you!
Alright, let's go!
Young Master!
Pai Feng!
Young Master!
Pai Feng!
Please seek Grand Dame's pardon for me!
I won't be able to serve her anymore!
No, I'll support you!
Wen Kuang is not back yet!
What should we do?
We're finished dispatching the troops
Kuei Ying, we can't wait anymore!
The enemy will attack soon
We're outnumbered if we take them head on
Kuei Ying
There's no time!
They're back!
Have you found Wen Kuang?
Did you find him?
We've looked everywhere
but can't find them!
Grand Dame
Mother, let's split up!
There's no time!
Kuei Ying, you're Wen Kuang's mother
and our vanguard
Whether we wait or go
it's your decision!
Kuei Ying, Wen Kuang is our only son
You must think twice!
Loyalty and filial piety
are mutually exclusive
We must forsake him for the country!
Get ready!
De bai
Start off now!
Start off! Move!
Start off!
I'll stay and wait for Wen Kuang
The prisoners have confessed
their troops will launch
an attack any minute
Staying here is useless
We have a long way to go
We must not delay further because of him
What is it?
Someone is coming!
Master Lu
Please go check
Wen Kuang!
I'm back!
I got lost!
You gave your 7th grandmother
quite a scare!
I'm glad you're back!
Yes, grandmother!
I didn't expect to see you again!
Not a bad student, right?
Great grandmother!
Are you wounded?
There's blood all over you!
It's Pai Feng!
My girl...
Pai Feng!
Grand Dame
Pai Feng!
I broke the rule!
You've disobeyed an order!
Please punish me!
You should be beheaded!
Please kill me!
Great grandmother, I'm guilty too
She's doing it for us
Please pardon herjust this once!
Since this is your first offense
Get up, Pai Feng!
Grand Dame has forgiven you!
Thank you, Grand Dame!
Pai Feng!
I can no longer serve you!
How far away are your troops?
They'll be here soon!
You won't get away even with wings
They found our camp
Attack the front!
There's no time!
We'll take them on!
That's worse!
Kuei Ying, what's your plan?
We'll play hide and seek
Strange! There's no one here!
I heard voices!
Wait! It may be a trap!
You're right, brother!
The soldiers are gone but they stayed
We'll finish them off!
burn them all!
Where are the Yangs?
We've been tricked!
They won't be far!
After them!
That was a close call!
We must leave at once!
We must hurry to the mountain!
Mother, at your age
you cannot climb up!
Why not?
Let us help you
Yes, let us help!
Grand Dame
Get out of my way!
Great grandmother
Grand Dame!
Your hand...
I'm alright
Never mind! Go find the plank road!
Follow me!
There it is!
It's not guarded!
Let's go kill them!
Wait! It may be a trap!
There's no one hiding here!
If they're hiding, you won't see them!
Auntie, Qiu Ju
Come with me!
Enemy troops!
What's that?
They're going to burn the bridge!
Put out the fire!
Follow me!
be careful!
Madam, it'll fall soon, let's cross!
Come on!
Wen Kuang!
Don't move! Keep it steady!
Come over slowly!
Don't move!
Grab the vine!
Come up!
We're so worried!
Great grandmother!
Wen Kuang!
Don't be sad!
It's useless to grieve!
Kuei Ying,
think of a way to get us across!
I'll hack the trees
to build another bridge
They're searching for us!
There's no time to hack trees!
What can we use then?
Human pyramid!
Let's start!
Come on!
No woman must climb on my head!
There's no time for this nonsense!
It's bad luck, Grand Dame!
My mother told me so
It's actually good luck
Come on!
Come up!
Grab the legs!
Stand firm!
We'll build a human bridge
across the valley
We'll die if we're not careful
Everyone, watch out!
Concentrate and hold tight!
Raise your arms...
Step on, hurry!
The enemy has reached the mound
I'll stay behind and fight them off!
Let's go!
Grand Dame, don't wait for us!
I want to go too!
Yang Hong, you're too old!
Let me redeem myself
I'm going!
Sir, let me go with you!
Ting Kuai
Ready! Let go!
Don't let them pass!
Stop them!
Kill them!
Let me see if your bones
are made of iron
They can't cross without the bridge! burn!
Where are they?
but you won't get away!
bring them back to camp
Is that the rear camp?
It's not easy to penetrate the rear camp
We'll not go back until we kill Wang Wen
That's right!
but how?
Lure them away!
Lu Chao will make the sentry send
a false signal
The troops will be sent to the front
and we'll move in
The rear camp is not far from the front
They'll turn back
once they realize it's a hoax
We must cut them off
before we launch our attack
Kuei Ying
The future of Song rides on our shoulders
Don't make any hasty decisions!
I understand
What is it?
The pain again?
Not so loud! Don't alert them!
I'm alright!
You've overexerted yourself!
Get some sleep!
No, a bit of fresh air will do!
Mother, it's late! Get some rest!
Tsung Pao,
I've been through numerous battles
but this time I don't know what to do
Please send me a sign!
If we break the Watergate
the flood will drown the enemy troops!
You came up with such a brilliant idea!
I didn't!
Who did?
A blessing from heaven!
Please give out the order
break the watergate in the dark
You're too impatient!
Who should we send?
We need someone strong to hack it open!
but it'll be a suicidal attempt
I've checked the watergate
We must hack it from the front
Once it's broken
the water will drown them!
Grand Dame, I'll go!
I'm strong and good with the axe!
You've been with us for a long time
I can't watch you die!
This is for a worthy cause
Please allow me!
Very well!
Thank you!
Grand Dame, let me go with him
both generations of your families
have been loyal to us
Madam, it is tough to hack the watergate
please allow the 3 of us
to go with Generals Chiao and Meng
It'll be alright!
The memorial hall at Tian bo Mansion
should have their names recorded
so that they'll go down in history
Yes! Go on now!
When do we start?
Listen for the reed pipe!
Start hacking
when the troops move forward!
Standby near the watergate!
We can no longer serve you
We bid our farewell now!
Run along!
Ladies, we take our leave!
We'll wait for their arrival
Where is Mu Kuei Ying? Speak up!
I don't know!
Tell us!
I don't know!
Speak up!
I don't know!
If you won't speak up, I'll...
I told you I don't know
Stop! I'll tell you!
Start talking!
We'll spare you and send you back home
...with silver
Of course!
How many are coming? From where?
You want to know how many troops?
I'll tell you
How many?
The Yangs can fight 1 to 10
There are too many of them!
You'll never stop them!
I'm telling you
The place you chose to invade Song
is the same place they drive you from!
The hanging bridge is burnt
They can't get across!
bury them alive!
Father, they've come a long way
it's such a waste to bury them alive!
Very well! Show them our hospitality!
This whip is not found in your country
It'll split your flesh and suck your blood
Then I must try it out!
How was it?
Like I've been bitten by a dog!
Yangs never shed their blood in vain
but it's wasted today
Human pyramid!
Smile! Don't make them suspicious!
Smile! Look happy!
I can't!
No? Then I'll kill you
Wen Kuang, don't be reckless!
Sound the pipe or I'll kill you!
Sound the pipe!
You're dead if you don't!
Father, they spotted the Song soldiers
Must be Mu Kuei Ying!
How many signaling arrow?
Your Majesty, triple arrows are shot
Just as father has expected
The Song army is helping the Yangs
Get ready to dispatch our troops
to guard the front camp
Let us be sure!
Here he comes!
What shall we do?
Your Highness
The sentry is drunk
I don't think he saw anything
Did you see the arrows?
Did the eastern sentry notice the arrows?
Speak up!
There were 3 arrows!
I saw them!
Move to the front!
They took the bait!
Head for the front camp!
What are we waiting for?
Get to the front!
Mu Kuei Ying?
Old bastard!
Didn't think we can fly across
the plank road!
You'll never get out alive!
Capture her alive!
Wang Wen, you'll die here!
Recall the troops!
Mu Kuei Ying
I'm afraid this is your burial ground!
They won't come back!
Why not?
They won't get past the watergate!
If you can block my troops
we will not put up a fight
Me and my sons will serve you our heads!
End your personal vendetta
and national threat
I promise never to launch another attack
We'll see!
Hear that? They're on the way!
Nothing from the watergate!
Is something wrong?
It's wet!
Change the fuse!
No more!
Let me!
Oh dear!
Give me the flint!
Too late!
Kill him before the troops return!
Watch my signal!
It's your pain again, is it?
Here comes the water!
Turn back!
Hear that?
It's time you turn over your heads!
Come and get it!
back down!
Move back
Move backward
They have shields!
We have human shields!
Madam, follow us!
Mu Kuei Ying
Any last words?
What made you come here?
because I am Mu Kuei Ying
Very well!
Let me!
I surrender!
Wait! We spare those who surrender!
Minister Wang, I'm afraid you lost!
Who would have guessed
eggs can hit the rocks!
Go welcome them!
Congratulations on your victorious return!
You flatter us!
Minister Wang
His Majesty has prepared a feast for you
Please follow me
What is it?
We have a score to settle!
Please convey a message to His Majesty
He should never listen to you again
and withhold the troops
This is not necessary!
If ever you dare to belittle us again
watch out for the Dragon Cane
Is that clear?
You're still very capable
Wen Kuang is promising
The ladies are heroic
Whoever looks down on you
will have to answer to me, right?
Minister Kou has already said that!
Please attend the imperial feast
Please pass on my message
The feast should be bestowed upon those
who did not make it back home!
It should honor their loyalty
The Yangs live on through the generations
They're hailed throughout history