The Aeronauts (2019)

How bad is the tear?!
We need to lose more weight!
Stop the carriage!
Are you quite well?
You don't need
to fly today.
You can return
to Richmond with me.
I just need a moment.
After all you've been through,
no one will think worse of you.
I would.
I would think worse of me.
I have an agreement
with Mr. Glaisher.
You barely know the man,
and the little you do,
you're irritated by.
Antonia, please, I...
just need a moment.
One last piece
of sisterly advice.
Doubt is there
to be listened to.
Come and get your tickets!
Amelia Wren!
How high will she go?!
And afterwards, I've got
to take you straight to...
Amelia Wren!
Well, I read all about it...
Hey, you! Get out of the road!
Come on. Move along.
She's late.
She is, but that's
the least of your concerns.
We'll lose the light, John.
James, do the clouds
not look ominous to you?
I repeatedly explained
to Miss Wren
the importance
of catching the right light
and the right wind
at the right time,
- and she's just openly ignored me.
- James, look up.
It's not a concern, John.
The readings I took
this morning were quite clear.
Far be it from me
to doubt you, James,
but your weather predictions
have been wrong in the past,
and it's just possible
that you've missed...
Don't even think of it.
Ned Chambers,
John Trew,
my very good friend.
John, this is Ned,
one of the hardy entrepreneurs
who's invested
in our expedition.
Do not even think of telling me
flight is not possible.
Mr. Chambers, we are scientists
of the air, and we can tell you
the one thing no one
can control is, well, the air.
I have paid for gas.
I have paid for silk.
And is this balloon
not the strongest
and largest that's ever been?
Even so,
it can't fight the weather.
You don't want to be
responsible for a tragedy, sir.
I don't wish to be responsible
for refunding the 10,000
that came here because
you promised them history.
We'll fly, Ned. We'll fly.
I only need the sky
to hold for 90 minutes,
and once we're above
the cloud line, we'll be fine.
Good. That's fixed, then.
Now, did you not promise me
a 5:00 ascent?
I'm set.
I'm merely waiting
for our pilot.
And it's not the first time
Miss Wren has kept me waiting.
What a truly pleasant man.
One must make compromises
in order to achieve greatness,
my friend.
And he...
is merely one compromise.
Hello, everybody, and welcome!
Welcome back, Amelia!
Are you ready?
You're incredibly late.
Lesson number one
of aeronauting:
We are creatures of the skies
and have no respect
for landlocked clocks.
Mr. Glaisher, are you
really not a gentleman at all?
Hold out your hand to me.
- Go on, Glaisher!
- Go on! - Take her hand!
Look like you've never
seen a woman before!
- Don't keep a lady waiting!
- Come on, Mr. Glaisher!
Take her hand!
Take her hand, Mr. Glaisher!
You're naughty!
Are you ready?
Mr. Glaisher, you have no
conception of how ready I am.
Good dog.
She's got a dog!
No, no, no.
No, absolutely not.
Under no circumstances
are we taking a dog.
I told you we'd have to play
to the crowd,
and they prefer my dog
to your boxes.
Those are essential
meteorological instruments.
And this is an essential dog.
She's called Posey.
The essential...
Go on. In you go.
Excuse me.
Ladies and gentlemen,
today, myself... Amelia Wren...
my naughty scientist,
Mr. Glaisher...
and my wonder dog Posey
are going to change the world.
Are you ready for us to do so?
This balloon on which I stand...
the Mammoth...
is a balloon like no other,
and will allow us to ascend
higher into the air
than any man or woman
has ever gone.
The French rose to 23,000 feet.
Today, we will
break that record
and reclaim it
for these fair shores!
Who knows?
We may reach the Moon
and bring back...
Today is a day
when history will be made,
and you will all be
a part of it.
Mr. Glaisher,
now is your moment.
Up you get.
Are you ready?
Yes. I just need to retake
my ground readings
and then do one final check
of the equipment.
Well, my equipment
was all prepared in advance.
Now, don't touch this rope,
Mr. Glaisher,
'cause it will let out the gas.
I do know how a balloon works.
Uh, what are you doing?
We fly.
- The sky awaits.
- Wait, no.
These ground readings
are essential.
If they're not accurate...
Godspeed, old man.
- What are you doing?
- Giving the people their money's worth.
W-Will that not damage
the integrity of the balloon?
For God's sake.
This is absurd.
It's what they call
entertainment, Mr. Glaisher.
Well, I'm not finding it
particularly entertaining.
It requires a...
a sense of humor,
which you seem to lack.
This is ridiculous.
Don't be so sour.
Give me the dog.
What do you mean,
give you the dog?
- Pass me Posey, Mr. Glaisher.
- I'm not giving you the dog.
Mr. Glaisher, the dog. Now.
- Come on!
- What, you just want me to...
- what, just pass her to you?
- Pass her up.
- Yes, pass her up.
- All right.
- Come on, Posey. Come on.
- All right.
No, don't!
Did you see that?
Well done, Posey.
Come on, Posey.
Come on, girl.
There he is. Ah!
Mr. Glaisher, you are airborne
for the first time
in your life.
I suggest you spend less time
frowning at me and...
more taking in this beautiful
world we've just left.
Quite something, isn't she?
It all looks so...
Do you take anything seriously,
Miss Wren?
Some things.
That crowd gathered to witness
us break the height record.
They didn't need to see
a flying dog.
Mm. Still stuck there, are you?
I've spent much of my life
being laughed at
for what I do, Miss Wren.
I'd rather hope that today
might prove an exception.
Tell me, what determines
your reputation?
My reputation?
Yes, your standing
in the scientific community.
The papers I've written,
the discoveries I've uncovered.
Your reputation
is built on paper,
and my reputation
is built on screams.
And those people below,
they came to be entertained.
And they, if you didn't know,
are the ones paying
for this trip.
You off to the opera?
I've been looking
at the same thing.
Don't tell me that cloud
isn't a cause for concern.
I'm the scientist;
you're the pilot.
Let's stick to our roles,
shall we?
- James!
- Come on, John.
- I'll not miss the takeoff.
- It's in the air.
We could have stayed
on the ground and looked up.
We must see it from
the best vantage point, Johnny.
For God's sake.
Sky's clear,
so I predict a clean takeoff,
which means that in precisely
24 seconds we should see it.
You are aware
he might not make it
off the ground?
Charles Green
will make it off the ground.
Maybe not quite so close
to the edge of the building.
Listen, John,
will you stop scowling at me?
- Sc...
- Do I count the hours that I spend
helping you
pin butterflies to a board?
Pinning butterflies
is not a dangerous pursuit.
Five, four,
three, two,
Could be anything.
The gas valve ruptured.
The silk tore.
He's rethought
the balloon shape.
It's wider at the top,
like a parachute.
That's very clever.
May I look?
Yes, you may. Here.
If you've had time enough...
You'll get your chance,
you know.
They'll realize your worth.
I think they know my worth
quite well enough.
Gentlemen! Gentlemen!
We-we know more now
about this world around us
than at any moment
in our history.
And yet, still, still,
we are limited
by our ignorance
as to what is truly above us.
Now, with the progress that
we have made in balloon ascent
here at the Society,
pioneered by Charles Green,
we could advance meteorology
by decades.
Analysis of
the Earth's magnetic field,
the solar spectrum,
knowledge of the dew point,
understanding of oxygenation
of the atmosphere,
- atmospheric...
- He wants my balloon!
No, sir.
No, sir, I ask for funding
for my own expedition
into the skies.
By gathering enough data,
I believe that we will be able
to uncover patterns
- and correlations that...
- Sir,
we are scientists,
not fortune tellers.
You're talking about
weather prediction.
But is that not our
responsibility as scientists,
to find order in chaos,
Please, if we could understand
the sky above us...
You are no closer to predicting
the movements of the weather
than the movements of a frog in a jar.
If we could understand the skies
above us, gentlemen...
Gentlemen, we...
- You're delusional, my friend.
- With your financial support,
we are on the precipice
of extraordinary change.
The possibility of advanced
weather prediction could...
it could save lives.
Gentlemen. Gent...
Gentlemen, please!
We have to sit through this?
"James Glaisher spoke again
"this week at the Royal Society
of his plans to make a science
of the weather."
In-in The Times.
You read it?
Yes, I've read it, Pa.
"To the accompaniment
of much laughter."
- Oh, Arthur, please stop.
- They're wrong, by the way.
Well, many more thought
you were.
Well, many didn't believe
in Newton.
Newton? Oh, James.
Newton changed the way
we see the Earth
and the planets and the stars.
You think you can predict...
when it might rain.
Th-These things that people
are saying about you, James,
don't-don't... don't they hurt?
I wish it didn't hurt you.
nine minutes and 23 seconds.
Altitude is 5,400 feet.
And air temperature is
64 degrees Fahrenheit.
Delightful. Could you...?
- What?
- Just-just at the top.
You should put on
your oilskins, Mr. Glaisher.
All right.
Out you come.
What are you attaching
to those pigeons?
Our readings.
Oh. I see.
Reassuring to know
you've contemplated our deaths.
I've just insured against them,
should we not make it back.
Cloud ahoy.
"What more felicitie
can fall to creature
"Than to enjoy delight...
- with libertie..."
- "With libertie,
And to be lord
of all the workes of Nature."
"To raine
in th' aire from earth..."
" the highest skie,
To feed on flowres and weeds
of glorious feature."
"To take what ever thing
doth please the eie?"
"The Fate of the Butterflie."
It's one of my favorite poems.
I didn't have you down
as a literary man.
Men of science, uh,
can enjoy words, Miss Wren.
My husband loved that poem.
I would have liked
to have met your husband.
I'm not sure
he'd have liked you.
He disliked people who studied
rather than practiced.
Are we still sure
this weather will hold?
Because my instinct
is telling me...
Instinct has no place
in weather prediction.
You're lying to me.
Every reading that I took
this morning
was quite clear, Miss Wren.
There are no advantages
in concealing concerns.
We are trapped here
no matter what you say.
This pressure is changing
faster than I'd anticipated.
We're about to get wet.
And so it begins.
I'm not sure your instruments
are much use to us now.
We need to batten down,
so please put on
your wet weather clothing.
There are no prizes
for obstinacy.
If you won't listen to me,
listen to that.
But not one of my readings
suggested a storm.
Well, that's what it is,
and we're inside a cumulo,
which is precisely
where we shouldn't be.
Don't worry.
She's not made
of conductive material,
so we won't attract lightning.
And if we are struck,
the gas will explode,
so we won't live long enough
for me to point out...
Hold on!
Get that equipment
put away now!
These instruments
will give us...
Stay still and keep calm.
I need to get us out of this.
No! No!
We cannot descend!
This might be our one
and only opportunity.
- Of course we don't descend.
- We don't?
There are two ways
to break a storm.
One is to travel beneath it,
the other above it.
The safest way is up.
The safest way is up?
Who did you think
you got in a balloon with?
Amelia! Amelia!
Give me your hand!
Hold on!
Hold on!
Take my hand! Take my hand!
- You all right?
- Yes.
Hold on!
It's not over yet.
A lucky escape.
Or a brilliant one.
May I look through
your spyglass, sir?
There's nothing to see.
I lost them
when the storm passed over.
I would like a look
all the same, sir.
I won't steal it.
I didn't presume you would.
You have an interest
in the air?
Don't you wish
to be up there with them?
No, I'd be
an unnecessary weight.
All the same.
Some reach for the stars.
Some push others towards them.
I wish I was up there.
You're not afraid
of the clouds?
Clouds are just water.
And what of the birds
that may attack you?
May I look through
your spyglass?
I can see them, sir.
Not possible.
I-I can see them, sir. I can.
That's my entire body weight.
You all right?
There we go.
Now, that should hold.
I hope.
Looks pretty precarious to me.
She's stronger
than she looks.
James, you'll miss it.
That's an aureole.
Have you seen
one of those before?
You haven't?
I have in books.
I believe you should be
checking your instruments.
You can't have taken a good
reading in quite some time.
You so enjoy being amused
by me, don't you?
I'm amused by your enjoyment
of something that has
nothing to do with numbers.
Have you noticed
it's completely silent?
Cloud ahoy...!
Can you hear that?
It's a bell.
That's bells.
Where is that coming from?
That's horses.
So the humid conditions
must be conducting the sound.
- We have...
- That's the sound of the street.
...flown through a storm,
and still London follows us.
This high barometer reading's
Amelia. Regarde-moi.
Amelia. Amelia!
Amelia, regarde-moi!
Amelia, this...
Amelia, what's the matter?
Are you all right?
It'll soon pass.
I didn't lock it.
No, you did not.
You're not dressed.
Yet I'm wearing clothes.
And when was the last time
you changed them?
So you break down my door
to tell me to wash?
When was the last time
you opened any curtains?
Sunlight ages.
I want my furnishings
to retain their glow.
Which ones are glowing?
The ones, uh,
with your food upon them
or the ones that are covered
in your-your dirty clothing?
I do not need to see it
to know it's there.
Well, as much as you might
enjoy your self-pity,
I'm not here
to freshen anything.
Phillip has invited us
- to a small gathering.
- Oh, no, no, no, no. No.
I do so hate
how you say my name.
It's like a priest imploring
me to confess my sins.
It's been two years.
Do you really think Pierre
would have wanted this?
That is beneath even you.
I'll help you change.
Sisters together.
And then I'll let you rot.
So much easier to claim so
with handsome men on one's arm.
Yes, uh, certainly. Yes.
Oh, please.
Mother always taught me,
why have one man
when you can have two?
- Please.
- Oh. Be a pleasure to.
- Will you excuse me?
- Bonny.
Come on, then.
Your sister's proud as punch
she's pulled you here.
Hello, Auntie.
She keeps trying to persuade
men to take you onto the floor.
And they refuse her?
I think
they're intimidated by you.
How exciting.
Still, hard to be
the woman that provokes fear.
Are you the Widow Wren?
I dislike that title.
But you are Miss Wren?
Amelia Wren.
And who might you be?
Glaisher. James Glaisher.
It was a pleasure
to meet you, Mr. Glaisher.
Wh-What brings you here?
- Here?
- Yeah.
The, uh... the selfish needs
of a sister.
The mercenary needs
of a friend.
Uh, he needed accompanying
in his romance.
She's apparently worth
thousands of pounds a year,
so I'm trapped here,
just as you are.
Well, we needn't
trap each other.
Miss Wren, sorry,
I'm a, I'm a sc-scientist,
an astronomer
and a meteorologist, and I...
A scientist, an astronomer
and a what?
I believe that the weather
can be predicted.
Miss Wren, I need to make
studies of the air,
and I need to be in the air.
And I need you to help me.
Do you even have a balloon?
Not yet, no.
- I don't.
- So you make an invitation to me,
when it is I
who should be inviting you?
No, I need us...
I need you to fly us higher
than any man or any woman
has ever been. What?
Dance with me.
Dance with you?
Dance with me,
and we may converse more.
Amelia. Um... Oh.
I presume there's a game
you're playing here
with others in the room.
You think I'm trying
to make another jealous?
You're not that handsome.
Every man in this room
is petrified
to be seen talking to you,
let alone dancing with you.
No, I imagine
your game is with another.
- You're clever.
- I'm observant.
Or presumptuous.
And there are certain things,
if I may,
that I feel safe
in presuming about you.
Perhaps that you don't have
an invitation
for tonight's events.
Would that be
a fair presumption?
On what basis
do you make that assumption?
Your suit is
two years out of fashion,
your shoes abominable,
your dancing ridiculous...
I'm leading, you are not...
and because this gentleman
clearly doesn't know you
at all.
Thank you for the dance.
I didn't realize
that appearances
were so important to you,
and I'm sorry
that I don't live up
to this society standard.
I don't care
what shoes you wear.
I care that you're lying to me.
It'll be your balloon.
All I ask is
to be given the freedom
to undertake my experiments.
I'm not a coachman for hire.
Good, because I'm looking
for a fellow scientist.
To understand the weather,
Miss Wren, is to understand
how to make ships
and sailors safer,
farms more productive,
so we can prepare ourselves
and our world for floods,
for droughts, famines.
We could save
thousands of lives.
I want to rewrite the rules
of the air, Miss Wren.
And I need your help.
So, will you... me?
Yeah, this seems much more...
You're punishing me!
I'm not sure a factory
full of flammable gases
is the safest place
for children.
You're punishing me
for dragging you
to that ridiculous evening.
No, I am grateful to you
for dragging me
to that ridiculous evening.
I'd not made the acquaintance
of Mr. Glaisher otherwise.
Now, girls,
I believe we have
some macaroons somewhere.
If that is not proof
of you punishing me,
- then I do not know what is.
- Not here.
I hated you going up
in the air with Pierre,
but why you'd want to go up
on your own, I can't even...
With Mr. Glaisher.
You're my only sister.
I do not wish to lose you
to any more... foolishness.
You'd rather I found a man
prepared to marry me
to devote myself to.
I'd rather you found a way
to make yourself happy.
You can't just fly away
from your problems.
You have to face them here,
on earth, with the rest of us.
Look, Antonia,
I am a really good aeronaut,
and I want to use
what I'm good at.
Yeah, but you are
a highly accomplished woman.
You could be good
at so many things.
You could have the most
beautiful life in society,
if only you'd try.
And if that isn't what I want?
Then you have to learn
to want it.
Up there,
it's where I have found
the greatest happiness.
He was the happiness,
not the damn balloon.
Come on, girls. We're going
to be late for lunch.
So, have you been
this high before?
Only once.
With Pierre?
We have time enough.
Why don't you tell me
about him?
Ashamed as I am to not stick
to your
conversational schedule,
I have nothing to tell.
- Does your head not hurt?
- No.
I can't feel it. Sorry, I'm...
I didn't mean to...
What happened to you,
I didn't mean
to make light of it.
It will heal.
You won't have a scar.
At this height?
He was right.
The fool was right.
Of all the amazing things.
My friend John... John Trew...
he made a study of them.
So, he theorized,
beyond the birds,
an air current
on which only insects travel,
and I never believed him.
And I certainly never thought
that we would prove him right.
There she goes.
Where are they heading,
do you think?
Perhaps they trust
the wind to decide.
He'd have liked these.
My husband was...
the bravest man I knew.
He saw possibilities
others could not, but...
...his most enduring quality
was a deep...
and true love
for the beauty of the world.
Thank you.
Others would have
pushed me further.
Thank you... for not.
I cannot quantify
what you've lost.
You can't.
Return to your instruments,
Mr. Glaisher.
I said return
to your instruments.
I shall.
Is she lost?
Wren, isn't it?
Amelia Wren?
I'm looking for James Glaisher.
You're very welcome
to wait outside
while we fetch him to you.
You see, we have a policy
toward the fairer sex...
Then I'll find him myself.
Lovely to see you again,
Time, Johnny?
17 seconds.
Come on, James.
Imagine you're hurtling
towards the ground.
Hurry, man. Your equipment's
gonna be destroyed.
26 seconds. Well done.
And you said
I couldn't break 30.
- My senses deserted me.
- Miss Wren.
- This is an honor.
- I do not wish to abandon you...
- May I give you a tour?
- ...but I'm afraid I must.
Abandon me?
The build is already under way.
The largest balloon
ever on order.
I don't want to climb inside
the balloon, Mr. Glaisher.
I don't want to climb
into a balloon ever again.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
No, no, no,
that is not acceptable.
A vast amount of money
has already been spent.
I'm sorry, sir.
I have made my decision.
Evening, Ma.
The wanderer returns.
- You were due last week.
- Yes, I know I was.
Sorry. I've been, uh...
I've been having some...
Yes, we've been reading all
about you in the newspapers.
Of all the people, James.
Women don't belong
in balloons, on show.
And she makes
such a show of herself.
Your reputation risks ruin.
Well, you'll be pleased
to hear, Ma,
that the expedition's off.
It was Miss Wren who wouldn't
risk flight with me.
Is he upstairs?
James, his mind's been
playing tricks on him again.
It's got worse?
It comes and goes.
Tread carefully with him.
Hard at it?
- Ethel! Ethel!
- Oh, Pa, Pa, it's me.
- It's James.
- Ethel!
Listen, Ma knows I'm here.
It's James.
I'm your son.
M-My son's only ten years old.
I got older.
Now, what have you been... what
have you been looking at here?
Oh, get away from that.
You've been looking at Pallas?
Course I'm looking at Pallas.
Good spotting.
- Here.
- Do not pretend
that you can see anything
through those.
These are the glasses I taught
you to stargaze through.
They're quite sufficient
for some work.
Your trip.
You're going on a trip.
In a balloon.
Yes, I'm trying to, Pa.
To see the stars.
I hope so.
I used to dream
of taking my bedsheet,
catching a gust of wind
and dancing in a parachute
among the stars.
I know you did. You told me.
Mm. Nothing...
nothing m-more mysterious,
nor more beautiful,
than the stars in the sky.
Wh-What are you doing in here?
Y-You know the rules.
Not in my room.
- I-I...
- And keep away from that spyglass.
It's very valuable, James.
I know it is, Pa.
I bought it for you.
- He's tired.
- Oh.
Probably best
not to overdo it.
Thank you, Ethel.
Get this lad out of here.
Yes, dear.
Leave it while you're
still on the up.
Good night. I will, um...
I'll see you next week.
For your trip.
Thank you.
Prove them wrong, James.
Next week.
Mr. Green?
Mr. Green, sir? Sir.
If it isn't Mr. Glaisher,
the weather sleuth.
I believe he prefers
to be described
as a meteorologist, Charles.
Of course he does.
Well, best of luck with it.
As I'm sure you're aware, sir,
I've not been able
to attract the funds,
either from the Royal Society
or elsewhere,
that I need to fly.
It is an expensive
I've heard that you're looking
- to make another balloon ascent.
- I am.
Well, I would like the
opportunity to be your second.
I will prove
a willing accomplice, sir.
I have also strong ideas
as to how to increase
the hydrogen levels
in the coal gas
that I believe might be
your unlocking,
and you might finally be able
to break that height record.
Have you even been
in a balloon?
I've studied them extensively.
Do you have any experience
of frostbite, low air pressure,
the mind-altering effects of
a lack of oxygen to the brain?
How else does one learn
but by partaking?
Exactly what I need
in a second: a theorist
with no ideas about
the true dangers of the air.
Find another madman
to get in a balloon with.
Uh, perhaps the French.
Or, better yet, that woman.
Good day.
Do you have faith
in these thermometers?
If so, we're at 21 degrees,
and that is cold.
22,500. Well, you can note
that temperature down.
Hmm. You trust me
to write in your book?
I am honored.
Have we slowed?
Are we not at 22,600?
Oh, so you are interested.
And now we've passed 22,600.
- You're insufferable.
- You are excited.
And that is 22,700.
- History will be rewritten.
- 22,900.
We are now higher
than any man or any woman
has ever been.
Thank you for taking me up
in your balloon, Mr. Glaisher.
Thank you for taking me up
in your balloon, Miss Wren.
It doesn't feel different
at all, does it?
On the contrary.
This is the moment that
I've been waiting for
my entire life.
I rather suspect
I've been waiting for it, too.
Right. Now...
You still think
we might not make it back?
I'm just sending a message
to Charles Green.
23,900 feet.
We're rising
even more quickly now.
Did you know? Could you tell?
It's because the air's thinner.
She's expanding.
We should think of slowing.
So, the air is
aiding our ascent.
Isn't that outstanding?
Surely, now is the time
to put your oilskins on.
Didn't bring any oilskins.
They proved extremely heavy.
I told you
that you needed oilskins.
Well, the equipment
was essential.
The weight limit was essential.
If I'm to get a little sick
A little sick?
You-you carry four thermometers,
you carry this strange box,
but you-you couldn't bring
suitable clothing
- for the cold and the wet?
- Keep moving.
Don't stop. The cold will only
catch you if you let it.
We need to go down now.
Wait. No, no, we're not
descending. Not yet.
The best way to break a storm
is to travel up.
I quote you, dear lady.
Well, maybe the best way
to break a cold is also
to travel up.
And which science
are you basing that upon?
The science that says,
with every layer of air,
we are traveling
into an unknown.
So, with every layer of air,
we are traveling
- closer to the sun.
- I believe we have already accomplished...
So these findings
that I am still to discover,
- they could be overwhelming.
- You are freezing.
- Please. What have we to lose?
- Our lives.
This could be more important
than our lives!
Please. I know that you
want this as much as I do.
I'm descending.
So, this balloon has defied
every single thing
that we have thrown at it.
This is not about the balloon.
This is not about science.
This is about your war with
those who lord it over you.
And I have fought them, too.
- This is, this is not...
- I...
This is, this is about that.
Look at it.
There's nothing more beautiful,
nor more mysterious,
than the stars in the sky.
And look at us.
We are dancing amongst them.
You wanted that writing
on the balloon, Amelia.
"Caelum certe...
- patet, ibimus illi."
- "Patet, ibimus illi."
"Surely, the sky lies open.
Let us go that way."
The sky is open.
It is open.
Now, you understand
there will come a time
when we go no further?
Yes, I do.
Do you understand
that decision
will only be mine?
Yes, I do.
Thank you.
Tell me when we land
if I deserve your thanks.
You deserve my thanks.
Good evening, Miss Wren.
I've made my decision,
Mr. Trew.
And I understand that. I just
wanted to gift you this book.
These are beautiful.
They're pictures
of snowflake formations.
A study of the mathematical
possibilities of nature,
a study undertaken by James...
James Glaisher.
He believes
the sky can be understood.
Of this I am well aware.
He is, sadly,
occasionally wrong.
He predicted it would snow
tonight, would you believe.
But more often than not,
he finds remarkable truths.
Travel with him,
and you will discover this.
- I have.
- I'm sorry.
I... I-I clearly told him no.
He should not have sent you
to convince me.
He didn't send me.
He'd consider me
a poor persuader.
- I'm here on my own account.
- You will not dissuade me
- from my path, Mr. Trew.
- James believes
there's something
extraordinary up there.
And so this is an opportunity
I should not miss?
You misunderstand me.
It's not an opportunity
but an obligation.
In this life, few are given
the chance to change the world.
You've been assigned
a responsibility, Miss Wren.
You have to meet it.
Enjoy the book, madam.
- Height?
- Height, height.
- Mm.
- 26,500 feet.
26... And temperature?
And temperature...
- five degrees Fahrenheit.
- Five.
It's the strangest thing.
So, the higher that we fly,
the lower the humidity.
There's barely any
water vapor here at all.
There is still ice.
These temperatures,
they're unprecedented.
These are freezing ranges that
no one would have predicted.
And what was that temperature?
Um, five degrees.
Oh, come on.
Out you come.
No concern necessary.
We have another.
We don't have another.
What are you doing?
- Losing weight.
- L-Losing weight?
A mere consequence of
the decrease in air pressure.
This-this balloon
isn't safe, James.
And much more severe
than I'd anticipated.
James, the-the pressure
on the material could lead
- to rips, and at...
- The coal gas has expanded, and...
...this altitude, these-these
rips could definitely be fatal.
What are you doing?!
We can't lose more weight!
Give me the sandbag!
It is time we descend.
I will not stop
because you can't withstand
a little pressure.
Don't you see what's happening?
James, the lack of oxygen
is affecting your brain.
We're going to die
unless we descend now.
Your husband risked your life
for his own recklessness.
I do the same, but for science.
You know nothing of my husband's death.
It is well known that he pushed
harder than he should have.
Now imagine that story again,
and imagine this time
that I am the pilot...
...that h-he told me to stop,
that I-I was risking
the balloon.
How bad is the tear?!
The seams ripped apart.
I... I fought...
too hard for my place
at the table.
We're falling too fast.
We're going to die here!
We need to lose more weight!
Come on. There must be
something. Think. Think.
- Yes. Yes.
- Think.
Thank you for giving me
somewhere I belonged.
Keep looking up.
No! Pierre! No!
I'm so sorry.
Do not...
be responsible...
for the death of another.
It's one mistake
you'll never
forgive yourself for.
I'm so sorry.
Really, I am.
...let's get this balloon down.
I think...
I-I think we've...
discovered that oxygen is...
Open, damn it.
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
James. James.
- You have to keep moving.
- Yes.
You... If you lay still,
then-then the hypoxia
will set in.
The gas release valve
is frozen.
I... I need to climb up
and open it.
Stay alive.
Stay alive.
Stay alive.
Amelia. Amelia.
Thank you...
...for giving me
somewhere I belonged.
- Should we have heard anything by now?
- No.
We'll only hear
if there's a disaster.
The less we hear, the...
better her chances.
- Then we pray for silence?
- Yes.
Pray for silence.
Still no sign of them.
Oh, God.
Come on.
Oh, God.
Come on. James!
Come on.
Come on.
Come on.
James. James.
James, we've survived.
We're going down.
James, James.
We're going down.
I can't have this happen again.
Your strange two-tube device
is doing something
very peculiar, you know.
You're meaning my hygrometer.
It's bubbling.
Could that not be significant?
It could.
We're descending.
We are.
I've been... insensible.
You have.
And I think I lost my head.
It does seem that way.
Well, come on, then.
Time: one hour,
11 minutes and 19 seconds.
28,600 feet.
And temperature?
That equipment's
been lost to us.
And my hygrometer's had better days.
This is of
no great use, either.
Our readings on the descent
shall be less significant.
Oh, your hands.
So, you didn't have room for
oils, but you did for brandy?
Well, a scientist is nothing
without his equipment.
Hold out your hands.
What are you gonna do?
This is gonna hurt a bit.
I'm sorry,
but you need to hold them out.
I know.
That hurt.
- Is that, uh, any better?
- No.
I don't know
what you did for me up there,
but I have no doubt
that it was a great act.
- Your poor hands.
- Look.
And now snow.
As if we haven't had enough.
It'll pass.
It's possibly interesting
to analyze the melt water.
My sister wanted to know
why I would ever
go up in a balloon again.
I think it was because
I wanted...
all that I knew,
all that he taught me...
...all that I've lost
to be for something.
I need to make sense
of all of this
before I can work out
quite what we've achieved,
but it, uh...
it seems that the atmosphere
has levels to it.
- That's-that's not what I mean.
- It has patterns within it.
Newton said that we build
too many walls
- and not enough bridges.
- I don't want to hear from Newton.
I want to hear from you.
All my life,
I've found comfort in science.
It helps give meaning to the
many things we can't control.
It brings a degree of order
to the...
chaos that surrounds us.
But whilst we may be able
to explain the science
behind an aureole
or the falling snow...'s not possible
to account for its beauty.
we've brought
the stars closer.
We have brought
the stars closer.
Do you notice something
about the snow?
It's not falling.
It's hovering.
It's static.
Strange. What might be...
We might, if we were traveling
at the same speed as it.
The same speed as snow?
The gas, it's still escaping.
Combined with the decrease
in pressure, it means...
That the balloon's collapsing.
Quick, help me!
- What on earth was that?
- My shoe.
Probably best
not to question it.
But if your shoe was up there,
that means that...
Maybe we save the thanks
for later.
We need to lose weight.
A lot of weight. Now!
Come on.
The chest! The chest!
I'll do it.
One, two.
We should lose our jackets.
My hands.
Help me.
Yeah. I'll do it.
Come on!
It's not working, Amelia!
It's not working!
Climb into the hoop.
- What?
- Amelia, climb into the hoop!
We need to lose the basket!
It's the heaviest weight!
Come on!
Come on!
That's it!
Come on!
One more!
Hold on!
It's not enough!
- We're still too fast.
- It will be enough.
Amelia, what are you doing?
I'm not sure I was meant
to survive this.
Amelia, no! Get back down!
Amelia, bedsheets!
We sever the cord
keeping the balloon in shape,
and then the silk will be
pulled up into the netting
and act as a parachute.
- It's not going to work!
- It will work!
I'm not returning alone.
Amelia, I'm not
returning alone.
It's either both of us
or neither of us.
Hold on!
We hold on!
It worked!
It worked!
It's not over yet.
- James!
- Amelia, I'm coming!
- James!
- Amelia!
I was just coming to find you.
Not very quickly, it seems.
Can you stand?
I'd rather not.
And if I help you?
Then I would stand.
It was estimated
that we rose to a height
of 37,000 feet that day.
Seven miles high.
"Two aeronauts
"have been nearer
to the Moon and stars
than all the race of man
before them."
The Times, Ethel.
You read it?
Yes, Arthur,
I've read it.
My boy.
James Glaisher's
meticulous recording of data
showed that the atmosphere
has different layers within it,
a discovery which led
to the first scientific
weather forecasts.
The fact that I am able
to be here at all
to present this to you
is due to some luck,
some help...
...and Amelia Wren's
remarkable courage.
So, we tell our story
not for the purposes
of pleasure
but for the advancement
of knowledge...
...and for the good of us all.
We took to the skies
in the name of discovery,
to find something new,
to change the world.
Come on! I've flown
in worse weather than this!
We'll make pilots of you yet.
We won't.
But you don't change the world
simply by looking at it.
You change it through the way
you choose to live in it.
Look up.
The sky lies open.