The Adventures of Jurassic Pet (2019)

[birds chirping]
- [fishing reel whirs]
- [splash]
[loud roar]
[reel whirring]
[branch snaps]
[low growling]
Hi, there.
[loud roar]
[computers beeping]
[powers up]
- Is the test subject prepared?
- Yes, Doctor.
- Is the serum ready?
- Ready.
De-evolution Test 103.
I have modified the serum slightly in
hopes of awakening its dinosaur DNA.
[low growl]
Begin low-level radiation.
[powering up]
Shut it down.
[powers down]
Keep recording!
Keep recording!
Get the tranquilizer gun!
Hit it again!
I thought that
you were done for.
Yes. Did you hear that roar?
I'm getting so very close.
Just missing a little...
Hmm. Take tissue samples
of every organ.
Cryo-freeze the body
I may need
some more samples later.
[door closes]
[woman] And for example, some people
incorrectly believe that the T-Rex
and the saber-toothed tiger
were alive during the same era.
We have Hollywood
to thank for that.
[all laughing]
Dinosaurs roamed the Earth between
65 and 248 million years ago,
until mass extinction
wiped them all out.
Many scientists believe that an
asteroid slammed into the Earth
causing earthquakes,
volcanoes, forest fires,
and tsunamis
all around the world.
Yes? You have a question?
You said
they all became extinct?
That is correct.
But aren't there animals
alive today
who were relatives
of the large dinosaurs?
Birds, for example?
Great question.
And once again, you are correct.
Many current species
alive today,
including birds,
snakes, and frogs
are distant relatives to the
dinosaur, just to name a few.
Is it possible then that
a large dinosaur like this
could be out there somewhere,
just waiting to be rediscovered?
Dork. There he goes again.
- "Ooh, dinosaurs."
- [all laugh]
Don't listen to him.
He wishes he could have your brains.
Okay, everyone, just...
That would be the find of the
century, but, sadly, no.
The biggest relatives
alive today to the dinosaur
are the alligators
and the crocodiles.
Now, if you all
will follow me this way,
we're going to look
at the theropods.
The theropods
are two-legged predators...
[continues indistinctly]
Pentaceratops were herbivores,
and we all know
- herbivores don't eat any...
- [all] Meat!
He looks like he hasn't eaten
anything in at least 65 million years.
- [kids groan]
- Okay, that's...
- Where's Chris?
- I thought he was right here.
He's probably off in his
own world or something.
You know how much strange and
unusual things make him lose time.
We need to find him
before he gets into trouble.
And if you'll come with me this
way, I'll show you a species
that was discovered
not too far from here.
- Jeez! You scared me.
- We've been looking for you.
Where did everybody go?
The group moved on
a while ago.
Lucky for you,
Mr. Brown hasn't noticed yet.
We better catch up.
I don't know about you two,
but I don't want detention again.
No kidding.
My parents will kill me.
And that's why archaeologists take
an immense amount of time and care
when removing artifacts
from where they're located.
It's very interesting.
Wouldn't you agree, Chris?
Uh, yes, Mr. Brown.
Very fascinating.
Yes, she is.
It is.
And if you'll follow me
this way,
I'll show you
another exhibit.
Let's go! I gotta be on time.
Addie, Cole, Karlin. Uh...
Single file, please!
Just... Just get on.
[mumbles] Karlin...
You know what, here is your cell phone.
Do not make me take it away
from you again.
Good, you found your backpack.
And Alexander found his shoes.
Why'd you take your shoes off,
anyway? Okay!
We got 18. Here we go... Oh!
And John, and Carrie,
and Chris.
Good of you
not to wander off this time.
- Yes, sir, Mr. Brown.
- All right.
[sighs] That's everybody.
Okay. All right.
Let me sit down, let me sit down.
Oh! Blast it all!
What am I doing wrong?
The alligator has been
processed and stored.
Here's the sample
you requested.
Thank you.
If we don't show
some significant results soon,
I will lose my funding.
I mean, come on, there's not even
any visible mitochondrial structure
in the last sample
you gave me.
I'm working with a bunch
of amateur nitwits here!
Anything else, Doctor?
No, no, no,
you're free to go.
Oh! One more thing.
If you put
that mayonnaise stuff
instead of mustard
on my next sandwich...
you're fired.
I thought
we were dead for sure.
Yeah. Chris, my mom will
think you're a bad influence.
Sorry, guys. It's just, there's so
much that's unknown in the universe,
let alone the world.
It's kind of mind-boggling.
I love you
for your uniqueness, but...
You better keep your mind on
your school studies for now.
Hey, come on.
I got homework.
You two go ahead.
- What?
- I'll see you tomorrow.
I want to check
this place out.
Don't be too long.
You don't want your mom to send
out the army looking for you.
Sorry. You startled me.
Toy store is down the street.
I was never much into toys,
unless it was to take them
apart and see how they worked.
A young mind
seeking knowledge.
The world
is full of knowledge.
And magic.
So what can I do
for you, young sir?
What are you
looking for today?
I'm always on the lookout for
something different, unusual.
[chuckles] Most boys your age
find girls to be unusual.
This is a mummified cat.
Cats were so important
to Egyptian culture
that many of them
were mummified after death.
I studied Egypt.
In 1888, a farmer found a tomb
containing over 80,000 mummified cats.
The object inside of this
is over 100 million years old.
Oh. It's a spider.
I have one of these with a mosquito in it.
These aren't
just paperweights!
They are echoes
of the past,
living and breathing creatures
that walked the Earth
millennia before you were born!
They're right in front of you,
trying to tell you their story.
They did their talking
years ago.
All you have to do is listen.
I guess I have nothing
that you want.
- But...
- You're not ready for what I have.
I'm ready for anything.
What exactly
are you looking for?
When I said that I wanted
something unusual, I meant...
I want something
that I've never seen before.
I want something
that nobody's ever seen before.
I know
you're in here somewhere.
Where are you? Ah!
Wrong box.
There you are.
It's time, my friend.
Here it is.
This is what you need.
What's so special about this?
It's just a box.
And it doesn't even open.
You have to earn it.
Once you've proven
that you're worthy,
then and only then,
will you be able to open it.
How much do you want for it?
I don't want money for it.
I only require that you promise
to take great care of it.
Can you do that?
Yes. I promise.
Thank you. I promise.
How was the museum?
It was okay.
Chris, this room is the pits!
You know what they say,
smart people are messy.
Who said that?
Other smart people.
[chuckles] Well, I'm not their
mother, so I don't care what they do.
Thanks, Mom.
I can get the rest.
Dinner will be ready
I'll be down soon.
An egg?
When hatching a chicken egg,
the egg always
must be kept warm.
The hen only leaves the egg
to get food or water.
[mother] Chris, dinner's ready!
- Whoa. Slow down, champ.
- Sorry.
Who wants dessert?
- Yes, please.
- None for me, thank you.
What? When do you pass
on apple pie?
I have a lot of homework,
Never seen a kid
so excited to do homework.
Must get that
from your side of family.
I'll have to warm you up again soon.
I hope you're worth it.
- [snarls]
- [grunts]
No! Stop! What are you doing?
No! Oh, my gosh.
- [mother] Is everything okay up there?
- Yeah!
I just read something
very... interesting.
I won't hurt you, little guy.
Come on.
You don't have to be afraid.
Come out.
I'm not a bad guy.
I promised
to take care of you.
My name is Chris.
You are amazing.
John and Carrie are going to
freak out when they see you.
Don't eat my homework!
I need this!
Still hungry, huh?
I'll be right back.
[door opens]
Changed your mind
about dessert?
Yeah. Just taking a break
from my homework.
What was that?
Uh, I must have left my...
- window open.
- Hey!
Aren't you
forgetting something?
[chuckles] Oh, thanks.
Have you gotten bigger?
I brought you
some of my mom's apple pie.
What should I call you?
You need a name.
- Albert.
- [squeaks]
[chuckles] Albert it is.
Hey! Where are you going?
I can see you.
[knocking on door]
What's going on in there?
[Chris] Nothing.
I was just reading.
Well, finish up.
It's time to go to bed.
You have school
in the morning.
Okay, Mom. I will.
Good night. [chuckles]
That's my mom.
She takes care of me, and...
I'll take care of you.
we better settle down.
We wouldn't want Mom to come
back in here and see you.
She wouldn't understand.
Good night, Albert.
- [mother] Have a good day.
- Okay, Mom. Bye.
- [chitters]
- Whoa!
Dude, stop.
You'll have to be quiet.
I don't want anyone to take you away.
Hope you didn't
get home late again.
Did you finish the math homework?
I don't think I did it right.
Uh... Whoa.
What is that thing?
It's a dinosaur.
It's so cute!
Does it have a name?
What's its name? Can I pet it?
His name is Albert.
And yes, you can pet him.
Where did he come from?
The shop I went into
after school.
The owner gave me a box and
told me to take care of it.
All I know is that there was
an egg in it and it hatched.
He seems to be growing
quickly, too.
He just gave you a dinosaur?
- [snarls]
- [screams]
He won't hurt you.
You need to tell
your mom and dad.
No way.
They wouldn't understand.
Albert chose me.
He's my responsibility.
[John] So what are you
going to do?
I'm going back to the shop to talk
to the old man who gave him to me.
What about school?
I'm not going today.
You're going
to get in trouble.
Just tell them
I'm sick or something!
[doorbell dings]
I don't get it.
Well, hello there.
May I help you?
Um, yes.
I was in here yesterday.
I need to talk to the old man
who gave me the box.
An old man? [laughs]
Honey, I don't know
what you're talking about.
Are you sure
you're in the right place?
Uh, well...
This is my shop and I'm the
only one who works here.
But there was an old man.
I stood right here.
That picture, that's him!
I need to talk to him.
It's important.
Oh, honey.
This is my husband.
We opened this shop
But he died.
Uh, more than
five years ago.
But I was with him here
Oh, my darling.
I think
you must have dreamt it.
I'm sorry
for bothering you.
Oh, honey, it's all right.
Carrie is right.
I might be losing my mind.
[Albert chitters]
Don't worry, Albert.
I know where to go.
Oh, you can't just go inside.
Oh, I have to keep track
of all the students
Mr. Brown is bringing
through here, in the museum,
on field trips this week.
- Uh, did you say something?
- [coughs]
Sorry. Did you say
Mr. Brown was here?
Oh, they've already gone in.
Last one off the bus?
You better catch up.
- Okay. Thank you.
- Yeah.
We can thank Hollywood
for that.
[kids laughing]
Dinosaurs roamed the Earth between
65 and 248 million years ago
until mass extinction
wiped them all out.
Many scientists believe...
Nice day, Dr. Jost.
Are there school children here today?
I saw a bus outside.
Yes, the local science teacher is
bringing them every day this week.
Oh, goodie for me.
I hear that Dr. Roberts
has a new specimen for you.
I think
you'll really like it.
I hope so.
I only collect the best.
He's waiting
in his office for you.
I hope it jumps up
and bites you.
Oh. Hello! And welcome.
[softly] Albert!
Get back here!
Hey, look how real
this one looks.
Whoa, no kidding!
- Take my picture.
- Yeah!
Excuse us.
Say "Triceratops."
- Triceratops.
- [camera clicks]
What was that?
Morning, Mr. Jost.
[clears throat] Ms. Carter.
I did not spend 14 years
at some of the most prestigious
universities in Europe,
earning three
doctorate degrees,
making me singularly the most highly
qualified scientist in my field,
simply for you
to call me "Mister".
It's Dr. Jost.
Do you understand,
Ms. Carter?
Yes. Sorry, Doctor.
Hmm. Hmm. Hmm.
- [clears throat]
- [chuckles]
- Dr. Jost.
- Dr. Roberts.
How's your research going?
Oh, fine, fine. I think I'm on the
verge of a significant breakthrough.
Wonderful, wonderful.
Well, I hope we have something
that can aid in your research.
We really appreciate you
buying our extra specimens.
The museum can always use
the additional money.
Well I... I do what I can.
So what do you have
for me today?
I have a few items
you might be interested in.
I already have multiples
of each of these.
These are just
gift store trinkets.
These will not aid
in my research.
What I'm looking for is a frozen
dinosaur or an un-petrified egg.
Something from which I can get
some good tissue samples
or some viable DNA.
If that's ever found,
it would be worth a small fortune.
And I'm willing to pay it.
It's that important to me.
You've never really explained
what you're doing at your lab.
I've never really explained to
anyone what I'm doing in my lab.
It's top secret.
And besides, most people aren't
intelligent enough to understand it.
You'll let me in on it
someday, I hope?
Once I do my breakthrough,
it will be in all the scientific journals.
There will be a media frenzy.
Guess I'll just
have to wait till then.
You won't be disappointed.
Well, good day, Dr. Roberts.
Call me when you have
something... useful.
Albert, get back here.
[woman] Look at these.
Pretty scary, huh?
Mommy, look.
A real dinosaur.
[woman] Uh-huh.
[recorded snarling]
Bye-bye, dinosaur!
Bye-bye, dinosaur. Come on.
Let's go get some lunch.
- [chitters]
- [all gasp]
Excuse me.
Hey! You're not supposed
to be in here.
Is that
a new robotic dinosaur?
I just work here.
Come on, Albert.
It's okay. Come on.
Albert! No!
All right, everyone...
Please, stop, stop, stop.
Please, stop right out here.
Hey, hey, hey! Okay, okay.
Let me get
right here in front.
Okay, all eyes on me! Now we've
seen some interesting things inside.
Now, we'll explore
the gardens outside.
I will remind you all
while we're out here,
no running,
no pushing, no shoving.
Please do not...
act like that guy.
Do not forget who you are.
All right?
We'll meet for lunch
in 30 minutes.
Does everyone have
a sack lunch?
Somebody have an extra?
Somebody left mine on bus.
I got you.
You're safe.
Hello. What's in that bag?
Oh, just let me take
a little look.
[line ringing]
Have Site B up and running.
I may be onto something.
- [faint thudding]
- [groans]
Man, Albert.
With all this running around,
you must be hungry.
I know I am.
Hold on.
I'll get us something to eat.
[Albert chitters]
I know, Albert.
I don't know what to feed you.
I don't know what kind
of dinosaur you are.
Stop it! Come back here, boy.
I'm sorry.
He's never acted
like this before.
I... I don't know
what's got into him.
That's okay.
Let's try this, and...
maybe some meat.
Just in case.
- Is this your dog?
- Yeah, this is Zeus.
Aw. [speaks gibberish]
- Come here, boy.
- What a good boy. Such a good boy.
- Such a good boy.
- [man] He's a good boy.
[gasps] What is that?
- Oh, man!
- Oh, gosh. I'm sorry. Are you okay?
No, don't touch it.
Just be glad it wasn't the salsa.
- Dude, I'm really in a rush.
- Dude, I used to skate.
What kind of wheels
are those?
- You got somewhere to be?
- Yeah!
- Get 'em!
- Thanks.
- [inaudible] Albert! Albert!
- [chitters]
911, what's your emergency?
I need someone here, now!
What is your
current location?
519 Elm Street. Hurry!
It's a monster!
[sirens wailing]
Oh, no!
All right, now, sir, you know it's
illegal to fire a gun in town, right?
That thing tried to kill me!
It's dangerous.
All right.
Well, just relax, okay?
We're gonna take it
down to the station.
We'll find out what it is
and where it came from, okay?
Just take it easy.
What the heck do you think
this thing is?
I don't know.
Looks like
a giant lizard to me.
A giant lizard?
It probably escaped
from the zoo.
I bet they don't even
know it's gone.
I'm gonna call Dr. Jost.
He's the big reptile
expert around here.
I'll ask him
if it's poisonous.
Dr. Jost? Captain Williams.
Yeah, we found this thing I
think you might be interested in.
- A lizard.
- [squeals]
Are you positive?
No! No, no,
I'm sure it's harmless.
Yes, we're on our way.
I knew I saw something
at the museum.
You two, get the van.
Follow me.
And let me do the talking.
[siren wailing]
Hey, kid.
Shouldn't you be
in school right now?
Yeah, well...
My dad... I'm...
I'm here for
a school research project.
[phone rings]
You okay, buddy?
Uh. yeah.
I just need to sit down.
All right.
You take care.
Good luck on your project.
Breaks my heart to see a
creature such as that in a cage.
Sorry, what?
The big fella.
He should not be in a cage.
Have we met before?
- Do I know you?
- I don't believe so.
I can't imagine how our paths
would have crossed.
I like to keep to myself.
Blend in.
You just look like a man
I've recently met.
Um, never mind.
I'm just confused right now.
Ah. That's all right.
I get that way myself sometimes.
The... big fella in there,
he's a friend of yours?
Yeah. He ran away
and got caught.
The city is no place
for someone like that.
He needs space.
You should take him
outta here.
I imagine he would love to
roam free in the woods, or...
Or run in open fields
where there's no people.
Where he could be safe.
He needs to be free.
- That's it!
- Yeah.
- Thanks.
- So, what are you gonna do now?
I don't know.
Has that thing
always been that huge?
[woman] I've never seen
anything like it.
When's Dr. Jost getting here?
I don't know.
I just want it out of here.
- [whimpers]
- [woman] Yeah. Creeps me out.
Who's Dr. Jost?
My card.
Come on, come on, come on.
I'm a busy man.
- How can I help you, sir?
- I can't believe it!
Yeah. That's one big lizard.
Yes. Lizard.
My name is Dr. Jost.
I specialize in rare creatures
such as these.
I was contacted by your
superior, Captain Williams,
to come and retrieve
our missing lizard.
Don't do anything stupid.
Just wait.
Dr. Jost,
I am so glad to see you.
I can't wait to get
this thing out of here.
Captain Williams,
thank you for your cooperation.
[door buzzes open]
It'll be okay.
It's a good thing
you called me.
What do you mean?
A creature like this,
anything could happen. Thank you, Captain.
Let me know
if you need anything else.
Okay, let's go.
What do I do?
I'm going to help him.
We need to get
your friend back, kid.
I know where
they're taking him.
I won't let you down, Albert.
[Dr. Jost] So is everything
up and running?
Tell everyone I have a big
surprise for them when we arrive.
Oh, and I need extra guards
patrolling the area.
Thank you.
Doctor, are you worried about
that kid snooping around?
I'm not worried
about anything.
We may never have another
chance like this. Besides...
What can he do?
He doesn't know where we're
going or how to get there.
What can he do?
- I don't know. Tell someone...
- Who's he going to tell?
His parents? The police?
No one's going to believe there's a
living, breathing dinosaur around.
There's nothing
he can do to me now.
You hear me?
You're on your own now.
You belong to me.
And with your help,
I shall make many, many more.
You're going to make me very wealthy
and famous, my prehistoric friend.
Shame you won't be
alive to see it.
- Where are they taking him?
- Out, into the forest.
They have a facility there
and a lab.
In the forest?
How are we going to get
all the way out there?
I can't ride my board that far.
It will take till tomorrow.
By then it would be too late.
Don't worry.
We'll get you there.
- Come on.
- But how?
I'll show you. Don't worry!
Is this your house?
[engine powers on]
What do you think?
This is awesome!
As you can see,
I like to recycle.
Is this thing street-legal?
Of course it is.
It's got everything required to
be on the street. It's got...
headlights and blinkers and...
Taillights, and a license
plate, and a horn.
[horn toots]
We are good to go.
What about a license
to drive?
The flash startled me.
Ah. Here.
Put this on and get in.
Let's go.
I hope this time works
better than last time.
This time?
What happened last time?
Let's just say this thing used to
look a little nicer than it does now.
[both laughing]
- This is so cool!
- It is!
How do you know
where you're going?
Whoa! Keep your eyes
on the road.
I can't see. I...
I can't see with it like that.
Hold on! Let me see...
[nervous chuckle]
Now what?
We'll do it
the old-fashioned way.
We'll navigate
by the stars and the moon!
It's daytime!
Everybody's a critic.
I must be working too hard.
I'm seeing things.
Okay. Sorry. Sorry.
- That was my dad!
- That's nice.
No! I'll be grounded
until I'm 30 if he saw me.
You should stay home
with your parents
as long as you can,
that's what I always say.
Next stop, Albert!
Ladies and gentlemen,
can I have your attention, please?
Gather 'round, gather 'round.
I have made the discovery
of a lifetime.
Instead of studying history,
we are making it.
Now, every good team
needs a great leader.
In this case... Me.
[clears throat]
Today, every scientist
will know my name
and give the acknowledgment
and recognition that I...
that we deserve.
Without further ado,
I give you...
a living dinosaur.
Well, yes, yes, yes. I know.
It's very impressive.
But come on,
we have important research to do!
[brakes screech]
Which way now?
You said you knew
where they were taking Albert.
This way.
Hold on.
[powering up]
Slow down!
Good idea!
[powers down]
[both scream]
- That was close!
- Too close!
I got good news
and bad news.
The good news is we're
making really good time!
- What's the bad news?
- We don't have any brakes!
Don't you have
an emergency brake?
Yeah, it's here somewhere.
- Like a lever?
- No, it's more like an anchor.
Here it is!
Great! [chuckles]
Hold on!
You didn't tie it down?
[groans] I knew
I forgot something!
If I only had my tools,
I could fix the brakes!
Ah! Here!
Thank you.
I'll be right back.
What? [screaming]
John and Carrie
will never believe this!
I think that went
pretty well...
considering it's only the
second time I've ever driven.
[indistinct chatter]
[machinery beeping]
- Who are those people?
- Shh.
- How are we going to get in?
- Leave it to me.
I still have a few tricks
up my sleeve.
How will I know when to go?
You'll know.
Stay here.
You're not supposed
to be here.
I didn't disappear, did I?
Hey, hey, fellas.
Take it easy. Come on.
What on Earth?
Careful with
the clothing here.
- We can't have this!
- You're right.
It took me years
to refine this look.
Get rid of him.
- But...
- [Dr. Jost] Go on.
Back to work.
Oh, no.
Albert's gotta be
here somewhere.
[Albert chitters]
[chitters faintly]
I'm glad to see you, too.
We gotta get you
out of here.
- [grunts]
- Shh.
Not so loud.
They might hear you.
Hey, you aren't
going anywhere.
[Albert grunts]
What the...
That's how it's done.
Come on, boy,
don't just stand there!
Albert's locked up.
Time for
an old-school getaway.
I don't know how you got away,
but your luck just ran out.
Lock everyone up!
You can't do that!
I'm just a kid!
I make the rules here.
Do as I say, lock them up!
There's no need
to feel threatened.
There's no reason to be scared of a
bum, a kid and his pet.
[gun cocks]
No! No, no, no!
Get back here, you cowards!
Get after them!
We can't let them get away!
This way.
- I think we can lose them in here.
- Okay.
That way.
This way.
Okay, let's split up.
You two, that way.
You, with me.
Hey, hey.
It's okay, it's okay.
Come on. Follow me.
Come on.
Don't know.
Come on out, kid!
We know you're here somewhere.
Come on out and you won't get
hurt, I promise.
All we want is the dinosaur.
Think about it, kid.
You could be rich.
You and your family will never
have to worry about money again.
We'll take good care
of Albert. I promise.
What do you say, kid?
I'll take good care of Albert.
Just as soon as
I take care of you.
- They're catching up.
- Over here.
[raspy breathing]
I thought I heard something.
I think they're gone.
They went that way.
Then let's go that way.
Stop, stop, stop.
We're going the wrong way.
Which way?
We need to split up.
- We'll head off this way.
- That's not what I mean.
You and I need
to go back to the city.
Albert needs to go that way.
No, I'm not letting him go.
Chris, Dr. Jost will find him
if he stays with you.
You understand that,
don't you?
- He's my responsibility.
- You're right.
But the only way to keep
him safe is to let him go.
You're right.
I don't want
to see you get hurt.
You have to go.
Go. Go to the forest.
Go! I don't want
to see you anymore.
[Albert howls]
I love you.
Take care.
He'll be all right.
Let's go!
- I think we lost them.
- Now what?
Now we get you home.
[gun cocks]
Told you we'd get you.
- [grunts]
- Hold him.
And don't let him get away this time.
You think you can do that?
- Where is Albert?
- Leave us alone.
- Let us go!
- Tired of messing with you, kid.
- Where's the dinosaur?
- Stop it!
- Gone! Albert's gone!
- Where is he? Tell me!
Take your hands off him!
Where is he?
Somewhere safe.
[siren chirps]
Doctor! We need to leave.
This is not over!
Come on.
- [whistling]
- [siren wails]
Follow my lead.
You two need help?
No. No, sir.
I think we're good now.
We were just taking a stroll
through the forest.
Yeah, my... uncle and I just
got a little turned around.
You never know
what you might see out here.
- You need a ride?
- No. No.
No, I wouldn't want to stink
up the inside of your car.
You don't smell that bad.
I wasn't talking about me.
Well, where are y'all headed?
The city.
Well, just keep going,
and this road will take you downtown.
- Okay. Thank you.
- Thanks.
You did good.
- Thanks for the help.
- I was just tagging along.
Will I ever see him again?
I'm sure you will.
You run on now.
I'm just going to
sit here for a while.
you got school tomorrow,
Oh, yeah. School.
I almost forgot.
Thanks again for the help.
Chris! Where have you
been all day?
- Where's Albert?
- Where is the dinosaur?
- What happened?
- Albert's gone.
Gone? Where is he?
- He had to leave.
- What do you mean, he had to leave?
My new friend right here...
helped me get Albert
to safety.
- Dude, there's no one there.
- He was right here.
I... I never got his name.
We didn't see anyone.
Meet me at my house.
I'll catch up with you
and tell you everything.
I'll be right behind.
- Don't take too long.
- I won't.
You okay?
You two go ahead.
See you later.
Can't wait to hear all about it.
Be safe, Albert.