The Accidental Detective (2015)

Someone definitely fished out
the body from the stream.
How so?
On what basis?
Wet clothes, hair, and grass
leaning towards the body.
You live up to your name,
Mr. Profiler!
SEO YOUNG-HEE But who'd drag
the body to the bike trail?
The killer!
Why'd he do that?
This case's greatest mystery is...
When will you pay
the remaining $720?
Come back tonight.
And you'll tell me
to comeback tomorrow.
By the way.
Why aren't we getting
new books?
If you pay up,
maybe you will get some!
Please pay me tonight!
I finally put her to sleep...
I'm changing it,
please stop crying!
No way,
you just pooped.
Take a deep nap
until mommy gets here.
You can do it.
Sorry, I must be nuts.
I'll sit softly,
sorry, Hong-ji.
My baby's so calm
like an angel!
Not even crying!
We need to talk.
Not a word about me quitting.
No, the sales is dropping.
Customers hate
the crying and pooping.
Can the sales go even lower?
We gotta pay for Gun-weds
kindergarten next year.
Stop irritating me
and give me the money.
It's Monday,
this week's living expense.
New books came in,
so I paid for that.
I forgot.
Huh? The credit card bill's
due tomorrow.
- What about your salary?
- I started 2 weeks ago.
How many new books?
This is all there's left?
Show me today's shipment.
Be honest.
Do you still close shop
and hangout at the station?
Don't even joke.
Then show me the new books!
Hong-ji's crying!
Take her!
And the money?!
Pay the bill with another card,
I'll think of a way.
You said that about our debt!
She's crying!
All right, baby,
mommy's here.
Go away!
Don't cry, sweetie.
Don't cry, sweetie.
Alpha Male Book Rental
Northern Seoul Police Station
You really got the wrong guy!
- Just listen to me!
- Shut it!
Det. Lee!
Det. Kang's looking for you!
- We got a Kang?
- Yes, we do.
The mentalist with
powerful deduction skills.
Here he comes.
Yo, Joon!
You can't tell your colleagues
apart after 2 weeks?
Closed a case?
Come here, asswipe.
- Come.
- That hurts!
What's he in for?
Rape? Larceny?
When you breakup with a girl,
do you torch her house?
Then why were you there?
I was coming back
from a sauna.
Sauna? What time?
I went there at 12:30 or so,
and stayed for an hour.
When did the fire break out?
Stop lying, asswipe!
Then how come no one
remembers seeing you?
Okay, I'll shut my mouth!
I'm serious!
Go home!
Just go home, Dae-man.
You took a sick day,
where are you sick?
Are you sick?
As you know,
her wedding was at 1 today.
I wanted to get away,
I met her at work.
That's a weird coincidence.
Her house is torched
on the day of her wedding,
and her heart-broken ex is
watching it burn down.
When I was passing it,
the firetruck was already there.
Yeah, mom.
I'm fine,
don't worry about it.
It's nothing at all.
It's okay.
- What an idiot.
- I'll call you back later.
Empty your pockets, now!
He didn't do it.
Joon-su, uncuff him.
I'll leave!
Let me just say one thing!
Dae-man, please!
Let me go!
He really didn't do it!
Hey, hey!
say Your piece.
Firstly, there's no doubt that
he was at the sauna.
Look, his wristwatch
came from his pocket.
Conclusive evidence of undressing.
- Right! Right!
- That's it? Leave.
One more!
Please, just one more!
Did you hear that ringtone?
If he was the perp,
he'd have turned it off.
It's not like he needs to alert
the entire neighborhood, right?
Yup! Yup!
Go home.
See you.
I'm sorry.
Joon-su, did you
check out his shoes?
Did you see?
- Son of a bitch!
- Take a look!
Do arsonist swear flip-flops?
Those are more for strolling
around the neighborhood!
Why didn't he flee
when the cops came for him?
So that flips won't flop off?
He's a heart-broken man,
you should be sorry for him!
Drop it, asswipe.
Is this your friends' playground?
I'm sorry, sir.
Make sure he gets this message.
If he ever shows up around here,
I'll make him into
a cold case suspect.
Yes, sir.
Crazy bastards...
And let that asswipe go.
'Homicide White Shark'?
Him? Bullcrap.
Gangsters couldn't even
lock eyes with him.
Then why's he here?
Being a legend and all.
While arresting gang members
2 years ago,
he was demoted for
killing 3 of them.
What? Killed 3?
With his bare hands, asshole.
Since he's so hard-boiled
and uncontrollable,
that case was used as
a pretext for his demotion.
If you piss off the brass,
they'll cut you off like that.
Academy grad?
I thought he was
a lazy egomaniac.
If you don't watch it,
he could fuck you up.
You're so full of crap!
He doesn't look like
an Academy type.
Did he even graduate high school?
I'm so envious of you.
Not this again, asshole.
I really want to...
smash these legs!
9 years ago,
Police recruitment physical test
Hold Still.
Hold still, I said.
I got a leg cramp,
I'm sorry!
Let me try again!
I'm gonna smash 'em all!
I'm gonna smash 'em all!
That bastard!
I want proper legs!
My bud's a po-po!
I'm sorry.
Have a good night!
Take care!
Hey, what's up?
N ow?
Something's up between you two?
Why's he calling me?
What did he say?
He wants to go drinking,
we're meeting up at his shop.
Wanna come?
It's an emergency.
This is real police work.
It's not as fun as you think.
Should I come with?
Fuck you.
Send him my regards.
Will you really
hide this from Yong-gyu?
I have to.
Until the divorce.
Hong-ji's up.
Mi-ok! Honey!
I'm so fucked!
Yong-gyu, I gotta go,
your kid's awake!
Your baby's crying!
Mrs. Han?
Mrs. Han?
My 90...
- Det. Shin!
- Yes, sir!
Come this way.
Watch your feet.
- Checked visitor log?
- Yes, I did that.
You gotta bring it!
What's all the commotion?
Open your eyes
and shut your mouths.
Keep your useless hands
in your pockets.
Time of death?
11:22.49 last night.
We'll know for sure
after her autopsy.
Han Suh-young,
33 years old, married,
worked as a realtor.
A year-old baby
with her husband.
Have you checked
nearby CCTVs?
Us, Invincible Team 1
collected the CCTV data.
- I'm sorry.
- Do your job.
Who reported it?
Her husband called it in
at 7:30 AM.
But she was killed last night?
He said he woke up
and found her dead.
Somethings off.
No foot or fingerprints.
It was probably an acquaintance,
but it feels too cold-blooded.
That's funny.
He's right-handed
but stabbed with left.
How'd you know that?
This is a stereotypical
execution style.
The deathblow.
Only this stab direction
is different.
Because he did it with right hand.
Why'd he do that?
You call that a question?
- Who brought the rookie?
- Sorry, sir.
Useless pricks!
The killer is an acquaintance
and right-handed.
He wanted to frame someone
by using his left hand.
We got at least one
competent dick.
Sorry, sir,
he was here before we arrived,
with the victim's husband.
- Is he left or right-handed?
- Pardon?
I'm told you and
the husband are close.
- Do you suspect the husband?
- I'm asking the questions.
He's right-handed.
Do you know the first rule
of domestic murder?
When the wife dies,
the husband is the killer.
This is just a formality.
- Last night...
- When did you get home?
I don't exactly know...
3 AM... or 4...
What did you before
heading home?
- We went drinking.
- With who?
He and I drank!
- Please get out of here.
- I drank with him!
- Will you stop that?
- He and I drank!
This is interesting.
Tell me everything
that you remember.
So the thing is...
we left the restaurant...
I can't remember afterwards...
You blacked out too?
What a load of shit.
You two got the story straight?
We did no such a thing!
Can you think of anyone?
Someone who held grudge?
I don't know...
What's with him!
I'm sorry.
Please find him, Joon-su.
We'll catch him.
It's so scary.
How could something like that
happen in our neighborhood...
And one of the suspects
is my hubby.
Oh yeah,
how dare you sleep out?
Why were you there?
Were you two that close?
Be quiet please!
Could you go buy
some baby formula?
Aren't you feeding him?
- I guess there's not much.
- Put it in right.
Go buy the blasted thing!
Now I get it.
Why we men love
big breasted women.
Dad, where you going?
Why you...
Never seen them.
That was Dae-man,
his memory came back.
No need.
Here you go.
You really can't remember?
Most of my customers are
pairs of men.
Take a good look.
I'm not sure.
When the wife dies,
the husband is the killer.
Why can't you remember?!
I sat right here!
Stop squinting
and look at me properly!
A plate of eels please!
Oh yeah, the eels!
Here are the eels.
Whoa, you threw away $20.
That was a waste.
What do you mean?
I never got up from my seat.
Yeah, yeah, that swindler!
Yes! I'm that swindler!
Do you wanna be his accomplice
or will you tell the truth?
- Accomplice?
- Was he really here?
- What's with you?
- When did he leave?
- Goddammit...
- Chill.
I ran out of the eels
at around 11,
so he arrived just before.
When did he leave?
My wife actually
relieves meat 1 AM,
so I don't know when he left.
Tall lady,
in North Face coat.
- Yeah, North Face coat!
- That's right!
My wife's tall.
What's up his asshole?
Somethings off about this watch.
What about it?
No blood splatter was
detect on the wrist,
but why was some
on the back of this?
When was time of death?
11:20 PM, close to
what this watch indicates.
Either the killer took it off,
or the CSI smudged it by accident.
Why'd the killer take it off
and then put it back on?
Crime Scene guys are messy.
Good work.
3 books, please.
Good, 30 cents per book.
Come back again, sir.
You got a knack for this.
Your allowance.
Have fun.
If mom calls?
"Dad's in the toilet."
Call your cellphone.
Det. Noh's holding on.
Perhaps he doesn't mind the demotion
and working under his junior.
Is he dumb,
or has no self respect?
His kids are entering kindergarten,
and twins to boot.
How many years till college?!
At least 10 more years!
That's good,
you can rely on your senior.
Shut it.
Treat the old man right!
According to the victim's bank records,
$150,000 was withdrawn 5 days ago.
You feel it?
Track the money.
Yes, sir!
Det. Noh, could you track down
some junkfood around school?
Our team's monthly
confiscate score is the lowest.
How about working
as hard as you frown?
Move it!
Joon-su! Yo!
You got something, right?
So frustrating...
You were at the coroner's,
spit it out.
Come on, man,
tell me.
Get off.
Fine, I'll shut up.
Get the hell out!
He certainly acts
like a cop now.
Buddy, come back.
#171! You're dead!
I'm home.
Go throw away this garbage.
This too.
What have you been doing all day,
and has to get a tired man to do it!
I fed Hong-ji, cleaned the house,
washed dishes, did laundry,
and even prepared your dinner!
Put it here.
- Could it really be him?
- Who did what?
The killer,
everyone's talking about it.
Talking about what?
The baker lives beside Yong-gyu.
She said she saw a stranger
in front of her place that night.
Timing's similar too.
Tell Joon-su for me.
Why should I?
The big shot will figure it out.
Son of a bitch...
She's buying a condo,
so why's it under your name?
And why hide it from her husband?
I thought you two
were close.
I wanted to protect
that money for her.
He had loansharks after him.
A good samaritan.
What is this?
Fess up before opening,
last chance.
One question,
did you kill her?
No, I didn't kill her.
Aren't you a lefty?
What exactly is the problem?
A cop would've done a better job
of disposing the murder weapon.
That's all you got?
He bought a place with her money,
and he's a lefty.
What else do you need?
Can't believe you're
the head of homicide...
Fuck me...
Show me some respect
in front of the boys.
Did you confiscate
any junkfood?
Bring it.
Show me!
Come on, show me.
Do I sound like a joke to you?
You son of a bitch!
Let go of me!
Let go!
Back off! Now!
Let go!
Let's do it this way.
It's shame you work
under your junior.
And you're legendary
Noh Tae-su.
Close this case in 2 weeks,
then I'll resign.
If you don't,
you're out. Okay?
The twins holding you back?
Then shut your hole
and go fetch me some junkfood!
If you don't keep your word,
I will kill you.
You son of a bitch!
I'm scared, so scared!
Back to work?
Yeah, hey.
Anything from Joon-su?
The suspect of April 3rd
murder case in Northern Seoul,
is found to be a police officer.
The suspect denies all charges,
but the police have gathered
incriminating evidences against him.
Gun-woo loves my bread so much.
His eyes are filled with love
when he looks at them.
He wants to buy a ton!
Stick to the story please!
Just tell me about
the man you saw!
Didn't know you had an attitude,
it must be hard on your wife!
Why's the dung fly still here
even after shit stain's gone?
Don't you mean po-po?
Out! Out!
Are you the one
who saw a strange man?
Yes, but aren't you too late?
Why the trouble
after the killer's caught?
I think it was around 10:30 PM.
I left my cellphone at the shop.
So when I came back
30 minutes later,
he was still there,
looking up at her balcony.
That's all I saw.
It was super fishy.
Description of the man?
About mid-40, tall
and sharp eyebrows,
- he looked like a goblin.
- Goblin?
I get the chills...
Out of the way.
What about the car
and the license plate?
It was so fishy
that I wrote it down.
Here, here.
Crazy bastard...
Hand it over!
You know Joon-su's
not the killer, right?
You bastard!
Joon-su's not a moron!
Why'd he wrap the murder weapon
with his own clothes?
That's not evidence,
it proves that he's being framed!
Tell me the plate number
before I kill you.
We should team up on this.
Why'd I team up with a dung fly?!
Honestly, you know about
my deduction skills.
Police work in progress,
please move along.
Go away! Go!
I'll count to 5.
Then I'll charge you for
obstruction of justice, one!
This isn't about you!
Joon-su's life's at stake!
Dammit! Just think of me
as your driver.
I can save you some time,
I drive quite well.
- Three!
- It's 30N!
- 32N, then?
- No, it's 32M.
No, maybe it was 32N?
32N or M?
- 32N or M...
- Or it was 32L?
- Son of a bitch!
- 32N?
The owner is named Jang-ho,
45 years old.
He owns a bar called 'WHO',
and lives in
Bundang Town Village #102.
What's up?
Yeah, bitch,
good work.
What a fucking moron...
You see?
Lap of luxury.
Without me, you'd be driving,
making calls and taking notes.
Where should we go first?
His place or the bar?
Fine, I'll let you have this one.
But keep your mouth shut
and just drive, okay?
Don't wanna?
Then get off.
Get the hell off!
Let's go to his place first.
What is it?
- Hello.
- Police, ma'am.
Are you Jang-ho's wife?
Did he do something?
No, we just want to talk to him.
Is he inside?
- He went to China 3 days ago.
- China...
- For what reason?
- On business.
- When will he be back?
- 2 weeks.
I see.
Let's go.
He can't treat me like that.
Why're you so worked up?
Not at all.
Did Joon-su really kill her?
Since you brought it up.
Can I close shop for a week?
I think he's being framed.
I gotta conduct
my own investigation.
A real person died,
this is a murder case!
I gotta do something.
He could rot in jail.
Are you a detective?!
I'm the chairman of
Online Profiling Club,
and blogger of a major
online cold case cafe!
I'll smack you!
You'll wake the kids.
If you ever close shop,
we are finished.
Fine, just 5 days.
Okay, 3 days.
Okay, good talk!
Are you nuts?!
Will you starve the kids?
Fine! Fine!
I won't do it!
After closing shop,
I'll investigate at night,
is that okay?
I don't care!
I'm so sick of it!
Hong-ji, I told you earlier,
no crying!
Her mom's sick,
so I had no choice.
Wait for me!
You Okay?
What the hell happened?
Loansharks and the condo?
It's what you heard.
How much debt?
Yong-gyu doesn't know exact amount.
With a huge interest,
their house may be auctioned off.
I heard you met the victim
that night.
Tell me in detail.
Will you really hide this
from Yong-gyu?
I have to.
Until the divorce.
It must be eating him up,
if he can't even talk to me.
So what?
I thought you didn't want
the divorce anymore.
Why should I break the law
to help you?
We all make mistakes.
Will you raise the kid
without a father for this?
If he declares bankruptcy,
and I stop the collectors,
he can get out of it.
Thanks anyway.
When did she leave?
Between 10 and 11,
not sure about exact time.
No, 10 at the latest.
How'd you know that?
I'll explain later.
Who'd try to frame you?
I don't know.
I first suspected the loansharks,
but that doesn't sound right.
If they were after the money,
they wouldn't kill.
Heard of a bar owner
named Jang-ho?
No, sir.
Someone out there is
trying to frame you.
Think of something!
Your time is up.
Please give him the letter.
Make sure he gets
all the support he needs.
What a load of shit.
Look after your ass first!
Yeah, talk to me!
Go on!
I looked into Jang-ho's
flight records,
he never left,
let alone have Chinese visa.
Do something about her!
Got any milk in the car?
There, there!
Where you going?
To see Jang-ho.
He lied to his wife about China,
why'd he meet a cop?
Get back in!
No wonder your wife
treats you like a slave.
Are you talking about me?
You don't know me at all.
Do you know
what my friends call me?
What, babysitter?
'The Last Emperor'.
Even your kid is laughing at that,
look at her.
How badly did she castrate you,
so that you help
And you never
helped out your wife?
Not even washing dishes?
What's that?
You do the dishes too?
Neutered idiot.
What is that stench?
Did she poop?
I knew this was my off year,
but this has to be a new low.
- Take her for a bit.
- Hey! Hey!
Where you going?!
I forgot diapers,
I'll go buy some.
No crying-
Goddamn you!
Come on, get back in!
So loud and nasty!
- Got any baby wipes?
- No at all!
Hold still, sweetie!
Hold still,
you'll get poop on...
What a stench!
Do you feed her beans
and yams or something?
If I ever see you again,
you're dead!
That's some serious stench!
I can't breathe...
Do something about the diaper,
toss it or something!
- Why you bastard!
- You said to toss it!
There! There!
- Over there!
- Shut your hole!
Why were you at
Mrs. Han' s that night'?
We became acquaintances
while shopping around for land.
She begged for me to
sell her my lot.
I was sick of it,
so I sold it to her.
A few months later,
an apartment went up there.
She kept ignoring my calls,
so I went to see her.
She's bugging me
even after death.
And then?
She wasn't home.
And what?
I came back home.
What time did you go?
10, maybe?
I had an appointment at 11.
With who?
Must I fess up my personal affairs?
Got a warrant?
Who was it?
Don't remember.
Who was it, asshole.
My sweetie burped!
Who are you people?
Are you really cops?
Don't kid around,
we know who he met.
How'd we know...
Hey miss, come sit down.
Stop burning coffee beans.
Hey, please come
while I use nice words.
This was captured that night
en route down south.
I lied to my wife,
to spend some time with her...
I'm sorry,
please don't tell my wife.
Wait, something was off that night.
As I said before,
no one was home.
But when I came down,
I saw someone inside.
- Someone was there?
- Yeah.
Not one, but two.
How did you know?
Know what?
About the barista.
His bar is called 'WHO',
and the cafe is 'WHO IS',
and the barista had
an unease look on her face.
Which means...
Anyway, who could
those 2 people be?
What an idiot.
Obviously, it's the victim,
and the killer!
No, the victim wasn't home.
Jang-ho left there
no later than 10:30.
He was spotted driving
at 11:12.
He couldn't have seen the victim.
Listen to your shit,
on what basis?
You really don't know?
Come on,
you're an Academy grad.
You wanna play, eh?
Remember what you said earlier?
That Joon-su and the victim
parted before 10.
I got you.
Gileum district to her place is
5-minute drive.
- That's right, I live there.
- Just listen, asshole.
They parted before 10
and Jang-ho left at 10:30.
They're 5-minute drive apart.
And Jang-ho couldn't have
met the victim?
Isn't that odd?
Maybe it's just me.
Speak, before I cover
your face with her shit.
- Do you even have a GED?
- You little shit!
She had a job too,
so she left the baby at her shop.
How was the baby there
at the scene of the crime?
Yong-gyu and I went
drinking till 3 AM.
So who could've
brought back the baby?
After parting with Joon-su,
she went to the shop,
which'd take about an hour.
You're not considering
one thing, asshole!
What if the baby was
already at home?
How can a newborn
be at home alone?!
One must be open to
all possibilities!
You can't just make assumptions!
Look who's talking!
'Husband is always the killer'?
Isn't that an assumption?!
Shut your hole
and direct me to the shop.
I dunno, Joon-su only
mentioned it once.
Don't pretend to know shit,
and shut that baby up!
Yes, she was here at 11 PM
to pick up the baby.
If what Jang-ho said was true,
there were 2...
They were already inside,
to kill her.
Maybe it was you two.
Come on!
The killer is...
Come out here!
I'm coming! I'm coming!
Did you put on
a fashion show inside?
- How is it?
- Are you serious?
- No.
- Go mix some formula!
You called me out for that?!
Definitely not for your breast milk!
Oh yeah, how do you know
det. Noh?
He's our shop regular.
Did you...?
With the baby?
Speak some sense!
I guess.
How do you know him?
He's my students' dad.
Oh, Red Pen student?
I need to get him
a pair of rubber gloves.
He bickers whenever
he has to wash dishes.
It reminded me of you.
- What do you mean?
- I feel so bad.
His wife abuses him so badly that
even I feel bad for him.
You should feel lucky
to live with me!
Weird, where's that stench
coming from?
Where the heck could it be?
What a nut job...
Cops and burgers go
There's a hole in Jang-ho's alibi.
- There isn't one.
- There is.
The victim's wristwatch.
Time of her death and
her watch match perfectly.
So use your hole to chew!
Not time, but location.
What if the killer moved her body
after killing her?
Then adjust the time,
and smash the watch?
If he used this trick,
Jang-ho's alibi is voided.
Why would he move the body
to a crowded apartment?!
Maybe there's a reason.
Shut up!
In Sherlock Holmes adventures,
which I read religiously,
he once said,
"When you've eliminated the impossible,
whatever remains must be the truth".
Shut up, asshole!
Listen to me!
Do you know what type
of killer is hardest to catch?
The one who kills on a whim
and takes off.
Why? The more you plan,
the more evidence there is.
Reading a few detective novels
make you a detective?
Not even close, moron.
No food in the car.
You don't know shit.
How about taking that raincoat off?
No rain in sight.
Bought it at a corner store?
$5, I'm guessing?
I almost forgot,
I brought you a gift.
It's x-large,
it'll be comfy.
Why give me a woman's item?
My wife's a Red Pen tutor,
she wanted you to have it.
Why do you keep eating
kids' snack!
Expensive yogurts being
wasted on you.
Honey, the tutor's here.
You peed standing up again?!
So nasty!
I'm sick of it!
Ma'am, I'll head home now...
Sure, good bye.
Good bye.
I'd love to do the dishes,
but it's impossible.
These gloves don't fit.
Please restraint yourself.
Dad, do it without gloves!
Ma'am, that'll do for today.
Kids, go play outside.
Wait! Wait!
It fits!
It's stretchy!
Remember what you said to me?
"Neutered idiot"...
No chores, eh?
Where you going?
Come back!
Wait for me!
Where are you?
I'm collecting overdue books,
leave Hong-ji with the baker.
You take me for a fool?
Yeah, the baker's not in?
You're so dead!
You be ready!
Hello? The connection's bad.
Hello? Hello?
Thank you Mrs. Red Pen
for the rubber gloves!
How did you end up like that?
All women are carnivores.
They were herbivores at first,
but with marriage,
their true self surfaces.
How long have you
been married?
6 years.
Then she must be
a wildcat by now.
Your wife?
She's tiger,
a ferocious one.
Why must we live like this?
When you die,
go ask God.
Our fathers' generation
wasn't so bad.
Sure it was,
because the wages were better.
So it's all about the money.
Can we live harmoniously
with carnivores?
No way.
I feel so close to you
all of sudden.
I don't hate you as much.
Can we be blood brothers?
Call me, big bro.
Big bro!
Yeah, speak.
Who was it!
Tell me!
This cannot be!
Please, no!
- Afternoon, sir.
- What's with him?
The victim is det. Ma's wife.
This way.
Her name is Yang Mina.
She owned this ceramics studio.
She was discovered
inside the kiln.
This looks like her cellphone,
I found it, sir.
Photo taken at 1:15 AM.
Why'd the killer take this?
And I brought this
just in case.
It's a list of arrests
made by det. Ma.
Come on.
Mr. Kang, you can't be here.
- I came with him.
- I know, I know.
Come on!
- This way to the crime scene?
- Yes, go on.
- What's over there?
- Studio's backdoor.
- Wait, wait, wait.
- No, no, no.
No way.
Stop, Mr. Kang!
This door is one-way.
It only opens from
inside the studio.
If she was killed elsewhere
and moved to the kiln,
front entrance CCTV should've
captured something.
And this blood?
The killer could've
smudged it on the way out!
- And that?
- What about it?
Who are you?
She was killed here,
look at that splatter.
Why else would
that blood be here?
Mr. Kang, please leave!
I'm Joon-su's friend,
show me some respect!
Buddy, follow me.
This was done by
the same killers.
How so?
There were needle-like
blood marks,
which was a result of
blunt trauma.
She was killed in the parking lot.
And there were 2 killers?
One killed her in the parking,
the other was inside the studio.
2 murder cases with 2 killers
in the last 10 days.
There's something else.
Also, both women lived nearby
until early this year.
In the same apartment.
Still suspect Jang-ho?
Move the body to her apartment?
You're nothing
but a motor mouth!
Start the car, idiot!
Hey! Stop!
Holy cow!
You weren't asleep?
Is it fun playing a cop?
LS it?
Don't you wanna throw away
everything and run away?
No, not at all.
Well, I want to.
If it weren't for the kids.
Come sit down for a bit.
I'll give you a massage.
I won't do stupid stuff.
Please come sit.
Let's go, Gun-woo.
Honey, I'll help out
with chores too.
Baby, go straight home
and rest, okay?
I'll do everything!
It's all up to you now.
- Why aren't you talking to him?
- He's not worth talking to.
He's a dad but
doesn't act like one.
But I saw him cry earlier.
Dad, are you crying?
Am not.
Yes you are.
Gun-woo, I really love
your mother.
But I'm sad that
I can't make her happy.
I promise, I'll make her
the happiest woman on earth!
- He's so cool!
- Of course not!
That damn trickster!
Who are you?
Have you seen
these 2 women?
Well, I don't think so.
- Have you seen them?
- No, never.
Did you see them together?
Could they be
the only 2 victims?
There hasn't been a case
in the past year in Seoul
that had similar traits.
I think there is another.
Stop kidding around
and start the car.
The Yangjae stream murder
10 months ago.
Let's go.
Do you remember the mystery
surrounding the case?
What mystery!
The body was fished out,
and left on the bike trail.
Why'd the killer do that?
How is that case
related to ours?!
The rookie told me the wristwatch
had some blood on it.
On the rear side, no less.
So what?
And why did the killer
take a photo of Ma's wife?
Still don't get it?
The killers are telling us something
about all these cases!
Tell us what?!
Time of the murder.
Aside from the watch
and the photo, what else?
The body! When the body is
dipped in water too long,
time of death won't be
easily established.
In other words,
how do you make that easy?
Bring it out ASAP
and force it to be discovered.
Why'd the killer make that
easy for us?
That's something...
we must uncover.
Do you hear your bullshit?
Turn the car around.
I want to verify a suspect.
- Now!
- It won't take long.
Turn it around!
How can I turn it around
on a bridge?!
Just do it!
Turn it now!
Do what I say!
This case was recently closed,
it was concluded as a suicide.
Yes, about 2 months afterwards,
a young girl was found dead
near that crime scene.
The murder weapon was
Laina's bag strap.
While Laina was kidnapping the girl...
She accidentally killed her
and committed suicide?
Dung fly...
Why'd anyone move
a suicide victim's body
Get up, come on!
Don't you see?
Lama's bleeding like hell,
but she'll walk out of there?
Nobody moved her,
she died while crawling out!
Look at her state.
Were you at the scene?
Who's this?
One oi the suspects,
his name is Lee Yuma.
Why? Who is he?
27 years old, arrested for larceny
and rape 5 years ago.
Received 7 years but was
released last year after 3.
The primary officer was det. Ma,
who made the arrest.
Ma's not only your colleague,
but the husband of our victim.
I think we found one of
the 2 killers on the loose.
Do I still look like a dung fly?
Answer me.
Don't go overboard,
coincidences happen during a case.
Not like this.
Listen, boy.
Lee was suspected due to
a hair recover from the drain.
Logically, could that be the only one?
He became a suspect
because of his prior.
- Come on.
- Bastard.
At this point,
I'll make a prediction.
A prime suspect for
the studio murder will appear.
A bike chain will be discovered
near the studio,
and blood will be
recovered from it.
The suspect is owner of the chain,
and someone close to the victim.
Sorry, I didn't hear you
due to the barking.
You'll see soon enough.
That bitch's barking like
a dog in heat.
What's going on?
A suspect for the studio case
was arrested!
I visited there often,
so of course my prints were there.
Then what's this?
What is it?
- You don't know?
- No, I don't!
Why did you swap the bike chain?
Where did you find it?
I found it near the crime scene.
It's no big deal,
but the victim's blood was on it.
I don't know anything!
I told you not to put
your toys on there.
This is dad's study, okay?
This is my space,
only for me!
Wait, honey!
Come sit down.
Just relax.
Bringing in the laundry?
Honey, what are you doing?
Go sit down beside Gun-woo.
Not a chance,
go sit down.
He's so awesome!
Not at all!
Where were you
after closing the shop?
Where did you go?
I was in the back.
No witch hunting.
My back won't rub itself.
Where did you learn
to be so cruel?!
If you ever do it again!
Lie down.
Were you intimate
with the victim?
Why did you break up?
She brought up divorce often,
and it was too much for me.
Her husband was
a total whack job.
He fell for a bar girl
a few years ago,
and he paid her rent,
and even got a loan for her.
What the fuck do you know!
What'd you know?!
Did you hear?
Joon-su's hearing date is set,
and it's also your
retirement day.
Is this a coincidence
or fate playing games?
5 days left.
I'm sorry for causing a scene...
- Det. Ma.
- Yes, sir.
- Let me ask you.
- Sure.
Do you remember Lee Yuno
from 5 years ago?
Yes, I remember him.
If you were to capture him again,
how'd you proceed?
-Where you going?
- Huh?
Isn't the shop closed today?
There's a civil defense drill.
Don't you just need a stamp?
See you soon.
I heard there's
an actual training this year.
What training?
Guerrilla warfare,
or some shooting too.
Maybe march too.
Civil defense marches too?
They pay shit
but totally work us to the fullest.
I'll be back ASAP.
You'll march in that?
What in the world?
Capturing Lee Yuno...
I'd start with PC cafes
and saunas near Hongdae.
- How did you know?
- Know what?
Your prediction.
Remember Mr. Nah?
But rather than Lee,
Nah was the prime suspect.
He was Laina's sponsor
and bar owner,
her cellphone was found
near his residence on the day of.
I imagined the killers
trying to frame Nah.
Like what they did
with Joon-su.
And if these 3 cases
are related,
I knew the studio case
would have a similar pattern.
And the chain?
Her neck had 2 line marks.
Covered in oil
and easily stolen,
and metal that can strangle.
Only bike chain fits the bill.
- You and I are the same.
- Same how?
I too made the same deduction.
I didn't say anything
because I'm not a motor mouth.
It must've been tough
for Joon-su.
He was losing so much weight.
Yeah, it's me!
What?! Come out!
It's det. Ma.
It's about Lee Yuno.
After his release,
he called me once.
I tracked it, and it was from
a fish shop called 'Mu'.
Anyone here?
- Cut that shit out!
- I can't see.
Anyone here?
- Hello?
- Shush.
What's that?
Stay right here.
What the hell?
Get out of the water!
Hey! You okay?
- Go cut the power!
- Okay, okay...
What the hell?!
- Hurry!
- The door's locked!
Hello? Anyone there?!
Bro, what do I do?
Just stay put!
It's dangerous!
What the hell are you doing?!
Even a drop will kill you!
Don't do it!
Help me this once,
and I won't resent you.
Crazy bastard.
Yo, Mr. Soldier,
nice jump.
His family will get his pension,
but you'll die for nothing.
Why? Why?
Wanna come up?
Try it, climb up.
Can't do it?
I'm up here.
Come and get me.
When I catch you,
I'll kill you myself!
Come on, man, come on!
Come on!
Scared shitless, huh?
Who's scared?
I'm mad as hell!
Usually, mad people's faces
turn red, like mine.
Do you know how you look?
Your hands are shaking
and you're as pale as full moon.
Anyway, you're off the case.
You could get killed.
No way.
- You could really die!
- It's my life!
It's not just your life!
What about your family!
I respect your loyalty.
Joon-su's got a good friend.
But as long as
you got a family, this is it.
Joon-su is family to me.
We grew up like real brothers,
and we were never away
from each other.
When my mother passed away,
and when I was in the military,
only he looked after her grave.
And you want me out?
I'm heading home.
No, just guerrilla training.
Yeah, yeah.
Guerrilla training for civies?
Your wife's that gullible?
Have some respect
even when you lie.
Respect your wife
like you respect your friend!
Madam Wife
Good work,
and see you at his hearing.
What's the matter with you?
Big bro!
The White Shark
- Your call cannot be connected...
- Dammit...
Those who don't know me
call me the White Shark,
but you all know
exactly who I am.
Of course, only you treated us
like real human beings.
So, let me ask you a favor.
Lee is one of 2 killers.
Who's the other one?
Trap! Premeditated.
How did he know,
that we were coming?
Can't be...
2 killers = Lee + who?
Whatcha doing?
Hey, welcome.
This week's living expense.
Hand it over.
Didn't I...
give it to you yesterday?
Like hell.
I left it in my jacket yesterday.
Go check the pockets.
The uniform?
One of the pockets.
Okay, I'm off.
Take her for a bit?
So long...
You must be truly desperate
to sell those.
Gonna sell them
and live off of it?
Not at all.
I made a fool of myself
thanks to you.
Neighbors said if you're
on a guerrilla training,
you must be a spy.
How will you
get out of this one?
Money in your uniform pocket?
Let's check,
let's see if there's money.
Come with me!
Will anyone starve to death
by closing the shop for a few days?!
You know what Joon-su.
When we couldn't get a place,
he signed a loan for us!
And when Gun-woo went missing,
who spent days running around?
I should look the other way?
You'll teach that to our kids?
'Screw your friends,
so long as we live well!'
Just like that?
This is about you!
If you were a decent husband
and a dad, I wouldn't be like this!
Yeah, you're right.
Do you know what I thought
when I saw Yong-gyu?
Mounting debt,
house up for auction,
wife got someone else
to protect their money...
I can barely contain myself,
but I can't get mad at him.
It's like seeing yourself?
I felt a lot while watching
his downward spiral.
About being a husband and dad,
and the mistakes I've made.
You may not believe me,
but I'm going to change.
I really want to be a great dad
and a husband to you.
But honey.
For the last time, can't you
let it slide for a few days?
I don't know.
I really don't get it.
Whatever, do as you please.
I don't care if you come home,
or investigate, whatever.
I'm sorry.
But I really mean it.
Let me be sorry
one last time.
Speak clearly!
Boss, it's at 1 PM.
He'll be attending Ola-Con
at Seoul Forest.
What're you talking about?!
- I'll send a few boys...
- I'm hanging up!
Det. Noh?
It's det. Hwang.
Who exactly is the guy
you were with?
He said you asked him to
question me about something.
Why aren't you
answering my calls?!
Shut it, you know anything about
Otari or something?
Is that a cartoon?
He sounds like a hentai.
Otaku Convention!
You stay right there,
I'm coming to you!
I knew this'd happen.
Today's the hearing,
what're we doing?!
We're en route
to make an arrest!
Why were you with det. Hwang?
I found him,
the other killer.
Who is it?
Tell me just the facts.
There was another victim,
women they killed.
The witness who called the police
on Lee Yuno 5 years ago.
How'd you know that?
Lee was a prime suspect,
but had an airtight alibi.
But the bereaved family claimed
that it was Lee till the end.
It is believed that the one
who gave away the witness,
was the primary detective
on the case 5 years ago.
The primary was...
Det. Ma?
Are you nuts?
Why'd he give up the witness?
I don't exactly know yet,
but the interesting thing is,
3 months after
the witness' death,
both Lee and Ma were
suspects of a murder case.
The Laina murder!
I verified it with Hwang just now,
even checked Ma's report.
Ma got acquainted with Laina,
who was in the sex trade...
So you believe that
Lee and Ma are the killers?
Ma is intimately involved in
all 4 murders.
Lived in the same apartment
as Mrs. Han,
Mrs. Yang was his wife,
the witness was for his case,
- and Laina was...
- Shut it!
Ma's not involved.
Then how did Lee
set the trap for us?
We went to the fish shop
after receiving Ma's tip.
He was waiting for us.
Skin cells were recovered
from the kiln victim's mouth.
It's not in the criminal database,
and the blood type is AB.
Lee's in the database,
which means Ma should be AB.
Ma Dong-hoon
Blood type: O
When his wife was killed,
Ma was on the clock.
I told you,
you don't close a case
with assumptions.
What is this?
There, there!
He's right there!
Do not move an inch.
Go back!
Move it!
- Afternoon, sir!
- Hey! Hey!
Out of my way!
I knew this would happen.
Move! Move!
Move aside!
Move! Move!
Stop, you asshole!
- Move!
- Move it!
- Push me, dipshits!
- Yes, boss!
Push me!
Stop, asshole!
Stop, asshole!
That bitch!
Let go!
That bitch!
How could a cop
not even check that?!
We checked everything.
Then how did you not know
about the ankle bracelet?!
I don't get it either,
so just shut your mouth.
White Shark my ass.
How did you even
become a detective?
Police's civil service,
it's just not right for me.
As a retroactive sentence,
he began wearing it last month.
Why didn't the police
have this info?!
There's been a reshuffling
at Ministry of Justice,
so we must've missed it.
I'll update the file today.
Civil servants are so irresponsible.
Who was in charge of
monitoring Lee?
One moment.
He began wearing it
before our 2 murders,
so his whereabouts
should be recorded.
Game over.
This is the checkmate.
- Coming to the hearing?
- Of course-.
There's confidence in your voice.
Got a custodial job lined up?
Yeah, I found one
for you too, asswipe.
Lee's GPS record is up.
- Date you wish to check?
- April 3rd and 14th.
Crime location?
Northern Seoul,
Hanjin Apartment.
That's it!
He was in Northern Seoul,
but not Hanjin.
What do you mean?
He drove through the area.
What's the refresh rate
of GPS data?
10 minutes.
Change it to 1?
Same result.
Could he have
removed the bracelet?
We get notified of any
bracelet removable.
It's impossible.
Fast forward to April 14.
Northern Seoul,
Anam district, right?
He was not in Seoul that day.
No way...
Murder weapon found in
the defendant's shirt,
and using the victim's money
to buy an apartment.
Judging from these evidences,
there's little doubt about the case.
The fact that the defendant
is a police officer,
he is a moral corruptor
of our society.
Ergo, he is sentenced to
30 years in prison.
It wasn't me!
I didn't kill her!
I didn't!
You believe me,
how could I?
How could I've killed her?
It wasn't me!
Let's go.
We called his bluff.
Did you all see that?
That's what you get
if you don't wise up.
Noh, you should a confiscated
junk food, like I asked.
A promise is a promise,
return your badge by tomorrow.
30 years?
30 fucking years?!
How is that bastard Lee
not the killer?
Please say something!
Where you going?
Let's get Lee,
he must know something.
Lee's near Dongjak bridge.
- Surveillance team
What exactly are we leaving out?
Neither of them are the killers?
Then why tell us
time of death?
What if there were
more than 2?
Other tutors work
even on the weekends,
how could you always
skip lessons?
I know it's hard being
a working mother,
so just raise your kids.
Detective Conan is on...
Why isn't dad home?
We gotta watch it together.
This is really amazing.
What is?
While looking at this list,
I replayed all cases in my head.
If this was a detective novel,
what's the hidden truth?
Go on.
To start at the end,
there'll be one more victim.
Before end of the night.
- Han Tae-woong, him?
- His wife.
I finally understand
why they told us the time.
Our 2 cases, Laina and the witness,
they all feel unrelated.
But 1 suspect overlaps,
and another was involved in all 4.
Who'd that be?
Det. Ma.
Him again?
Heard of 'murder exchange'?
Murder exchange?
It's a trick used in detective novels,
it's about swapping targets.
For example, Lee wants to
kill the witness
but he can't, why?
If she's killed,
he'd be the prime suspect.
And someone proposes
murder exchange.
'I'll kill her for you,
so find yourself an alibi.'
'And later on,
kill someone for me'.
So det. Ma instigated it?
Why'd a busy cop contact
a foreign prostitute endlessly?
Rescuing her from sex trade?
Fuck that,
it was an affair, 100%.
He fell for a bar girl
a few years ago...
Okay, let's say that's true.
A year later, Ma plans
another murder exchange.
To kill his cheating wife.
So why give away
time of death?
Everything's simple
once you know why.
Murder exchange is done
to establish an alibi.
- And to use the alibi...
- Give away time of death.
The exact moment of murder.
2 murder exchanges
1 year apart.
Okay, I'll bite.
You mentioned another murder.
Mrs. Han and Yang are
already dead.
With 2 bodies down,
murder exchange is over.
That's what we missed.
Our investigation was messed up
because we assumed 2 killers.
This was a murder exchange
between 3 people.
3 killers, 3 victims.
2 of them go for the kill,
while the 3rd makes an alibi.
Bullshit! 2's enough for
murder exchange, why 3?!
Laina fell into the stream
by accident,
an unexpected witness pops up,
and killing her left
hair sample behind.
And to commit the perfect crime,
they worked as a duo?
Since they're not pro killers,
it was impossible to do it perfectly.
Enough. This is turning into
a bad soap opera.
Aren't you curious?
Whom Ma recruited?
- One's Jang-ho.
- The adulterer?
The other is Han Tae-woong.
- Come on.
- He's the one.
Han Tae-woong, 42,
assaulted wife and stepson
for meeting her ex.
From here on,
shut your mouth.
You got a knack for
choosing the wrong perp.
Lee Yuno,
1-46 southbound
First condition for establishing
murder exchange is...
I said stop!
Uncover the murderous intent
that's hidden deep inside.
It's obvious that Ma'd choose
criminals he arrested.
On his list,
only Han is AB.
That's your cause for suspicion?
Ma knows Han wants to kill,
easily accessible,
there's no better partner
than Han for this.
He was locked up the day after
Ma's wife was killed.
Lee is just a pawn,
and Han lives in Bomun district,
so u-turn here!
Make a u-turn!
Tonight may be my last night
as a detective.
I still got a chance
to solve this case.
And you expect me
to believe your shit?
Look, Han may be
set free tomorrow.
His wife dies tonight,
he walks out of jail tomorrow.
Isn't that the perfect alibi?
There's no time!
If you miss this chance,
who'll turn this case around?!
My friend and your partner
will go to jail for 30 years!
All right, so who'll
carry out the kill tonight?
Han's in jail now,
so it's gotta be Ma and Jang-ho.
Who killed Ma's wife?
Jang-ho and Han.
And Yong-gyu's wife?
Ma and Han, of course!
Okay, if you answer me
I'll turn this car around.
But if you can't,
get off.
Fine, ask away.
Why was Jang-ho seen at
Han's crime scene?
He's supposed to find an alibi,
so why was he there?
An hour before the murder
took place, no less.
Why was he there?
Answer me!
- Let me think for a bit.
- Answer me!
Let me just think!
- Get off.
- Give me a sec.
- Get off!
- One sec.
Why was he there?
Get the hell off!
You did all you can,
this is the end.
Great work.
Big bro!
Oh yeah, Dae-man.
Call me later,
I'll buy you a drink.
Nice shot!
Power outage?
It's scary.
Why's this open?
- Who would...
- Sir!
I'm leaving.
- Good luck tomorrow.
- Okay.
Still here?
What the...
Honey, I'll be right back.
- Who is it?
- ls your mom here?
Mom went to meet clad,
my real dad.
Where is she heading?
Have to meet now?
Might rain.
You got a new message
Have to meet now?
Might rain.
It's urgent.
Get here ASAP!
Wait! Ma'am!
Wait! Wait!
Stop! Stop!
- Are you nuts?!
- U-turn!
Grab another cab,
I need to go fill up!
Sir, please just go!
Please... Just answer...
The White Shark
Die, you bastard!
You know the killer.
Who is it?
Who killed the girls?
Who asked you to kill me?
Tell me!
You laugh?
After causing that stink?
Buddy, you gotta clean up
your own mess.
If this plan fails,
I'll kill you myself.
Are you okay?
- Dae-man, it's been a while.
- Hey, what's up?
We went drinking.
With who?
- Please get out of here.
- I drank with him!
- Will you stop that?
- He and I drank!
It was you?
Not Jang-ho?
You used me as your alibi...
Let's just have
one more drink.
When the wife dies,
the husband is the killer.
have you done?
What have you done,
Here alone?
Of course not, cops are
surrounding this place.
To be fair for us all,
you need to kill too.
Snap out of it and kill her.
I'll take care of him.
Go on, kill her!
Help me.
Cops are plastered!
I'm the cop!
You see?
It's nothing at all.
No point of regretting.
We've crossed
the point of no return.
You're not killing a stranger,
you're killing your own wife.
The wives who cheated on us.
Who are you?
All right,
let's get this over with!
Why did you do it!
Good afternoon.
Hello, there.
I knew about it all.
They met in secrecy,
and he bought a place
to live together...
Don't you know Joon-su?
He did all that for you!
For your sake!
He convinced her
to rethink divorce,
and protected your money
from the loansharks!
Shut up!
You know shit!
- So damn yappy.
- You don't know anything!
Know what this is?
I'm sick of hearing him.
Why! Why!
Tell me!
Why're you meddling
in our affair?
Are you nuts?
Let go of me!
He's a suicidal bastard.
Joon-su wanted me
to give it to you.
Even behind bars,
he only cares about you.
Shut the hell up!
What are you doing?
Go kill the woman
and get the hell out of here!
You'll take the fall for her ex.
Change of plan.
You two tried to rape her
and I killed you both.
Crazy bastard.
You Okay?
How did you find us?
You know, I'm a pro.
Have you heard of
'murder exchange'?
Seen in detective novels,
it actually happened in real life.
It It is said to be the worst crime
committed by an officer,
- how do you respond?
- Will you resign?
How will you ensure
safety of the public?
- Will you resign?
- Please answer!
How will you take responsibility?
Who arrested Joon-su
instead of Ma?!
Who was it?!
Why aren't you writing
your resignation letter?!
You bastard!
Why are murders between
spouses continue on?
The most shocking part is,
the fact that this was
committed by 3 husbands...
Those crazy bastards!
How can they go after their wives?!
You be careful too.
Wife killers are
morons like those idiots.
You're the one to talk.
I'm a born-again husband.
I'm going to the washroom,
peel those oranges.
All right, take care of yourself.
You two look great.
Thanks, still newly weds.
I see.
The thing is...
- Never mind.
- What is it?
- It's nothing.
- What?
I'm thinking of quitting
and starting a Pl office.
Wanna partner up?
Private investigators?
With my brain and your mouth,
it could be a big hit.
But why quit the force?
I don't feel right
stealing my junior's role.
I'm sick of climbing the ladder,
and the salary's shit.
- Forget it.
- No, that's not it!
Will our wives let us?
Did you ask her?
Well, no...
Gotta face it.
Then, I'll do the same too.
Doesn't peel well?
Here we go.
Get inside right this second!
I wanted a consensual divorce,
but you're making it difficult!
Fine, I'll sue you for it,
so be prepared!
Please, honey!
Don't do it!
Let go!
Trust me one last time!
What for? Just live
the way you want to!
Not at all!
I can't live without you
and the kids!
It's much too late for that!
I won't live alone!
Either trust me or kill me!
It's up to you!
Fine, I'll kill you!
How'd you like to die?!
Die! You bastard!
It's my dad!
It's dad!
- Gun-woo, are you watching?
- Yup, I'm watching!
Gun-woo! Hong-ji!
I love you!
Mi-ok! I love you!
For my family!
- Congratulations.
- I'm so jealous.
Dissatisfied with police work?
Come to us!
We'll investigate for you.
How is it?
Nice, eh?
It'll be a big hit.
You're good at this.