The Adventure Club (2017)

I believe you have something
of mine, Robert.
It belongs to neither
of us, Bruno.
Humans shouldn't
possess this kind of power.
With that, I could have everything
I've ever wanted for eternity.
I don't want to live in a world where
you can get everything you want.
Give me what's mine.
Sorry, old friend.
This is for your own good.
- Did you get the batteries?
- Sure did.
Are you sure this is gonna work?
Absolutely. Sandy got all the
instructions off the Internet. Right?
I kinda got all of them off the Internet.
I improvised a little.
A homemade time machine
that we found on the Internet.
What could possibly go wrong?
In the miraculous off chance that this
actually works, where should we send him?
What about back
to prehistoric times?
You like dinosaurs, right?
Sure, I like dinosaurs. It doesn't mean I
want to be walking around amongst them.
Come to think of it, I'd like to
be transported back to last week
when I agreed to take part
in this stupid experiment.
Come on, you guys.
We're the adventure club.
This could be
the ultimate adventure.
Okay, here goes.
Wait! Did you change the date?
Oh, no!
If I get eaten by a t-Rex, I'm gonna
be really, really mad at you guys!
Did it work?
I guess we can chalk up another
bust for the adventure club.
What a surprise.
I really had high hopes
for this one, guys.
Maybe we should give up on this
whole adventure club thing.
Yeah, maybe we should
try something else.
Come on, you guys.
We can't give up.
There's got to be adventures
out there for us to have.
Really? Like the time you tried
to convince us that there's
a loch ness monster
living in the lake?
Or that there was pirate treasure
buried under the school playground?
I think it's time
to give up the dream.
Plus I'm out of pez,
my favorite.
Worst day ever.
At least I have Penelope.
It's really disturbing that you
call your jalopy Penelope.
She's not a jalopy.
She's a go-kart.
And once I'm finished working
on her, she'll be beautiful.
Hey, you okay?
It's getting late.
I better go home.
I do understand your position, but I
don't know if you understand mine.
Look, if our funding
continues to be cut,
we won't have any money
to bring any new exhibits in,
and it will be impossible for the
science museum to turn a profit.
It's a vicious cycle.
Yes, I understand.
Okay. Thank you. Bye-bye.
- Well, that didn't sound good.
- No.
Hey, sweetheart.
Where have you been?
Just hanging out.
Hey, Martin.
Hey, buddy.
Everything okay, mom?
Oh, yeah, just some
science museum stuff.
You ready for some dinner?
Martin made lasagna.
Yeah, and I made it,
not your mom.
What is that supposed to mean?
Nothing, dear.
No, thanks.
Are you sure?
It's not just any lasagna.
It's Mac-and-cheese lasagna.
I'm not hungry.
I'll be right back.
Hey, sweetie.
Are you okay?
Can I see?
Aw. I haven't seen
that in a long time.
Do you think grandpa really
went on all those adventures?
Oh, yeah.
He was an archaeologist, sweetheart.
He traveled all over the world.
I miss how he'd give me a wet
Willy every time I'd see him.
You used to hate
those wet willies.
I miss them now.
I know.
You were his favorite.
He used to always say that one of
his most favorite days, ever...
Was the day that you were born.
Do you think I could
ever be like him?
Oh, Ricky,
you already are like him.
I mean, like, going on
adventures and stuff.
Do you remember what granddad
used to always say...
That the key to adventure
is always right in front of you.
Is the science museum
going to close down?
I don't know...
But it doesn't look good.
We need to come up with a lot of
money before the end of the month.
Grandpa would be sad to hear that.
He was the founder of that place.
Yes, he was.
But you know what?
I don't want you to worry...
Because I have a town hall
meeting this week,
and I'm gonna do my very best to convince
the municipality to do what's right.
So, I need to you to say a wish
for your dear old mama, okay?
'Cause I'm gonna need it.
It's time for you
to go to bed now.
I want you to come
brush your teeth, okay?
I'm proud of you.
The key...
The key to adventure
is right in front of me.
Who's there?
Ricky, you scared me.
I thought you were a burglar.
What are you doing up here?
Uh, nothing.
Just couldn't sleep.
Well... good night.
Clubhouse meeting,
first thing tomorrow.
Copy that.
I'm telling you, guys,
this is it.
This is the one we've
been waiting for.
Like we haven't
heard that before.
- No, this time it's different.
- Every time you say it's different.
But this time it really is.
You say that every time, too.
I'm sorry, Ricky, but...
I'm gonna have to take bill's side
on this one. Adventure club rules.
You have to have a majority.
Just hear me out.
I found this hidden
in my grandpa's old desk.
Why would he go through the trouble of hiding
this if it wasn't something really special?
And I'm the one who found it.
Don't you see?
It's like he left it for me.
I've got a good feeling
about this one, guys.
It's not that we don't
want to believe you, but...
We don't believe you.
Please, guys...
Just give me this one,
at least for this one last time.
And if this turns
out to be a bust...
I promise...
I'll let it go...
I wanna see the map.
You guys are the best.
Well, this is a map, all right.
But it's not of streets.
It looks like some kind of old-fashioned
blueprints for a building.
How do we find out
what building this is from?
Hey, look. The architect's
name is written here.
Shayne Putzlocher?
That's a mouthful.
I've got an idea.
This is way
too much like school.
Take a seat.
I'll be right back.
Putzlocher... Putzlocher...
Putzlocher... ah, Putzlocher.
Shayne Putzlocher, architect.
Uh, "by 1964, the power corporation
purchased the powerhouse..."
uh... la, la, la...
Ah. "The legacy of the powerhouse
building was preserved as..."
"the science museum!"
Our science museum,
right here in town.
Of course. My grandpa was the key
founder of the science museum.
That probably means whatever this
key unlocks is in that building.
And these blueprints
are for the science museum.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa,
whoa, whoa! Whoa, easy there, kids.
Did you not see the sign
that says, "no run-ning".
Where do you think you are,
an amusement park?
Don't answer that, son.
That's a rhetorical question.
You are in a museum of science,
a hallowed institution
for learned people.
You have to respect
this establishment.
Wow. That's a lot of
equipment you got there.
I'm in security, son.
You always gotta be prepared.
- You're insecure?
- What?
- No.
- Curtis...
It's me, Ricky.
You remember?
My mom works here.
Oh, I see.
You're one of those.
One of...
One of those kids who thinks
they get a free pass in life.
That's your generation.
My generation had to grow up
way faster than yours.
You don't know what it's like
to have to pay your dues.
Speaking of, you gotta pay
the $7.50 admission charge.
Ricky! Hey, kids,
what a nice surprise.
Yeah, we thought we'd come by and
check out some of the new exhibits.
Well, I'm very happy
to hear that.
Curtis, you can
let them through.
- Certainly, ma'am.
- Come on.
The youth of today.
What's that?
That is a gyrosphere.
It's a tool that astronauts use
to prepare for space flight.
Yeah, you may think so, but you will
not catch me anywhere near that thing.
Just looking at it throws me
off my equilibrium.
My mom hates any kind
of amusement park ride.
Remember what happened when
we were at wonderland,
and I convinced you to go
on the space coaster with me?
Sweetheart, we don't
talk about that.
- I heard that.
- Ew.
All right, listen, I've got to get
back to work. You guys have fun, okay?
- Okay.
- I'm so glad you're here.
- Bye, mom.
- Bye, sweetie, enjoy.
Okay, let's put these blueprints
to use and see what we can find.
Um, so what are we looking for?
There has to be something.
Come on, grandpa. What is it?
What's this over here?
A room. Uh,
according to this, it's...
Below us on the main level.
I've been here
a thousand times...
And there's no room there.
You're right.
There's no room here.
These blueprints show the exact
layout of this entire building,
and according to this, there
should be a room right here.
Why would a room be walled off?
Because it's a secret room.
It all makes sense.
Where else would you keep a hidden
treasure but in a secret room?
How do we get in there?
I don't know.
We can't just do it
in the middle of the day.
What are you saying?
We break in?
Because that's illegal, and I don't know
about you guys, but I can't go to jail.
For starters,
I'm claustrophobic,
and I look terrible in orange.
We don't need to break in.
Ricky's mom works here.
He can just borrow
the security key.
I'm not a lawyer, but this
distinctly sounds like something
that would land us in deep
trouble if we get caught.
Then we don't get caught.
The museum closes at 7:00.
Let's meet here
just before 8:00 P.M.
All right, boys. I did the cooking
tonight, so get ready to enjoy.
What'd you make, mom?
I think.
You know, sweetie, it was really
nice to see you guys today.
You haven't been
coming down lately.
We thought we'd just
pass by for a visit.
I was surprised
you had the energy.
No reason.
Okay, you know what?
Don't gang up on me.
It's okay. You can tell her.
Tell me what?
I woke up in the middle of the night, and I
found this guy rummaging around the den.
- Really?
- Yeah.
And what were you
doing up there?
I was just looking through
some of grandpa's old things.
- Did you find anything cool?
- Yeah, I did.
He's convinced that his granddad
wasn't just an archaeologist,
but an incredible explorer
that found magical artifacts.
- Like Dr. Jones.
- Exactly like Dr. Jones.
Grandpa is not Dr. Jones.
He was too.
I found something last night of his
that will prove everyone wrong.
Well, you are definitely your
granddad's grandson, that's for sure.
So what'd you find?
I don't know yet,
but something big.
I can feel it.
All right, Mr. tall teller
of tales, that's enough.
I want to enjoy
this delicious dinner.
Dig in.
- I'll order pizza.
- Yeah.
I guess you should stick
to the cooking from now on.
Don't beat yourself up.
Paella is a tough one.
- It is.
- Start with something simpler.
Like toast?
Your toast usually involves the fire
alarm, so yeah, maybe you were right.
Maybe I should stick
to the cooking from now on.
You're terrible.
No, I'm serious. I'm happy to be the
domestic one. You're the business woman.
For the moment.
I have no doubt that
you are going to be the hottest
real estate agent
around in no time at all.
Well, let's hope so.
It's hard to adjust
to a new town.
Well, you're not on the mean
streets of Cleveland anymore.
And we prairie folk, we take
a while to warm up to people.
'Cause I seem to recall
winning you over pretty quickly.
Well, there's always
an exception to the rule.
Lucky for me.
He really likes you.
Who, Ricky?
He's a great kid.
He is.
And you're a great guy.
And this feels really nice.
Like we're a family.
I feel like some ice cream.
Do you want some ice cream?
Let's have some ice cream.
- Hey.
- Hey.
- I'm gonna get some ice cream.
- Cool.
You know, it looks like we're out
of ice cream. I'll pick some up!
Really? I could
have sworn there was...
All the world's a stage...
And all the men and women
play their parts.
There are exits.
There are entrances...
And one man in his
time plays many parts.
You know, when I ran
the drama club at the state pen,
I fell in love with
the craft of acting.
I did. I just...
I went nuts for it.
When an actor really gets into his part,
it is... it just, it gave me goosebumps.
Kinda like what I'm getting from
you, right now, watching you.
But you went to like
a whole other level.
You... you've gone
method, my friend.
What are you
talking about, Langley?
You're really falling
for her, aren't you?
What's her name?
That... Jane.
I have not fallen for her.
I hope not 'cause that would really
endanger our mission, wouldn't it?
What are you doing here?
I didn't even know
you were out of prison yet.
Yeah, I know. I'm not supposed to
be, but somehow I found a way.
I had to check up on you.
I had to make sure that you were still
following through with our deal.
Of course I'm following
through with our deal!
You do not get snippy with me!
Remember, I took the fall.
- I went to prison.
You got to go free.
Please. You owe me.
- I did...
- You owe me. You owe me.
And I will rat on you.
You're right. I'm sorry.
So... what news?
The kid found something,
said it belonged
to his grandfather.
His grandfather?
I'll find out more information.
Well, good. You better, because
that thing is priceless. Remember?
My father spent his whole life trying
to get it back, and he died in squalor,
begging for assistance from anyone.
I'm not goin' like that.
I'm on it.
I hope so,
'cause I'd hate to recast you.
So, um, I wanna
take it back again.
Not from the top, though, from that
last line, your last line. "I'm on it."
'Cause I didn't really
believe it, and I wanna feel it.
Will you try it again for me?
I'm on it.
Okay, I like underplay too, but that
was like really throwin' it away.
How about just like something with a
little more feeling, a little more bang.
I'm on it!
We're gonna have old ladies
with hearing aids.
They're not gonna be able to hear you as they
come in. They'll say, "what's he saying?
- I don't know."
- I'm on it!
Guess what, we got a back row.
They're not gonna hear a thing.
I'm on it!
Don't you feel that?
That is crazy.
And scene.
You got the key, right?
Let's do this.
It's not working.
Maybe it's the other way around.
Let me see it.
This is a yoga membership card.
It is?
Dude, you've gotta
be kidding me!
They both look very similar.
I was in a rush.
You had one job!
Well, I guess we have
to go home now.
- Not yet.
- What?
What's that?
It's a key code descrambler
I've been working on.
Found the instructions online.
Thought it might come in handy when we're
late for school, and they lock us out.
- Does it work?
- I don't know.
Right this way, gentlemen.
Nice save, Sandy.
Curtis goes on his rounds
at the top of every hour.
Which is right...
We have to be in
and out in 30 minutes.
So, how do we open it?
I've got an idea.
Open sesame!
What? Sometimes it's the most
obvious thing that works.
Well, there's got to be a lever,
or a switch, or something.
Well, at least we tried, right?
Let's go home.
There's definitely
something behind here.
Huh. That's pretty cool.
You're like royalty around here.
"The key to adventure
is right in front of you."
We're not going in there...
Are we?
This is the point of no return.
Well, then I guess
we'd better get going.
And how is this a good idea?
What is this thing?
I don't know.
I think it's an elevator.
Where are we going?
I don't know.
This must be my
grandpa's clubhouse.
Just like the one we have.
Do you know the combination?
It's gotta be a significant
number for your grandfather.
Do you know his birthday?
It's may 21st...
But I don't know the year.
What was it?
09, 29, 05...
My birthday.
It's just a wooden box.
That's it? A wooden box?
That's why we broke
the law this evening?
"True wishes are granted
from within."
What do you think it is?
I don't know.
We better get going.
We're stealing now?
Oh, great, another crime.
We're clear.
That was close.
There's got to be more to this.
Well, it has to be
something important.
Otherwise it wouldn't have
been hidden away like that.
And this note.
What does it mean?
I don't know...
But I know who might.
Do you think he's even here?
Of course he's here.
He's always here.
Where else would he be?
Ozzie, you in here?
Well. Well, well, well, well,
well, well. Well. Well. Well.
It's the adventure club
in the flesh.
Adventure club!
So, good to see you guys.
To what do I owe the honor of
this little visit? Can I guess?
You want to get a gift.
You need the perfect present
for the perfect person
who has perfectly everything
from this perfect store.
It is the perfect store.
This is our favorite shop.
I know.
You're my favorites.
My best customers. I mean,
people today, kids... kids!
They're so invested
in those video games.
They don't appreciate old-fashioned
knickknacks like I got here.
And smart phones,
don't get me started.
Don't. Please don't. My heart, I can't.
Dumb phones.
Dumb phones. They should
be called dummy phonies.
- Ozzie...
- Yeah.
- We need your help.
- Of course you do.
I'm all ear. Fire away.
What do you know about boxes?
What do I know about boxes?
Like what, like a toy
box, like a shoe box,
like a tack box, like a toolbox,
like a Jack-in-the-box,
like I-could-go-on-forever-box box?
I need more specifics.
What about an ancient box that
was locked away in a safe...
With this note?
That looks really old, Ricky.
Where did you get
that parchment?
Huh! You know what?
This could be
pertaining to a wish box.
- A wish box?
- Oh, yeah.
Bill, they are extremely,
extremely rare.
What is it?
Follow me, kids.
Wish boxes,
wish boxes, wish boxes.
I mean, kids, you know what?
I recall that they were magical devices
first used by Sumerian fortune tellers
in ancient Mesopotamia.
And I know you kids know that's where the
cradle of civilization started, right?
That's where the term "genie
in the bottle" originated.
Found it.
Come on, Ozzie, over here.
Okay, table of contents.
Oh, my gosh, 143, 143, 143, 143.
Hang on a minute.
Okay, hang on.
Ready? Here it is.
"In ancient times, magic wish boxes were
believed to Grant wishes to whomever
"was fortunate enough to find
it and lay hands upon it.
"Once you had touched the wish
box, you were given three wishes.
"These wishes were allowed by simply
writing it onto a piece of paper
"and dropping it into the box. Any
wish, no matter how outlandish.
The only catch is wishes will only
be granted to the pure of heart."
That's a bummer. I can't imagine too many
wishes being granted if that's true.
"During the time in which a person
or persons are owed their wishes,
"another party cannot use the
wish box unless the possessor
wishes the box
to be transferred."
Oh, wow. Even in ancient
times, they had legalese.
Isn't history just
so amazing, you guys?
Okay, why? What? Why? What is the
meaning of the interest in this matter?
No reason, really.
Just idle curiosity.
You know what?
If I ever found something
that possessed the power
of being able to Grant
three wishes,
I'm pretty certain I'd put that
box back to where I found it,
and I would turn around and run
or bike away as fast as I could.
But, why?
Because, Billy...
They're so powerful.
Wish boxes... are so powerful.
I've read about it.
I know about this.
They possess... they've turned
people's minds into crazy,
crazy, crazy greed,
and greed, and want, and want.
Oh, and there are people out there that will
stop at nothing to get their hands on one.
Thanks, Ozzie.
Peace, kids.
A magical wish box?
A magical what?
It's none of your business.
Well, I'm gonna
make it my business.
Seth, scram.
Hey, chill out, Ozzie. I was just
coming by to pick up some old comics.
Well, not until you pay for the
ones you "picked up" before.
We'll continue
this another time.
Hey, my three adventure clubbers,
remember everything I said.
Ride safe.
- Thanks, Ozzie.
- Okay.
Well, I guess we should meet up
tomorrow night to get the wish box
back into the science museum.
Sounds good.
Wait, you guys.
We can't just give up now.
What? What about
what Ozzie said?
Ozzie is a grownup. He's being overly
cautious. You know how adults can get.
I don't know, dude.
I don't want to get in trouble.
Me neither.
But, that's the risk that every great
adventurer takes, and that's who we are.
We're not great adventurers.
We're just kids.
Do you know what happens
if we give up now?
We become just like everybody else out
there, living boring, normal lives.
One day we'll probably
end up like that.
But let's not give in just yet.
Right now, this is our one
chance to be different.
We could do
something great with it.
Like save the science museum.
We grew up going to that
place our whole lives.
It's gave us so much.
This is an opportunity
to give something back.
Besides, aren't you curious?
So, three wishes are granted
to whoever discovers the box.
But we all found it.
And touched it at the same time.
That means we only have three
wishes between us, one each.
So, we shouldn't waste one.
I agree. But we need to know if
this thing actually works, right?
I don't mind using up mine.
You know me, always willing
to take one for the team.
Okay. What are you
gonna wish for?
Something realistic, not too crazy.
You know, a starter wish.
I've got it!
A lifetime supply of pez.
You know, for a guy who can come up
with some pretty terrible ideas...
Every now and then, you come
up with a brilliant one.
Okay, here it goes.
It didn't work.
Give it a moment.
Maybe it takes some time.
Nothing yet.
Anything yet?
How about now?
Still nothing. What a rip-off.
Doesn't make sense.
Why would my grandpa hide
something away that doesn't work?
Maybe there's an expiry
date or something.
I gotta get home.
I'm late for dinner.
Um, Ricky.
Yeah, go for Ricky.
Uh, I think it worked!
Ha! Oh, pez, pez for life! Pez!
Pez! Oh, I love it!
I love it! I love it!
- Hey, don't you want breakfast?
- No, thanks. Gotta go.
Oh, Ricky. Ricky!
Ricky. Ricky. Ricky, wait!
Listen, sweetheart, I am giving my speech to the
municipality tonight for the science museum,
and it would really mean so much
to me if you were there, okay?
Slow down!
Can you believe it?
What did you do with all of it?
I ate a lot of it.
It was good. The rest I hid
in my closet and under my bed.
I figured if my parents ask, I'll tell
them that I entered a contest and won.
Do you guys realize
what this means?
Yeah, pez for life!
It means the wish box works.
We meet again, Dorkuses.
That's not the plural
of Dorkus. It's Dorki.
Shut up, brainy. I guess your pal Ozzie
isn't here to save you this time. It's on.
Sorry, I don't fight girls.
How unfortunate.
Why are you doing this, Seth?
Because I'm sick of you science
geeks and your dumb adventure club.
- We never invited you to
be a part of it. -Exactly.
I've got a bad
feeling about this.
- Martin.
- Oh.
Hi. You startled me.
What are you doing in here?
I was just looking
for my laptop.
Yeah, I lent it to Ricky, and I thought
he might have left it in here.
Oh, he probably left it
in his room. I can check.
No, no! No.
That's fine. I can do that.
Thanks, sweetie.
No problem.
- See ya.
- Yeah.
I think this has just been one
big, unfortunate misunderstanding.
Why don't we take this
opportunity to start fresh?
Can I offer you a
complimentary package of pez?
As a peace offering.
Never mind.
If you have a plan to get out of this, now
would be an excellent time to execute.
Nothing really coming to mind.
Enough of this dancing, loser.
Let me down!
Let me down!
Are you doing that?
No, I thought you were.
What are you doing?
Let me down!
It's real.
Ah! Let me down! Ah!
I hope you guys didn't mind
me using another wish.
Mind? That was awesome!
Wait, that was your
wish you used up...
For me?
That's what friends do.
We can't keep carrying this thing
around with us. It's too dangerous.
We should leave it in a place
where it's gonna be safe.
The clubhouse!
Hey, kid.
You know, I think we can
help each other out.
Who are you?
Let's just say I'm the guy
who understands your situation.
You don't have many friends 'cause
you got a bad rap for being a bully
when really you were the one who's
excluded and was misunderstood.
And I know exactly how you feel.
Trust me, I was just like you.
Now, you wanna get back at your
friends for what they did to you?
I can help you do that.
- Hey.
- You okay?
I'm okay. I'm trying
not to be nervous.
You're gonna be fine.
You're gonna be great.
Have you seen Ricky?
No, but he'll be here.
Don't worry.
- Okay.
- Hey. Go get 'em.
Thank you.
I'm gonna get started.
Hello, everyone,
my name is Jane young,
and I'm the director
of the science museum.
First of all, I wanna thank you
all so much for being here.
As many of you know, there has been
major cutbacks to our school systems,
and that is one of the reasons, one of the
reasons, why it is so important to keep
a place like
the science museum open.
It is one of the last places that
our children can come to learn,
and be inspired, and have fun.
- Miss young.
- Yes.
It simply makes no sense to keep
this failed institution open.
An institution, I might add,
that is costing the hardworking
taxpayers of this community
hundreds of thousands of dollars
each and every year.
My development, it's going to bring jobs
and prosperity back to these good people.
All right, everyone,
please, if you could just...
Imagine what we could do
if we had more wishes.
I'd wish to have a roller
coaster in my backyard. No!
I'd wish to have my own drive-in
movie theater in my backyard.
No, wait.
I'd wish to have my own
spaceship in my backyard.
Yep, definitely a spaceship.
I'd wish for straight a pluses.
You already have
straight a pluses.
Right. Then...
I'd wish to be
the president of Mensa.
I'd wish to have one more
day with my grandpa.
Just one more.
That would be awesome.
This wish box is like
having absolute power.
Maybe that's not
such a good thing.
What do you mean?
How does that old saying go?
Absolute power
corrupts absolutely.
Yeah, that one.
I'm thinking my grandpa hid
this thing away for a reason.
I agree.
Maybe Ozzie was right after all.
We should put it back.
Whoa, whoa!
Let's not get crazy here.
We could have done anything
with this wish box,
but instead what
did we use it for?
For candy and to get
revenge on a bully.
Both very valid
and necessary things.
Let's be reasonable. After all, Ricky
hasn't gotten to use his wish yet.
You should use yours before we
give it back. Seems only fair.
Fine. But I wanna
wish for something
that's not selfish, something to help
other people, that's good for society.
- Boring.
- Okay, fine, what should it be?
Like you said before, use it to
help save the science museum.
Oh, no! The science museum.
Well, that guy was quite
the charmer, wasn't he?
Well, the municipality is leaning
his way, that's for sure.
But they haven't made
their decision yet.
I've still got time. You know,
I have the fundraiser coming up.
I know that's a long shot,
but I've got to try.
You're amazing.
You just never give up, do you?
I don't really have a choice.
Jane? Jane.
Michael Langley,
do you remember me?
- Michael?
- No beard, remember me now?
Michael, what a surprise.
It's been years.
- Yeah.
- How are you?
Great, I'm really good. I just
saw you speak. That was amazing.
She was amazing.
Did you see that?
- Yeah.
- You did, right?
Thank you. What are
you doing in town?
I'm just visiting, yeah.
Well, you've been
away for so long.
Yeah, I have. So what? You're the
director of the science museum?
- I am.
- Wow.
- That's just, that's incredible.
That's great. -Thank you.
I should come by for like
a private tour or something.
I love science.
Oh, well, I'm happy to hear that.
Please do.
I'm so sorry. Michael, this is Martin.
Martin, Michael.
- Hey, how are you.
Nice to meet you. -Hi.
Wow, that's a cool jacket.
Look at all those pockets.
A fella could hide
a lot in there, huh?
I'm sorry. Would you mind
excusing me for a moment?
- Sure.
- Okay, nice to see you.
Really good to see you. It's been so long.
It's great to see you.
- Bye.
- Okay, bye-bye, Michael.
- I'll see you.
- See you soon.
- Okay, dear.
- I'll come by for sure.
Okay, bye-bye.
What the heck are you doing?
I'm sorry I wasn't here, mom.
- Are you mad?
- No, sweetheart, I'm not mad.
That's what you get when you
send a boy to do a man's job.
No, no, that is not necessary.
I have this handled.
Have it handled?
Did you find it?
- No.
- Exactly.
It would have been
really nice for you to be here.
Okay, I'll see you at home, okay?
I've got a bit of work to do.
I feel so bad for letting
my mom down like that.
Well, we can use the last wish
to save the science museum.
But how?
We can't just wish
for a million bucks.
We'll figure something out.
Hey, somebody's been here!
We've been compromised.
- By who?
See you later, Dorkuses!
Who else? Seth.
Do you think he knows
about the wish box?
Well, after what happened
in the park today,
he's got to be
suspicious of something.
We should follow him
and find out what he knows.
What? The guy who nearly
beat us into oblivion?
You want to follow him?
And how is that a good idea?
Why did you call me here?
You can't keep ordering me
around like this.
I can do anything I want.
I own you.
Besides, I want you
to meet someone.
- Who?
- Your replacement.
Apparently, I did need
a boy to do a man's job.
Looks like a back alley business
meeting if I ever saw one.
Though I never have,
except in movies.
What's Martin doing here?
That's the guy I saw
talking to my mom.
Who is that guy?
I don't know, but I don't
like the looks of him.
- What are you gonna do? -You
never mind what I'm gonna do.
Beat it.
If you do anything to hurt her,
I swear I will...
If you don't want anything to happen to
her, then you better stay out of my way.
Get outta my way.
Get outta my way, man.
I'm tryin' to get to my car. Why are
you in my way? Still in my way.
Can you stop it, please?
Okay, this is weird.
First Seth, finds the clubhouse.
Then Martin is meeting with
Seth and some strange guy.
Something's going on.
One thing's for sure, we can't let
anybody get their hands on the wish box.
I've got an idea.
Ozzie, you down here?
Yeah, in the back.
Ozzie, we need your help.
Sure, I'm at your service.
We need something from you.
Does this have anything to do at all
with what we talked about the other day?
I'm sorry. We should
have listened to you.
But you have to trust us, Ozzie.
We promise we'll make it right.
- Promise?
- -Promise.
- Cross your heart?
- -Cross our hearts.
Double, double,
double pinky swear?
Double, double,
double pinky swear.
I'm in. What can I do for ya?
Thanks, Ozzie.
And I'd also like
to make a purchase.
Everything okay, guys?
- Yep.
- Yeah?
You gonna be all right
if I leave you tonight?
I've got to go back to the science
museum to finish some stuff up
for the fundraiser tomorrow.
- We'll be fine.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
- Ricky?
- Yeah.
- Okay.
All right. Clean up when you're finished,
okay, sweetie? I'll see you later.
- Okay. Bye, mom.
- Bye.
- Bye, sweetie.
- Bye.
How was work today?
Work was fine.
Work was... fine.
You didn't happen to be
downtown, did you?
As a matter of fact, I was.
Yeah, I had a meeting with a guy who's
thinking about selling his house.
No reason.
Smart kid.
- Hey, what's going on?
- We need to talk.
Okay. About anything
in particular?
I need to tell you that...
Martin, it's okay.
What is it?
I just... I wanted to tell you
how much I... care about you.
Oh, good.
Good. I care about you, too.
Okay, great.
Are you okay? You've been
acting a little funny lately.
Yeah, no, I'm...
I'm fine. I'm totally fine.
Okay, good. You're so sweet.
I'll see ya tonight.
- Okay. Great.
- Okay, bye.
- All right.
- You're funny.
See ya.
Hey, Jane.
Say "science."
Science. Michael!
You scared me.
- I'm sorry. I know.
- What are you doing here?
Well, I came because of the tour
that you promised me.
Oh no, Michael, look, we're
actually just about to close.
That is so awesome!
We have the place to ourselves.
That's great.
He fell for it.
Let's meet at the clubhouse.
Copy, on my way.
Copy, see you there.
I'm sorry, Mike, but I really think it'd
be better if you came back tomorrow.
Oh, I can't come back tomorrow.
Tonight's the only night I can do this.
Everything okay here,
miss young?
Hold on a second.
Do me a favor. Take one.
Oh, goodness.
All right.
That's... you're kidding me.
You got two pairs of handcuffs.
That is awesome. And a taser.
That is just...
It's like Christmas for me.
Oh, I'm so happy,
Michael. It's...
You'll understand
that soon enough.
Martin's in on it.
I saw him take the bag.
Oh, Ricky, I'm so sorry.
We've got to use the last wish to save
the science museum before it's too late.
It's already too late.
It's my duty to serve and protect
this institution and I have...
Don't beat yourself up.
You can't win every game.
Now look... yeah, I'm gonna
borrow that, all right?
Is it true that you have
a gyrosphere here?
Let's go see it.
Don't go away.
I guess this proves you losers aren't
much of an adventure club after all.
Seth, don't do this.
You're not one of the bad guys.
Who said I was?
I'm sorry we never
included you in our club.
I never wanted to be
a part of your stupid club.
Yes, you did.
And we didn't include you,
so for that, I'm sorry.
I don't care.
Take care of their bikes.
Forget it.
Let's just go on foot.
No, wait. I've got an idea.
Langley, what are you doing?
Well, I can't tie you to the train tracks.
They're clear across town.
And the hero enters
riding on his hipster jeans.
Okay, Langley, you win. You take
this and get the heck outta here.
You two know each other?
Oh, yeah, we go way back.
You wanna explain?
- Martin, what is going on?
- Yeah, Martin, what's going on?
Why don't you explain it to her?
'Cause I'm too busy
destroying the fake wish box.
Really? You think I'm that stupid
to fall for that silly trick?
And here I thought you had
such potential as a criminal.
I'm sorry.
I tried to tell you.
What, so was
everything just a lie?
No, no, not everything. I promise you.
You're never gonna get away with this.
What do you mean?
I already have.
What do you think
my first wish is?
- What?
- To get away with it.
Criminal genius.
It's kinda my jam.
But you don't even
have the real wish box.
Oh, don't I?
Oh, god, I just love this kid's timing.
It's impeccable.
What do we got?
You know what?
Penelope ain't so bad.
Yeah! Nice.
- Uh, Mr. Langley, sir?
- Yeah.
I was just wondering if you were gonna
follow through on your end of the deal.
What exactly is
my end of the deal?
You promised me one of
your wishes if I helped you.
- No, I didn't.
- Yes, you did.
No, I didn't.
Look, well, if I did, I lied.
Just chalk it up to a valuable lesson
in a life of crime. Now, beat it.
You guys wait here.
I've got this.
Are you sure?
Yeah. It's my wish. I've got
to take care of this myself.
- Good luck.
- Go get 'em, Ricky!
Now, we're talking.
Phase one of my master plan.
It's not working.
Why isn't it working? What's wrong
with this thing? Why isn't it working?
Because you forgot
one very important detail.
Ricky. You brought
Ricky into this?
You brought Ricky into this?
The box only grants wishes
to the pure of heart.
Come on, man, the pure of heart? Enough
with the fairy tale crap. Really?
Mom, are you okay?
Yes, sweetheart, I'm fine.
I still have one last wish
granted to me.
And I'm willing to make a deal.
I'll agree to wish for you
to have unlimited wishes,
giving you complete
control over the box.
Be careful, Ricky.
Hold on a minute.
What are your terms?
I only have one condition.
You free my mom
and let us go forever.
That's two conditions.
Think about it, Langley. Anything
you've ever wanted... for eternity.
All right, you have a deal.
But I wanna see you write it
down with my own eyes.
Fair enough.
No, I want to dictate it. That way I'm
sure that the wording is correct.
"I hereby wish
for Michael Carruthers..."
don't say it... "Langley...
To have unlimited wishes
for all time in perpetuity."
- That's p-e-r-p...
- I got it.
- Satisfied?
- Yes, very.
All right, come on.
Let's get on with this shindig.
Give me the keys
to the cuffs first.
No, make the wish first.
You think I'm stupid?
No, I don't. That's really...
He's a smart kid.
Hey, that... hey! Hey! Hey!
How did you do this?
Disappearing ink.
Good ol' Ozzie
came through again.
That wish box is mine!
That wish box
doesn't belong to anyone.
No human should
possess this kind of power.
Which is exactly
why I should have it.
God, you are your
grandfather's grandson.
I am my grandfather's grandson.
And I'm proud of that.
Are you okay?
Yeah, I'm okay.
How are you?
I think I'll live.
You good? I'm glad. I'm not okay.
Not okay here. I'm not fine.
We're not done.
We're not done, you and me.
I'm so sorry, mom.
When I finally realized I could use it
to help you save the science museum,
it was too late.
I feel like I let you down.
Oh, Ricky, no, you didn't.
There is nothing more important
to me in this world than you.
Naturally, I had
everything under control.
That's him right there,
Oh, thank god you guys are here.
I know I'm the last guy you
probably want to talk to right now,
but I just wonder if you'd give
me a chance to explain myself.
I'll keep this in
a safe place, miss young.
Thanks, Curtis.
The truth is, is that I'm an archaeologist,
like your grandfather, Ricky.
The only difference is that
I got involved with some guys
that I thought were legit, but they
turned out to be gangsters who sold stuff
on the black market,
namely Langley.
He was looking for
this precious artifact.
The wish box.
He told me that all I had to do
was get close to this woman...
And her son and find out anything
I could, and if I did that,
then he'd let me
go free forever.
It seemed so easy.
That is until I met
that woman...
And her son.
I fell in love
with both of them.
Hey, you blew it, kid.
You had your chance.
You haven't heard the last
of me, Ricky Martin.
I'll see ya in the big house, where you
belong. Oh, and Jane, don't wait for me.
Live your life,
you rambling rose.
Martin, don't listen to him.
Langley blackmailed you.
He's the one that
should go to jail, not you.
Besides, we're a family now.
You really think so?
But I'm not the one
you have to convince.
Hey, that was awesome
what you did back there.
Yeah, well done, bro.
It was all of us, team effort.
Score one for
the adventure club.
Is there anything else
I need to know?
No. I mean, let's be honest, I was
never a very good criminal anyway.
I mean, look at me.
I just wanted to say, good job. And
that I'm sorry for everything.
You guys were right. All I really
wanted was to be part of the club.
Thanks, Seth.
You know what?
You are part of the club.
Well, unfortunately, you guys, I think
that I'm gonna have to concede defeat.
There is no way that I'm gonna be able to
raise enough money by the end of the month
to save the science museum.
You know, sometimes you can't
make all your wishes come true.
Don't say that.
"True wishes
are granted from within."
Maybe we can.
What do you mean?
I think I understand what
grandpa meant by this note.
At first, I thought he meant
from within the wish box,
but he didn't, because
those aren't true wishes.
True wishes are granted
from within yourself.
It's up to you to make
your wishes come true.
Don't you see? We can
save the science museum.
All right, folks, single
file, single file.
Let's keep everything moving
in an orderly fashion.
Isn't this amazing? How are we doing?
Good. Okay.
I gotta say,
this is pretty amazing.
All this thanks
to our first adventure.
It took a while,
but it was a doozy.
I'll say.
My only question is,
what adventure are we
gonna go on next?
I'm sure something will come up.
You guys are the kids who
recovered the wish box, right?
That's right.
That was pretty amazing.
Thanks. Who are you?
I work for an agency called the
international artifact society.
We work with archaeologists
around the world
recovering lost, precious relics and ensuring
they do not fall into the wrong hands.
In fact, we did a lot of work
with your grandfather.
- Really? -Someone you know thought
that maybe we should meet.
It's really nice seeing you follow
in your grandfather's footsteps.
All of you, keep up
the good work.
- We'll be in touch.
- Thank you.
Look at this.
That was so cool.
Super cool!
Long live the adventure club.
Adventure club!
- That's it.
That's all I got.