The Adjustment Bureau (2011)

Let's welcome
our favorite alumnus,
and the next senator
from the state of New York,
David Norris!
Thank you. Thank you.
Well, hi, there.
My name is David Norris,
and I'd like to be the next senator from the
great state of New York.
Look at you.
What's your name?
I'm going to go through
Yonkers, door to door
...and take the city that way.
- We love you.
The recent endorsement
by the fire fighter's union
is another boost to Norris
who already had
a six-point lead
over his opponent,
Roger Linfield.
Whenever I see you on
C-Span, and you stand,
I always think you're
about to go, "Chug!"
Congressman, you certainly
started your career off,
eight years ago, with a bang
or should I say, a bust.
For the last eight years,
David Norris has represented Brooklyn,
New York City and America.
This is my campaign
chairman, Charlie Traynor.
These are voters.
Latest polls have
you up 10 points.
We're 10 points up?
This is not going to be
easy getting there.
I have some
real opposition,
and what they're
saying about me
is that I'm too young
to hold this office.
Win big, but run
like you're 20 down.
Okay, you got it.
Thank you, Gary.
But that's okay because
these are the same people
who say that young
people don't vote,
young people don't
care about politics,
but I'm here to tell you,
your future is about
your choices, not theirs.
So, today I'd like
to put them on notice
because come November,
I want them to know
that it was young
people like you,
who kicked their asses.
David! David!
Thank you.
What's wrong?
Any ideas?
I'm working on it.
Keep me posted.
David Norris,
until recently, he was way ahead
in the polls.
Mary Matalin and
James Carville are here.
Mary, this is a surprise.
It is a surprise.
Such political promise.
This compelling story, he grew up in a rough
neighborhood in Brooklyn.
He overcame the loss
of his entire family,
his mom and his brother
when he was 10,
his father before he got to high school,
he got over that.
He had such promise.
And he was the
youngest person
ever elected to the
House of Representatives.
Yeah, he was elected
when he was actually 24,
but he gets in a bar room fight
the night that he's elected.
I like this, all right.
Then you have this photo coming out
of the New York Post.
I think the accretion
of this stuff
was just too much
for the voters.
It reeked of some
level of immaturity here,
of impulsiveness.
People want maturity,
they want adults in Congress.
Big night
for us, gentlemen.
Everybody ready?
You look exhausted.
You should take a vacation
when all this is finished.
You've earned it.
I'm not sure the
kind of tired I am
can be fixed by a vacation.
Everybody needs
a vacation,
even us.
All right, let's get
him back on track.
Mary, over
the past couple of weeks
since the photo came out,
they thought people...
Why are you still
watching CNN?
That it wasn't such a big deal,
but clearly it was.
They called this way
too early. Come on.
Put on your pretty
little tie and let's go.
Suffolk County numbers,
Linfield, 415,120.
I really thought
we'd win Suffolk.
Kings County
just came in, too.
I didn't win Brooklyn.
It's going to
be a blow out.
NBC has us up next.
I'm going to go
work on my speech.
David. Hey!
I'm sorry I wasted
your time, Charlie.
NBC news is now calling the election
for Roger Linfield.
After a shockingly poor showing at
both Suffolk County,
and his home county, Kings,
it now appears David Norris
will lose this election badly.
I grew
up in Red Hook,
and I don't want
to surprise anybody,
but I got into a few
fistfights along the way.
It's not whether or not
you get knocked down,
it's what you do
when you get back up.
Ladies and gentlemen, I'm
here tonight to tell you
I will get back up.
But tonight is
not about me.
It is about
coming together
and welcoming
the newest senator
for the great
state of New York,
Roger Linfield.
Shit, shit, shit.
- It's the men's.
- Yep.
Sorry about that.
I didn't mean to eavesdrop.
I just didn't know
what to do.
I heard you come in
and say, "Hello,"
and I probably should
have said, "Hi,"
but then I thought
that would be weird
because it's the men's.
Then you started
talking to yourself
and it was obviously
very personal.
So I was stuck
in no man's land,
and then it all got to be
too much, so I came out.
What are you doing in here?
I'm hiding from security.
I crashed
a wedding upstairs.
People still do that?
It was a dare.
Who dared you
to crash a wedding?
- I crashed a wedding once.
- Did you?
Yeah, in high school.
But I got caught.
I spent the night in jail.
I think that happened more
than once from what I heard.
You're that guy running
for Senate, aren't you?
Yeah, I am that guy.
And judging from your
speech, you're not winning?
Oh. That's too bad,
the other guy is such a tool.
He is a tool.
I wish I could have made that
clearer in the campaign ads.
Personally, I think
mooning your friends
at a college reunion
is no big deal.
The Post did not have
to run the photo.
At least
not a full page.
God, no.
It was my favorite moment
of your whole campaign.
Really? I could have
used you on my team
a couple of months ago.
I could help poll test
every word that comes out of
your mouth before you say it.
Oh, you like politicians?
I like it when they do
stuff I can relate to.
Like pull their
pants down?
I love that.
See, that kind of candidate wouldn't
even get elected to the student council.
My guy would know
how to tie his own tie.
It's a clip-on.
Oh, I wish.
That would have been my other
favorite moment of your campaign.
Do you still
have a chance?
Is it over?
He crushed me.
Well, losing has
its advantages.
Like what?
For one thing, as a politician,
you're never really alone
unless you're asleep,
or in the bathroom usually.
That gets old.
Yeah, I guess I'm mostly
just looking forward
to having some
time by myself.
I don't buy it.
I think you love it.
Do I know you?
I guess I could have
been more convincing.
You don't have to worry about being
convincing till the next election.
Are you a registered
New York voter?
Do I sound like I am?
Holy shit.
Oh. Wow, sorry, guys.
- Sorry.
- I got to go.
- Wow.
- Hang on.
- You going to give your speech?
- Hang on.
I got to go.
That is so much better.
She's on the move.
Southwest staircase.
Excuse me? Ma'am.
What was that?
I don't know.
Are you ready?
Yeah, yeah.
All right, go do
the speech. Come on.
Congressman David Norris.
I grew up not far away from here,
in Red Hook.
- Brooklyn!
- I love you, David!
I love you more!
I love you both.
But we had a rule
in my neighborhood.
When you got in a fight,
it wasn't whether or not
you got knocked down,
it's what you do
when you get back up.
And I came here
to tell you tonight,
that I will get back up.
It's bullshit.
We didn't have that saying
in my neighborhood.
It's just one
of those phrases
that had some traction
with the focus group
and so we kept using it,
but it's not true.
In 1998, I did a
cover story for GQ.
The title was
"Youngest Congressman Ever."
And since then,
every story has tried
to explain how
I got here so fast.
And the word that people kept using
was "authentic."
But here's the problem.
This isn't even my tie.
- Go get Jim for me.
- This tie was selected for me
by a group of specialists
in Tenafly, New Jersey
who chose it over
56 other ties we tested.
In fact, our data suggests
that I have to stick to
either a tie that is red
or a tie that is blue.
A yellow tie made it look
as if I was taking my situation lightly,
and I may in fact, pull my pants down
again at any moment.
A silver tie meant that
I'd forgotten my roots.
My shoes...
You know, shiny shoes,
we associate with
high-priced lawyers and bankers.
If you want to get
a working man's vote,
you need to scuff up
your shoes a little bit.
But you can't scuff
them up so much
that you alienate the lawyers
and the bankers
because you need them
to pay for the specialists back in Tenafly.
So, what is the proper
scuffing amount?
Do you know we actually paid
a consultant $7,300...
Was it $7,300, Charlie?
Nice. What an asshole.
$7,300, for a consultant to tell us that
this is the perfect amount of scuffing.
He has to spill his coffee
on his shirt by 7:05.
7:05 at the latest.
I'll get him as soon
as he enters the park.
Can't imagine being on this
guy as long as you have.
... for energy
efficient technologies.
RSR Venture Capital
announced yesterday
that former Congressman David Norris,
would become a senior partner.
Norris led an unsuccessful bid
for Senate last month.
But his concession speech
was considered, by many, to be electrifying
and has made him the obvious front runner
in the 2010 Senate race.
- Investment banker Charles Traynor
founded RSR, -
one of the country's most successful
venture capital firms.
Traynor is a childhood
friend of Norris'
- and was the Chairman of his
Senate campaign. - Hey!
Hey. Tom Frankel from The Journal
is calling you in five minutes.
I just gave him this number.
Give him 3-2-2-7. I'm not
used to this phone yet.
No, I can't. He's going to ask you
about joining the firm.
All business calls have to be done on
a company Blackberry.
- Really?
- Sarbanes-Oxley,
you voted for it, pal. In
fact, you co-sponsored that one.
Yeah, I remember.
Hey, I just
saw you on TV.
- Really?
- Yeah.
What did they say?
You're bald.
Yeah, it was weird,
too, because it was a financial show.
But they were really captivated
by your receding hairline.
I got to go,
you jack-off.
I have to tell you, I really
admire what you did last month.
Thank you.
I appreciate it.
I wish there were more
politicians like you.
Thank you.
I'm retired now.
I had to go
get a real job.
- You'll do well.
- Thank you.
You got a guy
running for the bus.
There is another M6
right behind me.
No way.
Oh, my God.
Have we met?
You look vaguely familiar.
- Waldorf men's room.
- You got it.
Were you just staring
at my legs while I slept?
I was defenseless
against the small dress.
It's a skirt.
It's a belt.
What is it with you
and the argyle?
What is the deal with you
and the boring shades of blue?
My clothes match.
Did your team pick
that out for you?
No team. Team is gone.
- Wow.
- I did it all by myself.
I saw your speech.
Yeah, the speech.
Something must
have got into me.
Wow, that is something.
Really augments
the moment.
Nice ring, asshole.
Hello? Hello?
It doesn't even work.
Could that ringer
get louder
or do you have
that maxed out?
It's a new phone.
Are you going
to run again?
Don't know. I'm
starting a new job today.
You have to run again.
You can't do that.
The country will end up being
run by tools like Linfield.
It kind of is.
Oh, shit.
Sorry. I don't
know what just happened.
Are you okay?
I'm fine. Can you
hand me that?
- You sure you okay?
- Yeah.
- I'll pay for the dry cleaning.
- No, it's really fine.
Please don't. Wow.
Seven bucks will
probably cover it.
You keep that,
you might need it.
You know what? Here.
You write your number down
then I can call you and
come pick up your skirt.
Oh, my goodness, me.
That is very smooth.
Oh, shit.
Why don't you let me spill some
on you and then we'll be even?
- That's a terrible idea.
- I think it's a great idea.
Just one bit because
that's not fair.
You actually are crazy.
No, now it all makes sense.
Okay, hang on. Oh, jeez.
He's not here.
I know, I'm sorry.
- Who was that?
- I don't know. Who cares?
- It'll be on the... Can you just...
- No.
Okay, now we're in the
third grade. This is great.
It's a sturdy little
fucker, isn't it?
I'm sorry. I don't know what
happened, it just happened.
- Okay, that was a new phone.
- Let's wipe it off.
I'm Elise, by the way.
I'll remember that.
- That's my number.
- Terrific, thank you.
I'll call you.
The morning
after the election,
I woke up thinking
about you.
Hey, man, what's up?
You're not going to believe
who I just ran into.
The girl from
election night.
- The one you kissed?
- She kissed me.
You still sticking
with that story?
- It's the truth.
- Whatever, dude.
They're ready for you
in the main conference room.
What are the odds?
It's amazing.
That's great, man, just don't take
her advice on speeches anymore.
First time worked,
it's not going to work again.
You're just jealous because
it's the best speech I ever gave
and you didn't write it.
Just so you know, I think I'm coming
down against your solar panel thing.
I just don't think
the research is there
and the price point is too
high on these things.
Of course,
it's too high.
But if our company doesn't
get involved with stuff like this, who will?
Convince me in the meeting.
I will. See you, buddy.
Hey, Janet.
Hey, Susan.
We just got approval for
a recalibration on the Lasalle case.
Two minutes.
What the hell
are you doing?
Grab him.
9-1-1, Janet! 9-1-1! Oh.
You can't get away, David.
David, I really wish
you'd just listen to me.
All right,
I'll handle it.
you really are making this
harder than it has to be.
All right, take it
easy, guys. Take it easy.
Take it easy.
It's okay, David.
No. No, sir.
It's being taken care of.
Yes, sir. It's being
taken care of.
Yes, sir. No, sir.
No, sir. Yes, sir.
I understand.
I'll take care of it.
What a goddamn mess.
- Donaldson?
- Yes.
McCRADY: What do
you want to do?
We have to reset him.
Call for a briefcase.
McCRADY: You kidding? It's going to
take a signed order from the Chairman.
Get legal on it.
Legal just arrived.
There's no way the
Chairman approves a reset.
This is your fault. There is
no way you get a briefcase.
- What are my options?
- Hey.
Just bullshit him.
Bullshit this guy?
Hey! What's going on here?
Look at this.
Questions will burn in him
till the day he dies.
He won't stop searching
for answers. He won't quit.
We have to watch him
forever, make sure
he doesn't talk.
Endless ripple effects.
You remember the Torres
case 40 years ago?
It's not that bad, is it?
In the end, they just
leveled with him.
Looking at that, I don't
see you have a choice.
Who the hell
are you guys?
are the people who make sure
things happen according to plan.
My name is Richardson.
You really think I
couldn't see that coming?
I can read your mind.
Yeah, really.
Pick a color.
Pick a number. Seventeen.
Now, why are you still
thinking about running?
I don't really know
what's going on here.
You've just seen
behind a curtain
that you weren't supposed
to know existed.
Must be jarring.
It's not your fault.
Your path through
the world this morning
was supposed
to have been adjusted.
You were supposed
to spill your coffee
as you entered
the park this morning.
You would have gone
upstairs to change,
you would have
missed the bus,
and you would have
arrived at work
10 minutes later
than you did,
and we would
have been gone.
I was supposed
to spill my coffee?
We call that
an adjustment.
See, sometimes, when
people spill their coffee
or their Internet goes out
or they misplaced their keys,
they think it's chance.
And sometimes it is.
Sometimes it's us...
...nudging people
back on plan.
Sometimes when
nudging isn't enough,
management authorizes
a recalibration.
We deploy our
Intervention and they change
your mind for you,
like we did with
your friend Charlie.
He's fine, by the way.
You don't need
to worry about him.
There is something I need you to
understand if I'm going to let you go.
Very few humans have seen
what you've seen today,
and we're determined
to keep it that way.
So, if you ever
reveal our existence,
we'll erase your brain.
The Intervention
Team will reset you.
Your emotions,
your memories,
your entire personality
will be expunged.
Your friends and family will
think you've gone crazy.
You won't think anything.
You understand?
Not one word about us.
Oh, one more thing, you bumped into
a woman this morning on the bus.
What does that have
to do with anything?
You were never supposed
to see her again.
What does that matter?
Because it matters.
McCRADY: - It's in his wallet.
- Hey, hey. God! Hey!
What's with you guys?
Oh, come on. No! No!
What the hell?
What the hell?
- Okay.
- Take him back.
Enjoy the rest
of your day.
I can walk.
I'm capable of walking.
Dude, what are you
doing on my floor?
You know, I called you like 10
times, you could have picked up.
Christine, I found him.
He's in my office.
What the hell
are you doing?
Round up the guys, we're
going to do the meeting now.
You have a headache?
What is wrong with you?
Hey, we're in the big
conference room on 17. Let's go.
Morning, Congressman.
You sure you're okay?
Yeah, you?
I'm great, why?
You don't have
a headache or anything?
No, I feel fantastic, man.
Is it me or this
an odd conversation?
On David's
solar panel deal,
our tech guy has
serious doubts
about the efficiency
ratings they're claiming.
They'd need a 20-fold improvement
over anything anyone else
has been able to manufacture at that
price point to really be a game-changer.
You're opposed to this anyway,
Charlie. And with these financials...
Whoa, whoa.
I know it's a risk,
but if our company doesn't take a chance
on something like this, then who will?
I mean, I'm willing to take a fire on
something that could change the world.
Not to mention,
be incredibly lucrative.
Yeah, I mean, it's why
I took the job here.
All right.
Let's do it.
Come into my office
for a second.
Something is wrong.
A couple of hours ago you miraculously
reunite with the girl of your dreams.
Explain to me why you don't have
an ear-to-ear grin right now.
I lost her number.
The woman on the bus.
I lost her phone number and all
I had was her first name, so,
I'm never going
to see her again.
I'm sorry.
Wow, I'm really sorry.
Your entire world
is turned upside down
and you're thinking
about a woman.
Even if you could
remember the number,
you'll never get through.
Lost cell phone,
changed numbers,
whatever creates
the fewest ripples.
My name is Harry,
by the way.
The fewest ripples?
You freeze people.
You froze my friend.
We need special
authorization to...
Poke around in
people's brains.
You make them think
whatever you want...
Be quiet, David.
Can I get you something?
Just some water, please.
Your friend will be fine.
Recalibrations make tiny
changes in the way people reason.
It doesn't work on
emotion or personality.
That's too intrusive.
You said authorization.
Authorization from who?
The Chairman.
The Chairman?
That's just
a name we use.
You use many other names.
We can't talk here.
Meet me on the 4:00 p.m. boat
and I'll answer what I can.
If you reveal us, even
if it's unintentional...
I know. You'll bump
me on the head.
Richardson has automatic
authority to reset you.
You mean lobotomize me?
Try not to forget it.
Be on the 4:00 p.m. boat.
Ask your questions,
I'll tell you what I can.
What were they
doing to Charlie?
Just changing the way
he weighs investment risks
which will subtly shift the direction
of his company in the way upstairs wants.
So, Richardson could
read my mind?
Richardson was trying
to scare you.
No, he knew the number I
was thinking of, the color.
Because he set it up
as a choice.
"Choose a color,
choose a number."
We can't read your mind
or hear your thoughts.
When you make a decision,
your mind weighs options.
We can perceive them.
We know when you're going to
go off the plan or not because
if we're close enough,
we can sense when
it's going to happen.
We're just here
to keep you on plan.
That's all we're
authorized to do.
Are you allowed to be
telling me this stuff?
Are they following me now?
We have to monitor
the entire world.
We don't have the manpower to
follow everyone all the time.
And there is
something about water.
It blocks our ability
to read your decision tree.
Are you an angel?
We've been called that.
We're more like
case officers
who live a lot longer
than humans.
Why are you helping me?
I have my reasons.
And why won't they
let me be with Elise?
All I know is the amount
of resources they've used
keeping you from her is
pretty damn important to them.
You're going to look
for her, aren't you?
You won't find her.
They'll make sure of it.
Even if they weren't
trying to stop you,
there are nine million
people in this city.
You'll never find her.
Forget about her.
Move on with your life.
Stop the bus!
Elise? Elise, hi.
You know, I rode the M6 to
work every day for three years
hoping that I'd
bump into you.
Listen, is there a place
we could go and talk?
Don't you have to get
to work or something?
I just got sick.
"I haven't seen you in three
years, you make me sick."
That's not an ideal come-on,
just so you know.
What are you looking for?
I felt like someone
was watching us.
Hey, Charlie, I'm going
to have to skip breakfast,
and I probably have to postpone the
speech, too. I just bumped into Elise.
You just hung up
on your friend.
We've known each other
since we were kids.
- What speech?
- It doesn't matter.
- You want to take a walk?
- No.
We have a lot
to catch up on.
I don't think you should
cancel your speech.
What if I don't like you
at the end of our walk?
I'll take my chances.
Seriously, my number
hasn't changed,
just call me like
you didn't last time.
Look, if you take a walk
with me, I'll explain why.
It's been years. How do you know
I don't have a nice boyfriend?
Do you have
a nice boyfriend?
Would it matter if I did?
So you don't have any
real conviction then?
Okay, it wouldn't
matter at all.
So, you don't mind
being a home-wrecker?
How are you doing, man? I'm
from Red Hook. You're the best.
Thank you.
Good to see you.
If you were married,
then it would bother me.
But now you're just saying
what you think I want to hear.
I'm single.
Now let's hear your bullshit
excuse for not calling me.
I didn't have your number.
I gave it you on the bus.
Handed it to you.
I was mugged.
It was taken from me.
No, come on.
- My wallet was taken.
- Come on.
Why else would I fawn
all over you on a bus
three years ago and
then never call you?
Because, I don't know! You have a
girlfriend and you felt terrible.
Listen, I swear to you that
I did not have your number.
All right.
No, on my
parents' graves.
That's heavy.
That's too heavy,
I know, but it's true.
I didn't have your number.
And I didn't even have
a last name to go by.
If you google just "Elise," get 757,000 hits.
- You did not.
And none of them are you.
We have a problem.
David Norris is off plan.
Son of a bitch.
How did he find her?
Chance. Just spotted
her on the street.
We never should have let him
meet her in the first place.
We followed protocol
to the letter.
Guy rides the same bus
every day for three years.
Who does that?
Three years later, I'm
still cleaning up your mess.
Let's cut the power
at her dance studio.
I'm a dancer.
Not like that,
you pervert.
I'm in a contemporary
ballet company.
I think you have
the wrong idea about me.
No, I think that was the first thing
that crossed your mind, actually.
I think you should invite me
to one of your performances.
The company is
called Cedar Lake,
and there is actually a show
tomorrow night, if you want.
- Is that an invitation?
- No, it's information.
We're covering the girl's
artistic director
and we're still working
on Charlie Traynor.
This whole thing will
be over in an hour.
Hi, how are you?
Paul, right?
How did
you remember that?
I'm a politician,
I'm good with names.
Her decision tree is
diverging from our models.
It's just
the two of you?
hours without contact,
she'll never speak
to him again.
Look at her file.
It's the last thing in the
world she'll put up with.
No, something's wrong. I'm
already seeing inflection points.
You okay?
We're in motion on changing
the location of her rehearsal.
You have to be born
with the right body
like very flexible hips
and shoulders and long neck.
And you weren't?
No, I was.
I was lucky.
But after 15 years of that
precision and the training...
How is everything
over here?
It's great. Thank you.
It's good,
thank you.
So, I wanted to try
something else just on my own,
open-ended and
human, I guess.
What do you mean?
What's this?
If they kiss.
A kiss?
That's all it takes?
A real kiss.
If that happens, every
possible adjustment
strong enough
to break them up
will cause ripples
over your limit.
I think that everything
you go through in life
should come out in
the way that you dance.
I haven't found that to be
the case with my dancing.
It's a shame.
hate to interrupt.
- Hi.
- Hi, nice to see you again, Elise.
How did you find me?
Does it matter?
Nice work.
There's a crowd of people
waiting for your announcement speech
at the Brooklyn Bridge
right now.
You're announcing today?
You can't skip this for me.
I know. I told you I'm not
going to let you out of my sight.
- David, what the hell?
- Do you want to come?
Do you want to watch?
No. I can't, I have
to go and rehearse.
Actually, I just heard that
they're moving my rehearsal
to Pier 17, right
next to the bridge.
Why don't we just postpone it?
We'll do the speech another time.
No, David, come on,
you can't do that.
Thank you.
- You have to go.
- Check.
David, she's
rehearsing so close.
It'll take you three minutes
to get there after the speech.
All right.
Just come over
when you're done.
Keep the change.
Thank you.
Have Charlie's
aide call him now.
Are you sure
you don't want a ride?
No, I have to go
home and change.
You're so late.
Your friend is about to cry.
I'm wrangling him
right now.
Yeah, I know.
Shifting her rehearsal
to Pier 17
was a genius move.
We're not out of
the woods yet.
Come over when
you're done.
- David.
- Okay.
Sorry, the TV crew is there.
We got to go, man.
We're okay.
Look, whatever happens,
I'm not going to let anything
come between us again.
I'll see you soon.
Hey, how you doing?
Thank you.
Appreciate it.
How are you?
Thanks a lot.
Good to see you, too.
Thank you.
I have to say,
it's good to be back in Brooklyn.
There's been a lot
of speculation
- as to whether or not...
McCRADY: - It's done.
... I would run for a Senate seat here
in the state of New York.
I came here today
to put an end to that speculation
and to tell you,
I will seek the Senate
seat for the great state of New York.
David! David!
Don't forget, I added
the bankers' group
after The Daily Show
Are you listening to me?
I cannot get a break
on this case.
Okay. I got
to get to Pier 17.
Do the interview and you
can do whatever you want.
Just handle the interviews for
me. I'll talk to those guys...
This has got to go
on the nightly news.
I got to see Elise
right now.
Every time we get close,
you do something
to mess this up.
This is different.
City, please?
What listing?
Cedar Lake.
It's a dance company.
He's going to ask the parking
attendant to use the hard line.
I already killed it.
Excuse me,
can I use your phone?
I have an emergency.
McCRADY: Restaurant
across the street.
I took out everything
for three blocks.
This guy is
a pain in the ass.
Come on,
let's go talk to him.
There is a whole world
of women out there.
I thought we established
this one was off limits.
It's been a while,
I must have forgotten.
Doesn't change the fact.
You put us
together three times.
That wasn't us,
that was just chance.
Why do you want
to keep us apart?
Because the plan says so.
Then you misread the plan.
There is no misreading the plan
when it comes to you and Elise.
Then the plan is wrong.
- Do you know who wrote it?
- I don't care.
You should. You should
really show a little respect.
If I'm not supposed
to be with her,
how come I feel like this?
It doesn't matter
how you feel.
What matters is what
is in black and white.
You don't know why I'm not
supposed to be with her, do you?
That's why you can't
tell me. You don't know.
Who is this guy?
Excuse me, everyone.
Sorry to disturb your lunch.
It's an emergency.
Has anyone here ever seen a performance
at the Cedar Lake Ballet Company?
The Cedar Lake
Ballet Company?
Yeah, I have.
Where is it?
Son of a bitch.
Hey, taxi. Hey!
Taxi! Hey!
Maybe you should
try the subway.
Don't all these taxies you're
diverting have plans, too?
How long you going to keep that
up? Twenty minutes? An hour?
Wow, the ripples must
just be endless.
I don't care what you put
in my way, I'm not giving up.
Hey! Hey! Hey!
You all right?
You okay?
What happened?
You got hit.
Are you okay?
- I think so.
- Don't move.
You all right?
Hello, I just
witnessed an accident
on the corner of
Water and Dover Street.
Unfortunately, you're the
only witness, Congressman.
But we did this
three times already.
I just need
a few more details.
Oh, I see.
You're not even a cop, are
you? You're one of them.
- Calm down.
- Okay.
Someone could
have been killed.
Sir, if you would
just calm down.
Hey, Sergeant.
Hi. Sorry, excuse me, I know
you need a statement from me,
but do I need to stay here
or can I do it over the phone?
No, sir, we know how
to get in touch with you.
Okay. Now, is this man
under your command?
Never mind. Thank you.
Hey, hey, hey!
You want to make
a quick 100 bucks?
You're going to have to break
a couple of traffic laws.
All right, 26th and 10th. It's a
ballet company called Cedar Lake.
Go through that.
Look out!
Watch it.
This is going to keep
happening, just go through.
Son of a bitch!
- Set a traffic jam on Broadway.
- Too many ripples.
He's getting out of range.
I don't know what to do with
this. You're reaching your limit.
Excuse me.
Two down. Two down.
Oh, shit!
Next one.
I hate downtown.
I've got
inflection points.
All he needs to do is see her dance
and you're at your ripple limit.
What? All right,
block the door.
He's already
through it.
Not that one,
the next one.
Excuse me.
David Norris,
I'm here to see Elise.
I'm blocking them all.
Hat! Hat!
- Is she here?
- Yeah, she's in the studio.
McCRADY: It's too late.
He's already seen her.
You hit your ripple limit.
Celebrate now.
They're just going to kick it upstairs.
It's Donaldson.
He has no idea
what he's up against.
Let's take a walk.
The intense chemistry
between them,
the constant
inflection points,
and the kicker, you
pulling them apart twice
only to have chance
put them back together.
Yeah, all that
seemed a little much.
So, I asked Burdensky to do
some research this morning.
Have you been
in here before?
No, of course not.
It seems like David
Norris and Elise Sellas
were meant to be together
because they were
meant to be together.
Wait, what?
In the '70s when he was born,
they were meant
to be together,
same thing
in the '80s, '90s.
Wasn't till 2005
that the plan changed
and she was supposed
to stay with Adrian.
The problem here is there are remnants
from all those old plans
that keep pushing
them together.
They still feel like they belong
with each other even though they don't,
and we're about to tear
them apart again.
You spend
your whole career
hoping, someday,
you'll get a red-letter case.
Something you can really
make a name for yourself with.
Finally you get one,
and it's booby-trapped.
I'm saying,
it wasn't your fault.
They were meant
to be together.
Were. In an earlier
version of the plan.
Actually, a dozen
earlier versions.
I always wondered
how we had such bad luck
that she was on that particular
bus on that particular day.
How could a plan
just change like that?
I don't know.
It's above my pay grade.
So, we're going
This is exciting.
It's been a while.
We're not
going operational.
No one ever made it to my
job by taking stupid risks.
So, what are
we going to do?
We're going to kick
this case upstairs
to someone with the latitude
to clean up this mess
without breaking
into a sweat.
We're going to bring
this to Thompson.
When he was in the field,
his nickname was...
"The Hammer," yes.
He'll crush this little
romance with a flick of his hand
and force them
back on plan again.
I want to go to a club.
Oh! Why ruin
a really nice day?
- Come on.
- No, I don't dance.
Everyone can dance.
You just feel the music.
Well, I've been told that
I have trouble feeling.
Who told you that?
A long list of women.
That's gross.
You know what?
Let's race to
that lamppost.
You win,
I dance for you.
I win,
you dance for me.
On the pole?
If you like, yeah.
This is serious.
What are the rules?
There are no rules.
Oh! You bastard!
Oh, my gosh!
You challenged me
in those shoes?
Okay, fine. I can't.
You're right. These are the wrong
shoes. I'm going to twist an ankle.
You said, "No rules."
I avoided them.
You said you
had trouble feeling.
Hey, David.
You're even
cuter in person.
it's David Norris.
How you doing?
How are you?
How are we
feeling about this tie?
Hey, David Norris!
Hey, how you doing?
Maybe I should go home
and get my tux.
Definitely don't
do that. It's good.
I should never have come back here
again without my backup dancers.
I voted for you.
How are you?
you're a rock star!
Did you grow up over here?
Yeah, three blocks over
that way. Pioneer Street.
My whole childhood.
What were you
like as a kid?
I've spent about half my
time in the principal's office
up until the sixth grade.
Yeah, that was when my
mother and my brother died
within a month
of each other.
I'm sorry.
No, it's fine.
You know how I always
tell that story
about how I got inspired
to go into politics
because my dad took me
to the Senate Gallery
and we sat together
and that's true.
But what I leave out is
he did that right
after they died.
And I was bottoming out.
So, he wanted to get me out
of here for a little while
and he planned
this road trip to DC,
and I think it's because
JFK was his idol.
And we went and
sat in the gallery.
I remember watching
him watch them,
and I knew that that's
what I wanted to do.
I wish they were here
to see all this.
I was...
Didn't expect
to tell you any of that.
- Hello?
- It's Adrian.
What are you doing?
Why are you calling?
No, I was...
Because I was sleeping.
No, it's not.
Why are you calling?
Okay, well,
I got to go.
No, I got to go. Okay.
I'm so sorry.
It's all right.
Everything okay?
Oh, my God. That was so weird.
I woke up and
you weren't here.
And then the phone rang
and it was my ex
which is just so strange.
Sorry, I guess we hadn't
gotten to any of that stuff yet.
You know, we broke up a while ago,
and it's over and then he
calls four times in one morning.
He called you four
times this morning?
How long have you guys
been broken up?
Three months.
It's like he knew
I was with someone else.
Was it serious?
We were engaged.
So, not really
that serious?
Well, what happened?
Do you want to know this?
He was a great guy.
Brilliant choreographer
and dancer,
and we had the same
group of friends.
We had known each
other a long time.
Well, he sounds great.
Why didn't you marry him?
Because of you.
I'm not some
hopeless romantic.
I've never allowed myself
to be that way.
But once I felt,
even for a moment,
what I felt with you.
You ruined me. I didn't
want to settle for less.
I know the feeling.
It scares the
shit out of me.
I'm not going
to hurt you.
You don't need to say that.
I'm not going
to hurt you.
This is the first time
in 25 years that I don't
feel like I'm by myself.
That's a lot of
responsibility for me.
I don't know if I'm quite
comfortable with that.
Well, too late.
You know, I'm supposed to go
to an interview right now.
What if I told you I wasn't ready
to let you out of my sight quite yet?
- Sounds good.
- You want to go?
All right.
Are you handsome
or is it that Washington
is so populated by
I don't want to say,
hideous abnormalities...
This is getting a little weird.
David Norris,
- Excuse me, ma'am.
- Yes?
Congressman Norris asked me
to give you a message.
He was just called
into a meeting.
- He says it's urgent.
- Okay.
He said he'll call you
as soon as he's out
and he'll see you
at the show tonight.
Okay, thank you.
This way, Congressman.
Frustrating, isn't it?
My name is Thompson.
Whatever happened
to free will?
We actually tried
free will before.
After taking you from
hunting and gathering
to the height
of the Roman Empire,
we stepped back to see how
you would do on your own.
You gave us the Dark Ages
for five centuries
until finally we decided
we should come back in.
The Chairman thought that maybe
we just needed to do a better job
with teaching you
how to ride a bike
before taking the
training wheels off again.
So, we gave you
the Renaissance,
the Enlightenment,
scientific revolution.
For 600 years
we taught you
to control your
impulses with reason.
Then in 1910,
we stepped back again.
Within 50 years, you had
brought us World War I,
the Depression,
Fascism, the Holocaust,
and capped it off by
bringing the entire planet
to the brink of destruction
in the Cuban missile crisis.
At that point a decision was
taken to step back in again
before you did something
that even we couldn't fix.
You don't have
free will, David.
You have the appearance
of free will.
You expect me
to believe that?
I make decisions
every day.
You have free will over
which toothpaste you use
or which beverage
to order at lunch.
But humanity just
isn't mature enough
to control the
important things.
So, you handle
the important things?
The last time I checked, the
world is a pretty screwed-up place.
It's still here.
If we had left things in
your hands, it wouldn't be.
Tell me why
I can't be with Elise?
Because the last
guy didn't know.
Meeting Elise at the Waldorf
three years ago wasn't chance.
That was us.
We knew she would inspire
you to give that speech.
That speech that brought you
back from the edge of oblivion
and overnight made you the
frontrunner in this coming election.
What are you saying? You
want me to win the election?
This one and
four more after it.
And I'm not just talking
about elections for Senate.
You can matter, David.
Really matter.
What your father wanted when he
took you to the Senate Gallery
when you were 10.
What your brother wanted
when he made you promise
the day before he overdosed
that you wouldn't
be like him.
Why do you think you have that
yearning to be in front of people?
That terrible emptiness
when you're not.
Don't do that.
David, you can
change the world,
but that doesn't happen
if you stay with her.
Why do you people
care who I love?
It's not about her,
it's about you.
What being with her
does to you.
What it does to me?
I'm better when
I'm with her!
Even you said it.
The speech.
In small doses,
Elise was the cure.
But in large doses,
she rubs off on you.
David, the president
can't be a loose cannon.
Stop talking.
It's not working.
Why do you refuse to accept what
should be completely obvious by now?
You've seen
what we can do.
You can't doubt we are
who we say we are.
Look, it's not about who
you are, it's about who I am.
Can't outrun
your fate, David.
I just disagree with you
about what my fate is.
I know what I feel for her
and it's not going to change.
All I have are
the choices that I make.
And I choose her
come what may.
It's 6:20.
If you leave now,
you can make Elise's show.
She's a beautiful dancer.
I thought I made
myself clear.
There is one more piece to
this I haven't mentioned.
I guess I just didn't
have the heart.
If you stay with her,
it not only kills your
dreams, it kills hers.
Elise is about to become one of the
most famous dancers in the country
and eventually one of the
world's greatest choreographers.
If she stays with you,
she ends up teaching
dance to six-year-olds.
When you look back
at all this, David,
just remember
we tried
to reason with you.
I always hear
people saying,
"You can't blame yourself for
what happens to other people,"
but in this case,
really, you can.
This is what
you do, David.
This is what you did
getting into a bar fight
the night you
first got elected.
What you did to get that embarrassing
photo in The New York Post.
We give you opportunities
other people would kill for
and you squander
them with impulse.
It doesn't take
a genius to see Elise
isn't exactly
helping you with this.
It's a sprain, David,
but if you stay with her,
you'll take away the only
thing she ever cared about.
It's up to you.
It's just a sprain.
The doctor said it's going to
be better in a month or less.
That's totally unexpected.
I'm so relieved.
Great. Great.
You're such
a great dancer,
and you'll heal up and
just get better and better.
I'm going to go make
a couple phone calls.
I'm so happy for you.
It's done.
Thompson finished it.
I know.
You can't let it
get to you
like it did
with his family.
This is the job.
You ever wonder
if it's right?
I mean,
if it's always right?
Not like I used to.
Look, Chairman has the plan.
We only see part of it.
I was talking to some friends
of ours over in Monroe County this morning,
and I said something
to them that I think
a lot of you may have
heard me say before but it bears repeating.
David Norris, who has spent the last two
days campaigning in the Tri-Lakes area
received some welcome news yesterday when
the latest New York Times poll
gave him a 16-point
lead over his opponent
less than a month
before election day.
Since his announcement
11 months ago,
Norris has had
a significant lead...
Hi. Thanks.
Thanks a lot.
Yeah, thank you.
I need it. Thank you.
- Who should I make it out to?
- My nephew, Miles.
- There you go.
- Thank you so much.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, sure.
- Thank you.
- My pleasure. Pleasure.
Can we get
a picture with you?
Sure, come on.
- Thank you.
- Thanks.
I want to show you this, because
you would find out eventually.
I want to be here
when you do.
She's getting married to
that guy she was engaged to.
You okay?
I think I'm going to...
Take a day off.
Hell, take a couple.
We're 16 points up.
Yeah, even I can't
blow a lead that big.
good to see you again.
Your friend
just left you this.
He said you would
be stopping by.
Why would you
want to see me?
Thompson was
lying when he said
you couldn't be with Elise because
she brings out your reckless side.
Then why? Why do
they care so much?
Because she's enough, David.
If you have her,
you won't need to fill
that void inside of you
with applause and votes
and dreams of one day
making it to the White House.
That's important, but it's not
the only thing that matters.
Why are you so
different from them?
Your dad
was a very smart man.
He could have been a
lot more. Wanted to be.
Your brother, too.
But the plan
didn't call for it.
What about my mother?
That wasn't me.
That wasn't us at all.
It was just chance?
I'm sorry.
You know,
Thompson is not lying.
They're already talking about me
being a presidential candidate.
I'm phoning in my speeches
and I'm 16 points up.
The public loves you.
Before I met Elise,
that's all I cared about.
I don't even notice it now.
I can't stop
thinking about her.
Do you know where
she's getting married?
In front of a judge
tomorrow morning.
Is she happy?
Thompson won't let you
anywhere near her.
Not tonight,
not tomorrow, not ever.
Is she happy?
I got to try
and get her back.
Will you help me? Will you
just help me get to her?
They'll sense you
coming a mile away.
What if I could move
as fast as you?
Teach me about the doors.
The rain will
stop in the next hour,
and that's the only thing keeping
them from seeing us right now.
If we're going to do this,
we'll need all night to do it
and a place surrounded
by water to do it in.
Always turn the
doorknob clockwise.
What happens if I turn it the other way?
You don't want to do that.
That's only for us.
Put your hand
on my shoulder
and don't let go until
we cross the threshold.
Are these ever locked?
Not when you're wearing one of our hats.
Keep moving, David.
Is this...
It's the Museum
of Modern Art.
Close the door.
This is the city's main pumping
station for downtown Manhattan.
We're 10 blocks
from the courthouse.
Wait here.
Hi, is the floor open?
You okay, sweetie?
Yeah, I just...
I just feel like
being on the floor.
Lower Manhattan is layer
upon layer of substrate.
That's what we call the doors
that have been added over time.
Makes it a lot more complex to
navigate downtown than it is uptown
and a lot slower.
Your destination, 60 Centre
Street, Courtroom 300.
There are thousands
of different ways
to get to the courthouse
using the doors.
I want you to learn how
to stay in the substrate
so Thompson won't be able
to get a fix on you.
Okay. Just south of
the diner, it's a red door.
I come out on Broadway,
right by Leonard Street.
That's good.
Keep going.
From Leonard,
half a block down.
Okay, suppose
Thompson's there?
Okay, I go east
to Lafayette.
No, it's Crosby
Street there.
Eight doors? I'm zigzagging
all over the place.
That will take me
too long.
But every time you
go through a door,
their plan books will lose
track of you, so it's safer.
Look, I need you to understand
this has never been done before.
So, the minute you go through that
first door, all hell will break loose.
Assume everyone with
a hat on is a threat.
I don't care if
it's a Yankee cap,
a bowler, or
even a yarmulke.
Assume everyone in a hat
is working with Thompson.
Even you guys can't get through the
doors without your hats on, right?
It's one of the ways the Chairman
limits our power.
Water is another way.
And you said before, what if Thompson's
in front of me on Crosby Street?
Why don't I just knock
the hat off his head
and then run by him before
he has time to pick it up?
That's good, improvisation.
We have trouble with that.
The fastest way is actually
if I go right for the blue door.
Yeah, but then you're exposed the
entire way there.
That's a lot more dangerous
than leapfrogging through doors.
But if I make it, I'll take
them completely by surprise.
If you make it.
Come on, we have
a lot more to get through.
Whatever it takes.
Your father used
to say that.
I guess you're not supposed
to identify with your subjects.
You're not supposed
to feel guilt.
We're not built to lead with
our emotions like you are,
but that doesn't mean
we don't have them.
Some more than others.
You're lucky,
it started raining again.
We need to get going.
The wedding is in 10 minutes.
We have time. Being early
is just as bad as being late.
Is your fiancee here?
She's on her way in.
Courtroom 300.
- You okay?
- Yeah.
- This is it.
- Okay.
I'm going to go
for the blue door.
Of course.
Here is your way through
it. Don't lose it.
Thanks, Harry.
Good luck.
It looks like Mr. Norris is using
the rain to make a run for it.
Call the proctor
at the wedding.
- What's wrong?
- Nothing. I'm just nervous, I guess.
I just need a minute
in the bathroom, okay?
Sir, he's got a hat.
He's in the substrate.
He just went into
the substrate.
- Whoa, whoa.
- No, no, no.
It's an emergency. Sorry.
Docket number 22,
please come forward.
We're next. Will you go check on her?
- You're David Norris!
- Yeah, I got to go.
Nothing in the hat.
Go ahead.
She's not even
in there.
Where is she?
Where is she?
You're not
marrying that guy.
I'm so sorry,
and I don't know what you must
think of me, but you can't marry him.
You don't love him.
I've been terrible, I know.
- I'm getting married.
- No, you can't.
Don't touch me!
What are you doing?
Do you know that no one has
ever hurt me as much as you did?
I'm so sorry that I left
you the way that I did.
David, you know what? You
left me in a fucking hospital.
What are you doing?
I know it seems terrible
but there was a reason.
You don't know
anything about me
and what makes me happy.
I'm sorry that I hurt you.
Oh, my God.
Don't worry about him,
he's with them.
- Just listen to me.
- Oh, my God, what did you do?
- Forget about him.
- What are you doing?
Look at me, I know
that you love me.
Okay, this says
that you love me
and that I love you and that
we're not supposed to be together.
Because of this book.
But I know that I'm
supposed to be with you
because of the way I feel.
I love you and I don't
care what happens.
I want to spend the rest of my life with
you even if it's only a little while.
He just revealed us.
Call the Intervention Team.
Tell them it's
a square-one reset.
Mr. Thompson has deployed
the Intervention Team.
He's requesting an emergency
Reset Authorization.
I'll carry it in.
Why are they chasing you?
They're going to reset me.
What are you
talking about?
I never lied to you.
Down here.
He's down here.
I love you, Elise.
I'm going to show
you something.
You deserve to know.
What's going on?
We got to keep moving.
There is another door here.
Got them.
Sixth Avenue.
Contain this.
Oh, my God.
What's happening to me?
All you need to know,
we're being chased.
I need you to trust me.
I need you to trust me.
- Okay.
- Okay, come on.
Door, door, door!
Find another door!
What the hell is going on?
What the hell is
going on, David?
Okay, I'm sorry.
How did we
just do that?
I'm so sorry.
These doors belong to the
people who are chasing us.
- Who are they?
- I don't know what to call them,
but they want to take
you away from me.
Why do they
care about us?
They hurt your ankle,
Everything you've worked
for your entire life,
it doesn't happen
if you stay with me.
That's why I left you
in the hospital.
I don't understand.
I don't understand.
This can't be wrong.
This can't be wrong.
Why do they
think it's wrong?
The book... Their book.
But what if I can
find who wrote it?
Okay, I can go
through this door alone.
You'll never see me or the
people chasing us again.
Or you could come with me, and I
don't know what's on the other side,
but I know you
would be next to me,
and that's all I've wanted
since the minute I met you.
I'm coming with you.
Take the other one.
Turn it to the left.
To the left.
Oh, my God.
You can't be in here.
Stop, sir!
Hold them up!
Come on.
Stop them!
Harry Mitchell, they want
you in the Chairman's office.
Come on.
Hey! Hey!
How did you get in here?
Search the room!
Go back.
Oh, my God.
- I love you.
- I love you.
Did you really think you
could reach the Chairman?
And change your
fate if you did?
Or write your own?
It doesn't work like that
and I told you why.
I've got a message for you.
I understand.
Even Thompson has a boss.
You're the Chairman?
You've met him
though, or her.
Everybody has.
The Chairman comes in a
different form to everyone
so people rarely realize
when it happens.
Is this some
sort of test?
In a way, it's all a test,
for everybody, even the members
of the Adjustment Bureau.
David, you risked
everything for Elise.
And Elise, when you came through
that door at the Statue of Liberty,
you risked everything, too.
But you inspired me.
It seems like you
inspired the Chairman, too.
Is that about us?
What does it say?
It says that this situation
between the two of you
is a serious deviation
from the plan.
So, the Chairman
rewrote it.
Now what?
You can take the stairs.
Most people live life
on the path we set for them.
Too afraid
to explore any other.
But once in a while,
people like you come along
who knock down all the obstacles
we put in your way.
People who realize free will is a gift
you'll never know how to use
until you fight for it.
I think that's the
Chairman's real plan
that maybe one day
we won't write the plan.
You will.