The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938)

News has come from Vienna!
"Leopold of Austria has seized King
Richard on his return from the Crusades.
Our king is being held prisoner.
Nothing further is known.
His Highness Prince John will make...
...further public
pronouncement tomorrow".
And how are the dear Saxons
taking the news, Sir Guy?
They're even more worried than
Longchamps, Your Highness.
They'll be more than worried...
...when I squeeze the fat
out of their hides.
- You intend to act on your plans?
- What better moment than this, Sir Guy?
Whoever would have thought
my dear brother...
...would be so
considerate as to get captured...
...and leave all of England
to my tender care?
He may disapprove when he returns,
Your Highness.
If he returns.
And I'll see to it that he doesn't.
We must drink to this moment, Sir Guy.
Golden days are ahead.
I'll assign tax districts to you tomorrow.
Tomorrow, Your Highness.
- But who's gonna pay me?
- Pay! Pay!
That's all you Saxons think about.
Didn't I tell you it was for Prince John,
who's just come up from London?
Stop! Stop!
This man is freeborn!
He's a landowner.
You can't make a slave of him!
Didn't he refuse to send his men
to work in Guy of Gisbourne's field?
But I protest...!
Dickon, follow me!
The rest remain here.
- What's your name, you Saxon dog?
- A better one than yours.
Look to your manners!
This is Sir Guy of Gisbourne.
Sir Guy or the devil!
There's little to choose between them.
- What's your name?
- Much, the miller's son.
- It's death to kill the king's deer?
- And death from hunger if I don't.
Thanks to you and the rest of you
Norman cutthroats at Nottingham Castle.
- Be quiet, you.
- I won't be quiet!
You can kill me if you like,
but not until I've had my say.
You can beat and starve
us Saxons now...
...but when King Richard escapes, he'll
take you by the scruff of the neck...
...and fling you into the sea!
- What the devil?
- Come now, Sir Guy.
- You'd kill a man for telling the truth?
- If it amused me, yes.
Be thankful
my humor's of a different sort.
By what right do you
interfere with justice?
By a better right
than you have to misuse it.
That goes for your master, Prince John.
I'll give him that message at the
baron's meeting in Nottingham tonight.
Thank you.
He does need a bit of a talking to.
- Eh, Will?
- He has been getting rather out of hand.
- Fetch him.
- Hold there. What's his fault?
- He's killed a royal deer.
- You're wrong. I killed that deer.
This man's my servant.
Oh. I suppose you realize the penalty
for killing the king's deer is death.
- Whether for serf or noble.
- Really?
Are there no exceptions?
- Thanks, master.
- Better look before you shoot next time.
From this day, I follow only you. There
isn't a poor Saxon in Nottingham shire...
...that doesn't know and bless
Sir Robin of Locksley.
Take me as your servant.
Why, in all the forest,
there isn't a hunter as good as me.
I ask no pay.
Just to follow you.
Fetch the deer, then.
While Richard is bent on adventure
in foreign lands... is our duty as Normans
to preserve the realm... giving loyal support
to Prince John...
...the only true defender
of the Norman spirit.
Hail to Prince John.
My lords, I thank you.
Well, this is what we Normans like:
Good food, good company...
...and a beautiful woman
to flatter me, eh, Lady Marian?
Was it worthwhile coming with me
from London... see what stout fellows
our Nottingham friends are?
Take Sir Guy of Gisbourne. One of our
most renowned defenders of the realm.
Must I take him, Your Highness?
Why, you like him, don't you?
- Well, he's a Norman, of course.
- Is that the only reason for liking him?
Isn't that reason enough for a royal ward
who must obey her guardian?
Oh, nay, I'd not force you, my lady.
But he's our most powerful friend in
these shires and he's in love with you.
If I could promise him marriage
to a royal ward, it might help my plans.
- Perhaps when I know him better.
- Of course.
You're a very wise young woman.
Any more objections to the new tax
from our Saxon friends?
Objections, Your Highness?
With a Saxon dangling from every...
...gallows tree
between here and Charnwood?
Well said, sir knight.
But not too many, mind.
Else we'll have nobody left
to till our land or pay the tax.
There's one exception I'd make,
Your Highness.
- A certain Saxon noble.
- Who is that?
- Sir Robin of Locksley.
- Sir Rob... Sir Robin of Locksley?
I've heard precious little else since I've
been here. What's his latest outrage?
Oh, nothing less than killing a royal deer
in Sherwood Forest today.
And you didn't take him?
That would have been a problem,
Your Highness.
- A Saxon a problem?
- He's a notorious troublemaker, my lady.
An impudent, reckless rogue...
...who goes around the shire
stirring up the Saxons against authority.
And he has the insolence to set himself
up as a protector of the people.
I could have captured him
long ago, but...
But what?
Well, he's the deadliest archer
in England, and...
And my brave High Sheriff
of Nottingham is afraid of him.
I want him taken and hanged. At once,
do you hear? I'll not tolerate...
Open the door!
Who is this, this...?
- Sir Robin of Locksley, Your Highness.
- Ah!
Let him approach.
Greetings, Your Highness.
You should teach Gisbourne hospitality.
I no sooner enter his castle doors
with a piece of meat...
...than his starving servants
try to snatch it from me.
You should feed them, Gisbourne.
They'll work better.
With the compliments of your royal
brother, King Richard, God bless him!
By my faith, but you're a bold rascal.
Robin, I like you.
I'm gratified, Your Highness.
I don't think Gisbourne shares
that sentiment, however.
He does look sour.
What's the matter, Gisbourne?
Run out of hangings?
- I know a ripe subject for one.
- If you'll excuse me...
Sit down! Sit down, my dear.
He'll not harm you.
Sir Robin, this is
the Lady Marian Fitzwalter.
I hope my lady had a pleasant journey
from London?
What you hope can hardly be important.
What a pity her manners
don't match her looks, Your Highness.
You hear that, gentlemen?
Here's Gisbourne so in love with Marian
he daren't say "boo" to her...
...and this saucy fellow
gives her better than she sends.
My lords and ladies, I would like to
present to you Sir Robin of Locksley.
Sir Robin, permit me to present to you
your host, Sir Guy of Gisbourne...
...and our noble guests.
- I'm deeply honored, Your Highness.
- Have you had meat?
- None but what I brought.
Well, sit down.
Sit down there opposite me.
- Get up, Sir Ivor. Give him your place.
- Your Highness!
Get up!
Get up, sir knight!
Come, Sir Ivor. Out with you.
Bring Sir Robin food at once,
do you hear?
Such impudence must support
a mighty appetite.
True enough, Your Highness.
We Saxons have little to fatten on by
the time your tax gatherers are through.
Be seated, gentlemen. No need
to stand on ceremony on my account.
So you think you're overtaxed, eh?
Overtaxed, overworked and paid off
with a knife, a club or a rope.
- Why, you speak treason.
- Fluently.
I advise you to curb
that wagging tongue of yours!
It's a habit I've never formed.
You know, we Saxons aren't gonna put
up with these oppressions much longer.
Oh, you're not?
Then listen to this:
As you may know, my brother
is a prisoner of Leopold of Austria.
And from Leopold, I have received a
ransom demand of 150,000 gold marks.
That means that you, my friends...
...must collect in taxes not 2 gold marks
in the pound, but 3!
And the money's to be
turned over to me.
Why to you, Your Highness?
King Richard
appointed Longchamps regent.
I've kicked Longchamps out.
From now on, I am regent of England.
Well, confound it,
what are you goggling at?
Is it so strange that I decide to rule
when my brother's a prisoner?
Who's to say I shouldn't?
- You, Sir Mortimer of Leeds?
- Not I, Your Highness.
- You, Sir Boron?
- Nor I, Your Highness.
- You, Sir Ralf of Durham?
- My sword is yours, Your Highness.
And what about our young
Saxon cockerel here?
What's the matter?
Have you no stomach for honest meat?
For honest meat, yes.
But I've no stomach for traitors.
- You call me traitor?
- You? Yes.
And every man here
who offers you allegiance.
Your Highness.
What do you call a man who takes
advantage of a king's misfortune... seize his power?
And now, with the help
of this sweet band of cutthroats...'ll try to grind a ransom for him
out of every helpless Saxon.
A ransom that'll be used
not to release Richard...
...but to buy your way to the throne.
Let me ram those words down
his throat, Your Highness!
Oh, no. Later.
Let him spout for the moment.
And what do you propose to do?
I'll organize revolt.
Exact a death for a death.
And I'll never rest until every Saxon
in this shire can stand up, free men...
...and strike a blow
for Richard and England.
- Have you finished?
- I'm only just beginning.
From this night on, I use every means
in my power to fight you.
Such impudence, Your Highness.
If I could only reach him.
Stand back! Stand back!
Open the door!
Quick, guards, quick!
There's a traitor inside trying to escape!
- Shut the door!
- Traitor, sir?
You infernal idiot!
Which way did he go?
There, through the gate.
- After him!
- Guards! Horses!
Dickon, follow Mansfield!
To your troop!
Up you go, quick.
Find Crippen
the arrow-maker and his friends... pass the word to every man
who's been beaten or tortured:
The Gallows Oaks
in Sherwood tomorrow.
- Yes, master.
- Off you go, and good luck.
Have it proclaimed in every village
that this Saxon Locksley's an outlaw.
Hang anybody
that gives him shelter or aid.
Yes, Your Highness.
His possessions are forfeit to the crown.
Seize his castle and his lands.
Everything he owns.
And just to let the people know
how the wind has changed...
...the sooner you begin collecting the...
- The ransom, Your Highness?
Yes, yes, of course.
The ransom.
There's a death sentence
for your Robin of Locksley!
I'll have him dangling in a week.
- I'm tired.
- What?
After a refreshing sleep
in the greenwood?
I've pulled seven acorns out of my ribs.
- Lovely fresh air.
- My teeth ache with chattering.
- Nightingales singing.
- An owl hooting in my ear all night.
He was singing you to sleep.
There's a lusty infant. He'd be
a good one to reason into joining us.
By the look of him, his
quarterstaff does his reasoning for him.
- Let's see what he's made of.
- It's your skull, not mine.
- Give way, little man.
- Only to a better man than myself.
He stands before you.
Let him pass, Robin. It's much too warm
to brawl with such a windbag.
When I've brushed this fly off,
I'll give you a dusting for good measure.
This fly has a mighty sting, friend.
I've only a staff and you threaten me
with a longbow and a goose shaft.
- Aren't you man enough...?
- Wait! I'll get myself a staff.
- Ready?
- Yes.
Pretty fellow, play a livelier tune that
I can make this puny rascal dance to.
You need a merrier tune?
Well, how's this?
If you want a lesson,
you came to the right man!
- Where is he?
- Who?
- This quarterstaff master.
- Here.
Give my compliments to him.
My friend, I should ask payment
for what I'm teaching you here today.
There's something on account.
There's your change.
My head hums like a swarm of bees.
What's your name, friend?
- John Little. What's yours?
- Robin.
- Not Robin of Locksley?
- Aye.
- Then I'm right glad I fell in with you.
- 'Twas he who did the falling in.
I wanted to see what you were made of.
And I did.
- I hope you'll not hold it against me.
- On the contrary.
- I love a man that can best me.
- I'd like to join your company.
You shall. If you can hold a breach
like you held that bridge...'re one of us. Welcome.
- This is Will of Gamwell.
- Yeah.
- He took care not to wet his feathers.
- Just brain over brawn, friend.
You heard Robin's orders.
Look nippy now and spread the word.
"By royal decree, Robin of Locksley... declared an outlaw,
condemned to death".
Meet Robin in Sherwood
at Gallows Oaks.
"Any person aiding him will be hanged".
Meet Robin in Sherwood
at Gallows Oaks.
Robin in Sherwood.
At the Gallows Oak.
Robin in Sherwood.
Robin. Gallows Oak.
Gallows Oak.
I've called you here as freeborn
Englishmen, loyal to our king.
While he reigned over us
we lived in peace.
But since Prince John has seized
the regency...
...Guy of Gisbourne and his traitors
have murdered and pillaged.
You've all suffered from their cruelty.
The ear loppings, the beatings...
...the blindings with hot irons,
the burning of our homes...
...the mistreatment of our women.
It's time we put an end to this!
- Robin's right.
- Aye!
Now, this forest is wide.
It can shelter, clothe and feed
a band of good, determined men...
...good swordsmen, good archers,
good fighters!
Men, if you're willing to fight for our
people, I want you. Are you with me?
Aye! Aye!
Then kneel and swear this oath.
That you, the freemen of this forest,
swear to despoil the rich...
...only to give to the poor.
To shelter the old and helpless... protect all women,
rich or poor, Norman or Saxon.
Swear to fight for a free England.
To protect her loyally until the return
of our king, Richard the Lion-Heart.
And swear to fight to the death
against our oppressors!
We do! We do solemnly swear!
String him up again!
- He'll die if we lash him again, my lord.
- Oh, he'll die, will he?
Another one of their Saxon impudences.
They'll do anything to trick us.
- Mercy, good master! Have mercy!
- Start him dancing!
This will teach you to defy Prince John!
Father! Father!
Five men dead. Murdered.
Sir Ivor, Nigel, Baldwin, Norbert.
- You don't have to name them.
- Our men can't lay a hot iron... the eyes of a tax dodger without
getting an arrow in the throat.
- He's got to be stopped!
- Have you tried to stop him?
Yes, but I couldn't find him.
What chance has anyone of finding him?
Every villager
and woodcutter's his friend.
Every runaway serf and Saxon thief
in the shire is joining him.
I've sent spies in the forest
to find out his hiding place...
...but he strikes, and gone like a flash.
- While you stay safely at home.
Do you question my valor?
Am I not commanding the force...
...that goes with Sir Guy and
Lady Marian to Kenworth Castle... guard the tax money he is bringing
back, with my sword and life?
I only hope this murderer
does come out of his hiding place.
You hope!
Enough of this wrangling! I'll lay this
outlaw by the heels when I get back.
Well, well. A curtal friar,
and a mighty fat one at that.
- He's the man we need. I'll enlist him.
- Be careful, Robin.
That's the friar of Fountain's Abbey.
He's noted...
Yeah, that's right.
Noted for his piety.
A humble soul, he is,
with a heart as gentle as a lamb.
- Be easy with him, master.
- Oh, I won't harm him.
You stay here lest you frighten him.
Don't interfere.
That's one of the most
dangerous swordsmen...
Bless my soul, a miracle!
Robber! Thief!
Give me back my mutton joint!
If you're a robber
you'll get nothing from me.
I'm a curtal friar and vowed to poverty.
If this is poverty,
I'll gladly share it with you.
That's what you are doing.
Give me back my mutton joint!
Not so close, my ponderous one.
- I'd have a word with you.
- Well?
I live in the forest with good fellows...
...who've everything in life
save spiritual guidance.
And no merit but one.
- And what's that?
- We're outlaws.
Since we're newborn to the greenwood,
we need someone to do our christenings.
- So we've chosen you.
- Not I.
They've probably
all got your taking ways.
Of course.
But you'll love them, one and all.
Let's waste no more time. We'll
take the shortcut across the stream.
- Come.
- I'll not. I'm happy here.
- You will come.
- Ah!
Now, since I don't care
to get my feet wet...'ll carry me across on your back.
- On my back?
- Bend! You must learn obedience.
Come on, bend.
On, now!
Come on! On! On! Faster!
I'll have a gallop from you yet.
Come now, fat one. Why not give up?
You can see I'm a better swordsman.
After I let a little air into your bellows
you'll whistle a different tune.
By Our Lady,
you're the fairest swordsman I ever met.
Must we go on, then?
I think we're even now, friar.
Even? Nay. You're still ahead of me
by half a leg of mutton.
- So...
- No. Hold there, friar. Enough.
Come with me and I'll promise you
the finest venison pasty...
...and the biggest you ever ate.
Beef, boar's head, casks of ale.
If you'd said that before, you'd have
saved us both a wetting. Come along.
- You'll join us?
- Aye.
If only to convert you
from your thieving ways.
You're Robin Hood, aren't you?
The holy henchman!
Hail, doubting friar!
- Robin.
- Aye?
He's well named Friar Tuck.
It would take half the deer
in Sherwood Forest to fill that cavern.
And twice that to fill your empty head.
- Whoa, Will!
- What news, Will?
- I've got word...
- It's all right. He's one of us.
One of us?
He looks like three of us.
And equal to a full dozen.
Now, now, now, now.
Friar Tuck, Will Scarlett. What's it, Will?
Sir Guy of Gisbourne
is stopping by the way tonight.
- Has he got the tax money?
- A fortune!
- He enters Sherwood when?
- Tomorrow.
We'll have to postpone that stuffing
match, but it'll be double tomorrow!
Come! Back to camp, men!
Here, curb your appetite with that.
- Are you ready, men?
- Aye.
- See anything of them?
- Not yet.
Is everything ready?
They'll think they've got into
a blooming hornet's nest.
There they come.
Hadn't we better
send out flanking guards?
What for?
This is Sherwood, and Robin Hood...
- Afraid of that gallows-face?
- Afraid? Certainly not, sir.
But it's here that he's boldest.
Don't worry. We're more
than enough to take care of him.
Outlaws have no face to show
themselves against armed troops.
Are you sure?
I seem to remember...
He jumps out of ambush at small parties,
but he wouldn't dare to attack us.
- Well, you old rooster, what do you see?
- Make ready. They're in two sections.
- Do you see Sir Guy?
- He's leading the second.
The treasure wagon is with him.
Robin! Sir Guy and the sheriff
are watering their horses.
- The advance guard's far ahead.
- Good. Little John!
Take your men
and cut off the first section.
- Surround the advance guard.
- Aye!
- Ready, men?
- Aye, Robin!
Then stand ready for the signal. Come,
Will. Come on, let's welcome Sir Guy.
- Look!
- The guard! Quick!
Welcome to Sherwood, my lady.
What, Sir Guy, no greeting from you?
Why, that's curious.
I've often heard you'd give me a
warm welcome if ever we met again.
- You're permitting this without even...?
- Fighting?
- I'm afraid he has no choice, my lady.
- Well, I have, you impudent rascal!
You're not going to harm my lamb,
my honeysuckle.
Be still, Bess.
We've nothing but peaceful intentions.
Have we, men?
We only want to stroke his pretty neck.
- We won't harm him much.
- You see?
Well, let's away.
Don't bother to mark the way.
It'll take keener men than you've got... find our camp again.
- You'll hang for this, all of you.
A small price to pay for the company
of such a charming lady.
What can a Saxon hedge-robber
know of charm? Or ladies?
- She means you.
- Me? A hedge-robber?
You must tell me more about myself.
You may have been misinformed.
Perhaps, but I don't find it interesting
enough to bother about.
You just harm one hair
of my lady's head...
...and that ugly face of yours will walk
about with no neck under it. Now, mind!
- What are you staring at?
- I ain't never been out walking...
...with a female before.
- What female?
- You.
- Well, of all the impudence!
I suppose you say that to all women
that tickle your fancy.
I've never tickled
a woman's fancy before.
No, I've never had a sweetheart.
Do you mean to say you never had one
single sweetheart in all your life?
You don't know what you missed,
my lad.
I've had the bands on five times.
My lord! Your robes for the feast.
Hurry up, put them on.
- I won't!
- You will!
I will! I will!
To them, this is heaven.
Silks for rags, kindness instead of riches,
limitless food instead of hunger.
- Why, they're actually happy.
- Are they?
Aren't you even a little pleased
to see them enjoying themselves?
I think it's revolting.
Your life's been very sheltered, hasn't it,
my lady? Too sheltered, perhaps.
But if you could know these people
as I know them.
Their patience, loyalty, goodness.
Friar Tuck!
These should fit Sir Guy.
Me lord. Here is your raiment
for the banquet.
When you've done with them,
give them to Prince John.
To the tables, everybody,
and stuff yourselves!
May I serve you, my lady?
I'm afraid the company
has spoiled my appetite.
Now, mine is excellent.
- A little mutton, my lady?
- I said I'm not hungry.
Why, so you did. I'd forgotten.
Well, you will let me know
if you regain your appetite, won't you?
Friends! Friends!
I'd supposed, with you, that this Sir Guy
of Gisbourne was a scurvy fellow...
...and a bitter enemy of ours.
And yet, look!
He provides us with this tasty supper.
And is this the end of his beneficence?
Why, no!
For in his train today...
...he's brought us half a score
of boxes full of jewels and silks...
...and more, about 30,000 golden marks
wrested from the northern shires.
- You wouldn't dare.
- Sit down!
Some of you might think our host...
...intended this treasure
for the coffers of Prince John...
...instead of to ransom the king.
And you would be right.
But a strange thing happened.
A change of heart overtook him in the
forest, and there it is, safe and sound!
- You speak of loyalty.
- Yes. Why not?
I suppose you and your cutthroats
intend to send this treasure to Richard?
You wouldn't dream
of keeping it yourselves.
Friends! What shall we do with this
treasure? Divide it amongst ourselves?
- Hold it for Richard!
- It belongs to the king!
- Convinced?
- I may have been hasty...
But why you, a knight...
...should live here like an animal,
robbing, killing, outlawed...?
Are you really interested in learning
why I turned outlaw?
Or are you afraid of the truth?
Or of me, perhaps?
I'm afraid of nothing. Least of all of you.
Good. Then come with me.
Oh, so you are afraid.
Sit down! Sit down!
- Well, men.
- Hi!
Hardly an inspiring sight
for such pretty eyes as yours, I'm sure.
But these poor devils
have all had their homes burned.
Their families beaten and starved
to death by your tax gatherers.
- Bless you. We'll never forget you.
- Our humble thanks, master.
- May we be worthy, Robin.
- You are, mother, you are.
- Have you eaten well, friend?
- Yes, thanks, Robin Hood.
We humbly thank you, master.
I'm sorry to have to show you that.
But once these poor people
were happy and contented.
Just simple villagers
who never harmed a soul.
And now... Tortured, eyes put out,
tongues slit, ears hacked off.
They come to me for protection
against your Norman friends.
But you've taken Norman lives.
Yes, those that deserved it.
The cruel and unjust.
You're a strange man.
Strange? Because I can feel for beaten,
helpless people?
No, you're strange because you want
to do something about it.
You're willing to defy Sir Guy,
even Prince John himself.
To risk your own life.
- And one of those men was a Norman.
- Norman or Saxon. What's that matter?
- It's injustice I hate, not the Normans.
- But it's lost you your rank, your lands.
It's made you a hunted outlaw...
...when you might have
lived in comfort and security.
What's your reward for all this?
You just don't understand, do you?
I'm sorry.
I do begin to see a little now.
If you do, then that's reward enough.
Now that you've robbed us and had your
fill of insulting us, we wish to leave.
- Come, Lady Marian.
- My men will escort my lady.
But before you leave, it might be well
if you thanked her for saving your life.
My life?
Do you think you'd have
left this forest alive...
...if it hadn't been
for her presence here?
- Peter! Harold!
- Master?
Take six men and guide our loyal host
and his nervous friend... the Nottingham Road.
- But our horses, our clothes.
You'll return to Nottingham
as you are, on foot.
This, Sir Guy, will at least be a lesson
to you in humility, if not in mercy.
- Your people will be returned tomorrow.
- But the lady Marian.
You'd best be started
before I have a change of mind.
I think we'd better go.
Now, my lady.
Friar Tuck! Little John!
Take the lady
to the Abbey of the Black Canons... tomorrow the bishop
can escort her the rest of the way.
- Oh, master, may I go too?
- With your permission, my lady?
Goodbye, my lady.
- He took everything you collected?
- Every silver penny.
And you two nincompoops sat there
and let him do it.
- Oh, we resisted as well as we could.
- Where are your wounds? Your bruises?
- And where are your men?
- What did Your Highness expect?
With the Lady Marian in our company
and Locksley's men outnumbering us.
And not an arrow wound to divide
among them, I suppose.
And more than 30,000 marks
in the hands of that wolf's head.
That fellow's got to be taken.
And how does Your Highness suggest
that he be taken?
- If I may be so bold as to inquire?
- Mind your words, Gisbourne.
You're fortunate not to be paying
for this with your head.
Your Highness, sir, I could muster
an army and surround Sherwood.
- You couldn't capture him...
- Mind your words.
...if he sat in your lap
shooting arrows at a crow.
Arrows! Arrows!
- He said shooting arrows at a crow.
- Take that silly looking bonnet off.
That stirs something in my mind.
Perhaps we can't take him by force.
He's too well protected. Knows
Sherwood's hidden paths well. But...
- But what?
- We'll outwit him.
We'll hold an archery tournament!
Archery tour...
And have him fly in on the end of one
of his own arrows? That's marvelous.
He's the finest archer in the North.
Think he'd forgo shooting...
...against the archers of all England?
We'll give a prize. Say, a golden arrow.
And ask him to risk his neck for that?
That won't be the only bait...
...with the Lady Marian presenting
the arrow herself.
What do you mean?
When they came out of the forest,
she seemed very friendly.
And didn't you notice
how his eyes never left her?
- Yes, yes, I noticed.
- Well, then!
- Well, then, how do we get word to him?
- Get word to Robin...
...who has an eye in every bush
and ears in every wall?
But even if he comes,
won't he be disguised?
Whether he be dressed as priest,
beggar, knight...
...palmer, what disguise can conceal
the finest archer in England?
The man who wins the golden arrow
will be Robin Hood.
Will you take that bonnet off?
I hope our little golden hook
will catch the fish.
- You hope?
- Oh, it will if he's here.
If he's not, we'll stick your head
upon the target and shoot at that.
- Are your men sure of their orders?
- Yes.
They're stationed all around the field.
Even a worm couldn't get through.
You talk as if this were a trap.
No, my dear. Just a precaution in case
the Saxons create a disturbance.
By orders of His Highness Prince John...
...the champions
of Sir Guy and the knights...
...will be limited to three flights
of arrows for the eliminations.
The winning team will meet all comers.
- You know it's a trap.
- A golden arrow, from the lady herself.
- They've cooked this up to take you.
- Well, what of it?
- You know what'll happen if they do.
- Where's your sporting blood?
Sir Guy accepted our invitation.
We'd be rude not to accept his.
- It'd be ruder to get your neck stretched.
- There, my band getting fat and overfed.
Where's your love of fights,
risk, adventure?
Since our friend seems to have gone
a little mad, I'll have to see him through.
We'll have to see him through.
Prepare final flight.
Does my lady find it interesting?
Lady Marian?
- Oh, I'm sorry.
- I asked if you found it interesting.
Yes, very.
They're splendid archers.
You'll find it much more
interesting later on.
The winning team will compete
as individuals.
Captain Phillip of Arras.
Elwyn the Welshman.
Matt of Sleaford.
They now challenge all comers.
The men who'd shoot against that lot
have to have the eyes of a falcon.
They're far too good for me.
I'm not shooting today.
Remaining archers will use
center target.
Matt of Sleaford, out!
Elwyn the Welshman, out!
- Ah! The tall tinker.
- Now is the time.
Not so hasty, Sir Guy. I'm enjoying
myself. Let them finish the match.
- But he could...
- Have your men close in if you wish.
Yeah, they're closing in.
I hope Robin sees them.
I must commend Your Highness
for the subtlety of your scheme.
Very good. Would you say you'd seen
that tall fellow before?
And if I had, what interest
could a tinker have for me?
Phillip of Arras shoots next.
You will be allowed another flight.
Target's a deal too close. Can we have
it removed to a fit distance to shoot at?
Another 20 paces!
If your archer captain
wins at that distance...
...I'll give you
1000 gold marks for him.
Win or lose, I'll give him
to Your Highness for a favor.
Provided you let me deal
with this wolf's head in my own way.
Done. I'm leaving for Norwich right
after the tournament anyway... you may do what you please
with him.
Why, he can't win now.
No living man could beat that shot.
I'll wager 100 marks on Phillip of Arras!
He split Phillip's arrow.
The tinker wins! He wins!
- What is your name, archer?
- Godfrey of Sherwood, Your Highness.
How is it that a tinker learned so well
the use of arms?
Even a peaceful tinker...
...must protect himself these days
from treachery and other things.
It's earned you more
than you bargained for today.
I pronounce you champion archer
of England.
From the gracious hand of Lady Marian
Fitzwalter, you'll receive your reward.
I... Here is your prize, sir archer.
It's indeed an honor to receive it
from the hands of so beautiful a lady.
- How is it you didn't use a black arrow?
- That's my court of last resort, Sir Guy.
- Its verdict is always final.
- Arrest this man!
That's a good idea.
You're a very rash young man.
And I'm sorry I can't be in Nottingham to
see what Gisbourne has in store for you.
- It'll be something special, I'm sure.
- I'm sure.
Sorry I underestimated you.
Next time perhaps...
There'll be no next time.
Take him away!
"Robin of Locksley. Known to
some as the outlaw Robin Hood.
After trial, in which you did not produce
one witness in your behalf...'ve been found guilty of outlawry,
murder, abduction...
...false pretenses,
contempt of the Crown...
...poaching in forests
and high treason".
Haven't you forgotten
a count or two?
Surely it's a crime under the noble
Prince John to love one's country.
To protect serfs from injustice
and be loyal to one's king.
If I could add anything to the charges
against you, I would most gladly do so.
"It is the sentence of this tribunal, on
the morrow at high noon you be taken... the square in Nottingham and there
hanged by the neck until you are dead".
There may be some who will regret
that a man of your peculiar talents...
...should be cut off so early in life. But...
You think the sentence extremely
lenient. Thank you.
What's troubling you, my lady?
Is it the outlaw?
Yes. I hate to see a human
being trapped...
Bess, you know where his men
may be found, don't you?
- Why, my lady, how should I know?
- Don't put me off.
That little man who liked you.
You've been seeing him?
- Yes, my lady.
- Tell me where.
- Do you want to send a message?
- To his men, yes.
Well, my lady, I have had a nip of ale
of a night, just now and again... a place in the town and I won't
deny as some of the others were there.
Where was it?
Oh, Bess, please tell me!
It was a tavern, my lady.
The Saracen's Head in Pilgrim Court.
- The landlord's name is Humility Prin.
- Humility Prin.
Knock at the door and say,
"A Locksley".
- "A Locksley".
- Yes, but...
Get me a cloak, quickly!
Yes, madame. Oh, dear...
- But there must be some way...
- Couldn't we storm the place?
Why, you'd need an army
with a battering ram to even dent it.
Aye, he'll be hanged for sure.
Maybe Little John's right.
Perhaps we...
A Locksley.
- What is it, Prin?
- A lady, sir. The Lady Marian.
- What?
- It's a trap, Will. Watch those windows.
She has the password, all right.
- Is she alone?
- Yes, sir.
Fetch her in.
- What do you want, my lady?
- I want to help him.
- How did you find us here?
- Never mind that now.
Please don't stand there staring.
Tell me what I can do.
- Don't trust her. It's a trick.
- Would I come alone if it were a trap?
What's to prevent your killing me if...?
Is there no one here
with sense enough to see?
One moment.
We have to make sure, my child.
You're a good daughter of the church?
You swear by Our Lady
that you want to help Robin?
I swear, good Father.
- Have you thought of a way?
- Yes.
- Can you get us in the castle?
- That's no good. He's heavily guarded.
But I thought of another way.
- This is a rare treat, isn't it, my lady?
- Yes, isn't it?
With Locksley out of the way,
we'll stamp out the rest.
Won't it be a pleasant surprise
for Prince John when he returns?
To think that I was once foolish enough
to believe that you rather liked him.
Why, your hand is trembling.
We Saxons won't forget you,
Robin Hood!
Take him to the gallows.
Take him up there.
He'll not be so insolent
when they've stretched his neck.
Get ready.
Stop him!
Stop! Guards!
Friar Tuck! Much!
- Here we are, sir!
- Here, safe and sound!
Back to camp!
Robin! Where are you?
Here I am. Stand by!
He is different
from anyone I've ever known.
He's, well, he's brave and he's reckless,
and yet he's gentle and kind.
He's not brutal like...
Tell me, when you are in love, is it...
...well, is it hard to think of anybody
but one person?
Yes, indeed, and sometimes
there's a bit of trouble sleeping.
I know,
but it's a nice kind of not sleeping.
Yes, and it affects your appetite too.
Not that I've noticed
it's done that to you...
...except when he was
waiting to be hanged.
Does it make you want
to be with him all the time?
Yes. And when he's with you,
your legs are weak as water.
Tell me, my lady, when he looks at you,
do you feel a kind of prickly feeling... goosy pimples running
all up and down your spine?
- Then there's not a doubt of it.
- Doubt of what?
That you're in love!
What do you want?
- I must say. I must say!
- Keep quiet, Bess.
Are you completely mad?
- Why did you come here?
- To see you.
But don't you realize that...?
My men told me what you did for me,
so I've come to thank you.
And after what I couldn't help
overhearing about that prickly feeling...
...I'm very glad I did come.
That was a game.
Now, you've got to go at once!
A game?
Well, couldn't I join in?
Of course, I probably wouldn't be
as good at it as this pretty young girl.
But I could do my best.
Bess, will you leave us?
Now, let's see,
where does this game begin?
Oh, I know. It's simple.
We'll start where you're in love with me.
You are, aren't you?
Because I am with you, terribly.
That's why I came.
I had to see you again.
You must go at once.
And I don't love you.
- Oh! Are you sure?
- Yes.
Very well then, I'll go.
This is rather unfriendly of you,
exposing me to my enemies like this.
Let me see. There's a fat old captain
of the guard down there with bow legs.
If I drop on him
that'll bend them out worse.
An archer! He's too thin.
I might miss him altogether.
- Robin!
- The very thing.
Five men-at-arms in a group.
They'll break the fall beautifully.
- Goodbye, my lady!
- Robin!
- Yes?
- Please.
Then you do love me? Don't you?
- Don't you?
- You know I do.
Well, that's different.
- Do you know you're very impudent?
- Me?
You are!
When my guardian, King Richard, finds
out about your being in love with me...
- I know, he'll make me court jester.
- He won't!
He'll stick your funny head
on London Gate.
And a fine decoration it will be,
my bold Norman beauty.
- I'm not bold.
- Well, you're Norman.
Well, I don't hold that against you.
And you are a beauty.
- You're the most beautiful...
- You're leaving at once.
Please, darling, every minute
you're here you're in danger.
I'll go.
- Marian, will you come with me?
- To Sherwood?
I've nothing to offer you but a life of
hardship and danger...
...but we'd be together.
- But, Robin, dear...
- It's asking a lot, but who knows... long it'll be
before Richard returns.
Friar Tuck could marry us. Will you?
Because I love you, Robin, I'd come.
Even the danger would mean nothing
if you were with me.
Then you will?
No. Listen to me, darling. You
remember that day in Sherwood Forest?
I realized then for the first time
that what you were doing was right...
...and that we were wrong.
No, let me finish.
You taught me England
is bigger than Normans and Saxons...
...fighting and hating each other.
That it belongs to all of us,
to live peacefully together...
...loyal only to Richard and to England.
But, darling, you could help.
I could help much more
by watching for treachery here...
...and leaving you free to protect
Richard's people until he returns.
Now do you see why
you have to go back to your men alone?
Go now, quickly, dearest.
- Goodbye, darling.
- Goodbye.
- Goodbye, my love.
- Goodbye.
- You gentlemen have traveled far?
- Yes, quite a distance.
I'm sorry I can't give you better food.
- There is little left to us these days.
- This will be enough.
The inn at Luton was well supplied.
How is that?
Ah. That's a Norman inn.
But it's an outrage!
I'll complain to Prince John.
I'll have this rascal's ears,
no matter how. Dares to rob me!
Strip my person of jewels!
What's this country coming to...
...when a churchman
can't travel the forest in safety?
- Who's he?
- The Bishop of the Black Canons.
- Do you wish to go on after dinner?
- No. We can't reach the abbey tonight.
- I'll stay. Tend to the horses.
- Yes, Your Grace.
- Bring food to us!
- Yes, Your Grace, at once!
It's no longer safe to journey anywhere.
Robbers at every turn of the road.
- What happened, Your Grace?
- I told you! We've been robbed.
Not a chance to defend ourselves.
They burst on us from ambush.
- Who did?
- Why, Robin Hood, of course.
There's no other
with impudence enough.
Robin Hood again, sire.
- You've heard of him, then?
- Oh, he seems well known hereabouts.
- Oh, then you're strange to this shire?
- More or less.
What might be your names, gentlemen?
They're hardly important enough
to deserve your interest.
- Landlord, where's our ale?
- Coming, sirs.
Will you gentlemen
be remaining here tonight?
We hadn't decided, Your Grace.
What would you advise?
Well, there's so much danger on
the road, you'd be far safer here.
We will then, since we'll have
the added pleasure of your company.
I should like to stay, but I recollected
some urgent affairs at my abbey.
Some other time, or perhaps you would
break your journey...
...and sup with me tomorrow.
- Your Grace is too kind.
Then I bid you good evening, gentlemen,
and God speed you in the morning.
Thank you. Good night.
The window!
Are there beds prepared, landlord?
Let's to sleep, then. I'm tired.
- I'm afraid he suspects, sire.
- I fear so.
His Grace is a Norman.
Did you see the fear on the
landlord's face when he came in?
I've seen it in the faces
of thousands since we returned.
I ought never to have left England.
I noticed when Robin Hood's
name is mentioned...
The mysterious outlaw
whom we have sought.
In vain. However, the bishop
didn't have any difficulty meeting him.
Which gives me an idea.
- And you're sure it was Richard?
- No doubt of it.
How like my dear brother this is!
He couldn't rot in Durnstein
like any decent man.
- But Richard has no army.
- No, Your Highness.
- If he had, we should have heard of it.
- If my brother were to be killed...
- England would have a new king.
- That would be murder! I'll have no part...
You'll do as you're told! That's
very simple. Keep your mouth closed.
Your Highness, I beg of you!
How long will you retain your abbey
if Richard survives to find out...
...what you've been up to
these years he's been away?
Go on, Gisbourne. Who's to...?
Dickon was a knight before
your brother hacked off his spurs...
...over some little mischance.
There's nothing he wouldn't do for
a king who'd restore him to rank.
- You don't love my brother, I hear.
- I have little reason to, Your Highness.
- You know this tavern?
- Yes.
If Richard dies...
Dickon returns to the roll of English
knights. Am I not right?
With the manor and estate
of Robin of Locksley to support his rank.
- When shall I start?
- Now. How many men will you need?
I shall do it better alone, Your Highness.
The sooner you're crowned king...
The better for my friends?
You're a clever fellow, Gisbourne.
Thank you, Your Majesty.
Return to your abbey and make
preparations to proclaim me king... in Nottingham,
the day after tomorrow.
Do you suppose she heard?
I don't know.
Now you know why Robin's got to find
King Richard at once and warn him.
Take this note
to Much at Saracen's Head.
My lady's hearing
is a little defective tonight.
When you knock at a lady's door as
if it were a tavern, you deserve to wait.
You seem upset.
Upset? Why should I be?
Oh, come now, my dear Lady Marian.
You've played the innocent long enough.
- Let's be frank with one another.
- I don't see the need.
You're charming, but not exactly
clever. You couldn't have failed... overhear what Prince John
and I were talking about.
Oh, no, no, no.
Please don't trouble to deny it.
And your first thought, as Richard's
loyal ward, was to warn him.
- Am I not right?
- Why, how could I warn Richard?
How did Locksley and his men
arrange his escape...
...from hanging after the archery match?
Someone here in the castle
must have got word to him.
That's ridiculous!
When Richard's in danger,
what more natural...
...than that you should try
to warn him through Locksley?
And you do intend to
warn him, don't you?
- Don't you?
- No!
If that's true, perhaps
you'd explain before Prince John...
...and the Court of Execution
the meaning of this.
Escort my Lady Marian to the Great Hall.
Not only has she consorted with
this Saxon rebel...
...found guilty of outlawry, theft,
murder, abduction and high treason...
...but she has betrayed
her own Norman people.
Are you not ashamed, my Lady Marian?
Yes, I am. Bitterly. But it's a shame
that I'm a Norman...
...after seeing the things my fellow
countrymen have done to England.
At first I wouldn't believe. Because I was
a Norman I wouldn't let myself believe...
...that the horrors you inflicted
on the Saxons weren't just.
I know now why you tried so hard
to kill this outlaw whom you despised.
It's because he was the one man
in England who protected the helpless...
...against beasts
drunk on human blood!
And now you intend
to murder your own brother!
You'll be sorry you interfered.
Sorry? I'd do it again if you kill me for it.
A prophetic speech, my lady, for that is
exactly what is going to happen to you.
You wouldn't dare.
I'm the royal ward of King Richard
and no one but the king himself...
...has the right to condemn me to death.
You are quite right, my dear.
And it shall be a king who will order
your execution for high treason...
...exactly 48 hours from now.
Take her away.
- You got it all in your stupid head now?
- Of course I have.
Well, give Robin the whole message
exactly like I told it to you.
Bess, where was Dickon
supposed to find King Richard?
Oh, never mind him!
What do I care about
your kings and thrones and such?
Robin has gotta do something
to save my baby!
Come on, old girl.
Robin will look after her, all right.
- Where's Dickon heading for?
- Kent Road Tavern.
Kent Road Tavern?
You can save three miles
and cut him off through Low Wood.
Come on, lass,
give us a kiss and wish me luck.
Hurry up and take
your ugly face out of here.
Oh, Much.
Oh, you will be careful, won't you?
Of course I will.
Greetings, sir abbot!
- You've traveled far this morning?
- Too far to be patient with delay now.
Perhaps it's the weight of your purse
that wearies you. I can remedy that.
If it weighs more than a just amount I'll
share it with those who have less.
You think I hand my purse
to every rough lout who asks for it?
You see, sir abbot?
We're poor outlaws,
with nothing to eat but the king's deer...
...while you have property,
rents, and silver. So your purse!
I traveled far on the king's business.
The silver I have left...
...equals no more than 60 marks.
What? Are you
friendly to our good King Richard?
I love no man better.
By that speech
you save half your money.
Give me 30 marks for the poor.
The rest you may keep.
Then I can go free?
Any friend of Richard's
is free of this forest.
Would you honor us
by sharing meat with us?
- Gladly.
- Then come.
- Well, sir rascal, tell me, who are you?
- I'm called Robin Hood.
It seems I've heard of you.
- Nothing good, I hope.
- Oh, now I remember!
How does your loyalty
to Richard set on a killer of knights...
...a poacher of the king's deer
and an outlaw?
Those I kill died from misusing
the trust that Richard left them.
And the worst rogue of these
is the king's own brother.
- Oh, then you blame Prince John.
- No, I blame Richard.
His task was defending his people...
...instead of deserting them
to fight in foreign lands.
You'd condemn Holy Crusades?
I'll condemn anything that leaves
the task of holding England... outlaws like me.
- Much, what's happened to you?
- Take me to Robin, quick!
- Much, what's happened?
- King Richard's in England. In Sherwood!
Prince John sent Dickon to Kent Road
Tavern last night to kill the king.
- Take 50 men to the Kent Road Tavern...
- No need, master, no need.
I headed Dickon off.
He ain't gonna murder no one no more.
- But the king? Where is he?
- I don't know, master.
Men, Richard must be found.
He must be brought here for safety.
Little John, take a party
and scour the country.
Friar Tuck, into the town.
Will, search every inn and cottage.
Don't rest, day or night,
until he's found. Understand?
You don't need to
search for Richard, Robin.
He's in good hands. The best in England.
What do you mean? Where is he?
All these have remained loyal.
Rise, Sir Robin.
Rise, men of Sherwood.
Sire, Prince John's calling
Bishop of the Black Canons... proclaim him king
in Nottingham tomorrow.
- How'd you learn this?
- Lady Marian. She overheard.
They've taken her for treason.
She's been condemned
to the block for warning us.
He wouldn't dare
execute the king's ward.
You underestimate him.
To save her and your throne,
we've got to act now!
By attacking Nottingham castle?
Without an army it'll be much
too strong. Your men will be killed.
If the Bishop of the Black Canons
is performing the ceremony tomorrow...
...suppose we visit him
at his abbey tonight...
...and persuade him to suggest a way.
Brace up. Smile!
Still sure it wasn't you who
warned my brother I was in England?
Why, sire, believe me, I...
Your Grace, smile!
You'll sweat the lard
off your fat carcass...
...before this day's over,
my pudgy friend.
And I hope some Norman sword
whittles you down to size!
Oh, Lord, we beseech thee.
Sanctify this thy servant,
our royal Prince John.
Enrich his noble heart and bestow
upon him all princely virtues.
No news of Richard.
No. None, Your Highness.
Then Dickon must have...
Sir Dickon, Your Highness.
Of course. Of course.
We are ready for the ceremony,
Your Majesty.
By what authority do you,
John Lackland, Prince of England...
...claim to be crowned this day,
sovereign of the realm...
...and as defender of the Holy Sepulcher,
to receive the blessing of the church?
By right of blood succession.
According to the law of the realm.
Is it of your own free will
that you thus depose your brother...
...Richard the Lion-Heart of England?
Richard no longer exists!
From this moment forward,
I, John, am king of England!
Aren't you a little premature, brother?
Richard! The Lion-Heart!
He's lying! He's an imposter!
- The king lives!
- Men of Sherwood!
Robin Hood!
It's a trick of the outlaws!
Kill him! Seize him!
Did I upset your plans?
You've come to Nottingham
once too often!
When this is over, there'll be
no need for me to come again.
Your sword, Gisbourne.
- Know any prayers, my friend?
- I'll say one for you!
Save yourself, Robin!
The door, quick!
Quick, or I'll trim that beard for you!
But, Richard, Richard! I thought...
- You thought I was murdered!
- Oh, no, no.
I didn't mean to...
After all, Richard, I am your brother.
Yes, sire, he is your brother.
Yes, my brother.
I could forgive you if your treachery
were against me and not my subjects.
I banish you and your followers from
England for the remainder of my lifetime.
Take them away.
See that they leave England.
I further banish from my realm
all injustices and oppressions...
...which have burdened my people.
And I pray that under my rule...
...Normans and Saxons alike
will share the rights of Englishmen.
Long live Richard the Lion-Heart!
What about you, Robin?
My sword is yours,
sire, now and always.
Is there nothing I
can grant the outlaw...
...who showed him
his duty to his country?
Yes, Your Majesty,
a pardon for the men of Sherwood.
Granted with all my heart.
Long live Richard the Lion-Heart!
But is there nothing for yourself?
There's but one thing else, sire.
And do you too wish...?
More than anything in the world, sire.
Kneel, Robin Hood.
Arise, Robin, Baron of Locksley,
Earl of Sherwood and Nottingham...
...and lord of all the lands and manors
appertaining thereto.
My first command to you, my lord earl... to take in marriage
the hand of the Lady Marian.
Long live Robin Hood!
Long live Robin Hood!
Long live Lady Marian!
And what say you to that,
Baron of Locksley?
May I obey all your commands
with equal pleasure, sire!