The 7th Dwarf (2014)

Once upon a time,
long ago in Fantabularasa...
There was a baby...
Who was a princess.
Then this mean old witch
showed up at her christening...
And put a curse on the princess.
"If she ever gets pricked
by something
before she turns 18..."
She and everyone
in the castle will fall asleep
just like that.
Nighty night
for a hundred years!
Unless someone comes along...
Or someone without a horse
who loves the princess a whole
bunch and gives her a kiss.
- But her dad...
- The king... still really scared.
The witch might come back
and prick his little girl!
That's why he made her wear
this suit of armor.
That must have been
really uncomfortable.
And she had to wear it
all the time!
Even when she was almost
a grown up already.
- In the castle...
- Of Fantabularasa!
So, you lost your key
to your chastity belt again?
Fear not.
We've all been there.
Mosey on down
to Jebediah Rumplestein's.
The fastest blacksmith in town!
And if bedbugs
are keeping you up at night
- burn your mattress.
- Oh!
And now for the weather forecast
from our very own Druid Steve.
- Rose?
- Jack!
You're in danger!
she knows about our love.
- Dellamorta!
- She knows about you.
Is she here?
She has ears everywhere.
And you are the only one
who can lift her curse.
- You have to hide!
- Hide? Where?
Somewhere safe.
- Somewhere she won't find me.
- Let's tarot it.
Here, in a deep underwood
- beyond the seven... Um.
- Beyond the seven hills?
Yes! Beyond the hills
in the green woodshed.
Where the seven dwarfs
their dwelling have made.
I thought that's just
a fairy tale.
You'll be safe there.
Stay there until the celebration
here at court is over.
And in case Dellamorta's curse
should come true,
then you, my hero,
will come back and save me
and the whole castle
with a kiss of true love.
Yes, that's true.
I love you, Rose.
Here. For you.
Wear it close to your heart.
This way,
I'll always be near you.
Are you alone, Rose?
Uh, yes.
Of course, I am, Daddy.
who are you talking to then?
I'm just practicing my speech
- for my birthday.
- Right.
Very good, my child.
Guys, we need to get back
to basics.
It's fairy cake time.
Oh, ho, how!
It's a pretty good day For cake.
If you're in a hurry
Take a break.
And bake a birthday cake
Forget about your troubles
That's the deal.
Take some sugar Take some meal.
For real?
And we'll feel fine
For the start we're gonna
Need some lard.
- Farina and wheat.
- Ls all we need.
Everybody bake on my command!
One, two, three.
Seems like a pretty good day.
For a tasty cake.
Get the butter Baking powder
- Speedy!
Sing a little bit louder!
It's a pretty good day For cake.
If you're in a hurry
Take a break.
And bake a birthday cake.
Oh, oh, oh.
Forget about your troubles
That's the deal.
Take some sugar And some meal.
For real?
And we'll feel fine.
Seems like a pretty good day
For a tasty cake.
Whip the cream!
Mix the dough.
Hurry up and don't be slow.
It's a pretty good day For cake.
If you're in a hurry
take a break.
And bake a birthday cake.
Ho, ho, ho.
And all we need
To finish the job
Is an apple on the top
Where's Bobo?
- "Oh, Hey!
- Oops."
Hello, I'm kind of lost.
I'm Jack, little man.
And who are you?
Hello, Jack Little Man.
I am Bobo.
Be careful, Bobo,
your shoelaces are untied.
Oh, no! Not again!
- Hmm.
- No worries!
I know how to tie my shoes.
Wow, good.
We're baking a birthday cake
for Princess Rose.
I'm supposed to pick the apple
to go on top.
For Rose?
For my Rose?
Oh, what a nice song.
- Oh, Bobo!
- Just a minute, Jack.
- Hmm?
- Bobo!
Ah! Wha... Wow! Thanks, Jack.
Huh, Jack?
Jack Little Man?
Oh, Bobo's still not here.
I'm sure he'll be here
any moment now.
- Bo!
- Whoa!
"Oh!" Oh!
Got it. Safe!
Bobo, you klutz!
The cake is ruined!
You know what that means.
- Cake fight!
- Ow!
Very funny.
I am not...
What are we gonna give Princess
Rose for her birthday now?
No problem!
I always keep an emergency cake
in my feast aid kit.
One for all.
And all at once!
Oh, put me down, let me go!
That's not funny!
Hey dwarfs, hey dwarfs,
Hey dwarfs, ho.
Hey dwarfs, hey dwarfs,
Go, go, go.
Hey dwarfs, hey dwarfs,
Hey dwarfs, ho.
Hey dwarfs, hey dwarfs,
Go, go, go.
Being a dwarf,
It ain't it so hard.
Come and get your dwarf caps
We're gonna start.
It's fairy tale time
Just get in line.
Magic from different
Seven dwarfs just arrived.
Singing hey dwarfs, hey dwarfs
Hey dwarfs, ho.
Hey dwarfs, hey dwarfs,
Go, go, go
What are you
going to do with me?
If you're planning to eat me
let me tell you,
I taste horrible!
I know what I'm talking about.
I work in a kitchen.
Let me go!
Princess Rose has
sent me on a mission
which I must fulfill.
She's the love of my life.
Surely, you know
the meaning of love.
Dellamorta. You!
Soon, I have my revenge,
kitchen boy.
How precious!
UP You go.
It's too bad that
you won't be there
to see my wrath, isn't it?
You will not touch a single hair
on her head, witch!
Temper, temper.
You won't even get
into the castle
with all the guards and stuff!
You may be right.
But, what if I'm
inside it already?
Hey dwarfs, hey dwarfs,
Hey dwarfs, ho.
Hey dwarfs, hey dwarfs,
Go, go, go.
Being a dwarf It ain't so hard
"I lost this mirror
in the woods.
"But, I hadn't noticed yet
that it was lost.
"Which means I won't be
cooking, uh... looking for it!
"So if you want you can use it
as a bluff de guff...
Birthday gift for the princess."
We already have
a present for Rose.
Not any more.
Hmm... this could be
a highly sophisticated trap!
On the other hand,
how can we distrust something
with such an adorable ribbon?
Well, there's that.
Okay, let's load the mirror up
and forge ahead.
Hey dwarfs, hey dwarfs,
hey dwarfs, ho.
Hey dwarfs, hey dwarfs,
Go, go, go.
Hey dwarfs, hey dwarfs,
hey dwarfs, ho
It's fairy tale time
Just get in line.
Magic from different
Seven dwarfs just arrived.
Hey dwarfs, hey dwarfs,
hey dwarfs, ho
What do you think,
does size really matter?
Oh, yeah.
Cinderella, what went through your
mind when you lost the shoe?
I guess my foot
is going to get cold.
One minute, one minute,
smile please!
Fabulous! I love your smile.
Watch out, dwarf.
Welcome to Red Riding Hood T.V.
Everyone who is anyone is here.
I see Puss in Boots.
Where are the fuzzies?
So I says to her,
"Kiss me."
The Frog Prince.
You never know.
One thing leads to another.
Ali Baba and the forty thieves!
Everyone is gossiping
about whether or not.
Princess Rose will succumb
to the Witch's curse.
Will she prick her finger
and fall into a 100 year sleep
along with the rest
of the court?
What do you think Wolfie?
Well, first I have to say,
you look delish.
Birthday girl's BFF
is just arriving.
- Snow White...
- Stop!
No pointy objects.
Oh, no!
A dwarf never takes off his hat.
It's bad luck!
They're with me.
Don't worry, sweetheart.
You know the way
to the V.I.P. entrance.
Have a great night.
Not a chance!
Drop your gifts
on the gift table, dwarfs.
Ah, excuse me. Don't mind me.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, hey!
Watch out.
Please don't step on it.
I designed this as
an emergency escape
for Princess Rose.
It has the latest
in slide technology.
Nothing can go wrong!
- Daddy!
- Oh, my darling!
You look radiant in that dress!
You look, like, awesome girl.
Rose, may I introduce you
to my friends?
How nice!
- Oh, hello, children.
- Huh?
These are the seven dwarfs!
The seven dwarfs.
Let me guess, you are...
Ooh, I love quizzes!
- Sunny?
- Who else?
You are Cloudy.
You must be Ralphie.
- Are you okay?
- No.
- Cooky!
- Well...
You certainly are Tschakko.
How do you know?
Speedy, I'm sure.
Who are you?
I'm Bobo.
Oh, my gosh!
I'm so happy you could make it!
And as for Jack,
Hmm? BOBO: Little Man?
If anyone should ask,
you've never heard of Jack,
and he was never at your house.
- Understood?
- Eh, huh?
- Who's Jack?
- Never heard of him!
There was never a Jack
at our house.
Good. Perfect!
Very convincing.
By the way, your shoe laces
are untied.
Huh? Whoa!
on, ah!
I got it!
- I hope they have gingerbread.
- Oh, not again!
I smell dwarf!
I hate dwarfs!
Snow White, Snow White,
Snow White!
Look into the mirror.
Look into the mirror!
I'd love to.
Well, you little mirror, mirror
on the wall,
who's the fairest of them all?
No, no, don't say,
of course, Snow White.
Dear people of Fantabularasa...
I saw Dellamorta!
Dellamorta is here!
Sshh, Bobo. Be quiet.
The King is talking to us.
Everything is
under control again.
It gives me great pleasure...
To introduce my beloved daughter
You all know what
that means to us.
Eighteen long years
are over now.
Fear and terror are over.
As of this minute,
Dellamorta's curse is history.
Livin' your life
Like a fairy tale.
We gonna have a ball
Come on over here.
Listen to the music
While people keep on groovin'
it's your birthday Wow.
Happy Birthday to you.
Life's a fairy tale.
We gonna break the spell
Happy birthday to you.
Happy Birthday to you.
Happy Birthday...
To you!
It's time to turn history
into my story!
Now, my curse shall fall
upon you!
Dellamorta, why?
You're too late!
It's after midnight, witch!
Ha! That's what you think,
my dear.
She changed the clock.
Seize the witch!
Uh, Oh!
Burner, sit!
Dear guests, don't be afraid.
Dellamorta cannot do us
any harm.
Whatever she might plan,
the curse will
not afflict us for long.
Because someone will come
and awaken me and us all
with a kiss of true love!
You mean your brave little
kitchen boy, Jack.
Don't you?
Oh! But whoa, where is he?
Your hero, your savior!
Did he get lost on his way over
the hills in the green woodshed?
Where the seven dwarfs
their dwelling have made.
- Jack!
- I don't know Jack.
- What Jack?
- Jack is gone.
Cling, cling,
doesn't ring a bell.
We didn't see anyone!
No, no, dwarfs,
you can admit it now.
The charade is over, right?
What charade?
- Hmm?
- On!
What have you done with Jack?
I know Jack!
I met him in the forest.
He picked up an apple for me!
You greedy monster.
I have everything
under control here.
Fly back to the lair!
And look after our prison.
And as for you my pretty...
Must prick finger.
Must prick finger.
Must prick finger.
Must prick finger.
Must prick... Huh?
Oh, this won't be good.
I saw that coming.
Aha! Aah!
What happened?
Where am I?
How was she supposed to prick me
in the finger with this?
No idea!
Maybe, you just have
to press here.
Oh, shoot.
Yow! These boots were made
for walking.
Back in a minute!
Boys, it's time to leave this
building as fast as we can!
We got to get out of here!
Follow me, dwarfs!
Right on.
Speedy, let's follow Snow White.
Take another way!
No way!
Anyone got a ladder
in their pocket?
Oh, oh.
Emergency slide!
Haha. I love emergency slides.
Why am I not surprised?
- Know the final destination?
- No.
The 'merge sounds good,
doesn't it?
Oh, no!
Oh, Oh.
All right everybody. Dwarfs
are tough, we don't bluff.
We ain't meek
and we protect the weak!
We're going in.
Never forget, we are small
but that means nothing at all!
Hoo ha!
Aha, ow!
Sometimes, a little bad luck
is all you need.
Revenge is best served cold!
Ice cold!
Oh fi, oh fakes.
Oh, once you promised me
The true love's kiss.
Now, my king I must confess.
Revenge is a dish
Best served cold.
You promised me All your love.
But that will
Never be good enough.
You broke my heart
Not very smart.
Revenge is a dish
Best served cold.
I was promised To be the queen.
But that was a lie.
And now you will
Sleep for years.
And I'll take what is mine
'Cause it's all mine.
It's all mine!
And you little Princess Rose.
I hope you have a very,
Very nice dream
'Cause you'll have it
For a very long time
Oh, my friends.
You can never stop My full plan.
Now I got you Under my spell.
Revenge is a dish
Best served cold.
Revenge is a dish
Best served cold.
Revenge is a dish
Best served cold.
Ice cold.
Oh! Huh?
Sorry, I was just
deep in thought.
- Which thought would that be?
- I don't know.
Thought so.
It's all my fault.
No. It's not all your fault.
What do you mean exactly?
Well, maybe a little bit,
a teensy-weensy bit.
Who would have thought that
such a thick thorn would
fit into such a tiny round ring?
"Fault" is really
the wrong world.
Why is everyone asleep?
It could have happened
to anyone, any one of us!
It could have been much worse.
Where are you going?
I... I have to fix this.
Bobo, you can't even
tie your shoes.
Are you nuts?
That's ridiculous.
Of course, I can!
I have to find Jack
and bring him back here.
But, what if you get hungry
along the way?
You don't even know the way!
- Keep cool.
- Huh?
Good things come
to those who wait.
Who's going to remove
the rocks in your path?
And who's gonna tickle you
when you're feeling blue?
And who's gonna prevent that?
Where am I? Who am I?
What am I doing here?
And what about Rose?
I failed!
Don't be too hard on yourself.
The slide was great!
- Yes, let's do it aga...
- Forget it!
All right, time to get a move on
to save the scallion.
Into the lion's den I go.
Or the dragon's den may do.
Uh! Now the curse
got me after all.
Even though I hid in the
grandfather clock.
Shouldn't have drilled
those air holes in it.
I'm getting too old for this.
Oh, oh.
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh.
Confound it.
I must save the scallion
from Dellamorta's clutches.
Don't worry.
We'll take care of that.
You have no chance.
Why not?
Dellamorta is powerful!
And we are the seven dwarfs!
My point exactly.
You'll have to go across
deep canyons,
dry deserts,
raging waters,
over icy mountain ridges,
to a place where no dwarf
has gone before.
- No! Don't fall asleep.
- Stay awake!
Please. You have to help us.
If we can be helped.
I feel I won't make it.
Give me my bag.
I have three potions.
This... this one here,
will make you undefeatable.
And this one will
make you invisible.
And this... what is this again?
Huh? Oh, right.
That's just floor polish.
Dwarf huddle!
We'll take the floor polish.
- Is it lemon?
- What? Oh, for heaven sakes.
Think again. Remember, this will
make you undefeatable.
Now we understand, so
we choose the floor polish.
Good luck with all that.
Rose's fate is now
in your hands.
- Wait, wait.
- Huh?
What now, Bobo?
Does anyone know the way
to Dellamorta's hidden castle?
Did anyone understand that?
- He said...
- Yes?
- Follow...
- Yes. What?
Follow... sign post.. Ugh!
Now, good luck.
- Snacks.
- Lookin' good.
- Hey, look.
- Hmm?
The little signpost!
That way, really?
Like the old man said,
let's follow it!
Should I leave it open
for when we come back?
Coming back is not really
the problem at this juncture.
There's only one thing
to be done.
Blindly onward!
Hey dwarfs, hey dwarfs,
Hey dwarfs, ho.
Hey dwarfs, hey dwarfs,
Go, go, go.
Hey dwarfs, hey dwarfs,
Hey dwarfs, ho.
Hey dwarfs, hey dwarfs,
Go, go, go.
Hey dwarfs, hey dwarfs,
Hey dwarfs, ho.
Hey dwarfs, hey dwarfs,
Go, go, go
Hey dwarfs, hey dwarfs,
Hey dwarfs.
Haha! We made it.
Oh! Is that...?
Dellamorta's island.
All we need now is a boat!
There must be some around
here somewhere.
Does anyone have sunscreen?
Get a grip, Sunny.
Do you want me to get sunburned?
If need be, yes.
Don't argue guys. We're
this close to getting there.
Sunny, stop whining.
I'm not whining.
Oh, that's not whining?
Those are sirens.
What? Where? Fire?
Is there a fire?
Actually it sounds
like mermaids.
Unusual for this time of year.
Man, jellyfish, I thought you
brought this to Orca to get fixed.
Yellow salmon swim upstream,
you know?
He caught himself a new one.
Pretty fishy, man.
Not a carp, dude.
She's a carp all right,
Did you check her scales?
Forget it.
Might as well go for the halibut
you know what I mean?
Give me some fin, man.
Excuse us, might you possibly
be able to
assist us in some small way?
Hey, what kind of lobster
is this dude?
Don't bother the lobster, dude.
You know what I mean?
Maybe Orca sent this guy.
- Hey yo, you here for the Tang?
- Enough with the sweet water.
I said we don't have the dough.
Are you mermaids?
Jellyfish, man, what's up
with that cod?
What's all this fuss, Gus?
Do we look like girls?
We're Sherman and Herman.
The Mermen!
Haven't you heard
of our new single?
Seaweed Clan, A.K.A.
Return of the Fishy Smalls.
A.K.A. Merman's Paradise.
- Hmm?
- Hmm.
Well, it'll be busting up
the charts soon enough, okay?
So, what you crawfish need?
We have to get to that island.
Bad waters. Wouldn't touch it
with my tail fin.
Death lurks in every corner.
It's dark, cold and scary.
Don't forget the dragon.
Man, he'll barbeque you.
You crawfish really
want to go there?
We have to save somebody
that needs our help. Jack.
You little shrimps?
Fat chance, dude.
Hey, don't go all emo on them,
man. Like your mama said.
You only got no chance if you
don't give yourself none.
Okay, maybe we don't have
a chance.
But we're going to use it.
- Come on, men!
- Hey, hey, dwarf shrimps.
Hang on a second.
Hey, shrimps. You want
to go for a joy ride?
You have a boat?
Yeah, we used it for our video.
Everybody in the ocean
Get your fins up.
Get your fins up
Get your fins up.
Here comes the flapper, rapper
Call me big snapper.
Listen to the boys, yeah
Every little oyster.
Every little squid
Make some noise, yeah.
You go crazy
Like the lobster in the pan.
Get your fins up
For the Seaweed Clan
Ugh, how boring!
Boring, fatso house cats.
Outdated boots.
Totally boring slime balls.
Deadly boring princes
and princesses.
Even boring dwarfs.
Boring old...
I don't smell any dwarfs.
They are gone.
I hate dwarfs. Ugh.
What are they planning
those tiny little creatures?
Hey dwarfs, hey dwarfs,
Hey dwarfs, ho.
Hey dwarfs, hey dwarfs,
Go, go, go.
Huh, what's this hole for?
How else is the water
supposed to get in?
- Is that a good thing?
- As good as a tsunami.
Ralphie quick!
Make another hole.
- So the water can get out again.
- No problem.
What's so funny now?
It tickles!
Oh, no!
It's alive!
See ya. ALL: Goodbye!
One eighty two, 83, 84, 85
eighty six, 87, 88...
Eighty nine, 90, 91, 92, 93...
Seven hundred and twelve, 713,
Seven hundred and fourteen...
715, 716...
One thousand two hundred
and four...
Oh, my.
Shoot, I lost track.
- Now I have to start again!
- No!
That's pretty steep.
How are we going to
get down there?
Dwarf sleigh!
Ugh, ready?
Ha ha. Go!
No, we're not doing that again.
Guys, follow me!
A dragon!
Hmm. Keep cool.
This dragon doesn't bite.
Are you there?
Help me!
The dwarfs have escaped.
Gone! Run away.
I have no idea where those
little pointy heads could be.
But I won't take any risks.
I can not allow them
to free that kitchen boy.
So, finish him.
I want you to flamb him.
Fully charred.
Grill him!
Barbecue him!
And hurry up.
Oh, we're too late.
What did she do with Jack?
Let's ask him.
You have any idea
what happened to Jack?
I'm Jack.
Uh-uh. Says who?
Can you prove it?
Well, I'm the only one here.
I think he kinda looks
like a Jack, if you ask me.
No one is asking you.
I knew a Jack once.
But he didn't look
anything like him.
Enough of this nonsense.
We are on a mission.
If you are really Jack,
you should be able to answer
one simple question.
Two dragons are flying
at the exact same velocity
as two Canadian Barn owls
at a combined weight
of 3.2 pounds before the molt.
After 21 minutes and 33 seconds,
the first dragon
meets up with the first owl.
Forty-five seconds later,
the second owl
has lost three feathers.
What time is it in Tijuana?
6:37 am.
Absolutely right. Jackpot.
Now that that's settled,
could you unchain me?
I really have to get back
to save Princess Rose.
But, of course,
time is of the essence,
I say, we blow the chains up.
Could you just...?
Maybe Ralphie could tear
the chains off the wall.
Sure. It's like they say,
"Give me the place to stand,
and I shall move the world."
Maybe we should
just detach his arm.
Or we could wait for the sun,
and melt the lock
with a magnifying glass.
Hey, just use the key.
By the way, who are you GUYS?
Who are we?
We are the seven dwarfs.
So, why are there
only six of you?
Two, three, four, five, six...
Where's Bobo?
Uh Oh.
Don't hurt me! Don't hurt me!
I'm your friend!
This is pointless.
You, you can talk.
Of course, I can talk.
But no one ever
wants to talk to me.
But Dellamorta...
Yeah, she only gives me orders.
Oh, you're Burner?
My friends call me Burn.
Problem is, I have no friends.
What's wrong?
I am burned out.
Dellamorta always makes me
do things I don't want to.
What kind of things?
Bad things.
You don't wanna know.
So, just do things
that you like.
Hm! Uh!
Forget it, no chance.
Well, I like playing
dwarf chess.
Would you like to play?
It's a board game.
It's easy.
Your turn.
- I don't want to.
- No?
Then, what would you like to do?
- I'd like...
- Yeah.
- Oh, I don't wanna say.
- Why?
Because it's not what
real dragons do.
Come on.
- No.
- Please.
Pretty please.
But don't laugh.
- Never.
- I swear to you if you laugh...
Hm, mm, hm, mm.
I like tap dance.
Leave me alone.
I'm so sorry.
I didn't mean to laugh.
- We missed you.
- We've got Jack.
Let's get out of here.
Take cover, dwarfs.
Dragon at 12 o'clock.
It's already 12?
We're on daylight savings time.
Shut up.
Ah, Jack Little Man.
I need your help.
The dragon
wants to jump off the cliff.
But it's my fault.
Well done.
Back to Fantabularasa.
You are a hero, Bobo.
Let's get back to Rose.
What? What?
But I have to help him.
Bobo, come back.
Stop, stop, stop.
What? What did you just call me?
Two good friends once said...
You only got no chance,
if you don't give yourself none.
Sometimes you get lonely.
You don't know what to do.
You waste your time
With sorrows.
Even a dwarf Can get the blues.
It's when you need a buddy.
To open up the door.
That's what
Friendship's all about.
That's what friends are for.
So take a chance.
With friends.
If you're looking
For a helping hand.
I'll be your man.
I'll be your dwarf.
Oh, take a chance.
With friends.
Forget about the trouble
And dance.
Step outside the bubble.
Just hop a body wobble.
We are all for one
And all at once.
Life can make you blue.
Just call a friend
If you don't know what to do.
You can call friends.
Every time struggles
Are on your mind.
Day and night.
Night and day.
Summer or spring.
And we will be there.
I'm on my way
Listen to the rhythm.
And give yourself a chance.
Life's too short to waste it.
Take a friend By the hand.
And dance.
Dance, Burner, dance.
Come on, dragon, move that tail.
Come on, you can do it.
Dance, Burner, dance.
So take your chance Woo hoo.
With friends Woo hoo.
If you're looking
For a helping hand.
I'll be your man.
I'll be your dragon, yeah.
That a' way, Burnie.
Woo hoo.
Hey, do you need an agent?
That a' way, Burnie.
Woo hoo!
Take your chance.
A chance.
With friends.
With friends.
If you're looking
For a helping hand.
I'll be your man.
I'll be your dwarf.
So take a chance.
With friends.
Forget about your troubles
And dance.
Step outside the bubble.
Just hop a body wobble.
We are all for one
And all at once.
All for one And all at once.
All for one And all at once.
All for one And all at once.
That's really
gonna bring me down.
Dwarf catapult!
Guys, a little help.
Come on. He needs help.
Come on guys. I'm falling.
Jack, come help us.
I got it.
I got it.
I got it.
I don't got it.
Woah. Oh.
You saved us.
that's what friends are for.
All for one and all at once.
We can't waste time.
We have to get back
to Fantabularasa.
But, Dellamorta.
I'm not afraid of that witch.
And you, what about you guys?
- Us?
- No.
- Well...
- Concerned.
If I have to be honest...
Maybe we are afraid.
But if you were on our side...
If we really want to win
against Dellamorta,
you're gonna need weapons.
And where is your weapon?
Wait, wait, wait.
I, I just have to...
I'm nearly finished.
Come with me.
The great big dragon
flies in a circle.
Grabs its tail around itself.
And lets the little dwarf
fly right through.
I did it.
I got it.
I got it.
I got it!
I got it!
I got it!
Rose, my sword is out
and here we come!
Please place your pointy hats
in an upright position.
I'm not going to answer that.
I hope you grilled
that kitchen boy
like a piece of shrimp.
I smell dwarf. I hate dwarf!
Is your head up your tail?
You useless, lazy, overgrown...
I'll put you on ice.
Kitchen boy.
You get away
from my friend, you witch.
I hate...
You're treading
on very thin ice.
You come with me,
my delicious kitchen boy.
No, Bobo, stop.
Stay where you are.
Don't go any further.
We lost Burner.
We lost Jack.
All is lost.
You're right.
Maybe not.
The geyser will help us
get out of here.
Let's move the pot
over to the crater.
No way.
We need, we need...
The floor polish!
Oh, yeah.
- Ralphie.
- Sure.
You thought...
You were no real dragon.
Because you couldn't spit fire.
But to me,
you are the best tap dancing
dragon in the world.
Bobo! It's about to blow.
Bobo! Hurry up!
If my ballistic calculations
are correct,
our point of impact
will be right in the middle
of the throne room.
And if they are not?
Then it won't be right in
the middle of the throne room.
Perfect landing.
Thank goodness.
You're alive.
Come, all you have to do now
is kiss Rose.
Well, looky here.
Jack, Rose is counting on you.
All right.
Let him kiss her
if he really wants to.
Jack, what are you waiting for?
A written invitation?
I love... Dellamorta.
Apparently, the boy
is under the spell of my beauty.
I love Dellamorta.
What have you done with him?
She hypnotized him.
You're a meanie.
- I love Dellamorta.
- Come here, my sweetheart.
Excuse me, Princess.
I love...
I loathe these pointy-heads.
What the...
I love...
Ooh, ooh, ooh.
Ooh, ooh, ooh
I love...
Huh? ...Rose.
You just wait.
Hey, you. Bring it on.
Sorry, sorry, sorry.
It will make you undefeatable.
I fear we are about to lose.
Not necessarily.
This potion
will make you undefeatable.
Interesting potion.
You're not kissing anyone awake.
Get him out of my sight.
No! No!
Burnie, you are alive.
One for all and all at once.
Well, well, well.
I'm very impressed.
How did you get here?
Somebody left the gate open.
My lady, I hereby resign.
A great vintage.
Jack, Jack,
come out, wherever you are.
Bobo! Hey, come here.
You make sure that kitchen boy
doesn't get to the princess.
Bobo, I need you to distract
the witch.
Hm, mm.
Well, now.
What happens now?
I don't know.
But every time
my shoes' laces are undone,
there's chaos and
something goes wrong.
Catch that dwarf!
Hi, there.
My love. Mmm.
Stand still, mortal!
No, watch out, Jack.
Easy. Easy.
He hit his head.
Oh, no.
He wasn't wearing his hat.
Oh. I can't look.
Here, I got it.
Check mate.
I believe in fairy tales.
This romantic stuff.
I believe in happy endings.
And the kiss of true love.
You can call me dreamer.
You can call me blind.
But the kiss of true love
Comes but once in...
I've been waiting too long.
But my heart is sure.
My love is gonna come along.
I know happy endings.
Are very rare out here.
But I don't care
About the miles to go.
To have you near.
And I believe in fairy tales.
And signs from stars above.
I believe in happy endings.
And the kiss of true love
You can call me dreamer
You can call me blind.
But the kiss of true love.
Comes but once in life.
And if you fall asleep.
For a million years.
I will kiss your lips.
And dry your tears.
If life's a dream.
I prefer to be a dreamer.
I believe in fairy tales.
And signs from stars above.
I believe in happy endings.
The kiss of true love.
I believe in fairy tales.
This romantic stuff.
I believe in happy endings.
The kiss of true love.
You can call me dreamer
You can call me blind.
The kiss of true love.
Comes but once in life.
Woo hoo!
And they all lived happily
ever after.
Does anyone have a light?
Wait, wait, wait.
Huh? What now, Bobo?
I want to be your princess.
But why can't you see it
Oh, oh, oh.
That you make me feel.
Like a real good woman.
Oh, oh, oh.
But you think it's time.
To play this game right.
Baby, all I want
Is your kiss tonight.
So please let me, please.
And don't be afraid.
For falling in love.
It's never too late.
I need no big bad man.
No pocketful of gold.
Need no whole lot of loving.
I simply need you.
Call me at night.
Just climb up my ladder
'Cause, boy,
you got to know that.
Boy, you got to know that.
Size doesn't matter.
Size doesn't matter.
Whatever you do.
When you got the feeling.
Stick to the truth.
Size doesn't matter.
Whatever you do.
And even if the world
Causes too much stress.
Please don't forget.
You're doing more with less.
Your life will be better.
When size doesn't matter.
When size doesn't matter.
You wanna be.
My sweet dropping love machine.
Oh, oh, oh.
But don't poison your mind.
Come dry your tear blinded eyes
'Cause a true heart like yours
Is so hard to find.
I need no big bad man.
No pocketful of gold.
I need a whole lotta loving.
I simply need you.
Call me at night.
Just climb up my ladder
'Cause, boy,
you got to know that.
Boy, you got to know that.
Size doesn't matter.
Size doesn't matter.
Whatever you do.
When you got the feeling.
Stick to the truth.
Size doesn't matter.
Whatever you do.
And even when the world
Causes too much stress.
Please don't forget.
You're doing more with less.
Your life will be better.
When size doesn't matter.
When size doesn't matter.
I need no big bad man.
No pocketful of gold.
I need a whole lotta loving.
I simply need you.
Call me at night.
Just climb up my ladder
'Cause, boy,
you got to know that.
Boy you got to know that.
Size doesn't matter.
Size doesn't matter.
Whatever you do.
When you got the feeling.
Stick to the truth.
Size doesn't matter.
Whatever you do.
And even when the world
Causes too much stress.
Please don't forget.
You're doing more with less.
Your life will be better.
When size doesn't matter.
When size doesn't matter.
Oh, oh, oh.
Oh, it's a pretty good day
For cake.
If you are in hurry.
Take a break
And bake a birthday cake.
Oh, oh, oh.
Forget about your troubles
That's the deal.
Take some sugar Take some meal.
For real And we'll feel fine.
Before we start
We are gonna need some lard.
- Farina and wheat.
- Ls all we need.
Everybody bake on my command!
One, two, three.
Seems like a pretty good day.
For a tasty cake.
Get the butter Baking powder.
Sing a little bit louder.
It's a pretty good day For cake.
If you're in hurry Take a break.
And bake a birthday cake.
Oh, oh, oh.
Forget about your troubles
That's the deal.
Take some sugar Take some meal.
For real?
And we'll feel fine.
Seems like a pretty good day.
For a tasty cake.
Whip the cream.
Mix the dough
Hurry up and don't be slow.
It's a pretty good day for cake.
If you're in a hurry
Take a break.
And bake a birthday cake.
Oh, oh, oh.
And all we need to
finish the job
Is an apple on the top.
- Hm!
- Oh.