The Admiral: Roaring Currents (2014)

1597, Second Japanese Invasion
Accused by a Japanese double agent,
Admiral Yi Sun-shin is relieved
of command and tortured.
In July, Joseon's navy is
decimated in Chilcheollyang.
Japan's army advances mercilessly,
capturing two crucial regions in August,
and setting its sights on the capital.
King Seonjo quickly pardons and reinstates Yi,
who immediately rallies his
remaining warships and troops.
He obtains 12 ships that escaped
the battle of Chilcheollyang,
and encamps on the Southern Sea.
Just 20km away in Haenam,
Japan's navy sets up base,
preparing to attack with over 300 ships.
So, Admiral,
when will the troops expect you sir?
What do you mean?
The Royal orders that you've been given.
You're supposed to join forces with the ground troops sir.
The General has been very clear. He expects you to be there.
I don't doubt that's what he wants.
All respect to you Admiral.
the enemy has a massive ships send to come this way!
We're starting to see several of your men deserting their posts.
He's correct. I count it at least 50 deserters..
Just please tell us what are you thinking Admiral.
The enemy has 200 ships prepared and are ready to
invade us in any moment now!
What strategy have you developed?
Show us!.
Show us what plan you have in mind to defeat the enemy?
Let's hear from the young officers at the table!
Do you think we can win?
Do you?
Don't any of you have an opinion
for the Admiral?
You need to erase all of the doubts here!
Aside from using that damaged turtle ship,
what do you plan on doing?
You best remember you're addressing our commander!
How dare you!
You should remember your place here!
I'm your superior officer!
Shut your mouth and listen!
You don't deserve to hold any rank!
We all knew the truth about you.
That you fled from Chilcheollyang!
Do you know why we have those 12 ships out there?
because I saved them from being
destroyed in the battle.
You keep your mouth shut if you don't know the truth.
Admiral, you know as well as
anyone that this battle is futile.
You know the kind of power our enemy has,
and how they're brutal and relentless!!
They're going to defeat you!
Will do you insist on sending men into a battle
they'll never win?
This meeting is adjourned.
He's given us a direct order!
We have to obey it!
Our main priority is to repair
the ships and train the men!
Get to it!
It's clear that we have to capture King Seonjo
to end this war once and for all.
We can't just let him slip through our fingers
like he has been able to do to us before.
We must have a solid plan
and coordinate to the perfect storm!
Do you agree?
Yes, commander.
Senjoe is our rightful prize.
We can't allow Konishi to dethrone him first.
But Chancellor Hideyoshi wants us to wait for his men to arrive
before we make our move.
So it seems that's the only option we have
for right now.
Wakizaka's ships are arriving.
Yes sir those are his ships,
they've been in a reconnaissance mission.
I hope they have good information.
How many trips?
They've done 2 already,
and they've been good missions.
So then,
What do we know the help being send to us?
Has the Chancellor told you anything at all?
The only thing I"I've been told is
that its someone essential to the battle.
He's goal is to take on Yi Sun-shin.
Make sure he won't be an issue for us any longer.
It is futile to battle such a formidable foe. I command
you to disband the navy and join Gwon Yul's army.
Father! Father!
Captain Bae tried,
but they'll gonna kill him!
He had to!
Stay down!
Father! Father!
I'm not finished yet!
You pay for this
with your head!
I don't want to interfere.
I just couldn't simply pass by.
Who are you sir?
Are you the one who was sent to us by the chancellor?
That's the navy from Ehime Prefecture.
Like hell their navy!
Pirates is more like it.
Let's go.
Deployment imminent
It's swarming with activity Admiral.
They have over 200 warships docked.
Theyre moving supplies on to the ships.
and they're stealing
provisions from villagers who are to weak to stop them.
If anyone resists,
they cut their nose off their face.
They also use children for target practice.
It looks to me like....
Their almost ready.
They're on the verge of deployment.
What's the status of their reinforcements?
They really have 25,000
soldiers en route?
Yes, sir.
That's how it appears..
They're bracing.
They're not worried about our navy in any way.
And they talk about how to storm our capital with ease
and little resistance from us.
We must do something,
or else our capital will bleed..
Deliver this to Junsa as fast as you can,
and then report back to me.
Yes Admiral,
The figurehead is complete!
The figurehead is complete!
The figurehead is finished!
A talisman?
This isn't my first mission.
But I'll treasure it for sure.
I gotta go.
Be sure to stay strong!
Tell me.
Is Yi disobeying the royal orders again?
He pursuing what he believes is logical.
I cannot promise his safety
if he disobeys the royal orders given to him.
The province is at the southern are dissemated.
Japan's ground
forces are headed north.
That's for certain, our capital could be destroyed.
If we don't stop their navy
you'll unavoidable.
But what can he do
with those measly 12 ships of his?!
Well you're the one who expects
the men on those ships to be of value to the army.
Don't be insubordinate!
In any case the Admiral isn't in good health!
Do you need to be reminded sir,
Who caused that?
Watch it!....
Can you even comprehend
what we're about to be up against exactly?
You certainly know of Kiyomasa don't you?
He's about to be at our gate.
Destroying it! So many men are needed.
If we're to have any hope of stopping him!
Grab him!
Grab him!
Let go!
Let go!
Please general, Help us!
You have to support our Admiral!
Our navy is just not prepared to face that brutal enemy.
So obey the orders then!
General. Our request is done in earnest.
I can't believe you'd abandon us.
How dare you speak that way!
You now suffer the punishment!
What are you all waiting for?
Take him this instant and put him away!
Hear me!
The Admiral wishes
to convey these words!
"To forfeit the sea is to forfeit Joseon!"
General! General!
I've been waiting now half a day.
Is this how you treat all the guests
you hosts here?
I'm afraid our planning is here.
gotten the way of us being good hosts.
My sincere apologies!
Now then.
We could use a little enlightenment from a pirate.
How would you kill a king?
Share with us you wisdom.
I've surveyed the region for
opportunities to advance.
We'll take advantage of the morning tide
and ride through the strait.
We can then resupply the troops by night
sail into the capital.
If it's done right,
we'll arrive in a day and a half in my estimate.
That's easier than done!
Yi Sun-shin can't be taken lightly!
There's one way to assure our victory!
Sailing the open sea and
approaching the capital to annihilate Yi with army
is the best strategy!
What do you think is about to happen here?
Why'd Hideyoshi sent for me, Wakizaka?
How dare you do that!
You should not utter his name!
Yi Sun-shin, will be crushed by my hand!
or maybe Konishi gets to the
capital first ahead of you?
I don't think there's a need
for this much tension.
Would you please forgive my men
for any hastiness?
Do sit!
Let's you and I work this out Kurushima.
One swing of this sword, blood will spread
Father, it's Hoe.
Are you happy that you're here son?
I am.
But sir.
Speak freely.
You should get out of this mess.
Why not blame ailing
health and just return home?
We haven't even held a proper
funeral for grandmother.
We only have a temporary shrine.
Our men should join with the army.
You should go home
to be able to heal.
I can fell the resentment you harbor
towards our king.
The men tried to take your life from you.
How come you don't feel resentment?
We only have 12 ships to bring to battle!
We can hardly call ourselves a navy.
It's shameful.
you somehow you do lead
these men to victory,
the king will surely abandon you again.
Why do you even consider fighting?
But sir..
He doesn't even reciprocate it.
My boy..
a commander's loyalty
is forever with his king.
and His loyalty,
belongs to His entire nation.
but, what if he abuses it?
People create a nation, son..
A King has nothing without his people.
That's a problem.
They have no concern about any other people.
Please finish your dinner
before this precious.
Stay away to avoid beheading
Look at this...
Did you all see this?
That's Captain Bae..
Captain Bae Hong-suk!
Do not enter
Get them out of here!
Get them out!
Get out from there!
June 7th Kurushima
Michifusa 25 years
Tell me Kurushima! Did you really behead the prisoners
and send them back?
Only after I cut off their noses and remove their ears.
Well great! I see we're going to have to deal
with your foolishness.
What's the use of this senseless
provocation of the enemy?
Why not?
It'll at least be for an interesting fight.
Of course..
That assumes that they'll actually fight.
You learn the hard way.
Our enemy is strong and formidable!
You know. I hear your men talk of
Yi Sun-shin's prowess with good reverence.
Perhaps the fact that you are so
severely defeated in Hansan.
has shrunk your testicles.
That's the last you'll talk like that!
Let make this clear to you!
I'm here to Chancellor's direct request.
He knows what your doing to take
on the likes of Yi Sun-shin in the battle.
Don't be so reckless towards me..
Or your head might..
be the first one to fall.
My brother Michiyuki became a minion
and service to the chancellor,
He perished on his quest to conquer the capital city of Joseon.
I was facing the chancellor's wrath,
so he joined this war to save me,
His life was taken by Yi Sun-shin's own hand.
It happens now that the chancellor has fallen
ill and probably has a year left to the most.
That's why he's rushing to campaign along.
and in such a quick pace.
He's bound and determined to take on
Joseon once and for all.
I will make that city fall!
So you see.
Yi Sun-shi has to be made to suffer and perish.
Is that clear, Haru?
I hope that this will serve some sort of revenge.
My brother's deserving of his match.
Why did he do it?
Isn't that Oh Sang-go?
It is.
Oh Sang-go caught.
He got caught trying to flee.
We caught him trying to runaway near blood island Admiral.
Sir you have to understand that I lost all
of my comrades of six years in Chilcheollyang.
I'm here today to bury them with my own hands.
I just can't take this anymore.
I felt I had no other choice but to run.
I know that my death is unavoidable now.
Why must everyone of us
have to die for losing battle?
Are you about done Sang-go?
Understand this!
Discipline is crucial.
For everyone!
There's no backing out of this now I'm afraid.
He's willing to murder his own people.
Maybe so.. But...
We might have a way.
The strait creates a bottleneck here
which makes the
the current strong and unwieldy.
They say it can become so treacherous,
that no ship has a chance for escape.
I don't know about this.
They'll come this way if they'll
see it as an advantage. And probably
their thinking that it just
might be an advantage for them.
Look at those waves Admiral.
Theyll be able to ride those waves
and ram into our ships, tearing them apart.
We won't survive this.
That's why a working turtle ship is imperative!
You'll use it to break their front line.
Using our warships,
we'll fire our cannons from a distance.
It takes half a day
for the tide to change,
Can a turtle ship hold out that long?
When the tide changes,
the sea calms down considerably.
But that listen...
Can you hear that sound?
It's a different than it was before..
It's changed..
It's ominous..
Sort of like a man that's howling..
The real problem is the whirlpool.
You rarely hear that during the semi- diurnal.
But if you do you can be certain.
You're in for a lot of trouble..
Because that's when the whirlpool appears..
The semi-diurnal is in 2 days..
and so then...
Do you hear that sound?
I can certainly hear it.
It sounds like the howling of men
lost in Chilcheollyang.
I've been wondering..
Is the turtle ship your only tactic?
The problem is not my tactics.
It's the fear. It's quickly spreading
among my men. It is like a virus.
Can the men overcome this fear?
And what becomes of our force if they can't?
What about what you did today?
You beheaded one of your own man.
That's how you created discipline
How does that lead to victory?
Tell me...
How does that possible?
We can use it.
You men the fear?
It is unjust...
Avenge us...
Avenge us...
Good to see you.
Welcome back, Hong-suk.
Captain Choi, Captain Lee...
Avenge us...
Come on in...
Please join me for a drink...
Please just stay for a drink..
Where are you all going?
Captain Lee...
Why must you rush off?
Watch out...
The turtle ship's on fire!
It's General Bae Seol's first mate.
Put out the fire!
Put it out!
Bring water!
Over there!
Ask yourselves!.....
Do you want to live?!
A dying man is
is leading us to the gates of Hell!
Listen now!,..
I'm making it so that we have a way out..
Do not let your life be taken away so senselessly!
Make a stand and join me!
This can't be..
It just can't be.
Admiral, it's too dangerous!
No... No,,,,...
It can't be!
- Admiral!
- Let me go!
Our turtle ship!
Father, it's all over!
There's nothing any of us can do now!
It is supposedly completed!
I will make this turtle ship into battle,
they will all die!
Commander Todo! Commander Todo!
Yi Sun-shin's turtle ship has been completely
destroyed by fire.
Are you sure?
A scout was sent when we notice a fire.
He returned with his report..
he confirmed that the ship was engulf to flame
and was quickly reduced to ashes.
That was Yi's Last one.
Isn't it right general?
Yes it was commander.
Yi shun-shin, won't be using any turtle ships
Taito mumun...
"Do not look back when
the only course is in front of you."
Very nice sir. Your calligraphy. It is Inspirational.
Your words are masterful.
My words are chosen
for what's needed in this juncture.
Prepare for battle!
Prepare for battle!
Junsa... where are you?..
What happened here?
Help me!
Grab him!
Get him!
Help me! Help Me!
Help me!
Hurry up!
Find the other one!
Find him!
Keep moving!
from a fishing village, you see.
I can row.. I'm strong and can row very well!
Really good rower! One of the best!
What's he jabbering about?
What the hell?
You little rat!
Wait! I'm sorry!
Please don't kill me!
Quiet down...
Turtle ship...
It's a message from Junsa!
We'll reach Myeongnyang
tomorrow morning.
We deploy with the tide,
and the fleet is over 330 ships.
Unfortunately, they brought in somebody new
as the captain of their Vanguard ships.
His name is Kurushima,
known as the Pirate King.
and versed in similar conditions.
Fortunately, backing him up
is General Wakizaka,
whom you defeated before in Hansan.
I hope you find some comfort in this.
I will join you soon,
once I fulfill my duty.
Let's go to Usuyeong.
- Sir?
- We cannot fight with the strait behind us.
We have to move all of our men
as soon as we can.
To war!
Run as fast as the wind,
stand still as the trees
A message from General Konishi.
The general is pressing me
about the invasion.
Don't worry. We'll reach the King
before he's able to get to him.
It's time now, for deployment.
I must say, Joseon looks particularly savory to me.
I think I do like this land.
quiet a lot.
All prepared, sir.
There are only POWs below deck,
and we've stockpiled all the gunpowder.
He's a deadman!
I promise.
He won't survive this.
To war!
We don't have one turtle ship!
How does the formation of a single line
qualify as a tactic?!
Has the Admiral has lost his senses!
The captain's right!.
Just listen to that out there!
I refuse for us to die in vain!
We can't let him go forward with this!.
We must take some action..
What are you implying
with that kind of thought?
Are you suggesting we'll make a plan
to assassinate the Admiral?
How dare you!!!?
It's not what I'm saying at all!
Okay then. We're running out of time
to do something
and we can't even send a message
successfully up the ranks now.
Let's go to him.
Why do that?
I'll convince the Admiral.
And if I'll fail....
I'll tell him to take my life
right there.
Your Majesty,
if you disband the navy now,
They'll be able to get to you. And they'll
do so basically free, of any resistance.
I still have 12 ships at my command.
If we fight to our last breath,
it is not impossible.
As long as I still have life within me.
the enemy shall never
feel safe on our soil.
At the risk of my own life,
I'd like a chance to speak my mind.
This is futile!.
You'll kill our men!.
Please hear us!..
If by some miracle you're able to
lure them into the strait.
We'll be defeated easily,
without a turtle ship at our disposal.
Please reconsider it Admiral.
I beg you.
We beg you!!...
Is that how you see the situation?
If you think otherwise sir.
then take my life as I kneel before you.
I would rather die by your sword Admiral!!
And if that is how you really feel captain,
very well.
Go and get your men,
have them group up in front of the camp.
Yes, sir!
Yes, sir!
Captains Kim and Hwang,
have you brought what I ask?
Yes, Admiral!
Pour it!
What are you aren't pouring it?
- Pour it!
- Yes, sir!
And now light it!!
What are you doing?
Stand back!
It's truly shameful how you carry yourselves.
You should have considered for more than your own lives.
is unavoidable faith.....
You think avoiding combat will guarantee
your survival through this?
Is the land a safer place?
Follow your Admiral!!!!
I am burning our land now,
so I may die at sea.
We must make a stand together.
And take out our enemy.
You have to make a sacrifice!
If survival is your goal,
then you'll surely lose.
You'll only survive if you're willing to die.
A proper strategy, allows for a man
by himself to fend off a thousand men.
We are him. We will take on our enemy
no matter what their size.
You've created the fear.
How will you utilize it for our victory?
Is this Captain Bae Hong-suk's son?
Yes, sir.
This is him. He's the one
who brought Junsa's message.
Junsa ran into him
by chance and helped him escape.
This was your father's.
Please take it.
So tell me your name.
Bae Su-bong, sir.
With your father at my side,
we fought for 6 years.
I'll remember his name
and your name too.
I have a request..
Make it then.
I would like to come aboard your ship.
And help in the battle.
Only if you'll accept an oar
rather than a sword.
Thank you sir!
I must be off now.
My only hope is that
our deaths will not be in vain.
Good work.
We are with you, Admiral.
You're very noble.
I appreciate that.
Thank you Junsa.
Full deployment.
Listen up.
We're moving out..
This war is your destiny!
Get into Battle formation.
The current's pushing us back!
We have to row harder!
Drum louder!
Load the cannons!
We must hold our position!
Row harder all of you!
Go get it.
- Look!
- What is that?
Look in...
Look in all the ships over there.
Our fleet's retreating!
Close the port hole.
Su-bong, I think
we got into the wrong ship.
Didn't know it was the flagship?
But why is it have to be
at the front though?
I will order our fleet to get
into formation.
Let them go.
Sir? Then what'll we do?
Lower the anchor
and get ready to fight.
Lower the anchor!
That's strange. Yi Sun-shin
isn't raising his command flag.
Well look at what his fleets do.
If he did signal a command
would they even obey it?
Advance the First Vanguard.
Vanguard 1!
Rotate starboard
and prepare the cannons.
Prepare the cannons!
Stop the starboard oars.
Port oars, row faster!
Lieutenant Nah!
Aim all cannons and explosive
arrows directly at their vanguard ships!
Yes, sir!
Move all the cannons into attack position.
Aim at the Vanguard.
Archers, battle stations!
Prepare to fire!
Set your aim.
Colonel watch out.
Current is picking up.
Get ready to fire!
- Fire at them!
- Fire away!
Increase speed now,
rotate to port!
Fire now!
Watch out!
So far. Yi Sun-shin is concentrating
his attack on our front line.
Vanguard ships are
colliding into one another.
Yi's holding his position. His either
courageous or a complete mad man.
I wish I knew what was inside his head.
Don't you think we need to join
in the next wave and reinforce the front?
We need patience when dealing with him.
Fear does not discriminate, it can distress
our enemy as effectively as it does us.
You can rest assure that 6 years of defeat has
planted fear in many of their minds as well.
He spoke the truth..
Fear does not discriminate...
So tell me.
How do we make fear our advantage?
Mold it into courage.
Then it can become our greatest weapon.
Send in vanguard 2, and press them harder.
Vanguard 2!
Look at that.
Kurushima keeps sending in ships.
He's very skilled
in handling the roughest of tides.
Let's see what choices he makes
from here now.
Just watch.
The currents gives us the greatest
advantage for the time being.
We will be able to overrun
and demolish them completely.
Admiral! The current have gone too strong.
Our accuracy is down.
Cut the anchor.
We will ride the currents in the direction
of blood isle.
Yes admiral.
They're done.
Get the poles! Right now.
The port oars need to row harder!
We can't run into the rocks.
Admiral. We have to warn the fleet.
There's no way we can last
in our current position.
We'll change up.
Load the cannons with shrapnel shells.
And prepare for close combat.
Prepare for close combat!
Fire them now!
Board the ship!
It looks like Kurushima is
about to win the battle!
Admiral Yi, held on as long as he could.
We're all going to die!
Gather up all of cannons on board. And
then put them in the port oar of the ship.
Can you do that?
I don't think that's a good idea.
Just get it done!
Okay. I'll do it admiral.
Hold your ground!
Put all the canons in the port oar opening!
What are you doing?
Don't just stand there get the shells.
- It's too dangerous, don't do it!
- Hurry up!
Gather up all the shells.
And get the gunpowder too!
On the double!
One swing of this sword,
blood will spread
We've put them in place!
Hold on.. Brace yourselves!
Brace yourselves!
Hit the deck!
How do we make fear an advantage?
Mold it into courage.
Then it can become our greatest weapon.
Once fear manifests courage.
It will inspire more courage.
But father...
How do we begin the process?
What can we done to inspire the men?
My own sacrifice.
Could this be...
This is the end of the battle?
The flagship survived!
It's still standing!
The flagship survived!
Destroy the enemy once and for all.
I'm going to fight those sons of bitches!
I'll kill them all!
I want to kill, too!
Go full speed ahead!
Go full speed ahead!
The whirlpool...
It is....
Yi Sun-shin...
So.. That's the reason you decided
to hold up there.
The current has changed, and now
a large whirlpool is forming!
Thanks to that, the water is calm
near the island.
which greatly increases their accuracy.
If he holes up there
now, That'll make it
impossible for anyone to
pass through the strait.
Then the battle is done.
Take us out in maximum speed
and head for Yi's flagship
before he gets in formation.
He is not going to win this.
Sir, that's their main fleet.
Go raise the flag up.
Yes Admiral.
You're mine.
Captain Ahn!
You should be punished as
mandated by martial law.
But since we are engaged in battle.
You're sentenced to fight to the death.
You must defend Blood isle
with everything you have.
Do you understand?
Yes, Admiral!
Captain. As quickly as possible get us to
the center of the strait.
Yes, Admiral!
To the center of the strait!
Impeccable timing, sir.
The explosion it will create is going to
be rather massive.
We won't fall for Yi Sun-shin's trap
Our main fleet will
continue towards the isle.
A straw-covered ship is approaching!
Archers in formation!
Yes, sir!
Haul up the water faster.
We're sitting ducks here.
We're out of shells on the deck!
My chains been severed.
Grab his sword!
Lim Jun-young?
Is that gunpowder?
Admiral, we have to do something
to stop it,
Our scout Lim is on board. We better
come up with something quick.
Any response from Ahn's ship?!
Load the cannons now!
There's no answer!
They don't see the flag.
Wave something, get their attention. Make
them fire at me. Please you've got to be strong.
They've got to know.
can't see the admiral ship.
YOU must!
I'll see you
Let's help her signal.
Come on!
Look at those people!
A straw ship is heading for the flagship!
Carry the cannons get ready to fire!
Yes, sir!
Set your aim.
Now Fire!
Good work.
I'm glad I got to see you
one final time...
Their vanguard flagship
is heading for us!
They're charging us.
Hurry up and grab those oars!
Finish him off!
Prepare to attack!
Board their ship!
They're boarding his ship.
Sir. Do we reinforce?
We're shorthanded!
Help those on deck,
and make yourselves useful.
Your finished!
It's my victory!
Admiral! Our ships have
come to our aid!
Catch up to them and watch!
We can't sir.
We lost control of the ship.
Take aim!
And Fire!
We need support.
We should request reinforcements!
Stuck out here on our own.
There's no support coming now.
They are not sending reinforcements.
What do you think?
Should we help him?
Yi Sun-shin.
Are you...
a SPY or a traitor?!
Yi Sun-shin!
I'm afraid our ship is failing...
We'll get you out of there.
Our fleet is coming to join us.
We must destroy them
before they get into formation!
Why aren't we going faster?!
The tide has turned sir,
it's slowing us down.
I know that!
Whip the rowers.
Make them row faster!
Just take a look out there.
We need increase speed
and we need it now.,
Full speed!
Don't let go of the oars!
Hang in there!
When is this going to end, damn it?!
We got out!
This is your order!
It can't be...
There's no way!
Get ready for impact coz they're
gonna hit us hard!
Here it comes!
Just gotta push it longer..
They broke through.
It rose from the dead.
The turtle ships returned!!
The turtle ships returned!!
So that must have been it.
He was counting on that all along.
Look at that!
They're fleeing!
Fire now!
Do not look back when
the only course is forward.
Yi Sun-shin...
We'll retreat!
Turn us around.
The tides are favorable for us once again.
Battle report!
133 enemy ships destroyed!
No ally ships lost!
They can try to invade us all they want.
- Have some.
- I'm already eating one!
I looked one of those bastards in the eye
and he pissed his pants right there.
I'm the bad man.
I wonder if history is gonna remember
how hard we fought.
Yeah well.
Every damn minute.
You speak the truth!
We're all still breathing,
I guess it's time to go back home.
You said it!
Here, have a drink!
This is taro isn't it?
It feels good to eat again.
What can we done to ease
their suffering...
How did you come up with that idea
to use the whirlpool?
What were you asking?
Right when we needed it,
that whirlpool appeared.
If that happen have happened then.
It's the Grace of God.
Grace of God?
You mean we could've
been defeated?
Yes indeed.
Thank God for the peasants.
If they weren't there to save me then
Peasants were the grace of God?
Not the whirlpool?
Well what do you think?
What's more likely to be the grace of God?
Over there..
What is that?